𝗦𝗠𝗚𝟰: Y/N's Crazy & Dumba...


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SMG4 Characters belong to SMG4/Glitch Productions Mario Characters belong to Nintendo More

For those who don't know SMG4 [[NON-CHAPTER]]
The Wish Ring
A Ghost and Melon have Wholesome Fun
The Inkwisher
The God Olympics 2022
The Multiverse of WTF
The Squidshroom Inkdom
Switching Bodies
Y/N's New Pet
Y/N's Judgement
Guess who's back! [[NON-CHAPTER]]
Mario tries to Die
Y/N & Meggy find Jeebus
Coming Soon [[NON-CHAPTER]]

If.....Y/N? was in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2

812 4 10

You and Meggy were "Smashing" each other in the Game Room as you kept on losing while playing as Banjo & Kazooie and Meggy was playing as Inkling (Ironically). You were usually chill but when losing too many times can make you a bit of a sore loser

Meggy: Haha! This is fun! Tari kicks my ass at this game, so it's nice to win for once!

Y/N: Shut up, Meg. You only got that win because I let you win that time

Meggy: Haha, Yeah yeah whatever :3

Meggy: Anyway, That was fun! So, what do you wanna do now?

Y/N: Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe let's go see what the others are up to

Meggy: Okay

You and Meggy walk out and checked up as Luigi was on the floor crying

Y/N: Luigi, what's the wrong man?

Mario: The big baby broke his stupid Poopy Doll.

Y/N: A doll? Come on Luigi, It's not that bad if a lost

Luigi: You don't understand, Y/N! That Poppy doll was very special and Mario was trying to destroy it!

Mario: Only because you made me spill my Spaghetti Girlfriend on the floor!

Both of the Mario Brothers had begun arguing in their national language and both you and Meggy got annoyed quickly


Y/N: Look, Maybe we could just go get another Poppy Doll for Luigi if it'll make him stop crying. Where did the first doll come from?

Mario: We went to this Stupid Toy Factory where I made friends with a Lanky Cookie Monster

Y/N: Uhhh, Okay? Then I guess you'll just have to go back and find him another one

Mario: Oh HELL NO! I ain't going back to that cancerous place again! You go there and find Luigi that Doll!

Y/N: Dude, You did this in the first place and he's your brother

Mario: You'll never take me alive!!

Mario then breaks his neck and collapses on the ground

Meggy: C'mon Y/N, I'm sure finding another doll for Luigi won't be that bad. All we got to do is go to the factory, find the doll and just bring it back to him. How hard can it be?

Y/N: I guess. But let's just try and make this quick. I still wanna get payback at you for the L that you gave me.

Meggy: Get good, Scrub >:3

After you looked up what Factory Luigi's Doll came from, You and Meggy go to the Factory that was known as "Playtime Co."

Y/N: This looks like the place where we're supposed to get the doll from. Kinda looks more like an Abandoned Factory

Meggy: Maybe, They went out of business recently?

Y/N: Whatever. Let's just get inside and get this damn doll so we can go home

You and Meggy enter the Factory as the place seemed about as Abandoned as to be expected. It also seemed that the place was a Large Mess with toys scattered about and even more messes to be found.

Y/N: Just as expected, this place is a complete mess and it has Mario written all over it. Now to mention it's dark in here, How the hell are we supposed to find the doll like this?

Meggy: Maybe we could try fixing the electricity somehow. Maybe something around should help us. Let's take a look

You and Meggy search the facility to look for anything that might come in handy. You both had found two things that were both called GrabPacks. Both were them on your backs and when pulling the triggers, shoot the hands as Objects would be pulled towards you

Meggy: Ooh! These are pretty cool! It makes grabbing things so easier

Y/N: I guess they're kinda cool but how are these supposed to help us fix the Power?

Meggy: I don't know. But let's try and keep looking, There's bound to be something around here that fixes the lights

You and Meggy go and travel throughout the rest of the factory before finding a Room where a Display Case was opened and empty

Y/N: I'm assuming that this is where Luigi got that Poppy Doll from. That probably means that there might be another one of them somewhere nearby

Meggy: We could go through that one opened door over there

Meggy points towards the nearby door that seems like it was unlocked and slightly opened up

Y/N: Ah yeah. Can we not?

Meggy: Come on

Y/N: Can we fucking not!

Meggy: Don't be a wimp.

Y/N: Meggy, There is nothing that you can do to make me go through that d-

You and Meggy went through the door as you were holding onto a SpongeBob Popsicle with Gumball Eyes. Courtesy of Meggy

Y/N: I hate you.

You and Meggy travel down the hallway and come to find another door by the end of it. You both enter through it and find to be an Office belonging to someone named "Elliot Ludwig"

Y/N: This must be the owner of the Factory. Got to say, This place looks pretty nice and clean compared to the rest of this dump.

Meggy: And look, I found a cool gold Trophy on the desk and a Tape

Y/N: A tape? Hmm, let's play it and see what's on it

You then found a Vhs Player and insert the tape as the TV began to show the footage

Meggy: Aww, Poor guy must've gone through a lot after one of his Family Members died

Y/N: I'm more curious about what happened afterward. But I guess there's no time to think about it. I found a Vent that we can go through, Maybe we could find a room that turns the Electricity back on

Meggy: Better than just walking around the factory aimlessly, I guess. Let's go

You and Meggy crawl through the air vent and eventually find an empty room and nothing in it....or so you thought before a Box fell to the ground

Y/N: Hey! Who's there? I've got a GrabPack that can rip heads off and I ain't afraid to use it!

???: Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you both!

Meggy looked up to try and find who else was talking and only to see a Moving Doll that was looking down at them

Meggy: The heck? Who are you?

Poppy: Oh, My name is Poppy. I was trying to repay the favor of whoever helped me free from my case. I'm guessing it must be you two?

Y/N: Uhhh, I wouldn't say it was us but I guess it had to have been someone like our friend that must've but then again it may not have been the same toy.

Poppy: Oh, I see. Well, I have figured that you both seemed to have been trying to restore the power and I wanted to lend a hand in helping you.

Meggy: That's pretty nice of you and all but how are we supposed to turn the power back with these hand things?

Poppy: The GrabPack also doubles as a way to convert the flow of electricity through the cords that the hands are connected by. All you have to do is make sure the cords are connected to the poles and the rest should follow proceed.

You tried to shoot one of the hands at the starting point and made sure that the cords touch the poles before figuring out the puzzle and turning the power back on. Getting applause from Meggy and Poppy

Meggy: Great! Now with the power back on, we can get a Poppy Doll so we can bring it back to Luigi!

Poppy: Doll? We're you both coming to get a Toy?

Y/N: Yeah, A friend of ours kinda had his last one broken and we came here to get him another one, and what a Coincidence that we find another Poppy Doll and it can talk

Meggy: Y/N, I don't think it would be right to just bring a Sentient Toy like her to be played with by someone else. It just doesn't seem worth it.

Y/N: Then what do you suppose we do then? We can't just go back empty-handed since we went through the trouble of coming here in the first place.

Meggy: There has to be more than just one Poppy Doll around here, Right? This is a Toy Factory after all.

Poppy: I hate to interfere but I'm afraid that I'm the only one that was made...or the last intact one. But I could at least help you two find a way out of here if you don't know how to. There's a Train Station nearby that requires a code and I have it, we can get out of here that way.

Poppy then walks away as you both were left confused about where she went before she appeared from another vent that was next to where you came in

Poppy: As soon as you get on up here

Meggy: Well Y/N, I guess we don't have much of a choice but to trust her for now. She seems to be our best shot at getting out of this place.

Y/N: Yeah, you might be right. Let's get moving

You both use your GrabPack to get back into the vents and crawled back into Ludwig's Office

Poppy: Hey! Over here! I see you! I should be able to follow both of you throw the vents. This way

Meggy and You go back outside the office and open the gates and after swinging over the abyss of death,  You open the door to see Poppy at the edge of a Massive Hole in the floor behind her

Meggy: Why is there a Big Hole here? And why are we here?

Poppy: Listen. I'm gonna need you to trust M-  AHHHHHHH!!!

Y/N & Meggy: POPPY!!

You both looked down at the hole and then at each other in shock at what just happened

Y/N: What the hell was that?!

Meggy: I don't know but it just took Poppy! We need her!

Y/N: But how do we know if this pit isn't gonna lead to instant death?

Meggy: I'm not sure but we got to try. We need her help getting out of this place and we're not just gonna leave her behind

Y/N: Okay. You're right. Let's go in together

You count on 3 and then both of you jumped into the Pit as it seemed to have been making both of you go down a slide

Meggy & Y/N: Weeeeeeeeeee!!!! :D

By the time that you got out of the slide, You found yourselves in another room

Meggy: Oh boy. Now, where are we?

Y/N: Hmm, I guess this is where whatever dragged Poppy down here for. Maybe if you turn on the power it might open one of the gates

Meggy nodded as she goes into the room to try and turn the power back on and open the gate. It took a bit longer to figure out but she managed to pull through. Once the gate had opened, Another gate at the end of the hall needed to be opened up via the Red Hand. You tried to shoot the Red Hand until something caught it and grabbed onto Meggy's Red Hand from both of your GrabPacks

Y/N: What the hell!?

Mommy Long Legs: Some new Playmates! It's been so long. Isn't this exciting, Poppy? 'Very exciting, Mommy!' Mommy heard that Miss Poppy was going to just give you the train code to escape. Now how is that fun? Instead, why don't we make a game out of it? The Game Station is still working. It'll be just like old times.
'And if you win all three games, I'll give you the train code!' Mommy loves that idea, Poppy! Ooo, you're going to have so much fun. Head to Musical Memory and Mommy will get things started. Obey the rules, or I'll tear you apart and eat your insides while you're still alive.

Soon as Mommy Long Legs had left with Poppy, The Gate opened by itself

Y/N: So, Am I the only one who might have just peed themselves a little

Meggy: Nope. Now we're one-hand shorter...

Y/N: Maybe we'll get back after we complete the first game. The sooner we finish playing the games, the better

You and Meggy go into the Game Room as three places go downstairs before one of them opens up for Musical Memory

Y/N: Well, Guess this must be the first game for us to play. Maybe one of us should go first and the other plays the next game

Meggy: But who goes first?

Y/N: Rock, Paper, Scissors?

You and Meggy played Rock, Paper, Scissors and she ended up winning. You walked down and went through the path before you ended up in a Place known as The Molding Room. You tried making yourself a New Hand for your GrabPack and took a second one for Meggy.

Y/N: Alright, now let's see what Musical Memory offers

You head inside the first game as the room was mostly pitch black before the Monitor turns on

Mommy Long Legs: Isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen this place up and running in years! Mommy can only imagine how excited Bunzo must be. It's been such a long time since he's been able to play. To cheer. To eat. Oh! That's the dinner bell! Good luck.

You got a little nervous before you get started. At first, It was rather easy and simple as you easily managed to remember the colors and such. It eventually got harder but while you still got through with it, It went out of control and soon the whole system went nuts. You saw a moving button and kept trying to press it but after 25x times, You managed to hit the button and the game turned off

Mommy Long Legs: It broke. That's no fun... For doing such a splendid job, Mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train. Look up. Take it.

You look above you to see Mommy's hand, holding part of the code. You reach for it and grabbed it

Mommy Long Legs: Mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer. It's ok though. Mommy knows other ways to play with you~. Wink wink~ 😉 😘


Later, Came back out from the game and tried looking for Meggy. She was nearby and playing on one of the swings in the lobby

Meggy: So, How did it go?

Y/N: Uhh.........fine.

Meggy: What? Is everything okay?

Y/N: Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's not like some sentient toy just became thirsty for me all of a sudden. Nothing like that at all

Meggy: ...

Meggy: Ooooooooookaaaaaaaayyyyy? Anyway, I'm guessing she gave the train code, right?

Y/N: Sorta. She only gave me one part of it. I'm gonna guess that she'll have to give us the other two after we play these other two games.

Meggy: Alright, I'm guessing the next game is Whack-a-Wuggy so I guess it's my turn

Y/N: Okay, but be careful, Some toy might have some pretty Sus feelings towards you and you might feel like your gonna barf.


Meggy: I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

Meggy goes down into Whack-a-Wuggy to play the game while you tried to make yourself throw up. Once Meggy managed to get into the next game, A TV had turned on and presumed to give information about the next game

Mommy Long Legs: Toys in this game used to have strings attached to them, so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children. Hmm... Have fun.

Meggy begins to focus as she tries to hear which of the Wuggies comes out from the holes and uses her GrabPack Hands to push them back into their holes. She didn't break a sweat and she had managed to get through the game without trouble

Mommy Long Legs: You did it. Hurray! Mommy is so... Proud of you! Here, Mommy has another hint for you. Only one game left to play. Hmm... Sad. Mommy was hoping you and you're cutie of a friend would stay here forever. Though, it's never too late to change your mind.

Meggy: The heck? Why did you say it like that?

Mommy Long Legs: Well, They don't call me "Mommy" for nothing

Author: Yeah, C'mon I can't be the only one who's seen Chapter 2 and thought that she was a bit thirsty. The Devs knew what they were doing when they named her and a sus tone and voice

Meggy left the Game with a rather slightly uncomfortable expression. She felt a bit weird from the short talk she had with MLL and for some reason.....Jealous?

Meggy came back to the Game Station but you were nowhere to be found. She looked around the Game Station to try and find you but couldn't see you anywhere

Meggy: Y/N! Where did you go?

Mommy Long Legs: Oh? Are you looking for your little friend? Mommy couldn't have helped but think that they were a little too special to Mommy. So, I decided to take them along with Poppy so that She can "Get to know them better". Don't be jealous, You don't seem like you'd be anything special for someone like them, anyway

Meggy: Are you trying to piss me off?

Mommy Long Legs: Ah ah ah, Mommy doesn't allow that kind of Language around here. Naughty ones get punished for it.

Meggy: I'm about to punish you when I get my hands on you!

Mommy Long Legs: I'm afraid that you'll have to complete the last game before that. If you win, I might give you back your friend

Mommy Long Legs laughs manically as she leaves while an Angry Meggy grits her teeth and angrily growls. She opens the floor door to the last game and entered the game itself.

PJ Pug-a-Pillar had appeared from the shadows as He looks down at Meggy while Meggy had become a little nervous

Mommy Long Legs: It was always so sad to see the kids go... They called me "Mommy" because I was the closest thing they ever had to one. But they'd come for games, and never come back. They left Mommy to die alone. Mommy didn't deserve that! But you? You and them...Y/N, was it? Something about that person seems to intrigue Mommy quite a bit. Something about them seems to be rather special and different in comparison to what Mommy has witnessed from this...Prison. I can't afford to let anyone get in the way of what could be Mommy's Savior from here. Especially with "Him" taken into effect.

Mommy Long Legs: Mommy has spent too long and too hard to have this place be her final resting place. I have to leave. I WILL leave.

The game had then begun before the lights had turned off and Meggy had started running the course. The lights turned on and Meggy stood still as she hears the steps of PJ coming from behind her. The lights are turned on again as she uses the rings hanging from the ceiling to get further via the GrabPack and goes through the Hard Path. She later finds that there was a dead end and had to think fast.

She sees a Handle near the windows above her and uses her GrabPack to grab onto it and break through the window. Meggy sighed in relief and sees a Hole on the floor. With no other choice, she goes down the hole and managed to escape.

Mommy Long Legs: Where did you go? The game is over, you won! Come back and Mommy will give you the code. Pinky promise!

Meggy chose to ignore her as she goes down the path that she sees before her and tries to find her way out

Mommy Long Legs: *snicker* Mommy knows the game is really hard, but Mommy just decided you won! *high-pitched laugh* Come back!

Meggy had to solve some "Electrical" Puzzles and such before she saw something from up ahead. It was small but quick and Meggy was now left to keep her guard and try to follow it

Mommy Long Legs: Mommy doesn't like cheaters! The rules are so simple! You die, Mommy gets to watch! *high-pitched laugh* COME BACK TO ME!

Meggy keeps following the mysterious figure and preparing herself to attack whatever it was. She didn't seem to trust it.

Mommy Long Legs: *grunt of annoyance/anger* How dare you to disobey me! I will find you! I will find you, and when I do... *high-pitched laugh* Where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!

Meggy almost made it out of bed she caught up to it as she sneaks up behind it and pounces it and pinned them to the ground


Meggy: Poppy?

Poppy: Meggy?

Meggy: Poppy!

Poppy: Meggy!

Y/N: Spongebob.

You showed up before both Meggy and Poppy as you fixed your hair and your shirt as you tried to get rid of the Cobwebs on you

Meggy: Y/N! Are you okay? What happened to you? Did she hurt you? Do you need a snack? Maybe a juice box?

Meggy bombarded with Questions about you like a very protective Mother

Y/N: Chill out Meggy, I'm fine. After you went into Whack-a-Wuggy, That stupid Pink Spider Woman captured me, and she was interrogating me

Meggy: Oh no. What has she done to you?

Y/N: More like, what has NOT done to me? Seriously, I don't what these guys were thinking when they first made her but she seriously acts like a Single Mom who's desperate for attention

Poppy: Yeah, I may be a doll but I am gonna need intense therapy after things I have witnessed

Meggy: *Growls* I swear, I am gonna squash her like the stupid Spider bug she is!

Y/N: My thoughts exactly. Somebody's gonna have to do the job that the FBI should be doing after what she's done

Meggy: Anyway, speaking of her, She seems to be trying to escape this place just like us and she thinks you're supposed to be a "Savior" and she wants to try and get out of here. She tried to get me killed in the last game but I was lucky enough to get out and I've been looking for you ever since. We need to find a way to get out of here, with or without getting on the Train

Y/N: Well then, We better get our asses out of here before That Spider B*tch tries to do more than what she's already done

Poppy: Wait. You guys aren't just gonna leave me here, are you?

Meggy: Nah, We aren't gonna leave you. Since you did try helping us earlier, It only seems fair that we return the favor by letting you come with us

Poppy: Are you sure? What if nobody likes me? What if I'll have nowhere to go?

Y/N: Don't worry. We have tons of Friends who we kinda accept as Family and we even just made friends with someone that knows Saiko personally and He's not too bad either. I'm sure they'll love it and maybe Melony will want to play with you, too

Poppy: Really?

Y/N: Yeah! Melony almost has the Mentality of a 5-year-old. I'm pretty sure that we could just find any kind of random and non-living toy in this factory to give to Luigi. Besides, If it's a Toy that Melony can interact with, You'd be making new friends easily, especially with her

Poppy: Oh wow. So, I finally get to leave and I get to be played with by someone after so many years, stuck inside that case for so long? Today is looking good for little ol' me! 😊

Meggy: As much as I'm glad that we all are agreeing but we should try and get moving. Mommy Long Legs sounded very angry when I escaped the last game and most likely is now hunting me down

You picked up Poppy and You both make your way out of the place. It took quite a while before you look above to see if you might need to go up that way before Mommy Long Legs jumps down

Mommy Long Legs: I asked you to play fair, and you cheated! I HATE cheaters! Now, we're going to play one. LAST. GAME. It's called... hide... and... SEEK!
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two.

The three of you began to run for your lives and didn't bother to look back. You guys tried to do everything you can get out of there and yet Mommy Long Legs was in hot on your tail

Author: So, I'm just gonna skip ahead a little bit towards the end since this is already long enough and I think you already know how this game ends

Mommy Long Legs was about to get rather close to you guys as You and Meggy decided to fight her, Yourselves. She was rather fast and with her incredibly Long Limbs, she can stretch to inhuman lengths. She wrapped Meggy around within one of her arms while wrapping you in the other. Poppy comes to save the day as she pushes Mommy Long Legs into a Shredder, causing her to let go of you and Meggy as you pulled the lever trying to get

The three of you watch as MLL gets shredded alive and watch in horror even when a Mechanical hand had dragged her remains

Meggy: ...

Y/N: ...


Y/N: Nope.

You, Meggy, and Poppy agreed on remains you decided to set the whole factory on fire, and then it explodes

Y/N: Let's all agree that we go to therapy together and we never speak of this again

Meggy: Ditto.

Poppy: Eeyup.

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