Yugioh Arc V: The Empress's R...

By EmperorLeonidas

4K 56 200

You already know the drill of things. Rio Kastle, a 16 year old girl from our world always wanted to be in th... More

Character Description
I'm back!!!

A New Arrival

1.7K 22 128
By EmperorLeonidas

(Me: You ready to get Dueling people? Rio? Are you ready?
Rio: You know it.
Me: Than let's start. Oh i almost forgot. Rio give them the disclaimer okay?
Rio: Sure. He doesn't own Yugioh Arc-V. All right of it go to Kazuki Takahashi.
Me: Thanks Rio.
Rio: No problem. Now let's start!!
Me: Wait just a moment Rio. This book was inspired by SharkKnight32's 'Territory of the Shark and ArcVme's The Galaxy Master stories. Now we can start
Rio/Me: Hope y'all enjoy!!!)

Rio's POV. Real world
Hey people. I'm Rio Kastle. My parents named me Rio and oddly enough, my last name is Kastle. But no matter. I'm currently cosplaying as Rio from Yugioh Zexal In a anime duel event. It goes like this: If you use number monsters, they'll have the effects from the show. The banlist was dropped to everything as a free card so cards like pot of greed are used. Anyways. The tournement's Idea is this: this tournement, Konami chooses a player to draw a card from a Deck that has 6 cards. Each representing a series of Yugioh. They chose me and I Drew the card of my favorite summoning method. The era of Yugioh Zexal. All competitors built their Deck around a certain character. I built mine around Rio. But because i don't know all her cards, I added some cards from her brother Reginald. That way it feels like they duel with me. I'm in the finals against the champion. Jesse Kotton. We're in the middle of our Duel. Near the end actually. It's my turn now. Gotta end it right now.

3rd POV.
Rio's Field consists of Abyss splash, ragnafinity, Number 100, Draglubion with 1 Xyz material and 3 facedown cards.

Jesse's Field consists of Number 39 Utopia and all it's other forms and 2 facedowns as well.

It's Rio's Turn

"{Would you look at that!! Rio Kastle survived Jesse kotton's moves perfectly. Can she turn it around?}" Said the announcer as everyone was cheering.

Turn 15 ig. Rio
Rio: 300LP
Jesse: 1000LP

"It's my Draw Jesse." Said Rio as she drew her card.

"Okay. Let's see. His Utopias have no overlay units and he looks ready for it. Luckily i have Mystical Space Typhoon from my last turn. I can use Numeron dragon's effect and than abyss's effect twice. But i'm worried about his backrow. I know what to do." Thought Rio as she analyzed the field.

"To start Jesse, I'll activate Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy this." Said Rio as she pointed at the card in the far right.

"Good Job. You're dueling well." Said Jesse. Praising his opponent.

"Thanks. Now that i destroyed infinite imperminence, I'll activate one of my own facedowns." Said Rioas she closed her eyes.

"Please let it work. If i'm right, his set is a Solemn Judgment. I'm sure of it." Thought Rio as she opened her eyes.

"Go!! Infinite imperminance. I'll shut down your second card." Said Rio as she played her card.

"The moment of truth is now." Thought Rio

"I chain Solemn Judgment." Said Jesse as he flipped his card.

Jesse: 1000>>>500LP

"You fell right into it!! Go my second face-down card!! My own Solemn Judgment." Said Rio as she flipped her own card.

Rio: 300>>>150LP

"Wow. I'm impressed." Said Jesse with an impressed look.

"If that impressed you. Than this will blow your mind. The card I drew this turn is... *flips card with fingers to show Raigeki*."

"WHAT!!!" Said Jesse in disbelief.

"Say goodbye to your Utopias." Said Rio as Jesse's Utopias were destroyed.

"It worked. Yes!!! Now to finish the Job. But first." Thought Rio

"Before I attack, i'll activate a little card known as Card Destruction." Said Rio with a hopeful look.

"Fine by me." Said Jesse with a calm look.

"{Jesse just dicarded a Rainbow Kuriboh. Can he make a comeback?}" Said the announcer

Both players drew their new hand. Rio was shocked.

"Jesse. You plan on your Rainbow Kuriboh's effect to keep you in the duel right? That won't happen. I activate Called by the Grave And Banish Rainbow Kuriboh from the Graveyard." Said Rio with a calm look.

"Well. I must say, Your Deck is well constructed Rio." Praised Jesse.

"Thanks Jesse. But now I activate Numeron Dragon's Effect!! I use an Overlay Unit." Said Rio as she detached a card from Numeron Dragon.

(Number 100: Numeron Dragon OVU: 1-0)

"I activate-" Jesse was cut off by Rio

"I'll have to cut you off Jesse. Cuz I activate Crossout Designator to banish a copy of infinite impermanence from my deck. Now you can't use Infinite Impermenence. That was for safety measurement. Now we resume to my dragon's effect." Said Rio as Jesse was in awe.
(A/N: I'll use irl effect for that. Anime is too much text.)

"And now, It gains Attack Points for every rank on the Field X1000." Said Rio with a serious look.

"Oh god!!!!" Said Jesse as he saw how high Numeron Dragon's Attack points skyrocketed.

(Number 100: Numeron Dragon
/RK 1/ATK: 0<<<19000/DEF: 0)

"Now Numeron Dragon!! Blast Jesse with Blast Of Creation From Beyond!!!" Said Rio as she declared her attack. Depleting Jesse's life points.

Duel Over
Rio: 150LP
Jesse: 500>>>0LP/K.O.

Rio wins

"{And we have a new Champion!!! Give it up for Rio Kastle!!!}" Said the announcer as the crowd cheered

"That was the toughest Duel I had yet Rio. Thank you for this amazing match." Said Jesse with a respectful tone

"Same here Jesse. It was an honor Dueling against a Duelist of your caliber." Said Rio with a respectful tone

Rio bowed out of respect and Jesse did the same. Both players shook hands.

"{Now Rio. Please come and recieve a special reward. It is a Xyz Pack exclusive to this event. You also get the numbers complete. Where you get every single number card. And we also added some other cards we're sure you'd love. So come up here please.}" Said the announcer.

Rio went up and recieved her prizes and put them in her bag. Her Deck in a Special Deck Box.

(A/N: Your Deck Box.)

After recieving everything , Rio went back to her home. She is an orphen you see. She's in Grace Fields orphanage. Rio got back to the orphanage and her little siblings were at the Door, waiting for her. When she entered, they all congratulated Rio on her victory. (A/N: Rio is the oldest child in the orphenage.)

Rio went to her room and her caretaker which is considered her mother In the orphanage waiting by Rio's Room.

"Welcome back Rio." Said the caretaker, Isabella. With a smile.

"Hello Mother." Said Rio with a smile

(A/N: Rio calles Isabella Mother because she's polite. Isabella is a normal mother in an orphanage in this book. Sorry for any confusion.)

"The kids saw your game. I'm proud of you." Said Isabella.

"Thank you mother. It was a tough game, but I did my best and it payed off. Card Destraction was risky since I never know what I'll draw nor what my opponent will Draw." Said Rio

"That is true. The kids look up to you and think highly of you Rio." Said Isabella

"I know. I'll give you Decks i make for them and when they're older, give it to them and I'll teach them." Said Rio with a natural look.

"Of course, My child. Now go. You got your prizes. You want to open with the others?" Asked Isabella.

"Of Course. It's more fun that way." Said Rio with a cheerful look.

"Okay. You can set your things and open during Dinner." Said Isabella.

"Okay. I'll go rest. That was tiring. Call me when it's Dinner time." Said Rio as she yawned.

"Okay. Rest well." Said Isabella with a caring look.

"Thank you." Said Rio.

Rio hugs Isabella and enters her room, sets her things and goes to her bed.

(A/N: This is her room. Enjoy)

Rio gets in bed and takes a nap

Timeskip. Dinner time. 3rd POV

Isabella knocked on Rio's door and entered.

"Wake up Rio. It's Dinner time." Said Isabella, shaking Rio's body a little.

Rio wakes up and rubs her magenta eyes. She sees Isabella and smiles.

"Okay mother. I'll go wash my face first, and bring the pack. I'll also get the binder with all the cards. The announcer did say they added extra things for me. I'll go get ready."

"Okay dear. Go get ready. Dinner will be ready in a few moments."

"Okay mother."

Rio washed her face, changed into her reguler clothes, got what she needed and went to the dining table. Waiting for her siblings to arrive. She set down and looked through her Deck. She smiled when she looked at Number C103: Ragnafinity. It was one of her favorite Chaos Numbers. Along with Silent Honor DARK and Shark Drake Veiss. Those are amazing cards. And luckily, whenever it was Rio's Birthday, Isabella would order cards that Rio would show her. That is their deal every birthday. Rio's siblings came to the table and set down.

(A/N: I know they're actually older but my story, my rules and I say that they're younger than Rio. Ruby is the hyper one. Weiss is like Rio, Respecting and has manners. As does Phyrra and Cinder. You have more sisters but those are the main ones. And Cinder is sometimes the quiet one like quiet as hell. And I also change their personalities a little. And I also make my stories with some real life elements in them. So yeah. You'll have to fill a Decklist for tournements even though the anime screws it. Anywho, let's continue.)

"Rio!! You were amazing!!!" Exclaimed Ruby.

"Thanks Ruby. It was a hard game but I won. Jesse is a great Duelist. He's world champion. Beating him is not easy." Said Rio as she remembered her game.

"Hey Rio. When are you going to open the packs?" Said Weiss with a interested look.

"Yeah. Mom told us you got a pack and a binder since you won." Said Phyrra.

"Rio. Can I see your Deck after Dinner please? I'll be careful with it." Asked Cinder with a smile.

"I'll answer your questions one by one. For Weiss's question, I'll open the pack and binder before me and mom wash the dishes. For Phyrra's question. It wasn't really a question but I did get it. It's right here in my bag. And now for Cinder's question. Of course you can look through my Deck after Dinner. What kind of Sister will I be if my sisters don't get things from me? And I know you'll be careful with it. I trust you as I do the others."

"Thanks sis." Said the trio.

Cinder, Phyrda and Weiss all hugged Rio and Rio returned the hug in happiness.

"Dinner's ready girls." Said Isabella.

Isabella put the plates on the table and Ruby was drooling. The others were smiling at the little girl's appetite.

"Thanks for the food mother. It looks delicious." Said Rio with a greatful look.

"It's no problem sweetie." Said Isabella as she smiled at Rio

"Time to eat-." Ruby was cut off by Weiss.

"Ruby!! Did you already forget your manners? We need to say thanks for the food before eating." Said Weiss. Scolding Ruby a little.

"Right. Sorry Weiss. I'm just really hungry." Said Ruby

"It's okay Ruby. But please control yourself." Said Weiss with a smile.

"I'll try." Said Ruby

"It looks delicious mom." Said Phyrra.

"And it also smells heavenly." Continued Cinder.

"Thank you girls. Now let's say thanks for the food and we can start eating." Said Isabella with a smile

"Thanks for the food." Everyone said. After that, they started eating dinner.

(That's their dinner. Ignore Deku choking on the food and just imagine the orphabage and the girls eating with isabella.)

Rio and Weiss take a bite of the takoyaki (I know it's not on the table but imagine It's there).

"Just as I suspected. It's the soft texture of the outer coating..." Started Rio.

"And the chewy texture of the octopus inside..." Continued Weiss.

"The two together create a perfect harmony." Finished the two girls in unison.

"I'm glad you like it." Said Isabella

"Let me try one." Said Phyrra as she took a ball of Takoyaki.

"I'll try one as well." Said Cinder as she did the same.

Cinder and phyrra ate a ball of Takoyaki and had the same response as Rio and Weiss.

Ruby was eating food like there's no tomorrow. (Insert goku eating gif here)

Everyone giggled at Ruby's childish behavior and resumed eating.

"Hey Rio." Said Weiss.

"Yes Weiss?" Asked Rio as she swallowed her food.

"Can you teach me how to build a Deck? I want to play like you." Asked Weiss.

"Me too." Said Phyrra.

"I do as well." Said Cinder.

"Gladly. I'll do it after we open the packs and all. Okay?"

"Okay." Said the trio.

"Rio dear. You can open the pack and binder now."

"Okay. I'll go to my room to get it and be back."

"Okay dear." Said Isabella.

Rio goes to her room and takes her bag and goes back to the table. She sits down, Opens her bag and takes out the pack and binder and moves her plate and places the pack and binder on the table.

"What do you want to start with?" Rio asked with a natural look.

"The Pack." Said Weiss with a smiled look.

"The binder." Said Ruby with a eager look.

"I don't mind really but i guess the pack." Said Cinder with a natural look.

"The pack." Said Phyrra with a smiled look.

"Okay." Said Rio with a happy look.

Rio grabs the Pack and opens it. It contains: Black ray Lancer, Rebarian Shark, Fortune Tune, Return Rank-Up, Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark, Number 75, Number 39 Utopia and a blank Xyz monster. Everyone is confused as to why there's a blank Xyz card in a pack. There isn't even text or name on it.

"Weird. Never happened before. Maybe they forgot to write anything on it." Said Rio with a natural look.

"Now it's binder time!!" Exclaimed Ruby with a happy look.

Rio nodded, putted the cards from the pack in her pocket and opened the binder. (It's the Number complete file - piece of memories. You get all the number cards and normally the emperor's key but i'm adding something to it.) Rio got to the final page. She saw Number C88, C40, C15, Rank Up Magic Quick Chaos, Argent Chaos, admiration of the thousand, CXyz Barian Hope, and 2 more blank cards. But this time, they were completely blank. There wasn't even a template on them.

But it did have the Card Backing that was shown in the anime

(All the cards you recieve have this card backing.)

"Well what do we have here?!" Said with an intrigued look.

Rio then looked at what was beneath the cards and saw a beautiful pendant with a blue crystal.

Everyone looked at what Rio held in her hand.

"That's beautiful Rio."

"Wow. They were serious when they said they're putting extra things in there."

"It look like part of it was hand made. They are going extra for you." Said Phyrra, analyzing the pendent.

"Hey Rio. Can I take a closer look at it?" Asked Cinder.

"Of Course Cinder. Here. Hands pendent*" Said Rio.

"*takes pendent* It's beautiful Rio."

"Thanks Cinder."

Cinder handed back the pendent to Rio. Isabella was happy that the girls are having a good time together. Rio excused herself to put the cards in her room. Isabella excused her and Rio put the cards on her table in her room. She looked at the blank cards and thought to herself why would they send cards that are completely blank?! She then remembered she watched Vanguard G and that this sort of card is called a Depend Card. (Yes I watch Vanguard.) Rio then heard Isabella calling her.

"Rio dear. Are you okay?"

"Yes mother. I'm fine. Do you need help with the dishes?" Said Rio as she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Some help will be appreciated."

"Okay. I'll be there is a moment. I'll just put everything in my Deck Box. I have my way of organizing things."

"True. Well I'll be waiting in the kitchen."


Isabella exited the room, Rio put the cards in her Deck Box and put all other cards she got in a separate Deck Box that is on her Belt. Rio went to the kitchen and helped wash the dishes.

Timeskip. 5 minutes later. 3rd POV.
After washing the dishes, Rio went to her room and started practicing on the piano. Rio is very skilled at the piano. Rio called Cinder.

"Hey Cinder! Come here!!"

Cinder came to Rio's Room. Rio motioned for her to sit beside her. The sisters sat together in the piano Chair (Y'know, the long one.)

"What is it Rio?!" Cinder asked.

"Wanna look through my Deck while I practice on the piano?!"

"Yes!! Thank you Rio."

"It's no problem Cinder. Here."

Rio took out her Deck and handed it to Cinder.

"Thank you. I'll be careful."

"I know. You always are. Now what to play?!"

After a moment, Rio decided on what she'll play.

"Cinder. I know you love what I'll play. You can call the others here if you want." Rio said.


Cinder went to call Ruby, Weiss, Phyrra and Isabella. They all came to hear Rio playing the piano. They all love it. It's a tradition they have. After Dinner and washing the dishes, Rio practices the piano and everyone is watching.

"What are you going to play Rio dear?!" Isabella asked.

"You'll see. Weiss come sit beside me."

Weiss sat beside her elder sister. Rio took a deep breath and closed her eyes and started playing the song she's trying to play perfectly.

After Rio finished playing the song, everyone clapped their hands.

"I'm proud Rio. You played so elegantly." Isabella said.

"Yes!!! Finally I got it right!!!"

They all hugged and Cinder returned Rio her Deck.

"Rio dear. Can you go get some groceries for me?"

"Sure mom."

Isabella handed Rio a list of groceries she needs for tomorrow's dinner. Rio took the list, got her wallet, took her bag and got her Deck Box and went out.


"And that is all. Well time to go back to the orphenage. Thank you for the help." Rio said as she thanked the manager.

"It's no problem. Have a good evening." The manager said with a smile.

"You too." Rio said as she left the store with a smile.

As Rio was on her way back, She saw a Truck driving at high speeds and a little girl on the road. Rio knew the girl's about to get crashed by the truck so Rio dropped her grocery bags and ran to shield the girl. Rio got to the girl and pushed her to the side and got hit by the truck. Her body fell to the ground.

"Ugh..." Rio groaned in pain as she slowly got up from the ground. She look at the surrounding before gasped in shock at what she saw and remember.

"Where the hell am I?! Why everything is destroyed here?!" She thought in panic. "Am I sent to another world?! Like got isekaied after got hit by the infamous truck-kun?! Okay, calm yourself and look at the surrounding to know where am I."

She look at the surrounding again. What she saw is indeed a ruined city with many destroyed houses and buildings, she immediately know where she is when she saw a destroyed tower with heart on its top.

"Oh great, Arc-V and Xyz Dimension. Yeay." She sarcasstically thought. "This will be difficult. I'm basically a total stranger with just only clothes and...wait."

She stopped her thoughts when she felt a weight on her right arm. It was Rio Kamishiro's Duel Disk, along with a Deck that already attach on the Duel Disk. Also, she notice that her clothes is different.

"Huh? I don't remember having Rio's Duel Disk on me. And why I wear a pink shirt? I remember I wore a green shirt when I gone to grocery!" She thought in mixed of shock and confusion. She then ran to the nearest house with a window to saw her reflection and she shock at what she saw.

She had magenta eyes, pale skin and dark blue hair with light blue bangs. Her attire includes a white jacket over a light pink shirt, black stockings, white skirt and shoes. She also had necklace on her neck.


She found a black cloak laying around, she put it on herself to disguise herself. She's an introvert. She began walking around, trying to find someone. If she could anyways. After a while, she saw a boy in a cloak chasing a girl that has very long, dark purple hair. It extends past her lower back, and wears feather-shaped earrings. She also has shorter lilac side tails, sunny, pale skin and pink eyes. She wears a pale, vest secured with a same colored belt. Underneath, she wears a three-split, periwinkle dress and black pants; both held up by two brown belts. She wears her long, her scarf hanging from the right side of the belts. Her clothes are accompanied with brown boots covered in buckles. She also wore a bracelet. Rio saw another girl. That girl is a bespectacled young girl with blue eyes and short light-purple and lilac hair that is restrained by light green and orange hair clips that resemble bicycle helmets. Saya wears a light blue dress with a teal turtleneck under a tan dress held up with brown shoulder straps and a blue belt that has a golden symbol resembling twin birds back to-back and green and orange pouches at both hips. She also wears brown tights, white finger-less gloves, white leg warmers with teal cuffs and straps, and light-orange shoes with green soles. Rio recognized them immediately. This are Kurosaki Ruri and Sasayama Sayaka. Rio followed Ruri and Sayaka. Ruri was cornered against a wall and Sayaka was frozen in place, fear clearly shown in her eyes. Rio hid behind some rubble, waiting. The cloaked boy removed his cloak to reveal Yuri. Yuri challenged Ruri to a Duel. Sayaka was just standing there, Frozen in fear. That is until Rio started approaching.

"Well. I think it's time to use one of my favorite themes from 5d's." Thought Rio in both confidence and nervousness. Rio then started the theme.

Rio got in front of Ruri and Sayaka as she finished Kiryu's theme. She looked back at Ruri. The girl was scared. Rio approached her slowly.

"I mean you no harm Ruri and Sayaka. I'm here to help. Promise." Rio said while still cloaked.

"How can I know you won't hurt me?!" Ruri asked. Rather suspicious of the newcomer.

"Because I'm a resident of this Dimension. Why will I harm one of the people who live here and are trying to survive like me?!" Rio said. As Ruri stopped shaking a little.

"Well then. I'll trust you if you remove your Cloak. Do that so I can know you're from here." Ruri said. Still a bit uneasy.

"As you wish." Rio said as she removed her Cloak. Revealing her magenta eyes and dark blue hair.

"Is that the proof you needed Ruri? Sayaka?" Rio Asked.

"Yes. But how do you know my name?" Ruri asked.

Rio pointed at Yuri. "He said your name and I heard it. Quite obvious actually."

"How do you know my name?" Asked Sayaka.

"Well Sayaka. I heard about you. You play a Fairy-Type Deck. Right?" Asked Rio. Already knowing the answer.

"Yeah I do." Replied Sayaka.

"Can we get on with Dueling?!" Yuri asked. Rather annoyed with the girls ignoring him.

"Sure. But you'll be Dueling me. Is that alright with you?!" Rio asked in a confidant tone.

"Fine with me. When I win. I take the girl." Yuri said. Pointing at Ruri.

Sayaka tensed up. Anxiety filling her. Rio bent to Sayaka's level and reassured her that she's going to win and hugged her a little. Sayaka returned the hug. Feeling safe for once in this war zone

"It's not 'When' you win. Rather 'If' you win. I don't intend to lose." Rio said as she activated her Duel Disk.

"Be careful." Ruri said.

"I will." Said Rio to Sayaka and Ruri who were behind her. "You just relax and enjoy the show. He's not going to win." Rio said with a calm tone.

"Before we start, may I know your name? I'd like to know the name of my pray." Yuri said.

"The name's Rio. Kameshiro Rio. And You are?!" Rio asked.

"The name's Yuri. Pleasure go meet you. I'm going to crash you Kamishiro Rio." Yuri said with an arrogant smirk.

"You wish. We'll let our cards do the talking."

Let's Duel!!

Rio: 4000LP

Yuri: 4000LP

"Ladies first in this Duel." Said Rio as she drew her starter cards.

Turn 1

"I Summon out Blizzard Dragon."

Blizzard Dragon ( ATK 1800/DEF 1000/Dragon/Water/LV4 )

Yuri started laughing a little.

"This thing only got 1800 points. You really think it's enough!" Yuri said in a mocking tone.

"It's more than enough for me to beat you. Just wait. I set 1 card. Turn end." Rio said as she concluded her turn.

"You're up Yuri."

"I'm going to make you suffer! I Draw!"

Turn 2

"I Summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio."

Predaplant Orphys Scorpio ( ATK 1200/DEF 800/Plant/Dark/LV3 )

"I activate it's effect. By sending Predaplant Cordyceps from my hand to the Graveyard, I can Summon 1 'Predaplant' monster from my Deck. I will Summon my Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra in attack position." Yuri said as he played his cards. Rio was like akiza against sir rendsborg.

Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra ( ATK 1000/DEF 1500/Plant/Dark/LV3 )

"Darlingtonia Cobra's effect activates. When Darlingtonia Cobra is Special Summoned, I can add Polymerization to my hand from my deck." Yuri said as a card popped out of his Deck and he grabbed it.

"...Are you done yet?" Rio asked in a calm voice. Shocking Yuri. She dare talk back to him.

"I'm not done yet Kameshiro. I activate Polymerization! I fuse Darlingtonia Cobra and Ophrys Scorpio! Two deadly flowers! Become one and bring forth a new power! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Predaplant Chimerafflesia!"

Predaplant Chimerafflesia ( ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Plant/Dark/Fusion/LV7 )

"What the hell Is that?! That's ugly." Ruri said, disgusted at Yuri's monster, along with Rio and Sayaka.

Yuri turned to Ruri. "You should know." He then turned back to Rio. "Chimerafflesia's effect activate! Once per turn, I can banish one Monster with a Level that is less or equal to it." Chimerafflesia bit Blizzard Dragon and it vanished.

Then I activate the Equip Spell Predapruning. I can Special Summon one 'Predaplant' Monster and then equip this card to that Monster. I bring back my Darlingtonia Cobra."

Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra ( ATK 1000/DEF 1500/Plant/Dark/LV3 )

"Are you finished? I'm getting bored." Rio said as she yawned.

"Almost. Battle. Chimerafflesia attack Directly!" Yuri said as his monster attacked. The attack collided. As the smoke settled, Rio was seen standing in a energy field, unharmed without a scratch.

"How did you survive that attack?!" Yuri asked.

"Simple. As soon as your monster was about to collide with me, I activated the trap Defense Draw. It makes all the battle damage from this attack become 0. And I also get to draw a card." Rio said as she drew a card through the effect of her card.

"Than I'll have Darlingtonia Cobra attack you!" Yuri said.

Darlingtonia Cobra bit Rio's arm. Rio didn't flinch. Darlingtonia Cobra returned to Yuri's side.

Rio: 3000LP

Yuri: 4000LP

"I set a card and end my turn." Yuri said as he concluded his turn.

"That was a long turn. I think it's time I finish this. I draw!"

Turn 3

"I'll start by Summoning out a trusty friend of mine. Meet Blizzard Falcon."

Blizzard Falcon ( ATK 1500/DEF 1500/Winged Beast/Water/LV4 )

"What can a mere 1500 points can for to me? It's not enough to beat my Chimerafflesia." Yuri said with a sadistic grin.

"You'll see. I activate the Spell Card Blizzard Jet. I can target a Water attribute Winged beast monster on My field, like Blizzard Falcon. And it gains 1500 ATK." Rio said as Blizzard Falcon glowed a Blue aura.

Blizzard Falcon ( ATK 1500 <<< 3000)

"Now Blizzard Falcon's ability activates. Whenever it's ATK increases, you take damage equal to it's original and current ATK. You can do simple math right?! You take 1500 Damage." Rio said as Blizzard Falcon unleashed an Ice blast toward Yuri.

Rio: 3000LP

Yuri: 2500LP

"Now I activate Blizzard Vision. This Continues Spell Card can activate by targeting a Water attribute Monster on my field that has cards Level. And then, this card Special Summons itself as a Normal Monster with 0 Attack and Defense. It becomes the same Level, Attribute and Type as the Monster I targeted. I target Blizzard Falcon. I choose attack position" Rio said as the a blurry version of Blizzard Falcon appeared on the Field.

Blizzard Vision ( ATK 0/DEF 0/Winged Beast/Water/LV4 )

"Now I activate the effect of Crystal Shark in my hand. I can target a Water monster on my field, like Blizzard Falcon, and Special Summon this Card but banish it when it leaves the field. But I need to halve Blizzard Falcon's ATK." Rio said as Blizzard Falcon glowed a purple aura.

Blizzard Falcon ( ATK 3000 >>> 1500)

Crystal Shark ( ATK 1100/DEF 800/Fish/Water/LV5 )

"Now, I overlay my level 4 Blizzard Falcon, Vision and Crystal Shark to build the Overlay Network!"

"Wait just a moment. Crystal Shark is Level 5. You can't!" Yuri said as he thought his opponent was cheating.

"Oh I can. I'll show you. Appear, Number 32! The most powerful Ruler of the deep sea! Your sharp fangs shall exterminate everything! Xyz Summon! Marine Biting Dragon - Shark Drake!"

Number 32: Shark Drake ( ATK 2800/DEF 2100/Sea Serpent/Water/RK 4/OVU 3 )

One of Rio's ace's looked like a two legged dark red sea serpent with four wings like fins on each side.

"Shark..." Started Sayaka.

"Drake..." Finished Ruri in awe. "I'm sorry for judging you Rio."

"It's okay Ruri. You were scared and it's natural. Your fear of me was rational." Rio said as she remembered that she used to do this with her sisters at the orphanage. Rio looked at her pendent and held it hard.

"How did you do that?!" Yuri asked. Demanding an explanation.

"I'll explain you Idiot. When Crystal Shark is used to Xyz Summon a 'Number' Xyz Monster, it can be treated as level 3, 4 or stay level 5. It depends on what I want to Summon." Explained Rio with a serious tone.

"Wow... Rio that's amazing. Shark Drake looks both terrifying and amazing." Said Ruri as she admired the Monster.

"Thanks Ruri." Said Rio with a smile. "Now let's resume Dueling." She returned to her serious tone.

"I activate the Spell card Aqua Jet. I target a Water Monster on my field, and it gains 1000 ATK. I choose Shark Drake." Said Rio as Shark Drake was equipped with jets.

Number 32: Shark Drake ( ATK 2800 <<< 3800)

"Chimerafflesia's effect will lower Shark Drake's ATK by 1000 and increase it's own by 1000 during battle. I'll lose the battle." Thought Rio as she saw a card in her hand.

"I activate another copy of Aqua Jet!" Shark Drake was equipped with another set of jets. Now all his wing like fins are Jet covered. (A/N: I'm bad at describing these things so bear with me.)

Number 32: Shark Drake ( ATK 3800 <<< 4800)

"Battle! Shark Drake! Attack Predaplant Chimerafflesia! Death Bite!"

Shark Drake attacked Chimerafflesia but

"Chimerafflesia's effect! During battle, the Attacking monster loses 1000 ATK while Chimerafflesia gains 1000 ATK!" Said Yuri as both monsters glowed.

Number 32: Shark Drake ( ATK 4800 >>> 3800)

Predaplant Chimerafflesia ( ATK 2500 <<< 3500)

"Now trap card open. Predaplant Protection." Said Yuri as his card flipped. (I know it's not mine. I got permission from ArcVme to use this.)

"I can target 1 'Predaplant' Monster I control, it can't be destroyed by battle or card effect this turn. And all battle damage I take is halved." Said Yuri as he explained how the card works.

The two monsters clashed and returned to their owners as Chimerafflesia was affected by the Trap's effect.

Rio: 3000LP
Yuri: 2350LP

"Well. I must say, that was interesting. If you didn't have your trap your monster would've been destroyed and your life points will be 2200. Well fine Yuri." Said Rio. Shocking Yuri. Why did his prey give him praise?! He is confused.

"I set a card. Turn end. Now the effect of Chimerafflesia and Aqua Jet wears off."

Number 32: Shark Drake ( ATK 4800 >>> 2800)

Predaplant Chimerafflesia ( ATK 3500 >>> 2500)

"I must admit Kameshiro. You are good. But not good enough. I draw"

Turn 4

I activate Polymerization. I fuse Darlingtonia Cobra and Chimerafflesia together! Two beautiful flowers with an insect-alluring fragrance! Now become one, and from the hell beneath your petals, give birth to a new terror! Fusion Summon! Appear! Poisonous dragon with hungry fangs! Level 8! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!"

Starve Venom Fusion Dragon ( ATK 2800/DEF 2000/Dragon/Fusion/Dark/LV8)

"Starve Venom Fusion Dragon's effect activates! Once per turn, it gain ATK equal to the combined ATK of all monsters you control." Said Yuri as Starve Venom sucked Shark Drake's energy as he became bigger.

Starve Venom Fusion Dragon ( ATK 2800 <<< 5600)

"5600 ATK?!" Said Ruri and Sayaka in fear as they hid behind the unamazed Rio.

"Now I activate the Continues Spell Card Seed Canon Salvo. I send Predaplant Spinodionaea from my deck to the Graveyard and Shark Drake losses 600 ATK. And you take 300 damage." Yuri said as he activated his card but.

"Actually. No. I activate the quick play spell card Mystical Space Typhoon from my hand. It'll destroy your spell card." Said Rio as the card fizzled. It's Destruction effect attempted to activate but there were no Predaplant Monsters on the field.

"Damn you. Starve Venom Attack her Dragon-looking monster!" Starve Venom charged at Shark Drake.

Suddenly, Rio started laughing.

"What's so funny?!" Asked Yuri. The girl's gone insane.

"What's funny is that you forgot about my facedown. Reveal Trap Card! Negate attack! You battle Phase is over." Said Rio as Starve Venom was inches away from Shark Drake but Starve Venom stopped at the last second.

"I.. end my turn." Said Yuri in disbelief. He was so close. "Starve Venom's effect ends."

Starve Venom Fusion Dragon ( ATK 5600 >>> 2800)

"It's the end of the line Yuri. I draw!"

Turn 5

"I activate Raigeki. It'll destroy all your monsters." Said Rio as Starve Venom was destroyed.

"Starve Venom's Destruction effect activates-" Said Yuri but he was cut off by Rio.

"I activate the quick play Spell Card Called By the Grave from my hand. It'll banish and negate Starve Venom's effect until the End of the turn." Said Rio as a hand reached into the Graveyard portal. It grabbed Starve Venom Fusion Dragon and squeezed it until it vanished into practicals.

"Starve Venom.. is.. no more.." Said Yuri as he couldn't believe what was happening. He was outplayed. By a GIRL!!

"Do you want a second to process what happened or should I end this?" Asked Rio.

"..." was the response from Yuri.

"I'll take that as putting you out of your misery. Shark Drake. Death Bite." Ordered Rio as Yuri snapped out of his daze and saw Shark Drake attacking him.

"Am I... losing.. ? Hehehe.. hahaha haha!" The blast connected at him he was sent flying a couple feet before he landed on the ground.

Rio: 3000LP

Yuri: 0LP

Rio win

When Yuri landed, a forced return program activated in Yuri's Duel Disk, signaling his return to Academia.

"You.. beat him.. you actually beat him." Said Ruri in awe. She was saved from this psycho.

"Of course I did. You're safe now." Said Rio. Hugging the girl. Ruri looked like she needed it.

"Ruri!! Ruri!!" Shouted a voice of a male. The voice approached the girls. "Ruri. You're safe. But how?!"

"It's Thanks to her." Said Ruri as she jestured towards Rio.

"Ah shit!! Shun is here. Didn't expect that." She thought in nervousness as her shyness kicked in.

"Who are you?" Asked Shun. Talking to Rio.

"My name is Kameshiro Rio." Said Rio as she did it without stuttering. Again. She's an introvert around people like Shun. They make her nervous. She gathers courage to talk to him properly. "What is your name?" Asked Rio.

"Kurosaki Shun. You already met my sister Ruri. Thank you for saving her. I can't bear losing my sister." Said Shun as Rio remembered the orphanage and everyone else there and she clutched her pendant.

"It's okay. There's no need for thanks. I just remembered my sisters when I saw Ruri being chased so my sister instincts kicked in. I'm the eldest among my sisters and I." Replied Rio as she was snapped back to reality.

"I see that we have this in common. Ruri is my little sister." Said Shun with a ghost of a smile.

"Yeah. I guess we do." Replied Rio as another male approached.

"Sayaka! Ruri! Ruri you're okay." Said the male as he shifted his gaze towards Rio. "I take it you saved Ruri and Sayaka."

"Yes. And there's no need to thank me. I have little siblings too so instincts kicked in when she was chased." Said Rio. Repeating what she said to Shun.

"What's your name?" Asked the male.

"Kameshiro Rio. You?" Asked Rio. She already knew but she had to keep the act.

"Yuto." Introduced Yuto.

"So from which domain are you?" Asked Shun.

"I'm from Heart domain." Said Rio

"If so why I've never seen you before?" Asked Shun.

"I'm quite a introvert so I rarely go out." Replied Rio calmly.

"Then why you don't join Resistance?" Asked Shun.

"As I said, I'm quite an introvert and I never knew anything about Resistance or something like that. I survived with my own skill and all that stuff." Replied Rio. Lying a little. But they can't know.

"Please Rio. Join Resistance. You can help us a lot." Said Ruri.

"Hold on Ruri." Said Shun. "In Resistance, we don't blindly trust random stranger. I'll judge you are trusted or not by checking your Deck. If you are not with Academia, it will be not a problem, right?"

"Sure." Replied Rio as she gave her Deck to Shun.

Shun checked her Deck and Extra Deck and finally said.

"You are indeed an Xyz Dimension's people. I'm sorry for my rude behaviour before." Apologized Shun.

"It's okay. I know you do this for your comrades." Said Rio. Accepting the apology.

"You can join Resistance if you want. Surviving together is more efficient than surviving alone. Beside, we owe you for helping Ruri." Said Shun.

"Also, with your strength, we actually can fight back against Academia." Added Yuto.

Ruri gave Rio the puppy eyes. Something Ruby would use. Rio sighed in defeat.

"Well, I guess I had no choice." Said Rio.

"Come. We'll take you to the base. It's where everyone Is. Everyone in the Resistance that is. We do have people in other branches but this is the one we use." Said Shun.

"Okay. Lead the way Shun." Said Rio as the four of them started walking to the base.

Timeskip Rio's POV

After an hour of walking up the stairs, we got to the Duel Lounge. I instantly recognized it.

"Hey! That's Roku's Duel Louge from Zexal. Huh. That's nice. Seeing a familiar place." I thought as we entered the Duel Louge.

As we entered, a Boy, who looked like middle schooler, greeted us.

"Hey Shun. Hey! Ruri is safe! Sayaka! You're okay!" Said the boy. He's a short boy with red spiky hair and brushy eyebrows. He has teal eyes and the front of his bangs are lined with yellow. He wears a maroon long-sleeved shirt, gray pants and yellow boots with white tongues and grey soles under a purple poncho that is emblazoned with a blue shield shape and green diamonds; two on the lower part of the shield and two smaller ones on each shoulder.

"Hey there Allen. Yes Ruri is safe." Said Shun.

"I'm fine Allen." Said Sayaka.

"Right. His name is Allen. I read about him." I thought to myself.

"But how?!" Asked Allen. Yuto, Shun, Sayaka And Ruri all looked at me. "You saved them?" Asked Allen.

"Yes I did. No need for thanks though. I saw fellow citizens in danger so I helped them. I'm from Heart Domain but I'm an introvert. Hence why you probably never saw me. I barely go out." I explained.

"I see. My name's Kozuki Allen. Nice to meet you." Said Allen as he extended his hand towards me.

"Likewise. Name's Kameshiro Rio. Pleasure to meet you Allen." I Said as we shaked hands.

"Come. You should meet the boss." Said Allen.

"The boss?" I repeated. Quite unsure at whom Allen was talking about.

""Sort of." Sayaka answered. "He's more of our caretaker than boss."

"I see." I said. "It reminds me of Grace Fields. I miss them." I thought to myself.

"While waiting, I'll get some food for you guys." Sayaka said.

"As much as I appreciate the kind hospitality, I would like to make something for you guys. Think of it as you thanking me by eating my food." I said. "I'm quite good at cooking."

"Okay. Sayaka you sit. Show Rio to the ingredients please." Said Shun.

"Of course. Come with me." Said Sayaka as I followed her. When we got to the ingredients, she told me where everything is stored and went back yo the others.

"Let's see. What should I make?" I Said to myself as my bag was still on me. I took out a photo. It's a photo of me and everyone at Grace Fields. I shed a tear. I decided to make Takoyaki and rice balls. After I was done, I put everything on plates and put on the little table there is in the Duel Louge.

"Here you go you guys." I said as I put the plates down.

"Takoyaki and rice balls. Enjoy everyone. I made more fore everyone here." I said as they started eating.

"That's delicious Rio." Said Sayaka.

"I must say, I didn't eat this in a long time. Brings me back to before the war started. Thank you for making this Rio." Said Yuto.

"They're right! It's amazing." Said Ruri. "Where did you learn how to cook like that?!"

"Well, If I'm being honest, I was an orphen and the caretaker was like a mother to me. My parents died at a car accident and ever since, I was at that orphanage. The caretaker and everyone else there were carded when the invasion started. I was the oldest there. I'm 16." I said. Since I became Kameshiro Rio, I thought it'd be a good idea to use her memories and a bit of my own.

"I'm sorry to hear that Rio." Said Shun. Looking genuine about it.

"It's okay. I barely knew my real parents. The caretaker at the orphanage taught me all I know about cooking." I replied.

"Hey Rio. Meet the boss." Said Allen as he returned. Accompanied by a tall man. I was shocked at the sight. The man has long, blond hair with several bangs covering his forehead and light yellow eyes. He was dressed in a simple dark green shirt with a lab coat over it and grey pants. And he also has a monocle on his left eye.

"Byron Arclight.." I thought in shock. "So the Arclight Brothers are also here."

"You must be Kameshiro Rio. I thank you for saving Ruri and Sayaka." The man let out a friendly smile. "Forgive me for the long wait, but I had some business to take care of. My name is Byron Arclight and I'm the man responsible for overseeing this hideout. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Firstly, It's okay. I saved them because it's important to have survivors alive and not taken or carded. Secondly, it's okay. I understand you're a busy man Byron-san. And lastly, the pleasure's all mine." I said as Byron and I shook hands. "Why don't you sit with us Byron-san? I made Takoyaki and rice balls. I made it as a token of my appreciation for letting me join Resistance."

"It will be my pleasure Kameshiro." Said Byron as he set down and ate. "I must say it's good. Where did you learn how to cook like that?!"

I looked down as I explained to Byron what I told the others. After that, he looked sad. "I'm sorry it happened to you. It must be hard to lose two families. Academia will pay." Said Byron as he clanced his fists.

"I know Byron-san. They will pay dearly." Said Rio. "Say. Byron-san. Is there a room where I can work on my Deck? I need to do some changes to my deck. Seeing as it stands now with my current deck, it will not be of much help to Resistance."

"Of course. You can work on it in my lab. I've been meaning to talk to you there actually." Byron Said. "After we all finish eating, come with me to my lab."

"Of course Byron-san. Thank you." I said in a greatful voice.

"I really appreciate what they do. The hospitality they show me. Honestly, I thought people here will be more hostile than anything." I thought to myself as I looked at everyone. They all were scared and unsure of what to do. Poor people.

Timeskip. After Dinner in Duel Louge.

After Dinner, Sayaka And Ruri were washing the dishes while myself and Byron-san went to his lab.

"Here you go Rio. It's not much but it's what we have. You can work on your Deck here. Just be careful not to overdo it or you will sleep in the morning." Said Byron with a caring look. I smiled at him.

"Okay. Thank you Byron-san. You said you wanted to talk. What is it?" I asked as I pulled myself a chair.

"Well I thought maybe you could help me with something actually." Said Byron. Shocking me.

"What is it?" I asked. Now REALLY Interested.

"Well I've been working on a warping program. It can send people to either Fusion, Synchro, Spaniards or even send them back here to Xyz. Problem is, I need some help with the coordinates. Think you'd be able to help?" Explained Byron as I put my bag down and went to the man.

"Let me at this program. I think I could finish it for you." I said as I stretched my hands. "Time to work."

"Alright. Here's the computer with the program." Said Byron as he handed me a laptop. I opened it and saw the program. While it's good, I Inwardly chuckled. It has MAJOR flaws but nothing I can't fix. I pulled Mt earbuds from my bag, connected them to my Duel Disk and started hearing Music while I worked. (Song on top.)

A few hours later

"And... Done. It's all finished Byron-san." I said as the man came and looked at the program. The coding was better. Everything was improved.

"When did you learn how to code like that?!" Asked Byron.

"Well. As I've said before, the caretaker at my orphenage taught me all I know at a young age. So I remembered and improved it. Like a recepie in cooking. It can always get better. Just know the right ingredients and what you wish to make, and you'll be able to form your own opinion on the matter. You'll know what to add and at what amount." I explained. "Well. It's late. I'll work on my Deck later. I'll be upstairs with the others."

"Okay. Thank you Rio. Before you go, have this. It's my number so that you can contact me should anything happen." Said Byron as I recieved a notification on my Duel Disk. Showing me Byron's contact number.

"Thanks Byron-san. I'm off now." I said as I left the lab. Once upstairs, I took out my deck and started sorting it out. Then I took cards from my bag. These are WATER Support cards. Cards like Abyss Shark and such. I started re-building my deck. Shouldn't be that hard. I then heard Shun calling me.

"Rio." Called Shun.

"What is it?" I asked. Not knowing what he wants.

"You should know that every night, one of us goes to search for supplies with another person for backup. A third person will be on the lookout." Said Shun.

"Okay. And you tell me this now because..." I trailed off.

"Because. Me, Yuto, Sayaka, Allen and Ruri all agreed that it's Ruri's turn to get supplies but she doesn't have a partner." Said Shun as he was about to finish talking, I cut him off.

"I get where this is going. You all want me to go with Ruri because should someone attack us, I can fend off to protect Ruri. It's fine. But next time, just come and ask me. I don't bite. But Shark Drake Does though." I finished what Shun was about to say.

"Yeah. I was about to ask you that. Thanks and I'll keep note of telling you beforehand about things. Need help with your Deck?" Shun offered with a kind Smile. Something that's quite rare with this guy.

"Help will be appreciated Shun. I think it's can help you with your Deck and help everyone else as well with theirs." I said.

"Sure. But first we work on yours. Than we can discuss my Raidraptors." Shun said.

"Raidraptors?" I asked in fake curiosity. Thank God I took acting classes and drama clubs at school. (A/N: Fun fact: i'm a great actor and I'm quite good at drama if I do say so myself.) Thank you school.

"It's the Type of Deck I use. It's mainly Winged-Beast Type monsters. It's Level 4's most of the time. My main go to is to start with 3 Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius. Because when I bring out one. I can Summon another one and another until I have 3 level 4's for my Raidraptor - Rise Falcon." Explained Shun. "Well. Enough about my Deck. Let's focus on yours. It seems to be a WATER based Deck. Your main go to is Shark Drake right?"

"Not all the time. I have other cards I can go into like Ice Beast Zerofyne. It's a good monster to go into if you want to negate effects." I explained (we are talking about the Anime version of the cards.)

"I see. Abyss Shark. It says it can be Summoned if you have at least 1 Water monster on the field. And it can be used as level 3,4 or 5 for a 'Number' Xyz Monster. Quite impressive." Said Shun.

"Thanks Shun." I said.

"No problem." Replied Shun. After a while, we finished my improved version of the Deck. I feel satisfied with the results.

"Well. I think it's time me and Ruri go get the supplies." I said as I put the Extra cards In my bag and I put my Deck in the Deck Box that is on my belt. I also equipped my Duel Disk on. I case we will encounter Cabbage head (aka Yuri), and after that, I went to Ruri who was waiting at the Door.

"Hey Rio. Ready to go?" Asked Ruri.

"Sure. Let's go." I replied as I turned to Shun who was behind me. "Who's keeping watch?"

"I do." Said Yuto.

"Okay. We're set to go. Later." I said as me and Ruri left the hideout.

A hour later

"Well. I think that's about it. I'll go check over to see if I missed some." Said Ruri as I nodded.

"Okay. Be careful. If anything happens, just scream and I'll find you." I said to Ruri whom nodded at me. We both split up.

3rd POV

As Ruri was going to search for more after separating from Rio, she did not know that a certain Purple-haired boy was watching her. Waiting to strike and take her to Academia.

As Ruri's Guard was down, he striked. He jumped from the remains of the building he was on as Ruri is out for search of water

"Ah the princess is alone~" Said Yuri in a sing-song voice but still keeping his sadistic smile on.

"Wha-Hmph!" Ruri tried to scream and yell but couldn't.

"It will be troublesome if you can yell." He said as he Began to tie Ruri's hands and legs and gagged her.

"Now it's time to go, hime~" Said Yuri as he carried Ruri Bridal Style

"Hmlp!" Ruri tried to scream but couldn't.

And then they vanished to the Fusion Dimension.

Rio tried to find Ruri but no sign from the girl. She began to get worried as she contacted Byron. The man quickly answered.

"What is it Rio?" Asked Byron.

"Byron-san. I was looking for Ruri as we split up to search some more water. When I went looking for her, she was nowhere to be found. I think Academia took her. I can already feel that Shun is going to kill me so keep him in check." Said Rio.

"I'll try and contact Ruri. Wait a sec." Said Byron as he tried to contact and locate Ruri's Duel Disk. The man sighed in frustration. "No signal. You're right. Academia most definitely took her. But who will they send?!"

"I think I know. I dueled him. His name is Yuri. He tried taking Ruri before but didn't succeed as I beat him in a duel. He must've returned and wait for when she was most vulnerable and alone. He'll take advantage of such things. I'll make my way back now." Said Rio in a sad tone.

"Okay. Come back and rest Rio. You need it." Said Byron.

"Okay Byron-san. Thank you." Said Rio as she ended the call. "I am officially screwed for life. Well, time to go back to the base. Shun must be enraged."

As Rio made her way back, a card in her Deck Box started making itself. (Like in Zexal when Astral acquires a new number. The card did just that.) She took out the card to see it being a Field Spell. She put it back in and got to the base.

"I'm sorry Shun. I wasn't able to protect Ruri." Said Rio crying to the male's chest.

"What happened?" Asked Shun. Rio explained to him what she told Byron. "I see. It's not your fault. Ot's Academia's. I swear, They're gonna pay!"

"Rio. Come here." Said Byron as he took the girl to a room with a little bed. "Rest. You need it. You already lost 2 families, Resistance are like family here so I understand the pain you're feeling."

"Thanks Byron. I needed it." Said Rio as she wiped her tears away and went to sleep.

"Rest well Rio." Said Byron as he left the room and closed the door. "Shh. Keep quiet you guys. She needs sleep."

"I know. I'll talk to her tomorrow." Said Shun in a hushed voice.

"Okay. But don't be hard on her." Said Byron.

"I'll be as gentle as possible." Said Shun.

Inside the room, Rio was lying in bed. Being engulfed by a red-pink aura. (I'm not the greatest at describing things. Bear with me.) As the number 37 appeared on her forearm. One thought was on her mind at that time.

"I swear, I'll get revenge for what Academia did. That is a promise I won't go back on." Thought Rio as the Blank Xyz Monster in her Extra Deck started to form itself as Rio fell asleep as the number and Aura dispersed.

Dream world. Rio's POV

Okay. I am In a dark void and now things start to clear up. I look before me and see a girl. The girl is tall and has long, maroon and dark red hair, similar in style to Ruri. Her hairstyle is held similarly to both Ruri and Yuzu's with hairclips. Her civilian clothes are similar to the Duel Runner Suit that Rin wears. She also wears a thigh strap, similar to Serena's Academia uniform. I remember reading about her. That's Ray Akaba.

"Hello Rio. I am Ray Akaba." Introduced Ray.

"I know who you are. Before I was sent here, by you I believe, I was reading about the Arc-V Characters so I know a thing or two about you. I dodn't watch the while thing. Only to the end of the Duel of Reiji and Yuya that Yuya lost in. And he lost HARD." I said. "Is there something you need?"

"First of all, I'm sorry for what i'm about to tell you so please don't freak out okay?" Asked Ray.

"I'll do my best. No promises." I said.

"Okay. In your World, You're not Dead. You are in a deep coma." Said Ray. Waiting for my answer.

I finally answered with the calmest voice ever "Huh. Seems legit." I said.

"What?!" Asked Ray. Taken aback by my calmness.

"I mean, when you get hit by a Truck, you either Die, or go into Deep Coma. It's like flipping a coin. 50% chance of getting heads and 50% chance you get tails. In this situation, the coin landed on the percentage of a Coma rather than straight-up dying. What's the second thing?" I explained as I asked Ray what else she wanted to tell me.

"Well. The second thing I that there are people you might know in this space." Said Ray.

"Who are they?" I asked. I then heard voices.

"Do you really not remeber? Think. Listen to this. Silent Honor DARK! Attack Yuma Directly!" Said a disoriented male voice.

"Now my turn. Listen. Ragnafinity! Attack!!" Said a disoriented Female Voice.

"Nash and Marin. The Barians." I said as the scenery changed to a flowers field. Before me, stood Nash, Durbe, Vector, Girag, Alito, Mizael and Marin. The only Female in the group.

"That's Right Rio. I see you got my body in it's human form when you were sent here." Said Marin as she came close to me. We were both the same height but she was a bit taller since her shoes ate high.

"Yeah. I know. It feels strange in a way. In a good way. It's like seeing my reflection in the Mirror." I said as Marin and myself were doing the same movements in front of each other. The boys were confused as hell as to what's going on.

"Ahem." Said Nash. Drawing our attention. "Now for the reason the 7 of us are here. Take this Rio. My numbers are yours as well as the other emperor's numbers. Give them."

Nash handed me Silent Honors ARK and DARK. Then Vector handed me Masquerade and Umbrel horror Masquerade. Alito was next with his numbers. Than girag. Marin handed me hers with what I believe is a smile. I couldn't tell since... well they have no mouth. Then it was Mizael's turn.

"Take good Care of Tachyon Dragon for Me. I believe in you Kameshiro." Said Mizael. I am taken aback that he trusts a Human. Marin then changed to the Original Kameshiro Rio. Now that is creepy. She looked at me with a smile as she handed me the barian emblem.

"Now you can use Barian Battlemorph." Said Marin as we both took our right arm and touched the other's arm.
(A/N: I'll call the original Marin and the Reader Rio to make less of a confusion.) As we did so. We became one. Now I am truly Kameshiro Rio. And I cam use Barian Battlemorph. I took the numbers.

"Good Luck Marin. From this day forward, you really are one of us. You are both Kameshiro Rio and Marin. That is who you are. One of the seven Barian Emperors. Good luck." Said Nash as the others disappeared. Leaving me with Ray alone.

"I think it's time you go back to the waking world of Arc-V. Good Luck." Said Ray as she vanished and I stayed in the imaginary field.

The next day.

Shun went to talk with Rio. He saw she was still sleeping. He woke her up gently.

"Hey Rio. Wake up." Said Shun as he shook the girl's body a little. Rio's Eyes flutter open.

When she saw Shun, she thought he was legit going to kill her but he didn't.

"Good morning. You sure slept soundly. It's good. Get ready and come to Byron's Lab. The program is complete." Said Shun.

"Yeah. I know. I helped him with it." Said Rio as she rubbed her eyes.

"How? You know what?! I'm not even gonna ask. Let's just go." Said Shun as Rio nodded. She got her things and went out the room.

"Ah Rio. I see you're doing better." Said Byron as he looked at Rio. Seeing she has a tired look.

"Let's get started already. The program was turned into a card by Byron-san. We insert it in our Duel Disks and we select what dimension we want to warp into. I guess we'll ne going to standard. Shun. Yuto. If you meet Me In Standard, act as if you do not know me. It'll raise less suspicion." Said Rio as she handed the boys a copy of the card and took one herself. They inserted it and chose standard dimension. They were than surrounded by blue practicals as they vanished.

Rio's POV. Standard Dimension

I was successfully warped to Standard it seems. Let's see. I see the LID Symbol on a tower. Yep. Definitely Standard Dimension. I started walking around, observing my surroundings like before. People here were living life normally. Having no care in the world. I actually always wondered what happened while Yuya and the Lancers were Dimension hopping. Did everyone just go back to their every-day lives? If so, I'm disgusted. As I was walking around, everything seemed to qualify as 'Normal' for me until...

"YUYA GET BACK HERE!" A young girl with blue eyes and dark pink hair which was tied up in two pigtails and clipped down by blue spherical hair clips. She chased a boy with a paper fan in her hand.

A young boy with crimson eyes and dual-colored red and green hair which honestly looked like a "tomato", ran away from the anger of the young girl while three kids were just walking and watching them like it's an everyday thing. That actually concerns me a lot.

"That's... Rather concerning if I'm being honest." I thought to myself as I sweatdroped.

"Come on Yuzu! It was an accident!" He said as he turned his head around as he looked at the girl with sincerity.

Yuzu growled angrily but she snapped out of her rage when she realized Yuya was about to bump into me. "Yuya! Watch out!" But it was too late.

"What the..." I said as I turned around and I tried to dodge the incoming tomato but the boy already crashed into me, causing my Deck to scatter on the ground.


Yuzu gasped in horror ashe went to Yuya's side along with the three kids. "Yuya, are you alright?" Yuzu asked worriedly.

"I'm okay." Yuya said. He stood up from the ground and them wiped himself until he turned to me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Said Yuya with a guilty face before he reached his hand to me.

"It's okay. You don't need to apologize to me." I said to him before slowly opening my eyes. Seeing Yuya and Yuzu in front of me. Yep. Definitely Standard Dimension. And judging by how they act, I got here early In the series. I accepted Yuya's help and got up.

"Excuse me Ma'am." A red haired girl shyly approached me with my Deck in her hands. "You dropped these."

"Thank you." I thanked her as I took my Deck back into my Deck Box before giving the girl a smile.

"Hey. Are you a duelist?" Asked Yuya aloud as Yuzu and the kids gasped in surprise. Probably because you don't ask this as the first thing when you meet someone. "Can we know your name?"

"I am a duelist. In case you already forget, I have a Deck. Therefore, I am a duelist." I than thought to myself. "How many times do I need to introduce myself?!"

I Inwardly sighed as I told them my name. It's a no-brainer. "My name is Rio. Kameshiro Rio. But you can call me by my nickname is 'Queen of the Ocean'. But do call me Rio. My family gave me this nickname because of my Deck Theme and they thought it suits me."

"Okay, Rio. I'm Yuya Sakaki." Yuya Said with a smile on his face.

"I'm Yuzu Hiragi. It's nice to meet you." Yuzu bowed.

"My name is Tatsuya." A blue haired boy named Tatsuya said.

"I'm Ayu! I hope we can be friends!" The red haired girl named Ayu exclaimed happily.

"And I'm Futoshi, I like to say shivers a lot." The chubby boy named Futoshi said in excitement.

"Still creepy to me and always will be." I thought to myself. "Nice to meet you everyone." I said.

"So Rio, seems you're new here, are you perhaps out of town?" Yuzu asked.

"Yes. I recently arrived here." I answered.

"Really? What brings you to Maiami City?" Yuzu asked.

"Well.. For two years, I was traveling around the world. Traveling alone is a bit exhausting and I decided to stay in Miami City. Plus, I heard that the Maiami Championship will be held soon so I thought it will be worth to stay and take part in the tournament. Helps hone your skills." I explained. I didn't tell about my family.

"Awesome! We want to qualify as well!" Yuya said in excitement, before he asked another question. "Hey Rio, are you by any chance part of a Duel School?"

Before I could answer, Yuzu hit Yuya's head with a paper fan.

"Yuya! Don't be rude! You can't ask this kind of question to people you just met!" Yuzu yelled in embarrassment.

"Where the hell do she even keep that paper fan?! You know what, I don't even want to know." I thought to myself.

"It's okay Yuzu. It doesn't bother me at all." I told her before I answered Yuya's question. "Back to your question Yuya, I'm not affiliated with any Duel School, I didn't even think of applying to one."

"Why don't you come to You Show Duel School? It's a good place where we learn Entertainment Dueling and fun."

"Fun huh?!" I thought to myself. It's hard to have fun when you just got separated from your Family.

"I don't know Yuya.. I don't think my Deck qualifies in the 'Entertaining' segment.."

"Nonsense! I'm sure you can still entertain people no matter what your Deck is!" Yuya added.


Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by a loud, angry and annoying voice coming from behind.

"SAKAKI YUYA!" A loud sound coming from behind us shouted, making us turn around. Only to see Sawatari and his three underlings.

"That jerk again." Yuzu groaned angrily.

"What do you want now Sawatari?" Said Yuya in a tired tone.

"If I remember correctly, this is after the fourth episode and this scenario takes place in the time span between the end of episode four and the start of episode five. In episode four, Sawatari stole Yuya's Pendulum Cards but got beaten even after he used them. Knowing Sawatari and his Kaiba sized ego, he couldn't accept that defeat." I thought.

"You think you could beat Sawatari-san and run away like that?!" Underling 1 said.

"Now, it's revenge time you punk!" Underling 2 added.

"And you have no escape this time." Underling 3 added.

"That's right Sakaki Yuya! Now take your Deck out and settle this score once and for all!" Sawatari demanded arrogantly, pointing his finger at Yuya before his eyes turned to me. "Who are you beautiful?"

"Who is he?" I asked. I obviously know who he is, but I did it as to not raise 2 things. 1. Suspicion. 2. Sawatari's ego.

"His name is Shingo Sawatari, He attends a dueling school called LDS. He stole a pair of important cards from Yuya and forced him into a duel by taking us hostage and he made Yuya use cards he called trash." Yuzu explained with a disgusted look on her face.

"Trush huh?!" I muttered in a low voice to myself. I hate people like that. People who have no respect to their cards and harm others.

"Hey you four! You said you come from that tower called LDS? And you're the top student l?" I asked as Sawatari and his underlings smirked and extended their chest, proud as a peacock.

"Yes, that's right. Now, will you keep it coming?"

"If you're top duelist at LDS , then their teaching skills are ridiculously low." I said in a calm tone with my eyes closed and arms crossed as Sawatari was growing in anger while You Show crew laughed hard.

"What did you say?! I'm Neo New Sawatari! The best student in LDS!"

I Inwardly laughed at his stupidity. I didn't watch the show much because I had school and my family in the orphenage to take care of.

"2 things. 1. Are you deaf? I just called you a Third Rate Duelist with a Fourth Rate Deck. 2. You call yourself Neo New Sawatari And yet, you don't even know that 'Neo' and 'New' have the same meaning." I taunted him with my eyes still closed. Making the You Show gang laugh even harder while Sawatari and his goons were trembling in anger and looked like a volcano about to explode.

"That's it! You're going down!" Underling 3 said.

"Sawatari will defeat an amateur like you!" Underling 2 added.

"Amateur?! You called me an amateur?!" I said in a dangerous tone as the aura of Shark Drake appeared around me. "You're gonna be sorry. He can try but he stands no chance against me." (A/N: No. Rio is not possessed by Shark Drake. When someone insults her or her cards, Shark Drake is giving this Aura around Rio. Like a guardien protecting a child.)

As I placed my Deck in my Duel Disk which I need to buy a new one. Note to self, buy a new Duel Disk after I kick his sorry ass. As I was about to activate the Duel Disk, Yuya tried to stop me.

"Rio, you don't have to do this for me. Just let me Duel him Since Sawatari is my problem." Yuya said with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah. Yuya can defeat him easily." Yuzu added.

"Don't worry about a thing. I won't lose against a amateur like him. Also, people who are all bark and no bite must be taught a lesson." I assured them as a roar was heard. It was Shark Drake agreeing with me. I than activated my Zexal Duel Disk as Sawatari activated his Arc-V Duel Disk as it produced a angular blade with a green outline.

"You're going to pay for calling me an amateur Sawatari. And you'll learn that girls aren't pretty objects. But deadly beasts. You're going down!" I told him with a calm tone as the aura faded.

"Heh. Girls shouldn't be Dueling. They should stay back and you'll be going down!" He said to me. Oh my blood is boiling. I want to punch him for that insult and I know Yuzu feels offended by that statement. Shark Drake's purple Aura engulfed me again. Like a parent will protect their children.

"You little... let's get on with it!" I said. Slightly irritated by this idiot.

"Fine! Let's start!" Sawatari said.

The both of us shouted at the same time.


Rio: 4000LP

Sawatari: 4000LP

"Well miss. Confidant, how about you go first?" Sawatari Offered.

"If you insist. My turn!" I said as I look at my starting hand.

Turn 1

"I set one monster face down and three cards face down. Your move." I said as Sawatari and his goons started laughing, not knowing I plan to crash him.

"That's it? You talked big for this pathetic move. With that move, this will be a OTK for the great Sawatari!" He said as he stopped laughing.

"This pathetic move is more than enough to defeat an amateur like you." I said as he grunted.

"Eh, is she really only doing that?" Futoshi said in disbelief.

"It's okay Futoshi. I think she was observing Sawatari." Tatsuya explained.

"Tatsuya is right. This is only the beginning and I think she's observing Sawatari." Yuya added as they continued to watch the Duel.

"I will show you the perfect move! I Draw!" Said Sawatari cheerfully as he drew his card.

Turn 2

"If my opponent has 2 set cards on the field, I can Special Summon Escher the Frost Vessel from my hand!" Said Sawatari as the blue armored warrior appeared on the Field.

Escher the Frost Vessel ( ATK 800/DEF 1000/Water/Aqua/LV4)

"And then I tribute Escher the Frost Vessel to Tribute Summon Mobius the Frost Monarch!" Sawatari said as Escher disappeared and the white armored warrior took his place.

Mobius the Frost Monarch ( ATK 2400/DEF 1000/Water/Aqua/LV6)

"Mobius's effect activates!" Said Sawatari gleefully. "When this card is Tribute Summoned, I can destroy up to two spell/trap cards on the field, so say goodbye to your facedown cards! Freeze Burst!"

A raging snowstorm suddenly appeared and destroyed two of Rio's facedown cards.

"Oh no! Her facedown cards were destroyed!" Ayu said worriedly.

"Not good.. not good at all." Yuya said worriedly and nervously.

"Now, now, don't applaud already. It's only getting started. I activate the spell card Double Summon! This card allows me to normal summon once again! I tribute my Mobius the Frost Monarch to Tribute Summon Mobius the Mega Monarch!"

Mobius the Mega Monarch ( ATK 2800/DEF 1000/Water/Aqua/LV8)

Mobius disappeared and the bulky version of himself appeared on the Field. However, Rio seems unfazed and still calm.

"Normally I need 2 tributes to summon Mobius. But thanks to it's Effect, I can summon it with one less tribute. And now it's time to battle! I use Mobius to attack your facedown! Imperial Charge!" Then several ice spikes suddenly grew from Mobius's Armor as it destroyed Rio's facedown monster.

"I set one card facedown and end my turn. How's that? Wanna surround?" Announced Sawatari.

"I'm not impressed. I draw!" I said as I draw before I glared at Sawatari. "You don't deserve to be called a duelist. I'll show you how a REAL OTK looks like."

Turn 3

"You must be bluffing." Sawatari scoffed arrogantly.

"Did you see me stuttering? I activate the Spell Card of Demise! I Draw until I have five cards in my hand but on my 5th Standby Phase I must send all cards in my hand to the Graveyard." I said as I drew until I had 5 cards In my hand.

"That Spell Card must be so rare." Yuzu noted.

"But it has big costs if she can't end this Duel quickly." Yuya added.

"I activate Spell book inside the pot! We both draw three cards." I said as Sawatari and myself drew three more cards.

"I activate my Field Spell Freezing Water Kingdom!" The field surrounding us changed into an icy road leading to a castle made of ice.

"What is this?!" Sawatari yelled in confusion.

"Welcome to my Kingdom. Here, all WATER Monsters I control gain 500 ATK and they also cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects! Now I activate my facedown spell card Monster Reborn! I can Special Summon one monster from either Graveyard! I use it to Special Summon Lantern Shark!" I said as a blue metal shark with a lantern on it's belly appeared on the Field.

Lantern Shark ( ATK 1500/DEF 900/Fish/Water/LV4)

"Lantern Shark's effect activates! When Lantern Shark is Summoned, I can Special Summon one level 3 to 5 WATER Monster from my hand! I Summon Buzzsaw Shark!" A mix of red, black and white colored Shark with a saw on it's fins appeared on the Field.

Buzzsaw Shark ( ATK 1600/DEF 500/Fish/Water/LV4)

"Buzzsaw Shark's effect activates! I can target one WATER Monster I control and I can Special Summon one Fish monster from my Deck! I target Lantern Shark so I can Special Summon Double fin Shark from my Deck!" A red shark with twin tails and fins appeared on the field

Double fin Shark ( ATK 1000/DEF 1200/Fish/Water/LV4)

"Since I have a WATER monster on the field, I can Special Summon Silent Angler from my hand." A brown Angler Fish appeared on the Field.

Silent Angler ( ATK 800/DEF 1400/Fish/Water/LV4)

"And remember, we're at my palace. So my monsters gain 500 ATK since we're here." Then Rio's monsters were surrounded by a light blue aura.

Lantern Shark ( ATK 1500 - ATK 2000)

Buzzsaw Shark ( ATK 1600 - ATK 2100)

Double fin Shark (ATK 1000 - ATK 1500)

Silent Angler ( ATK 800 - ATK 1300)

"Wow.. Four Monsters in one turn.." Yuzu said amazed.

"Now I understand why her family gave her the name Queen of The Ocean.." Yuya added.

"It's useless, your Monsters ATK are not higher than my Mobius." Sawatari snorted.

"True. But who said I was going to attack right away? Let me give you a lesson. I have four Monsters with the same Level on the field, what will be my next move?" Rio asked as she looked Sawatari right in the eyes. As if looking into his soul.

Sawatari seemed confused at first before he realized what Rio said. "Four Monsters with the same Level.. it can't be.."

"First, I Overlay my level 4 Silent Angler and Double fin Shark! Appear, Number 37! When slumbering powers of sea and earth weave, the light of a new life bursts forth! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark!"

Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark: ( ATK 2600/DEF 2100/Sea Serpent/Water/RK 4/OVU 2)

Leo Corporation - Control Room

"Sir, we've detected a strong summoning energy in Maiami City Park!" A man In a suit and sunglasses said.

Said "President" is a young man with red glasses and a red scarf, wears a blue long sleeved shirt along with long white pants and white shoes. His name is Akaba Reiji.

"What kind?" Reiji responded as he pushed up his glasses.

"100% confirmed, it's Xyz sir!"

The young man eyes widened. "Get me the visual!"

"Yes, sir." A large screen revealed Sawatari and Rio's Duel.

"What do we know.. about this Duelist who fights Sawatari?" The president asked. His workers are searching and were quite shocked by the result.

"There is nothing on her, sir. The thing we found is that her name is Kameshiro Rio."

"Kameshiro Rio.. she's clearly not from here." The president thought.

"Sir, what do we do about this.. new Duelist?" His worker asked.

"We will observe her.. for now." Reiji said as he left the Control Room.

Back at the Duel

"No way.. Rio is.." Yuya exclaimed in amazement as the three kids looked in surprise.

"An Xyz Duelist." Said Yuzu in the same state as Yuya.

"A Special Summon from Extra Deck.."

"She's a Xyz user.."

"No way, only a top Duelist in LDS can do that, how does this punky girl know how to Xyz Summon?"

"I'm not done yet. Lantern Shark and Buzzsaw Shark can be treated as Level 3 and 5 if they will be used as a material to Xyz Summon a WATER Monsters. I Overlay the now Level 5 Lantern Shark and Buzzsaw Shark! Appear! The guardien of the depth sea! Xyz Summon! Rank 5! Shark Fortress!"

Shark Fortress ( ATK 2400/DEF 1800/Fish/Water/RK5/OVU 2)

"Two Xyz Summons in one turn?!" Yuya said in surprise.

"Now my Field Spell's effect activates! Since I Summoned a WATER Xyz monster, I can draw one card foe each Overlay Unit it has! Since I Summoned Shark Fortress, I draw two cards!" Rio said as she drew two cards.

"And my Field Spell also gives my monsters 500 ATK!" Hope Woven and Shark Fortress were surrounded by a light blue aura.

Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark: ( ATK 2600 - ATK 3100)

Shark Fortress ( ATK 2400 - ATK 2900)

"Now I think I should either end this or flex a little. Ah let's flex on him." Thought Rio.

"But still you can't defeat me in this turn. That means I can destroy you in my next turn!" Sawatari said smugly.

"There will be no next turn! I activate Double Summon! I can Normal Summon twice now! I Summon Shocktopus and Deep Sweeper!" Rio said as the monsters appeared on the Field.

Shocktopus ( ATK 1600/DEF 800/Fish/Water/LV4)

Deep Sweeper ( ATK 1600/DEF 1300/Fish/Water/LV4)

"Now I Overlay Level 4 Shocktopus and Deep Sweeper! Appear! Beautiful creature born from the cold ice! Soar into the skies and freeze your enemy! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Guardien of ice! Ice Beast Zerofyne!"

Ice Beast Zerofyne ( ATK 2000/DEF 2200/Winged Beast/Water/RK4/OVU 2)

"And she also gains 500 ATK thanks to my Kingdom!" Rio said as Zerofyne was surrounded by a light blue aura.

Ice Beast Zerofyne ( ATK 2000 - ATK 2500)

"Now there are three Xyz Monsters on Rio's Field in a single turn. Amazing." Yuya said with wide eyes.

"It's beautiful. Zerofyne is amazing." Yuzu added as three kids nodded.

"Now.. time to freeze you Sawatari! Shark Fortress's effect activates! By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can target one Monster and that Monster can attack twice this turn." Shark Fortress absorbed one of his Overlay Units and Hope Woven was surrounded by a royal blue aura.


"Battle! Hope Woven attack Mobius! And when Monsters battle this turn, Hope Woven can detach one Overlay Unit and all Monster's you control lose 1000 ATK until the end of this turn!" Hope Woven absorbed one of it's Overlay Units and shot spider web at Mobius as Mobius groaned in pain.

Mobius the Mega Monarch ( ATK 2800 - ATK 1800)

Hope Woven unleashed it's attack at Mobius. Destroying it to pieces.

Rio: 4000LP

Sawatari: 2700LP

"Got you! I activate my Trap Card Ice Rage Shot! Since an Aqua monster was destroyed by battle, I can destroy one monster on your field and you take damage equal to it's ATK! I destroy your Spider Shark! And you take 3100 damage! Hahaha!" Sawatari laughed maniacly.

Everyone gasped in shock. But, much to everyone's surprise, Rio smirked.

"Did you already forget? Freezing Water Kingdom protects all of my WATER Monsters from being destroyed by card effect!" Sawatari's Trap vanished from the field, making Sawatari look in shock.

"Now it's over! Hope Woven attack Sawatari directly!" Hope Woven unleashed it's attack at Sawatari.

"Wait.. Wait.. Wait.. WAIT! Ahhhh!" Sawatari screamed as he fell to the ground.

Rio: 4000LP

Sawatari: 0LP

Rio win


While Sawatari was surrounded by his underlings, Yuzu, Yuya and three kids approached Rio.

"That was an impressive Duel, Rio. You Show him to never underestimate girls." Yuzu said with a smile on her face.

Rio nodded before replying. "Thanks Yuzu. He should have respect for women. I just put him in his place."

"Tch! You just got lucky!" Sawatari growled as he slowly got up. "I will see you at the Maiami Championship! Let's go guys!" Then Sawatari and his underlings left the place.

"Good grief.." Rio sighed in disbelief.

"That was an awesome Duel Rio! Why didn't you tell us you are an Xyz User?" Yuya asked.

"Simple Yuya. You never asked." Rio said as Yuya rubbed the back of his hair sheppisly.

"Rio-nee Chan! Your Deck is awesome and your Xyz monster is great!" Tatsuya said with stars in his eyes. (A/N: if I pronounced the Japanese word wrong, tell me how to spell it in the comments. I'm bad at Japanese. Like real bad.)

"Yes! They make me shiver!" Futoshi added.

"Rio-nee Chan, will you come and join our Duel School?" Ayu hopefully asked.

Rio hesitated before nodding because they used the doomsday weapon. The puppy eyes look in their eyes. She sighed before answering. "Well.. I will go to your school and then I'll make my decision."

"Yay!" Three kids exclaimed in excitement.

"Alright! Follow me!" Yuya exclaimed as he grabbed Rio's left arm and started dragging her to the Duel School.

"Yuya! I can walk by myself!" Rio remarked as Yuzu and the kids followed Yuya and her.

To be continued.

Custom Card:

Freezing Water Kingdom (Field Spell)

Effect: All WATER Monsters you Control gain 500 ATK. Also, Monsters you control cannot be Destroyed by battle or card effects. Once per turn, If you Xyz Summon a WATER Xyz Monster, you can draw card for each Xyz Material currently attached to that Xyz Monster.

Finally done!!!!!

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