CHS: Friday Night Funkin

By bryan33217

13.5K 149 68

Blue Spletzer lives with his Aunt and Uncle because things been happening to him lately. He lost his mother... More

Harem #1
Harem #2
Chapter 1: The New Students and Meeting The Girls
Chapter 2: Another Encounter and 2 Funky Battles
Chapter 3: Meeting Grandparents and Blue's past and Funkin battle
Chapter 4: Rally The Students
Chapter 5: Sleepover at Blue's House
Chapter 6: Blue and Twilight are Framed/Serect's Revealed
Chapter 7: The Night Of The Fall Formal
Chapter 8: The Girls and Blue's Sleepover Day
Chapter 9: The Birth Of The Rainbooms
Chapter 11: Enter The Dazzlings
Chapter 12: Information about The Dazzlings
Chapter 13: Slumber Party
Chapter 14: Blue's Disappearance & The Corruption Main Event
Chapter 15: The Rise Of The Dazzlebooms and The End Of The Corruption
Chapter 16: The Rise Of The Harem
Chapter 17: One Big Date and Meeting another Twilight Sparkle
Chapter 18: Getting The Friendship Games Ready
Chapter 19: The Arrival of the Rivals and Reunited with Sisters

Chapter 10: Corruption is Better than Ever

331 6 3
By bryan33217

Some Time Ago - During The Fall Formal and Prince Who Funk The Night Away

While Blue and his friends was attending the Fall Formal, something else was happening in another part of Canterlot.

In an cafe, the partons inside were arguing while being oblivious to an eerie green fog in the cafe flowing around, 3 mysterious girls were around the corner singing as there red pendants glowed a bit. The 2 girls took of there hoods and showed there faces. The one in a green sweater, she has Purple and light blue ponytails, she was annoyed, as the light blue girls with dark purple lines on her hair see her. This 2 were Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

Aria Blaze: That was barely worth the effort Adagio. I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal.

Adagio: I don't even know what to do girls...

The same person from The Fall Formal walks inside the cafe and saw Adagio, Sonata and Aira while smiling.

???: Well, it a pleasure too meet you girls!!

The 3 girls all looked behind them and saw a person. The same person who Blue and his friends defeated during the Fall Formal.

Aria: Who are you?!

???: I'll tell you later, but I would like you girls to help me with something.

Adagio: What do you want?!

???: I know that you girls aren't from this world, not only that, you lost people who were your family. I don't have enough power in me, but I know how to help you get your magic back.

Aria, Sonata and Adagio looked at themselves and looked at the person.

Adagio: How??

???: There is this school that is not far from here, I want you to join the school, get to know them, but you need to be aware of a boy and 7 girls, because this boy, defeated me and his name is Blue Spletzer!! I want you to keep a close eye on him and start to corrupted him a bit, I got something so that he won't be in the way of my plans.

Adagio, Sonata and Aira looked at each other. Adagio nodded at him as he walked away.

Sonata: We better get going so we can get to school then.

Adagio and Aria nodded at Sonata and was about to leave until something happened. Something like a spiralling rainbow appeared in the sky.

The spiralling rainbow then fires a Rainbow waves which hits something and creates a rainbow pillar.

Adagio's pendant then sparks as she realized and looked up.

Adagio: Girls!! Do you have any idea what that is!!

Sonata and Aria was clueless as Adagio smacks her head.

Adagio: Equestrian Magic!!

Aria: But, this world doesn't have Equestrian Magic.

Adagio: It does now and were gonna use it to make this world adore us!! But, we need to find this Blue Spletzer person first!!

The girls smiled with sinister grins on there faces as they looked forward.

-with ???-

??? was doing his own thing and started to make something or should I say, make a look alike version of Blue. The Corrupted version of Blue was nodding at him.

???: Corrupt Blue Spletzer!! I want you to start Corrupting people and do not get spotted by the main people and if you see your original, make sure he doesn't get in the way of my plans. If those girls can start Corrupting him a bit my plan will work!!

??? Courrupt Blue: Yes sir!!

Present Day

At Canterlot High, things have been peaceful since The Incident at The Fall Formal and Prince Who Funk The Night Away. Blue was leaning on the gym wall while talking towards Soul Blue.

Blue: So, you got anything I should be warned about?!

Soul Blue: Nothing yet!

Sunset was helping her friends make the poster for the band. Blue smiled at them as he walked towards them.

Blue: You girls good?

Pinkie Pie: Yup!!

Twilight: Hehe, well this should be fun for this week Musical Showcase.

Rainbow: Hehe!!

Blue held his guitar on his back as he smiled. The girls was finished with the poster. Everyone was enjoying there day because of making there own banners for this weeks showcase.

Rarity: So what do you think of our poster?! Quite the eye-catching advertisement if I do so myself.

Pinkie: And it smell like cake!

Fluttershy: It does?

Fluttershy starts to sniff the poster only for Pinkie Pie, to put the poster onto her face as she giggled.

Pinkie: I use frosting instead of paste!

Sunset and Blue giggled. Sunset wipes the glitter off Fluttershy's nose. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna enters the gym as everyone looked at them.

Principal Celestia: This is actually a great opportunity for all of you to participate in the first ever Canterlot High School's Musical Funkin Showcase.

Everyone cheered as they were excited. Blue was holding his sisters necklaces and put them on his neck. Soul Blue was holding his guitar on his back.

-2 hours later-

Blue and the girls was in the music room. Sunset grabs her guitar as she smiled and got ready. Blue was looking at the necklaces while looking down as Twilight sat beside him.

Twilight: You alright Blue?

Blue looks at Twilight and smiled.

Blue: Yeah! It just that, I have a really bad feeling something is gonna happen and I'm scared and I don't know if I'm able to stop it.

The girls heard the conversation that was going on between Twilight and Blue. Twilight comforts Blue as he looks at her and blushed.

Twilight: If anything happens to you or anyone of us, we will solve it no matter how hard we try, we stick together.

Blue hugs Twilight and smiled. Twilight tell the girls to join her as they hugged and smiled. Soul Blue was floating in the air and saw the whole thing.

Sunset: Anyways Girls, let's play a song, what you say?

Rainbow: Sure!! Let's get to it!!

Applejack: Too be honest, I'd say the whole experience has brought everyone at Canterlot High ever then before.

Rainbow: Can we get to practicing now?

Blue: Sure!!

Blue grabs his guitar and got ready as Soul Blue smiled and just watch. Sunset grabs her guitar and smiled.

Soul Blue: Hehe!!

Pinkie Pie hit the drums sticks together and got ready.

Pinkie Pie: One, Two, Three!

Play Song: Better Than Ever

The Rainbooms (Singing):

There was a time we were apart

But that's behind us now

See how we've made a brand new start

And the future's look'in up, ah-oh, ah-oh

And when you walk these halls

You feel it everywhere

Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

Soon after the girls start playing, they pony-up.

We are all together

(Ah, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)

Now it's better then ever

(Ah, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)

You can feel it, we are back (You... can... feel... it...)

And I'm so glad that we're better

Better than Ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Oh yeah, we're better than ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Blue was smiling already as Twilight and Sunset saw him cheered up.

Rainbow Dash (Singing):

There was a time we couldn't see

Past the differences

Applejack (Singing):

That separated you and me

And it left us on our own

Pinkie Pie (Singing):

But now you walk these halls

And friends are everywhere

The Rainbooms (Singings):

Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

We are all together

(Ah, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)

Now it's better then ever

(Ah, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)

Now we are back on track (Now... we... are...)

Yes, I'm glad that we're better

Better than ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Oh yeah, we're better then ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Oh yeah, we're better than ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Oh yeah, we're better than ever!

After the songs end, the girls changed back to normal as there pony ears and tails are gone. Twilight and Spike applauds.

Twilight: That was amazing girls and Blue!!

Spike: You all rocked!!

Blue place his guitar on his back as he looks at the mirrior and sighed. Soul Blue looks at Blue and smiled.

Rarity: I still can't believe that happens when we play!! Ooh, I've got a look into some new accessories! Something that looks good in a longer ponytail. Ooh! Maybe some clip-on earrings for when I get those adorable pony ears!!

Rarity was excited as Applejack looks at her.

Applejack: Really?! Even though Twilight still got her crown back, we can't use magic to fix our problems all the time!!

Sunset: Applejack is right!! It's our friendship that brought us all together!! That can't break no matter how hard we try!! We stick together no matter what!!

Twilight smiled at Sunset Shimmer and stood beside her and smiled.

Twilight: Yeah!! Were friends, we stick together no matter what!!

Blue just sighed as Soul Blue spoke towards Blue.

Soul Blue: You can relax Spletzer, just keep your guard up.

Blue nodded at Soul Blue. Vice Principal Luna starts calling Blue Spletzer, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer names on the inner coms systems.

Vice Principal Luna (on the P.A System): Blue Spletzer, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, please report towards the main foyer.

Blue: We better get going Sunset and Twilight!!

Sunset: That right, Twilight, me and Blue volunteer to show the new students around the school.

Blue Spletzer, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer left the music room.

Rainbow: We still got a few minutes before lunch starts. How about we start playing "Awesome as I want to be?"

Fluttershy: Um Rainbow Dash, I was thinking if we could maybe play one of my song I wrote?

Fluttershy slowly holds her notebook up. Soul Blue was behind Rainbow Dash and looks at her.

Rainbow: We'll get too it later.

Fluttershy: Oh Okay!

Rainbow Dash got backslap on the neck by Soul Blue. Rainbow looked behind her and saw no one.

Rainbow: What the??

The girls looked at Rainbow and saw no one around.

Rainbow: That hurted and who just back slapped me in the neck?!

Soul Blue was just laughing and went to go find Blue.

-with Sunset, Twilight, Spike and Blue-

Blue, Sunset, Twilight and Spike was walking down the hallways until they arrive towards the main foyer were they see 3 girls they never saw before.

When Blue looks at the girls, he can tell something feels unease about them.

Blue: Hey Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, are those the new students?

Soul Blue can tell by the look Blue was giving and can tell something was up.

Sunset: I think so Blue... Let's see!!!

Blue, Sunset and Twilight all walked towards the girls. Soul Blue was floating as the 3 girls looked at them.

Twilight: Hi, you must be the 3 new students we suppose to show around?

Adagio: Yes we are!

Sunset: Canterlot High is a really good school. You're gonna love it.

Adagio: Before you show us around, can we by any chance get your names.

Blue looks at his friends and looks at them.

Twilight: Um okay? My name is Twilight Sparkle!

Sunset: My name is Sunset Shimmer!

Blue: My name is Blue Spletzer!

Adagio, Sonata and Aira looked at the boy beside Twilight and was shocked.

Adagio: -thoughts: This is Blue Spletzer!! The boy we need too keep and eye on before he gets Corrupted, but he is too cute!! I won't do this!!-

Sonata: -thoughts: Why does cute and loveable boy, have to become corrupted, I am so not doing this!!-

Aria: -thoughts: He is too handsome!! Why do we have too do this!! I can't do this, I maybe a tough girl, but Blue is just to cute and innocent!! We'll have too keep him safe from that guy-

Blue, Twilight and Sunset was looking at them as Blue spoke.

Blue: Um, you girls okay?

Adagio/Sonata/Aria: Yeah!! We are good!! Thanks for asking!!

Adagio catches her breath for a moment and spoke.

Adagio: We were interested about going to this school because we sense something... magical about this place.

Sunset: Okay!! Anyways, you will love it here!!

Blue: Let's get going then!!

Soul Blue was above Blue Spletzer and was worried for Blue now, but needed time to think about.

Soul Blue: -thoughts: Who are these girls? Why are they so interested in Blue all the sudden? More importantly, do they know about the magic that happened in The Fall Formal and Prince Who Funk The Night Away event that happened a few days back? I better stay close to them and make sure Blue doesn't get hit with something!-

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