Castlevania: Beloved Saintess

Von 21FishBitStar12

25.8K 792 131

Maria Verge is of hair of white and eyes of clear blue. the mark of one who is beloved by God. The Saintess. ... Mehr

Oc Description
Chapter 1: witchbottle
Chapter 2: Necropolis
Chapter 3: Labyrinth
Chapter 4: Monument
Chapter 5: The Journey Home
Chapter 6: Old Homes
Chapter 7: Last Spell
Chapter 9: For Love
Chapter 10: End Times
Chapter 11 : Life at the Castle

Chapter 8: The Castle

1.4K 52 16
Von 21FishBitStar12

A monster was pounding away at the door above trying to get it open while the others stood and watched in wait growling and hissing in anticipation.

After realising that it won't open another came with an enchanted spear engraved with runes and stabbed at the door but nothing.

The monster that was pounding at the door grew in size and started pounding at the door.


"Can we get that magic mirror working?" Trevor asked.

"I think so. But I can't do two things at once here." Sypha said as Alucard brought the mirror and Maria made her way to restore it.

"I know some Chaldaic. I know how to operate a distance mirror. Which shall I do?" Alucard asked and they all looked towards Trevor.

"Uh…um…I can't do either of those things." Trevor said.

"Come on, Belmont. Time to choose. You're either the last son of a warrior dynasty or a lucky drunk. Which is it?" Alucard asked.

"We're running out of time and the door won't hold, so if I were you Trevor I'd pick one…now!" Maria yelled as she walked towards him and grabbed his collar.

"Okay. Get the mirror working, Alucard. Give me gorce numbers, species, and weapons count. Sypha and Maria stay on their job for now. I'll fortify the point of entry." He said and everyone got moving.

The pounding got more frequent as the place began to rumble.

"I think we're going to see the size and disposition of the attacking force fairly quickly with our own eyes, Belmont." Alucard said as they equipped their weapons.

"I'm forced to agree. Do you have any further suggestions?" Trevor asked.

"Are you asking my advice?" Alucard asked.

"We're working together, Alucard. You're still a bastard, but you're the bastard I chose to fight alongside back in Gresit. Do you have a problem with any of that?" Trevor asked.

"None at all." Alucard said looking content.

"Aww you guys are getting along!" Marua cooed.

"Maria, don't be an idiot and get back to work." Trevor said. 

"Sorry, geez it's not my fault that our chances of actually winning against Dracula got higher." She mumbled as she continued to translate and write in a flash while Sypha took the translations to translate yet another text for the spell.

"So, what do you suggest?" Trevor asked.

"Using this to find Dracula's castle. Now. We're trapped in a box down here. We will eventually be overwhelmed. Unless we change the nature of the battle." Alucard said.

"Agreed. Sypha, Maria!" Trevor exclaimed.

"We've almost got it!" Maria said.

"I'll protect you for as long as I can." Trevor said. 

"We know." Sypha said and Maria looked as he ran up the stairs with worry embedded in her eyes but right now, there were more things to worry about and she went back to translating.


The door was finally giving way as it began to crumble and a monster stabbed at it again undoing the spell and the bigger one smashed through.


The entire library shook and everyone looked up knowing that the door was gone.

Trevor made it to the door of the entrance to the library and ran towards a shelf and pulled out a plank that wasn't supporting any book and ran back.

He placed the plank on the door but soon realised that there weren't any hooks for it and he fumbled about trying to get it to keep the door closed before finally trying to prop the plank against the door which only caused the door to open as it fell and Trevor grumbled before deciding to go through it to battle.

With the door finally open the monsters made their way in while Trevor ran up the stairs making his way out towards them.


Alucard got the mirror working as it showed an image of Dracula's castle.

"There you are." He said menacingly as his eyes flashed red.


 Dracula walked down his halls and walked down the catwalk to his transportation device.

"Braila. Just to keep the peace between squabbling creatures who will starve and die before the end of the year anyway." Dracula said as he walked around it and sighed.

"Oh, well. So long as it brings silence." He said and raised his fingers over the object began to stir and hum as it charged up to transport the castle.

"To Braila, then." He said and the device broke apart and a burst of light flashed from within.

The castle battled between reality before it disappeared leaving nothing in sight.


On the other side Alucard's eyes widened in shock as he groaned quietly, staring at the castle that once was before quickly tracking it to its sudden arrival in Braila.

While inside the Vampire generals walked towards the open door with their monsters ready to tear out the throats and gut the civilians in the city.


Trevor ran up the stairs but he was slightly shaken by the rumbling and when he looked up he saw a monster, barreling down.

"Oh for God's sake." He sighed and it burst through and landed on the stairs but its weight could not support it and it broke through, dragging Trevor along with it. He used his morning star chain whip to catch himself as the monster landed at the bottom.

Trevor drew out his sword and swung forth causing the whip to let go, letting him plummet towards the monster.

The monster roared at him and Trevor used his sword to parry the horn the whip caught the horn and he swung back landing on the back of the monster's neck.

He put the morning star aside and wrapped his hand on the cloth around his waist and grabbed hold of the sword and pulled it back into the monster's neck causing red blood to gush out.

He drove it deeper into its neck cutting through flesh as he moved back and forth.

The monster swung around trying to get him off and slammed him against the stairs before throwing him into a wall.

Trevor stood as the monster stomped over and raised its mesty fists to squash him. But just as it did Trevor rolled underneath it.

Trevor threw a dagger and knocked the sword stuck on its neck. The catwalk they were on couldn't take the weight and it crumbled before eventually breaking and they plummeted.

Trevor ran to get the sword that fell from its neck and once it was within his grasp he sliced the knee of the creature and it shrieked in pain as its blood flew out. And with that the monster was dead and he stood there for a minute as its blood rained down.

Unfortunately the monster with the enchanted spear jumped out from above.


"Sypha! I can't translate your spell if you don't get me those books!" Maria yelled as she had books in white light floating around her in a spiral and she herself hovered over nothing in a white light and she consumed the knowledge with her eyes glowing white as she translated the languages around her..

In front of her were incomplete magic circles interconnected as everything she translated for the spell would become a sliver in the works of the spell. Threading together to form a thread before coming into and making the spell whole.

"I'm hurrying! I'm hurrying!" Sypha exclaimed as she threw a book over the edge and before it would hit the ground it would envelop in a white light and fly towards Maria, joining the spiral of books.

"That's it, I've got it! Sypha the spell is complete!" Maria exclaimed as her eyes stopped glowing and outstretched her hands and essentially captured the spell between her hands.

"That's great!" Sypha yelled and hurried down, but a monster landed right in front of her stopping her in her tracks. Fortunately Trevor came swooping down and kicking the monster down and running towards it giving Sypha the opportunity to run past.


"I have the spell…I have the spell." Maria said as she descended towards Alucard.

"Are you alright?" Alucard asked, noticing her tired expression and he brought his hand over to cup her cheek with concern, running his thumb over her cheek.

"I'll be fine in a moment, just keep watching over the castle." She said with a small smile and he let go on her cheek.

"Do you see the castle?" Sypha asked, finally arriving.

"Take a look." Alucard said, motioning towards the mirror.

"Good. Keep focused on it. I have to be able to see it to put my intent on it." She said.

"Intent?" He asked.

"That's all magic is, Alucard. Changing things in accordance with my intent. And my intent is to drag that grotesque thing here. Maria,  the spell." Sypha said as she held out her hand and Maria opened her hands to reveal a glowing piece of parchment floating from her hand and into Sypha's.

The parchment ignited and turned into a small blue light and Alucard took a step aside as she took a step forward forming the spell in her hands with a spark of energy passing through her palms and into the mirror.

With slow and steady movements she dragged out a phantom version of the device used to teleport the castle right out of the mirror.

She brought her hands towards it and caged the phantom device between her fingers.


"Dracula." Isaac called as he rushed into Dracula's quarters.

"Did we meet resistance at Braila?" Dracula asked.

"We are betrayed at Braila. I do not recognise their colors, but the castle is invaded by vampire soldiers." Isaac said.

"What color do they wear?" Dracuka asked with a glare.

"Black, with white trim." Isaac said.

"That is the livery of Styria. Carmilla has made her move." Dracula said and the castle soon shook.

"What was that?" Isaac asked warily.

"I'm…not sure. Do we have anyone left loyal to us?" Dracula asked.

"There is a pitched battle in the main hall. I gathered about a dozen more on my way up there. They're outside." Isaac said.

"Then we go outside, Isaac. Nobody takes my castle from me." Dracula stated.


In the transportation room the gears and cogs electrified with energy before it rapidly spread all over the castle and like static the castle disappeared and reappeared repeatedly.

Sypha on the other end was struggling against it. 

"It's fighting me. It's like I'm pulling against an anchor and water wheel all at once." She groaned.

"He moves the castle using an engine. That's what's acting against you." Alucard said.


Alucard and Maria looked up to see a monster falling towards them and Trevor hurried with the morning star and struck the monster causing it to explode right before them and Alucard instinctively covered Maria as he held her in his arms.


Dracula and Isaac were arriving with more troops but Dracula stopped them just as they were about to reach the fight because of the electrical energy surge.

And in the transportation room the cog and gears set on blue fires but they soon started to melt.

"Do as you're told." Sypha grunted as she glared heavily at the castle out of frustration.

And in Braila the castle disappeared and reappeared causing onlookers such as Carmilla and Hector to look surprised and shocked as it teleported all over the city before landing in the water where it caused the blessed river to spill on the city buring the vampires to burn.

The water flooded into the castle burning the warriors but the generals managed to get away to higher ground. Then the castle started spinning before it stopped and flashed in a bright light and disappeared.

The sudden disappearance of the castle caused a vortex to form in the water which pulled anything and everything that wasn't nailed to the floor towards itself before it itself disappeared.

"...What the fuck just happened?" Carmilla muttered as she and Hector stood there wide-eyed.


The device went haywire as it shook and spun around violently while the cogs and gears remained a flame, melting to their demise.


The castle arrived at the Belmont residence and its appearance caused large gusts of winds to burst through the forest surrounding it. The device soon exploded and Sypha let the spell go as she finally brought the castle to their location.

"I did it." She smiled and took a breath of relief.

"Uh…one question Sypha but where exactly did you land that thing?" Maria asked. 

"Right on top of us." She clapped proudly before she remained stunned at what she just said. "Oh, um, yes. I landed it on the surface, right above this underground space that's probably only held up by wood and dirt. Let's go." She said and she and Maria quickly ran off to the exit while Alucard sent one final look to the mirror and glared before calmly following the girls to the exit.


They made it up and out to meet Trevor next to the giant monster carcus.

"Ew! Why did you live it's guts spillijg everywhere?!" Maria cringed.

"Oh I'm sorry I had no idea that it was such a painfully grotesque monster with guts spilling out as for me I'm great alive and well if that's what you're asking." Trevor said flatly with a sarcastic smile.

"You're lucky we're  going to war right now." Maria glared.

"Sure...but this staircase is a wreck. We're not getting up there without ropes. Start looking." Trevor said as he got up and took his dagger from the floor.

"Uh...we don't need ropes Trevor."  Maria said.

"What are you talking about?" Trevor asked.

"God you really are dumber than you look. We have a saint who can fly and mage, I mean really have you learned nothing." Maria scoffed before she floated and she waved her hand over everyone allowing them to be enveloped in white light and begin to float above the ground.

"Here we go Ladies and Gentlemen. Please make sure your belongings are with you at all times." Maria said as they began to ascend into the air.

As they were going up, it was deathly silent and you could cut the tension with a knife.

"Okay what's with this air of doom and gloom all of a sudden. I know we're going to potentially risk out lives but we have each other, a druken fool, a prissy speaker princess, a Darling Saintess and a sexy half vampire lad who I'm debating baring his children." Maria said.

"You did not...just say that?" Trevor asked and Maria noticed all their wide eyed stares.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't just hear that. You are not going to fornicate with a vampire." Trevor said sternly.

"Why not? I mean look at him!" She insisted.

"And did you call me a prissy speaker princess?" Sypha frowned.

"Well you do act entitled every now and then you didn't exactly make a good impression the first time we met." Maria shrugged.

"You didn't either acting all dismissive!" Sypha argued.

"Well excuse me, but when you see the good lord throw in the towel for humanity what am I supposed to do?" Maria asked and pretty soon they started to argue while they were going up and Maria smiled having gotten rid of the heavy tension and she began to laugh.

The others looked at her confused before they looked at each other, smiled and started to laugh as well.

"Thank you Maria...I guess we all needed that." Sypha said.

"Yeah, it's kinda my thing. Doing what's needed of me. And frankly I didn't want to go into an awesome battke with that dismal atmosphere dangling above us." Maria smiled.

"Let's kick ass." Trevor smirked.

"None of you had to do this but you did amd I'm grateful...even to you, Belmont." Alucard said.

"Don't get sappy with me vampire, it's disturbing." Trevor cringed.

"Yes, I suppose it is." Alucard snickered lightly.

They soon were getting close to the top and Maria grabbed Alucard's hand who in turn gripped hers as they were enveloped by the light of the red moon.

Maria set them all down to earth once they were out of the hole.

"Look." Sypha said as she pointed to the castle.

"You did it Sypha, Maria." Trevor said.

"Yes, but seeing it is something else entirely." Sypha said.

"We're a pretty good team." Maria said and the ladies smiled at each other.

"You're the best." Trevor smiled but it soon dropped as he looked towards Alucard.

"Alucard. Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"No." Alucard said and he and Maria let go of each other's hands. "But let's put an end to this anyway." He said gripping the hilt of his blade and they walked towards the castle for battle.

For the sake of Humanity.


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