By johnsonsrise

353 0 0

What if... the Agents of SHIELD was a part of the Avengers Initiative without them even knowing it? Here are... More

Starting Author's Note
captain america: the first avenger pt 1
captain america: the first avenger pt 2
captain america: the first avenger pt 3
captain america: the first avenger pt 4
captain marvel pt 1
captain marvel pt 2
captain marvel pt 3
captain marvel pt 4
captain marvel pt 5
iron man pt 1
iron man pt 3

iron man pt 2

12 0 0
By johnsonsrise

tony's pov

i saw the door open out of the corner of my eyes. i knew that i was dying and that even the doctor that my captors had, ho yinsen, wouldnt even be able to help me. and now, the ten rings people came knocking on the door and intruding on my, our, private space. 

"what do you want? come to kill me? there is no way that im making you that nuclear weapon!" i said, but that didnt feel right. they didnt even seem like ten rings people, not to mention that they didnt have the characteristics of a terrorist.

"tony stark?"

"how did you know?"

"my friend here... he knows your father, but theyve never met."

"i see. yes, i am tony stark. what do you want?" i said, weakly. 

"this is our private space. get out, please." ho yinsen said. 

"no, doc, let them stay. i think that they have a point to make."

"dont let them hurt you."

"fine." i said, and he went off to work on some of his other doodads.

"what do you want?"

"i know thay youre dying, mr stark, and i think that we can fix it."

"you can cure death?"

"no, prevent death for the time being."

"that make me invincible or anything?"

"no, but you can live a longer time."

"fine. but you people dont look like scientists."

"no, we arent scientists, but.. she is." i saw may pat simmons on the back, and she revealed herself from behind us.

"jemma simmons. phd in 2 fields that you might not even be able to pronounce, and i know a lot about biology and engineering."

"you seem like a really good fit for my assistant." i shrugged, but somewhere in my i was surprised that a woman like this would have this kind of degree. that was a first.

"thanks. and this is what i can do: i can help build the thing that can temporarily stop the shrapnel from reaching your heart, but..."

"who told you that there was shrapnel?"

"we work for shield, a secret organisation that rose up in the ashes of hydra, so yes, we know that, and just listen to me, this is only temporary, so you might need to go and get some checks from time to time. got it?"

"yeah, fine." i grumbled. 

she started looking and tending to me, which ho did a really good job of. she apparently had some experience with people that were dying and those that were about to die.

"this is really bad. now, how much materials do you have?"

"youre looking at it." i said, and i knew that she wouldnt be able to do much anyways, since there was just less than a metre long of stainless steel and a car battery.

"ok. so.. the best thing that i can do for you now, it make you an electromagnet and that the shrapnel doesnt kill you and get into your heart. got it?"

"youre the boss." i said, and laid down for her and ho yinsen to operate on me. they stabbed me with a needle and everything went black.

daisy's pov

we were fighting the guards outside guarding the spot where tony stark was guarded and we eventually succeeded, but it wasnt after a long time that we had achieved success.

"now what?" i said to everyone else in the room.

"we wait, impatient." yo-yo stated calmly.

after a while, the door opened.

"wait for him to wake up. thats all." athena said.

"i carried out the implant, and it turns out that it was me who had the idea of creating the arc reactor for him." she said.

"now, whos up for a game of uno?" i asked, bringing out my cards from my go pack. 

tonys pov

i woke up to a very clear mind, the pain that used to be in me was. i was finally sane. that jemma simmons did actually work tons on me. i finally understood how useless ho was compared to her, which was why i asked him to fetch simmons from outside. i closed the door behind him as he walked out, and i started to admire the handiwork, it was just a car battery programmed to make be an electromagnet. yes, something that simple could be made to prevent me from dying, and at the same time, she had managed to make it that captivating, that amazing that i couldnt help but admire it. 

"you asked for me, sir?"

"yes, and please call me tony, or stark. how did you do this?"

"im a biologist, and once i had ho take your biometrics and we personalised one for you."

"i see. this is very good work, by the way. also, how much of those people are there?"

"my teammates or..."

"ten rings."

"i dont know, theres a hive of them."

"i have to escape out of here, and im willing to go with you guys if you want me to tag along, but i have to run some other errands first before i meet up with you guys. what if... we created a weaponised suit out of these... materials that were supposed to make up a nuclear bomb?"

"sounds like a plan."

"and also, please dont let other people know about this, the people outside. i dont trust them quite yet, especially that person that came in with you before... what was her name..."


"yes. her. but if you need an assistant other than ho yinsen, you can grab that kid outside. she looks like shes prime for it."

"actually... theres someone out there which is an engineer. would you want him?"

"the both of them can come."

"ill call them in." this was how jemma and i struck a secret deal to help each other.

daisy's pov

i knew that something was going up between jemma and tony for a long time, and i think that may picked that up too, sensing their emotions. but they didnt say a word and jemma eventually came out and towed fitz and athena into the small man hole.

"what do you think that theyre up to?"

"i dont know, everyone is a mix of emotions now, but i can feel that stark... has this feeling of anticipation. something is brewing."

"do you think that its about the arc reactor or..."

"im thinking what youre thinking." well. it was the iron man suit.

"what?" coulson asked after lying down a green +2 on top of all those plus cards.

"ugh," i said, drawing cards from the huge pile, "never mind. we were just discussing something about those people in there." i was counting very hard not to miss a card. i had to draw 64 cards, shame on me.

"i think that theyll tell us if theyre ready." he said, and continued to watch me draw my cards. 

eventually they did come out, but it was after my spectacular lose against may.



im itching for a uno game now but ive misplaced my cards so i dont know what to do about it. anyways, i gotta get to school soon. tyyy to whoever has come that far with me, i really appreciate you all!!!

luv you all tons anyways!!


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