Periods at Hogwarts

By ginmione4eva

34.7K 396 361

Hey, so I was thinking. What if magical folk had periods? So this is everyone's first periods, but some don't... More

Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Pansy Parkinson
Trans Ron Weasley
Lily Evans
I'm bacckkkk!!
Trans Remus Lupin
Trans Reg 💗 - Jegulus version
Draco Malfoy [Drarry version]
Trans Draco Malfoy
Lily-Luna Potter
Minerva McGonagall
Narcissa Malfoy (nÊe Black)
Trans Harry! [Severitus]
Trans Harry, Severitus (again)
Important news!!
Trans Severus Snape
Severus Snape helps our favourite Slytherin ;)
Bellatrix Lestrange (nÊe Black)
Lily Evans - Remus & Lily (platonic)
I have a discord server :O
Sev + Draco bonding <3
Post-period wolfstar fluff :D
A little snippet 💕 [Lily & Sev]
Ginny & Ron 💕
Sev + Harry help Draco :D
Drarry - little mishaps
Hermione Granger - Camping 💕
Harry (!Severitus)
Severus Snape + Charity Burbage
the end of an era

Trans Harry Potter

2.2K 29 23
By ginmione4eva

I'm moving onto trans character au's now, but if there's any others I should do then let me know!

Disclaimer: I gave Harry a deadname to bring off the transphobia of the Dursleys, please let me know if this offends anyone and I will change it

TW: Transphobia

Harry sat at his bedroom desk, staring at the summer sunset through his window. He admired how the different colours mixed together and he painted the sunset to put on his wall, which hadn't turned out as he had planned. He stared out of the window for a while, when he suddenly had a weird feeling that something was very wrong, and ran to the bathroom to check it out. He checked the mirror, taking his trousers off to examine for any cuts and when he came to his thighs, he noticed they were covered in blood, so was his underwear. "Shit" Harry whispered to himself, grabbing a piece of toilet paper and cleaning himself up ''Why now?". He had expected it to come eventually, but since identifying himself a 'late bloomer', he had hoped that he would've gotten it at school, so he could talk to Professor McGonagall instead of his Aunt and Uncle. Harry had zoned out for a second, and when he had come back to reality, he had realized that there was blood dripping onto the bathroom tiles underneath him. ''Oh my god, this is really heavy.'' He said, almost as a shout, before cleaning up the blood puddle on the floor and looking in the mirror.

Momentarily, Harry had heard a familiar voice shout up the stairs ''Harriet! What's with the shouting?" - It was Aunt Petunia. ''Nothing'' He replied, in a dull tone that definitely pissed her off. ''Don't you give me that attitude Miss Potter!" Petunia shouted. He had definitely pissed her off. ''Sorry, can you just go away?'' He tried to sound as nice as possible, he had enough on his plate except from his family right now. Harry could hear Petunia's footsteps get louder, and then a knock on the bathroom door. ''Are you sure you're alright? Don't want you dying on me!" Petunia giggled at this statement, Harry thought it was to make her sound less intimidating - it didn't work. Harry stayed silent for a second, then her voice sounded yet again. "Come on, girl! Tell your auntie." Harry took a deep breath, "I suppose you can say I'm a 'woman' now" he sounded very unenthusiastic, atleast to him. "You got your period Harriet?" Petunia's voice suddenly became quite comforting, which was so out of character for her since she isn't. At all. "If you must know, yes I did." his menstrual symptoms were finally setting in. He didn't mean to say that so harshly, but it happened and there was nothing he could do about it. A sigh of relief came from Petunia's end, "Stay here, I'll be right back Harriet" Before Harry could even answer, Petunia had disappeared into his bedroom.

She came back a few minutes later, knocking on the door again to let him know she was back. "Harriet, let me in" she still sounded comforting, but Harry took it to his advantage and unlocked the door. She came in moments later holding a pair of jeans, some underwear and 2 boxes. "What are those?" He asked hesitantly and pointed at the box that had 'tampax' written in bold. He knew that the 'always' box was pads, but those did not look like pads. "They're tampons, Harriet. You stick 'em inside you." Petunia had explained, which made Harry blush a bit. ''I do not want to use those, thank you." Harry was sure that he would never put something up there, and took the 'always' box instead. "You know how to use those?" Petunia pointed to the box. "Yeah, someone taught me how to use them" Harry knew that it was McGonagall, but Petunia didn't need to know. "Right, I'll leave you to it then'' She was about to leave, when she turned back ''Oh, and you might want to take a warm bath before changing." throwing him a shirt, crop top and socks before leaving the bathroom.

Now Harry was left alone, like he always was. But this time with a change of clothes and a box of pads. He turned on the bathtub, grabbing his towels and putting the toilet seat down before sitting on it. He didn't mind his body all too much, he didn't have it as bad as others, he didn't have big boobs and a period - well, not until now. It occurred to him that if he was going to get a haircut that's shorter than his shoulders then he'll have to ask McGonagall, and if that's the only way he'll be seen as a boy then so be it! Harry had gotten so invested into how to ask Minerva to cut his hair, that he didn't notice his bath filling up. He eventually noticed, turning it off just before the fill line. That was lucky. He undressed and swiftly slipped into his bath, washing his body and hair before getting out. He changed into his crop top and shirt, before getting to the underwear. He took a deep breath, and put on the pad before finishing changing. ''I guess I'm a woman now."

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