Battlefields to Ball-gowns (A...

By Edenwinchester02

365K 12.8K 835

Artemis Black was raised on a battlefield. A weapon forged by her father and a princess by right of conquest... More

The Noble House of Black (Characters)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

12.6K 437 16
By Edenwinchester02

The next morning, In order to escape the obnoxious crowd of suitors, the Black Siblings retired to the Bridgerton household for some tea. 

Artemis sat talking with Daphne while she practiced the piano. Conversation halted when Eloise returned from walking Penelope home, "How does a lady come to be with child?"

The Black siblings froze in place. 

Ares and Aphrodite immediately threw a hand over Apollo's mouth before he could say a word. Artemis tried not to react, instead raising a subtle eyebrow in response.

"Eloise, what a question!" Lady Bridgerton gasped in horror. 

"I thought one needed to be married." Eloise continued frantically causing Daphne to turn in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Apparently, it's not even a requirement."

Ares was practically tackling the cackling Apollo who was trying to speak through the hands of his siblings. "Apollo, I swear to the gods, if you taint that girl I will carve out your tongue and make you swallow it."  Ares hissed in Illyrian.

"Eloise, that is enough. Daphne, you were playing so lovely. Please, do go on." A flustered Lady Bridgerton managed to say trying to redirect the conversation.

Eloise unceremoniously plopped down in between Colin and Benedict.

"I take it all of you know?" Eloise asked looking between her brothers and then across at the Black siblings.

"Do not look at me," Benedict muttered.

"Have you ever visited a farm, El?" Colin smirked turning to his sister, only to be hit by benedict.

Apollo managed to escape the hold of his siblings long enough to say, "I can show you if you'd like." 

Ares punched the back of his head as the two protective Bridgerton brothers glared at Apollo. Artemis decided to step in seeing the brothers discomfort, "Brother could you please refrain from lusting after everything that moves. It is getting rather taxing. Besides, you are making our hosts uncomfortable. Remember the rules of hospitality."

"I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation." Lady Bridgerton hissed.

"Not at all, Mother." Benedict gave a lopsided smile.

Colin smirked as he spoke, "In fact, we were just heading off to... take our sticks out."

"Colin Bridgerton!"

" A round of fencing." The Black burst into thunderous laughter at Colin's teasing.

"Miss? Humboldt is coming." A servant entered, stealing the attention from the giggling royals.

"Humboldt is coming?"


"Why is Humboldt coming?"

"Has someone arrived, Humboldt?"

The Bridgertons bombarded the poor man as he walked through the door, "Callers for Miss Daphne, ma'am." 

"And that would be our queue to leave. We shall see you later at the ball tonight." Artemis said following Greta out the back, so as to avoid the army of suitors now surrounding the Bridgerton house. 

As they returned to that chateau, a few hours passed when a maid Artemis recognized came from the Bridgerton house holding a letter. 

Artemis humbly accepted the letter and thanked the maid who she learned was named Elizabeth. 

"If you wouldn't mind waiting a few minutes, Elizabeth. Based on the expedited delivery I am assuming this letter requires a most immediate response. If you could wait so that you might take it back to the Bridgertons with you?" 

"Of course, your majesty."

"Thank you."

Artemis opened the letter to find the frantic writing of her friend Daphne. 

My dearest friend Artemis,

I fear I require your council. Anthony has sent away the suitors and once again demanded I marry Nigel Berbrooke. He refuses to listen to my wishes and I find myself powerless in a truly horrific situation. I can think of no other to confide in as you are the only person aware of my situation in its entirety. Including my association with the Duke. I hesitate to tell Anthony of Lord Berbrooke's true nature as I fear he would think it a desperate attempt to escape an unwanted marriage. Please, tell me what I should do. I anxiously await your council.

Your friend, Daphne Bridgerton

Artemis felt a pit in her stomach as she digested Anthony's actions. She thought she had finally gotten through to him yet he had not changed his mind at all.

In response, she wrote a simple four-word response and gave it to Elizabeth before sending her on her way.

I will handle it.

Artemis Freyja Black

Artemis turned to Greta, her most trusted servant, and a previous spy during the revolution. "Greta darling... Find me information that could utterly destroy Lord Berbrooke should it reach the public. Remember we are in England so any secret could be scandalous. Go."

Greta bowed before taking off to find such information.

That night at the ball Artemis made her way towards where the Duke and Anthony Bridgerton were bickering. 

"Evening gentleman. Anthony, I require a moment of your time as well as an explanation." Aremits spoke in what Apollo referred to as her 'scary general voice'. The men stiffened slightly at the princess' tone as they turned to look at the visibly displeased beauty. 

"And what slight have I afflicted that requires explanation, your highness?" Anthony asked genuinely confused.

"I thought I told you Nigel Berbrooke is not fit to marry Daphne. Yet you still insist on not only ignoring my council but also the wishes of your own sister." Artemis practically hissed at the man. 

"Your speculations are unfounded. I looked into him, he is a good man and Daphne needs a sound marriage." Anthony argued back trying to remain respectful towards the princess. 

Simon scoffed at the idea that Berbrooke was a good man. "Whatever speculations the princess has presented, I assure you they are not unfounded. You wish your sister to marry a loathsome toad, then."

Just as Anthony turned back to the duke, the toad himself approached, "Lord Bridgerton. Forgive the intrusion, but, if need be, I will happily restate my intentions with respect to your sister. She is a prize I have long coveted for her beauty, for her grace..."

"For another powerful right hook?" Simon suggested motioning to the princess who looked more than willing to provide.

"I must know whether I can count on you to handle this misunderstanding, my lord? I certainly wish to avoid any kind of embarrassment." Berbrooke continued, trying to ignore the vicious glare of the princess.

"Rather late for that." The princess added sneering at the vial man.

"Are you too friendly with the duke or simply intimidated by his rank..." Berbrooke spat once again completely overlooking the princess.

"Should you ignore my standing here one more time, Berbrooke. I shall shatter this glass in my hand and drive it through your eyes, are we clear?" The Princess' tone once again grew cold and absolutely malicious as Berbrooke visibly flinched. 

"Easy, Berbrooke. I assured you I will resolve the matter, a matter which I shall remind the duke
 , as well as the Princess, is none of their concern." Anthony responded turning back to the two.

"I shall do my best by your sister, Bridgerton. And perhaps even she might learn to return my affections over time."

"Fuck off, Berbrooke." The princess spat/

"I presume he failed to mention how he got that purple eye." The duke added, squaring up beside the princess.

"I was careless with a cabinet door." Berbrooke tried to conceal.

"He was careless with his honor," Artemis added glaring at the man.

"He attempted something I shan't dignify with words against your sister when Princess Artemis planted a facer. Deservedly so." The Duke revealed. 

"My lord, you must know..." Berbrookes defense was cut off by Anthony.

"Daphne would have told me if this were true," Anthony responded desperately, turning his attention entirely to Artemis who had been silently glaring at the Duke for revealing an event Daphne did not want spoken about.

"Would she?" Artemis answered coldly, finishing off the champagne in her hand.

Anthony looked horrified as he turned back to Berbrooke trying to maintain his fury,"You will never speak to my sister again, Berbrooke."

"But we are to be married."

"You are to be buried if you so much as look in her direction. Be grateful you will not take a punch on her behalf yet again." Anthony stormed off, followed shortly by Artemis.

"What has happened? Brother?" Daphne asked looking between her brother and her angry friend.

"You need not worry about Berbrooke. Sister, it is done." Anthony said before taking his leave.

"You told him?" Daphne asked Artemis. 

"Of course not. The Duke took it upon himself." Artemis answered turning towards Simon.
"I had to say something. All will be well, though, I assure you."

"You assure me? Despite what you and my brother may think, I am quite capable of speaking for myself. You had no right." Daphne glared at the man.

"I was trying to help."

"Well, you did not. All you did was underestimate Nigel's entitlement. Not to mention, people are watching. You cannot assure me of anything... Come Artemis let us make rounds." Daphne looped her arm through Artemis' as they made their way around the room talking with guests. 

"Is this what you meant by handle it?" Daphne whispered.

"No. My methods tend to be a little more, irreversible. Though I suppose at least you will have Anthony on your side now. He's an idiot, but he is an idiot that loves his family." Artemis' accent grew more heavy as she grew more tired throughout the evening. 

"Do you think the matter resolved?" Daphne asked hopefully. 

"...No. I'm afraid I do not. Men like Berbrooke do not take such blatant defiance lightly... But as I have assured you. I shall handle it." Artemis said squeezing Daphne's hand. 

"I do not know what I would do without you." Daphne honestly told her. 

"Suffer Anthony's stupidity alone." Artemis teased causing the girls to erupt in a fit of giggles.

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