unbridled ~ blaise zabini

bellabee111111 tarafından

13 0 0

Aurelia Lupin has spent the summer partying, much to her parents dismay. Something is wrong, she doesn't know... Daha Fazla

(2) The Agreement

(1) Together

4 0 0
bellabee111111 tarafından

Sunday September 6th, 1998

"GET OUT OF BED I REFUSE TO BE LATE ON THE FIRST DAY!" I hear my dad's voice scream from the kitchen.

"NO." I groan back, burying myself deeper into the covers, I can never manage to find the will to pull myself out of bed on time. Especially not after the summer.

"AURELIA ROMANI LUPIN GET OUT OF BED. NOW." Sirius Black shouts, backing up my dad. I don't deign this with an answer, stomping feet sound in the hallway and I smirk into my pillow. 

The bedroom door opens and my covers are ripped off me "Get up now." My dad, Remus Lupin, says before stomping back out of the room.

I promptly pull the covers back over myself and lay down again. "If you aren't out here and dressed in ten minutes I'm giving you detention for the whole week!" He shouts, and because he's the stupid Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, and his husband is the Care of Magical Creatures professor, they can actually do that. 

I don't get out of bed, he'll have to drag me at this point.

"I KNOW YOU'RE NOT UP YET. IT'S FOUR THIRTY IN THE AFTERNOON FOR MERLIN'S SAKE GET UP." He shouts again and I hear shuffling down the hallway, a different pair of footsteps. 

"You'd better get up before your father has a stroke, tesoro." (tesoro - honey) My mum says, her soft italian accent frames her voice like sunlight framing a leaf. Dark black hair limp on her shoulders, she leans heavily on the door frame. Since i'm staying with my dad and Sirius this week, she came to see me off for my first day. 

"TARA GET HER UP." Dad shouts.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, STRONZO." (stronzo - asshole) Mum shouts back, making her way back down the hallway.

"OKAY. SORRY." Dad shouts again and I can hear the smile in his voice. I roll my eyes.

I groan, "CAN NO ONE GET PEACE AND QUIET IN THIS HOUSE?" I shout, turning over and listening to the music I left on all night, well, all day now I guess.

"GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE! AND YOU BETTER BE DRESSED!" Dad shouts again, he's answered with a groan as I finally drag myself out of bed and pull on my green plaid Slytherin skirt and white button up shirt, I don't put my robe on yet.

"HURRY UP." Dad snaps from the kitchen and I mock him silently while I pull my socks on. I stumble half awake into the bathroom and brush my hair. I French braid it the way Mum taught me the week before first year started, leaving two curly strands out in the front. 

I try to cover the dark circles under my eyes and put on mascara and a hint of black eyeliner on my bottom waterline.

"Your father would like you to know that you've got detention every day the coming week in his office." Mum says, amused, from the doorway of the bathroom and I meet her eyes in the mirror. 

"He's not serious." I say and she raises an eyebrow that says he sure sounds like it. I sigh hard through my nose, hopefully Sirius will defend me.

She snorts at my panicked look as I finish my hair and rush through my room, tripping on a tube of paint I left on the floor on my way out into the hallway and to the kitchen. Dad glares at me from where he stands by the stove.

"Sorry?" I offer and he turns around, I wince internally, so he could've been serious about that detention. Sirius shoots me an amused, sympathetic look while he sips his tea, leaning backwards against the counter.

"You're grounded." Dad says, back still to me as I head to the cabinet to get a bowl for cereal. "I'm going to be at scho-" I start

"You're grounded." He interrupts, "You go to class and you go to my office and the common room. For the next two days. Got it?" He says. I snort, he glares harder. "Three days, and you're not allowed to talk to those boys of yours." He retaliates. 

I work my jaw and pour some cereal and milk into a bowl. I haven't got the energy to argue with him, I can already feel a headache coming on. 

I eat quickly in the kitchen while Mum, Dad, and Sirius discuss things I don't care enough to listen to. I ignore one of my mum's questioning looks and put my headphones on to drown them out. After I'm done I head into my bathroom to brush my teeth then I add some lipstick and triple check I've packed everything I'll need in my trunk, including lots of books and paint.

"Pronta?" (ready?) Mum asks from the doorway and when I nod she comes over and hugs me tight, I laugh "C'mon mum we do this every year." I say into her shoulder while she smothers me. She's got a lot of strength for such a petite woman. 

"And it never gets easier." she says with a sigh then pulls away, "You'd better go to your dad or you'll have detention for an extra week." There's a certain sadness brimming in her eyes despite her light words.

"Ciao." We say simultaneously then laugh as we hug again. "Non fare niente di troppo pazzo." (Don't do anything too crazy.) she says softly, hand on my cheek, and I hate that there's worry in her eyes. 

"Non lo farò." (I won't. )I promise and try to ignore the fact that she doesn't look very convinced.

I pick up my trunk and head into the living room after one last hug with mum, Dad still looks pissed and I try not to laugh. "Ready?" he asks grumpily and I give my mom a look which she returns with an amused smile.

"Sure." I say, if he's gonna be short with me, I'll be short with him. The perks of being a teacher's kid are that we Floo instead of going on the four hour train ride, that also means that I miss all the gossip and catching up on everyone's summer. I take the Floo powder he offers me and say clearly "Hogwarts Teachers Lounge." 

I blink, stepping into the large circular room with plush couches and a large coffee table in the middle. I move out of the way so Dad and Sirius can step out when they come through and hear my name being called. "Miss. Lupin!" 

I look up to see Professor Sprout smiling at me from an armchair, a piece of parchment in front of her. "Professor." I say warmly. 

"How was your summer?" She asks and I shrug "Same old." I say, which isn't a lie physically, it just feels so different emotionally. But I'd never tell anyone in this room that.

There's a crack and my dad steps through behind me, wiping dust off his trousers, those sweaters of his hanging loosely from his frame. "Pomona!" he exclaims warmly and I roll my eyes, those two could talk for hours.

"I'll see you later." I say to him, just as Sirius comes through behind him, and he nods "Common room, my office, the Hall. Nowhere else." he says sternly and I nod, then roll my eyes when his back is turned, Sprout smirks into her tea, having seen this. 

I exit the Lounge with my trunks and walk through the deserted hallways, it's always a bit creepy walking through them when they're empty, like the castle's dead. I suppose it should be after the Battle. Seventh Year. I honestly didn't think I'd make it this long, only two more years to go until school's over.

I go through the fake wall of the common room, savoring the feeling of the magic shimmering over my skin. The password for the common room isn't set until an hour before the Beginning Assembly. I head into the dorm I share with Pansy and Daphne and drop my trunk on the floor, flopping into bed. 

I stare at the ceiling and turn on the muggle radio Daphne stole from Enzo at the end of last year, before the battle.

The Firewhiskey in my trunk comes to mind, as it has all summer, part of the reason why dad is so pissed at me lately. But, he's not the only one who can be pissed, so I click the locks up, dig to the bottom and pull the bottle out by the neck.

I look from the bottle, heavy in my hand, to the clock on the wall, it reads 4:50. Which means the train will arrive at the school in about an hour, the Feast and Assembly are at six. I weigh my options but it doesn't take much for me to pop the bottle open, almost without thinking about it and drink straight from it. 

My mind's been a bit too loud recently. 

I pick up a book and multitask until the words start bleeding on the page. I check the time 6:54, oh crap. I sit up quick, making my head spin, I bring my hand to it and blink hard. 

The feast has gone on for an hour and will be practically done soon. Oh, I'm so dead. I consider going to the Hall now and instead conclude on trying to avoid my dad for as long as I possibly can, so I flop back down onto my bed. 

Pans and Daph's luggage magically appeared earlier so I really should've noticed, Firewhiskey will do that to you I guess. I can't bring myself to care, it's just another thing Dad will hold over me and I'm sick and tired of it. I walk to our glass window and look out into the murky lake, watching a fish and piece of kelp float past. 

I sit on the small couch ledge beneath the window. I undo the braid in my hair and run my hand through it, letting my hair flow down my chest in soft waves. I close my eyes sleepily and rest my head on the chilly glass, letting out a breath. The glass is so cold it seems like the only real thing around. I almost want to giggle at the sensation. I vaguely register A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil playing the background, I must have turn the music on earlier.

I tap my finger to the drum beat against the glass as I grow increasingly more drowsy. 


I'm shaken awake by a concerned looking blonde. I don't even remember falling asleep. "You alright?" Daph asks and I smile and shoot up, ignoring the static feeling in my head. 

"Yeah!" I say a little too quickly, "I missed you guys so much." We pull each other in for a tight hug but I can practically feel Daphne's worry emanating from her, when I pull away her eyes flit to the half empty bottle on my bedside table. I forgot to hide it.

Past Daphne's shoulder stands a smirking Pansy, black bob messy but in a cute way. A snake necklace dangles elegantly around her neck. She theatrically throws her arms wide for a hug, grinning and Daph steps to the side to let me fly into Pansy's arms. 

We twirl a little as I shout "SEXY!" in greeting and she shouts "HOTTIE!" Daph joins us and we have a group hug, crushing Pansy in the middle. She shrieks and we untangle ourselves, laughing. Pansy gives me a knowing smirk, "Your dad's looking for you." Her eyes flit between mine knowingly.

My smile slips a bit, "Well, I was a bit busy..." I say, rubbing my ear anxiously. 

"Can I be busy with you?" Pansy asks, tipping a shoulder up in question. Before I can answer she's already sauntering over to the bottle, I smile and flop onto my bed "Course." I respond. 

Pansy excels at knowing the right time to bring things up and when to ignore them. Only now with the two of them in front of me do I realize how much I've missed them. 

"Don't have too much guys." Daph says halfheartedly, although she knows by now it's no use. "You want some?" Pansy offers, holding up the bottle while Daphne rolls her eyes. 

Sighing as if we've pulled her leg she says, "Only a small glass." Pansy proceeds to pour her a very large glass, much to her protests. "I said small!" Pans rolls her eyes.

Daphne flops onto the bed, sandwiching me between herself and Pansy. "What were you doing all summer?" She asks me, "You were around for July then you kind of just..." 

"Disappeared." Pansy finishes for her and I sigh internally. 

"I was a bit busy..." I say, holding in a giggle, quoting my words from earlier and gesturing to the bottle in Pansy's hands. 

"I see." she says in an unreadable tone, my mood is instantly dulled. I refuse to meet Daph's eyes and instead start unpacking my trunk, ignoring the slightly dizzy feeling I have. 

"Any guys?" Pansy asks as she takes another swig and Daphne gasps. "ANY GUYS?" She repeats in an excited whisper that makes me laugh. 

"Only a couple makeouts." I say with a giggle.

The girls gasp, "ONLY A COUPLE MAKEOUTS??!?" They shriek respectively. 

"Who is she?" Pansy asks, pride in her voice and I roll my eyes, laughing "Nothing serious, is the point i'm trying to get across." I say.

"Relia." Daph uses my nickname. "Details. Now." I laugh and lay flat on the floor dramatically, sighing dreamily while Daphne pours herself another glass. 

"So many makeouts." I say airily and Pansy snorts. "So none?" she asks and I gasp "How could you suggest that?" I ask, faking taken aback, bringing a hand to my chest. 

"Tell us already!" Daphne bursts, throwing a pillow at me. She crosses her legs as they both watch me expectantly. 

I laugh and sit up. "Only two guys." I say and Pansy snorts "'Only two guys.' she says as if this isn't the news of the century." she exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"Nothing serious! Just some guys from the town." I explain and Pansy narrows her eyes. 

"How many times?" She asks and I think "Errr..." 

Daphne shrieks "Too many to count!" 

I laugh, "Not quite but... a bit, you know... Enough to satisfy needs." I say and Daphne shrieks "SATISFY NEEDS!" so loudly they probably heard her in the Hufflepuff common room.

"You made out "a bit" and none of the kisses were serious?" Pansy asks, suspiciously, knowing me. 

"They... fulfilled some needs." I say again with a smirk, making Daph screech again and Pansy cackle. 

"She's adventuring! She's growing! She's blooming!" Pansy shrieks, arms wide in the air, and I throw a pillow in her general direction - missing significantly. Guess i'm drunker than I thought.  

I smile and stand up, suddenly getting the urge to hug them. Must be the liquor. I stumble a little over to them and flop onto the bed they're both lounging on, hooking my arms around their necks and pulling them close. "Love you guys." I mumble, "Love you too." they say, hugging me back. I pull away and lie down, resting my head on Daph's knee.

"How was your guys' summer?" I ask and they both say good, I smirk "How's Theo?" I ask Pansy who says "Great. Amazing. Divine. Sexy." I smile. 

"You guys are adorable together." Daph comments and I nod in agreement. "Perfect for each other." I add, and THE Pansy Parkinson blushes. Anything about Theo, and Theo only, tends to have that affect on her. 

"Babe, I won't lie, you reek of Firewhiskey, don't let your dad smell that." Pansy says and I nod, just then my phone rings. 

"Think that'll be him?" I ask miserably, trying to ignore the slight slur to my words that even I can hear. Pansy shoots me a sympathetic look, picking my phone up off the windowsill and handing it to me.

I answer it "Heyyyy." Which, in retrospect, isn't the best thing to say to your dad after you just drank almost half a bottle of Firewhiskey and slept through the first assembly of the year at the school he's a teacher of, but, the drunk mind does funny things. 

"Hey? HEY?" He shouts and I actually groan, out loud, at least I think I must because then he starts shouting even louder. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING OVER SUMMER BUT YOU'RE NOT DOING THAT THIS YEAR, GOT IT AURELIA? THIS BEHAVIOUR STOPS WITH THE SUMMER. BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GODRIC IF YOU EMBARASS ME I WI-" I hang up the phone and throw in onto my bed.

"No way you just hung up on him." Daphne says aghast, a look of awe and fear on her face. 

I shrug, "Pissing me off." I say as explanation, my eyelids growing heavy as I lie back. Pansy splutters at this, spilling some drops of Firewhiskey on her tie. I gasp and laugh. "Not funny!" she says, choking on a sip of whiskey, which makes me laugh so hard I fall off the bed.

"Help!" I say and Daph starts to giggle, and when Daph starts to giggle, you know it's over. She just has a laugh like that. The three of us are a mess of laughter,  cackling at the air, tears spring to my eyes and I blink them away and suppress my laugh. I'm not sure if they're tears of happiness or sadness and don't want to find out. 

I grab the bottle from Pans and take a couple more swigs as their laughter slows. "My tie's all dirty!" Pansy says woefully, holding it with a frown that sends Daphne into another fit of laughter. She really can't handle her Firewhiskey. 

I smile and sip as my phone rings again, I ignore it and stand, a little unsteadily. "Shall we pay the boys a little visit?" I ask and they shout their agreement. I hold the door open for them then follow them through the corridor then down the corridor to the boys' dorm. We head for Draco, Theo and Blaise's dorm, knowing that's where all the boys will be.

I ignore the tight feeling in my chest and finish off the bottle, resting it on the floor and following behind a giggly Pansy and Daphne until we reach their door. Daphne knocks about three million times, non-stop, until Theo pulls the door open. 

"Do your knuckles not hurt from knocking that much?" he asks Daph and she rolls her eyes "Knuckles of steel, mate, knuckles of steel." she says and he snorts "Right." Stepping aside to let us in.

"The door wasn't even locked." Mattheo says from the green velvet couch with a snort, I don't catch Daphne's response as Pansy pecks Theo's cheek and slides past him into the dorm.  "Relia." Theo says in greeting, pulling me into a hug. "Hey, Theo."

I ignore the slight worry in his eyes, probably from the strong smell of whiskey and slide in past him as he shuts the door behind me. I try not to be angry at how worried he looked, knowing i'm being irrational. 

"She's alive!" Enzo shouts, raising his arms. I raise mine, pump my fists and repeat in agreement "She's aliveeee!" There's a fit of whoops and cheering and laughter. 

Enzo crushes me in a bear hug, followed by Mattheo and Draco. Then Blaise, who's hug is much softer. He smells so good. And he's taller, and his hands, holy crap, his rings- "Why'd you miss assembly?" He asks, I sit next to him nearest to the arm on the green couch. 

I channel calm, cool, collected, totally sober. "Yeah, we were wondering where you were." Draco comments, his tone unreadable, eyes watchful. 

I shrug, trying to play it cool, "Slept in." Theo snorts "Slept in? The assembly started at six in the evening." I roll my eyes and flap my wrist dismissably "Fell asleep then. Semantics." Draco and Blaise exchange a look and I raise an eyebrow, fire kindling in my chest.

"Something to share?" I ask in a tone that sounds harsh even to my ears, picking at some dried paint on the sleeves of my robe. I try to give off unaffected energy. Blaise smirks and I look at him confused, "What?" I ask a little too harshly and he shrugs. 

"You come in here, smelling like..." he pauses dramatically and leans in, sniffing lightly near my neck, nose almost touching it. "Like... Firewhiskey." he finishes and my breath hitches as I watch his muscles relax against the sleeve of his shirt as he sits back. 

He repeats himself, thank god because I didn't register a single word he just said "You come in here smelling like Firewhiskey, telling us you slept through assembly, and expect us to believe it?" he asks, and I shouldn't find his cockiness attractive but I do. No I don't. No I don't! He's my friend, best friend, and he has been for six years, I blame the Firewhiskey.

"Yes. I do." I say "Because I did fall asleep." Pansy points at me from where she sits with Theo's arm around her on his bed "She did! We found her asleep." Pansy backs me up and I give Blaise an, I'm right, you're wrong smile, lifting my eyebrows triumphantly and pointing at Pansy. His eyes flit down my face then back up to meet mine, odd. Was he looking at my lips, or the pimple on my chin or... lower?

"I don't believe it. I don't believe you didn't skip on purpose or didn't have a reason for skipping." he says and Mattheo snorts "Yeah, I have to agree." I glare at him for backing Blaise up and he shrugs. I throw my hands up and turn to attempt to fully face Blaise, my knee overlapping his and neither of us pulling away.

"What do you suggest I was doing then, Zabini?" I ask smugly. He looks me dead in the eyes and asks "Who were you drinking with, Lupin?" then has the audacity to smirk. "Unless you were drinking alone." he adds. 

I smirk back and brush my hair off my neck, revealing the dark hickey I know is there, leftover from a couple days ago from one of the boys in town, and shrug. "I was sleeping." I say, and stand. I watch his eyes darken, letting me know he's spotted it. Jealous much? No. No. He's not jealous because we're friends, best friends

"I don't buy it." Mattheo says, not catching onto the interaction, thankfully. I roll my eyes, "Whatever, I have a dad to go piss off further." I say, making my way to the door. 

"But you just got here!" Enzo argues, I catch Draco's eyes and don't have enough energy to decipher the look there. I trip on a piece of carpet and stumble a bit then catch myself. 

"You're not going to your dad like this." Blaise says. I turn, ready to argue, and immediately take in a breath. He's so close to me. When did he get so close?

I snort "Like, you're gonna stop me?" I say with more gusto than I feel, and Mattheo makes a "OOoooooo" sound, ever the instigator. 

I smirk and Blaise rolls his eyes, "You're drunk, just tripped on air, and your dad gets mad easily. Talking to him is a recipe for disaster if the stairs don't create the disaster first." 

I glare. "Fine then. Mr. Disaster police. I suppose I'll live to tell the tale if you come with me." I say sarcastically, I turn and stomp to the door, already regretting saying that. I fling the door open and hear his hand catch it. When I turn around he's closed the door and I'm looking at the collar of his sculpted neck.

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