The One With The Werewolf

By katiec563

957 34 14

Edan Wilkes has been living with The Weasley family for the last 3 years, since her parents died protecting h... More



41 1 0
By katiec563

Edan's O.W.L for Potions was scheduled for the next morning. She rushed upstairs to change into some clean robes, seconds away from the closing of the door. "You're nearly late Ms. Wilkies. Please take your seat." Professor Snape hissed at her. 

She quickly took a seat and waited for the exam to begin. Once the students were instructed to begin Edan realized how confident she felt in the exam. It was the fastest she'd ever finished any exam before. Once she was satisfied Professor Snape motioned for her to leave the hall. "I am confident you'll receive an Outstanding. I hope I'll see you in my N.E.W.T class next term." 

Edan's heart swelled at his praise. "Thank you Sir." 

Unfortunately her joy did not last long. It dawned on her that today was the day Buckbeak was meant to be executed. She knew today would be especially hard on The Trio. It was pretty obvious where she would need to go to find them. Edan made her way there but stopped short when she noticed they were being hassled by Draco and his goons. 

Hermione seemed to be handling the situation well though. Edan got to witness the wonderful sight of her punched Draco across the face. She fought the urge to cheer and make them aware of her presence. This was their tragedy and she did not want to impose but she wanted to be prepared in case they needed some extra comfort. 

She quickly backed into a dark corner as Draco and his lot ran past.  The Trio headed further down the hill to Hagrids but Edan remained where she was having no interest in witnessing Buckbeak's demise. When they returned up the hill it was evident the time had finally come. Hermione laid her head on Ron's should and began to cry. 

That was when Edan decided to approach them. "Guys." She called out as Ron suddenly jumped claiming Scabbers had bit him. The three chased him immediately which Edan decided to help with. Ron grabbed hold of Scabbers who was squeaking wildly. From a tunnel in the ground emerged a rather large, scruffy black dog. He lunged at Ron, biting his ankle and dragging him back down into the tunnel. "Hermione, Harry. Wait! This is the Whomping Willow." 

Hermione turned at the sound of Edan's voice which distracted her so much she was hit by one of It's branches. "Oh bollacks." Edan shouted as a branch hit her squarely on the chest knocking the wind out of her. Her vision blurred slightly as she sat up wheezing. While she was trying to catch her bearing she saw Remus whiz right back her and down the same tunnel as the others. The tree was now immobilized. She took this opportunity to head for the tunnel. A firm grip was felt on her shoulder.

"Ms. Wilkies, what do you think you're doing?" Professor Snape hissed at her. 

"Sir, thank merlin." Edan said quickly explaining the events that had unfolded. "I'm going down, Remus is in there."

"Could you please take your mind off of your silly little boyfriend. Return to the Castle. " He demanded before disappearing down the tunnel himself. Edan laughed at his instruction and followed soon after him. 

The tunnel led her into the shrieking shack, a place she'd been once before with the twins. She could hear voices up the stairs and followed them. It was quite a scene to happen upin. The Trio were huddled into one corner, Remus was standing beside Sirius Black. Ron's leg was bloody and torn considerably. Most concerning however was Snape's wand pressed firmly against Black's neck.

"Edan?" Remus questioned when her saw her. 

"I told you to return to the Castle." Snape snarled still glaring at Black. 

"Clearly I did not listen." Edan replied snarkily. 

Hermione cried her name out. "Edan, Professor Lupin can't be trusted. He's a werewolf, he's been helping Sirius all along." 

"You think I don't know my boyfriend is a werewolf?" Edan scoffed at her. 

"I was never helping Sirius into the castle. Not until Harry mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map."

Snape wasn't having any of it. He was hell bent on returning Black to the Dementors. Out of the corner of her eye Edan noticed Harry reaching for Hermione's wand. Her initial assumption was that he was going to enact his revenge on Black. She was quite surprised when he sent a curse Snape way, sending him flying backwards and rendering him unconscious. 

"You've attacked a teacher!" Hermione shouted. 

Edan rushed to Snapes side relieved to see he had no obvious injuries. His breathing was stable. She was much more focused on Snape's current state that she ignored the shouting coming from the group behind her. It was surprising to her how concerned she felt for Snape. 

The only thing that brought her back to the drama behind her was someone hitting the door quite loudly. There was suddenly another man in the midst of the room. "What the bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed from the bed. 

It was a bit scary witnessing Remus act like a mad man, threatening to murder Pettigrew himself. "No! My father wouldn't want his best mates doing something so vile. We can hand him off to the Dementors." Harry said angrily. 

Edan rose to her feet and ran into Remus arms. Seeing Remus back to his normal self was fantastic. "You really should have listened to Professor Snape, Edan." Remus murmured. Ron and Harry had the most bewildered expressions on their faces after witnessing the couple  share a kiss. Hermione looked excited that she was the only one not surprised by the spectacle. 

"Never thought I'd see the day you'd trick a women into a relationship with you." Black joked clapping Remus on the back. 

Black and Harry made there way up the tunnel first sharing a an intimate conversation with each other. Remus escorted Pettigrew with his wand drawn while Edan assisted Hermione with Ron. "You and Lupin! I can't believe it. How long has this been happening?" Ron said as they made there way back towards the castle. 

"Quite some time." Hermione responded for Edan. 

"You knew!?" 

"Of course she knew. Who else was I supposed to tell about my nights in Remus' chambers." Edan teased causing Ron to turn bright red.

"Edan.." Remus warned which only caused Edan and Hermione to giggle more. 

"Sorry, Professor. I'm joking Ron." He looked back at her with an obvious expression of skepticism on his face.

She helped Ron up then told Hermione she was going to return to get Professor Snape. He was going to be royally ticked off when he woke up. "I'll be right back." She said before scurrying off. 

Edan ran up the stairs returning to the room where Snape had been assaulted. She was just in time, he was finally coming to. "I truly hate that Potter." He grumbled as she helped him to his feet. "Why didn't you return to the castle as I said?" Edan had been right when she assumed he'd be angry. 

"I don't know if any answer I provide with piss you off more or lessen your anger towards me." Edan pointed out. 

"I suppose most people would go after the person they love if it seemed they were in danger. Let's hurry off now." Professor Snape said before departing. 

As the approached the exit Professor Snape and Edan glanced at each other after hearing some screams from above. They burst through the tunnel. Edan was shocked to see Remus in his werewolf form. He howled into the moon before advancing on the people before him. Snape spread his arms wide to cover the students behind him. Edan couldn't help but scream when Remus lashed out at Snape, clawing him and causing the lot of them to fall to the ground. 

Snape glanced back at me for a moment and Edan noticed the concern in his eyes. He wasn't afraid of Remus, he was worried about his students; something she never thought could be true. Black emerged from the brush once again in his dog form. He bit Remus in order to bring attention to himself. It worked and Remus chased after the black dog. "Get back here Potter!" Snape shouted. 

Edan leapt to her feet herself. Snape quickly grabbed her arm to stop her. "Please, no." He spoke softly. 

"Most people would go after the person they love if it seemed they were in danger. Remember?" Edan said as she yanked her arm away. 

"Edan!" She heard him shout as she chased after Remus into the night. 

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