Saved (bsd x gn!child!reader)

By OliveSushi

34.8K 1.3K 755

A Bungou Stray Dogs x gender neutral child reader fanfic. If you squint it could be considered a crack fic. T... More

New Home
Mmmm yes gender
Going out with a Bang
Going for a walk
The calm before the storm, just a whole lot of wholesome
It starts wholesome at least
I have a soft spot for Poe
I also have a soft spot for Ranpo
The Return
DeadApple Special

A Sleepover and a Doll House

2.8K 108 151
By OliveSushi

(In this story Y/n and (Y/n) are different names. Y/n is the one the PM have to you while (Y/n) is your choice of name that your egg and sperm donors also known as parents called you this goes for (L/n) as well)

I also realised that I swap between past and present tense a lot when writing so sorry about that (also copied straight from quotev so formatting will be off cause i'm not bothered to edit again)

"Atsushi. Write a report for me." The room stares at Dazai not surprised but definitely disappointed. "It'll be about the person who placed a bounty on your head."

"You found out!? Who?" The blind haired man looks up from his work.

"According to the Port Mafia communication records, the bounty was funded by the leader of The Guild, a North American organisation of gifted."

"The guild is considered an urban legend." Kunikida argues and goes on a rant about who the Guild is. "Why would such a group want Atsushi?"

Before anyone could respond, the loud humming noise of helicopter blades draws the attention of the workers and Tanizaki bursts through the door. "You need to come see this!"

While the leader of the Guild talked to Fukuzawa, Dazai resisted the urge to eavesdrop and he sat down at his desk to begin his search for a specific file. After searching through the folders he downloaded from the Port Mafia he thought the file could be on and coming up empty handed took a break. After Naomi announced that The Guild was leaving and standing up to "bid them farewell" he went back to his search. With The Guild gone Dazai managed to find the file he was looking for within a few minutes. He opened the file and begun to read.

**The New Child**




Due to recent events a separate report was made for the child now named Y/n. This report is directly linked to Report 5E40 (featuring the couple of (M/n) and (D/n)).

After the events of report 5E40 a small child was discovered. With their parents gone and suspecting that the child had a gift, they were brought back to mafia headquarters where shortly after arriving they were placed in Chuuya Nakahara's care.

When going through birth records and their house, their name was revealed to be (Y/n) (L/n) however they were renamed by Nakahara due to the child not knowing their own name and for safety should the child ever come across an authority there will be no trace that they ever excited.

Dazai chuckled. "Well there goes that plan." He muttered before continuing to read.

They are now named as Y/n, no last name until legal documents can be fordged acquired. After a few days in Nakahara's care, when a few of the members of the PM were visiting Y/n, the child revealed that they could see people's "Guardians". According to the child only really bad people don't have Guardians. Ironic that everyone in the room had a guardian.

The child revealed that although those with gifts have guardians in the form of their gifts, those without gifts also have guardians. We do not know the extent of Y/n's ability. More observations will be added should more information arise.

Dazai finished the file and sighed. You were turning out to be more interesting than he thought. Wait if you could see Guardians... What did his look like? Did he even have one?

It was at that moment when he decided that he wanted to visit you again no matter what. Just so you could answer his questions. No other reason. He didn't want you to turn out like Q.

The day before (after returning from the roof):

You were sitting on the couch staring at the number in your phone when Gin finally arrived. You beamed and got off the couch.

"Gin! Are you a girl or boy today?" You ask as Gin walks towards you.

"Well do I have my mask on?" You and he smiles. "Well when I have my hair up and my mask on, I'm feeling masculine."

"What does masculine mean?" You ask with a small frown and Gin just chuckles.

"Masculine is a way of saying male. Feminine is a female way. So right now, because I'm feeling male, I'm dressing in a masculine way." You nodded along as he explained.

"But what if you're feeling neither?" You ask and Gin just smiles softly.

"Then I can dress either way." He says before clapping his hands together. "We'll then aren't you hungry?"

You beam and direct Gin to the bag of food Kouyou had brought in earlier. You stood on your toes to watch him make sandwiches and bobbed your head along to the tune he was humming.

About halfway through your lunch there was a knock at the door. Gin waved his hand in dismissal when you went to get up.

"Don't worry I'll get it. You finish you sandwich." You nod as he got up out of his chair and put his mask on. You were about to take another bite of your sandwich when you heard Gin gasp. You turn your head to the doorway and put a hand on your pocket where the knife was.

You couldn't hear what they were saying but Gin bowed and then let whoever was at the door into the room.

You freeze and grip the knife through the pocket harder when the black haired man walks through the door with the blonde child floating behind him. You frown and stare at the girl. so She was a Guardian, that's why she had made you uncomfortable when you first met her.

"Why hi there Y/n-san. If you've forgotten, my name I'm Mori, Elise-chan is currently in the bathroom." He says with an uncomfortable smile.


You think glancing up at Elise who frowns at you. You look back to Mori and give him a small nod in acknowledgment so he would continue speaking.

"Well Chuuya's job will be taking a little longer than we thought, so you'll be having a sleepover at ours tonight. How does that sound?" Mori says, still looking down at you with an uncomfortable smile.

To be blunt, you hated the idea but you were afraid to say no. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad... It was Chuuya's boss after all and Gin trusted him enough to let him in.

You nod slowly and you could see Gin visibly relax behind Mori. He smiles more naturally and claps his hands together. "Wonderful. Gin will help you pack and we'll see you in my apartment at around 5 o'clock."

With that he nods to Gin who bows back and exits the apartment, closing the door behind him. Gin lets out a large exhale and turns to you.

"Why don't we finish lunch before deciding what to pack?" He offers and you nod in agreement.


You stood in front of the tall doors with Gin who held your hand tightly enough that gave you comfort. He looks down at you and pats his pocket with his free hand. You nod and pat your pocket with the knife he gave you, which after today the two of you collectively decided to call it Dave.

Gin gives you one last confident smile before knocking on the doors. "You'll be fine. He wouldn't just invite you over to tell you off or be mean." He says but you could tell he was unsure of his wording.

There was a click and the door opened. Gin straightened his posture and you unconsciously mimicked his actions, pulling back your shoulders slightly so you weren't as slouched.

"Ah Y/n-san! Welcome! Come in, come in! Elise-Chan is drawing if you want to join her." Mori says in an almost overly happy tone. You shift your bag on your shoulder and shuffle into the room.

Just as Mori had said, Elsie was laying on the table, crayons and pens lay scattered around the paper in front of her, if there was any order to the mess you couldn't tell. She glances up at you for a second before bringing her attention back to the picture she was drawing.

You look back at Gin who bowed to Mori. His mask moved as if he was going to say something but when he saw you already looking at him he simply waved. You waved back and Mori closed the door. The bag Gin had been carrying with your clothes and other sleepover items now slumped over his shoulder you suddenly realised just how alone you feel in the unfamiliar surroundings.

You felt alone.

Very alone.

You wanted your dad.

You wanted your aunty.

You wanted your... What did you even call Hirotsu? Grandad? Uncle? Grand-uncle?

"Well come on Y/n what do you want to draw?" Mori's voice cuts through your thoughts with his sharp words and you snap your gaze up to him.

When did you move to the table? When did you pick up a piece of paper ? You continue to stare at the paper for a few more minutes.

Neither Mori nor Elise were bothered by your silence, however you finally had an idea of what to draw.

You take the only lead pencil that was on the table and start to draw. Circles, hair, eyes, hands, hats and swords were all drawn in silence. Well silence until Elise began to mock Mori for being a "bad host".

You ignored their bickering until you added the final small amount of colour to the page. You didn't know why but you wanted to keep the drawing black and white, save for a piece of colour for each person. Kouyou had her hair coloured, Hirotsu his half glass, Chuuya had his hair. The Akutagawa siblings looked mostly black and white already except for their guardians, so you added red to their clothes. You knew it didn't look good, you were only 11 after all. You didn't draw often. But seeing all of your family on the one page made you happy.

"That looks great." Your eyes widen at the voice of Mori behind you. What if he got upset that he and Elise weren't in the drawing? "You should become an artist when you grow up."

You stare up at him with blank eyes, your grip on the red pencil tightening. The two of you stared at each other similar to the contest you had with Elise when you first met her. Before you could say anything he smiled.

"Well why don't we play a game then?" He suggests hopefully. Elise complains that Mori's choices are never good ones, but then you remember the card game in your shoulder bag and begin to search for it as they argue.

When you find the said card game under a book in your bag you place it on the table before dealing cards to both Mori and Elise, who stop their arguing when they see the cards.

"What's this?" Elise asked. It took awhile but you managed to explain how to play Uno to the two people. The reason it took so long was because they had to keep clarifying things because of how quiet you were. You were quiet. Until you said 'Uno'.

It seemed Uno was the theme for the rest of the night as the three of you only paused to eat dinner. You play a few more rounds before Mori realised what time it was and you got ready for bed with Elise.

You walked into the room you would be staying in and looked around. You were sharing a room with Elise, apparently sharing the bed as well. You gawk at how big it was. There were different coloured dresses discarded on the ground like tissues. Most of them crumpled in a pile while a few were neatly folded on a chair in the corner of the room.

Elise jumps onto the bed and sits there for a second before realising you hadn't followed her. She moves her hand to signal for you to join her and you sit next to her.

"Rintarou usually comes in and reads me a bedtime story, but I don't like that so I pretend to be asleep." She explains with an uncomfortable smile. "Could you please turn the light off since you're the closest?"

She asks politely. Almost startled by the politeness towards you despite being rude to Mori the entire evening you nod at her request. You move to hop off the bed but Shinobu makes steps in front of you before floating to the light and flicking it off.

You and Elise stare at Shiro in confusion. You were surprised because you didn't think he could interact with most physical objects. Elise was surprised because now she knew that you could see him.

"You can see guardians?" She voices her query out loud. You simply nod, fiddling with your hands. Unsure how to respond, Elise just keeps her unpleasant smile on her face.

"Wait so you can see how cool Chuuya and Dazai's Guardians are." Her smile widens to a more pleasant one when your nod is a little more enthusiastic. You weren't going to lie, Chuuya's guardian was cool with its plain black body with constantly moving red and orange swirls and patterns. The only thing that stayed in the same place were its red eyes, one on the back of each hand and one right in the middle of its face.

Dazai's was almost the opposite. It had a white body surrounded with blue glowing chains constantly moving around it and two black, empty eyes. If you just glanced at his guardian you would think the chains grew out of him because of the light glowing blue colour of the chains was similar to its white body.

After chatting for a while about Guardians and who has the best one (excluding Chuuya) in the Mafia, Mori came in to say goodnight. He didn't read the two of you a story but he was surprised to find the two of you talking in the dark.

When laying in the bed, the thoughts that usually flood your mind slow to a gentle trickle. Maybe the two of them weren't so bad afterall. Although both of them still gave you weird vibes you decided to give them a chance.


Breakfast the next day was great and everything was going fine. You were glad to say that the sleepover wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. However, today was bad. Mori had somehow dragged you along to shop for a dress with Elise. Saying that he would buy you an item of clothing you wanted as well. You would have had to go either way, being too afraid to say no, but it was nice to have the extra bribery.

You wanted to hold someone's hand for comfort with so many people walking past but didn't want to hold Elise's in fear she would return to Guardian form and your hand would go through hers and Mori had an uncomfortable air around him that you still hadn't gotten used to.

You took a deep breath and reached for Elise's hand when someone bumped into you. You gasped and stumbled, trying to regain your footing but Mori caught you before you could fall onto the floor. You look up at him and mutter a small, "Thank you."

He smiles down at your words and gives you a small nod. Unlike the other smiles he had given you, this one was more genuine. Still holding your hand he stood up and looked around for Elise to hold her hand as well but froze when he couldn't see her.

"Elise-chan?" Mori said in shock when his eyes couldn't find her. You were also frowning when you couldn't spot her in the crowd. You should be able to see her, even through all the other Guardian's floating around but you couldn't even feel her distinctive presence.

Mori started to drag you around calling her name through the crowd. You tried to hide yourself behind him despite constantly moving. After a few minutes the two of you made it onto the road. You looked around before you yelped and clutched onto Mori's jacket. He looks down at you with growing concern. You point to a large Guardian in the form of a large doll floating above the crowd. He opened his mouth to ask what you were pointing at when the surroundings changed to something of a 5 year old's play area.

The girl with red hair began to explain something and you would have listened if it wasn't for the fact that you were trying to hide behind Mori to block the doll from view. Shortly after revealing her name Lucy, she also revealed her Guardian to everyone in the room, to which most responded with getting the hell out of here.

Mori fell to the floor with the crowd and you grabbed onto his shoulder and hid behind his back.

"Ara~ only thre- four of you left?" Lucy says and you bite your lip before the boy with a tiger Guardian speaks to the two of you.

"You two should run. It's not safe here." You were too busy admiring the boy's Guardian to hear what Mori said about Elise but you were grateful when he stood up again. While Lucy explained the rules you looked at the other boy who had red hair. His Guardian was disappearing and reappearing as if it was a reflection in water. It had green letters that fell down its body like a waterfall.

"Ready.. Set... go!" Once seeing the redhead caught by the doll and dragged into the door you leave the safety of Mori to hide behind nearby blocks. Your mouth hung open slightly when the grey haired boy fused with his Guardian and gained tiger legs to run away from the doll. However, although you were still blocked from Lucy's view you were now in the view of the doll so you backed up against the block.

You peak your head over the block as the tiger boy gets close to the door the redhead went through. You gasp as you see the key start to change shape.

"Watch out boy!" Mori yells as the key almost stabs Tiger boy in the cheek. He throws the key and clutches his bleeding cheek

"Be careful now the key is important." Lucy says bending down to pick up the discarded key,

"I thought you said I would win if I opened the door with the key." Tiger boy yells frustrated but Lucy just smiled.

"That's right. If you could open the door." The key started to move as if it was alive and laughing. "I have no idea how to use keys like this myself."

You chew on your cheek. This game was unfair, how were you supposed to win? The game of tag started up again but you notice Tiger boy running for the door. Was he trying to get help? You thought if you left you would forget what happened.

Mori grabbed the streamers wrapped around Tiger boy's neck to prevent him from reaching the door.

"I wouldn't advise running away in this particular case." After a few words from Mori, Tiger boy was ready to go into action again. You see Anne coming up from the floor but as Tiger boy jumped you could see the one in the ceiling.

"Watch out!" You yell and he curses as he is dragged through the door by the many hands. You watch as he grabs onto the edge of the door frame before the red haired boy's Guardian stands in front. It shimmers and you tilt your head as it flickers between a closed door and Tiger boy holding onto the doorframe. The ribbon around Lucy's hips also flickered in and out of sight.

You run from your hiding place to behind Mori as Anne floats behind him.

"Do you want to try me?" He asks and you clutch onto his pants as Lucy shakes at the terrifying pressure Mori was giving off. You were glad you moved behind him so you couldn't see his expression. You had a feeling if you saw whatever face he was making you would never have a sleepover with him again.

"That won't work. You've already lost." Mori says and Lucy gasps and turns to see Tiger boy in the doorway holding onto the ribbon. He tugs it and Lucy goes flying into him.

"Release your ability or I'll take you into the room with me. Without a key the door won't open and you'll be trapped in here." Tiger boy threatens. Lucy holds back tears and shakes her head when you see Tiger boy's hand start to slip.

"Tiger boy!" You yell running forward as he lets go and falls into the room. You stumble when you find yourself in the middle of the road. You look around as Tiger boy goes to talk to Lucy before she runs off. You run up to him and hug his leg tightly. He looks down at you as Mori cries over Elise.

He pats your head before another kid hugged him from the other side.

"Kyoka-chan? You came to get me?" He asks and she nods.

"I got worried." Tiger boy smiles before looking back at you.

"Are you okay? It was pretty scary in there." You nod and he smiles. "That's good then. What's your name?"

"Y/n." You mutter as you step back from him. He pats your head one last time.

"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Atsushi." Tiger boy says with Kyouka still hugging him. You smile, his name reminds you of sushi.

"Well, we'll be taking our leave then." Mori says, so you bow to Sushi before grabbing onto Mori's hand. He spills a few more words of wisdom as you focus on the girl's Guardian. It was so similar to Kouyou's you were tempted to ask if they were related. You glanced down at Kyouka and tried to reach out your hand to ask if she was okay when Mori turned and took you with him. "Goodbye then!"

Elise let go of Mori's hand when you entered an alley but you kept hold of it.

"I had a good time. I wanted to relive my younger days and use my ability to mow down enemies left and right." You flinch slightly at the way he worded it but he gives your hand a squish for comfort.

"You're too old for that!" Elise teases and Mori sniffs.

"That's so mean." He sighs before letting go of your hand and stepping into the street light. "I may not look like much but..."

You look around the area. Your eyes fall on Chuuya before they move on to Gin, Tachihara and then Hirotsu. There were also a bunch of people you didn't know all surrounding a mangled body in the middle. You stare at the body, it was badly mangled. As if he died by being the ball in a hockey match. You swallow any sort of ill feelings that arise from the putrid smell to corps was giving off. You almost miss everyone kneeling to Mori a he makes his way forward and steps over the body as if it weren't even there.

"So this is a guild assassin?" He asks, making his way past Chuuya while you stay with Elise in the alleyway entrance. You could feel her eyes staring into you but you kept your eyes on the people you knew.

"Yes sir." Chuuya responds strongly while glancing up at you and then back to the pavement as Mori passed him.

"The Agency and The Guild... It seems we are in a challenging wartime situation ourselves. We need an optimal solution." He pulls his hair back to survey the scene again. "The Agency and The Guild... those who oppose us will be crushed and annihilated."

Mori makes his way back over to you after nodding to the rest of the group who stand at the nod. "You can hang out with Chuuya for the rest of the day. How about that?" He offers, you nod excitedly and he gestures for you to go over to him. To avoid getting blood on your new shoes you ran around the body to get to your father figure. You crash into him and hug him tightly. He hugs you back as you stay silent for a second.

"I missed you to kid." Chuuya mutters before letting go and taking a step back.

"Look Dad, Mori-san got me new shoes!" You say in your usual quiet voice but a little more excited. He stares at them shocked before smiling and placing a hand on your head.

"How wonderful. Did you say thank you to him?" He asks and you frown thinking back to the shop earlier. Did you say thank you? Chuuya shakes his head slightly. "Why don't you go say thank you now just in case?"

You smile at the idea and turn to try and find Mori, who was currently talking to Hirotsu. You move towards the pair and thank him. You making your way back when Tachihara said something to Chuuya.

"Hey Chuuya, I think they just called you "Dad"?" Tachihara points out and you watch as Chuuya's smile falls before he turns to Tachihara with a blank expression.

"What?" There was silence for a second before you grabbed onto Chuuya's hand.

"Dad, I said thank you to Mori-san." You say and he sputters for a second as if glitching before squeezing your hand.

"Good job." He says through his teeth as if he was beginning to bluescreen.

"Oh my god they did call you Dad and you didn't notice!" Tachihara almost laughs when a tick mark appears on Chuuya's head. You just tug on his sleeve and shake your head. You think back to the other day when Dazai spoke to you about Chuuya.

"Dad, don't get crabby." He glares down at you for a second before the glare disappears when he sees a mischievous grin on your face. You take Dave out of your pocket and place it in Chuuya's hand. "Get stabby."

Chuuya didn't know whether to be proud or concerned that you had a knife but either way he would be talking to Gin later about what they were giving you as gifts. He nods and clicks the button so the blade pops out. "Did you hear that Tachihara?"

Tachihara's face drops and becomes as pale as a bedsheet.

"Y-yeah great advice. Don't get crabby, get stabby. Ha ha funny joke." He says nervously, taking in a step back.


"Running." With that Tachihara took off and ran around the area in a circle as Chuuya used his ability to keep the knife behind him, poking Tachihara in the butt with Dave every time he slowed down in the slightest.

A/n: I'm so sorry for the very delayed update (lack of motivation makes it hard) but the main problem I had was that I wrote the next chapter before realising that the character development skipped a few stages so I had to write a new chapter set before this one just to iron out a few crinkles (and make a few crinkles worse oops). All that to say the next chapter should be posted soonish after this. Basically the next chapter takes place before this one but the chapter after follows the events pretty much just after this chapter.

Final thing; would anybody be interested in being an editor? I try my best but things still slip through so if anybody would like to read through and give feedback (and editor notes) please message me or dm me on discord (Olive Sushi#0629)

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