New Life (Book 2)

By xJadesx

3.1K 107 151

Book 2 for Second Life After Houston, all Emilie wants is to get her life back on track and catch up on past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

Chapter 7

247 8 13
By xJadesx

The massage was great. Grace and Sierra went together while I went with Irelee. She loved getting pampered and polished. After that, I took her to the salon. We got manicures and pedicures together and she got her nails painted in a glittery pink. "Are you getting a haircut, Mama?"

I finger the length of my hair and it is waist length when it's let down. In a high ponytail, it reaches my mid-back. It's a lot more manageable when it's shorter but the thought of cutting it doesn't sit well with me. I shake my head to answer her question. "No, baby. I like my hair like this. Are you getting a haircut?"

She nods. My eyes widen. "You are? What kind of haircut are you getting?"

"A bob." She gestured with her hands at her neck, her cheeks pink with a blush.

"A shoulder-length bob. Well, I don't know baby, that's short and you love ponytails like your Mama. If you get a bob, you will not have a ponytail anymore."

She lets out an exasperated sigh. "It's just hair. It'll grow back, Mama. I need a new look. This one is tired."

I laugh. "At this point, I swear you're more related to Sierra than you are to me."

She continues to grin. "So can I?"

I chew my lip, considering it. She really could use a haircut. Her hair is always all over her face and in her eyes and her ponytail last only an hour. "Why not," I tell her, with a smile. "Come on."

The salon was full but after an hour we were in the chairs. The place reeks of hairspray and shampoo and the mixture of fragrances makes it hard to enjoy. Irelee gets a shoulder-length bob and I get one or two inches off my ends. It's so strange to see her with short hair but it looks good on her because she has a slim face. It really didn't look as short as it did in my mind. She could still wear a ponytail. A low one but a ponytail non the less.

She smiles at me when we're done. "I look like a princess."

I smile and kiss her forehead. "You are a princess. You're my princess, and mommy's and your mom's."
She presses her forehead against mine until our noses touch. I roar and she laughs. "You're silly."

I pick her up on my back as we leave the salon. "We're going to find your mom's so we can go to lunch. Where do you think they are?"

"The cake shops. Mom loves cake and I like cake too. I like cheesecake." She wraps her hand around my neck as we leave. "Did you know that cheesecakes are made from cream cheese and eggs and then they are put in the oven to bake?"

I nod. "They are?"

"Yes, but not all cheesecakes bake in the oven."

"Really?" I enthused. "How do you make those ones then?"

"Gelatine." She says proudly. "I like cheesecake. What's your favourite type of cake Mama?"

"Hmmm, chocolate mocha."

"Then we should get cake. I get cheesecake, you get chocolate mocha and we can get vanilla for Mom. Mommy doesn't like cake, but we can get her an ice cream cake."

"You're right Honey. We can get those later after we have dinner, okay?"

She nods and I pull out my phone to text Grace and Sierra to meet us in the restaurant. "Mama?"


"Are we going to get Billie before we go back home?"

"Of course, that's why we came baby."

She grins. "I can't wait to meet him. Do you think he'll like me?"

"Hmmm. Are you a good girl? He only likes good girls."

"I'm good. I only go into time out once a day."

I chuckle at her response. "Well, that's too much, baby. You need to cut that number down to at least twice a week."

She pouts and pulls me into the restaurant without another word. A decorative waterfall, mounted to the wall, fills the place with the sound of rushing water. I keep my grip tight on Irelee so she won't go to make trouble. The hostess was a young redhead and she smiles at me, showing a shallow pair of dimples. She said her greeting in a flirtatious tone that I ignore.

"Reservation for LaRue, please. It should be a table for four."

She nods and checks her system before looking back at me. Her eyes travelled the entire length of my body before they found my eyes. "Right this way, Ms LaRue."

She led us to a table near the back. We were surrounded by windows and the fresh air was nice. I sat, and Irelee sat in the chair directly across from me. "A waiter will be right with you." The hostess says before disappearing again.

The waiter comes and brings our menu and a jar of water. A few minutes pass before Sierra and Grace join us. Grace sat down to my left with her mouth agape. Her fingers find Irelee's hair. "What have you done?" she looks at me with an accusing glare but I couldn't take it seriously. She looks ridiculous.

Irelee laughs. "I got a haircut. Do you like it? I look like a princess." She beams. "Do you like it?"

Grace nods haphazardly. I could see the shock on her face still. She fingers the length. "It's so short."

"It's not that short." I try to convince her.

"Well, I love it." Sierra joins the conversation and her approval makes Irelee perks up.

Lee stretches her hands towards Sierra. "I got your favourite colour."

Sierra puts their hands together, and the pink sparkles all over the place. Way too much pink if you ask me. "This is pretty. Gracie, take a picture for my Instagram." Grace rolls her eyes but still grabs Sierra's phone to take a picture. Sierra takes the phone and peers at it with Irelee's head against hers. They gawk at the photo. "I'm taking you to the salon with me every time." She says and Irelee's eyes light up with excitement.

"And we can get the same nails?"

Sierra nods. "Hmmm. If you want."

The waiter comes back to take our orders. Irelee orders a burger and fries. Sierra gets a salad which I know in my heart that she's not going to eat. Grace knows it too and orders chicken pasta with garlic bread, preparing to switch with her later. I order the same as her. Halfway through Sierra barely touches her meal like we forecasted. Grace and I watch her closely. Grace asked her three times already to exchange but she refuses, saying she was okay.

I know it was bullshit.

Seeing her frown for the millionth time after taking a bite, I put my fork down and slide my plate to her. Without warning, I take her salad and hand it to Grace. Grace looks at me confused. "What're you going to eat?"

I stole a fry from Irelee. "I'm fine. Don't let her touch that salad."

"I was fine." Sierra pouts taking a bite of the pasta and already I can tell she is able to tolerate it better.

Grace shoves her pasta to me. "I'll share with you."

From the affectionate look in her eyes, I know better than to oppose. I take the fork from her hand and eat. Every now and again I give her a forkful and she takes it with a smile. We get strange looks from the people in the restaurant but we ignore them. No one else matters anyways.

After lunch we all huddle up in the car and Grace drives us to Sierra's apartment. The long narrow hallway was familiar and as I stand before her door, I can see the moment when we met for the second time.

"Ok Em," I breathed. "It's time. Put on your acting face and whatever you do, do not sleep with Sierra."

At the time, I didn't know why I would want to sleep with Sierra. To me, she was a stranger and I wasn't one for one night's stands. Yet for some reason, Harvey warned me against it so it must count for something.

I breathed slowly and tell myself one more time, trying to tattoo the very letters in my brain. "Do not-"

"Heh hm."

I barely got two words out before I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. I flew, my face turning expressionless at the sight of Sierra, but my eyes remained scrutinising, studying the stranger that my life would now revolve around. I didn't know what to expect when I met her but the beauty before me wasn't it.


I swore internally, seeing the reasoning behind Harvey's statement now that a pair of turquoise eyes locked in on me. I could feel my mind going blank as I lost myself in them and felt my palms sweat from the nervousness that slowly took me over.

Sierra smiled at me as if her eyes weren't already enough to have people bowing at her feet and kissing the ground. A smile that lit the hallway brighter, yet did little to hide her confusion. "You moved in last night, right?" She pried.

I nodded; my voice suddenly unreachable. What the fuck was happening to me? I'm not shy. I wiped my palms into my jeans before offering my hand, my eyes never breaking from the blonde's. Couldn't break from the blonde's. "Emma."

Sierra shook it with a cautious look. Only a second passed, but I read Sierra like an open book already, though still too slow for my liking. But in my defence, I wasn't...feeling well. Behind Sierra's smile, there was a nervousness she was trying desperately to hide. I wasn't sure if it was anxiety or excitement that boosted it, but judging from the situation, it seemed to be both. I knew because the feelings were mutual.

My eyes narrowed, studying Sierra's features. Reluctance was the dominating emotion, and I could tell it wasn't coming from a place of scepticism, though I couldn't tell exactly what triggered it. Before I could read into it more, the blonde masked her expression with indifference and took my hand in a firm handshake. "Sierra,"

"He told you again?" Sierra laughs, pulling me from my thoughts. "That's got to be the hundredth time that you disobeyed direct orders, Ms LaRue!"

I raise a questioning brow at her. "Huh?"

Grace pats my shoulder. "You were projecting, Love. The moment you and Sierra reunited. You were showing it to us."

"Wait... Seriously? I can do that. How?"

She shrugs. "I'm not exactly sure. It's something Oriane could do."

I grin. Does this mean I'm finally getting Oriane's abilities? "This is awesome. How do I do it again?"

She shrugs again. "It's your ability, not mine. But, for any ability at all to work, you must feel them. Like, imagine it happening and then will it to happen.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I try to flee back into my memories. Already I can feel the difference. I am too distracted, hearing my heartbeat in my ears and focusing on what Grace said. I am trying too hard. It isn't going to work.

She rubs my shoulder, then kisses me there. "It's okay, love, you'll get it."

Sighing, I glance around the apartment. Everything is the same as we left it; the beige couch, the centrepiece. Only now, the withered carnations are dead. Sierra heads for her room and Irelee tails behind her. Minutes later, they come back with Billie's things. She has a backpack and I take it from her. Grace helps her with the other stuff. "We'll come back for everything else at a later date."

"Let it be before your next lease is due."

She nods. "Hopefully before fall."

"Do we get Billie now?" Irelee asks, tugging on Sierra's hand.


The child grins and ran out of the apartment. Grace runs to catch up with her. I walk with Sierra, holding her hand as we go down a flight of stairs. We meet up with Grace and Irelee before an apartment with the number 211 hanging in gold on the white door.

Sierra knocks and a moment later, the door opens. An elderly woman peers at us through the crack of the opened doorway. She smiles when she saw Sierra. "Hi, Mrs Norris. How have you been?"

The woman opens the door wider. "I've been good, dear. Come on in. Billie is just laying down."

Immediately as I step into the apartment, I hear a tiny bark, and then I see him pouncing towards me. Excitement fills me as I pick him up and he's wagging his tail with excitement to see me too. "Hi, Billie! Look at you!" he barks. "You're all grown up, aren't you?" he barks again. "I've missed you too!"

Irelee comes over and pets him, rubbing her hand against the fur on his back. She grins. "He's so soft!"

I watch her with a smile. "Do you want to hold him?"

She looks at me as if she's not sure then looks at Billie before nodding. "Alright. Be gentle and don't be scared he won't bite you."

I gently do the exchange, resting Billie in her outstretched arms. She makes a gasp that I'm sure is from excitement as she gawks at the fur animal in her arms. Billie licks her hand and she giggles. "It tickles!"

"Come on, let's go," I say to her and we go another floor down to Grace's apartment. Her apartment is smaller but just as clean and vaguely decorated to reveal who she is. She grabs a couple of things from around the place and throws them into her bag.

A bark steals my attention and my eyes snap to Irelee just in time to see her open her arms, releasing Billie. I don't know how, but instantly I'm across the room and catching him. She looks at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mama. He scared me."

"It's okay, Baby. I'll take him from here. Thank you for your help."

She gives me a confident smile, her nervousness fading away into the background. "You're welcome!"

I ruffle her hair before looking back around. Sierra is staring at me. "You just teleported." She says with disbelief. "You were right here and then you're there..."

"She's getting access to Oriane's abilities." Grace clarifies.

I grin with excitement. "Well, it's about time. Right Billie?" he barks his agreement.

We finish up in Grace's apartment and head back to the car, stashing everything in the trunk. We go back to our hotel room and order in for dinner. We've been out and about all day and Sierra needs to get off her feet now. We ordered Chinese since everyone thought it sounded good and ordered some slices of cake from the cake shop.

Irelee was thrilled about it. Grace? Not so much, but we made it through by bribing her with a bottle of red wine. Irelee throws a piece of chocolate cake to the dog but Sierra caught it before Billie could eat it. "Baby, Billie can't eat chocolate. It will make him sick."


"He's allergic."

"What's allergic?"

"It's when you eat something or touch something and it makes you really sick." I try to explain.

"Oh. That's why." Lee says as if she's having an epiphany.

"That's why what?" Sierra asks her.

"I'm allergic to vegetables."

Sierra's head snaps from the TV to look at Lee as she laughs. Grace almost choke on her wine. I try to hide my laughter but I couldn't. This fucking kid. "You're not allergic. You're a culprit trying to get out of eating veggies. It's not working."

She frowns, murmuring but I ignore it, reaching over Grace's shoulder to steal a sip of her wine. She allows it, her head tilting back against my shoulder as she watches me. Biting her lip, she sighs. Sierra and I laugh at her, making her blush. I kiss her neck and breathe into her ear. "Wait,"

"You're making it hard." She says frustrated. Sierra tells Irelee to stop cartwheeling before she hurts herself, or the dog or makes a mess.

I smirk at Grace's statement and kiss her ear. "I'm making it fun."

"Nioo!" She lets go of her wine glass to cover her ears and it falls, the wine spilling. Sierra catches it before anything hits the ground, pouring the wine back into the glass and gently resting it on the coffee table. "Thank you," Grace murmurs to her.

"Hmmm," She hums, eating cake and watching Instagram videos on her phone.

Irelee does a summersault and almost crushes the dog. "Lee, stop," Grace warns and that's her second warning.

Lee looks at me before going over to the couch and sitting beside Sierra. She knows she's treading on thin lines and is checking to see if I notice. I ignore her and reach for my cake. Taking a forkful, I offer it to Grace. She scrunches her face but takes it anyway. "Change your mind about cakes now?" I ask her hopefully.

She shakes her head. "Nope. It's the texture,"

"It is the texture. It's perfect."

"It's not" She disagrees. "It's light and airy."

"That's the intention. It's a cake."

She shakes her head with distaste, "I don't like light and airy. I like that cheese one though. It's denser."

I fake gag and she glances at me suspiciously as she tries to flee, just in case something was indeed coming up. With my arms wrapped around her waist, I pull her back into me. Just then, Irelee does another cartwheel and her feet hit the coffee table, spilling the wine.

She looks up at me like a deer in headlights then camouflages to flee the scene.

"Irelee Aspen Del Laurentis Bosque!" Grace glares at her, the weight of her frustration hanging off her words.

"Get over here!" I tell her with a firm tone.

"I'm sorry, Mama." She says as she came. She stands before me and Grace, playing with her fingers.

"Where did you hit?" She points to the spot. "Does it hurt?" She shakes her head.

"Grace, can you check, please," Sierra says and she takes the thoughts right out of our heads. Grace did a thorough check and Lee didn't flinch or seem to be in any sort of pain which is a relief.

She meets my eyes again and my face is completely serious, "Are we jokes to you? Is this funny?" She stares at me and then looks at Grace to save her. Grace sips her wine, seemingly unbothered but I know she's just trying to keep her cool. I can feel her annoyance and it makes me even more annoyed. "I'm talking to you."


"Why do you choose to disregard authority? Didn't Sierra tell you to stop?" She nods. "Didn't Grace tell you to stop?" she hesitates but she nods. "So, then, why do I have to tell you to stop?"

She looks down at her feet and the tears start to spill. "I'm sorry,"

"Apologize to your mothers and go get ready for bed."

She goes to Grace and apologizes, promising to listen from now on but we'll see how that goes. They hug it out and the crying stops. She goes to Sierra and apologises too. They cuddle on the couch and watch a few more videos.

Grace pokes my chin, stealing my attention and I look down at her to see her head thrown back as she stares up at me. "You're so sexy when you're serious."

I scuff at her statement and reach in to kiss her forehead, then her nose and slowly, kiss her lips. "Come on, let's go. Lee, Sierra, let's go."

We put Irelee to bed and retreated to our own room. Grace took the bottle with her and two glasses, one of which was half full while the other was empty. She disappears into the bathroom with them while Sierra and I claim our spots on the bed.

She lays on her back with her legs crossed and her hands under her head, staring up at the ceiling. Her shirt rode up, exposing her stomach and I place my hand there. She was starting to show a little and I find it fascinating how her stomach looks like a small soccer ball is in there. She smiles when she feels my hand run over her small bump. "J'ai hâte de vous rencontrer tous les deux. Je t'aime déjà tellement." I say, kissing her stomach.

I hear her giggle. "Translation, please? You know my French is bad."

Shaking my head, I continue to place tiny kisses against her bump. "This is your chance to get better at it."

She pouts. "I already forgot what you said. I know it's something about I love you alr—"

The soft flow of music pulls our attention and I pause between kisses to look towards the bathroom. I watch Grace model out with her wine glass in hand, refilled and inches away from her lips. She's wearing black ring-linked mesh lingerie with leg rings and a choker. Her hair and makeup were reapplied.

She pauses at the doorway and meets my gaze, pressing the glass to her bright red lips, and taking a sip. My throat is suddenly dry and my heart is pounding. Sierra rolls onto her stomach beside me, her eyes glued on Grace too. The brunette flashes us a seductive smile now that she has our attention, and models her way over to us.

I scoot to the edge of the bed and she walks right up to me, standing between my legs. She holds my gaze and presses the glass to her lips for another sip. I reach for her, holding onto her hips and feeling the smoothness of her skin beneath my grip. I caress my way to her ass and give it a gentle squeeze. "What are you doing?"

She smirks and reveals the strap-on in her other hand and her phone that was blasting some soft R&B, throwing them towards Sierra. Reaching out, she hooks her finger in the collar of my shirt and pulls me forward. "You'll see." She breathes.

She moves to the rhythm of the music, grinding on me and good God, her hips don't lie! She's going hard, yet somehow, she manages to not spill her wine. She climbs onto my lap; her free hand finds my chin to tilt my head back slightly. I tighten my grip on her ass as she presses the glass against my lip for me to take a sip. As soon as I did, she slips it away but kept it tilted so it was running down the side of my throat and travelling the path between my breast.

Before I can react, her lips are on mine and she tastes better than the wine I just had. Her tongue follows the path the wine took, gliding along my throat and between my breast. She pulls my shirt off for better access then her tongue is on me again. I moan, but the music drowns it out.

The bed beside us sinks and I know it's Sierra trying to get a better angle. Grace smiles that devilish smile and took another sip before turning towards Sierra and slipping her tongue into the blonde's mouth. Sierra hums into the kiss, enjoying it just as much as I had. I reach for the strap-on while they are busy and study it. Not mine.

"Where'd you get this?" I ask as they pull away.

Grace slips off me, pulling me up with her. She hands the glass over to Sierra before dropping to her knees before me. "My apartment."

"Is it clean?" She hooks her fingers into the waist of my shorts and thugs it off. When I'm naked before her, she snatches it from my hand and straps it onto me.

"Very clean." She speaks.


Within seconds, our roles are reversed as I push her onto the bed. She grins. "Now, Oriane, take your time with me."

"I'll try." I spread her legs, seeing her glistening before my eyes, the split in her lingerie allowing me access. I meet Sierra's eyes with a smirk. "Want a taste?"

"Most definitely!" I watch her head dip between Grace's legs and catch her hair when it fell over her shoulder, holding it back. Already, I can see her tongue gliding through the woman's folds. She pushes her legs back until they met her chest as she devours the brunette beneath her. Slowly at first until her tongue is stroking her in quick, firm movements. I feel my breathing quickening just watching her, knowing all too well what that feels like. That fucking golden tongue. Grace quivers and I know she is close already. I insert two fingers inside her, sending her off the edge Sierra has her rocking on.

I withdraw my fingers and kiss her slowly as she returns to the world. Sierra removes herself, wearing a proud smile. "Your turn."

I reach for her and kiss her slowly, savouring her lips. "Thank you, baby."

She blushes and disappears to hold Grace. I kiss my way over Grace's stomach, suckling at her breast as I pass until my lips are against her neck. Carefully positioned between her legs, her hips holding me there, I guide the strap on into her. She moans, shifting beneath me to find a comfortable spot. "You good, Baby? Is it okay?"


With that, I kiss her chest, pulling out only to go in deeper. She moans with every stroke, her eyes close as she rests against Sierra, who is holding her around the waist.

Sierra had one hand on Grace's breast while the other tilts her head back. Her lips are close to the brunette's ears but her eyes are locked with mine as she whispers to her. "Open your eyes, Love" I hear her say. "Look at her while she fucks you."

Grace opens her eyes to meet mine, showing me all she is feeling on the inside, and her eyes are glowing softly. The look on her face is just magical and I feel as if I'm losing myself in her. I push her legs back for deeper strokes and she welcomes me by pulling my face down to hers until our foreheads touch. She stares into my eyes for a long time, her hand on the back of my neck holding me while she is frozen in ecstasy, the perfect expression stain on her face. With dazed eyes, and erotic breaths, her lips part to release the moan that clogs her throat but they are coming way too fast for her to even get a sound out.

Sierra kisses her neck, dragging her lips towards the brunette's earlobe. "You like that, don't you?" I hear Sierra whispering in her ear again. Grace nods. "How good does it feel?"


"Yeah?" she meets my eyes as she continues to whisper into Grace's ears. Her eyes are dark with mischief and it only fuels me to go on. "So, show her. Let her know what it is like to be fucked by her."

A new wave of pleasure suddenly hits me, almost hitting me off balance too. It's Grace's. Everything she's feeling that she's somehow allowing me to feel as well. She is on the brink of an orgasm, still, she's holding on, savouring the sensations pulsing through her veins. I quicken my pace and I can feel the heat go up a notch. "Look at her face," Sierra whispers. "Isn't she beautiful?"

"Gorgeous," Grace agrees.

"Hmm. She's all yours to do whatever you want with. That's your woman, Gracie. Mad her." She pat's the woman's cheek a few times, her eyes piercing into mine. "Let's go love."

Her hand travels the path between Grace's breasts and then over her stomach before slipping between her leg, massaging her. My eyes follow her movement before closing as my legs begin to quiver. Grace finds my lips, pulling me into a deep kiss with her tongue stroking against mine.

"Hmmm, I... I'm cumming!" She screams and I have no choice but to follow her.

For a second everything fades out of my world. All the sound, everything to look at even the woman I'm still deep within. The only thing I can feel is bliss. Pure true erotic happiness. Serenity. It last only a couple of seconds before I fade back into the world, remembering who I am and where I was.

Grace is gasping below me, her stomach rising and falling with every rapid attempt to breathe. Sierra smooths back her hair with a smile then kisses her cheek. "Breathe, baby. You're okay."

I ignore my tired pants as I gently pull out of Grace. She shudders with a sensitive cry. Climbing over her, I make my way to Sierra. She looks up at me as I stand before her. "Come here," I tell her, my hand twisting itself into her hair. "You like to talk, don't you? You like using your mouth?" I coax her forward until the tip of the strap-on is prodding her lips. "Open."

She opens her mouth and I slip right in. Already she's taking half of it into her mouth, her eyes holding mine as she does her thing. She grips my ass, moving to the rhythm of my thrusts as I fuck her mouth. Within a couple of deep strokes, I pull back and she's gasping for air. I bring my face down to hers, taking her lips as my hand grips her throat. She moans into the kiss and allowed me the pleasure of exploring her mouth, tasting Grace from her.

"Good girl," I tell her retreating and pulling the strap off. I point to Grace with it and her eyes follow mine. "Let her taste herself."

She nods and reaches down for Grace, pulling their faces together until they are entangled in a slow erotic make-out session. They break away with soft giggles but Sierra keeps her arms locked around the brunette's waist, her head buried in the crock of her shoulder, placing gentle kisses against her neck. I smile at them before disappearing to the bathroom to clean up. When I return, they are both asleep, still cuddled in their embrace. I get into bed beside them and pull the covers over us. One by one, I kiss their foreheads and whisper a gentle goodnight to each.

I close my eyes and as I'm about to sleep I feel Grace's arm close around me, pulling me closer to her. I shift closer until our foreheads touch and our naked breasts fit together like a puzzle. "Bonne nuit mon amour." I say one last time before I close my eyes and drift off to sleep too.

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