Elena of the Elanoir (Discont...

Od Elitze_Playz

194 12 6

"It was almost impressive, how he managed to swipe everything away from me and so many others," I sigh as I s... Více

With Shifting Sands
The Deeper we go

The Nighttime Sightseer

57 4 0
Od Elitze_Playz

I laid on my bed later that night, still beat from what happened earlier that day with that odd sand serpent and the addition of a new member of our small group. As I rolled over to face my dresser I noticed an odd bag, one the same brown hue with spikes all over it similar to the serpent. I would be lying if I didn't say I was confused on how or why it was there, was it its treasure? A prize for its defeat? Did one of the others bring it up to me when I hadn't notice? 

As I picked it up, I finally realized how heavy the small bag was. Wondering what was inside, I finally opened it only to be given a wide-eyed expression from myself. 

I muttered in worry of accidently waking the others, "Woah... what IS all of this?" I began to dig around the continents of what was inside. For its size, there was a variety of different things: shells, weapons, and even small shimmery shards that gleamed a gorgeous blue in the moonlight that seeped through my curtains. It almost seemed as if it was... endless, and it was most certainly larger on the inside that what it appeared to be on the outside. Finally, I decided to pull one of these items out, and the item in question was a small brown dagger with a miniature blue gem on the handle of it.

"Who even put all of this stuff in here? More importantly... how does it even fit in here- I mean look at this! this is bigger than my own hand!" I exclaimed to myself, almost as if I was talking to somebody else. 

As I tried swinging the dagger, or in this case stabbing the air, small electric blue sparks flew out of the little gem. Of course, this startled me as I embraced myself for little them to land on me. But to my fortune, they didn't appear to be any harm as they landed on me and slowly fizzled out of existence. 

"Well then, I believe that's enough of that!" I whisper-shouted, gently setting it down onto the dresser besides the endless bag. As I did so, my eyes drifted over to the moonlit sword, caked in dust I must add, sitting in the corner almost begging to be picked up. Despite it not having eyes, it felt like a cold stare was glaring at me as I looked at it, as the main silver blade gleamed in the lighting, with the two shorter blades on the sides of it lay slightly duller as the light refused to hit them. While I looked at it more from the bed, more and more dust slowly landed onto its grip, gems dotted all over the pitch-black cross-guard, with formed into "wings" at the very ends. The Pommel twisted into a sharp golden point, as if it was a small dagger of its own. It was almost unbelievable to as I thought more about how that sword was the same one that lady had stabbed me in the shoulder with. The same one which its power pulsed out of it even if it had never been used. 

I snapped out of its gaze as I flopped over, now laying down on my side. However, it never broke its sight with me, as I could almost feel it... watching me. If it wasn't with me and it was up for anybody to grab, it would be a free for all for whoever could achieve it, which would most likely lead to catastrophic events. To me, all the monsters that ever come by want it, as they always try to reach this very room. After continuous thoughts of the blade, as if it had entered my mind, I drifted off to sleep with nothing left in my brain as all those thoughts left almost instantly.  


"Elena? Are you feeling alright?" Ryan greeted me, bringing my sword with him. I squinted at him, still rather drowsy. 

"Yea... I'm alright... wait, is that my sword?" I asked once I finally realized the item that he was holding was not his bow. I stretched, finally letting my wings be relived of most of the tension of being folded. 

He nodded, "Yup! I cleaned it off for you, the blade was covered in blood... so were your clothes that you left on the dresser-" So that's where they went, I thought. He handed me the glimmering enchanted sword and the neatly folded clothes. 

"I didn't want you to be walking around looking like you just went on a murderous rampage!" He let out a small chuckle at that, thus leading me to laugh alongside him. 

I got up, "Thank you! You do more for me than you need to... I really appreciate it!" As I went to set my sword down, I couldn't help but stare at it for a few moments, more specifically the initials carved into it. 

The sword in question was not my own, but instead my father's, so the letters "B.A." were on the grip, which stood for the name Brandon Aurelius. He would always tell us stories of hunts he would go on with the same sword I now wielded, and as much as I thought it was annoying how much he over exaggerated them, I had to admit it always sparked my interest no matter how wild they were. The sword like projectiles it would shoot out with each swing was, to me personally, the most amazing thing I've ever seen even if he wasn't the strongest in the group.  

There was one story that always stood out to me, it was the story of him and the others chasing away a huge floating eyeball entity that was terrorizing not only our home but the neighboring places as well. I thought it was just another one of his goofy stories to keep our young minds interested, but the way he described the battle seemed oh so real compared to the other times. It was spawning smaller copies of itself, servants of some sort, to attack them. From what I caught from the ending of the tale, they didn't kill it, but they had chased it away to the point where it never returned. 

"Elena? What're you looking at?" Ryan asked, finally snapping me out of the memory of mine. 

"Nothing! I just remembered something..." I responded as I set the blade down, "How is your leg doing? You seem to already be up and running!"

He gave me a smile, "Yea, the nurse does wonders I must admit! No clue how she does it... I honestly wouldn't have been able to recover this quickly myself!" 

"Well thankfully it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would have been!" I exclaimed as I picked up the clothes sitting upon the bed. 

"You might want to get dressed pretty soon, me and Ryan found something back at the desert." Hannah made a surprise appearance as she entered my room.

I cocked my head slightly, "What, did you lose something in the corpse of that worm?"

She shook her head as she side-eyed the ground, "Actually, the corpse wasn't even there. It's just... gone now, well as we are both aware of."

"How odd... maybe something ate it?" I responded, it was the only understandable conclusion my mind could make at the time. I started to make my way to the small bathroom up there to change out of my pajamas. Shortly after I closed the door, I could hear the two of them walking downstairs. 


Before I walked downstairs, I took a moment to stop at the blade I was staring at earlier then night before. I crouched down in front of it, as I noticed that the main gem in the center of the cross-guard wasn't glowing, compared to the others. There was a strip in the center of the main blade itself that ran down from the top to the bottom that was slowly but surely changing a variety of colors, from purple to orange, to orange to yellow, and so on so fourth with no specific pattern. The begging of wanting to be picked up started to overwhelm me once again, this time I could not resist the urge. 

Almost as soon as my hand touched the grip, a shock was sent through my whole body as it felt like I could see my whole life flash before my eyes, until I finally hit the ground with a cold hard thud. For a few moments, I couldn't get up, but I knew I was still conscious as everything above me stood still yet blurry. Suddenly, the friendly face of Ryan greeted me as my vision had recovered. 

"My god, are you alright? You look like you got hit over the head with something!" He looked around on the ground, trying to see if something had fell on me. I started to sit myself up by the time he attempted to help me up. 

"Yes! Yes, I'm fine! I just..." I stared at the sword, as if it was now mocking me due to my inability to pick it up. It was fascinating, yet horrifying to think about; if that was due to me attempting to pick it up, what else could it do? I suppose I was lucky nothing horrendous happened to me when I was stabbed in the shoulder. 

His eyes seem to follow mine, "Did you try to pick it up?  Why... what happened?" 

I stood up, trying to stand still as I held onto his shoulder for support, "Yes... I tried to pick it up. I'm assuming it shocked me, because I was sent to the ground after trying!" I hung my head slightly, "It's crazy to think... one day I can be stabbed with it and be perfectly fine, then the next..." 

"You make it sound like being stabbed is a normal thing for you!" He shook his head as he backed away from me slightly, "Do you want to stay here? You seem-" 

I knew what he was going to say, so I cut him off, "I'm alright Ryan, I'll be down in a second. Just let me collect myself and grab some things..."


Once I had arrived downstairs, only to be greeted by nobody, I was about to head out to search for them when I stopped. On the table, there was several metal scraps scattered all over, almost as if they were ants that were stopped dead in their tracks. As I walked closer to inspect them, I noticed that that almost looked as if they were from... a machine? Was it from a Wulfrum robot? I decided to pick some of it up. 

"Wulfrum... where would we have gotten this from? We haven't seen any robots around here..." I began to speak to myself, as I looked around, "right?" 

"What are you doing?" Hannah came in once more, startling me enough into dropping them. As I looked up from the dropped pieces, I was given a rather annoyed face from her. 

"Oh great... look at what you did now!" She began to lecture me as she shoved me out of the way, to then begin picking up the dropped pieces, "who told you to touch MY stuff?" I tried to help her, only to be swatted away immediately. 

"I'm terribly sorry... I didn't realize it was yours-" I answered her in an apologetic tone. 

She set the grey and slightly green metal back onto the table as she glared at me, "Perhaps asked somebody next time? What if it was one of your stupid scavenge thingies you Eagle harpies find? Huh? Would you like me touching THAT?"

This time I gave her glare, as now she was just being hissy, "I said I am SORRY, okay? Leave it at that!"

She gave one last eyeroll to me before grabbing her summon staff and hitting the bottom of it onto the ground, summoning the same squirrel I had seen earlier.  I was tired with her already, and I was one of the people who helped save her. Then again, what could I expect from a harpy that comes from the sky? They act like almost everything they ever find is the most valuable thing, even if it is a piece of trash such as the metal that sat on the table. Double checking that my sword was in its sheath, I followed her outside on this new day. 


"As loud as this thing may be, it's actually fairly good!" Ryan explained to us as he began to twirl his newly crafted gun he had made the night before, which apparently was something called an Opal striker. From what I learned from the conversation; it was something he had begun collecting materials for a few months back. I kept having my focus fade in and out of what he was saying, as I was more worried about his injury. I really didn't want him to get himself into anymore danger, so I was preparing myself to have jump into action. 

I finally responded with something after remaining silent for a few minutes, "Yea no kidding it's loud... in the middle of the night I could hear that thing! Luckily, I checked out the window, I would've just attacked on the spot, it was annoying loud-" 

He sighed, "I do apologize for that, I only realized that after Hannah came outside and told me!" 

Surprisingly, the sandstorm from the day before had died down slightly. It was still going however, so I was going to have fun cleaning myself off later today I thought. God, I prayed that by the time we got done with whatever we were about to get ourselves into it would be gone, or at least died down a bit more. To make matters worse, the sand seemed to be almost hotter than it was yesterday, and yesterday felt like the sun was focusing all its energy onto this one spot. 

As Hannah had said earlier, the corpse of the serpent had vanished with no trace of it anywhere, not a single spike nor a speck of blood anywhere in sight. I looked around slightly confused as to where it could have gone, not remember a single word of what I said to Hannah earlier about how it could have been eaten. 

The thought did eventually cross my mind as I blurted out, " what the... did it actually get eaten?" Neither of the responded to me however, as they were already halfway down a deep crater in the sand. Seeing as there was nothing left up here at the surface other than blowing sand, I eventually followed them

I almost face-planted into the sand as we got the last hurdle in the sandy maze that only seemed to be heading down and down. With a stormlion not to far behind me, Hannah's summon went and attacked it as Ryan caught me before I broke my face. 

I brushed myself off as he stood me up, "Thank you, those things are always annoying to dodge in tight spaces like this..." 

He gave a small chuckle, seemingly agreeing with me, "gosh, you're telling me! I got zapped a few times myself up there," he responded as he showed me a few of the fresh marks he had gotten. 

My face dropped a little in concern, "Are you alright? Should we go back up there?" 

He shook his head, "Elena, relax! I'm still standing, yes?" 

"Yea you're right, I'm just worried about the injury you got yesterday... I'm concerned that it's going to interfere at all..."

"Well, it hasn't! So, no need to worry!" 

We continued to talk for a few more seconds, when Hannah started to walk past us, obviously more curious in whatever was below us than a conversation. As much as I didn't want to look her way, as I was still slightly annoyed about earlier, I did due to Ryan's curiosity. I was astonished, it was a beautiful sea like place, with water being a glorious cyan blue. It felt almost unreal, something pulled straight from a fairytale, as there were luminous crystals that surrounded the place, seeming to be this place main source of light. 

Hannah stopped at the edge of the hole to the sunken sea, "This is what we found earlier! We thought we could've come by all together... I can stand watch up here with..." she seemed almost annoyed with this, "you... and Ryan can go take a peek down in the waters!"

I grinned and crossed my arms, "Actually, I can head down with Ryan, just to make sure he's alright. Between the two of us, it appears I can swim!" 

She rolled her eyes, "fine... I can stay up here and make sure nothing comes down here from the above, alright? Alright!" She grabbed a grapple hook from the belt she was wearing, which surprised me as I never had seen one in as perfect of a condition as she had hers.

"Worst case scenario, if I fall in, I can just grapple up! It doesn't appear to be all that deep from up here!" She responded with an one-up tone. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy her company all that much. 

"You two might've just woken up on the wrong side of bed, so let's all stop being passive-aggressive with one another! Okay?" Ryan exclaimed, almost as if he too was getting annoyed with our bickering like five-year-old children. 

As Hannah was about to move out of the way for us, the ground appeared to give out on her, as she was then sent plummeting into the waters below. 


Nearly a wave of panic washed over me as I slipped under the cool waters, knocking my grapple hook clean out of my hands. Panicking, I attempted to reach for the hook as I slowly drifted down, sinking eventually to the bottom with due to the weight of what I assumed was my armor. Luckily, the grapple hook decided to follow me all the way to the bottom, as I was able to grab it after it drifted near enough to me. 

I nearly was about to head back up to the surface, before I noticed a huge clam sitting there silently, almost as if it was judging me for my failure of falling it. Deciding to investigate for only a few seconds, as I knew I couldn't stay under for too terribly long, I moved closer to the clam. It was a dark grey hue, with a huge blue pearl sitting within its even bluer inside. 

As it probably noticed me, I thought I was going to enter it, it closed up. I desperately wanted to see if I could bring the pearl back up, I knew I would probably need the help of the other two, and I was beginning to lose the last of my oxygen as I stood there. I finally went back up to the not-so-far surface, using the hook to pull me back up. To my luck, as I had never used it until now, it was able to pull my weight up, as I flew past the other two. I assumed they were attempting to reach me, as they looked surprised as I went past them, which yes included Elena. 

When I broke surface and begun to finally take in the desperately needed air, I set myself back onto solid ground as I swung on over. As I waited for them to get back up, I thought to myself; perhaps I was a tad bit too hard on Elena? It had appeared to be an accident when she dropped it, and she did attempt to go down to save me... I shook my head; Ryan had probably forced her to go with him to retrieve me.  


Me and Ryan finally broke surface, as I helped him get up to solid ground. As I pulled myself up, I noticed how fast he had run up to Hannah, probably the check if she was alright. He usually did this when he knew something horrible could've gone wrong. 

"Are you alright? Did anything fall on top of you? Did you get attacked at all?" He started spewing out questions as I attempted to wring out some of the water from my now drenched coat. 

Hannah nodded, "I'm alright Ryan! Hopefully I didn't make you worry too much!" She moved some of the hair from her face, "I did see a clam probably seven times the size of any of us down there! It had a huge blue pearl inside it as well!" 

Wanting to be the first to see it, I turned my back to them as I stared down the pit of water. There was oddly nothing there, just the lapping water and the occasional sea creature that would swim by, or swim down to rest upon the sand. I was about to say something, when I heard a huge thud right behind me. I thought somebody fell again, so naturally I turned around only to see the huge clam in question. This thing could teleport?! I didn't know if it was attempting to attack us, so I drew my sword in defense, as now our group was cut into two; me on one side and the other two on the other side. 

Once it opened up, I saw the huge clam Hannah was speaking of, it shimmered a beautiful blue shade. However, that was the least of my concern; small clams started hoping out of the main clam on either side, heading straight towards us. Alarmed, I nearly walked back into the watery pit such as Hannah had, but I managed to regain my footing at attack the smaller ones. Fortunately, the sword was strong enough to pierce through them. So, standing from where I currently was, I stabbed the smaller ones and swung the magic projectiles at the giant clam, all while the other two were busy attacking it from its other side. 

After rising and repeating, it stopped moving and the big pearl slowly faded into a dull grey. We had been victorious! As I walked over to the others, we all cheered, for the fact we barely got harmed. However, Hannah stopped quicker than any of us. I thought it was just due to her somewhat serious nature, but quickly Ryan followed as they both looked behind me. I turned around, preparing for the worse, only to be surprised. Something was walking, or in this case sliding, out of the now dead clam.

"And I thought I'd be the only one exited the corpse of an enemy... well look at what we have here..." Hannah muttered as we all stared at the blue eel like person that had slithered out. 

They seemingly had a seahorse like snout with wavy, leaf-like, and green fins coming from the top of their head, shoulders, and the end of their tail. They, surprisingly, appeared to be adorning an orange and yellow chest plate with their entire look being topped off with a golden headpiece that wrapped around their head. They looked almost... knight like, king like even?

As they were collecting themselves, I calmly asked them, "Hello? Who are you?"

Unsurprisingly, they looked up shocked to see us. They did appear to be rather confused as to why we were here, as we did not share the same sea creature features as they did. 

After some uncomfortable silence, I asked once more, "um... who may you be?" I was starting to worry if they even understood us. 

To my luck, they did as they finally responded with, "Ah! I apologize for the silence, my name is Amidias, the sea kind." The seahorse person responded. We all looked at each other with surprised expressions, as if we all just saw the wackiest on this world. Amidias? What was he doing here? 

Ryan finally asked the question we all wanted to ask, "Why then... why are you here? Shouldn't you be back with your people at your kingdom?"

He looked away, with what appeared to be a rather sad expression, "It was destroyed years ago I'm afraid, several died when they... well how do I say this with sounding as if I had gone mad?" 

Hannah nodded, "It's alright! I'm terribly sorry for what had happened, I do hope one day you can bring it back to its former glory." 

"That's what I don't know how to explain, the waters have become too acidic for even me to live in, I and several others fled here for safety." He responded to her.

This left me more confused than anything, "acidic? How did that happen?"

Amidias shook his head, almost as if he was sharing the same confusion, "Yharim had come by in an attempt to get me to help him summon an Eldric horror beyond either of us. I do not know what he was going on about but in a fit he got his little witch, Calamitas, to somehow... burn? The ocean."

"Calamitas? Who may that be?" I asked once more. Both Hannah and Ryan looked at me as if I was stupid. 

"Why then, she is one of the higher-ranking people alongside Yharim, he uses her for his own bidding to do horrible things. She wields dangerous power; I do suggest staying out of her path if you come across a woman draped crimson and golden robes." Amidias gave an answer.

Calamitas I thought... where had that description come from? Suddenly it hit me, it was HER who had that sword from all those years ago, the one that now lay in my hands. The one... that she would probably destroy our small little town for.

Ryan awkwardly asked, "well... perhaps you would like to come back with us? We have some free-living spaces!" Me and him shared a nervous glance to each other.

Amidias took the request into consideration for a few moments, when he then responded with, "I would be honored to come back with you, perhaps see the new world above? I would come back here however to check on my people, I do not have the heart to leave them with no guidance."

I let out a soft chuckle, "things are probably a lot worse than what they were back then..."


As we got home and got Amidias settled into one of the not so vacant rooms, we all returned to the table covered in Wulfrum, and the same place Hannah had gotten so ticked with me. Despite Hannah's protests of either of us touching anything, she insisted on showing us something.

"I was thinking, since this is Wulfrum, maybe we could use it to create weaponry and maybe even some new armor?" She exclaimed, confusing me as she already had armor.

I decided to ask, "But Hannah, you already have armor? Wouldn't this be somewhat.... useless to you?"

The question appeared to annoy her, "Well Elena, you see this armor maybe heavy and such, but it won't actually protect me! It's far too delicate to even take a major blow." She said this as if I would already know this. 

Ryan pipped up once more, disregarding what she just said to me, "That definitely could work... if you would allow me to take this, I could maybe make some stuff with it?"

Hannah, unlike her experience with me, was fully open to the idea and nodded, "You're free to take it! Just please use it for tools and actual useful stuff, it... took me a while to collect all of that..." She added with a small chuckle. 

Ryan picked up the Wulfrum and started to walk off, leaving us two birds alone. She did almost everything to try and avoid eye contact with me as she sat down. To cut down the awkwardness, I decided to start a conversation with her.

"So... what's it like in the sky?"

She shrugged, "What do you expect? It's a somewhat cold place and often rains... and a LOT of stars fall there. We used to have wyverns fly by, but recently the skies went quiet... just the occasional sunskater here and there..." 

I just went along with it; I had no idea what a sunskater was. However, that's where she stopped, there was obviously something she was not telling me. Then again, I didn't want to push it as she had mentioned Yharim earlier. 

I sat down beside her as she asked, "What's the jungle like?"

I laughed a little, "Well, it's what you WOULD expect! It's filled with greenery and a lot of animals! I was never allowed underground to help my mother search for metals and such, as I had to watch my younger sister and brother. Apparently, there was a... huge bee? A queen bee I believe. Yea, other-" I stopped when Hannah interrupted me. 

"you're saying that like you never go there anymore, isn't that your home?" 

I shook my head, "I left a few years ago, well I should say more of forced away. Similar to you I'm assuming, it was also the fault of Yharim."

For the first time in what seemed to be a while, she didn't conflict me, "I see... I'm sorry for whatever had happened to you..." we both fell silent, not wanting to press on what happened to either of us. 

Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with a horrible feeling. 

 Hannah seemed to feel it as well, as she reached for her whip and her staff, then proceeded to stand up, "There's something... or someone here..."

I also got up, trying to reassure both her and me, "I doubt it! Come on, we can even check outside!" I made sure my blade was still in my sheath, just in case something had actually appeared like the scourge had.

We walked a little way away from the house, just in case the entity would destroy the place, and investigated the mysterious gaze on us. We looked almost all over the place, to no avail, with the feeling still on us. 

Hannah stomped in frustration, "Why won't this feeling just... disappear?? Maybe we're just paranoid? I mean, look around us! There's nothing here!"

I wanted to agree with her, but I knew there was something watching us.

I waved her off, "You should go get Ryan, I'll stay out here and make sure there truly isn't anything out here, alright?"

Hannah didn't try to argue back with me, as she started to walk away leaving me with the pitch pained sky, with specks of white all over the place. I sat down, putting down my guard slightly as I took Hannah's words into consideration. 

"I mean... if this feeling was being cause by an evil entity... wouldn't the creature already shown up?" I muttered to myself as I gazed up to the stars. 

The night was silent, with nothing to accompany but myself and some small critters then ran by here and there. With a gentle breeze, I felt the feeling almost fade away as I closed my eyes just for a mere moment, as I was covered with warmth. It felt almost as if a lost one I had once loved was sitting right beside me, gazing up to the night sky with me just like we always had on the clearest of nights. I looked to either side of me, only to see nothing but the horizon stretching on for as long as I can see. I looked down almost embarrassed yet to my surprise... sad. I wondered sometimes if my family watched over me, to protect me, to see me, or just... to give me some form of company. I gazed back up to the night sky, wondering where they were now as the feeling of warmth faded from me. 

 My gaze was soon met, with a huge eyeball like monster flying right towards me seemingly coming out of nowhere, startling me heavily as I scrambled to my feet. As I drew my sword, I almost immediately realized what it was; it was the same eyeball creature my father fought! I couldn't believe it; the story was true! And I had living evidence right in front of me. 

The feeling of ecstatic quickly was drained away from me, as I realized it was me against this monstrous eyeball. For some reason, the other two hadn't come out yet leaving me to defend for myself. 


The smaller eyes it would shoot out were not a problem at all, as with one swing they would be sliced in half plopping dead into the grass. It was the main sightseer that was the issue, as no matter how many times I swung at it, it would just not go down. 

It was rather easy to avoid, as it just floating too me, almost as if it was curious. However, with its servant spawning, I knew it had more evil intentions on the inside than on the outside. It almost seemed as it was... hungry to say the least, yet it had no mouth. Or so that is what it appeared. 

To my luck, I managed to dig the blade into the center of the eye. Thinking it would be over, as it halted, I attempted to pull my sword out once more, when slowly it began to spin, getting faster and faster with each rotation, leaving me to hold on for dear life. 

After it had almost finished, for its finale mind-spinning trick of its, it flung me to the ground. I grabbed my sword and pulled it out of what I could only assume was its flesh, as it sat in the now blood covered grass. Thinking I was finally done with the eyeball, I looked up only to be horrified once more.

Still being a blood red vein covered orb, it now had a mouth that was lined with rows of teeth. It charged at me, grabbing my arm in its fangs before I had time to react and grasp what was happening. Naturally, I let out painful screech as flew away from where we once were and flung me once me at the side of the house. I somehow, by Xeroc's luck, I didn't fall unconscious, but I was heavily dazed. To also my fortune, the noise had caught Ryan and Hannah's attention as they opened the door.

"Yes... Elena?!" Ryan's voice sounded horrified as he picked me up, "you look beat! What ha-"

Hannah dragged us inside, cutting him off, as the bloodthirsty beast came crashing into the ground as it let out a roar of both frustration and pain. 

"Elena, why didn't you-" Hannah started before I angrily cut her off.

"ME?! I told YOU to grab Ryan! I meant for you to come back out!!" 

She gave her face her palm, "I was expecting you to come get us?!" 

"Oh my god... GUYS! THIS ISN'T A TIME TO BE FIGHTING!!" Ryan cut both of us off, in the angriest tone I have ever heard him have, "we have to get rid of... that thing!"

Ryan helped me up before he noticed my now bleeding arm, "Oh dear... it got you good, didn't it?" 

I nodded slightly, "I'm fine! It doesn't hurt too bad!" I was lying to him; I didn't want him to be too worried about me so we could focus on the main issue at hand. 

"Well then, what's the plan now? It's right out the d-" annoyingly enough, I was cut off again as it crashed into the side. 

Ryan sat me down as he began to quickly clean the bite mark, which was horrific to think; if it did that damage to my arm, it could probably bite my head clean off. 

"I say we run out from the front, and surprise it from behind!" Hannah suggested, which wasn't half bad of an idea if I was to be honest. 

"That shouldn't be too difficult, I can go out and distract it as you guys get some hits in on it! Then after I get a good distance away from it, I can also bring in some damage!" I responded with agreement, with loud crashes in between. When I reached for my sheath however, the realization hit me harder than me crashing into the side of the house: my sword was still out there, and I had no idea where I dropped it. 

"God DAMN IT!" I cried out in anger. 

Ryan realized what I was frustrated about, "you can still go out if you're willing to, we can back you up with our attacks. So, in theory you should still be fine!" He was now wrapping my arm, "I'll clean it out when we get back inside, alright? Or I can bring you to the nurse!"

I nodded, "alright... and that shouldn't be much of a problem. So come on! Before it breaks the house-" of course, as soon as I said that the small cracks began to grow as it continued to ram into the house. 


The plan was put into action, as we slipped outside. I had quickly put on some of the newly crafted armor Ryan made for both me and Hannah, as apparently, he already had his own from earlier he made without either of our knowledge (however, we still had our normal everyday attire on as if was now vanity... odd).

Similar to how the clam had split us up earlier, Ryan and Hannah planned to take control of the damage from the behind of it, while I was to be use as bait. I could just feel my heart racing, as the thought of being torn to shreds at any given moment was a high possibility. One mess up, one trip would be fatal. 

When I finally could see the floating eye, I swallowed, still nervous as I shouted, "Hey! Over here you big floating orb!" And thus, the chase was now on. 

I nearly got caught in the very beginning, only making me run faster. It continued to dash towards me repeatedly but there was one good thing about all of this; the plan was working! I could tell it was getting weak overtime, with the lasers from Hannah's new robotic summons and Ryan's bullets hitting it over and over, as I kept its attention away from them. 

However, it went south quickly when it seemed to get a dose of adrenaline and began to speed up and get faster and faster. I knew I couldn't keep up with its speed as it slowly inched closer with each charge. 

One of the times, and to my surprise, it was about to catch me when I suddenly jumped clean over it. I landed, a little shocked up by my own ability, but I knew I couldn't complain as I saved my own feathers. I instantly got back up and continued running, in hopes it was about to perish soon. 

As I kept running, my eyes fell on a glimmer in the grass: it was my sword. I took a sharp turn from the straight line I was running in, causing the sightseer to go flying fast me. However, as I turned, I managed to trip just a few inches away from my blade. 

Time felt like it slowed down as I reached for it, with the bloodthirsty jaws of the beast charging right at me, as the other two tried to rush over to help me. I knew it, this would be my demise; getting torn into bloody shreds for the critters to eat. But by some luck, I managed to grab my sword! A huge wave of adrenaline washed over myself, as I quickly turned around and swung the blade, sending a projectile into the mouth of the hungry beast slicing it into two halves.

It finally landed on the ground, dead. We were all panting, whether it be from running around or it being from fear of those last few seconds. I was the first one to stop holding my breath as I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Well, that's that! We... won!" I said this with a more joking tone to lighten up the mood. With no laughter, I sighed as I was finally able to rest. I thought to myself, my father would be proud of me for taking on the same creature he did years ago and win the battle for him. I decided to lie down and take my break seriously this time, not knowing what would come at us next. As I did so, I couldn't help but see Ryan walk past me and pick something up not too far away from where I was. 

"Guys! It dropped bags like that desert scourge did! There's three of them!" Ryan exclaimed as he handed them out like little candy bags you would get at a party. He dropped mine right onto my stomach, unaware how heavy it actually was. 

I let out a small yelp, "OW- Ryan! that hurt!!" I complained, sitting up as I grabbed the brick heavy bag. Why was it so heavy I thought?

"It's... heavy? Oh Elena, I'm sorry... I wasn't aware! The more I hold it the more I do realize it is heavy-" he apologized. 

"It's fine, I'll just open it later. I'm way to tired..." I responded as I got up and walked past them into the house, as they followed shortly behind, "oh yea, Ryan, you can clean it out or whatever while I sleep..."

He nodded, "will do! It shouldn't be too difficult!" 


After I changed to get to bed, I stared back to the same corner that sword was. It seemed to now be flashing a white and red like color clean down the middle, with in the very center with a blue surrounded a smaller black dot, exactly where the color changing strip was. Was it taking on the color of the eye? I walked over to it once again, tempted to attempt to pick it up again, but it only began to glow even brighter making me feel unsure. I decided against the decision and dragged myself back over to my bed. 

By this time, the sun had already begun to rise. I was far too tired to get back up again, as the sun peeked through the curtains in an attempt to bug me enough to wake up once more. However, I drifted off to sleep before it could do so, being filled with that same warmth and fuzziness I felt from earlier that night. 

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