Dark Nights

By Mostlymadzz

38.2K 1.1K 488

When you were younger you and your friends put your faith in heroes, but after seeing a different side of the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Two

540 19 9
By Mostlymadzz

I grimaced in pain at the sudden feeling of my body moving. It woke me slightly, but I felt as if I would black out again any second.

I opened my eyes to see big strong arms around me. I looked up to see a man in a mask. When he looked down I found myself looking into red eyes and I then noticed his blonde hair. It was Katsuki in his hero suit.


I tried to speak but he shut me up.

"Don't. Just stay still. I'm taking you back to my place and will get you patched up.. just hang on."

I felt relief. He wasn't taking me to a hospital where they would most likely help me but then send me off to prison.

I laid my head against his solid chest as he ran carrying me the whole way.

At some point I must have passed out again because when I woke back up I was in a bed. I sat up slowly to find that I was bandaged up. Right as I was about to make my way from the bed ignoring my pain the door burst open to the room I was in.

"What are you doing dumbass? Lay back down!"

I rolled my eyes and scooted back into the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

He asked me as he took a seat at the end of the bed.

"Everything hurts.. but other than that guess I'm okay."

"What happened?"

I took a deep breath trying to remember the events that unfolded recently.

"He had just finished elaborating on some mission he was going to send us all on today, but instead this morning the room was destroyed by a bomb. He planned to kill all of us and I somehow survived. At this point he probably thinks I'm dead though..."

Katsuki sat for a second before saying anything trying to process what I just told him.

"I'll never understand what goes on in his head, but I promise you I'll stop him before he hurts anyone else. It's my fault after all and I have to clean up my mess."

His fault? I mean he was one of the things that pushed Deku to become what he is today but not the only thing.

"It's not all your fault so cut that out."

He gave me a confused look.

"And don't start with apologizes and whatever again because I don't wanna here it. The Izuku we once knew is gone and now we have to destroy Deku."

"You want to kill him?"

Katsuki asked me.

"After everything he's done to me he more than deserves it."

"You don't think we can save him?"

"Are you kidding me? There is no saving him now trust me."

Katsuki looked away from me letting out a sigh. He then stood up from the bed.

"You hungry?"

"I could eat."

He nodded and headed for the bedroom door.

"Hey Kat?"


"Thank you."

He gave me a surprised look.

"You're really weird now you know that right?"

"I'm not weird just a little insane- but in all seriousness I am thankful. You came to save me even though you didn't have to."

"Of course I had to. I wasn't going to leave you to die."

His words shook me to my core. Deku would have left me to die, but Katsuki cared for me? Well I don't know if that was right. It seemed so unlike him.


Is all I could say in return. He then gave me a smirk and headed out the door to grab food I suppose.

I sighed and took in my surroundings. I must have been in Katsuki's room. I noticed a TV in the room and soon found the remote for it and turned it on flipping threw channels till I found the news.

I stopped on the news because his face was on the screen. Deku's face was on the screen. I don't know what the news was talking about. Probably about another horrendous crime he committed but I'm not for sure because my ears were ringing and my breathing got faster the longer his picture was on the screen. In anger I chucked the remote at the TV and broke it.

Then Katsuki walked in the room holding a tray of food.

"What the hell? Why did you do that?"

He said as he brought the tray over to the bedside.

"I'll get you another one."

I grumbled.

"Yeah? With what money?"

"Didn't say I was going to buy one.."

He rolled his eyes.

"Here eat something."

He said gesturing to the tray of food. It smelled really good.

"You cook this?"

I asked him as he sat back at the foot of the bed where he was earlier.


"Didn't know you could cook."

He didn't say anything. He simply just sat there watching as I took my first bite.

"It's.. it's good."

The corner of his lip twitched up slightly. He seemed proud that he cooked something that I enjoyed.

"Sorry bout your TV though.. saw his stupid face on the TV and well.."

I said as I shoved more food in my mouth.

"What did he do to you?"

I almost choked on my food at his question.

"Katsuki I- I don't know if you wanna know.. I mean he's the one who made me the mess I am.."

"I want to know."

He said. He sounded so solemn and serious. He seemed truly worried for me.

"Manipulated me, marked me, abused me, lied to me, gave me false hope, tried to kill me now twice.. and to think I thought I loved him at one point. Now can you blame me for wanting him dead?"

Katsuki simply shook his head.

"So what's your plan to take him out huh?"

I asked as I began to eat again. I was trying to somewhat change the conversation topic.

"I'm a rookie hero right now, so there's not much I can do without approval.. though I did go and got you out of prison without them knowing.."

I continued to eat, but in response I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We need to get Deku alone. That's my step one.."

"You plan to fight him alone? Like me and you? He's going kill us both with whatever quirks he's got."

I said annoyed at the realization that Deku was indeed powerful. I mean he had over powered me several times.

"You're immune to quirks y/n. If you can get close range and subdue him I can handle the rest."

"Guess it's worth a shot, but how do you plan on getting him alone?"

"If it's me and you were talking about here he'll meet us alone."

"You think?"

I asked not so sure about his statement.

"He clearly wants both of us dead-"

I added on.

"And why would he let someone else kill us? He wants to be the one to do it."

Jeez. Katsuki just might know him as well as I do. Since when did he care so much. He seems so determined. Maybe he can be a great hero after all. He's clearly learned from his mistakes.

"Guess you got a point."

I said in response.

"Once you are healed I'll send him a message. Till then your dead so you stay here in hiding."

"Ugh. Sounds boring."

"Don't worry I'll make sure it's not."

He said as he stood from his spot on the bed. I wasn't really sure if that was him teasing me, flirting, or what... I just shrugged it off and continued to eat my food.

"I'm gonna get a shower. Call me if you need me."

I nodded in response. He then left the room.

After a few more minutes I finished all my food and carefully and slowly made my way out of bed to the kitchen with my tray.

It seemed Katsuki lived in a apartment. It's was small but spacious. I left the bedroom to find myself in a hall. I could here the shower running behind the closed door beside the bedroom. I then walked through an opening in front of me that led to the kitchen and living room.

I placed my things in the sink and began to hobble back to the bedroom. Just as I reached the hallway the bathroom door opened and out stepped Katsuki with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

"I was putting away my dishes."

"I could have done that."

"I was more than capable.."

I tried my best to not act affected by the almost naked man before me. Had he always been this attractive? What's wrong with me?

"I'm going back now so chill out."

I took a step and grimaced to a slight sharp pain that shot through my body.

I heard Katsuki grumble something before he made his way towards me and scooped me up in his arms.

"Hey! Put me down."

"No. I gotta clean your wounds now."

"I think I'll be fine-"

"Just shut up."

He began to walk me towards the bathroom.

"If I was in better condition I would beat your-"

He harshly put me on the bathroom counter cutting me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Shut up and sit still."

He said rather annoyed with me.

"Can you at least put on some pants?"

He ignored me as he rummaged through drawers and the bathroom cabinets trying to find what he was looking for.

He found what he needed and began to unwrap the old bandage around my waist first. As he did I noticed I was only in a sports bra and shorts.

"I can do this myself."

I said trying to get away from this almost naked man while I myself was as well almost naked.

Katsuki just rolled his eyes and continued to work. He got the bandage off revealing a stomach wound. He then grabbed stuff to clean it with.

"It's gonna hurt."

"No shi- ah!"

He had began to clean the wound and it hurt so bad. I held my breath hoping it would end soon. Thankfully it did and he began to wrap a new bandage around my waist.

"That was the one I was most worried about. Your arm should be fine for now."

"Mmmmm thanks."

I said sarcastically. He smirked. He then helped me off the counter but as my feet touched the floor my legs felt numb and I collapsed... onto him. He gripped onto me so I wouldn't fall to the floor, so here I was pressed into his body him holding me.

"You can let go now."

I said after a moment.

He let up slightly still holding my hips to make sure I could stand without falling over.

I looked up at him for a moment. Our eyes met and it was like an unspoken conversation was happening between us. I don't know how long we stood there looking into each other's eyes like that. I didn't even realize how close his face had come to mine till his lips almost brushed mine.

I stepped back hitting my back against the bathroom counter.

"Can you help me back to the bed?"

I asked trying to get out of the situation. I don't know what that just was but I didn't want to think about it.

Katsuki sighed.


He scooped me up and brought me to the bedroom and gently laid me on the bed.

"You should get some sleep."

He then turned on his heels and left the room shutting the door behind him.

I am so confused right now. I decided not to think too much about it and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.

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