Whispers of Regret

By mysterious_maissa

196K 4.7K 328

Delving into the narrative of an Omega's anguish and the downfall of a Trueblood. Alice once embraced the not... More

Chapitre 1
Chapitre 2
Chapitre 3
Chapitre 4
Chapitre 5
Chapitre 6
Chapitre 7
Chapitre 9
Chapitre 10
Chapitre 11
Chapitre 12
Chapitre 13
Chapitre 14
Chapitre 15
Chapitre 16
Chapitre 17
Chapitre 18
Chapitre 19
Chapitre 20
Chapitre 21
Chapitre 22
Chapitre 23
Chapitre 24
Chapitre 25
Chapitre 26
Chapitre 27
Chapitre 28
Chapitre 29
Chapitre 31
Chapitre 32
Chapitre 33
Chapitre 34
Chapitre 35
Chapitre 36
Chapitre 37
Chapitre 38
Chapitre 39
Chapitre 40
Chapitre 41
Chapitre 42
Chapitre 43
Chapitre 44
Chapitre 45
Chapitre 46
Chapitre 47
Chapitre 48
Chapitre 49
Chapitre 50
Chapitre 51
Chapitre 52
Chapitre 53
chapitre 54
Chapitre 55
Chapitre 56
Chapitre 57
Chapitre 58
chapitre 59

Chapitre 8

4.3K 108 5
By mysterious_maissa

<Present time>

"Then what happened to Omega Gramps, did she live happily ever after?"

"That was still not the time for her to be happy, son. She still has to face more heartbreaks," Adam's gramps said, seeming lost in deep thoughts. He sighed deeply after a while and smiled at his great-grandson.

"Moon goddess has something else planned for them."

The nine-year-old child listened carefully to his gramps, highly interested in the story of 'Omega Alice.' Grandpa took a sip of water and cleared his throat before continuing.

"So, this is where the misery of Alpha Ithan starts without even his knowledge of what kind of volcano is waiting for him...."


<Past time>

Alice never had imagined that there would come a time when she would regret mating with Ithan.

Despite everything Ithan had done to her, she had never thought in such a way. She always clung to the hope that, one day, she would receive her alpha's love and attention. She kept the door to her heart open for Ithan, allowing him to enter anytime.

She was ready to forgive him, giving them a chance after learning about her pregnancy and Ithan's acceptance. The thought of regret never crossed her mind because Ithan's actions never let it. She forgave him again that time.

But now, she didn't know what to do. She was happy, overjoyed even, about being pregnant. However, her omega heart had become fragile and vulnerable, and she started to envy her own pup – her own blood, her own flesh.

She hated herself for being so cruel as to be jealous of her own pup. How could she think such thoughts? She berated herself for being the worst mother for her pup.

But it wasn't entirely her fault. After all, she had been through so much, and her strength lay in the fact that she continued to live.

Ithan was so ecstatic about their pup that he did everything to ensure her health, inadvertently forgetting about the fragile omega in need of him. Not that he had remembered before, but still.

Alice thought Ithan had finally accepted her as his omega, and they would be a happy family. However, she couldn't have been more wrong.

She was pulled into warm hugs every day because she was carrying his pup.

She received kisses and warm smiles constantly because she was carrying his pup.

She felt protected every night, receiving cuddles and a "goodnight" wish because she was carrying his pup.

She got Ithan's attention every time because he wanted to talk to his unborn pup.

She got to eat everything, and sometimes even things Ithan forced her to eat with a kiss because it was healthy for the pup.

He held her hands and kissed her forehead because she was carrying his pup.

Everything revolved around the pup – his pup.

Initially, Ithan happily shared the news with his family, a family that never liked her, especially Ithan's mother. She insulted Alice at every chance she got, not wanting a weak omega for her precious trueblood alpha son.

She criticized Alice's cooking whenever they visited, especially in front of Ithan. He always remained silent, never defending her. Alice had hoped Ithan would speak up for her, but he never did. He allowed his mother to insult her, hurting Alice so much that she stopped eating with them.

She served them food and retreated to the kitchen or her room to eat alone. She prepared decent meals, not bad, but she endured the humiliation silently. Sometimes, when Ithan was not around, his mother harmed her, twisting her hand harshly, making her cry out in pain, or slapping her, spewing disgusting words one after another.

Alice never said anything to anybody because who would listen? Ithan didn't care about her existence, and her friends were happy in their lives. She didn't want to burden them with her problems, so she stayed silent. Besides, she couldn't do much to her mate's alpha mother – she was a mere omega, too weak to fight for herself, and her fragile heart had no energy left.

The family was happy in front of Ithan, pretending to be thrilled about the good news. But in Ithan's absence, his mother and grandmother tormented Alice. At first, they considered it their child, but as time passed, it became Ithan's child. Every mention of the child was about Ithan – Ithan's child, Ithan's child. Every conversation revolved around Ithan's child. Even though Alice did the same, there was a crucial difference.

What about her? Why did her unborn child get all the love and attention? Why not her? Was she that unlovable? Why did no one love her for herself? Was she that undeserving?

4 years later

It's been four years now. Four years ago, Alice gave birth to a baby boy named Tome Smith – a strong but beautiful alpha boy. He was very smart and clever.

Many things have changed now, and it's for sure not good. Alice has changed, even Ithan.

Alice is not a bubbly person anymore. She lost her personality, her smile, her heart, her emotions, her feelings, and even she lost her wolf. She's not the Alice who was trying to make her relationship with Ithan work, who was seeking her mate's warmth and comfort. She's not the Alice who was waiting for her mate. She's not the Alice who was comforting her wolf, telling herself a lie. She's not the Alice who once got hope from the little things her mate did. She's not the Alice who hoped now. She's not the Alice who has a heart, not physically, but emotionally and verbally. She's not the Alice who cried in longing and despair for her mate.

She's not the Alice without her omega wolf, who hides in the depths of her soul. Weak and miserable, unable to see the disgust and regret in her mate's eyes.

She lost herself.

She lost her precious wolf who was once her comfort and someone to hold onto.

And now she's just living without emotions, without warmth, without her wolf. Without a fake hope. Without a heart. Without love and without her mate's care and affection.

Just like a living stone. Cold and stilled, but breathing. Walking, seeing, eating but without any feelings.

Four years ago, she lost herself completely after living in false hopes and holding onto her feelings, believing that one day she would get her mate's attention and a little bit of love in his cold heart. She lost her pathetic hope of getting her mate's affection and love.

Everything, she lost everything when one day she saw a picture of someone in her mate's closet, hidden in the deepest corner in a beautiful box, like he didn't want it to have a crease, like a most precious gem.

She cried for hours, the whole night in betrayal, in hurt, in love. Knowing the one she's longing for, the one she's trying to get a little love from, the one whose pup she's carrying, already has someone in his heart, mind, and soul.

She lost herself that day.

That day, she lost everything, and she closed everything within her. She closed the door of her dead and shattered heart, the day she let it all out at once and then closed it forever.

No love, no attention, no mate, and no forgiveness. Everything closed that day for good. She hid

her wolf that day, who could no longer hold the bond between them, who got so weak and tired. She hid him for his own good.

That was the last day of her misery and despair. She won't let anyone come now. She cried, but for the last time. For good.

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