The Mayham SCP ( An SCP Anima...

By MeryMayham

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- disclaimer - I don't own the series or it's characters, I only own my Oc basic info: a new SCP is discover... More

Bio of SCP- ( error )-1: The Pack Children of Mayham
Prologue: Wake up, You Have to Eat
Chapter 2: Testing
Chapter 3: The Interview/ her first kill
Chapter 4: The Frustration
Chapter 5: Kiki's Interview
Chapter 6: Ethan's Interview
Chapter 7: The Sad Tale of Evelyn

Chapter 1: The Capture and Observing

255 1 137
By MeryMayham

Within the mountains of Arizona, under the cover of night, Merita was walking down the hiking paths of the mountains. She was a adult now, and was wearing a animal hide tank top and skirt, when she was young she used to try to hide her scars but her father and siblings have reminded her that her scars were signs that she has been through something tough and survived. Merita knew that her body had went through some minor changes that normal humans don't go through, the bottom of her feet have developed paw pads while keeping her feet looking human, that help her be able to walk the mountains for long periods of time without needing to worry about blisters or having to worry about getting a goat head stuck on her feet due to form what Merita had observed, the paw pads are almost unbreakable. Merita always knew that she has a habit of observing almost every detail of something that interested her or sparked her curiosity which has earned her omega status within her sibling pack. Merita ever mind being an omega as she knew it wasn't to be ashame of, every rank in a pack is important in her opinion it's either you accept your place in the pack or you'll never be happy within your pack. Something caught Merita's eye which interrupted her thoughts causing her to stop in place, Merita saw a group of armed humans that had a strange symbol with the letters " SCP " on their uniforms. Merita saw that they were about twenty miles away from the cave her family was living, she knew that she couldn't risk the chance of the humans finding her family so, she used her speed and agility to get closer to the group as soon as she got close enough to the group of humans she silently looked for an easy target for a warning attack. She then spot a human male that looked and her sense of smell telling her that he was sickly in some kind of way.

Lawrence heard the sound of silent growling that was similar to a wolf's but before he could say or this anything, he was tackled to the ground by a short woman with the markings of a wolf and wearing animal hide clothing, she was growling warningly at him and the other SCP soldiers.

Lawrence: what the-

He was interrupted by the girl giving him a small scratch on his cheek, the wound wasn't too serious but it hurts like hell. The others started trying to shot her down but she didn't even flinch once as each bullet hit her, when Carson shot a bullet that was heading straight towards her head. The girl saw the bullet coming straight towards her and within seconds she acted like the bullet hit it's target to only open her eyes and smiled showing her teeth revealing that she caught the bullet with her teeth.

( A/n: okay, I know it's not really possible to do that but come on this is a SCP world it could be possible in a SCP case )

Carson: clever girl.... ( He said impressed )

The girl then spat out the bullet hitting Carson in his shoulder with a smile as she watched Carson fall to the ground with the bullet wound in his shoulder. While she was doing that Lawrence was getting his small tranquilizer dart gun that was around his belt and aimed at her side. Lawrence shot the tranquilizer dart into the girl's side which she didn't flinch at the dart hitting her, the girl started to show signs of nausea before she fell unconscious next to him but before she passed out Lawrence heard her whisper something.

??? ( Merita ): stay away.... ( She whispered before passing out )

Lawrence looked at the girl with shock, as Carson walked to him

Carson: you okay?

Lawrence: yeah but... What is she?

Carson: no clue, looks like we got a new SCP. Let's get her to the site and have someone question her-

Carson stopped talking when he saw the paw pads on the girl's feet, their barely noticeable but their still their. Carson used a flashlight to help him take a better look at the paw pads, the paw pads were of a darker skin tone and had white spots on, one of the spots was in the shape of a heart.

Carson: okay I'm guessing she's part animal or something, but that is kinda cute ( he said pointing at the white heart shaped on one of the paw pads on the girl's feet )

( Time skip )

When Merita woke up she was in a metal room with the weird symbol and three letters on one of the walls, she was on a cot bed and she began to growl as she saw to female humans looking at her through a window looking into the room.

Dr Collingwood: oh, your awake! Good evening, I am Dr Collingwood and this is Dr Buck, we just want to-

Merita ran under the cot bed, scared and confused about why she was there and why the two humans were watching her as if she was some kind of entertainment to them. While Merita was hiding under the bed, that's when both of the doctors noticed how small and thin Merita was.

Dr Collingwood: she must not have much human interaction before-

Dr Buck: it's a SCP, ( turns on the one way intercom ) Scp, get out from under the bed, we have questions for you that you need to answer. ( She said sternly )

Merita peeked her head out a little, she then slowly got out from under the bed as she saw that either Buck or Collingwood had any weapons on or anywhere near them. Merita then walked up to the window and looked at the two doctors with my head tilted to the side a bit cutely.

Merita: questions? ( She said silently but they still heard her )

Dr Collingwood: yes, first. Do you have a name? ( She asked Merita with a smile )

Merita: ( nods ) Merita, Merita Mayham

Dr Collingwood: Mayham? That's a odd last name

Merita: hehe my dad came up with it due to the chaos me and my siblings get into

Dr Buck: when did you become-

Merita: oh, your mistaken. I was born like this, I got it from my Dad.

Dr Collingwood: are you saying your some kind of hybrid?

Merita: ( nods ) so are my siblings but they are a bit different from me.

Dr Buck: alright, why did you attack agent Lawrence and their group?

Merita cutely tilt her head in confusion.

Dr Collingwood: she's talking about the man you attacked earlier, the one you scratched.

Merita: oh. They were too close to me and my family's home with weapons, I couldn't risk the chance of them hurting my family. I attacked that man as to try to scare away the other humans but it didn't work out well ( she said before she started pulling out the bullet's that were lefted in her without flinching )

Dr Collingwood: h-how are you doing that? Without flinching, aren't you in pain?

Merita: ( shakes her head as she finished taking the bullets out of her ) no, I rarely feel pain anymore....

Dr Buck: you've mentioned that you attacked them because of the weapons, is there a reason why?

Merita: I.... Don't know every time me or my siblings spots a human with a gun or something or if something acts as a threat, well.... I can't say what happens to my siblings but I kinda black out a little

Dr Collingwood: what do you mean?

Merita: okay imagine this, you are aware of what's happening but you aren't in control of your body like it went on auto pilot. Like I am in control, but at the same time I'm not.

Dr Buck: I see, have you attack anyone before today?

Merita thinks a little before answering

Merita: yes... When I was a kid I think, some humans were shooting the deer in the mountains, one of them accidentally shot my father in his wing-

Dr Buck: wing?

Merita: yes, my father is a pure breed of his species so he has wings, his are owl wings. Anyway after me and my siblings saw that the man that shot our father accidentally got separated from their group we.... He's in the stars now.... ( She said with a frown and a hint of saddness in her eyes )

Dr Collingwood: in the stars?

Merita: I have troubles with saying the true meaning that but ummm oh! Okay, you know how parents they took their kid's pet " to a farm "? It's kinda like that...

Dr Collingwood: oh...

Merita: what is the point of your questions?

Dr Collingwood: I-

Merita: let me guess, you're just trying to figure out how to keep me here ( she said while gesturing the room she was in ) and probably trying to get anything from me that you humans might find useful, to use me, my family, or the rest of my species as weapons for your kind's greed? Or is it to find some kind of meaning to why is another species choosing to mate with humans? Or.... Do you humans see me as a threat...? ( She said not really expecting a answer, she was saying this stuff in hopes to get Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck to leave her alone )

Dr Buck then pulled down the blinds, thinking that it would trick Merita into thinking they left but Merita knew by their scents that they were still there. Merita always made a mental note to recognize a person's scent. Merita sniffed the air a little as to identify which of the two was Dr Buck's or Dr Collingwood's, Dr Collingwood's scent was close to the scent of coffee and cinnamon rolls, while Dr Buck's scent was close to the scent of vanilla ice cream and sugary lemons. Meanwhile Dr Buck and Dr Collingwood were in the monitor room to the containment room Merita is in.

Dr Collingwood: Dr Buck, why did you-

Dr Buck: we were task to observe and ask her some questions, so we are now doing the observing part. I had a feeling that she won't do anything if she knows we were watching her.

Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck looked at the computer that was showing them the footage of the containment room with the hidden camera in the room, Merita was just standing there, they watched as Merita sniffed the air.

Dr Collingwood: don't you find it kinda strange that if what she said is true, she's a hybrid that seemed to only inherited one ability from her SCP parent.

Dr Buck: from what we know....

After a few seconds of Merita sniffing the air, Merita began to growl before she started climbing on the cot bed and digged her hands into the metal of the vent gate, Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck quickly ran into the containment room to see Merita climbing into the vent in full speed. Dr Collingwood saw the vent's hatch on the ground with huge dents in it.

Dr Collingwood: I take back what I said, Where is she going?!

( Meanwhile with Carson and Lawrence )

Carson and Lawrence were in the infirmary, Lawrence had a bandage on his cheek where Merita scratched him while Carson's shoulder was bandaged.

Carson: I'm just saying if that girl that attacked us wasn't an SCP I would probably ask her out.

Lawrence: I question you and your taste sometimes

Carson: oh whatever

Carson then saw a picture of the shy guy and picked it up.

Carson: ugh, I can't believe they still have a picture of this guy isn't it dead in the sun?

Lawrence was confused until he heard the alarm that there was a containment breach but before he or Carson could say or do anything shy guy came out of nowhere and was about to attack Carson..... But something jumped out of the vents and attacked shy guy, growling loudly, Carson and Lawrence quickly recognized the growling and saw Merita scratching the shy guy while dodging it's attacks.

Carson: well... I don't know what's worse. The possibility of the girl hearing what I said or shy guy being alive.

Lawrence was about to give Carson the " are you serious? " face but shy guy threw Merita into the wall. Merita slowly stood up as she and shy guy were now having a stare down.

Carson: if only we had some western showdown music...

Lawrence was about to say something but then he and Carson watched as Merita started to grow bigger with the sound of cracking body coming from her as she started sprouting a long tail that moved like a cat's and her ear slowly shifted into wolf shaped ears, her head slowly changed shape from a normal human's to the shape of a wolf, her hands grew larger and claw like as her fingernails grew sharper, Merita's teeth even slowly turned into fangs, her legs grew longer and turned wolf like with her toenails growing into claws. Once Merita finished turning she didn't grow any fur, her skin looked stretched out making her look malnourished as well as her hair grew slightly longer. Lawrence looked at Merita with shock and horror as Carson just slowly pulled a chair other to him and sat down. Shy guy only stared up at Merita as she was now much bigger than him.

Carson: I bet on the new girl-

Merita then pinned shy guy down within seconds before she sinked her fangs into Shy guy's throat and digged all her claws into his torso, her tail moving the whole time like a cat, as Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck got to the scene, both of them stared at what Merita was and was doing to shy guy both of them speechless. Lawrence quickly pulled Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck to him and Carson while keeping a distance from Merita and shy guy as Merita sinked her fangs deeper into shy guy's throat. Merita didn't care about the awful taste of shy guy's blood in her mouth, all she cared about is killing the threat in her mercy cause Merita's instincts were in control of her body and mind right now, Merita was about to start taring Shy guy's head off of his body until a voice snapped her out of her instincts control.

Dr Collingwood: Merita stop! ( She shouted )

Merita glance behind her to see Dr Collingwood standing only a few inches away from behind her then Merita realized that Dr Collingwood reminded her of Evelyn, they both had the same hair color and Dr Collingwood's warm presence was similar to Evelyn's as well.

Dr Collingwood: it's ok, Merita just let scp-096 go.

Merita swore she could've heard Evelyn's voice when Dr Collingwood asked her to let Shy guy go. Merita then slowly released scp-096 go, as she slowly got off scp-096 it laid there on the ground in pain from the wounds Merita gave him. Merita stared down at the blood her claws with panic, then she saw the armed agents coming in aiming their weapons at her causing her to start growling at them but she stopped as Dr Collingwood got in front of her getting Merita's attention away from the agents as Dr Buck looked at the agents with a stern expression.

Dr Buck: take Scp-096 to it's containment cell, we have calmed down Scp-Mayham. I advise you go now while Dr Collingwood is getting Scp-Mayham's attention away from you.

The agents did as they were told, Merita seemed to be a little calmer once the agents were gone.

Dr Buck: now, what happened to Scp-Mayham?

Carson: she went what I can only sugar coat it as a Harry Potter movie werewolf transformation.

Lawrence: yep that about as much sugar coating as there can be ( he said with a horrified expression from the memory of Merita's transformation )

Merita let out a sad whine by Carson and Lawrence's words with her ears lowered and head low, before she started showing signs of her trying to resist something, which Lawrence, Dr Buck, and Dr Collingwood knew what it was and quickly ducked before Merita....... Shoke all of the blood off of her like a dog that was drying itself off most of the blood got of Carson and the walls.

Carson: okay.... I take back what I said about her....

Merita then slowly started transforming back into herself with the sound of cracking bones coming from her during the transformation, once Merita was back to her normal self she fell to the floor exhausted. Lawrence, Dr Collingwood, and Dr Buck quickly went to Merita to make sure she was alright, Merita gave them a weak and tired smile.

Dr Collingwood: ( sighs in relief ) let's get you back into another containment cell until we find a containment cell that fits you Merita-

Merita: Mery.... Call me Mery... ( She said tiredly with a tired smile )

Dr Buck: okay Mery, let's get you to a bed to rest so we can begin testing in the morning.

Merita: testing...? ( She said confused and tiredly )

Dr Collingwood: don't worry it'll be okay

Dr Collingwood then put one of Merita's arms over her shoulders to help Merita stand up as she was completely drained of energy, Lawrence then put Merita's other arm around his shoulders to help them.

Lawrence: I'll help, it's the least I can do sense you saved me and Carson though he'll never admit it.

Carson: she didn't save us, I could've taken him.

Merita was too exhausted to react to the conversation, soon after the group found Merita a containment cell that Merita can stay until a cell can be made for her specifically. Merita was laid down on the cot bed, which Merita quickly sleep asleep during the trip. Once Dr Collingwood and Lawrence were alone in the monitoring room of the containment cell and looked at the sleeping Merita who was snoring silently and softly as well as peacefully.

Lawrence: I still can't believe she almost killed scp-096.

Dr Collingwood: yeah.... But why did she stop when I told her to?

Lawrence: maybe she trust you... I would if I was a SCP ( he said with a smile )

Dr Collingwood laughed a little at Lawrence's statement.

Lawrence: I wonder what class they will put her as...

Dr Collingwood: me too...


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it and....

What class of SCP do you think Merita will be put as?

What was your reaction to Merita attacking Shy guy and almost killing shy guy?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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