Deep Avalanches

By ThatGreyJedi

10.8K 323 119

During a mission on Hays Minor that goes absolutely haywire, a very injured Obi-Wan Kenobi and the 212th's Ma... More

Finale Part 1
Finale Part 2


738 22 29
By ThatGreyJedi

6 months after the Clone Wars, Naboo.

The doors opened to the balcony overlooking Naboo's lake country. Padme walked outside and took a whiff of the flowery air. She had a twin on each hip, one boy and one girl, both almost 6 months old. Before they were born, Anakin was a trainwreck because of all the visions he had constantly. However once Palpatine died, they stopped for good. He finally could enjoy the excitement of becoming a new parent and spending more time with his wife. However, both expecting parents were in for a huge shock when the baby turned out to be babies. When they finally got to hold them, Anakin realized that sometimes bad dreams are just bad dreams, and there are times when they're twice as better than the original. They named the boy Luke Qui-Gon and the girl Leia Shimi, their middle names coming from two people who have passed on but still had an impact on one or both of the parents. Coming back to present time, Padme looked out at the lake as she remembered the memories of her and Anakin all those years ago. She looked down at Luke and Leia, who had a laughing smile plastered on each of their faces. These two were her pride and joy, the reason she kept being a Senator while Anakin stayed at home with the kids. He had really been enjoying fatherhood a lot, especially after he left the Jedi Order. He turned out to be a great dad to the twins and always wanted to help out with absolutely anything that he could humanly help with. It made her smile every time she saw Anakin smile while playing with his kids. Padme felt the lake breeze brush across her skin as she took a deep breath. She kissed each of the twins heads. This was the life she always wanted, one with peace and lots of love to go around. She looked out at the lake as the sun began to rise above the Naboo terrain when she felt a hand on her left shoulder. She turned to see her husband smiling at her and the twins. They kissed each other gently and Padme spoke after,

"I'm glad you could join us, Ani."
"Wouldn't miss it," Anakin said as he took Leia from his wife's arm so she could hold Luke better.
"When does the wedding start?"
"In a half hour, but we should probably get going."
"Agreed. Plus, I think Leia needs a change..."
"Who-whe! You have a stin-ky diaper, Leia. Daddy's going to go change you! Yes I am!"
"I should probably change Luke while we're at it... It would be embarrassing to get up during Obi-Wan and Cody's wedding because one of them is stinking up the balcony."
"I'll get up during the wedding to change either one if they have a blowout."
"Anakin... You, Rex, and Ahsoka are the best persons. I can do it."
"Now c'mon, we need to get going so we make it on time."
"Alright, I'm so excited! I love weddings!"
"Me too! And it's the twin's first big event!"
"Well, let's not waste any time! Let's go!"
"...Anakin... Are you forgetting to do something?"
"Oh, yeah... Let's change your stinky diaper, Leia-bug!"

Padme chuckled as Anakin made a stink face after he smelled Leia's full diaper. They went inside to change both of the twin's diapers and got dressed for the wedding. Anakin was wearing a three-piece black suit with a cream blue tie. He also had a thin, fitted black glove for his prosthetic hand. He turned to help Padme zip up her dress. She was wearing a floor length, layered lavender dress with a plum sash draped around the waist. They also dressed the twins in outfits that were formal enough for a wedding. Leia was in a yellow lemon drop dress with flowers etched on the skirt and a yellow flower, stretchy headband. Luke was in a baby blue dress shirt-like onesie with khaki pants and a little baby fedora. They were ready to go to their best friend's happiest day of his life, and in style for once.

Obi-Wan looked outside the transparent door out to the balcony. There were about 20 to 30 people outside. He ran his fingers through his light auburn hair nervously. He didn't realize how many people showed up just for today. For his wedding day. He never thought that this day would even come, but here he was in a suit and tie with a purple flower corsage pinned on the left of his charcoal blazer. Obi-Wan wiped the sweat from his brow when he felt a small, soft hand on his shoulder. It was Ahsoka. She was wearing a mid-thigh, flowy, navy blue dress that hung over one shoulder. Attached to the shoulder strap was a pleated cape of the same color. She hugged Obi-Wan tightly,

"Hey, Obi-Wan!"
"Hello there, Ahsoka!" Obi-Wan said, hugging the young adult back.
"How are you feeling?"
"Is it that noticeable?"
"Do you want me to be honest?"
"It is... Isn't it?"
"Hey, hey... Everything is going to be okay! You're just really nervous."
"Hey Snips! Obi-Wan having last minute jitters?" Anakin said with Leia on his hip.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan and Ahsoka exclaimed.
"What, did something happen?"
"Obi-Wan was having an anxiety breakdown," Ahsoka responded, getting up to hug Anakin.
"Here, let me talk to him."
"Okay, do you want me to hold Leia?"
"Oh, no. You can stay... I might need you for backup."
"Got it... Can I still-"

Ahsoka sighed and crossed her arms as Anakin took a seat next to Obi-Wan. He put Leia on his lap and began bouncing her up and down as she began giggling. Obi-Wan smiled as Anakin began talking,

"Obi-Wan, I get it. I was the same way before I married Padme."
"Anakin, don't even. You literally had two guests at your wedding, AND THEY WERE DROIDS! There are actual people out there and-" Obi-Wan began rambling on but was quickly interrupted.
"OBI-WAN!" Anakin and Ahsoka yelled.
"You need to take a deep breath! Here." Anakin said, handing Leia to a pale-faced Obi-Wan as both him and Ahsoka ran out of the room.

Obi-Wan sat there in a pool of confusion. Why did Ahsoka and Anakin run out of the room? Did he scare them out? He looked down at the baby girl in his lap, smiling large at her uncle. Wait, why did Anakin leave Leia with him? Anakin barely let anyone hold either of the twins as he was too attached to them. Obi-Wan began to talk to Leia,

"Hey Leia, it's your uncle Obi-Wan..."
"Bah!" Leia babbled happily.
"Hehe... You and your brother are so cute!"
"Hm... You know Leia, you're going to have a new uncle soon."
"Yeah, I should be excited, right?
"Who am I kidding... I can't even lie to a baby... I'm nervous and stressed and I'm scared! There, I said it! I'M SCARED!"
"I mean, I shouldn't be scared... I'm getting married to the love of my life, the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. I guess I'm just scared of what the future holds... But I love Cody with all my heart and he's the same way..."
"You're right, Leia! If I don't do this, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Thanks, Leia!"

Obi-Wan bounced Leia on his lap and both of them laughed. Through a crack in the door, two sets of eyes could be seen. They belonged to Anakin and Padme, who were watching Obi-Wan play with Leia. Padme chuckled as Anakin kept watching with Luke on his right hip,

"So let me get this straight, Ani... When Obi-Wan was having a freakout, you and Ahsoka gave Leia to him and left the room?"
"Basically," Anakin said, shugging.
"Well, the wedding starts in five, so we should grab Leia..."
"I'll get her, you can go sit down if you'd like."
"Thanks, Ani. You're the best husband I could have asked for!"
"Anything for you, honey."

The couple had a quick peck on the lips before they parted ways. Anakin quietly creaked the door open and Obi-Wan turned to face his former Padawan,

"You know that when you're a Jedi, sneaking up on someone always fails."
"I know, I just wanted to try," Anakin said, sighing.
"Well, you have your baby back."
"Thank you... Hey, how are you feeling now?"
"Much better, thanks for asking."
"Look, what I was trying to say earlier is that marriage is kind of a scary thing to jump into. I mean before Padme and I got married, we were both going through extreme doubt. We weren't even sure if it was going to work out because of the given circumstances. However, we both knew that if we didn't do it then, we'd regret it for the rest of our lives. So, we jumped in and now look how things turned out. We've been happily married for about 5 years now, I have two wonderful children, and I've never been happier. Trust me, if you don't marry Cody, you're going to regret it for a very long time. And believe me, you and Cody are perfect for each other in every way possible. So go get out there and get married, brother!"
"Thanks Anakin for the inspirational speech... Can I ask you something?"
"Anything for you, brother."

The sun rose slowly above the horizon, the rays peeking through the rolling green hills. The music began to softly play as everyone stood up to look to the back of the aisle. The first to walk down the aisle was the flower girl, who was the little Twi'lek that Waxer and Boil found on Ryloth as an orphan. It turned out that no one had taken her yet, so Waxer decided to adopt the little girl that was named Numa. She was wearing a navy blue, knee-high layered dress, a purple rose flower crown atop her lekkus, and a basket filled with orange rose petals. The ring bearer followed behind Numa very closely. He was one of the eight clones that Plo Koon adopted after the war ended, hoping to give a home to many of the young clones as he could afford to. This one was named Dill and he was wearing a little three-piece charcoal suit with an orange bow tie, curly dark hair that went into a top fade, and was holding a small pillow with two matching gold wedding bands resting on top.The two kids reached the end of the aisle and both gave Cody a hug as they moved to the far left. The next people to walk down the aisle were Rex and Ahsoka, arm and arm with each other. Ahsoka was holding a bouquet of blue, purple, and orange flowers while Rex was dressed identically to Anakin. They reached the aisle and gave Cody a big hug and moved behind Numa and Dill as the music began to play more intensely. Two figures appeared in the doorway: It was Anakin and Obi-Wan. They walked down the aisle slowly, happy tears forming in Cody's eyes as he saw his soon-to-be husband walk out. Obi-Wan smiled at him as his eyes glistened over in happiness. He looked so handsome in his three-piece charcoal suit, orange tie, and matching purple corsage. The reached the front of the balcony where Cody and the officiator were waiting. Anakin gave Obi-Wan a tight hug and gave Cody the look as he joined everyone else on the left. Cody and Obi-Wan linked hands with each other as they smiled brightly at one another. The officiate cleared his throat.

"Can everyone please take their seats as the ceremony commences... Thank you very much. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Marshal Commander Cody. Now, I will read a poem about love that was handpicked for our couple. This is 'To Love is to Not Possess' by James Kavanaugh...

To love is not to possess,
To own or imprison,
Nor to lose one's self in another.
Love is to join and separate,
To walk alone and together,
To find a laughing freedom
That lonely isolation does not permit.
It is finally to be able
To be who we really are
No longer clinging in childish dependency
Nor docility living separate lives in silence,
It is to be perfectly one's self
And perfectly joined in permanent commitment
To another–and to one's inner self.
Love only endures when it moves like waves,
Receding and returning gently or passionately,
Or moving lovingly like the tide
In the moon's own predictable harmony,
Because finally, despite a child's scars
Or an adult's deepest wounds,
They are openly free to be
Who they really are–and always secretly were,
In the very core of their being
Where true and lasting love can alone abide."
"That was beautiful," Anakin said, wiping a tear from his eye.
"Shhh!" Padme hushed, lightly elbowing her husband in the side.
"Before we continue on with the ceremony, is there anyone who would like to object to this union? State it now or forever hold your peace... Wonderful! Now, let's allow for us to hear the wedding vows, who would like to start?" the officiate said.
"I'll go first... Cody, when you were first assigned to me about four years ago at the beginning of the Clone Wars, we got along wonderfully. I may have not known it then, but there was a reason we had such great chemistry. After we were trapped in that cave in Hays Minor two years ago, something sparked between us. I may not remember much from that as I was missing a significant amount of blood, but I do remember falling in love with you. And I would do it all again just to be with you. I love you so much, Cody, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you on our little farm on Tahl," Obi-Wan said while looking into Cody's eyes as tears of joy rolled down his cheek and landed on his blazer.
"Awwwwwwwww!" The crowd said in unison.
"That was lovely, Obi-Wan... Your turn Cody," The officiate said.
"Obi-Wan, when I first met you on Coruscant four years ago, I thought 'Dang, he's hot!' Anyway, we became close friends fast and I couldn't ask for anyone else... Well, except for my little brother Rex. LOVE YOU BROTHER!" Cody said.
"I love you too, bro," Rex said, clearly embarrassed.
"Alright getting back on track, when we got stuck on Hays Minor, I didn't think anything would happen. But something wonderful happened... You! Obi-Wan, if there's anyone who helped me stay positive and hopeful in that cave or comforted me when the hope dwindled, it was you. You were the reason I wanted to keep going and get out of the impossible. When I finally woke up, all I was worried about was you. You. You looked so weak, but you managed to persevere through it all. You are my rock, my everything. Obi-Wan, I'll love you for as long as I'm here with all my heart and I can't wait for this next chapter of our lives together," Cody said through joyous tears as he squeezed Obi-Wan's hands three times.
"Awwwwwwwww!" the crowd said again in unison.
"Those were very sweet... May I have the rings?" the officiate said as Dill handed a ring to each teary-eyed man.
"Now Cody, repeat after me... With this ring..."
"With this ring," Cody repeated, a teary crack in his voice as he looked at Obi-Wan.
"I promise to love you always..."
"I promise to love you always..."
"Through all good times and bad..."
"Through all good times and bad..."
"Through health and sickness..."
"Through health and sickness..."
"Through all of life's ups and downs..."
"Through all of life's ups and downs...":
"I will always love you..."
"I will always love you, Obi-Wan..."
"Now, your turn, Obi-Wan. Repeat after me... With this ring..."
"With this ring..." Obi-Wan repeated with a tear of happiness rolling down his cheek as he looked at a smiling Cody.
"I promise to love you always..."
"I promise to love you always..."
"Through all good times and bad..."
"Through all good times and bad..."
"Through health and sickness..."
"Through health and sickness..."
"Through all of life's ups and downs..."
"Through all of life's ups and downs...":
"I will always love you..."
"I will always love you, Cody..."
"Now, do you, General Obi-Wan Kenobi, take Marshal Commander Cody to be your lawfully wedded husband. To be there for him through all of life's roller coasters, until the day you die. To be there for him always, no matter the circumstance?" the officiate asked
"I do!" Obi-Wan said with a light laugh as a tear rolled down his cheek and plopped down on the floor.
"And do you, Marshal Commander Cody, take General Obi-Wan to be your lawfully wedded husband. To be there for him through all of life's roller coasters, until the day you die. To be there for him always, no matter the circumstance?"
"I do!" Cody said as he squeezed Obi-Wan's left hand gently as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you partners in marriage. You may kiss."

Cody and Obi-Wan smiled at each other as they went in for a passionate kiss, Cody dipping his new husband in the process. Everyone cheered and hollered for the newly-weds. The husbands broke apart from their kiss to face the excited crowd of people who came for their wedding day. The officiate cleared his throat as he said, "Everyone, let's welcome the newly married couple, Obi-Wan and Cody Kenobi!" Obi-Wan and Cody held hands as they walked down the aisle as everyone from their seats cheered and congratulated the husbands. Cody smiled at Obi-Wan, this is everything he could have ever dreamed of, but it was all real. He liked it.

By the time wedding photos and family photos were finished, it was midday. The sun was high in the sky as everyone began heading to the reception hall. It was a decent-sized room that had been decked out for the wedding party in oranges, purples, and blues. As everyone was getting their dinner, which was goober fish filets and cooked greens, Anakin stood up on his chair as he lightly tapped his champagne glass. Everyone turned to face him as Anakin cleared his throat,

"How's everyone doing tonight?"
"GREAT!" the crowd said.
"How about that food, it's good right?"
"Alright, it's time for me to be an adult. I would like to congratulate our newlyweds Cody and Obi-Wan, you guys are honestly such a cute couple and I am so happy for you two and your adventures. Take it from someone who's been married for 5 happy years, you lovebirds are going to do just fine. A toast, to a long marriage full of joy and excitement everyday! To Obi-Wan and Cody!"

Everyone ate their food and laughed about the good old days. The eight toddler clones and Numa were running around, giggling and running around the hall with Plo hot on their tails. Obi-Wan wasn't sure if Plo had yet to leave the Jedi Order, but the Kel Dor seemed happier than he'd ever been in a long time. Ahsoka, Waxer, and Boil were also trailing behind Plo, helping him round up the destructive kids from wrecking something. He looked over at Anakin, who was currently reminiscing with Rex, Fives, Hardcase, Echo, and the members of the Bad Batch, erupting a large amount of nostalgic laughter. Padme was also laughing at the tales they were all telling, the twins in her arms looking happily wide-eyed at the adult being silly. Obi-Wan chuckled slightly when Anakin almost fell off the top of the human pyramid because Luke began laughing hysterically at a funny face Fives was making. Cody pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan's forehead,

"Enjoying yourself?"
"I'm surrounded by everyone who loves and cares about us, I was just married to the love of my life, there's kids running around without a care in the world, Anakin is making a complete embarrassment of himself. No, I'm completely miserable," Obi-Wan said with light sarcasm.
"Yeah, Anakin almost falling off the human pyramid was kind of funny..."
"Yes, love?"
"Did you ever think you were going to get married?"
"No... not till I met you, love."
"Mm... Me too."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Fire away, dear!"
"May I have this dance?"
"Of course!"

Cody offered his hand towards Obi-Wan, to which he took it gently. They walked onto the dance floor and began to slow dance as their wedding song began playing. It was "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. Obi-Wan had his left hand on Cody's right shoulder and his right hand wrapped around his waist. Cody did the same only on Obi-Wan. They looked into each other's eyes, brown to blue. They were happy as it felt they were the only people in the room, dancing slowly to the music. They spun around slowly, smiles and all. Obi-Wan rested his head on Cody's chest. This moment was perfect. It was a long road to get to this point, but look where they were now. Happily dancing the night away at his wedding, with his husband Cody. Everything was just that, perfect. Obi-Wan smiled as the chorus began,
"And I will always love you..."
"I love you, Cody," Obi-Wan said softly, as it was made for only Cody's ears.
"I love you too, Obi-Wan," Cody said into Obi-Wan's left ear, as gentle as a bantha.

Cody rested his head on the top of Obi-Wan's head. They were both happy as they danced slowly as everyone began to seep in slowly. This day would be remembered as the happiest day of the newly-weds' lives. The day that both Obi-Wan and Cody officiated their love for one another in front of their friends and family. Everyone was happy and that happiness would carry on for the rest of the night. The sun already set across Naboo's lake, allowing for the moon to shine through the rolling valleys in the back

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