Keep Running (A Killjoy Fan F...

By killjoybreath

458 25 18

Party, Jet, Kobra, and Ghoul are dead and BLIndustries still won't leave the rest of the killjoys alone. What... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
The Apologetic Authors' Note

Chapter Six

23 2 0
By killjoybreath

So... Hey guys. @_chemicalcandy_ here. I'm so so so so sorry that this was put on hold. It was really my fault. There were, uh, let's say some problems in my life and I had to deal with them. It made it really hard for me to do any writing, but I think I'll be able to get back into this.

I tried to make this chapter pretty length, as an "I'm sorry" present. Hope you guys understand and forgive me. <3

**Addition: I just found this chapter about a week ago. I had my iPod taken away for a really long time, and I had to sift through mounds of emails just to find it. I was supposed to upload it on Cinco de Mayo, but I had so much to do that week and I forgot.. Also, please forgive my stupidity. Thank you. I'm sorry for making you wait.
~@killjoybreath **


Darkness. It surrounded me, covering me in a veil of false comfort. I knew this feeling, for I had felt it before. So many years ago...

"Come on Chem! Do you want to come on patrol or not?"

"I'm coming Jet!" I yelled with a giggle. I had only been in training for a year, and they already thought I was ready to go on patrol! With Jet Star of course. He never let me out of his sight.

I slipped on my shoes and jacket and ran out of my room. Jet was at the end of the hall, so I ran to tackle him. He fell down and we lay there, laughing hysterically.

"Stop goofing around and get going," said a serious voice. We stopped laughing immediately and looked up to see party poison looking down at us. But the serious tone in his voice was contradicted by the huge grin on his face.

"Your such a party pooper," I said, dramatically flopping onto Jets chest and earning an "oomph!" from him.

"Okay, I'll go on patrol then. Bye Jet, goodbye Chemical." Party turned to leave.

"NO!" I yelled, jumping up. "Come on Jet, let's go go go!!!"

Jet stood up with a smile still on his face. "Just wait, I have something for you," he said before walking out of the room. I looked to Party.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise," he said while messing with my hair. "You'll see."

Jet walked back in with a small white box in his hands. "You didn't think I'd take you out there without a weapon, did you?"

Confused, I grabbed the box and pulled the pure white top off. Inside was a ray gun, painted with different purples. I picked it up in awe.

I'd trained with these before, but this one was special. The training guns were all white, and this one was my favorite color. It was mine.

"Do you like it?" Jet asked with a hopeful look on his face? He always tried to make me happy, and was constantly scared he would disappoint me. He never has; he was there when I needed him. He was the older brother I always wanted.

"Jet, I don't like it..." I began and saw his face fall. I smiled before I finished, "I love it!" And gave him a big hug. He hugged me back and his smile returned to his face.

"Happy birthday Chem." He said into my hair.

"It's my birthday?" I asked. "How do you know? The Umbrella Academy never told anyone their birthdays. To them they were just pointless days, no reason to care about them."

"Well... They keep that information in their databases for security reasons... Kobra hacked into the files, and we found your birthday." Party explained. "Enough talking. Get going!"

I ran out the door and Jet followed. We started to walk, into the endless desert. We didn't talk much, just enjoyed the silence. There wasn't much of that back at the house.

After about an hour or so of comfortable silence I final spoke up.

"Jet, how old am I?"

He chuckled. "As of today, you are 11."

I nodded and we lapsed back into silence. We kept walking through the desert, but there were no signs of dracs.

"Where are all the Draculoids? I wanna see some action!" I said after a little while.

"We don't always see dracs when we're on patrol. And that's a good thing. Most of the time we run into other Killjoys, but other than that it's usually nothi-" he stopped suddenly.

"Jet?" I asked but he shushed me. He crouched low, and I did the same. He pointed forward and I saw it; a BL/Ind car.

"You said you wanted some action," Jet whispered. "Here it is."

There were 5 dracs surrounding the car, probably looking for stray killjoys. I held up my ray gun, Jet doing the same. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my hand steady. Taking aim, I pulled the trigger.

The lazer hit the closest drac square in the head, killing him instantly. It dropped to the ground followed by another, alerting the remaining 3 of our presence. They took shelter behind the car.

Jet managed to shoot one through the window. "Shoot the engine before they call backup!" He yelled and started shooting the front of the car. I joined in and a couple of shots later there was a huge explosion. Jet ducked down, pulling me with him.

"We should head back," he said, standing up. "They could've called back up."

"That was awesome! I hit one, and the car exploded, and it was sososososo cool!"

Jet smiled and ruffled me hair. "You did great Chemical. But really, we should head back."

With that we turned and began the long walk back.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Why are the others you guys are training bigger than me?"

He didn't answer right away, and I almost though he didn't hear me. As I opened my mouth to say it again he answered.

"The other guys didn't want to train you. You're too young, but I saw something in you. I didn't want the UA to change you. And, yea, the other trainees will make good killjoys. But you, you're going to be great- I can feel it."

He stopped walking and knelt down to my height. "You are special, Chemical Candy. You're going to do great thi-"

Jet was cut off by a lazer wizzing past his head. We turned to see three cars of dracs speeding our way. "Reinforcements," he said sourly. "Too many to take care of. Run!"

We sprinted in the opposite direction, dodging lasers. Jet pulled out his radio and was telling the others of our situation.

Soon I could see the diner where we were staying for the time being. Party, Kobra, and Ghoul were outside now, shooting down the dracs behind us.

We were at least 200 feet away from the diner when I felt something hit my back. I tripped forward, almost blacking out from the pain in my back.

I fought to keep my eyes open. I heard a voice I immediately knew was Party.

"Chemical!" He exclaimed before dropping to his knees and rolling me onto my side. I yelled out in pain as he tried to lay me on my back. "Hold on sweetie, it'll be ok, you'll be okay."

"Party, get her inside!" Kobra yelled from somewhere behind me. "We'll take care of the dracs!"

I felt Party lift me up gently and he started sprinting towards the diner. I felt my eyes slip shut and I blacked out before we got inside.

Just like then, the darkness was cool and comforting. I didn't want to wake up, because I knew it would mean pain. But I knew I had to. AR was probably worried.

Then it all came back to me. Korse, the dracs, everything. My eyes flew open and I sat up. The movement hurt like hell and I screamed in pain.

Doc ran in, looking horrible. There was dried blood all over him, and his eyes were lifeless. "Chemical? All you alright?"

"Where's AR? Is she alright? And Grace, where is she?!?"

"Calm down, Chem. Take a deep breath. AR is fine, you know her."

"But Grace?"

Doc looked down. "Korse got her. AR refused to sit here and do nothing, so she and Pony went after them."

I was shocked. "Why didn't I get to go?"

"Chem," he sighed, "you're hurt. Bad. You were shot twice, and Korse roughed you up. We tried to wake you up, but nothing worked. I fixed you up best I could, but we didn't know if you were even going to make it."

"I'm alive. I'm fine," I huffed. "And I'm going to help AR get Grace back." I tried to get sit up, ignoring my body's protests. Doc ran over and gently pushed me back down.

"You may be awake, but you're not ready for any action. Just get some rest."

"But-" I stopped when I heard footsteps. Doc turned; he heard it too. He pulled out his ray gun as the steps got closer. Soon a figure stood in the door way, and both Doc and I tensed up.

"K-Korse?" He smiled at the quiver in my voice.
(Was going to end it here- but I'm not that evil >:D)
"Hello sweetie."

"Why are you still here?" Doc asked, holding his gun towards Korse's head. Korse turned his head to look at Doc.

"To clean up this mess I left behind." With that he dove at Doc. The fight had begun.

Korse knocked Doc's gun out of his hand, pulling out his own. Doc knocked it away and the two unarmed men dove at each other, wrestling on the ground.

I tried to sit up but fell back again, gasping in pain. Korse had Doc pinned to the ground, pounding his face with his fist over and over again.

With Doc stunned, Korse stood and went to grab his gun. I dove at it, screaming in pain. Before Korse could react I had the gun in my hand, laying on the ground aiming at him.

He put his hands up in false surrender. Tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking in pain, but I held my hands steady.

"Well done, little killjoy. The others taught you well." I didn't reply. Like a snake Korse jumped at me, and I fired a shot blindly. He gasped but didn't stop, grabbing my wrists tightly. He took the gun and pulled me close to his face.

"Stupid killjoy." He spat before throwing me across the room. I hit one of the shelves and almost blacked out again. My vision was blurred by pain and tears.

I fought to stay awake and saw Korse walk over to Doc with the gun. I tried to will myself to move, but I couldn't. Korse took aim at his chest and shot. The sound pierced my ears.

Doctor Death Defying would defy death no more.

The human cyborg smirked and walked over to me. As he leaned down I worked up the saliva to spit in his face. He wiped it off without a second thought. "You haven't changed, little one."

"AR will stop you," I said as steadily as I could. "The killjoys will take you down. You can't win."

He laughed. "You don't understand, do you? I've already won." With that he grabbed me by my hair, pulling my out the door. I screamed as I felt some of my hair pulled out.

He threw me into the trunk of a BL/Ind cars, and I finally fell back into oblivion.

(Was also going to end it here- but I felt that a certain someone deserves one more scene.)

Dr. D's POV
The pain in my side kept me down and quiet. I couldn't move, couldn't even open my eyes. I appeared dead to the world.

Korse had missed. Barely, but his shot missed my heart. I was in excruciating pain... But I was alive.

I faded in and out of consciousness for a while before fully coming to. My side was still on fire and every breath felt like a dagger in my chest, but I managed to stand by leaning against a nearby wall.

Korse was gone. "Chemical?" I tried to yell, my throat raw. How long had it been since the fight? I looked out the window to see the sun was just beginning to set. It had probably been about 3 hours, if not more.

Korse had taken her. I was almost positive of that. She wouldn't have left, not in her condition.

'I gotta warn Pony and AR'. I slowly made my way out to my van, fighting to stay up and awake. I always kept emergency broadcast equipment in the van. I was going to broadcast a message, and hope to whoever was listening that they would hear it.

I got out to the van and set up the equipment as fast as I could. Not knowing what frequency to put it on, I chose as many as I could reach at once. I had to hurry, I could feel my body beginning to shut down. I took one more shakey breath before I pressed the mic button.

"Hey crash queens. This is a special message for our beloved companions. The Candy has been stolen I repeat the CANDY HAS BEEN STOLEN, and you can guess who took it." I stopped and gasped in pain, turning on a random song.

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Make a wish when your childhood dies
Hear the knock, knock, knock when she cries
We're all alone tonight
Hold your breath when a black bird flies
Count to seventeen and close your eyes
I'll keep you safe inside

He burns my skin
Nevermind about the shape I'm in
I'll keep you safe tonight yeah, yeah

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Blow a kiss at the methane skies
See the walls through your playground eyes
We're all in love tonight (all in love tonight)
Leave a dream where the fallout lies
Watch it grow where the tearstain dries
To keep you safe tonight

He burns my skin
Nevermind about the shape I'm in
I'll keep you safe tonight yeah, yeah

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Love, love
Love won't stop this bomb, bomb
Love won't stop this bomb, bomb
Love won't stop this bomb

Run, run, bunny, run

Run, run, bunny, run

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

I felt my eyes weld up with tears. I realized that this was it- it was my end. I never cried- but hell, was I scared. As the song drew to a close I prepared what I wanted to say. My energy was leaving me quickly, so I made it as quick as I could.

"Alright children." I started, still holding back tears. Taking a shakey breath I continued. "The lights are out and the party's over. It's time for me, Dr. D, to start running and say goodbye for a little while. And I know your gonna miss me, so I'll leave you with this."

The tears were flowing freely now, and I had to sit down next to the equipment. I could barely keep my eyes open, but I wasn't finished.

"You know that big ball of radiation we call the sun? Well it'll burst you into flames if you stay in one place for too long. That is if the static don't get you first. So remember, even if your dusted, you may be gone. But out here in the desert, your shadow lives on without you. This is Doctor Death Defying, signing off."

I fumbled with the equipment and accidentally turned on another song, but I was to tired to fix it. I collapsed to the ground and my eyes slid shut. I faded out against the hot sand, and knew no more.

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