Sold To A Mafia King -Kim Tae...

By chimsfluff

36.8K 846 138

A young girl in her early 20s living a complicated life....left her studies due to financial issues. Her fath... More

Sold to a Mafia King


3.6K 71 4
By chimsfluff

Location- Daegu
Time- 9:47 pm

Walking on a lonely street lost in your own thoughts you heard a horn
you looked back just to see a car coming towards you with full speed
You quickly jumped to the right side.

Y/n: idiot! Does he think he is in need for speed race! Whatever
I need to go back or mom will be worried but my knee hurts.

You are here standing at your house entrance door it been 10 minutes
But no one is coming.

Y/n: where is mom!? Is she sleeping? But she always wait for me.

You rang the bell again but this time the door open revealing your
Mother she was looking so pale and try her best to stand properly.

Y/M: oh! Dear you her come in the dinner is ready.

Y/N: Mom you ok? You look so pale

Y/M: I am fine and I-

Before she could complete she fell down.

Y/N: MOM!!!!! mom please wake up! What happened to you mom!?

Your eyes filled with tear you quickly took out your phone from you bag
And called you best friend lia

Y/N: please pick up lia!

Lia: hey y/n.

Y/n: Hello l-lia

Lia: what happened why are you crying?

Y/n: I w-will explain l-later come with the ambulance to my h-house
Please be hurry!

Lia- but- *before she could complete you hanged up*

At XXX Hospital
Time- 10:20 pm

I was sitting outside waiting for the doctor to come out lia came and sat
Beside me she patted my back.

Lia: Everything will be fine! Your mother will be fine don't cry hm.

I hugged her and let out my sobs.

Y/N: b-but w-what if s-she didn't wake up t-then I had n-no one then

Lia- Hey don't say like that I already said she will be fine the why are
Blabbering these words now don't cry be strong.

You broked the hug and nodded.

Lia- you want to drink coffee? Should I bring one for you I am going to take mine. *you nodded*

As lia left you were alone again but a little girl caught your attention
She was sitting alone no one was there. You slowly went towards her.

Y/N: hey little girl are you ok? Why are you alone here? Where are your parents? What's your name?

She looked at you with her doe eyes she was so cute.

Little girl: My name is Jiwon and my dad is in that room.
*she said while pointing at operation room*

Y/N: Oh! What happened to him?

Jiwon: he was coming back home but in the way he got into a accident.
*she said while her eyes were filled with tears*

You hugged her and comforted her.

Y/N: shh! You dad will be alright nothing is going to happen him he will wake up soon and then jiwon can meet his dad.

She broke the hug and looked at you.

Jiwon: what's your name eonnie? And are you here because your dad is also in hospital?

Y/N: My name is y/n and my mom is here in hospital.

Jiwon: oh! your mother will be fine eonnie nothing is going happen her.

She said your words back and you chuckled.

Y/N: You are so cute jiwon. Where is your mother? She must be here to take care of you did she went to buy something for you?

Jiwon: I don't have a mother. *her words made you sad*

Y/N: You-

???: JIWONN!!

Jiwon: Oppa! *she ran towards him and hugged him tightly*

???: Are you ok? Where is your dad? Is he fine?

Jiwon: dad is in that room *pointing at operation room*

The young man sighed

Y/N: Jiwon!.

Jiwon and the young guy looked at you.

Y/N: here you left your Teddy bear on the bench.

Jiwon: thank you eonnie! Oppa this eonnie was with me when I was
Alone sitting here.

???- thank you so much for looking after her.

Y/N: No problem she was alone so I thought to comfort her.

???: thank you so much again.

The doctor came out and called your name

Doctor: who is kang y/n here?

Y/N: me *you said and went towards him*

Doctor: Miss.y/n your mother is fine now she took alot of stress and skipping meals which made her weak and she took some medicines
At the same time which made her overdose but u came early if u were
Late so situation might be out of our hand.

Y/N: Thank you so much doctor and can you tell me what kind of medicines.

Doctor: I am sorry I don't know but it's look like they are sleeping pills but you can meet her.

Y/N: ooh- can I take her home?

Doctor: She will get discharged tomorrow.

Y/N: oh okay! Thank you so much *u bowed and went in the room*

???: "Kang Y/N" *he mumbled*

Jiwon: Oppa can I meet my dad?

???: yes princess you can but let's wait for the doctor.

After 30 minutes

Y/N: mom please take care of yourself.

Y/M: yes yes dear I will now stop taking my class!!

The door opened you looked back to see lia

Lia: I hope I didn't disturb you both.

Y/N: no you didn't

Lia: didn't I told you that auntie will be fine.

Y/M: did she cry!?

Lia: yes auntie alot and please take care of yourself next time.

Y/M: I will *smiled* y/n I think you should go back it's late and you need to go for work tomorrow

Lia: she is right y/n let's go back I will drop you.

Y/N: okay! Mom eat food properly when the nurse will come in with food.

Y/M: I will I will now go back

*you nodded and bid a goodbye to her*

As you came outside you heard someone crying you looked at your right
Side and saw jiwon and the young guy she was trying to enter the room
But the young guy was stopping her.

Jiwon: Let me meet my d-dad!!


Who was that guy?!

I hope you liked it!!
Please vote 💜🎇
See you in next part!! 🌷

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