of quidditch and birthdays...

Da bipolardeprssion

261 6 22

Percy turns 22 on August 22, 1998. It just so happens that the Quidditch World Cup falls on this day. It als... Altro

And they were roommates!

261 6 22
Da bipolardeprssion

Percy loved Oliver.

After the war, when everything changed, it was a relief when the one thing that would never change was Percy and Oliver's relationship.

Percy was there helping Oliver recover from long days of training and Oliver was there to help Percy try and rebuild his relationship with the Weasley family.

Unfortunately, between Percy's guilt complex and the damage done before and during the war, the relationship between Percy and his family was still tense.

But that didn't necessarily play a part in Oliver's newest dilemma, Percy's birthday.

His golden one to be specific.

Percy's golden birthday fell on the same day as his first-ever Quidditch cup game.

Due to the recently ended wizarding war, the game was pushed back to Percy's birthday.

And as much as Oliver loved quidditch, he loathed the idea of not spending Percy's birthday with him.

Percy wasn't necessarily upset, he just told Oliver to win the game and that would be enough.

However, Oliver was a Gryffindor and that meant going the extra mile.

Percy didn't have many friends, but the ones he did were extremely close to him.

After the war, Percy had decided to join the archives department of the Ministry, a position where he felt comfortable doing things he enjoyed while also helping the Ministry recover from the Death Eater invasion.

There, Percy befriended his co-worker, Reese, and their kind boss, Cassiopeia.

 It was August 1, 1998, and Oliver had met up with Cassiopeia because she was apparently the only one who had any experience in regards to shopping for rings.

"Hello, Cassiopeia, you have no idea how thankful I am for your help." Oliver greeted.

The curly-haired girl smiled and waved her hand, "I'm glad you asked! You have no idea how excited I am that you brought me along. Also, please call me Cassi, my full name is such a mouthful."

Oliver and Cassi exchanged pleasantries before entering the ring store.

"Do you have a price limit?" Cassi asked.

Oliver shook his head, "No, Percy deserves only the best."

Cassi smiled widely, "You guys are perfect for each other."

The two wandered the store, Cassi asking the important questions and narrowing down the ring choices.

"So what you're telling me is that if we get a ring, stick to something simple?"

Cassi rolled her eyes, "Essentially yes. However I recommend sticking with specific gems. Rubies represent romantic love, diamonds represent eternal love, and rose quartz represents unconditional love. Diamonds are the traditional pick, but having other gems incorporated will make it more unique. Stick to something not too extravagant, but make it more tailored to your relationship."

Oliver nodded, trying to absorb the information as the two continued their search.

Nearly two hours later (and multiple ring stores disappointing them), Oliver came upon the perfect ring.

It was simplistic in design, with the classic gold band and gem in the center. But it was still gorgeous, the rose quartz gem in the center was ovular and surrounded by a diamond and ruby gem pattern. The visible part of where the gems and band met was twisted into infinity symbols on both sides.

In summary, it was the one.

Cassi observed the ring from behind Oliver, "It's perfect."

Oliver breathed, "Perfect enough for Percy?"

Cassi nodded, "He'll love it."

The two exited the store, one nervous, the other thrilled; however, they were both satisfied.

Timeskip a few weeks later and Oliver's team had just won the Quidditch world cup.

Oliver honestly had no clue what he was happier about, winning or his proposal.

In the stands, Percy sat in the VIP reserved section with his friends, to whom Oliver offered the special tickets.

They were all screaming wildly, Percy jumping up and down, all decorum lost, while a smug Reese was standing next to an excited Cassi who shook the railing in front of her violently.

Oliver and his team were sweaty, bruised, but most of all happy.

Jennifer Clawthorne, captain of the team, spoke into the megaphone, giving the traditional thanks to everyone and saying her speech.

"Before I finish off, I'd like to hand off the megaphone to our star keeper, Oliver Wood!" she said, grinning from ear to ear as Oliver received the megaphone. Behind their backs, she also handed the ring that was hidden with her, which she received from the announcer, Penny, who was also in on the plan.

"Jennifer basically thanked everyone needed, but I'd like to extend my thanks to a special someone out in the VIP stands," Oliver said, noting how Percy's face turned confused while Cassi seemed to be shaking more aggressively than before.

Oliver got onto his broom and flew to the stands, jumping over the railing, and landing on his feet. Clasping the ring that was hidden in his quidditch robes, he smiled nervously.

Reese's eyes widened in acknowledgment and began shaking Cassi.

Percy, however, was none the wiser. 

"Oliver, what are you up to?" he asked sternly.

"Percival Ignatius Weasley, happy birthday! I had a whole overly romantic speech planned, but right now I'm high off adrenaline and you look like you're getting impatient, so I'll just get to my point." Oliver admitted, getting down on one knee.

Oliver dully noted the screaming in the background and the stunned Percy.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, his tone wavering slightly as his nerves kicked in.

Percy's eyes welled up with tears and he threw himself at Oliver, kissing him passionately.

Oliver laughed, kissing Percy back and hugging his future husband's body tightly.

Percy pulled away, his hands resting on Oliver's chest, "You absolute dunderhead! Yes! Of course I will!"

Oliver felt his smile stretch farther, his face beginning to ache with how much euphoria was filling his body.

Reese snatched the abandoned megaphone out of Oliver's hands and screamed, "PERCY SAID YES! THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!"

The crowds in the stadium screamed in response, people happily shouting their congratulations and photographers snapping as many photos as possible.

Eventually, everything calmed down.

Well, the now fiances went to a party celebrating the team's success, and then calmed down.

Many people had returned to their homes, Percy and Oliver included.

Oliver had taken a shower, washing all the grime off of his body.

While showering, he noticed how the content grin on his face had yet to leave and his face muscles were beginning to ache.

He couldn't help it, he was just so happy!

Merlin, he couldn't wait to call Percy his husband.

In the living room, Percy sat with a soft smile on his face as he observed the engagement ring on his finger.

Oliver slid next to him and held Percy's hand.

"Thank you," Percy said so softly that Oliver almost didn't hear him.

"For what?" Oliver asked, his eyebrows wrinkling in confusion.

Percy looked Oliver in the eyes and wiped a tear from his face, "Thank you for picking me."

Oliver kissed Percy on the forehead, "It's always been you. Forever and always."

The two sat together in peaceful silence before heading off to bed.

Percy, upon waking up from what he could honestly say was the best he's ever slept in his life, was greeted with the sight of a bare-chested Oliver smiling at him and playing with his curly red hair.

"Morning, love."

Percy smiled, cuddling closer to Oliver, "Morning, Ollie."

The two lay in silent bliss before Oliver's stomach began to growl.

Percy poked Oliver's stomach, "Someone's hungry, I'll go freshen up and make you some pancakes. Take a break, okay? It's not every day you win the Quidditch cup."

Oliver groaned but reluctantly let Percy do his morning routine (that really just consisted of Percy brushing his teeth and washing his face) before drifting off into sleep again.

Upon exiting the bathroom, Percy headed over to the kitchen and checked the time.

Needless to say, Percy, ever the morning person, was shocked.

"Merlin's beard, 10 o'clock? It's so early." 

Nevertheless, Percy began preparing the necessary items for the pancakes, humming a random melody.

While pouring the batter in for the first pancake, Percy heard the doorbell ring persistently before someone, or maybe someones, began pounding on the door incessantly.

Irritated, Percy cleaned his hands and flung open the door.

"Do you have any idea how early it is-" he began shouting before he noticed the entire Weasley family (plus the non-biological Weasleys: Harry, Hermione, and Fleur) standing on his doorstep.

"Um, hello-" 

"WHAT IS THIS?" Molly cried before shoving the Daily Prophet in Percy's face.

On the front cover was a looping photo of Oliver proposing, Percy kissing him, and Oliver sliding the ring onto Percy's finger.

In the background of said photo, Percy dully noted his boss happily sobbing into her hands while his co-worker jumped around and shouted into the megaphone.

Percy briefly wondered why his family felt the need to show up at his doorstep to interrogate him but decided to answer his mother's question.

"It's the Daily Prophet."

"Percy, why didn't you tell us you were seeing Oliver!" Arthur yelled.

Percy made a confused expression, "Bloody hell, what are you talking about? We weren't exactly hiding it. I thought everyone knew."

The people on his doorstep turned to each other with questioning looks in their eyes, Percy also coming to the same conclusion as them. 

"None of you knew?" he gaped. "What did you think we were doing NEWTs year when Oliver and I spent practically every second with each other?"

George threw his hands out, "We thought you were helping him study!"

Percy sighed, "Dear Merlin, it's too early for this. Would you like to come in? I'm making breakfast-"

"Oh my God, the pancakes!" Percy's eyes widened comically before he ran back to the stove at a speed that shocked even himself.

The family welcomed themselves inside, following Percy to the Kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, Percy was found throwing the burnt pancake over to Hermes, who had an obsession with burnt food.

"Percy, dear, is there anything I can do to help?" Molly inquired.

Percy shook his head, already pouring more batter into the pan, "It's alright mum, really."

"Nonsense, surely there is something I can help you with." Molly insisted.

Percy thought over it before responding hesitantly, "If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it if you made more batter. I only made enough for me and Oliver but..." he trailed off awkwardly.

Casual talking was never his forte.

"It's no trouble at all dear, we are the ones who showed up without notice after all," Molly responded, already rolling up her sleeves.

The mother and son worked in peaceful silence while the rest of the family sat in the dining room.

Ron, who'd been relatively silent, spoke up. 

"I can't believe Percy's getting hitched. To Oliver Wood no less."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "What part of that is so shocking? They were roommates the whole time they were at Hogwarts."

Charlie groaned, putting his hands to his face, "Oh my god they were roommates."

"I always thought that if Oliver would marry anyone, it'd be the Quidditch cup or something. Not our brother." George stated.

"I dunno, thinking on it, it was kind of obvious..." Harry commented, fidgeting with his fingers slightly.

"What part was obvious!" Ginny cried.

"Let's go over the facts," Bill began, "Percy and Oliver have been each other's only roommates the whole time they were at Hogwarts,"

"They were roommates." Charlie groaned miserably.

Bill ignored him and continued, "Oliver is obsessed with quidditch while Percy is obsessed with watching quidditch, Oliver used to come over to the Burrow during the summer just to see Percy-"

"He what?" George yelled. 

Bill wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion, "You didn't know? Oliver would sneak over, force Percy to learn how to fly, Percy would help tutor him for the next school year, and then they'd have a sleepover where they'd talk for hours."

"I saw them a couple of times, but I never knew it was Oliver." Ginny piped up.

Arthur nodded, "Yes, he was never exactly quiet though. He's great in the air but a mess on the ground. But I never knew they were dating."

Charlie still sat sadly on his chair, "We should've seen this coming. I mean they were roommates."

"Yes Charlie, we've gone over that." George rolled his eyes.

Fleur sighed happily, putting her hands to her heart, "Ah, childhood friends to lovers, how cute."

"Do you guys know why Oliver didn't bring up his proposal to us?" Arthur asked, the question pressing on his mind.

"Be honest, do you really think would be able to keep it secret for long?" Oliver commented.

The Weasleys and co jumped, turning towards Oliver standing with an amused expression.

"It's the man of the hour himself!" George cried.

Oliver hummed, picking up the Daily Prophet left on the table, "This is a great photo."

Fleur nodded, "It is very romantic."

Ron groaned, "I don't appreciate seeing my favorite keeper and my older brother snogging when I'm trying to wake up and get ready."

"Ronald, shut up. Oliver, how long have you and Percy been together?" Hermione asked.

Oliver picked up the calendar and examined it, "Hm, apparently since summer after sixth year. Granted, it feels way longer than that."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"That long?" Ginny asked.

Oliver nodded.

Arthur ran a hand through his thinning hair, "And we never knew? This whole time, none of us knew Percy was with anyone romantically. And he wasn't even hiding it?"

The room was silent for a while, everyone knew how Arthur and Percy had tried to rebuild the bond they once had, but it was a difficult task that neither was sure how to conquer.

"Well," Percy's voice sounded as he stood awkwardly in the entrance of the room, all eyes now on him, "that's not entirely true. I avoided the topic around you guys during the seventh year because I wasn't sure how'd you react, after seventh year we weren't exactly... close." 

The entire room winced, no matter how long ago Percy's estrangement was, the topic was still a sore subject.

"After the war, I didn't put any effort into hiding it, I just didn't it bring up because I didn't think you all would care. All of our other friends knew and I just thought someone would've informed you at one point and well..." Percy trailed off, fidgeting nervously, twisting the engagement ring around on his finger.

Everyone was quiet, no one entirely sure what to say.

Bill took the lead, "Of course, we would care, Percy, we're your family."

"And we need to make sure Oliver knows that if he breaks your heart we'll murder his bloody arse." George commented.

The Weasleys in the room glared at Oliver, eyes full of suspicion.

"Speaking of which, let's take little Ollie here aside. Just to give him a little... welcome." Ginny stated, grabbing Oliver's arm and pulling him out of the room.

"Ginny wait-" Percy began but stopped upon seeing every red head in the room stand up and stalk after Ginny with a predatory glint in their eyes.

"Afterall," Charlie said, "you were roommates. Surely Oliver wouldn't mind telling us about your time together."

"Percy! Help! Love! Please!" Oliver cried in fear as he was dragged away.

Percy blushed, but sighed in fond exasperation, "They're insufferable, the lot of them. Anyways, I came to tell you all that breakfast is nearly ready."

The honorary Weasleys smiled and thanked Percy, together they set the table.

"Percy, I've been meaning to ask, why do you have such a big dining room if it's only you and Oliver?" Harry questioned.

"My boss and co-worker frequently welcome themselves in without notice. Oliver's teammates also have a habit of showing up without warning and making themselves at home. Because of this, we need a much larger table." Percy answered.

"That must be exhausting," Hermione commented.

Percy smiled, huh he's been doing that a lot today, "It is. But frankly, they make this place feel much more alive. I don't know what we'd do if I didn't have them around."

Molly walked in not long after they finished setting up the table, a large stack of pancakes and two gallons of syrup levitating behind her.

"Oh Percy, may I please see your ring?" Fleur asked, suddenly curious.

Percy smiled and allowed Fleur to examine the ring on his finger, "I don't mind at all."

"Oh my it is gorgeous!" she exclaimed. 

Molly looked over and joined Fleur in admiring the ring, "It's simply divine! Oliver is such a sweet boy."

"I like the colors." Harry commented.

Hermione took a glance and nodded in approval, "The gems all represent lovely things as well, he really thought it through."

"I didn't know he could think about anything but quidditch." Harry stated.

"Me neither," said George, accompanied by a swarm of devilishly smiling red heads and a terrified Oliver, "and yet, here we are."

"Oliver!" Percy said, worried about his lover's frazzled state, "what did you guys do?" 

Molly simply waved a hand, "It's okay, dear. They're just making sure Oliver knows not to mess up lest he wishes to suffer-"

"Mother!" Percy cried in shock.

"Now I see where Percy gets his terrifying temper from-" Oliver began but what cut off by Percy's head whipping sharply in his direction.

"What was that?" Percy asked, eyes wide and glinting with a silent warning.

Oliver squeaked, "Nothing, love!"

Percy's expression shifted to a calm, satisfied one in less than a second, "That's what I thought. Now come, sit and eat!"

Everyone sat down, happily chatting away whilst eating the fluffy pancakes.

"This is really good!" Ron exclaimed.

Oliver smiled brightly, never one to miss up on the chance of bragging about the love of his life, "I know! Percy also bakes loads and everything he makes is amazing!"

Percy bowed his head down, "It's not that good... I just have lots of experience."

"That is so not true! Your archive buddies are little sugar addicts and beg you to bring them sweets at every opportunity!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Because they're both too lazy to make anything that takes longer than 10 minutes!" Percy retorted.

Ron clasped his hands together, "Please, Perce! I'm begging you! Send me some too! It's almost better than mum's!"

All the other red-heads, minus Molly, piped up their agreement.

Molly swatted Ron's head in return.

"Ow! Mum! I said almost!" he whined, rubbing his head.

The room dissolved into conversations, everyone eagerly chatting away.

Percy smiled softly, as did Oliver.

"I forgot how much I loved your family and their liveliness" Oliver commented.

"Our family, Oliver." Percy corrected.

Charlie, however, was still not over a certain detail and would rant about it until the wedding day.


(Percy never bothered to tell the poor boy that it was technically longer than that if you count the years in which he roomed with Oliver after Hogwarts.)

(Penelope informed everyone the day of the wedding that Percy and Oliver had been roommates for more than seven years.)

("After me, Charlie is supposed to be giving his speech and I have no doubt he'll bring up the fact that, while at Hogwarts, they were alone as roommates-"

"Pen, please, don't-"

"Shut up, Percy. Anyways, Charlie, did you know that they roomed together after Hogwarts as well? Yep, two new adults in a relationship roomed together alone for nearly four years right under your nose!"

"C'mon, I don't want them ganging up on me again-")

(Charlie had fainted in response, and as a result, delivered his speech late.)

-le fin-

yea this is nearly 3k words.

how the fuck did i manage to pull 3,000 words out of my ass when i can barely write 1k for a chapter of a regular fanfiction? 

lord knows. 

anywhoo, i'd like to point out that I'm becoming a Percy Weasley kin and need something to satiate my thirst for percy-centric fanfiction.

i also deeply enjoy the concept of perciver. because honestly, what's more fun than the nerd simping for the jock and vice versa? especially since percy is canonically very much interested in quidditch whilst in hogwarts.

yea guys!! nerdy percy loves quidditch!!!!

does anyone even celebrate golden birthdays?

one of my friends brought it up at school one day, and it sounds cool but i don't think it's anything i've seen someone do.

then again, my family doesn't place much emphasis on birthdays once you've hit a certain point in your teens.

*sobs in no family acknowledgment*

this fanfiction received much inspiration from the fact that my birthday is the same as Percy's and the fact that i was listening to 22 by taylor swift.


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