At Your Mercy | Jennie×FemRea...

By krzhlnnd20

62.6K 2.2K 172

Captured by humans at such a young age, Y/n was locked in a cage, shackled and tortured. Forced into "human... More

30 (M)


1.5K 48 16
By krzhlnnd20

Jennie's POV

I need a distraction.

Get my mind off these certain things that will surely bother me for quite a while.

Standing up, I head over to the bathroom to shower, planning where I should wander off.

Just a quick shower maybe and some casual clothes will do. It's not like I'll go to any formal parties or anything.

Perhaps take a stroll around the city, since going to the bar at noon seems pretty early. Besides, no bars are open at this time.

And I know I'm sick, but not too sick anymore to prevent me from going out.

My fever had died down already... think. But can manage. All I need right now is a distraction.

Or better, forget that today happened, pretend that I did not meet my cousin, and act like everything's okay.


All dressed up in some hoodie and shorts, I opened the door to be greeted by Y/n whose hands are on the doorknob, and who was about to enter.

Her face mirrors mine, surprised.

Though, she eyed me up and down with an eyebrow arched up, probably wondering why I'm all dressed up. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business" I hissed, still trying to keep my tough act on, even though she had seen me broke down many times.

I walked past her, only for her to grip my forearm. It wasn't rough though, firm but gentle, just enough to stop me from leaving.

"But you're sick. You can't go out yet" Worry is evident in her tone, and even on her face, looking straight at me as her eyes pleads for me to stay. just

Those pleading eyes make me give in to her request every damn time.

But is she worried because she.... cares?

The word itself sent shivers to my spine.

Humans alone never really care that much, so why would someone so dangerous and a bit animalistic?

Maybe care is not the word?

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts as Lisa leads me back to bed, pulling my wrist without that much force but magically manage to really get my feet moving towards the bed.

"Just rest for the meantime, Jennie" She was about to lay me down when I grab her wrist, stopping her.

"No, you don't understand. I need some fresh air!" I plead as i harshly remove the sheets, standing up.

"But your fever might get worse"

"It'll just get worst if you keep me trapped in this four-walled room!" I yelled in utter frustration, mostly because it felt like I was cramped inside a tight space with not enough air to breathe in.

"Can I just come with you then?" She asks carefully.

"Fine..." I heave a sigh, annoyed by the fact that I can't say 'no' It's just a word with an easy pronunciation that even babies could say.

But I couldn't bring myself to say 'no', especially to Y/n.

What are you doing to me, Y/n?

Speaking of which, Y/n comes through the door, all dressed up in my clothes that I have been lending her ever since.

We were matching.

She too is wearing some shorts and a hoodie.

Though, it was pretty loose, considering that she was quite skinny for her own good and no clothes of mine could fit her, even the smallest ones.

But it looks good on her nonetheless.

"Let's go?" She leans by the doorway with a smirk, posing like a model.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored her tactics and pass by her, walking my way out with her closely following behind.


Since it was noontime, I decided to eat lunch at this not-so fancy restaurant that serves the best samgyupsal in town. I'm not craving for meat or anything, but somehow something made me want to eat meat for some reason.

Sitting by the window, I watched vacantly as people and cars keep passing by while my thoughts continue to consume me.

That is until a waiter comes with our orders.

With Y/n sitting across from me, I could clearly see the excitement on her face every detail of it. I could clearly see how wide her hazel eyes are as they remained glued on the food, more specifically on the raw meats.

Or how could audibly hear how she sniffs deeply, inhaling as much scent as she can as if she was on high. Or how her mouth was hanging agape, drooling over the food.

It was hilarious and cute at the same time that it brought a tug on my lips and in my.... heart?

Aish, That's nonsense.

I'm just hungry.

"Hey wait no!" I was very much surprised to see that she was about to eat the meat, raw.

"We have to cook it first. That's the purpose of the pan on the center"

She skeptically eyed the meat on her chopsticks before placing it on the heated pan. "But why would they serve us something raw?"

And so, I explained everything to her as we continued eating.

Y/n, basically devouring the food like she hasn't eaten for years and almost inhaling everything that goes in her mouth, mostly the meat, of course.

Y/n moans in utter pleasure from the food. "How miss the taste of meat in my mouth, especially the beef, it's my favorite"

To see her smile and happy, makes my heart flutter in joy, especially after knowing that I'm the cause of it.

She was contagious - her personality of being enthusiastic and happy go, lucky girl, I mean.

"Haven't you had meat for a while?" I ask, which is sort of unusual for me.

She sadly shook her head as her eyes were still fixed on the food. "These past years, I only lived by eating staled bread and crumbs"

At her statement, I didn't know what I felt at that moment.




I'm not actually sure. All I know is that I felt sad that she had gone through so much and wasted half of her life inside a rusty old cage when she could have something more.

But what impresses me the most is that even when she talks about something so horrid from her past, it looked like she wasn't affected, even for a bit.

Her smile maybe wasn't as wide as a while ago, but she still remained grinning as she happily munches on her food.

She is impressive indeed.

Y/n's POV

To say I was more than thankful is an understatement.

To have a proper meal, not to mention, the grilled chicken, pork, and beef, after years of eating staled bread feels so heavenly, especially in the tongue.

It feels like it was my first time eating again.

And it was all thanks to Jennie.

There was no limit, she says. I can order everything I want without worrying about the price. It was all on her, and I'm very grateful for that.

But the situation I'm in now is very difficult.

You know, that feeling when you want to eat more because the food is delicious but you can't because your supper stuffed and your tummy might burst any moment if you took one more bite.

Yeah, that's what I felt.

With that, all I wanted was to lie down on a soft comfy bed and sleep.

But I guess am far from doing that.

The afternoon was spent roaming around the mall, finding clothes that would fit me, since Jennie said that none of her clothes do fit me.

But I think I look good in her clothes, don't you think?

Plus, her intoxicating scent that always lingers around her clothes feels like she is hugging me 24/7.

I kept dragging myself lazily as I follow her around with a good amount of shopping bags hanging in my arms.

It took us hours just buying clothes and maybe a whole thirty minutes on deciding between two choices.

But I ain't complaining though, to have her by my side this whole time is very much enough, that it brought me to grin madly in satisfaction.

Now, I'm in the backseat while Jennie continues to drive.

For a second, thought we were on our way home, that is until she took a left turn that brought us to a whole new unfamiliar route.

It was silent and mostly surrounded by trees. The trail is only wide enough for one car, so that means, there is no turning back.

I gulp in nervousness as we got deeper and deeper into the forest. The anxiety creeping in as my eyes uneasily darted around, searching for anything familiar.

"Where are we?" I ask nervously as the car parks in front of this very small wooden cabin.

"Somewhere.." She mumbles

"You can just stay in the car or in that cabin if you don't want to come, I'll try to be quick"

Not wanting to be alone, especially in an unfamiliar place, followed her, carefully studying this suspicious environment as we made our way through an abandoned, desolate forest.

The forest was dotted everywhere with trees and bushes that had no leaves and looked like they were about to die.

Yet despite these peculiar characteristics, we continued walking down the forest, each step of ours emanating a sound that echoed out through the dusk.

I was completely clueless yet skeptical as to why we are here, but my feet somehow knew that had to keep walking forward.

I didn't even know where they were taking me; in fact, my mind felt completely blank, as if the last memories and logic in it had been erased from reality by the universe itself.

Nevertheless, I am still trying my best to perceive the menacing environment that surrounded us

Deep inside, I was feeling a mixture of dread, fear, anxiety, and loneliness. The forest only worsened it all, even forcing the hair on my skin to stand and my body to shake and shiver relentlessly.

In an attempt to calm down my emotions, hugged myself, glancing at Jennie's figure every now and then.

My eyes kept on darting around the creepy forest until we reach a very vast clearing, surrounded by hills upfront.

It was supposed to be a beautiful scenery if it weren't for the deserted houses and burnt things that are scattered everywhere.

In short, they were the remains of MY pack territory. It was a daunting sight to see, my stomach churning as those painful memories rapidly rushes back, hitting my head like a bullet train.

My mind was telling me to run away now and leave, but it felt like my body wanted to do the opposite.

Instead of staying away, I found myself getting nearer and nearer until I am in front of what seems to be the remains of the packhouse,

It was all coming back as if everything beyond me was happening again.

It feels real.

I wanted to vomit as a bit of nausea took in.

There voices, young and old, especially my mother and father's, screaming as they fought those who wanted us dead.

And I wasn't even given a chance to help them and fight for my pack's sake. I clutched my head and shut my eyes tightly as pain rushes back to my heart and head, it is as if they were about to split in half.

It hurts.

Those gunshots that kept ringing in my ears, they were so loud!

I crouched as I placed both hands on my ears as I tried to ease the ringing, but it was no use, it was getting louder and louder at the moment. It hurts

"Hey, are you alright?" Worriedness was evident in the tone as a hand lays gently on my shoulder.

It is all it took for everything to disappear in a snap and calm the raging storm that soars the sky.

My body instantly relaxes as my mind eases at the simple touch of my mate. For a second, it made me forget the horrid memories that this place brings

"Yeah" rise up to my feet.

"What are we doing here?"

"Was this really your pack?" She asks, shocked as she continued walking to the only destination that I once loved.

I nodded, even though she wasn't looking "Yes, before you know... shit happened"

As we arrived at this certain hill, the feline sat down on the spot where I usually sat during my childhood days, leaning against the trunk of the tree as she hugs her knees together and gazes at the view upfront.

Maybe it was just a coincidence?

I sat beside her, hesitant that she might be uncomfortable or not want me to be too close. But surprisingly, she didn't flinch nor move away, which lessen the heavy feeling inside.

"Jennie?" I decided to break the silence.

And gladly, she hums in response, letting me know that she's listening even if her eyes remain glued in front.

"Why are we here?"

"This place..." She sighs heavily, before proceeding.

"I often visit this place for two certain reasons"

Now she faces me with her glistening orbs, "Do you want to know what those are?"

I simply nodded, letting her continue.

"Either I am longing for my happiness that died along with this pack, or to torment myself for the cause of her death"

I was confused and curious at the same time, millions of questions forming inside my head. Such as, who the heck is her?

But I don't want to push her this time.

"Which of the two are the reason for your visit now?" I decided to ask a much lighter question.

Jennie's mouth opens for a quick second but didn't say anything. "I'm not really sure..."

"...It was my first time having someone to accompany me here after five years. And now, I don't even know why I went here in the first place"

I just chuckled as something or rather a memory randomly came into mind, only a glimpse of it though, earning a wondering gaze from the woman beside me.

"Did I say something funny?" Her head was tilted a bit, as she looked at me with creased brows

"I know it's just a coincidence, but it also had been five years since I last had someone with me on this very same spot that we're sitting on" I grin as keep on reminiscing that one memory.  good

What was her name again?

I can't seem to remember her at all.

All I know is that she was the one who brought the light into my dark world.

Cliché...I know

But she always made me smile, nonetheless.

"She must be special then" Jennie mumbles as she rests her chin on her knees

"Yeah... she was" My grin disappears.

"But funny how I regretted meeting her" just chuckled out of great misery.

"Why?" Now, this caught her attention.

Well, here goes nothing have a very deep sigh. "I was the reason for her death"

I close my eyes as I felt like crying. Clearly, I remember how my friend was crying for help remember how her eyes fluttered close

How her body went limp in between my father's sinful hands. And how I pathetically can't do anything to save her.

I can't believe opening up can be this hard and challenging, especially when you already buried everything at the very back of your mind, trying so hard just to forget everything shake off the guilty conscience that has been bothering you, and kept convincing yourself that you're fine when you're not really fine

Then you dig it all up again, and for what? For the sake of the person whom you care about the most.

But at the same time, it felt as if the heavyweight on my chest disappears I felt at ease for the first time.

"I'm sorry" I shakily blurted as I let the tears that I kept on holding back all these years out freely.

"I'm sorry that you had to see me like this" I roughly wiped the tears with my trembling hands, trying to be strong. But it was no use, new tears kept forming.

A hand made its way at my back, patting it with hesitance.

But even with the slightest touch, as long as it comes from the feline, could calm me down and ease my unsteady mind.

Shooing what seems to be every horrid thought

And with that, my heart flutters at her sweet gesture.

"Thank you"

But my heart beats more erratically when Jennie rests her head on my shoulders, closing her eyes.

"I guess you're not like any werewolves after all

"You're not like any hunters either" My left arm wraps itself around the brunette, pulling her closer as I lean my head on hers

"But do you know what makes you different?"


"You keep on reminding me of her" She says softly.

"Reminding me of my Y/n/n"

Mistakes Are Mine
(if the other sentences and words are misspelled and in other places it's because of google text)

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