Shadow Breeds

By redwitchx

777 228 62

Book 1 of The Shadow Series. Myths, that's what the humans called it, but for Ashe it quickly became her real... More

Warnings & Disclaimers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Author's Message

Chapter 24

9 3 1
By redwitchx


The poor kid did not take well to waking up with his target sitting on his stomach. After attempting, and failing, many times to get me off of him he finally gave up. "What's the deal? I gave you the info you wanted!" The fear in his eyes as evident as the sun after a stormy week.

"Well at least he hasn't lost any memory," August's voice sounded from next to me, although it held an emotion I wasn't sure I'd ever heard from him. I looked up and curiously met his eyes from where I sat, "yes, this will be a huge benefit. So why don't you sound happy?" His cheeks tinted pink slightly, not enough for the others to notice but I did. "I think maybe you should get up and let the boy breath now," he rubbed the back of his neck, flinching slightly as I jumped up.

"Are you calling me heavy?" I asked sarcastically. Clovella giggled in the corner but Oakley quickly slapped her own hand over Clovella's mouth. Magna looked as though she wanted to smack August upside the head with her pocketbook, if she had one. He'd quickly tossed his hands up in a surrendering motion, "that's not what I meant! I- I just think we'd get more done a lot faster if you weren't...y'know, sitting on the guy."

Clovella's laughter bursted out from behind Oakley's hand and we all turned to her, confused expressions fanned across our faces. Even James seemed curious. "Sorry it's just," another brief moment of laughter before she continued, "it's just that I've never seen August get jealous before."

His face turned crimson and everyone except August, Magna and James laughed at the comment. He cleared his throat, "anyways, we should get on with this." Oakley, Magna and a still snickering Clovella filled the small cell and formed a slight circle around James, who appeared to become nervous as we did so. "If you're going to kill me, at least make it quick. I'm going to die either way so there's no use in me fighting off one death just to meet another," he mumbled.

I cocked my head to the side, taken a little off guard by James' statement. "We aren't going to kill you, you haven't given us a reason to yet," I held out a hand to help him to his feet as I spoke. "We have an offer for you," James sighed as he pointlessly wiped the dirt off his clothes. "And what might that be?" He said, clearly still not believing that he could get out of this alive.

"You're human, correct?"

"Obviously, yes."

"You weren't given a choice in your fate though, also correct?" He nodded slowly, his face morphing into an expression of interest.

This time Magna spoke up, "we can give you that. All we ask is that you help us map out where our enemies are typically stationed, meeting spots, where they plan to attack and anything else the others can think of." James dropped his head in thought for a moment before lifting it again, "how do I know I'll get to live? If you set me free, eventually Loralai or one of her workers will find and murder me anyways."

August spoke now, "we can send you anywhere in the world with enough money to last until you've gotten yourself a normal job." He looked skeptical of the whole idea, but I knew how to convince him. "You could live a normal life, in peace and away from the chaos of the supernatural world. Loralai and her army will never find you, ever," he bit his lip anxiously, still unsure. "I've never lived a normal life..."

"It's never too late to learn," Oakley spoke up softly and offered him a gentle smile. With that, he nodded, "then let's get started."


Finally I could act. The others had no idea, not even August, but I have to do this. Re-situating the backpack, I slipped out of the front door and into the mossy front yard. I looked around and then up at the starry sky and sighed. This isn't a good idea Asheland! My fathers voice echoed in my mind again, but I ignored it and closed my eyes. I envisioned the front of Loralai's home and snapped my fingers.

I landed softly and quickly rolled into the nearest bush. Luckily I landed far enough away that it didn't alarm the guard stationed outside her front door. Easy enough, I thought to myself as I focused in on him and snapped my fingers again. He fell limp, I slowly made my way towards him while staying aware of my surroundings. I could still see him breathing thankfully, although I was sure I'd regret it later. However I reminded myself I could just knock him out again.

The movies made this seem way harder, Magna was right. It's better to use it practically than not at all. I tapped my pinky finger on the door knob twice and it silently and slowly drifted open. The moonlight poured into the open door frame momentarily before I entered and shut it again. I could hear the muffled sounds of a few people talking, correction, two people.

I snuck down the hall until I came across the open doorway that led to the two voices. I stopped just before the open frame and squatted next to it quietly to eavesdrop.

"Yes, his disappearance is disappointing and concerning but we have bigger problems! That damned girl has almost perfected her powers already, you said it would take much longer," an angry woman's voice yelled in a whispered tone.

"Of coarse miss, my apologies please forgive me. It appears that the girl has more to her than we thought originally, it would seem both natures mixed into her blood has caused...extra effects, unexpected and never seen ones as well miss. We aren't entirely sure how to go forward at the moment but I can assure you-," I heard something shatter and crash as it hit a wall in the room. "Then figure it out and do so pronto! We don't have time for this, I won't let an ill-bred mutt ruin my plans and if you allow it then I'll have your head on a golden platter. Is that understood?"

There was silence for a moment and then I heard a quiet "yes miss," before the sound of movement. I desperately wanted to catch her alone but it appears plan B has become necessary. I stood and turned into the open doorframe with a huge smirk on my face, my eyes sifted over the man receiving orders and the hellacious beast of a woman giving them.

I knew it was Loralai immediately. The spark in her eyes didn't slow me from taking another step into the room though, officially blocking their only way out. Loralai skimmed my body, scaling me up I assumed and the man she'd been ordering around stared at me with so much fear in his eyes I thought that it may just make him explode. Before anyone could do anything, I snapped my fingers and sent him to a locked cell in our underground prison, leaving Loralai and me by ourselves.

"I'm only going to ask once, where do you have my parents? I know you've got them locked up somewhere, we can do this the easy way or we can do it my way," she stared at me silently for a moment before a slow smirk spread across her thin lips. "You," she stepped towards me while failing to hide her hesitation. "I was wondering when you'd show your little face to me, how long have you been standing there?" This time I smirked, "long enough." Her eyes squinted at me furiously and I almost giggled at how pathetic she appeared.

Loralai turned her nose up to me, "childish brat. I don't know what else I expected from you though." I snorted before rushing her, pinning her to the wall by her throat. Her eyes widened momentarily before she gained her composure again. "You really don't want to test my patience Loralai," I said in a low, threatening tone. I could feel her heart racing through the pressure points in her throat.

"You kill me, you'll never find them," she chuckled shortly in my grasp. I let a small smile grow on my lips as I leaned in towards her ear, "I know your secret. I never planned on killing you, that wouldn't be very fun, now would it? However, exploiting your little," I paused for dramatic effect. "Abominable growth, now that sounds like fun." I heard her gasp harshly as I leaned away from her, satisfied with the look of horror that now laid upon her face. "y-you wouldn't harm an innocent, you don't have it in you, you're bluffing," her words sounded more like pleas rather than statements, which left me feeling more satisfied.

I lifted a brow at her, "try me." Anger passed over her face for a short period of time before she decided to finally respond, "fine. The basement in my castle, but that's all you're getting." I thought on it for a moment, sighing as I decided that would be good enough.

I slowly let go of her neck, keeping a close eye on her expressions and movements. Loralai reached up to rub her neck, it had already started bruising from my hold. "You'll regret this, I hope you know that," she sneered at me. I only laughed, "hurt my loved ones and I'll kill the only thing you ever truly loved outside of yourself. Do I make myself clear?" Frustrated panic filled her swirling eyes now, but she nodded reluctantly anyways before snapping her fingers and disappearing.

Now I just needed to report the information back to August, well, most of it. August is going to be upset that I did this, but some things just make more sense to do, so he'll have to get over it. It went well anyways.


"You did what!?" August scolded loudly after I had explained everything that happened, excluding Loralai's secret child. I only found that out through my parents, which has led me to believe that Loralai is unaware of our connection. Mentioning it may have caused suspicion but, I could've gotten that information from anyone at this point. "Relax, it went well. Better than expected actually," I said casually.

August scoffed, "how is that exactly? She could attack any time now, Loralai doesn't take well to threats Asheland!" I cringed at my full name, but I knew what I'd done had been for the greater good so I stood my ground. "I know where my parents are and trust me, she isn't going to harm anyone," I rested a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small, comforting smile. "You should have more faith in me," I sighed. "I do have faith in you, but faith won't keep you alive," he argued further.

He had a point, but I was still positive my plan would work and there was no turning back now. Loralai didn't deserve the curtesy of a fair fight, not when she was a double crosser herself. "What's done is done August," I stated matter-of-factly.

He sighed heavily, "I wish you didn't feel the need to be so independent. We're here to help you honey, there's nothing wrong with help." I embraced him in a tight hug, "I know, this just feels too personal to involve everyone else." He nodded into my hair, leaning back enough to plant a kiss on my forehead. "What now?" He asked silently.

I smiled, "we talk to the new man in the basement." He gave me a nod before snapping his fingers and leaving without me. I guess he was still upset with me, I would be too but surely he'd understand soon.

I sighed and snapped my fingers, landing softly on the ground in front of the cells. Oakley had already taken James and began working on doing what needed to be done for him, of coarse we would have people watching him for a while to be sure he stuck to his word. August was waiting in front of Loralai's servant's cell, the man was passed out. I assumed from the shadow travel and the fact that he's human. With a sigh, I opened the door and stepped in, preparing to wake him the same way I woke James before.

August stepped in behind me and grabbed my shoulder gently, "wait, he isn't out." I started to question him until I noticed the guy on the floor begin to move. I waved my hand and the cell door shut with August and I still inside. He turned his head to face us and I tilted my head in confusion, I could've sworn he was human but his eyes say he's a vampire now. "How-"

Before I could finish my question, the alleged vampire charged me. He had tackled me to the ground before I had time to react and was plunging his clawed hand into my chest. I felt suffocated, I could see August struggling to get him off me, another thing that was odd. Seconds later it felt as though the air had been completely ripped from me and cut off, my vision blurred and the sounds around me became distant and muffled. Everything was happening so fast, I couldn't seem to react to anything.

My blurred vision would clear every few seconds with the beating of my heart and I could see bits and pieces of what was unfolding in front of me. August's arm around the vampires throat in a choke hold, a beating heart in the vampires grip, my heart...a gapping hole in my chest, my heart suddenly rolling next to me. Tears brimmed my stinging eyes as I readied for death.

One, that's all it will take, one bite and I'm dead.

I felt myself fading, I couldn't see anymore to know if August had killed or knocked out the vampire or if it had gotten to my heart first. My hearing had been long gone at this point. I tried to call out to my parents through our link, yet got nothing but silence in return. This can't be it, August and I just officiated our love, I wanted to create a family with him. Oakley seemed to have finally found someone to love and cherish her back equally, I wanted to see their relationship grow. My parents...god, I JUST got them back! I couldn't even tell if tears were still falling out of my eyes, although I was definitely still crying. At least, until I finally fell unconscious.


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