Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.8K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!


778 40 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

"Are you sure you don't mind helping me?" I ask. I don't want to force him if he doesn't want I can call my family. "I'm sure." answers Sthembiso. "Thank you." "What did this person do to you?" "He did something he wasn't supposed to do that's why his dying. Please don't involve anyone else this thing stays between the two of us." "I won't. Not even my family knows you helped me." "Good."

"Should i order for you?" he asks. "As long as you paying then i don't mind eating again." I answer. "Okay." He calls the waitress and she takes our orders. "Is there anything wrong with the case?" "No so far so good we still will be using that information against him. I will tell you if we are faced with something." "Okay."

The waitress brings our food and we thank her. "Who do you think could be after you guys?" I ask. I'm curious as to know who would be after the Khoza's besides my retarded dad. Do they know the danger they are getting themselves into? I already know mines but my dad refuses to listen.

"We still don't have a clue. I killed Thabiso because he was working for someone and was selling us out but we never got to find out who the mastermind really is because they are working behind the curtains." he answers. "The same reason why Manqoba killed that guy." I mumble. Could it be a mere coincidence?

"Manqoba?" he asks. "Yeah you guys have the same motive of killing these men." I answer. "Will they be able to prove it in court?" "No unless there was a close relationship between you and the victim." "No there wasn't any." "It will all be theory to try and link you. I hope you aren't sharing this information with everyone."

"No I haven't besides my brothers and parents. So I can't tell my girlfriend?" he asks. "No you can't we can't trust her." I answer. "She is trustworthy." "Sthembiso we shouldn't tell her. Anyone could be a mole right now and we need to keep our cards close to us so we don't get caught." He sighs. "Fine I won't tell her."

"There is something off about her." I say. You know when you have a gut feeling about something or a person and you don't know why because they never did anything to you that's how I feel about Siyanda. "Keep your opinions about her to yourself I'm not interested." he says.

I'm dealing with a love stricken man here. "I was just saying no need to take it personal." I say. "I will because you talking about my girlfriend." he says. "I'm sorry lover boy." He rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." "Can we not talk about her anymore?" "No problem." We continue eating in akward silence and once we done eating he pays for our food and we go our separate ways.

I get inside my car and drive back to the office. I take the keys back to Kuhle and when i was about to leave he called me. "Yes?" I ask. "Where were you?" he asks. "My dear friend I was somewhere. I had back to back meetings and i got a new case." "Why did you come back later than 3?" Haibo buti.

"I spent a lot of time in one of the meetings I'm sorry." I say. What's up with him? "Okay then you can go." he says. "Were you angry that i went out during work hours?" "No. I was just curious to know." "Don't be that curious as to ask me why i was late." "Sorry." "Are you sure you okay?" "Yes i am fine." "Okay."

I walk back to my office and i continue working. Jessica comes inside and sits down. "And then?" I ask. "What is wrong with Kuhle?" she asks. "I should be asking you that." "I don't know." "Were you eavesdropping?" "Unfortunately I was." "Uthanda izindaba Jessica Grootboom." (You love news..) "It was beneficial cause now i have to ask questions."

"I don't know what's going on with him. We talked about things and we established that we don't like each other and we shouldn't let things change because of what you guys say but now he is acting like my boyfriend. I get that this is his company and he can get rid of me whenever he wants but for now that ain't happening." I say. "Heartfelt speech filled with anger and violence." she says. "Mxm."

"No but then i get why you angry. If you talked about it like you said you did then he has no right to question your travelling expeditions." she says. "But I won't tell him what i said. There is no point being angry ngoba I will get over it very soon." I say. "That's what i like about you. You can hardly stay angry at a person. Non-chalant." If only she knew it's just a few people that i will let slide.

"Anyways back to work. Did Manqoba come?" I ask. "Yes he did but i told him Kuhle is available." she answers. "Okay." "Did you meet your new client?" "Yes i did. Back in the stab kind of vibes." "Trust no one but yourself." "I know right." "Let me get going." "Sharp." She stands up and leaves.

I continue with my work until its knock off time. I am really enjoying being the boss here. I didn't think i would adjust and enjoy it. The people here are friendly and relatable. I just wish my best friend was here. All i know is that i would have went to many clubs already.

I get inside the car and sit next to Jessica. I usually sit next to Kuhle but today is a different day and he annoyed me with his questions. I don't know why he sat us down but here he is asking such questions like we dating. Handsome or not I will not tolerate that. I'll be over this thing tomorrow so let me be angry in my head until further notice.

We get to the house and i go to my bedroom. I change into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I go downstairs and pour myself a glass of wine and sit on the bar stool. Michelle is cooking tonight so I'll ask her whats wrong with her boss.

"Uright?" asks Michelle. (Are you good?) "Yes why?" I answer. "You drinking wine during the week." "It's been a stressful week so I need it." "What's stressing you out?" "Something personal but I'm sorting it out. By next week I'll be okay hopefully." "I want to see you back to your old self." "I will next week."

Slindokuhle comes and sits next to me. "Aunty Michelle what are you cooking?" she asks. "I'm making some lasagna." answers Michelle. "Ohh yummy." "We going to be full tonight." I say. "And have big tummies." says Slindo and we chuckle.

We ask Slindo how her day was at school and what she learnt etc and she asks the same thing about us. After a while she goes to sit with her dad. Now i can ask Michelle what's going on.

"I have a ask." I say. "Shoot." she says. "What's going on with your boss?" "I don't know. Why you asking?" "His been acting weird towards me and i don't know why." "I don't know he hasn't said anything to me. You should ask him yourself." "Kuthi azongluma ikhanda. (So he can bite off my head)." "Angeke." (He won't.)

"Awumazi ke iboss yakho." I say. (You don't know your boss.) "Ngiyamazi." she says (I know.) "If you say so." "He won't do anything just talk to him and maybe he'll tell you what's bothering him." "I will tomorrow." "Tell the others that dinner is ready." "Magic words." "Please." "Yes madam fifi."

I walk to the living room and tell them the food is ready. We set up the table and dish up for ourselves. After eating me and Kuhle clear the table and wash the dishes. This is the perfect opportunity to talk to him.

"Is everything okay between us?" I ask. "Yah why?" he asks. "Thing is neh you have been acting strange towards me and i don't understand why so I want to know what's going on." "If i tell you I'll be embarrassed." "Do you want me to represent you in court?" "No its not that." "What is it?"

"Can I tell you tomorrow at the office." he says. "Okay sure. I have a bail hearing tomorrow and I'll ask Jessica if I'm free after that." I say. "Okay sure." "For now can we get along until you tell me." "Sure." We shake hands and continue washing dishes. I wonder what it is he has to tell me.

I wake up and do my morning routine and decide to wear a black formal dress with matching heels.  I tie my braids into a low bun and lay my edges. I put on a bit of make up and go downstairs.

I make myself some cereals and pack my lunch box. After eating we leave and go to the office. I need to go to a car dealership and buy a car because this thing of sharing is not okay. I do have some savings and the money i get from renting my penthouse can be a enough to buy a decent car....or you can ask your dad that has some loads of money...I like the way you use your medulla.

We get to work and i go straight to my office. Jessica brings my iced cappuccino and i thank her. Iced cappuccino is going to be the death of me. "Any meetings for today?" I ask. "The bail hearing for Gugu is at 12 and there is nothing else." she said. "Okay. I finally talked to him." "And.."

"He said i must come to his office and he will tell me everything." I say. "Rea Tsotella vibes." she says and we chuckle. "I know and i just want to know what's going on and leave it there." "Yes so you don't have to take out unnecessary anger issues on me." "It's called irritation not anger issues." "Okay whatever." She stands up and leave.


I get to court and i find Gugu with her sister. They look alike and i can't tell them apart. They walk towards me and we greet each other.

"Niright?" I ask. (Are you guys okay?) "Siyaphila wena." answers Gugu. (We are good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila." (I'm good too.) "This is my older sister Siyamthanda." "Nice to meet you." "The pleasure is mine." she says. "You guys look exactly alike I can't tell you apart." "I have short hair and she has long hair." says Gugu. "You guys are beautiful." "Thank you."

We walk to where we supposed to sit and wait for the judge. "All rise." says the policewoman. We stand up and the judge enters. "Case number 34567. The state vs Simelane. You may be seated." We sit down and she gives the docket to the judge.

"Prosecutor." says the judge. "The defendant should not be granted bail because there is a high chance that she might hijack or rob a bank to try and survive." says the prosecutor. "Defense." said the judge. "My client should be granted bail because she has a family to look after. She is the breadwinner at home and needs to look after her family and she already has a stable income to support herself and her family." I say.

"The bail will be set at R5000. The next date will be 1 June at 9:45. Case dismissed." says the judge. She hits her gavel and stands up and leaves. We also stand up and take our stuff and leave.

We go outside and walk towards where they parked their car. "That was easy." says Siya. "That's just the beginning and its only the bail hearing." I say. "The real trial begins now." says Gugu. "She is right. I need you to give me a list of the people that was apart of the heist so I can convince them to side with you. At least the physical evidence won't  convict you alone." I say.

"Can we set up a meeting then I'll bring it then." says Gugu. "No problem." I say. "Do we pay after the case is over or during?" asked Siya. "Half at the beginning and the rest at the end. But if you can't afford half we can set up some kind of plan that will not break your bank." "Okay." "Let me get going then." "Okay hamba kahle." (Go well.) "You too. Bye." I walk to my car and get inside.

I shuffle my playlist and the song Dusk till dawn by Zayn ft Sia. I get back to work and go to my office. I leave my stuff there and go to Kuhle's office. I am really curious about what he wants to say. Hopefully its nothing that bad or serious. I don't know how i would handle being told something serious...You would laugh..I know it's just in my nature.

I knock on the door and i hear a come in. I walk inside and sit on the chair. "I am curious please tell me." I say. "I don't know how to say it." he says. "Just say it I promise I won't get angry. I don't have anger issues." "Okay." He clears his throat.

"I lied to you." he says. "About what?" I ask. "I have feelings for you..."

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