hostage | all of us are dead


457K 13.9K 10.2K

what happens when you awaken inside the world of your current favorite kdrama? will you have what it takes to... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter ten
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22 (alternate ending)

(NAMRA ENDING) chapter 19

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a zombie ran directly at you, you somehow managed to be at the front for whatever reason, the others began fighting the others that tried to crowd around you

there were only a couple more zombies than the group, so some got stuck fighting more than one, and you were apart of the unlucky ones

the others had their own zombies to fight, so you didn't call for help although you should've

more and more zombies appeared and it was exhausting, swinging your shovel at them only for them to get back up

you turned your back for only a second and felt a horrible pain on your arm, you screamed out and fell over from being knocked into

a zombie had just taken a bite out of your arm...

the person closet to you, wujin had noticed first, dropping his weapon in shock, he hadn't even noticed the zombie aiming for his sister

but you did

so you mustered all the courage left in you to get up and run on top of her before the zombie did, she crashed to the ground with you on top, and the zombie above you, it took a piece of your skin off with it's bite and you screamed "holy- shit!! that hurts like shit..!"

hari panicked and tried to push you off, it was the only time you saw pure fear in her eyes, by this time the others had killed what was left of the zombies but it was too late

mijin and minjae got the zombie off and stabbed it, throwing it to the side

namra ran to you as you rolled over, she and the others kneeled down and the were all crying but hari's sudden sobbing broke their attention from you

"are you a idiot?!? i would've handled it on my own!" she cried "you don't get to just do that!! even if it was me it would've been better! you'd be fine! don't do this to me!" she only knew you for a day, but whatever was wrong with this world made them all weirdly attached to you

"she wouldn't have been fine!" wujin said "look at her arm!" they noticed the bite mask on your right arm


you coughed, feeling suddenly sick "i should leave" you tried to say, but they quickly told you no

“you’ll be alright! wont you?!” gyeongsu panicked, gagging a bit at your shoulder

“they will!” onjo insisted, but she felt like she herself didnt believe it

you could feel it happening, but with less broken bones, your nose began bleeding, but the others didnt want to move from you

sunhee had gotten infront of you somehow, she had tears in her eyes, although she didnt feel the way the others did about you, you felt like her child, and now it felt like she was about to lose you, she didnt want you to go, you were the smartest and her favorite student, even if you rarely interacted with her before the zombies happened

you pushed through them, and stood up to run, if you were turning, you didnt want them to hurt you, it would make them hurt even worse, but you didnt want to stay and potentially eat them, you ran as fast as you could, the others tried going after you, but namra was the fastest, telling them to wait

namra had been having craving for their flesh, she would understand you, she only hoped you became like her, but you were too fast for even a hambie to catch up

at some point you lost them, that was the last death to prevent, so they would be safe without you, as long as they didnt mess anything up

turns out, you didnt turn, well fully at least, you definitely felt different, but also like yourself, meaning you were half and half, which sucked but you guess wasnt that bad

you roamed around the area, knowing if you went to the military camp you would be tested on relentlessly and then killed

it had been a few hours, it was dark as hell, but you found a flashlight while going through some random person’s house for supplies, they had a ton of cool stuff so you marked it and decided to live there for however long you needed

you heard rustling coming from behind you, you hoped it wasnt a guy with a gun, that wouldnt be fun

you decided to stay quiet and try to hide, but the person made their presence known very quickly

“y/n?” a hoarse voice called out, you turned around and met eyes with namra, she smiled with relief and ran towards you, pulling you in for a hug

“ i was worried for you” she whispered, you smiled and hugged her tighter, it was obvious she was hungry, she hasnt ate anything, normal food is gross to hambies (you learnt that the hard way) and most humans were already turned

“did they get to the camp?” namra looked confused “what camp?”

“the military one? the one that bombed us?” she shrugged “they were sad, looked like they didnt wanna go on anymore when you left and they couldnt find you, but ms park talked them through it, i left shortly after you, theyre probably safe by now”

“thats good, hey i found a place to stay, lets go?” namra took ahold of your hand

“can i tell you something?” you nodded “i really, really like you! im sure the others made it obvious they liked you, so i thought i didnt stand a chance, but they wont be able to understand you like i do! and now its only us, would you be my partner?”

“i didn't think any of you guys would actually say anything" you laughed softly "of course i will"

“can i kiss you?” she asked, you nodded

she took her hands and placed them on your both sides of your head, they were cold and showed no sign of life, but they still managed to bring you butterflies, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cold lips, but it brought you warmth all throughout your body

it felt like it went on forever but also felt too short as she pulled away, she brought her forehead to yours and leaned against it, happiness spreading throughout her whole body


“are you sure this will work?” she asked, you and her (and now your new friend dami) were getting wood to make a fire on the school’s roof, it had been three months since the zombie outbreak, you knew this because you found a phone a week into your relationship that was still charged somehow, and you marked the calendar everyday, it was now mid january, meaning the others should be going to the school if they see your fire

“how do you even know where this supposed camp is?” dami asked

you ignored her question “its gonna work, trust me”

“hey! answer me” dami whined “if it exists how do you know they’ll sneak out and see the fire? or if we’re even close enough!”

“just trust me” you huffed “please?” dami rolled her eyes but nodded along

you finally had enough and you made a fire together, you sat down around it and eventually fell asleep

when you woke up the next day dami was gone, and it was probably mid day of how it looked outside, meaning theyd be here soon!

you and namra hid in a classroom by the front entrance until sundown, thats when you heard many footsteps and a couple voices, they hurried onto the stairs and their voices faded fast, you and namra shared a knowing look and followed behind them quietly

the door was opened a tad to the rooftop, and you could make out the figures of everybody standing there

you held onto namra’s hand and open the door, seeing the faces of all your best friends



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