Control, Minho TMR

By whoseaisha

51K 1K 813

"𝐀 𝐛𝐒𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐒𝐜, 𝐒𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐑𝐞?" Where the first girl in the Glade receives a suspicious note... More

1. an unexpected arrival
3. dramatic
4. five seconds
5. smile
6. load of fun
7. incredibly sorry
8. scull crushing headache
9. bad plans
10. ugly feet
11. remembering the dead
12. shot in the dark
13. seeing but not seeing
14. mouldy chocolate
15. three day coma
16. finale
17. memorandum

2. lots of staring

4.3K 77 78
By whoseaisha

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They arrived at the Kitchen and found a boy at the back ordering people around. He had cropped black curly hair and an extremely disappointed look on his face.

"I know you thought that you did a good job, but.. You absolutely did not, throw that away." He said to another boy, who shook his head and threw the unevenly chopped cucumber in the trash.

Nick helpfully cleared his throat which drew the boy's attention towards them. Siggy smiled, showing off his dimples.

"Nick! And of course, the famous Greenbean, hi!"

"Hi Siggy, this is Nova. Can we get some food?" 

Siggy held his hand out towards the girl, which she took. "Please, call me Frypan. This guy is literally the only shank who calls me that." 

He held up his hand to tell them he was going to be right back, and came back a moment later holding two plates of steaming hot beef and vegetables. The two thanked the boy and sat down at a bench which Nick led them to.

Nova ate the food so fast she thought she would throw up, but continued anyway. To say she was hungry was an understatement. Nick had also retrieved a glass of water for her which she took a big gulp out of, immediately feeling so much better. He didn't judge the way she shovelled the food in her mouth as if she had never eaten before. He understood, like Ben had said, they'd all been in her position before, feeling just as hungry.

It was getting late, and now everyone was lining up to get some of Frypan's food. Alby joined them at their table along with a boy she didn't recognise who had dirty blonde hair and a slight limp in his walk. He awkwardly greeted her, unsure of her. And then another boy sat down a few minutes later, directly opposite Nova.

He had short black hair and looked very athletic. She noticed that he was also examining her, while stuffing his face with food.

"Greenie's a girl, huh?"

Alby rolled his eyes, while Nick ignored the comment and introduced her to the two boys she hadn't met. She learnt that blondie's name was Newt and the other boy's name was Minho and he was The Keeper of the Runners. He runs the maze, like Ben, she realised.

"You wanna stare at me any more?" Nova asked after a few minutes of him doing so. She realised that she was the only girl, but the staring was getting old.

He swallowed his food, "yes actually, I do.'' He said, a smug look on his annoying face.

"Great. Enjoy the view because it's the last thing you're going to see before I rip out both your eyeballs and force feed you them for dessert."

"A bit dramatic, isn't she?" He said, turning to Newt beside him.

The boy just shrugged, a small smile at his lips. "Deserved. You need someone to put you in your place, Minho."

"Oh cmon, I just came back from running the Maze, everyone else already got a glimpse of the famous Greenie. There's no harm in staring."

"You're right, there's no harm in it, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying."

"Whatever sunshine."

"You're really pissing me off now. You call me that again and I swear I'll-"

"Okay well that was a great dinner, bye bye now, me and Nova are going to go to the bonfire." Nick practically dragged her up and over to the bonfire. Luckily she had finished her dinner a few minutes prior.

The bonfire was in the middle of one of the open spaces in the Glade and there were logs located around to sit on. There was also a circular sandpit to the side.

The two of them sat down on one of the logs facing the fire. The air had gotten increasingly cooler since the sun had gone down so the heat of the bonfire was greatly appreciated.

"You know I wouldn't have actually done anything to him, unless he really did ask for it."

"I know, but Minho was really pushing it. Don't think it would've taken much longer." Nick laughed.

"Yeah..." A few minutes of comfortable silence followed. People had started to float over to the bonfire now that they'd finished eating. She caught eyes with Newt and he strolled over towards them. Nick told her that he had to talk to Alby about something and walked away so it was just the two of them.

Nova looked around, to the wooden buildings that had been built and the forest on the other side of the Glade. "How long have you lived like this?"

"It was a group of us who came first, fifteen exactly, and that was two years ago. It was hard, really hard. Still is, but we're doing better now. Nick got us through the worst of it."

"I'm going to kill whoever put us in here, I swear. What kind of sick monster does this?" Nova said with so much hate that Newt felt compelled to believe her.

"Let's hope you get a chance to, then."

"I will."

"Good that."

By now everyone in The Glade was gathered around the fire. Many eyes were trained on her, which was more irritating than unsettling. She wanted to shout at them to mind their own business but knew that it wouldn't be a good idea, only more stares would follow. A girl could wish.

"Listen up!" Nick shouted from the other side of the bonfire, Alby at his side. All eyes darted to him, and she noticed how - a lot of the younger ones especially - looked up at him with admiration. She could see why, the way he commanded everyone's attention without fail and how patient he was with everyone.

"Right, we have a new Greenie with us and as you all know, it's a girl. Her name is Nova. I wanna make this clear, there will be no exceptions: anyone do anything to her without her consent and you WILL be banished." He paused, glancing at Nova. "We don't know why they sent a girl down but don't think too much of it, the creators like to mess with us. And now, on with the bonfire!" Everyone cheered and went back to their conversations.

Newt got up and announced that he was going to get her the 'best drink she'll ever remember having' whatever that meant.

Nova looked around at the faces surrounding her. For the situation, they didn't seem so upset. There was laughing, singing and even dancing. Of course she couldn't see into their heads, but on the outside it seemed like they were all really close, a weird disfigured family, but a family nonetheless.

"Here's your long awaited drink, Greenbean." Newt dramatically exclaimed, sitting back down and handing her the cup.

"That looks disgusting." She said, taking it anyway.

"Just try it," He replied, smiling to himself.

It was a dark yellow colour and smelt awful. Normally, she hoped she wouldn't accept a weird piss smelling drink from a teenage boy she didn't know, in a strange place she didn't know. She brang the cup to her lips and took a small gulp.

It was even more disgusting than it smelt. It burnt all the way down her throat and made her eyes water. Newt was cracking up beside her as she choked.

"What is in that? I know for a fucking fact, that was the worst thing I have ever drank, and I don't even remember the drinks that I've had!"

"Gally's secret recipe. We all have it because it's the only bloody thing we've got."

"That shit's just as horrible as it smells. What does he use his breath?" Newt just laughed harder, but she seriously wanted to know. Gally must've gaslighted everyone into thinking it was drinkable, because it certainly wasn't.

Nova ran her hands through her hair. "Well I'm not having it ever again even if everyone else in the stupid Glade does, I refuse to be peer pressured into drinking that vile substance."


She looked around the Bonfire again, the guy who Newt had got the drink from, Gally, was fighting someone in the pit. He had short, spiky brown hair and a tall, strong build. He was against a boy who looked a few years younger than him and had a much skinnier frame.

She also spotted Ben who was watching the fight, eagerly cheering on the smaller boy and booing Gally. But when the fight ended, he along with everyone else cheered Gally's victory. Next to Ben was Minho who stood up, angled to watch the fight but instead observed her. When Nova's eyes landed on his he didn't look away in embarrassment like she thought, he just smirked. It was so irritating, he didn't even have the decency to look embarrassed that she had caught him. Nova rolled her eyes and looked away.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Newt smiling beside her.

"What?" She demanded, turning to him.

"Nothing, nothing."

"No, tell me. Why're you smiling at me? Did I do something?"

"No... Just you and Minho."

"He keeps staring at me, it's weird." More than weird, in fact. Aggravating, Enraging, Infuriating, jarring, she could list on for infinity.

"Lots of people keep staring at you." He said, matter of factly.

"Yeah but I told Minho to stop before and he hasn't. Do you think I could punch him? Everyone's distracted by this new fight."

"As much as I'd love to see that, you probably shouldn't. Not on your first day anyway."

A loud crack broke her from her thoughts, making Nova jump. Her hands immediately went to cover her ears.

"What's that?" She asked, her eyes darting across the Glade, trying to figure out where it came from.

"Don't worry, that's just the Maze changing. It does every night like clockwork, you'll get used to it. Soon the doors will close as well." Nova nodded, remembering what Ben had said earlier. A few minutes more of the walls groaning and creaking and sure enough, all entrances to the Maze began to close. It looked completely unnatural, the hundred foot stone wall moving to shut the entrance to the Maze. The others didn't even bat an eye.

The newest fight ended and more cheers exploded across the bonfire.

After the cheers started to fade and before the next fight could start, Nick made another announcement, his voice booming louder than all the others.

"No more fights. Bonfire's over everyone! Get lost. Go to sleep and no lingering!" There were a few boo's and shouts but everyone started to wander off as slowly as they could manage without Nick or Alby hurrying them along. Newt said goodnight and told her to go to Nick for sleeping arrangements.

She saw most people heading to the area outside the large wooden building, where hammocks had been made. But, Newt, Minho and Alby all went inside the structure. A few people still hadn't gone, so Nick was rushing them away. When he finally managed to get them walking, Nova approached him.

"Hi!" He smiled at her. "We have a free room in the Homestead. The door has a lock on the inside, is that alright for you?"

"It's great, thank you." She said, trying to return his smile.

Nova followed him towards the two story building he'd called the Homestead, walking past everyone else who slept outside. She was very thankful for the room, not wanting to sleep outside with all the boys.

Inside, Nick led her up the stairs and into a room at the end of the corridor. The room was a nice size, not big but not too small. She entered, looking around the room. There was a single bed, a small table next to it and a desk at the end of the room. Much better than sleeping outside.

"Are there any clothes for me?" She asked Nick who was leaning against the doorframe.

"Not specifically for girls. We can ask for more the next delivery, which will be a week unfortunately. But for now I'll get any unworn clothes we have in storage that could be a good fit. I'll leave it outside your door for you to collect in the morning."

"Cool, thanks."

"No problem." He swept his hand through his hair which had covered his eyes. "See you tomorrow, any problems, I'm in the first room along the corridor." Nova nodded and he left her to her new room. Before she did anything, she bolted the door shut so she wouldn't forget. Then she sat down on the bed, the silence immediately engulfing her. She hated it.

Now that she was alone she could actually digest the events of the day and it all caught up to her. Nova was stuck here. There was no escaping, they'd clearly tried. Outside lay an undiscovered labyrinth. Not to mention that these boys could take advantage of her at any moment.

She felt like she was choking, because suddenly air couldn't get in and hot tears streamed uncontrollably down her face. Her hands trembled as she brought them to her face to wipe them away but it was no use, they just kept coming. Her chest felt so tight and her stomach felt so sick.Nova tried to even her breathing but nothing seemed to help. The choking sensation wouldn't stop and she was just so tired. She lay on the bed breathing as slowly as she could and shut her eyes, imagining a world where none of this had happened. Somewhere she felt safe.

Nowhere came to mind.

Slowly, after what felt like hours later, she finally slipped into the world of dreams.

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