甘い |Beyblade Burst|


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LÜÎ X VÅLT └>"I love you" ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ "I've seen your heart. I've seen your tears. I've seen your ligh... More


✧SOFTEN a HARD heart✧

192 9 34

The sound of chirping birds and the harmonious color of green make Valt feel calm


Valt, an adventurer who has traveled far and wide throughout the kingdom. After losing his family, he wants to spend the rest of his life traveling around the kingdom and helping as many people as possible


Valt rode his horse, Valkyrie deep into the forest. Then a small family walked past him

"Forgive me for asking, how far is it from here to the kingdom of Longinus?" Valt asked the family member

Then the old man said "Do you want to go to the kingdom of Longinus? Well sir, just wipe out that intention. The kingdom is no longer safe

"What do you mean mister?" Valt got down and took the container of water from Valkyrie's back

He gave the water to his uncle and other family members. "Thank you" replied the uncle with a smile

"The kingdom of Longinus used to be a kingdom known for its luxury but everything changed after the royal family was killed. The whole kingdom panicked because there was no king to lead. Finally the duke took over the kingdom"

"Isn't that good news?" Valt is confused

"The duke doesn't seem to know how to manage the kingdom well. And everything got worse with the arrival of the Dragon Clan. He appeared after the death of the royal family. But he had no intention of taking over the kingdom until one of the duke family member tries to kill the Dragon king and steal his treasure"

"This angered the Dragon King. He killed all members of the duke's family and every six years the kingdom must send someone as a sacrifice or else he will destroy the kingdom. The kingdom is now known as the kingdom without a ruler. Everyone can do whatever they want"

"Me and my family run away from that kingdom because we can no longer live in that kingdom"

Valt finally understand "So, that's the story, let me talk to the Dragon Clan" Valt got on Valkyrie

"Have you lost your mind!? Anyone who meet him, will not come back!" The old man scolded him

"It's okay" Valt calmed the old man down "I just want to see what the real Dragon looks like. If he's as scary as you said, I'll leave the kingdom"


Valt continued on his way. Finally he arrived at the kingdom at night. He later remembered what the old man said

"To go to the Dragon Clan's place. You need to enter the kingdom then go straight to the palace. Behind the castle was a forest to the road where the Dragon Clan was. Do you remember what I said about the sacrifice? Tonight is the night of sacrifice. You better be careful sir, or you'll be the next victim" The old man warn him

He arrived in front of a large fence blocking what was behind. On top of the fence, there was a guard

"Um, my name is Valt. I am an adventurer. Can I come in?" He asked one of them guard

The guard looked at him suspiciously. Then he opened the gate

Valt managed to get in, but after he entered the kingdom, he was surprised by buildings that were about to collapse, food waste and animal carcasses everywhere

Valt had to cover his mouth from vomiting. This place is filthy


Another place, deep in the forest,

"Tsk! Another female dragon died?" He looked at the servant who bowed to him

"Yes, my lord. This time they died from losing a lot of blood"

"What about the condition of the child?"

"Salvageable, my lord"

"You are allowed to go" The servant stood up

"I'll go first, my lord" He bowed and left


Dragon tribe. It is said that their strength is unmatched. Their cruelty is as evil as the devil

But even a mountain that is high in the sky can collapse

50 years ago, a witch asked for their help. And they arrogantly refused to help the witch. This make the witch mad and then witch curse them that their tribe would become gone if they did not learn not to be arrogant

And being proud dragons they are, they laughed at the witch

But little did they know, The witch cursed become true

One by one the female dragons began to die from the curse

Death due to being killed, loss of blood during childbirth, lack of food and the rest

It is only due to their arrogance


'If I die and I meet my ancestors. I will skin them alive' The Dragon Lord thought

"Forgive me for disturbing you, my Lord" One of the members from the spy division came to him and bowed to him

"What's wrong, Theodore?"

"We have seen an adventurer come here, my Lord"

"What does he look like?" Lui began to ask. No adventurer has dared to set foot in this area since they first set foot here

"He has water-blue hair,fair skin and brown eyes. He also has red markings on his left cheek below his eye" Theodore explained

"Does he have a weapon?” Lui tried to imagine what the adventurer would look like

'He sound like a girl' Lui thought

"No sir" Theodore replied

"Then bring him here"

"Very well, my lord" Theodore walked away


Tall trees block the sun's rays from the earth, giving the impression that it is already dark, and animal hoof marks on the tree trunks create an eerie atmosphere.

Valt rode his horse feeling cold

"No wonder no one dares to enter this forest. The atmosphere of this forest is look like is cursed" Valt looked around

Then he caught a glimpse of someone running making him stop Valkyrie from walking

He got off the Valkyrie and looked around him "Who's there?" He called

Of course no one answered but an arrow landed in Valt's side

He was surprised and got on the Valkyrie as fast as possible but was surrounded


Lui waits for the arrival of the adventurer who will face him later

He then saw the figure of a person tied up and his face covered. At his side were two guards, one of them holding a rope

Lui got up from his throne and walk to the adventurer

Valt was forced to kneel in front of Lui "Leave us alone" He ordered the guard

At last he was alone. He began to judge the adventurer

The adventurer's body looks like a petite and his height is probably only 145 cm

He pulled the sack covering Valt's face and was startled by brown eyes that seemed to glow

Like what Theodore said, he had water blue hair, fair skin and brown eyes. He also has a red mark on his left cheek under his eye

Without wasting time, Lui started asking about his presence "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He looked at Valt with cold eyes

Valt gulped and composed himself "I-I came here to see the dragons that are said to live in this forest"

Lui moved closer to Valt "You still haven't answered my first question"

"I'm Valt" Valt introduced himself

"I'm still not convinced that you came here just to see the dragon didn't you? Lui denied Valt's reasoning.

"That's true, why would I want to lie when my life is on the line" Valt assured Lui

Lui looked at him with appraising eyes and finally released Valt from the leash

Valt was surprised "Um, why did you let me go?" Valt looked at Lui with a strange look

"You want to be killed?"

Valt shook his head "No, it's just…

"I let you go because you are not a threat to us and if you tell people, they still won't dare to come in here" Lui explained

"Now you can get the hell out of here" Lui pushed Valt towards the cave exit

"Wait! I still want to see the dragon"

Lui stopped pushing Valt "You still want to see the dragon?"

Valt nodded his head like a little boy

Lui distanced him from Valt

Valt looked at Lui with wondering eyes

Lui's skin starts to turn white, scales start to appear, horns start to grow on his head and wings start to grow

Valt's eyes widened as he stepped back "So he's a dragon he said.."

Lui reveals his true self known as The White Tyrant

"Now you know, you can go" Lui waved Valt out like a cat

"E-eehh you can talk in dragon form!?" Valt looked surprised

This tick of Lui "Of course I can!! You idiot!"

"Wow! Great! This is what I want to see" Valt jumped with joy

Lui was shocked by the attitude of Valt who saw him as a dragon. Normal people would run away but Valt jumped for joy

"I know! How about we meet again?" Walt suggested

"Huh!? Don't make your own decisions!" Lui rejects Valt's idea

"Eh!? But why?" Valt whined

"Because!..." Lui couldn't think of any reason

"Why?" asked Valt

"We are different creatures!" Lui screamed

Valt was shocked "You're a human, I'm a dragon! Our relationship isn't allowed anywhere!" Lui jerked after screaming earlier

"So what's the problem?" Lui looked into Valt's eyes

"We are indeed different creatures in terms of appearance and lifespan but we live in the same world right?" Valt smiled

"I'll see you again!" Valt ran out of the cave

Lui at Valt's figure moving away

'Valt... How interesting' Lui grinned


Valt rides Valkyrie into the forest with some items in hand

'Fire hair must like what I got for him' Valt smiled at what he thought.

He then arrived in front of the cave. He got off the horse and

"Are you there, Fire hair!?" Valt screamed

"Don't call me Fire hair!!" Lui replied

Lui came out of the cave. Let the sunlight shine on his built body

Valt just stared at Lui until he forgot what he wanted to tell Lui


The sound of Lui's fingers made Valt wake up from his reverie "What are you dreaming about?" Lui asked

Valt shook his head and turned away from Lui

"It's nothing" Valt rubbed the back of his head. His face was a little red in the cheeks

"Whatever" Lui crossed his arms and saw something in Valt's hand

"What's that?" He pointed to the bag

"This is for you!" Valt handed the bag to Lui

Lui opened the bag and it was full of fresh bread

"What is this?" Lui was confused

"It's bread, what else?"

"I know this is bread! But why give it to me?" Lui snapped

"My family is a baker. So I know how to make bread using my mother's recipe" Valt shyly said

The bread looked appetizing and smelled good

Lui took the bread and ate it. "The taste and appearance is not bad" Lui commented while taking the other bread

Valt smiled happily "Yay! I know you must like it!"

'Young and still pure in thought' Lui grinned 'How cute'


Day and night began to alternate, their meetings now became routine

Until the snow begins to fall to the ground

Although wearing
thick animal skin cloth, Valt is still cold. The path he used to walk was now covered in thick snow

He started to catch glimpses of someone in front of him and grinned "Fire hair, there you are"

Lui sighed "Can't you call me by another name?"

Valt grinned wider then fell when he saw Lui wasn't wearing heavy clothes

"Fire hair! Why aren't you wearing a thick shirt!?" Valt took off the cloth he was wearing and placed it on Lui's shoulder

"I'm a snow dragon! So I don't freeze!" Lui released the cloth and wrapped Valt in it

Lui wrapped Valt's body until his arms and legs were also wrapped

"Fire hair! What are you doing?" Valt squirmed from the cloth

Lui picked up Valt bridal style. Valt's face flushed

Lui then pulled Valkyrie's reins and led her into the cave

With his hands and feet wrapped in cloth, Valt could only sit still

He then remembered their first meeting 'He....he was so cold at first but now....' Valt looked at Lui's face 'He looked concerned' Valt leaned against Lui's chest.

'The more I see him, the more I feel comfortable talking to him' Valt closes his eyes 'He always listens to what I say even if it's not important'

Lui looked at Valt who had now closed his eyes. He grinned

"Valt,.....you.....are really beautiful" Lui look at the front again

Valt who conscious all the time now turned deep red 'He...he...he just said I'm beautiful!! Relax Valt! He must mean something else!'

They finally reached the cave. Lui then called his servant "Gabe!!" In a blink of eye, Gabe appeared in front of Lui

"Yes my lord, what may I help you with?" He bowed his head

"Take Valkyrie somewhere else" Lui walked to his chamber

Gabe just nodded and take Valkyrie away

Lui entered the small passage behind the the throne. He closed the passage door with a curtain

He placed Valt gently on the king size bed

Valt slowly opened his eyes to watch what Lui was doing

He watched as Lui prepared a container of water and walked towards him

Valt closed his eyes again

Lui placed the container by the bed and began to soak the cloth in it

He took the cloth again and squeezed it

Valt realized what he wanted to do and immediately got up

"W-w-wait, I don't have a fever" Valt pushed Lui's hand away from approaching him

"Huh? But your face is red" Lui was surprised

"I-i the truth is..." Valt stutter. His face was getting redder

Lui who looked at Valt with a puzzled face now turned into a grin

"Let me guess...." Lui brought his face close to Valt's "You heard what I said earlier right?~" Lui's hot breath hit Valt's face making him shiver

Valt turned his face away from Lui

"Oh~ So it's true you heard what I said earlier" He locked Valt by placing both hands on Valt's side

"Fire hair, pl-pl-please let me go" Valt's face grew and his body felt weak

"Why~" Lui seductively said

Valt couldn't stand this thing and used his hand to push Lui as far as possible

"Fire hair stop! I know you l-l-like me! But not like this!" Valt felt so shy that is full like telling his secret to the public

"Oh~ So you've noticed it all this time huh?" Lui grinned

Valt nodded "You always listen to what I say and you always look at me with loving eyes"

Lui was a little surprised 'I thought he was a naive and innocent person'

"Yes that's right, I think you're very interesting' Valt, you're like a very rare diamond and I really like things that are hard to find" Lui complimented

"Don't praise me like that" Valt's face reddened "You like me but you don't tell me your own name" Valt pouted

"Wait, really?" Lui ask

'How did you not realize this all this time!?' Valt sweatdrop

"Alright, My name is Lui, the White Tyrant"

'Lui... it's a good name for him' Valt looked at Lui from his toes to his hair 'His name...and also his appearance....it's really-

"Are you satisfied watching
me?~" Lui snap Valt from his reverie

Valt got angry and puffed out his cheeks "I'm satisfied" Valt looked away

Lui laughed


Valt woke up from his sleep and tried to remember what happened last night 'Last night Lui told me his name, he brought me food then.....' Valt tried to remember

"Valt, I brought you breakfast" Lui came with a tray in his hand

"A-ah, thank you" Valt was surprised by the food that was fit for royalty

"Lui, what happened yesterday? Valt asked while eating his breakfast

"Just after I gave you dinner, you went to sleep after that" Lui sat on the chair next to the bed

Valt nodded and tried to finish the breakfast. He felt uncomfortable because in this cave there was no sound at all

"Lui, why don't you rule the kingdom of Longinus?"

Lui froze. He actually didn't know why he didn't want to rule the kingdom. Maybe because the kingdom is inhabited by humans

"Valt why did you ask me that question?" Lui asked quietly

"Because, I see the atmosphere in that place is very bad. So I want to change it but I don't know anything about running a government" Valt answered

'Aoi, you are really good.... even if they have nothing to repay you, you still want to help them' Lui narrow his eyes to Valt 'But wait a minute,.....if I rule the kingdom, my clan will have a place to stay and also I can marry Valt and make him my queen!' Lui grinned widely

Valt who noticed Lui's expression changed was just confused 'What was he thinking?' He sweatdrop


The snow is starting to melt revealing the flowers that are about to bloom and the leaves are starting to turn green

Valt at the beautiful view from the balcony. He felt calm then was startled by a hand hugging him from behind

"Good morning Cinderella~" Lui whispered softly in Valt's ear

"Good morning to you too Lui" Valt smiled and kissed Lui's cheek

Lui smiled faintly


The Kingdom of Longinus, known as the kingdom guarded by dragons. There are rumors that the queen is a human but no one knows


"So that's the legend of the Longinus Kingdom known as the Dragon Kingdom" The tour guide finished talking about the legend

Then someone raised his hand "Yes, what can I help you with?" asked the tour guide to the young man who raised his hand

"What happened to them after they got married?" The young man asked

"It is said that they were blessed with two children. But there was a kingdom that considered the kingdom as a threat and began to attack the Kingdom of Longinus. The King and Queen died in battle while their children disappeared" She explained

"Alright let me show you their family drawing!" Tour guides happily take tourists to closed places

"This painting found is in one of the rooms in the palace" The tour guide started to explain various facts but the tourists did not listen

In the painting, the King is seen standing next to his Queen and his children are standing in front of them

One of the tourists could not see the painting because many tourists were standing in front of him. He tried to stand on his toes to see from above

But he couldn't balance well and ended up falling on top of someone

"Hey! What are you trying to do!?" The person he accidentally fell for was mad at him

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fell on you" The tourist bowed

"Hmph! Just wait after they finish taking pictures with the painting" The person just patted his body from the dust

"You seem to be very interested in the legend of the Kingdom of Longinus"

The tourist nodded "That true but I'm more interested in the story of how the Queen met the King"

"My name is Aoi Valt! Nice to meet you!" The tourist introduced himself

The person he accidentally bumped into hesitated to answer but he still introduced himself

"My name is Shirosagi Lui


✯Did you know that Valt is called 'Cinderella Boy' in the Japanese dub?

✯The person who voices Valt is Inoeu Marina the same person who voices Yaoyorozu Momo and Zenin Mai

✯Lui is called 'The White Tyrant' in the Japanese dub

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