Heart Stopper (Bradley "Roost...

By callsignmedusa

63 0 1

Naval medic Rhiannon Hayes didn't know what to expect on her newest post, but it certainly wasn't Lieutenant... More

Heart Stopper (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw)

63 0 1
By callsignmedusa

The Captain led Rhiannon and her partner Kacey through the passageway and then turned into a room with a bunk in it. "This will be your living quarters while you join us here on the carrier. If there's anything you need, please let us know. I'll let you get settled. There's a briefing this evening at 1900 on the mission happening tomorrow. Attendance will be required for all support staff." Rhi nods to him as Kacey examines the small room near the hospital bay. He turns on his heels and exits quickly Rhi turns her full attention to Kacey.

Kacey grins wickedly at Rhi and tosses her duffel on the top bunk. "I call top bunk!" Rhi rolls her eyes at her childishness and waves her off before tossing her own duffel on the bottom bunk.

"I'm still confused why we're here. I mean.... the mission is mostly Top Gun aviators, right? There's no combat here, what the hell do they need medics for?" Kacey hoists herself onto the top bunk and laid on her back.

"As far as I know, no combat," She replies to Rhi. "But look at it this way. This will be the easiest post we've ever worked on! An aviation mission with zero combat and barely any patients to look after is like a vacation for us! Enjoy it."

With a chuckle Rhi checks her watch before glancing back up at Kacey. "Let's go check out the sick bay before the briefing!" She groans under her breath, clearly perfectly content to lay on the bunk until the meeting.

"Fine. But only because I heard a rumor that they're doing pre-flight physicals on the pilots for tomorrow and I could use a visual pick-me-up." She winks at Rhi as she jumps off the top bunk, landing gracefully on her feet.

Both girls head towards the sick bay that will be their home for the next week until the mission is complete, and the powers that be decide where to send you next. "I mean, I was thinking more like introducing ourselves to the Commanding Officer, but sure, also the hot pilots."

She burst out laughing right as you both entered the sick bay, and all eyes turn to you both. Rhi scans the room and notices a few guys in a row of chairs. All of them are shirtless and most of them hooked up to blood pressure and heart monitors. Rhi deduces that those are the pilots for tomorrow's mission, each being assessed by Naval nurses for pre-flight physicals to ensure their bodies are up to the task, whatever it may be.

Kacey is clearly ogling the blonde officer across the room who radiates confidence as the guys assess you as well. Rhi can't help but notice the guy a few chairs down from him though. He's got his eyes on her too, and when he sees her notice him too, he cracks a confident smile. Not wanting to feed his ego she nods an acknowledgment his way before looking away and scanning the room for your CO. The pilot wasn't half-bad looking. Very toned, defined biceps and abs. Brown hair that's clearly been lightened by the sun, and a mustache atop his perfectly plump lips.

You nudge Kacey out of her trance and nod towards the officer heading your way. "You must be my new medics."

Both women salute their new CO until acknowledged. He reaches out to shake each of your hands. "I've heard great things. We're thankful to have the extra help, it's been a hectic week."

Rhi smiles at him. "Thank you, sir, we're happy to be here and ready to help where we can." He glances down at his clipboard and then back up at you both.

"Excuse my ignorance, which of you is Hayes and which of you is Davis?"

Rhi smiles politely and clears her throat. "Rhiannon Hayes, sir. Most call me Rhi." She motions towards Kacey. "And Kacey Davis." She waves shyly at him with a smile of her own.

"Great! Listen, I'm sure you've been told about the briefing at 1900." He peeps at his watch and then back up. "Which is in 20 minutes. We're doing last minute pre-flight physicals on the pilots chosen for tomorrow's mission. The briefing is mostly for them, but always good to have the support staff on standby included. Tomorrow, you report here at 0700 and will be here until 1900 or as long as needed. Not a lot to do around here for two experienced combat medics, butif anything should arise it'll be all yours. If either of you need anything, please feel free to reach out. Excuse me."

He walks away briskly as he's motioned over by a nurse with a man on a gurney. Rhiannon glances at Kacey and smiles. "Sounds easy enough. Like you said, a vacation." You both share a quiet high five before realizing you might as well make your way to the briefing. You both stroll quietly through the carrier until finding yourself in a large room. You both take your seats, and all is quiet awaiting the start but Kacey nudges you slightly as the men from earlier enter the room.

"Dude, that one's had his eyes on you since we saw him in the sick bay." She says under her breath as yet again before catching the cute pilot from earlier eyes again. "I call the blonde one." Rhi rolls her eyes playfully at her and nudges her to focus as the briefing starts.

As Rhi sits through the entire briefing it occurs to her that this mission sounds damn near impossible. At least two "miracles" as they call it would need to be performed to even achieve it, not to mention the dog fight when they leave enemy air space. In her experience with combat, this sounds like mass casualties waiting to happen. All is quiet as the team is officially announced. Rhi perks up a little when the sandy-haired man from earlier steps forward to the name "Rooster" being called.

When the briefing is over everyone is dismissed. On the way back to the bunk Rhi and Kacey quietly discuss how random and sometimes weird the call signs were. You giggle amongst yourselves as they walk back into their small room. Checking her watch, she realizes the briefing has taken over two hours and it's late. "Kace, we should get to bed. We report at 0700, remember?"

She grumbles but agrees and both get ready before settling into your bunks for the night. The next morning comes bright and early with the blare of the alarm she'd set the night before. Neither of them being morning people you both dress in your uniforms in total silence and head to the mess hall. Breakfast is a quick affair, and mostly quiet. The room is unusually hushed with the weight of what today could hold.

After an awful cup of coffee and a small breakfast both women make their way back to the sick bay. Tension is everywhere on the carrier as they both make their way into the bay. Rhi and Kacey report to their CO and are told that all stable patients have been discharged, and any unstable patients have been sent to the mainland for further treatment. You're both told to wait and if anything comes up, respond. If anything were to happen and you're needed, your squad's name is "Alpha Med Team". It brought Rhiannon back to the days on the ambulance working alongside Kacey as EMTs before they decided to join the Navy together.

Rhi settles into a comfortable chair with Kacey by her side and begins the start of one of the most boring days either of you have experienced at work. Without any patients to check on it's mostly sitting around gossiping with Kacey about the next post. You've both been tipped off that you were either being shipped off for another combat mission or being sent back to Fightertown again. Rhi would honestly be happy with either but going back to North Island seemed like a much more chill option. Her parents are both based out of the mostly overrun Naval town and it'd be nice to see them again.

Most of the day has passed when cheers could be heard erupting from all over the ship. A few people ran into the sick bay to exclaim that all pilots on the mission had returned, and the mission had been a complete success. Rhi claps along with them and selfishly wonders when their CO will allow her and Kace to leave. Their stomachs are grumbling, and it's almost 1900.

Rhiannon and Kacey are in the midst of a deep conversation on why military guys are just her type and how Rhi has actively avoided them when the tones sound throughout the sick bay. It jolts you both into focus as a voice overtakes the speaker. "Alpha Med Team. Cardiac arrest. Main flight deck. Delta response."

Every nurse's head in the bay whipped over to them as Kacey and Rhi leap to their feet. "Shit!" She grabs the AED machine, and Rhi grabs the medic bag before both take off to the hall full-on sprinting. "What the hell happened to vacation, Kace?!" Both bob and weave through the soldiers in the tight halls who ducked out of your way. "Clear the path! Medical emergency!"

Rhi doesn't understand what's happening. A cardiac arrest on the main deck right as the last two pilots return? Too much excitement? As you both burst onto the main deck Rhi sees where the patient is based on the amount of people circled around them. The sound of running alerts the sailors circling the patient and they quickly step out of the way. Rhi sees an older gentleman, maybe mid-forties, lying on his back. A man stands over him, patting his cheek to see if he will respond.

Once beside the patient she tosses the medical bag beside him and gently moves the gentleman next to him away. "Stand aside sir, thank you." She drops to her knees and immediately begins your assessment while Kacey fires up the AED. "What happened here, people? Did anyone witness him collapse? Any trouble before, med history I need to know about? Age, name? Anything?"

Information begins to sporadically flood in from different people as she quickly realizes the guy isn't breathing nor does he have a pulse. His pupils are responsive but he's completely out, not even reacting when she sternal rubs him for a reaction. "Kacey, we have a full arrest."

His name is Officer Reed Adams, forty-two-year-old male with no known medical history. He was celebrating with everyone else when he clutched his chest and collapsed. He was down for around two minutes but they called for medics immediately. Without hesitation Rhi begins chest compressions as she glances around for Kacey. Kacey is preparing the AED, pulling out equipment to manually insert an airway in case, as well as the ventilating bag, and gloves for the both of you just in case. "Kacey, be ready for ventilations!" She nods, fully focused on the task at hand.

It probably should have made Rhi nervous that over a hundred people were looking on to the scene but all that matters is the patient. She continues CPR for another minute before realizing that nothing is happening. "Kacey, next time I vent I need the pads on him." Immediately as she moves to his mouth to give him two rescue breaths Kacey is placing the AED pads on his chest, after skillfully cutting through his uniform with her trauma shears.

She takes a quick break as the AED analyzes his heart rhythm. She realizes she is slightly out of breath and her arms already ache from the effort of chest compressions. She shakes it off and quickly looks up at the first person she made eye contact with. "Someone call sick bay; I need a stretcher out here now!" The guy nods and takes off across the flight deck.

Rhiannon turns her attention immediately back to the AED as the voice prompt speaks once more. "Shock advised. Stand clear, push to shock." She takes a deep breath and looks up at Kacey who is equally as flushed as her.

Clearing her throat, she looks down at the lifeless man in front of her. "Shock advised. Everybody, clear?" She glances up as Kacey, who throws up her hands. Rhi reach over to the AED, her finger hovering over the shock button. "Shocking in 3, 2, 1...." She press the button and watches the man flail up momentarily before going still once more. "Shit..." She mutters under her breath as she immediately begins compressions again. "Kacey, I need the epi ready just in case!" She glances up wildly as she continues compressions. "Where's my stretcher?"

At the stopping point she analyzes his rhythm again and is once more met with "Shock advised. Stand clear, push to shock." Rhi groans a little and wipes at her forehead as she looks up to Kacey once more.

"Everybody, clear?" Kacey holds up her hands once more and Rhi reaches down to the AED again. "Shocking in 3, 2, 1..." She pressed the shock button and watched it deliver. A commotion throughout the crowd gets her attention momentarily as the stretcher is quickly wheeled over to them. But then, the most beautiful sound from their monitor rings. Rhi's eyes whip to the monitor, and she lets out a gasp of excitement. "I have a pulse! Kacey, grab me the spine board! I want him on the stretcher now!"

Kacey immediately leaps into action as Rhiannon continues to ventilate the patient who is still having difficulty breathing. Within a matter of moments, they log-roll him to get the spine board underneath him. Kacey and another set of hands lift him off the flight deck and quickly transfer him onto the stretcher. Right as Rhiannon begins to lift the stretcher up higher Kacey's concerned voice shouted out. "Flatline! I have asystole!"

"Damnitt!" Rhiannon exclaimed before doing the only thing she can do. She hoists herself up on the stretcher and straddles Officer Adams hips and immediately restarts chest compressions. "Kacey let's GO! I want him in the sick bay! I need the crash cart ready when we get there. Go, go, go!" The stretcher immediately lurches forward as she continues chest compressions and ventilations the entire way to sick bay where everything is ready and waiting when they arrive.

When they arrive, Rhi climbs off the patient and helps transfer him to the bed. Everyone works tirelessly for what felt like ages, but eventually the officer was revived fully and immediately placed on oxygen. The doctor assures both Rhiannon and Kacey that the officer will remain in sick bay until he is stable enough to transport to North Island for observation and rehab.

When it is all said and done Rhi and Kacey share a triumphant high five and a mutual agreement that they both are in desperate need of a shower. They are both dismissed, and both head to the showers and then to change into a fresh uniform. When done both enthusiastically find their way to the mess hall where the celebrations have continued.

Upon entering the mess hall, it goes silent for only a moment before loud applause breaks out everywhere. Rhiannon and Kacey both glance around to see where the pilots they are applauding are before realizing in astonishment, they are applauding you guys. Apparently, word has spread throughout the ship quickly that Officer Adams has been successfully revived and is recovering in sick bay. Both women smile graciously around them, making their way to the food, receiving so many pats on the back and "great jobs" everywhere they turn.

Rhiannon and Kacey, both serve themselves on trays and go to sit down. But before either could get to the only table that wasn't already occupied, Kacey is pulled aside by the blonde pilot from earlier who immediately starts laying on the charm. "Want me to wait?" Rhi turns to Kacey, but she's already fully engulfed in the smooth-talking pilot who identifies himself only as "Hangman". She merely shakes her head in Rhi's general direction and continues to talk to him. Shrugging Rhiannon heads to the table, setting her stuff down and sitting.

She immediately cracks open her first bottle of water and chugs half of it before setting it back down and picking up her fork. She pierces a piece of the pasta on her plate and lifts it up to put it in her mouth when the squeak of the chair beside her being pulled out catches her attention. She takes the bite and turns to see the brown-haired pilot from earlier taking a seat beside her with a tray of his own. He flashes Rhi a smile and she smiles back around the bite of food. "You're the medic, right? From earlier?"

She nods and finishes chewing before responding. "I'm one of the medics from earlier. And you are one of the pilots that flew that mission today?" He grins, obviously happy that she at least semi-know him.

He produces his hand for her to shake. "Bradley Bradshaw. Call sign: Rooster." At this she smiles as she takes his hand in her own and shakes it.

"You let people call you, Rooster?" She lets out a small laugh and shakes her head. Yet again reminded of the earlier conversation with Kacey on why some call signs are just ridiculous and weird.

He chuckles and shrugs. "Yeah, I mean, my dad's call sign was Goose. So, when I got to the academy, I got the call sign Rooster." Well, she thinks to herself, after it was explained it wasn't quite so silly. She takes another swig of water as he watches her intently. "And your name is?"

Watching him spear his own piece of pasta and turn his attention back to her, she smiles. "Rhiannon Hayes. My friends call me, Rhi." He nods quickly after taking his bite.

"I gotta tell ya, what you did earlier? That was impressive. I mean, I've never seen anything quite like it." She appraised his face, looking for some kind of sign of sarcasm.

Much to his surprise she lets out a small laugh. "Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight." His eyebrows tilt up as you giggle. "You are a Top Gun aviator, top 1% of all aviators. And who just flew a next-to-impossible mission, and you're impressed with me giving some quality CPR?"

At this statement he lets his own laugh out and sits back fully in his chair. Rhiannon can't help but notice the way the muscles in his arms and his broad shoulders strain against the fabric of his flight suit. "I'm glad I amuse you. But, I mean, yeah. You do impress me. What you did was not only admirable, but it was incredible to watch. You had laser focus, total control of the situation, and zero fear. Calm and focused in a situation like that is the kind of stuff fighter pilots dream of."

She's immediately embarrassed to feel the flush of her cheeks blushing at his compliments. "Um, thanks? I guess. I mean, it's just part of the job. When you're the only thing standing between your patient and a body bag, you just....do what needs to be done. You must have some idea what that's like. You just flew the most impressive mission I've ever heard of."

Tapping his fingers against the tops of his leg he shrugs once more. "A great fighter pilot once told me, 'Don't think, just do'." She nods almost immediately at the advice.

"Exactly. When something like that happens, you don't have time to do anything other than trust your instincts." She leans back in her chair and watches him analyze her with a content smile that he'd found some common ground with her. After a moment her blunt personality shines through. "You know, to be honest, you're a lot different than I thought you'd be. I mean, different from other pilots I've met."

Once again, you've captured his curiosity and he leans forward, resting his elbows against the table. "Oh? Well, I'm flattered. How's that?" She laughs at his joke and shrugs a little, mostly to herself.

As Rhi watches him, she realizes maybe he's a little like other pilots. He's clearly puffed up a bit at the compliment she's giving him. "You're.... decently humble. Not so full of yourself. And you started the conversation talking about someone other than yourself. That's pretty impressive." He chuckles again and she plays with the unappetizing pasta on her plate. "I mean, most pilots are intolerably proud of themselves. Kinda like your friend over there talking to my partner." She nods her head in the general direction of Kacey and her new "friend".

Rooster glances over at Hangman for a miniscule second before returning his attention back to Rhi. "Yeah, I mean, Hangman can be a little conceited, but he's a good guy. Once you get past all the sarcasm and self-confidence he's got going on. I mean, your friend seems pretty interested in him."

She lets out a laugh at this and nods. "Yeah, well, Kacey hasn't completely sworn off all military men like me. Hasn't learned her lesson, I guess." At this comment she has his entire attention again, with a raised brow he leans forward.

"Sworn off all military men, huh?" She looks up into his kind-of stunning hazel eyes as he stares at her with interest. "You mean.... even fighter pilots?" He wags his eyebrows at her as he motions dramatically to himself and his flight suit.

Rhi laughs again, a little louder than last time. He clearly thinks he's climbed over her wall of resistance towards military men. She leans forward and motions him closer with her finger. He leans all the way forward and she glances around, pretending to make sure no one is listening before whispering to him, "Oh, especially fighter pilots." Rhiannon cracks a smile at him, and he smiles back. She can almost see the challenge in his eyes.

He opens his mouth to make another witty retort but the loudspeaker crackles before coming to life with a monotone voice. "Alpha Med Team, please report to sick bay for deployment briefing. I repeat, Alpha Med Team, please report to sick bay for deployment briefing." Rhiannon's eyes flicker to Kacey across the room.

So, it's been decided. Their next assignment has been chosen. She clears her throat as she pushes the tray away and turns her attention back to Rooster. "Well, that's my queue." She pushes off the table and stands up, but he follows suit and stands alongside her.

"Wait, deployment briefing? Like, you're shipping out?" As she looks up at him she realizes he's at least a foot taller than her. She smiles up at him and fakes a shrug.

"Maybe. I guess I'll find out in a second." He looks like he wants to say more to her, but she turns to leave. "Sucks to be the best of the best, doesn't it?" Rhi shoots him a wink before walking off to meet up with Kacey. You both head to sick bay where you're told your next assignment. You're both being called back to North Island temporarily to oversee the training of a new class of combat medics.

Both women leave the meeting beyond happy with their next assignment and decide to turn in for the night, exhausted from the day of surprising events.

Rhiannon awakens the next morning to the alarm clock blaring. She turns it off and rolls over, groggily groaning still half-asleep. "You coming to breakfast or staying here for a bit?" She calls up to Kacey in the above bunk, who merely answers by grumbling under her breath. Smiling slightly and standing up, she turns on the overhead lamp to get dressed. When she's all done she turns off the light and leaves her partner to catch some extra Z's before heading towards the mess hall.

When she walks in she realizes it's not nearly as full as dinner was last night and for that she's grateful. Rhiannon is not exactly a morning person, and she definitely needs at least one cup of coffee before dealing with the day. She immediately makes herself a small plate of scrambled eggs, two slices of bacon, and a banana. And then grabs the biggest cup of coffee she can find and turns to find a table.

Nearly spilling the entire tray, the coffee included, when she almost smacks into Rooster. "Jesus. Hi. Sorry. I'm still half-asleep." He chuckles at her and appraises her face with something that looks like appreciation.

"Well, you look beautiful. Not that you didn't yesterday but..." He wavers, obviously a little nervous. "Sorry, um, I just was curious where you're being deployed next? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

Rhi blinks up at him, wondering why he'd care where she'll end up next. But she shrugs it off and balances the tray in one hand. She picks up the coffee and takes a long swig of it. "Um. North Island to instruct a new class of combat medics. We leave this afternoon at 1500."

As she says this his entire face lights up and he lets out a surprised chuckle. "Really? Wow. That's amazing! We're also heading back to North Island this afternoon at 1500. Guess we're going back there together. I mean, not together, but you get what I mean." She smiles up at him and nods.

"Yeah, I guess so. Are you excited to be going back? I'm sure this mission has taken a lot out of you." They both hear someone call out his name from across the cafeteria and see the woman who also went on the mission with them trying to wave him over.

He holds up a finger, motioning for her to hold on a minute before turning back to her. "Yeah, I mean, North Island is kind of like a second home. I'm more excited now that I know you'll be there too. Um, what do you say to letting me take you out for dinner or a drink when we get back stateside?"

She smiles up at him, almost a little sorry that she must turn him down. Not for any particular reason, he seemed like a perfectly nice, respectful guy. But she'd promised herself after the last guy that she was swearing off all military men, and that included Rooster. "Ah, well, that's a problem. It's sweet of you to offer but, I don't date fighter pilots, remember?"

He grins, clearly what he heard he's accepted as a challenge. "Yeah, but I mean, it's me we're talking about. I'm not just any regular fighter pilot, remember?" He winks at her, reminding her of the compliment she'd given him the previous day. "Come on, can't you make an exception, for me?" At this he folds his hands together and excessively bats his long eyelashes at her dramatically.

She places her coffee back on her tray, still balancing it with her left hand and reaches out playfully to pay him on the shoulder. "Over your dead body, fly boy. I'll see ya later, Rooster." With that she moves around him to take a seat and eat her breakfast as he feigns wounded and heads over to his friend's table.

Rhiannon sits alone and indulges in her breakfast and more coffee. A few times she notices Rooster and a few of his pilot friends glance her way but she actively tries to avoid making eye contact. She can tell that for whatever reason she's the topic of conversation over there and she's almost certain he's recanting the tale of him asking her out and getting rejected.

She zones out while sipping her coffee when suddenly someone shouting catches her attention. "Holy shit! Help! I need help over here! I-I don't think he's breathing!" Her eyes rapidly scan the room, and she can see the pilots crowded around right next to their table.

Before she can fully process what she's doing she's leapt to your feet and is dashing across the mess hall to the commotion. "Move, please! I'm a medic!" She shoves through the crowd and her breath gets caught up in her throat when she sees Rooster lying on his back, obviously unconscious. "What the hell happened?!"

Instantly dropping to her knees as his friend babbles on. "I don't know! He stood up to leave and just collapsed! Thank God you were here! Help him!" She adjusts his head, so his head is completely facing the ceiling and she checks his carotid artery. A breath of relief rushes out of her as she realizes he's got a strong pulse.

Quickly she leans over and places her ear right next to his nose. Shit. He's not breathing, she thinks to herself. She sits up quickly and watches his chest for rise and fall and see it's totally still. "He's not breathing! Did he choke on something?" Her eyes move to his friend who's got her face covered, probably embarrassed she's crying.

"No! I mean, I don't think so! He was talking just fine!"

Immediately she leaps back into action. "I need someone to run to the sick bay and get me a trauma bag! I need portable oxygen and a stretcher here right now!" She's shouting up at the milling crowd but then laughter erupts from beneath her. Rhi stiffens before her eyes dart down to Rooster who's practically in tears he's laughing so hard. "W-What...?"

She realizes he's not the only one laughing. Every single one of his pilot friends are laughing and high fiving each other too. Her eyes land back on Rooster as he tries to sit up and she shoves him hard back down to the ground. "What the hell are you doing?! You faked a respiratory emergency?! W-Why would you do that?!"

Now that most of the soldiers in the mess hall have realized it's a prank they start to dissipate. Rooster is still laughing pretty hard as he tries to speak around his laughter. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's just..." He laughs again as Rhi takes deep breaths to calm her still-crazy beating heart. The adrenaline is wearing off and now she's left with anger, total confusion, and a small bit of gratitude that he's not actually in respiratory arrest. "Y-You said over my dead body would you go on a date with me, s-so.... I died!"

At this his friends erupt in another fit of laughter and knee-slapping. Her eyes are wide as she stares down at this infuriating man, but the anger slowly starts to fade, and she lets out a few shocked laughs before full-on losing control and laughing as well. Now that the anger has faded she realizes how oddly charming and funny this situation is. The guy was so desperate to get her to say yes to one little date he was willing to fake his own death.

She plops completely on the floor in a fit of giggles and shakes her head at him. He props himself up completely and then turns his attention to her. "Well?" He raises an eyebrow her way again. "Will you let me take you out now? I mean, I died for you!"

Rhiannon watches his eyes twinkle with more laughter and he's grinning cheekily at her. He really is unlike any guy she's ever even considered going out with. He gets to his feet before reaching down and helping her to her own. She looks back up into his beautiful eyes and giggles a little bit more as he waits for an answer. He's still semi-holding onto her hand as she squeezes it a little.

"I mean.... you did die for me. How do I say no to that?" His grin gets even wider if that's even possible and she shakes her head at him. "Fine, Rooster, you can take me out when we get back to North Island. Just once."

He lets out a triumphant holler and turns to high five his friends and congratulates them on a prank well done. She watches as he celebrates his crazy victory and admires him a bit. He's dedicated, she'll give him that. And he's willing to go to extreme lengths just to make her smile, laugh, and say yes to dinner or a drink. She completely comes to terms, right then and there, that he's definitely a handful and maybe more mischief than he's worth.

But it's just one little date.

What could it hurt?

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