
By starhxhx

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Alexandra Greensburg is welcomed back in London since her last visit in 1805. How will she live here? (Anthon... More



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By starhxhx

Aubrey Hall
The guest were arriving at Aubrey Hall as many families of the ton socialize and walk around the beautiful grounds of Aubrey Hall.

Brynlee tried to keep to herself for the day. Her and Anthony haven't seen each other since their kiss in the garden yesterday. She was doing a good job of staying clear of him until Edwina called her over to a table which her and Anthony were talking at.

"Brynlee!" Edwina said trying to get her attention."Come sit with us." she says.

"Miss Greensburg." Anthony says standing up as you make you way to a chair.

"Lord Bridgerton." Brynlee says slowly sitting down uncomfortably.

Edwina then looks at her,"Did you tell the viscount about your bee sting?"

Brynlee turns her head towards Anthony and lies."No. I got stung."

"Ah." Is all he says.

"I am well."

The tension grows unbearable until Kate joins them.

"Kate was telling me how she is eager to look at more of the grounds of this magnificent estate." Edwina says trying to help ease the tension.

"Yes. You and your family Lord Bridgerton have a lovely estate. I cannot wait to hopefully get to see more before we leave.

Brynlee quickly zones out of the conversation and gets snapped out of it when Benedict mentions the hunt.

"Surely, you would like to come with us Brynlee. I seem to recall you mentioning hunting with your father over the years. I would like to only see if you are better than Anthony in another subject." He says.

Brynlee looks up a bit panicked but she would enjoy it,"Yes. I would like that."
"If this goes wrong know that it is entirely your fault." Anthony says riding his horse next to Benedict.

"You must play along, Brother. Miss Edwina will see you as a gentleman. Letting one of her friends have fun as well." he responds.

"Where are they going?" Brynlee says riding next to Anthony.

"Toward our camp, I believe." he says.

"There are tracks going off to the left. Look. In the moss. You can see the cloven shape. If we go to the camp now, we may miss our quarry entirely."

"Let us stay with the group. If we find nothing I shall offer myself up for your target practice."

"I personally do not need target practice. I heard Benedict saying that you aren't the best shot. Maybe it is you who requires the practice, my Lord." Brynlee says while making the horse walk quicker.
We go out on foot now. Carrying out guns out farther into the woods.

"The men enjoying the sunlight. What a great hunt." Brynlee says rolling her eyes as they follow the guide much to her disapproval.

"I suppose you now like darkness, Miss Greensburg?" Anthony suggest laughing with his brother and Lord Featherington.

"What I would like it to be able to follow my own instinct on this hunt." she adds.

Benedict and Mr. Featherington continue to walk while Anthony stops in front of me,"You are still convinced we have lost our prey?" While finishing his sentence, he tries to give her his hand that way she can get help crossing the fallen tree.

Brynlee ignores his hand and just picks up her dress. Exposing her upper thigh which causes the viscount to look and lose his focus."I am convinced that deer prefer the edge of the forest. This is much too open out here."

"Ah. Yes but perhaps you are right but we should carry on. Certainly there'll be other deer on other paths." He carries on while walking away."They do not always keep together. And if there are not, then... Miss Greensburg!"

He tells the other men to keep Brynlee's chaperone with them. While he goes off to find where she ran off to.

After awhile he finally finds her as she is behind another broken tree aiming her gun at something.

"Brynlee!" He says

Brynlee quickly shuts him up,"Shh. Get down!"

"Are you quite serious? You cannot just go off like that with your gun. Your maid is having a terrible time."

"Would you be quiet?"

"It is rather like you, leaving everyone behind."

"Anthony, I left because of you! I did it awhile ago and I did years ago. Because of you! Now shut up before this deer leaves too."

Anthony just sits there shocked by her words.

"You won't be able to kill the deer if you hold your gun like that anyway." He says.

"I know how to hold a gun."

"Evidently not a British one. You have to—" he starts to say before moving behind you to move you how you should be.

"I need no instructions."

"Just hold it..." saying this he moves your arms and gets you in place. His face is close to yours as he talks.

"Anthony—" you get cut off my the sound of Benedict.

"There you two are! You better rejoin us before the rain ends our pursuits." Benedict says.
Brynlee's POV:
Inside Aubrey Hall at night

"How was the hunt, Brynlee?" Edwina asks. "Was Anthony gentleman like? Did he treat you well?"

"Yes. It was lovely. He was lovely. We just got caught up in the... rain." I share. Looking down at my hands.

Edwina giggles as Kate joins in. You and her talk for a bit and you leave their conjoined room going to your own in Aubrey Hall.
End of POV
The rain and the thoughts keep her up. It also seems to keep Anthony up also.

Brynlee stares up at her ceiling. But after a few minutes pass, she's goes to the library to hopefully sleep after reading a book. Still in her purple nightgown.

She looks around in the bookshelves for a book to catch her eye. Then the door opens. Revealing Anthony standing in the doorway.

"Anthony." Brynlee says continuing to search.

"I did not mean to startle you. I saw a light and thought I might have left a candle lit."

"No. Only me."

"If your lodgings are not comfortable—" he starts to say but Brynlee cuts him off.

"No. It is the storm. And my thoughts."

She then picks a book and goes to the center of the room. Then reading out loud, "The Night of the Storm"."How fitting. Have you read it." She says holding the book in-front of her.

"I have. One of the best in the library." He says taking it front her.

"Anthony... what I said earlier. About leaving. It wasn't you that made me leave. I'm sorry for telling you that."

"I have a feeling it was a bit of the truth."

"I suppose it wasn't all a lie." she says laughing.

Anthony stares at her. Observing her laugh and how he loved it. He missed it. The smile she had. Her humor. Her scent. He missed her.

Catching his stare Brynlee then clears her throat."I think I'm going to go now. Goodnight Anthony." she says leaving. Forgetting the book that she had picked out.
Next day at the ball
Edwina and Anthony engage in a few dances. While Brynlee and Kate talk. She feels a small pit in her stomach. Jealousy.

The dance ends and Edwina starts talking about his intentions. Brynlee then goes to talk to Lady Danbury.

"You look a bit ill, dear." Lady Danbury tells her.

"I assure you I am fine." Brynlee claims.

"Go dance dear. A smile needs to be plastered on your face." she tells her."Lord Bridgerton! Come dance with Brynlee. I feel as if she is in need of a dance."

"I assure you, I am ok." Brynlee states shaking her head at the idea.

Anthony then offers her his hand and they dance. The eye contact is full of tension. The feelings rise.

Lady Danbury stands off the dance floor staring at the couple. She can't help but notice the tension between them also.

"I should tell you. I am leaving."Brynlee says making Anthony turn angry.

"Why will you go?" he asks.

"I want to see my family. Permanently stay down there. Once and for all. My Nan is moving down there shortly as well as my parents and so will I."

"You cannot." he demands spinning you around.

"I cannot stay with Lady Danbury forever."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

The dance ends and Anthony storms off.

Kate and Edwina walk towards and ask where the viscount went. You shake your head and walk off to follow him.

"When will you leave?" He asks as soon as you walk through the door."Immediately, once we get back to the city?"

Brynlee answers quick."I presume so yes."

"And you will not concern yourself with finding a match of your own?"

"Why do I need to stay in London for that?"

"Have I done something to you?"


"Why are you leaving?! I want the truth. Is it because of me?"

"Yes! It is because of you! I cannot watch you and Miss Edwina anymore!"

At those words he grabs Brynlee's face. Almost going to kiss her but only getting interrupted by Daphne walking through the door.

"Oh. I am so sorry." Daphne says. Making her way back out of the door. And Anthony to follow her.
"Daphne" Anthony says catching up to her.

"You are courting Miss Edwina! Not Brynlee!" Daphne proclaims.

"And I have every intention of bringing it to a point."


"Why? Because I am courting her. Because I've decided."

"And I had decided last year that I'd marry the prince until you AND Brynlee caught me in the garden with Simon at the Trowbridge Ball under very similar circumstances." Daphne yells at him.

"Similar only in that I am a man and Brynlee is a woman."

"And you were alone! Quite close to one another."

"Only there is one significant difference. Nothing, in fact, truly happened!"

Daphne scoffs at his words,"It is clear that you have affection for Brynlee. We have all seen it but never said anything. But I will say it! The two of you have always never been able to stay away from one another."

"Because she is aggravating! She is and she always has been!"

"Is that what I just witnessed?"

They sit there in silence before Daphne speaks again."There is obviously something between you. And I know that this is not as you would wish it, but you must be honest with yourself. Because one way or another, these kind of feelings always have a way of coming to the surface."

"And what kind of feelings are those?"


"Then I know what I must do." Daphne smiles at him as he speaks. Thinking he will do the right thing, and marry Brynlee. So she leaves him in the room by himself.
As Brynlee sits outside wiping her tears, Lady Danbury comes out. Tapping her cane on the ground to grab her goddaughters attention.

"Lady Danbury. What are you doing still up?" Brynlee asks startled.

"I could ask you the very same. It's cold out here." she responds to the question. Walking closer to her.

"I am just trying to get some air."

"Have you told anyone about your return home?"

"I told the Viscount while dancing today."

"Did you happen to tell him anything else?" She asks.

Brynlee looks a bit confused by the question."What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. I am to go back inside. Careful now. Or you may get a chill."
The next day
As families leave Aubrey Hall, almost the last ones are the the Sharma sisters, Lady Mary, Lady Danbury and Brynlee.

"I am sorry things did not go as planned, Edwina." Brynlee says.

"It is not your fault. Neither of your fault I must add. You both did everything you could have done. The viscount's feelings are clearly not there for me. Perhaps they are elsewhere." At Edwina's last comment Lady Danbury turns to look at Brynlee.

"Edwina, there is something I must tell you." Brynlee says before they get into the carriage.

"Wait." Anthony says from the door.

Anthony walks past Brynlee and gets down on one knew infront of Edwina.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes." Edwina says turning to Brynlee and Kate.
"Yes! Yes! I shall be your viscountess. I shall marry you!" She says excitedly while ripping off her glove and handing it to Kate.

Brynlee just stares at the ring...

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