The poke king of the multiver...

By blue575

28.8K 597 237

Jacob is back in a new adventure, follow him and his friends/girlfriends on their adventure where they fight... More

Season 2 recap
Chapter 170: trouble in Hoenn
chapter 171: a new adventure begin part 1
chapter 172: a new adventure begin part 2
Chapter 173: packing for hoenn
chapter 174: heading to hoenn
Chapter 175: new journey begins/meeting may
chapter 176: there's no place like hoenn
chapter 177: A Poached Ego
chapter 178: a tail with a twist
chapter 179: taming of the Shroomish
chapter 180: a bite to remember
chapter 181: the lotad lowdown
chapter 182: All Things Bright and Beautifly
chapter 183: meet corphish
chapter 184: All in a Day's Wurmple!
Chapter 185: Gonna Rule The School!
chapter 186: jacob vs Roxanne The Rock-Loving Honors Student
chapter 187: evoultion time 3
Chapter 188: Stairway to Devon!
chapter 189: On a Wingull and a Prayer!
chapter 190: Sharpedo Attack!
chapter 191 Brave the Wave
chapter 192: the wurmple war
chapter 193: A Hole Lotta Trouble!
Chapter 194: Wurmple Evolution Time
chapter 195: aqua vs magma cave showdown
chapter 196: the bug battle
chapter 197: a meditite fight!
chapter 198: jacob vs brawly A big wave in fighting
chapter 199: evolution time 4
chapter 200: baby budew
chapter 201: now that's flower power!
chapter 202: Win, Lose or Drew part 1!
chapter 203: Win, Lose or Drew part 2!
chapter 204: Win, Lose or Drew part 3!
chapter 205: meet lisia
chapter 206: The Spheal of Approval!
Chapter 207: A Different Kind of Misty
Chapter 208: budew's day off
Chapter 209: The charged up cheer
chapter 210: jacob vs wattson The cheerfully electrifying man! Part 1
chapter 211: jacob vs wattson The cheerfully electrifying man! Part 2
chapter 212: evolution time 5/father instincts!
chapter 213: What You Seed is What You Get part 1
chapter 214: What You Seed is What You Get part 2
chapter 215: savage sanctuary
Chapter 216: Love at First Flight!
chapter 217: Let Bagons Be Bagons
chapter 218: The Princess and the Togepi! Part 1
chapter 219: The Princess and the Togepi! Part 2
chapter 220: A Togepi Mirage!
chapter 221: ghost's journey 1
chapter 222: meet trapinch
chapter 223: Candid Camerupt!
chapter 224: I feel skitty!
chapter 225: ghost's journey 2
Chapter 227: come what may! Part 1 Appeals Round
Chapter 228: come what may! Part 2 the semifinals
chapter 229: come what may! The finals, may vs grace
chapter 230: come what may! The finals, jacob vs kris
chapter 231: kick back and relax
Chapter 232: Cheer Pressure
Chapter 233: Game Winning Assist
chapter 234: Fight for the Meteorite!
chapter 235: poetry commotion
chapter 236: jacob vs flannery One with a fiery passion that burns!
chapter 237: hot springs with flannery/ evolution time 6
Chapter 238: Delcatty Got Your Tongue
chapter 239: Disaster of Disguise
Chapter 240: Disguise Da Limit part 1: appeals round
Chapter 241: Disguise Da Limit part 2: semifinals battle round
Chapter 242: Disguise Da Limit part 3: final battle round
chapter 243: ghost's journey 3
chapter 244: Take the Lombre Home
chapter 245: love Petalburg Style!
chapter 246: jacob vs norman A man in pursuit of power
chapter 247: evolution time 7
Chapter 248: Grass Hysteria
chapter 249: a fan with a plan
chapter 250: Cruisin' For a Losin'
Chapter 251: Ghost's Journey 4
Chapter 252: Advanced Training time/Return of Old Friends
Chapter 253: Take This House and Shuppet!
chapter 254: A Shroomish Skirmish
Chapter 255: the orphaned feebas
Chapter 256: Unfair-Weather Friends

chapter 226: Pros and Con Artists!

198 5 7
By blue575

I want to thank Ghostzaiko and JackDroid for helping me write this chapter

Our heroes have finally arrived to fallarbor town

Fallarbor town

May: fallarbor town, we finally made it!

Max: I bet the pokemon contest arena is that building over there!

He pointed at this building

Jacob: I think you're right max.

May: inside that building all my dreams will come true!

She began daydreaming about her winning the contest

May:(daydreaming) thank you, thanks.

Jacob: uhh may you okay?

May: yes i was just imagining the moment, now presenting the first prize ribbon to may and her beautifly!

Max: what! Okay I think we've lost her for good.

May: well why shouldn't I shoot for the top, if I'm not gonna believe in myself then who will?

Jacob: I believe in you may!

May:Thank you jacob!

Jacob: this contest is also special for me, this will be the first time budew get's to show off her potential

Budew: YAY!

Jacob; oh this is gonna be great, like a daddy daughter event, maybe this will be a tradition for us, that would be so great!


Jacob: So who else here is participating in this one?

kris:Me obviously.

jessie:I will be joining this one as well.

jasmine:I will go too!

Jacob: Alright, tomorrow is going to be great for us.


The group were now in the contest hall as they saw tons of other coordinators, brock meanwhile was staring at all the pretty girls

Brock:(lovestruck) so many lovely coordinators

Max: here we go again

Jacob: don't even think about it brock, we came here to check in not to look at girls.


Jessie:Well, let's get to the sign in sheets.

May:(worried) oh it looks like there's gonna be some tough competition.

Jacob: There always is.

They then saw this woman meditating with her medicham


Her medicham was using meditate as it was outlined in blue aura while floating of the ground a bit

May: woah look at that pokemon, it's floating on air.

Jacob: It's a medicham, it's using meditation.

Just then some things got outlined in blue aura as well and began to float upwards as well, including max's glasses

Jacob: and it lifts things up with psychic powers.

Grace: medicham.

Medicham then opened its eyes and floated back down as the aura disappeared, the rest of the stuff also came back down as well

Grace: (sigh) my most sincere apologies, my pokemon unconsciously unleashed a burst of psychic energy, obviously it needs more training.

Brock instantly went up to her and got on his knees

Brock:(lovestruck) not at all, who's to say it's a lack of training, anyway so what if a few of us got picked up and floated around, it happens all the time, would you like to have lunch with me?

Jacob then hit him on the head

Jacob: knock it off brock! Sorry about that he gets carried away very quickly, my names jacob, jacob jackson.

Grace:WAIT THE SON OF THE BLUE GODDESS!*in a fangirl mode*

Jacob: That was my mother, I'm her son and a coordinator like her.

Grace:Nice I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M TALKING TO YOU! Ahhh! I loved her performances!

Jacob: Well I'm glad to hear that you loved her performances, she was a big inspiration to me and many other coordinators. I'm participating in this one with my friends.

May then walked up to her

May: hi there im so sorry about brock, he has a habit of doing that whenever he sees a beautiful girl.

Grace: beautiful, you mean me?

May: of course!

Grace then stood there for a bit and then suddenly began to laugh hysterically in embarrassment

Grace:(laughing hysterically) hahahaha me Beautiful oh please hahaha your too much. *accidentally shoved may over*

May: ahh!

Max: wow that's some arm she's got.

Grace:(laughing) hahahah *sees may* oh darn it looks like I've done it again, i'm so sorry *helps may up* my name is grace and this here is my partner medicham.

May: hi grace im may, nice to meet you both.


The group and grace were now sitting down eating some food.

Grace: isn't this great!

some of them were startled by how much grace ate

Some of the teammates:*sweat drop*

Grace: pokemon center food is the best.

Brock was happy about that

Brock(lovestruck) you have such a healthy appetite, with my cooking abilities and her love of food to inspire me we make the perfect couple.

He then began to daydream,


In Brock's fantasy we see a table filled with food that brock made

Fantasy Brock: bam, dinner is served.

We then see brock feeding some food to grace

Fantasy Brock: here you go try this, tasty.

Fantasy grace:(laughing)

Fantasy end

Brock:(lovestruck while daydreaming) and we live happily ever after!

Jacob:(sigh) typical brock. So Grace, have you ever won any one of the contests before?

Grace: yep, sure have.

She revealed three ribbons that she won

May: I have three of them already!

Jacob: impressive.

Grace: I'm planning to add a fourth one if I can win the fallarbor contest even though I know it isn't gonna be easy!

Max: (to may) guess you're not the only one who's confident she's gonna win.

May: huh whoever said I was sure about winning anything?!

Jacob: You did.

Max: yeah five minutes ago.

May:*pushing max down* Why do you always have to embarrass me!? The truth is grace, this is only my second pokemon contest ever.

Jacob: This one is my third, I won the last two. May is a bit worried since she lost last time. Though it's not always about experience may.

May: huh.

Grace: he's right, it's not always the coordinator with the most experience who wins in a pokemon contest you know, who your opponent is has a lot to do with it and sometimes it's just luck, but the most important thing, the one thing you have to remember about all else is that you'll never be able to win until you can use the power of your pokemon completely.

Jacob: Hey, my mother told me that as well before I went on my journey. Finding out a pokemon's true potential was a top priority for my mom and for me as well.


May:(upset) there's so much I don't know I can't believe I thought I was gonna win.

Grace: *embarrassed blush* ha great me and my big mouth once again!

May: oh no Grace, it isn't your fault that I'm feeling this way, I couldn't wait to get to fallarbor town but now that i'm here with all the other contestants around i'm feeling nervous .

Grace: hehehe oh boy don't let the pressure get you down, tell you what, I'll show you some of medicham's attacks, yeah watch and learn from an expert!

May: huh I love to.

Jacob: same here.


The group was now outside as grace summoned her medicham

Grace: Medicham came out!

Grace summoned her medicham

Grace: okay show em your ice punch

medicham had unleashed a barrage of ice punches but had targeted the air and left beautiful glazing sparkles with each punches

The other were impressed at this

Jacob: Nice ice punch!

Grace: now combined psychic.

Finally it used psychic around itself and began to float and begin to spin around having the bright shining sparks of ice swish into the air in the cloudless fill moon sky.Leaving it striking a final pose having the sparkles swish a final time letting the sparks of ice fly down.

Jacob: You do combo moves as well nice.

Grace:Why thank you!

Brock: ice punch and psychic make a powerful combination huh.

Grace: yep!

May was watching and was amazed by it

May: awesome!


In a hotel room we see ghost on a computer hacking into the pokemon contest website in order to see who was participating in it

Ghost:hmm alright we have the blueberry boi,green grape, chestnut girl, weird hairstyle girl,and ponytails who else hmmmm.Oh then there's orange hair pin girl. Now lets....

He then see the egg watching a previous pokemon contest on tv

Ghost:Hm what's this?


Ghost:Ok that drew kid is fucking bitch now then hows about we test somethings...


Ghost:Oh I'm not rigging this komagi, I'm just setting up the competition to make it more fun!


ghost:Yes yes I do believe some fixing is in order because this chart already seemed tampered by some others.

Egg:(falls next to a paper that shows the contest is tomorrow)....

ghost:Hm what's this? would you like to go see it with magikarp?


ghost:Ah well we must have you both looking dapper as for me i've got the suit i'll get you a top hat and magikarp one as well maybe a bow.


Ghost: okay we'll do it!


Ghost was now asleep as he began to have a dream

In ghost's dream

We see a empty space of nothingness as ghost was floating in the middle of it

Ghost: Huh. What the Am I back here to talk to god.

Axew:(echo) axew

ghost:(Surprised)WHAT THE...*turns around*

He see axew with angel wings floating towards him

Ghost:Huh... I guess it's been too long Huh*looks down a bit sad*

Axew: indeed it has.

Ghost:Huh you can speak nice and I see heavens have been treating you quite nice.

Axew: Indeed but being with you was way better, I wish I could be with you again in the real world, I missed you so much.

Ghost:Huh I guess I miss you too buddy so what else have you got great sage axew.*Smirks randomly summoning a water bottle*

Axew: Not much, after that incident I was sent to heaven where I was tasked to be your guardian angel, since I had the closest bond with you.

ghost:Neet guess you saw all what happened after you all went.Oh forgot what's mom and dad up to.

Axew: they're good, they miss you deeply, we've watched you grow and go through tough times man, you got this new power man.

ghost:Oh that's quite nice though getting them were well how you would say.

Axew: terrible, painful, i know you don't like them, you think of them as a curse

Ghost:days where I'm having nothing but a lot of pain happening of course.

Axew: seems like that's everyday, i don't think you've had a good night sleep in ages.

ghost:Nope i think i had alot of all nighters with me having a lot of caffeine to the point it's like double shotted expressos.

Axew: dude this isn't good for you man you must change, i mean look at what you've become, you're working for a ruthless monster.

ghost:Yeah I mean true. But what am I supposed to do just leave cause If I did I'll just become one of their many new targets.

Axew: maybe not yet but think about what you've done, are you truly proud of the stuff you've done since getting your powers?

Ghost: man Half of the time it's to live another day. Sometimes I do get the thrill if the people I'm taking out are like bad guys to the max.

Axew: I can tell that you're filled with regret, I know you wish you didn't have to do this man, I know you man ever since a child your dream was to help the world instead you're doing this, I know you're not proud of it.

ghost:Yep*drinks some water* so came to just castrise me on this.

Axew: no i'm here to tell you that you have a chance to become good, you have been given a second chance, the egg.

ghost:Huh So it must've been a message from the universe to stop?

Axew: you gotta do what's best for the egg, you're gonna be that pokemon's father soon and you need to become the dad that every child wants, you need to be the ghost that I once knew.

Ghost:alright But how am i gonna start this crap show. I mean I can just go up to that pokeboy and say "HeY Man, IMmA become GoOd!".

Axew: Well of course it won't be easy, this kinda stuff takes time and it all starts with that egg, the egg wants to go watch the contest tomorrow, take it there.

Ghost:yep alright sounds good.

Axew: good, look I know this won't be easy for you, you've been through a lot but you need to get back to who you really are not what the boss thinks you are.

ghost:Alrighty, well I mean am I going to wake up sooner or later?

Axew: Okay I'm afraid our time is up for now I must be going back now, ghost please promise me you won't give up on this, no matter what, do what's right.

Ghost:yeah huh Well I'll see ya when you need I guess.*goes and gives axew a last hug*

Axew: *hugs back as he soon began to float upwards* bye see you next time, just remember I will always be there for you, no matter where you are *fades away into the light

ghost:Huh not bad man.

Dream end

Ghost then woke up in the morning and for the first time in a long time had a goodnight rest

ghost:Ugh That was something,alright I'll have to just listen I guess.*gets up and begins to stretch*

Timeskip after shopping for some ties and suits

The egg was now wearing a little red bow tie




Ghost:well thank you took me abit to look for it, now for you magikarp!

magikarp:Magikarp! Magikarp!*doing a nice pose in the air*


Ghost:Now time to get myself prepared lady killers!*finger guns both magikarp and the egg getting a happy magikarp and silence from the egg*

ghost:Now then Boys.*puts on some glasses*

Ghost: Let's get down to business.*puts komagi into his bundle with preparing his tie,and then with the oran berry fragrance he put it on both the egg and magikarp,then he puts ons some headphones for the three of them and presses play on the music and then grabs magikarp to show off his shining golden appearance with the bowtie as well*

Ghost:I've got to buy an electric guitar later on. since the last broke, But let's go little guys!

timeskip/Pov change to may

We now see may practicing a combo with Beautifly

May: beautifly,silver wind!

Beautifly began to use silver wind

May: combine tackle!

Beautifly began to use tackle

May: WAIT! I mean gust!

Beautifly stopped and began to use gust

May: no, make it string shot!

Beautifly used string shot but accidentally got tied up in it

May: oh, poor beautifly!

Drew: nice work.

May: huh?

May turned around and saw drew holding a rose.

Drew: botched up combination, huh? *sniffs the rose* no wonder, you're very indecisive

May: drew!

Drew: isn't that sweet, you even remember my name after all this time, hi may *throws the flower to her as may caught it* don't get your hopes up may the only reason I even came over here was to see beautifly again

May: then now you can go!

Drew: "Hmph" anyhow I don't suppose you've won any ribbons yet have you?

May: (nervous) uh...

Drew: didn't think so after that last display.

May: So how many ribbons do you have, mister perfect?!

Drew: thought you never ask, at the rate i'm going I'll need a new case soon. *pulls out his case which revealed three ribbons*


Drew: the nice yellow one on the right. I won that one just a while ago. A coordinator with no ribbons at all really doesn't stand a chance in a competition like this.

Drew then walked off leaving may some doubt and anger towards drew

Meanwhile with the rest of the heroes

Jacob: Hey Max, have you seen may?

Max:*reading a magazine* she's probably off practicing somewhere, she was already gone when i woke up.

Jacob: oh well it's nice to know that she is working hard for this, also where's brock?

Max:*reading a magazine* over there.

He pointed at brock who was running around talking to woman

Jacob:oh god I don't have for this misty please handle this while I go find may okay?

Max:oh ive that that covered.

Max went over and dragged him away by his ear

Jacob: well im gonna go find may, take care.

Jacob then went looking for may


Jacob was now walking around in a forest nearby when he ran into drew

Jacob: Oh it's you again.

Drew:Man it has been far too long.

Jacob: I enjoyed not hearing you make fun of may, what are you doing here anyway?

Drew:Oh I'm just here to talk that's all.

Jacob:(sarcastic) oh sure, (normal) anyway have you seen may, i'm looking for her?

Drew:Oh she was just training by the way, are you prepared for today's contest?

Jacob: yeah and this time i'm using budew.

Budew was on his shoulder

Jacob: What about you?

drew:Oh of course I've got 3 ribbons in the bag now 2 more to get to the grand festival.

Jacob: I got two and i beated you last time and I'm pretty. I can beat you again if we go up against each other.

Drew:Yes yes but sometimes we know what power on inspiring people like may goes.

Jacob: may have trained a lot since last time and if you're planning on lowering her self esteem then forget it.

Drew:yeah but sometimes you need to give people the tough luck treatment.

Jacob: yeah that ain't happening especially from you, now if you excuse I have to go find my girlfriend and make sure you didn't mess her up before the contest, i got my eye on you man/

Drew:alright. I've got to get roselia prepared.

Jacob: yeah you do that, see ya.

The two then went their separate ways


Jacob then found may who was upset sitting down on a log

Jacob: hey may what's wrong?

May:I'm just a bit still nervous hehe.

Jacob: hey it's okay we all get nervous before stuff like this, so have you managed to get a combo move yet?

May:*sigh* no I still wasn't able to crack it out.

Jacob: oh well hey it's okay this stuff is hard for some people, it's not your fault, by the way I heard you ran into drew again.

May:Yeah I would have expected him to appear somewhere else..

Jacob: yeah, but he's here to compete, I hope he didn't get to you.

May:Nope he didn't.

Jacob: good, don't listen to whatever he says okay I know you can make it far this time.


Jacob: You know, May even if you win or lose just know that I'll still be happy for you, in the end what matters most is that you did your best so don't go too hard on yourself okay.


Jacob: that's the spirit *kissed her* I love you may.

May:(blushing)I love you too jacob.

Jacob: Now let's go.

The two of them went off to the contest hall


We now see the contest hall where the contest was about to begin, the building as packed as we see jacob, grace, may, drew, jessie, kris, jasmine and courtney along with other coordinators on stage, in the audience we see Jacob's teammates sitting down waiting for the contest to begin, in another row we see ghost with his egg and magikarp as well

Jacob's house

We see Jacob's parents along with Jacob's other girlfriends watching it on tv


Arceus: calm down honey the contest hasn't begun yet.

jewel:(gives him a glare)DID YOU JUST TELL ME TO CALM DOWN.*has her grandmother mode on*


Lorelei:Wow I can't believe they are performing again but I heard it's different.

Karen:Quite a lot I mean they have 2 brackets!

Erika:Well it's no matter. They are going to do great.

Matori:yep plus budews going to need our biggest support because this is her first time doing this.

Arceus: and we're supporting her all the way


Ghost is now with komagi and magikarp

Ghost:Now then boys it seems like we got a lot of attention from our looks. We did have a lot of fainting girls,that might have just been me and now it's time to relax and watch this contest.

Jacob:(narrating) well it seems like this contest has began, who shall win the fallarbor contest


Jacob:(narrating) we'll do that later anyway, find out who wins this contest next time on THE POKE KING OF THE MULTIVERSE!

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