The One With The Werewolf

By katiec563

957 34 14

Edan Wilkes has been living with The Weasley family for the last 3 years, since her parents died protecting h... More



42 1 0
By katiec563

A few weeks had passed since the events in The Great Hall. We were quickly approaching. Remus dismissed the 5th years a few minutes early, likely to give Edan and him more time together. " You're staying with The Weasley's over the Holiday, I assume." Remus said whilst they were sitting in his office. Edan was sitting atop of his desk while he was standing in front of her. She wrapped her arms around him with a smile.

"I am not sure, I thought perhaps I could stay here with you." Edan said. She thought Remus would be excited at having her for Christmas. They would have so much private time together. Instead he looked extremely anxious. "What is it?" 

He quickly tried to cover up whatever emotions were going through his head but it was useless, she could tell something was wrong. "Nothing, but don't you think people might get suspicious?"

Edan looked at him long and hard trying to see whether this was in fact true. She had a sinking feeling that it wasn't completely truthful. "No. I mean, hardly anyone stays for the Holiday and I already told Molly I would be staying because I am falling behind in a few classes. I don't think anyone will think much of it."

Remus moved away from her. "I don't think you should stay for the Holiday, Edan."

She jumped from the desk and put her hands on her hips. It was a safe situation for the moment, her anger wasn't flashing. "And why not?" Edan demanded, her voice louder than she expected it to be. 

"Because I said so!" Remus shouted in return.

That was the worst excuse anyone ever used. And to use it on her? He was speaking to Edan like she was a child or a student, not his girlfriend. "Because you said so.." Edan sneered at him. "You know I hear Molly say that to her children but not to her husband! You're treating me like a child. I am staying for the Holiday, YOU can leave." I shouted.

There was a knock on the door which had in fact be opened slightly. Remus and Edan both turned to see who was there."It is time for you detention Ms Wilkies." Snape said standing rigid in the doorway. This was far more embarrassing than the time he'd happened upon the couple making out. Edan stomped away from Remus who had already turned away from her. She followed Snape down to the dungeons and took her usual post at the counter. He was having her separate leeches for our potions final tomorrow. Edan put on her protective gloves and set to work, still seething from her fight with Remus. 

How dare he speak to her it such a way, She was his girlfriend for crying out loud! Sure, she was quite a bit younger than him but what should that matter? Nonetheless, Edan was adamant that Remus should not have spoken to her that way. She was staying for the Holiday whether he liked it or not. Unfortunately she knew there would be nothing for her to do other than sit and sulk. 

"You are crushing the leeches! Can you not keep your mind off of your silly boyfriend for even an hour of your time?" Snape said snidely beside her. Edan realized she had been squeezing the leeches so tightly that their fluids were dripping all over her. She groaned and tossed the leeches aside. Snape didn't speak again but stood beside her assessing the work. Edan continued on up until the very last minute of detention.  "You've only a few minutes before dinner. I suggest you change, unless you want to go with blood and leech guts all over you." Edan nodded and made her way to the door but stopped just before turning the handle. 

"I want to say sorry sir, that Dumbledore always sends you to separate Remus and I each day." Edan said kindly still face the door. "I'll talk to him about it, maybe he can send Fred and George." Professor Snape remained silent behind her.  

"Don't" Was the only response she received on the matter. "Hurry up."

Edan was in quite the haze as she returned to her Dormitory. So much had happened recently it was hard to keep up. It seemed the easy going part of her life she had only been able to enjoy momentarily. Remus didn't want her to stay for the Holiday which she still didn't understand. It bothered her deeply the way he'd spoken to her as if she was below him. Why did Professor Snape tell her not to ask Dumbledore to send someone else? Edan had no idea what to think. 

Edan tried to shake those thoughts from her head. She pulled on some new school robes and combing through her hair with her fingers as she raced to dinner. "What's this I hear you aren't coming home for Christmas?" Fred demanded as he sat down. 

"I am really behind on my work boys." Edan said which was a lie, she was. It just wasn't the reason for staying.

"Are you sure you aren't staying for a certain Professor?" George said winking at her. 

Edan rolled her eyes at the. "No. Most certainly not. Remus made it very clear that he doesn't want to send the Holiday together." She grumbled. The boys could sense that Edan was quite upset and decided not to pressure her for more information. They all sat, Edan in here usual spot which was positioned perfectly to see Remus. However in this instance Edan wished she'd chosen a different spot. She kept her head down through most of dinner but unfortunately chose a terrible time to peak at him. 

Remus was watching her. He scratched the inside of her left ear, it was a signal the pair had designated a while ago in order for Edan to know whether she should go down to his chambers or not. She ducked her head, uncertain if she wanted to go. 

In the end, she made the decision to go. Edan stood outside him chamber door for quite awhile trying to decide if it was best for her to leave or not. The door however opened suddenly. "Oh. I was about to come looking for you." Remus said. Edan stared at him for a moment then pushed past him inside.

"What do you want?" Edan asked with hostility already in her voice.

"I wanted to explain myself further. I will not be here over the Holiday."

She rose an eyebrow at him. Why hadn't he mentioned this earlier? Edan chose to not engage in another argument. "Okay." 

"It makes no sense for you to stay even stay here for the Holiday. You should go home with your family. We can spend the next Holiday together, I promise." Remus said cupping my face and kissing my forehead. Edan simply nodded in response feeling extremely happy to no longer be arguing. "It's rather late for you to be wondering the castle. Teacher, Prefects and even Sirius Black are all a risk. You can stay here tonight." Remus suggested. 

"With you?" Edan asked in slight disbelief. 

Remus' face faltered. " Er- It was just an idea. I am sure we can get you back without issue." Remus said walking toward the door. Edan walked in the door opposite of them. She walked in, turned on the light and glanced around. Remus followed her shortly as she was taking off her socks, shoes and excess robes. 

"Do you have a tshirt I can sleep in?" Edan asked.

Without a work Remus walked to his wardrobe and grabbed a black shirt for me. He turned his back to Edan to allow her some privacy. She figured it was normal considering they hadn't been together long. She quickly removed the rest of her unnecessary clothing and threw the t shirt on. "Okay, finished." Edan said. 

Remus had quickly dressed in his own night clothes while Edan had been busy. She turned back just as he was pulling his shirt on. Once again she noticed the scars on his chest. Edan ignored it once more and climbed into his bed. He joined her shortly after. Edan had so many questions for him regarding the state of his chest but was to frightened to ask. After all, she hated being asked probing questions. Remus kissed her gently on the forehead. "Good night Edan." 

"Good night."  Edan responded quietly. 

The next morning everyone was leaving for the Holiday. Edan had a potions essay to turn it but afterward she headed straight back to Remus' to say goodbye. "Hi there." She said happily walking into his classroom. 

Remus met her with a smile. "The Hogwarts Express should be leaving soon." 

Edan nodded and hugged him tightly. "I know, that's why I can't stay long. I have to meet the twins." 

"I'm leaving myself. Perhaps you should as well, I don't want you to miss them." Remus suggested to her. 

"An excellent point. I'll miss you. Promise to write?" Edan asked as she approached the door. 

"I miss you already!" He responded. "I'll write to you on Thursday." Edan was content as she closed the door and set off to find George and Fred.

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