By Kuvarsskristali

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✨COMPLETED ✨ ✨Top Tae- Bottom Kook ✨Alpha Tae- Omega Kook ✨Sloooow Burn ✨Eventual Smut Jungkook is a 24 year... More



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By Kuvarsskristali


They are laying down side by side on the sunbeds before the pool. Taehyung canceled the dinner with businessmen, in order to let Jungkook watch stars. Jungkook followed him wordlessly after that statement, he didn't understand why Taehyung would do such a thing?

Maybe the King was too tired to go to dinner anyway? Whatever the reason might be, Jungkook just couldn't stop himself from blushing. He was feeling very very different for the past month. It was all too much, he is always some kind of flustered around Taehyung and he didn't like the fact that he has no control over it.

Taehyung told him to ask for a simple dinner from the maids but Jungkook made sure to add the word ''healthy'' Taehyung had a hard day, he needed to take care of himself. Jungkook even gathered all of his courage and told the King to hold back on the alcohol tonight, considering he had a huge hangover , just this morning. He doesn't understand where he finds all this courage from time to time, but Taehyung makes it easy. (sometimes)

So here they are, laying on the sunbeds side by side and watching stars. Jungkook was right, Taehyung thinks. The night sky looks absolutely mesmerizing in the island. He doesn't even remember when was the last time he took a time for himself like that.

Jungkook was quiet for a while, staring at the sky peacefully. It was so quiet and calm that Taehyung didn't even realize that he was staring at an oblivius Jungkook. All of a sudden Jungkook turned his head and looked at Taehyung hesitantly. Taehyung would usually asked if there is something that bothers him, but he was too embarrassed for caught staring, he kept quiet. Turns out there was no need for encouraging him, because the next minute Jungkook took a shaky breath and spoke very softly, like he is the one being embarrassing.

''Uhm...the island was so beautiful. It's small so, i had a chance to travel some parts today.''

''yeah, it's beautiful isn't it? i came here a lot when i was a prince, undercover of course. i had some intense partying here with Yoongi and Namjoon hyung.''

Jungkook started to smile shyly at that. ''Really?''

''Yes! My father would kill me if knew how many times i traveled here, skipping my education.''

''Do you miss it?''

''Miss what?''

''Being a prince.''


Jungkook was taken a little back by how fast and sure Taehyung's answer was.

The King didn't notice he continued to explain with his deep voice, sounding very relaxed ''i mean, i prepared and waited for my coronation all my life. i just want to do a good job.''

Jungkook -maybe for the millionth time- thought that Taehyung did, in fact, born to rule.

''and also..''Taehyung said slowly grinning.

''It doesn't mean that i'm gonna have to stop enjoying the island just because i'm older now.''

Taehyung took a little pause, stared at Jungkook intensely(?) throw a little strawberry into his mouth.

''i never watched the night sky in the island before, for example. Not even when i was here as a prince.''

Was the King, slightly smirking at Jungkook?

''I believe you were talking about enjoying the island too.''

''Oh, of course.'' Jungkook said (and tried really hard not to stutter.) Why was he feeling so frustrated all of a sudden?

''as i was saying, i saw some parts of the island today and...and i was just picking items at a street market, you know, just to have a remembrance and i picked these little gifts for Jin hyung and Jihoon hyung and uhm...i -i choosesothingfou. ''


''i wanted to choose something.''

''choose something?''


''Jungkook, are you trying to tell me that you bought me a gift?'' Taehyung asked, eyes a bit more wide.


''Oh my god. i- i don't know what to say. You really didn'T have to. I never gave you anything i feel so bad.''

''Hyuung, stop. It's not a big gift you're gonna get disappointed now.''

''With you? never kookie. How can someone be disappointed by you?'' Taehyung said while smiling, but his words did something in Jungkook's heart, even though he knew that the Alpha was just joking. He really needed to give a thought about these reactions that he was giving the Alpha.

''You gave me so much too hyung.i have this completely different life thanks to you.''

''no thanks to me, Jungkook. You have this job, which means you did change your life with your own effort. Now give my gift! i waited enough, where is my gift?''

To Taehyung's surprise Jungkook actually giggled at his tone.

''oh my god, hyung.You are such a spoiled prince sometimes.''

Jungkook took the little velvet satchel from his bag and gave it to Taehyung, with his hand reaching towards the satchel and eyes glimmering like a child.

Jungkook couldn't look at Taehyung while handing the gift. What if he doesn't like it?

Taehyung opened the satchel very eagerly but carefully.

What was Jungkook thinking? The Alpha was the King for god sake!

Taehyung took the dark blue bracelet out of the satchel.

Taehyung was used to so much more than a bracelet from a street market! How could Jungkook be that stupid! He probably has a million better ones that Jungkook couldn't even imagine.

Taehyung was just holding the bracelet carefully and staring at it.

''i-i saw you wearing these types of bracelets all the time on your off-duty times. So, so i thought you might like to have one to remind you of the ocean.'' Jungkook mumbled softly.

Every second that Taehyung didn't commenthis regret grew more and more. ''Of course you don't have to wear it. You don't even have to accept it really. It was probably dumb.''

''Dumb? Jungkook.I know i said that, but i honestly don't know what to say. I obviously loved it. Like, hello? This is definitely my style. and..and, oh i'm too stunned to speak.''

''You-you liked it?'' Jungkook finally, finally managed to look at Taehyung's eyes.

''Jungkook, i loved it! Thank you so so much!''

''Ah, i'm glad then.'' Jungkook said shyly.


The next four days really were lighter for both of them. Turns out Jihoon took his promise and prepared them for a vacation. Needless to say Taehyung absolutely showered Jungkook with the gifts the following days. Insisting that this is only fair since Jungkook was so considerative getting that amazing bracelet that Taehyung loved so much.

Jungkook tried to explain to him the next day that it's not very wise to compare a Bvlgari gold necklace to a bracelet which was made by a saler looking so dowdy that everyone says she's a witch!

However, after trying for the ninth time, Jungkook finally accepted that it was useless.

It didn't mean that everytime Taehyung showered him with yet another piece of expensive gift he was not gonna turn into a blushing mess.


Apart from the gifts that just kept coming, Taehyung also showed Jungkook the rest of the island.

They saw some beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants that Taehyung used to come to, a few clubs (old habits.) and the most vibrant streets of the island.

Jungkook just hoped that this amazing attitude of the Alpha toward him would continue when they returned to the pack house. -minus the gifts obviously.

Jungkook absentmindedly continued to get ready for the dinner that Taehyung and him were gonna have in this place that Taehyung used to come as a prince.

The Alpha said that the restaurant was catching fish right from the ocean and preparing it freshly and he seemed to be very excited about it too. Also, this was their last dinner here, tomorrow after lunch time, they scheduled their flight. So Jungkook thought he might take extra care of himself tonight. Last day of the vacation.

He thought of all the gifts that Taehyung bought and chose for him in the last four days. He never wore any of them. They were so expensive that Jungkook couldn't help but feel stressed about them.

But considering that the Alpha wore his bracelet for all four days, maybe he should too for tonight?

He quickly scanned all the gifts that Taehyung chose. There was no need really, since he already knew what he was going to wear.

He picked his off shoulder shirt with transparent tulle arms. He really wished that Jin was there, because he was not good at makeup.

He tried his best nevertheless. He didn't quite do a professional job like Jin but he looked okay, he thinks. He used a little bit of gold eyeshadow and red lipstick just this once.
And lastly, the simple but beautiful Cartier earrings.

He checked the time, he probably should go and save Taehyung from his stylists and maids now, if they don't want to be late for their reservation. Not that anyone would mind the King being late, but still.

He took his notes and tablet with him, just in case and walked towards the King's room.

''Your majesty, if you are ready.''

''Jungkook i- '' Taehyung said and stopped when he saw Jungkook and what he was wearing. Taehyunf felt a warmness spread through his chest all of a sudden. He never knew that seeing Jungkook in something that he bought could make him so... What exactly was this feeling? Pride? Possessiveness ?

Well whatever it was he could open heartedly accept that he was stunned by how Jungkook looks right now.

''You look ethereal. '' He didn't even think when he said that.

Perhaps it was a mistake, considering how shy the boy was. Jungkook kept his eyes on his shoes and a lovely shade of pink showed itself on his cheeks.

Taehyung couldn't stop himself from smiling fondly. ''Leave us.''

Few maids that left left the room quickly.

''Hyung you shouldn't say such things in front people.''

''Why?'' Taehyung's grin was getting wider and wider.

''You- you just..i - you are having so much fun don't you?''

''What can i do? I'm about to go to a dinner with a marvelous looking boy, shouldn't i enjoy my night?'' Taehyung said while taking his notes and tablet from Jungkook's hand and leaving them on the table.

''Shall we?''

comments make me happy :)

only 4 more chapters to finale 0.0

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