G0thicpen द्वारा

16 4 1

꧁𓊈𒆜ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕟, 𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕥 𒆜𓊉꧂ Kidnapped and tormented... अधिक



10 4 1
G0thicpen द्वारा

"Hi Mila! Guess what? I was right. You do end up with Kai." A lady stated while I was at the park waiting for my friends to arrive.

I was lost. Who is this woman and how does she know my name? How does she know Kai?

She looked familiar, and I wondered where I had seen her. Preherps we met before and I forgot her.

But that wouldn't explain how she knew Kai.

But then it clicked. This woman resembled my best friend, Sally.

The thing is though, Sally is only 17. This lady looked to be in her mid 20s.

Plus she had ginger hair and Sally's was brunette. But then I understood exactly what was going on.

"Nice try, Sally." I rolled my eyes.

"You knew it was me? Great. That means I haven't aged a bit. I still look young." She smiled.

"You think a little makeup and hair dye can fool me?"

"Hey, Mila, where are the rest." Sally greeted from behind me. Her eyes on her phone.

"Hi Sally." I greeted back before turning to Sally... wait... "Sally?" I am so confused right now.

"Yup, that's me." She said, not taking her eyes off her phone.

"But then if this is you then who is...?" I am so lost.

"Ohhhh. This is why you kept stressing me about me paying someone to pretend to be future me..." Older looking, ginger haired Sally, said. "Anyway, I gotta go. Nice seeing you, and past me. Oh! I look gorgeous. " She waved before walking away and I turned to Sally with my eyes wide open. And she was still on her phone.

"Did you not just see that?" I asked before she finally looked up from her phone and looked at me.

"See what?"

"Future you."

"What?" She frowned and slightly shook her head.

"Yes, she was here a second ago." I pointed in the direction she was when she came even though she wasn't there anymore.

"Are you feeling OK?" Her frown grew deeper as she tilted her head to the side a little bit.

"Yes! I'm fine. She was here." I gestured both hands to the ground where she was standing.

"Maybe we should hang out some other time. You need some rest." She grabbed my arm pulling me put of the park.

"I'm not crazy!" I stopped walking and pulled my arm away from her.

"Well you are not making sense right now." She shook her head slowly and slightly pouted her lower lip.

"I'm not lying. She was here just a second ago." But she was right. What I was saying didn't make sense, which was the reason I too was confused.

That couldn't be future Sally,  what am I saying. But then it couldn't have been present Sally either because she was right here.

"Do you have an older sister?"

"No. You know I only have an older brother." It couldn't have been him. He resembles his dad and she resembles her mom.

"Did your mom dye her hair ginger recently?"

"No. Still her natural color."

"So who was that?" I frowned,  placing a hand on my chin trying to figure out what was going on, asking myself more than I was asking her because she didn't even seem to know who I was talking about.

"Who was who?" I didn't even bother answering because she thought I was crazy.

Who was that? She looked just like her only a bit older and different hair color.

How is that possible? Does she have time traveling Powers that she never told me about? And anyway, why'd she tell me I end up with Kai.

We've never spoken before.

So many thoughts ran through my head before it finally clicked.


"What?" She was back on her phone. I guess I was thinking for too long.

"I get it." I smiled, proud that she wasn't about to fool me.

"What??" She looked up from her phone this time, she had gotten impatient.

"You set this whole thing up."

"What whole thing?" She shook her head, and frowned. Trying to make me think she was innocent.

"Meeting future you. And you pretended to not pay attention so that you could pretend to think I am crazy so that I would really believe it was future you and not some setup you made, but jokes on you. I figured it all out."

"WHAT?!" She servirly shook her head once as her frown got deeper.

"Yes. I know it was you." She has been caught. She can keep up with this dumb act, but I know it was her.

"You are crazy. Come on. Let's get you home." She grabbed my hand once again, but I let her this time. She knew I wasn't crazy, she was just pretending to so that I'd believe she didn't do it.

"You can't fool me. But why Kai? I barely know him.  I've never even had a conversation with the guy." She walked and dragged me along with her, but stopped in her tracks once she heard me say this.

"Neither have I. What about him?"

"So how did you do it?" I crossed my arms. Amazed at how she pulled this whole thing off. Because the future her still makes no sense to me.

"Do what?"

"Aaah. I see. You probably hired a lady to pretend to be future you and you probably just gave her a make over to look like you." She is great with make up but I didn't know she was that good with it though. This is what you call a make up artist for real.

"Are you even listening to me??!" She fisted her hands before she held them yo to the sides of her face, then she opened her hands and placed them on too of her forehead before she looked up and rolled her eyes.

"I don't have to. I already know what you are up to." I smiled. Can't believe she almost got me.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes once again. "Let's go."

"What about the others?"

"Already told them you weren't feeling well so we won't be able to come." She showed me her phone, as proof that she sent them a text.

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School. A place full of misery and sadness. Forget friends. Not that I don't love mine. But you rarely see them anyway. It is about suffering. Not even learning.

We don't learn. We memorise. And once the tests are done those memories are thrown in the recycling bin of our brains so that we have space to put more memories concerning our learning.

It so sad.

People act like they are going to be here forever.

The dumb popular kids who don't seem to realized that there future is at stake and these people won't even  be there forever.

We have the invisible kids. Like myself. Don't get bullied, and don't bully. Just sit around watching the bullies and the bullied look stupid.

Those who get bullied just need to show the bullied that they aren't here for nonsense. They just want to get there education and get done with this part of life.

Not here for that nonsense because life is gonna come one day and they'll realise this was them being stupid.

We aren't in some dumb movie.

This isn't our life forever. The so called "nerds" are going to enter the real world and real world and realize that knowledge isn't the only thing that you need to be successful.

Your degree is just a piece of paper and therefore it will help you get the job but wont help you keep it.

They'll realise they also should've developed their social skills while they were young.

Because right now they think. Oh I just need to study hard so that I can get a great job and become successful. But you'll need to be interviewed and without social skills you'll probably fail those interviews.

Then we have the 'popular kids' who honestly, in real life. No one cares about because this is not a movie. Just that they always get into trouble and have drama in their lives leaving everyone to talk about that drama and so every one knows them.

No one cares to join them though. No one worships them or anything. They just petty and everyone knows it but them. They think they rule the school, but no body cares about them.

Then we have the bullies and the bullied.

The bullies aren't like those you see in Hollywood movies and that nonsense.  They are just people with no lives.

No they aren't insecure, they are just bored.

They'll find people minding their own business and start annoying them. No physical harm or anything like that.

Just pissing people off for no reason. Then the bullied are the ones who let those people annoy them.

They are known as the control freaks. They tell everyone what to do, thinking that everyone cares what they have to say, but no one does.

When the annoying bullies come to them. They just lecture them, confront them and all that nonsense, but the bullies of course don't care.

They like it, actually. They try to annoy the control freaks and the control freaks show that they are annoyed.

Then the invisible people are people like me. Don't get me wrong. Its not that I mean I don't get noticed and that self pity kind of stuff.

I mean. I'm normal. If you met me you wouldn't know what to expect because I don't put my personality out there like these other people.

I have lots of friends, but none of us bring attention to ourselves because it is just childish and stupid. The only people that know us are those that have met us.

We don't want to be the drama for everyone to enjoy, we want to see the drama that everyone enjoys and laugh. Maybe even get popcorn to see it happen.

Don't get me wrong. I have drama in my life sometimes, but I don't make it public.

"Hating on school again?" I hear the voice of a friend, Drake, as he sits down next to me.

"You know it." I smiled before taking a sip of my shake.

"Well you know, only this year and another after that, and you will be done."

"I know... your lucky you're only left with this year." I pouted. It's kind of sad knowing this is his last year, and I'll have to go through next year without him.

"Yeah... feels great being a senior." He smiled with pride.

"Don't have to rub it in." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Hey Milaaaa, look who I found..." Sally walked towards us, Kai walking next to her.


"Yes" he responded as they both sat down.

"Hi" I awkwardly smiled


"So, Kai, tell us about yourself" Sally smiled. What is she doing?

"Umm... my name is Kai, which you seem to already know. I go to this school, which you also seem to know."

"You are so funny, Kai, isn't he funny, Mila?" Sally started laughing like some crazy dolphin and me and Drake exchanged looks.

"Yeah..." I let out an awkward laugh and so did Drake. Kai just looked at us like we were weirdos. I don't blame him.

"So what are you doing after school?" Sally asked Kai. Trying to get rid of the awkwardness that was surrounding us.

"Probably going home."

"So is Mila. Look. You two have so much in common." What is wrong with this girl. Why is she being so weird today?

Thank God the bell rang and saved me from the nightmare I was about to have.

"So... we'll see you around?" Sally asked.

"I guess..." He quietly spoke before getting up to leave.

"Ok byeee"

"What was that?" I frowned.

"What was what?" She acted all innocent like she didn't know what she was trying to do.

I just stared at her with a straight face till she spoke. "Ooh you mean Kai?"

"Yes" I nodded.

"Well seeing the other day, when you went a little crazy and started hallucinating.  Part of your hallucination was about how you two would end up together, I had to guess that you liked him, so I am trying to help you get a date with him."

"Oh and you think being a weirdo is going to help?" I frowned spreading my hands out.

"Wait. Mila likes Kai?" Drake knitted his eyebrows.


"No!" I shrieked.

"Since when" he raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

"Never!" Were they even listening to me?

"Then why did you hallucinate about you two ending up together yesterday?"

"I didn't! I wasn't hallucinating. I really did see a lady who looked like you, but she looked older, and she told me we'd end up together. " she really wants me to believe it was real.

"Well she was right. You will end up together.  That's what I'm here for."

"You even had hallucinations about the guy?" Drake furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.

"No!" I slapped my forehead.

"It's OK... you two are going to end up together. " Sally rubbed a hand on my back, but I glared at her and she removed her hand from my back.

I wanted to disagree but there was no time. We had to get to class.

              ______________________,                         -    _  ♡
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I'm so gonna kill you!" I yelled at Sally as I chased her down the stairs of her apartment.

I dashed around the apartment after her as fast as I could, but she was too fast for me to catch. I paused as I winced, and placed my hand on my chin as I started panting trying to heal from my stitch so that I could try catching her again.

"You...will be thanking me... later for this." She said, breaking in the middle of her sentences as she also tried to catch her breath.

"Oh! I'm so tired right now." I groaned looking up, my hand still on my waist.

"Me too" she panted holding her hand up her chest, while she was panting.  "We are so unfit."

"Right!" She agreed.

"You think we need to start working out?"

"Naaa, we'd lack consistency anyway. Why waste our time." She was right. The longest it would last would be like a week before we give up.

I started sprinting after her and she gasped before running away, surprised that I randomly started chasing her again. I was so close to catching her but she run to the kitchen and started going around the kitchen table.

I tried to confuse her and would change directions in which I was chasing her, but she'd quickly turn so at that point, I knew there was no point in trying to catch her.

"Why... why would I thank you for embarrassing me like that?" I finally stopped chasing her, I frowned and pursed my lips as I crossed my arms, took in a deep breath since I was out of breath again.

"I wasn't embarrassing you, I was helping you get a date with your crush." She defended herself so innocently, which just made me almost lose my cool and go nuts, and start attacking her again but I didn't have the energy to.

"He isn't my crush!" I jumped, throwing a tantrum at her accusation. You talk to a guy ONE TIME, and suddenly, it means that you like him. "And how is you acting weird to earn me a date?" I widened my eyes with irritation, getting sick of her being so unrealistic about certain things.

"I was trying to get you too to hang out that time."
I just shook my head and let out a sigh. "Plus. If you don't like him why do you care that I embarrassed you, even though you weren't even the one looking like the weirdo?" She raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You're crazy, you know that?"

"Yes." She proudly smiled and nodded.

I shook my head looking down, trying to hide the smile that was forming on my lips before I laughed and threw a pillow at her.

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