Little Miss Goody Two Shoes

Od BubblesNeptune

1.8K 30 13

Lee and Temmy are best friends that go to Elkwood Academy, a prestigious boarding school-that is also horribl... Více

Little Miss Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

156 3 1
Od BubblesNeptune

~Chapter 3~

*Lee’s POV*

My face was still flushed with embarrassment as I made my way to the gym. I hate having PE third. It meant that I was sweaty throughout the rest of my classes. It was the one class that I had without Temmy and I know this sounds sad and pathetic but she’s my only friend.  I quickly changed into my gym uniform- short shorts and a tank top. I absolutely hated this uniform because I felt like such a slut in it and the perverted boys in my class can never keep their eyes on our faces. The coach made us do three laps around the field while all the cheerleaders were allowed to take this time to practice. I was glad of this because that meant I didn’t have to deal with Ashley. Unfortunately, I still had to deal with Ian. ‘This is great. Just great.’ I thought sarcastically as I saw Ian making his way over to me. I desperately tried to run faster, but he caught up to me easily.

“Hey Lee.” He said.

“Hola idiot,” I replied.

“Aw babe there’s no reason to be like that.”

“Um yeah there is. It’s your fault that I have detention. And don’t ever call me babe again.” I said, glaring at him. He just grinned like the idiot he is.

“You know you love it babe.”

“Um no I don’t.”

“You can stop pretending babe, everybody knows you want me.”

“You say that one more time and I will personally make sure you are drugged and sent to Australia where you will get bitten by a poisonous snake.” I said, my temper starting to flare.

“Oh really? How are you going to do that?”

“I know a guy,” I said. It was true, I knew someone who specialized in things like this. Ian just smirked.

“Sure you do.”

“It’s true.”


“It is.”

“Uh huh.”

“I’m not lying!”

“Sure you’re not.”

“UGH is there some reason why you came over here?” I asked, my patience wearing thin. We had managed to complete two laps around the field already, the others way behind us.

“Not really, I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Why? ‘Cause I really don’t want you talking to me.”

“You’re not like other girls, Lee.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Thank you.” He stopped and looked at me.

“That’s exactly what I mean. Any other girl would take that as an insult but not you. You actually celebrate being different than the others.”

“I don’t see why anybody would want to be like the others personally.”

“You see, you’re just so weird.”

“I am NOT weird! I’m psycho, gosh you’d think people would get it right one day.”

“So Lee, the other day, I was talking to some guys and we realized you never told us if you were a schol or brawn. Yeah we all kind of assumed you were a schol ‘cause you’re like wicked smart but we never knew for sure.”

“And I don’t see how it’s your business,” I replied. I don’t really care whether or not people know I’m a schol because they assume I am anyway but I just wanted to annoy Ian.  We were done with our laps now and I headed towards the changing room.

“Just tell me.” He pleaded.


“C’mon please? Don’t make me beg.” He called after me. I grinned evilly, tuning around.

“Actually, I would like very much to see you beg.” He got down on one knee and clasped his hands together and proclaimed dramatically,

“Please Lee; please please please please tell me!!” I pretended to consider it for a moment.

“Nope!”  Ian got up, looking pissed.

“Lee, tell me.”

“Not going to happen.” I skipped happily off to the changing rooms, ignoring the sounds of Ian cursing behind me.

The rest of my day passed quickly and soon it was time for my detention with Mr. Johnson. I made my way down to his room with a book in my hand, to keep me occupied. When I got there, I just sat down and read for the hour, and then I could leave. Turns out detentions aren’t that bad. I hurried up to my room, where I met Temmy.

“About time you got here,” She huffed, “Dan’s going to be mad if we’re late again.”

“I know and I’m sorry, but I had detention remember?” She sighed.

“Yeah yeah just hurry up, ok?”

I quickly threw on a purple leotard, black soffe shorts and threw my hair into a ponytail, using numerous clips to keep it in place. I then grabbed my bag with all my equipment in it and a water bottle. When I was ready, Temmy opened the window and dropped our stuff out before hopping out as well. I looked down and made sure that she was on the ground before descending as well. I used the conveniently placed vines to climb down to where Temmy was waiting impatiently.

“You know, it’s probably a good thing neither of us are afraid of heights.” Temmy remarked, looking at how high we had just climbed down from. We made our way to the front of the school where our ride was waiting.

“Hello ladies.” He greeted us as we threw our stuff into the back off his car, and then crawled in ourselves.

“Hi Zack.” We responded. See, when I was telling Ian earlier that I knew a guy that could send him to Australia, I was talking about Zack. Nobody’s allowed to enter or leave the school after curfew, so we have to get other means of transportation.

“How’s life at the rich school been?”

“Torture.” I replied.

“Ian still giving you trouble?” I nodded.

“Just drive Zack, we’re already almost late.” Temmy snapped. I looked at the time on the car’s clock. 5:50. S***! We only had about 10 minutes to complete a 20 minute drive, and if we were late again, Dan wouldn’t hesitate to kick us out.

“Don’t worry guys; I recently took up street racing so my driving is better than ever!”

“Is there anything you do that isn’t against the law?” I asked, rolling my eyes.


“Really? What?” Temmy asked.

“Well, quite a few things actually. Like eating, breathing, sleeping, talking, sitting, standing, running, walking…”

“Stop being such a smart a** Zack.” Temmy said, obviously annoyed.

“Zack, just concentrate on getting us there on time, ok?”

“Fine. Hold on.”

He accelerated suddenly and took a sharp turn, making me crash into the car turn and Temmy to crash into me. He took another turn, sending us flying in the other direction. After about 8 minutes and ten new bruises later, we finally arrived at our destination: Platinum Stars Gymnastics Academy.

“Thanks Zack!” We called over our shoulders as we ran to the building. Temmy glanced at her watch just as we put our bags down and breathed a sigh of relief.

“6:30 on the dot.” She said. We went out onto the floor and started stretching. We were in the middle of doing splits when our coach, Dan, walked in.

“Girls, there will be a new member to the team today. She just moved here from California and will be going to your school so I hope you will be able to show her around.” A petit blond came out from behind him. She was slender and about 5ft 2in., which is standard for a gymnast. Her hair was a golden blonde and her eyes a purplish grey. 

“Hi! I’m Amanda Fleur.”

“Hi, I’m Lee and this is Temmy.” I said, pointing to myself and Temmy in turn.

“Nice to meet you.” She said.

“Well, I have to go and get some stuff, so start doing your warm-ups and routines and try not to destroy the place ok?”

“Yes Dan,” We chorused in unison. He turned and left, giving us one last warning look before closing the door behind him.

“So Amanda, when are you going to start at the oh so wonderful Elktree academy?” I asked.

“I start tomorrow. Is it really so bad there?” She asked, nervous because of my sarcastic tone.

“It’s not that bad. Lee’s just having a bad day.” Temmy said, “Did you get in by scholarship or did you buy your way in?”

“Scholarship. What about you?”

“We’re both scholarship” I replied, “So, tell us about you.”

“Well, I’m really shy around people I don’t know but to my friends I’m crazy and random. I’m very weird and take pride in it. Normal is my kryptonite.”(ßA/N that is my bff bellefleur16’s quote. Read her stories! They are amazing!)

“Looks like you’re going to fit right in with us!” Temmy said.

“Wait, we need to know one thing first.” I said, “Tom Cruise-awesome or not?”

“Only the best person in the world! Omg I love him!” I turned to Temmy.

“She’s cool.”

We finished stretching and started warm-up on floor. Then, we started routines. I smiled as my music started. I absolutely loved it. I had picked it out myself and had had my routine specifically choreographed to the music. The music was actually a shortened version of “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid. When I finished my routine, I saw Temmy on the bars, doing a giant into a flyaway full and Amanda on the vault executing a nearly perfect Yurchenko 1 ½.

“Don’t close your eyes! It’ll just make the blind landing even harder to land!” I called to her.

“Sorry! Old habit!”

She went to the floor to start a routine and I made my way over to the vault. I took a deep breath and started running. My feet pounded against the spring board and when my hands hit the horse, I blocked to give myself maximum power and height, which made the double back pike tsuk a lot easier. I landed and smiled. I loved the sensation of flying through the air, totally in control. After doing about three more vaults I put my grips on and headed to the bars. I glanced at the wooden bars before me, mentally preparing myself for what I had to do. See, most people think that beam is the scariest event, but it’s not. Bars are, without a doubt, the most terrifying event-in my opinion at least. Sure, you get the same flying feeling as on vault, but this time it is completely out of control and there’s nothing you can do about it. I jumped and grabbed the bar securely, doing a kip. I casted high, into a handstand position and carefully flipped one hand over, then turned the rest of my body so I did a half twist. The rest of my routine went perfectly until I reached the dismount. Images flashed through head: me crashing to the floor, my feet banging into the bar, my landing on my neck. I closed and opened my eyes, trying to rid myself of the images. As my feet reached the spot I was supposed to let go, I closed my eyes and let go, feeling my body instinctively twist as I completed the flyaway full. I landed securely on the mat, my eyes still squeezed tightly closed. I breathed a shaky breath and opened my eyes to see Amanda looking at me.

“And you told me not to close my eyes.” She teased.

“If I keep my eyes open, I don’t think I’ll be able to let go of the bar.” I said truthfully.

After going to beam, we packed our stuff up.

“Um, Amanda?” I said as she was walking out of the building. She stopped and turned around.


“Well, nobody at school knows that Temmy and I do gymnastics so please don’t tell them. “

“I won’t,” she promised, “why don’t you want them to know?”

“Because the cheerleaders also do gymnastics to help with their cheering and we try not to be associated with them in any way.”

“I understand. Hey, how do you get out of the school after curfew?” Temmy and I grinned.

“You’ll see.”

We made our way back to the parking lot to wait for Zack.

“Ugh why is he always late?” I groaned.

“If he’s not here in 5 minutes, he’s gonna be on the floor looking for the brain cells he lost.” Temmy muttered. I smiled.

Ten minutes later, Zack finally arrived.

“Hello!” He said cheerfully. Temmy frowned and started moving forward, glaring at him.  Zack’s smile faltered as he noticed her mad expression.

“Lee? Can you help me?” He asked, his voice going high pitched with fear.

“Nope. This is what you get for being ten minutes late. Temmy raised her bag- which had her hard water bottle in it- and started hitting him continually while I just stood and laughed.  Zack fell to his knees, covering his head with his hands.

“Please stop! I’m so so so so so so so sooooo sorry! Please forgive me!”

Temmy stopped and then put out her hand to help him up. He stood and smiled in relief, then got into the cat. Temmy and I crawled into the backseat and Zack sped off toward the school. When we got there, I got out of the car, the waited for Temmy. She smiled evilly for a second and when she got out of the car, she walked over to Zack’s door.

“I’m sorry about earlier. Can I have a hug?” She asked, looking all innocent with her eyes wide and her lip pouted. I immediately knew she was planning something.

“Sure.” He got out of the car and hugged her. Temmy reached her arm from behind her back and smacked him hard across the head.

“Ow! What the h*** was that for?”

“That is called payback my friend. I still haven’t forgiven you for being late.”

“B****” he muttered.

“I know.” She replied. We linked arms and skipped back to the section of the wall where our room was. We climbed up the vines and back in through the window, then we sunk onto our beds, after taking quick showers and changing into our pajamas, forgetting to close the window behind us.   

So I don’t really like this chapter, I know it’s not that good. I hope you like it anyways though! Oh, and if you're wondering what any of the gymnastics skills are, just look them up on you tube and you can usually find a video of one. So please vote, comment, and fan! Thanks, Bubbles Neptune

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