𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 |...

By Thebandguy

39.9K 926 813

In which a babysitter Yelena Lebraz fall in love with the father of the child she's babysitting. Who named is... More

1. recognisable
2. unexpectedly him
3. needed me
4. she saw too much
5. reverse uno
6. the bad tension
8. taste of your own medicine
9. the picture of him
10. think of brielle
11. lust for life
12. the love of mother
13. million dollar man
14. she's not me
15. backfire
16. she looks like fun
17. when she thanked him
18. clueless
19. same mistake and past
20. in love with judas
21. the plans he made
22. alone together
23. wondrous place
24. sweet mourning
25. only one's who knows
26. is it made in love?
27. you're too hard to let go
28. her feelings
29. p is for positive
30. steppin' on the last train
31. in which: she finally see the world

7. a taste of sins

1.4K 36 68
By Thebandguy


The days rolled by and became weeks, i realised that I've been feeling weird lately. The little happened last week, the thing happened between me and Alex in this kitchen, had been the highest ranked through tainting my mind for this week.

It's crazy to think but that really happened. I wonder what Alex's mind since he just fúcking touch me, and you know what, im thankful that night when someone turned on the lights in the other room. 'cause the possible to happened is gonna happened and you know what's that. And I always wondered myself that why am i too focused on this, I wasn't like this before. Sure i found Ryan attractive as well but i wasn't focus like this.

I shook my head and drink my coffee while watching Brielle eat her cereal. Belle and i always watching some cartoons, the good news is she finally agreeing to watched some cartoons a lot unlike before and it make me happy for some reason. Probably her favourite princess is Odette which is the swan lake princess, to be honest she prepare to watched some old princess movie, she told me that it's more interesting.

Suddenly i was distracted to Alex's arrival, he took a seat on the other table which is on the dining table. I couldn't help but stare at him, he wasn't looking at me, obviously, he was drinking a coffee while reading the newspaper. I remember what i read on the google about him, which is the :He has never used social media (and never plans to)

I mean he's a business man and no wonder why he never used social media. He's the one who tell the interview according to the article. Alex has discussed that his negative feelings toward social media, and to this day, he has no personal social media profiles.

You know what that's actually...I dont know, attractive?

I mean just look at him, i admit that Alex is very annoying, like very annoying but I can't deny that the fact, i really find him attractive, the way he dressed, and the way how mysterious he is. I know sounds stupid, and the way how he exposed his chest. I find it attractive when his shirt is always three button undone. It always shows the gold chain of hin. God, why am I attractive with that?

"Yelena, im talking to you." Brielle said, bringing me back to the world. I almost forgot that Brielle is in front of me.

Maybe because Alex is only sitting a few feet away from us and I've been telling myself for a hundred times that i find him attractive.

"Sorry, Belle, what were you saying?" I said apologetically.

"I was asking you if you like cheesecake." She said impatiently, "Nora and i were making some and probably we're gonna baked some cookies as well."

"You bake?" I asked surprisingly.

She nodded her head. "Nora taught me, it's easy, you know." Finishing her plate and looked behind her, probably looking to his father. "Alex, loves cheesecake."

My eyes widened as soon i heard her call Alex by his name. "Brielle, dont call your father by his name."

"Sorry, Yelena, i sometimes forgot that he's my Daddy." Brielle said softly, looking down to her bowl. Cant blame her, Alex never had a time to his daughter.

Poor Brielle, only if i could make something about how she felt. Thankfully, Nora came right after and Tell Brielle to baked some cookies and make some cheesecake. I watched them make it and to my surprise, Belle, used to it. Looked like they've been doing this, it's actually fun to bake and make some. Brielle taught me to make some cookies and i was shook when it's that too easy.

And once we're done we give some taste and my body melt when it's taste good, especially those cheesecake, no wonder Alex love it.

Later that night, I've decided to read some books before going to bed. Reading makes me fall asleep fast, especially when it's romance, i barely read some dirty story, i just dont like to read it, it make me annoyed.

Probably because you dont have sex life, Yelena.

Not planning to anyway.

Suddenly i heard a knock on my door and heard Brielle's voice, she keep knocking my door that i began to get worried. I immediately jump out of my bed and opened my door to see Brielle's sleepy face and looking scared.

"Belle? Why are you still up, are you okay?" I asked him worriedly as i looked around the hallway if there's anyone but no one.

"I had a nightmare i dont think i can sleep alone tonight." She said, i could hear the fear on her voice. "Can i sleep here with you?"

"Of course sweetie, dont worry nightmare aren't real." I softly said, gently poke her nose. As i opened the door wide open. "Come here lets get you back to bed."

"But Yelena, im scared." She looked at me feeling terrified, as i watched her lay on my bed. "I want my Daddy."

I sighed. "I want your Daddy too..."

I smirked to myself. Brielle, everyone want your Daddy—oh God, what i was thinking? Stupid Yelena. Brielle is scared while me admiring her stupid Father...

"You want what?" The voice behind me that make me froze, oh hell nah, now im fucked up. He didn't hear me right? I slowly turned around when I saw Alex standing on the door way, half dressed and his face looking irritated.

"Daddy!" Brielle exclaimed. Brielle didn't seemed hear what i just said. Thank God.

"What's going on 'ere? Why the hell is she in you room?" Alex's cold voice, make my blood boiled. It always sound like he's talking to his enemy or something.


"I had a nightmare so i asked Yelena if I could sleep here tonight." Brielle interrupted me by explaining to her father.

"Yeah she had a nightmare, that's what happened when you let your daughter whatever she wants to watch." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes to him.

"Go to hell!" He said firmly, almost whispered.

"Daddy, dont be mad to Yelena." Belle said softly with her sleepy voice as she yawn.

I sighed, "Look, it's late, Brielle needs to sleep. I'll leave you two." I turned around and leave them, thankfully Alex didn't say anything and make Brielle sleep, while Alex is seating on my bed, waiting Brielle to sleep.

I was kinda surprised that he let Brielle to sleep in my room. Looks like Alex had no choice, i wonder why Brielle didn't go to Alex's room. Im sure she's allowed. And Finally after fifteen minutes Alex came out of my room as i walked towards him.

"See that's the thing when you let a child to watched some adult movie that its really inappropriate to her." I said calmly, the scowl on Alex's face returned.

"Can you stop talking? I dont get lecture for being me as a father! If i want parenting advice from you, I'll damn ask!" Alex snapped, looking annoyed and his voice is too loud that he might awake Brielle. "And this won't happened again, i dont want Brielle to sleep in your room ever again. I dont like her going in your–"

Somehow even more intimidating than described, his powerful eyes seemed to a pierce into my soul without a hint of my sympathy. Never in a fucking million to find this attractive, when he's mad it usually make me irritated. But this time it felt different, his voice is too loud that i interrupted him and not thinking twice to kiss his lips.

Alex's lips were soft, it softer than i expected. His mouth tasted of mint—no he taste just as he smell, taste like intoxicating. He tasted what I've been wanting for too long, but damn something slapped me away, what the fuck am i doing!

I immediately pulled away, feeling my cheeks burning. Not like that but feel stupid, feel embarrassing. I did it again, i fúcking did it again. "Oh, God, what have i done? Shit im sorry, im really sorry." I exhaled sharply. "I dont know what gotten to myself, sorry I didn't mean to. I...I should go."

I tried my best not to look him, not waiting him to speak as i turned to leave, there's no way i can face him. What i just did is very stupid, someone take me away please. Need to get away from here—away from him.

"Where do you think yer going? Do you think you can just leave like that?" Alex said softly, as he grabbed my wrist making me stop to walk.

"Alex, what are you doing?" I question him, avoiding his eyes.

"Oh Yelena, you dont know what have you done." He smirked at me, dragging me into Brielle's room and closed the door behind him still holding my wrist that i began to feel it painful.

"We shouldn't be here." I said, he even tightened his hand to my wrist. "You're hurting me."

"Am i really hurting you?" Alex had pinned me on the wall, he finally released my wrist. Our eyes met and unable to move, his hand went to my waist pulling me closer to him. "How about this." He surprised me when he deep his head and his lips meet mine again.

I was shook, clearly thinking if this really happening. My heart began to beat fast, it beat fast that Alex can feel it. The feeling of his lips to mine, that I've been wanting to taste it. It's been a years since I'd been kissed...I kinda missed it. For fúcking lot of years without kiss and sèx, now i had a kiss.

Do i regret it? No.

Its feels great, the fire erupts. My whole body melts as my lips part, allowing his kiss to dance with mine. Alex deepen the kiss which is i allowed him, as our tongues find each other. I pushed myself upward, on my toes.

He was now much more assertive, his hand tightening around the back of my neck, making my knees grow weak as i leaned closer. Alex push his hips up against mine, making me hum when i felt how hard he was. Fucking hell.

Its been too long Yelena, this is what you wanted. Said my mind.

You dont want this, this will distract you from your dream , Yelena.

I knew this is wrong, i knew i had to stop this. I had to stop myself before it's too late.

"Alex.." i breathed into his mouth. "Stop please...Stop. I cant do this."

"Why not?" He eventually stop and flickered his eyes to min.

"You're...You're my boss." I said feeling embarrassed.

"You want to get fired?" He warned me, looking straight to my eyes. "I can fucken fired you being a cocked-teased."

I sighed. "Just stop, Im tired im going to bed."

"You dont seem to." Alex smirked and gently grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me."

"Really?" I thought he's going to be devil again, like get mad but instead, he pinned his arms above my head with one hand against the cold wall. He leaned in and whispered to my ear. "You want me to let go of you?"

Alex is good at this, damn it, it even turned me on like I craved like an addict yearned for his poison.

Dont you dare to gave in, Yelena.

"No." I breathed heavily.

Well, shit.

With that he spun me around making me face the wall. With his other hand, he pushed down my pants, they fell down my legs, basically my ass pressing against him. My breath shaking when he bit down my skin and i felt his hand move down into the front of my underwear.

I think this is it. Its just been seven years. And now im about to break my promises to myself.

Alex's finger found their way inside me, feeling cold against the heat between my legs, making me part my legs further for him. God, this is how it felt. I bit my bottom lip, my knees shaking weakly as I leaned back against him, my body curving into his and my eyes shutting tightly.

I felt him smile against my neck and he began pumping his fingers inside me, while his other hand grabbing my breast, making me moan loudly.

"Mmmh. Oh God." I moaned, the sensation feels heaven. I began to think that his fingers is not enough, i want something else.

"Tell me Yelena, what do you want?" He asked, his teeth grazing across my skin at the back of my neck, curling his fingers inside me again.


"You..." I whimpered.

"Say it, say it like you mean it." Alex said to my ears. I couldn't even talk that he even sped his fingers.

"I want you." I said, my breath is shaking.

"You want me to fúck you?" He mumbled.

"Oh fúck it, yes Al, please." I whispered, it just feel good that i dont want him to stop.

"That's what I thought." Alex chuckled, his hand disappeared. "Yer starin' is quite interesting."

"What? What are you doing?" I opened my eyes, to see Alex moved back.

Turning around to see him bring his finger to his mouth. It even made my leg jelly.

"Save it for the other night, Besides we're in me daughter's room, i dont want to mess Brielle's room." He said, his response is teasingly as he moved toward the door. "Sleepwell, Yelena."

"You fúcking kidding me right? You just gonna leave it like that?" I glared at him, Is he for real right now? He just seriously leave me like this?

Yes, this is your chance to stop this sins, Yelena.

"You started it."

Started it? As far as i know it was a mistake. He's the one who bring me here and you know it's fúcking annoying that he kinda acting like this.

"You're an asshole, you know that." I yelled at him.

"I've used to hear all those kind of words." He told me, with that he left the room without letting me to speak.

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