Playing With the Boys

By Mandalorian-T-70

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Rose Bradshaw has worked hard to get to where she is, being the only girl to keep going out of the small grou... More

~Hello There~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
ON Hold, I'm sorry.

Chapter 9

871 21 6
By Mandalorian-T-70

It was not that late in the day. The sun was just setting as Mav, and I made it back to mine and Goose, but since Carole and Bradley were staying, I said I would say at Mav, which now makes perfect timing,

I was laughing at one of Mav's silly jokes as we entered the house, finding Goose sitting in the living room reading a book. Carole and Bradley were nowhere to be seen, so I stopped laughing, knowing they were probably sleeping just like Mav had said and did not wanna make them, especially Bradley he can be a light sleeper sometimes,

"Hey, you look happier than you did before."

Goose comments. Mav came up behind me, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me flush to his chest, and placing his chin on my head. Goose looked at us for a moment before his eye went wide, forgetting the book he was reading as he jumped up for the sofa, making what sounded like a yahoo sound. Coming over to hug us both, trapping me in between him and Mav

"Finally, I can't wait to tell Carole about this. She will be so happy that it happened when she was here."

"Oh, No, you are not."

I told him, making him look at me as he pulled away. His smile fell, looking like a sad Puppy.

"What you don't want her to know?"

"I do want her to know Goosie, but I really wanna tell her myself, please. I want this moment with my sister."

Goose nodded his head before giving my forehead a small kiss, before looking at Mav,

"And you, I've already given you the talk, but still."

He said to Mav, pointing his finger at him, trying to look tough, but it was not working, But Mav played a long, putting his hand up in surrender as I just lighting hit Goose in the chest, I know Goose would never really do anything, he loves Mav, and he knows Mav would never do anything,

Pushing myself out from between the boys, I made my way over to my room,

"Are we still going to the bar tonight? I need a good drink."

I called behind me, getting a reply from Goose,

"You don't drink."

"Are you saying Cola is not a good drink?"

I questioned him, making Mav laugh as I heard Goose tell him to shut up.

"What are we doing, Normal clothes or Whites?"

The question was not even out of my mouth for a second before Mav said Whites. I should have known he picked them since he did say I looked sexy in them.

I picked up my Uniform and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before we headed out. As I was about to close the door, Mav's face poked in, making me jump a little not hearing him come up the hall,

"I'm going home to get dressed. Then I'll be back."

He told,

"Ok, don't be long. I don't think Goose wants to be out too much tonight. It sounds like he got lost of planes for tomorrow."

I informed him, to which he gave me a small salute before walking away. As he did, I closed the door and was about to turn on the shower when a knock at the door stopped me. Opening it up to see Mav

"I forgot something."


He cut my words off by kissing me. It was only a peck on the lips, but it was enough to stop me from talking and to forget what I was asking, and just as fast as he was there, he was gone, leaving me just standing there,

I think I could get used to this,

Just as I was about to get into the shower, there was another knock on the door.

"Mav, if that you again, your just going to have to wait. I can't kiss you all the time."

"It's Goose, and I don't wanna know about you and Mav kissing."

I could not help but laugh,

"What is is Goosie"

"I just wanna say about today, What Charlie said, she wrong, people do trust you, and I feel like she does not understand how a callsign is made, and I know you said you never really cared for one, but one day you will get one, and we can rub it in her face because it will be the best callsign ever, not only that but I know you'll be in the pilot seat again soon, Don't let her get to you, Ok, she just pissed Mav picked you, Mav was always going to pick you."

I thought I had done enough crying for today. This time around, they were happy tears,

"I love you, Goosie."

Was all I could get out, as I tried to sound like I was not crying,

"I love you too, Rosie."

I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed in my whites as I dried my hair to find that Mav was back. Once seeing me, a smile formed on his face as he looked me up and down,

"Can you stop, I know you're together now, but I can only take so much of the eye fucking"

Goose called out when she saw Mav eyeing me up,

"What can I say, Goose? She looks good in the Whites,"

I threw my towel at him hitting it off his chest as he caught it before it hit the floor, smiling at me like a Cheshire cat.

Walking into the bar, it was a little more packed, probably since more of the people here have tomorrow off and just wanna get drunk or pick someone up to go home with. Finding a place at the bar, Goose ordered our drink as Mav pulled a bowl of free chips between us,

We say in our little bubble, drinking and laughing. Now and then, I steal a sip of Mav's drink just to tease him like I always do when Goose taps Mav on the shoulder.

"Don't look, but wicked witch just walked in."

Goose said, trying to whisper over the loud music, Mav turned his head to look away even if Goose told him not to, but I also looked to the door seeing that Charlie was making her way over to the other side of the bar, Turing back to look at me Mav just smiled, using his foot to pull my bar stool closer to him,

"I don't think she will be bothering us, Goose."

Mav told him. Mav had said he told Goose about Charlie chasing after us in her car and the chat he had with her, we soon Ignored her, ordering some more drinks, but I could still see her looking at us as I was sort of facing her, but I was not going to let her upset our night out,

I was about to ask Goose what he was planning to do tomorrow with the family when I heard Slider's Voice shouting, Bulldog, Please not, Charlie, I can handle but not him, please not him.

My body language must have changed as Mav leaned closer to me, asking if I was ok. I just nodded my head, giving him a small smile when Goose gave us a warning that Slider was on his way over and Bulldog was not far behind me,

"Yo Maverick, did you hear Me and Iceman are in the lead for the top gun trophy, we passed you after what happened today. If I were you, I'd be pissed at her"

I did not look at him as he talked, knowing who was behind him. I did not want to look at him. It was not because I was scared of him; I knew if I looked at him, I would feel pathetic again, but who am I kidding? Just having him around makes me feel that way, like just sitting here am doing something wrong,

"Why would I be pissed at her when it was the Dickhead RIO that's the problem."

Mav replied after taking a sip of his drink. I could hear Bulldog chuckling.

"Girl show never fly. That's the problem."

Slider then said, making Mav jump out of his set getting into Slider's face, but Goose got between them faster,

"Ok, boys, how about we just stay on the other ends of the bar and just have a good time ok, No need for fighting,"

Goose said, trying to claim the both of them down, but Slider was not backing off. He moved, so he was now In Goose's face.

"What are you going to do, Bird boy."

Because anyone could say or do anything, Iceman's robust and stern voice came over the crowd of people calling for Slider. I looked to where his voice came from to see him standing with a woman on his arm, with a severe look on his face,

Slider backed off slowly before turning around and walking away with Bulldog. I could see Goose letting out a deep breath as they left before nodding his head to Iceman, who did the same back. With Slider and Bulldog gone, Mav and good got back into their seats,

I did not want to be here anymore, but I could not move.

"Hey, it's ok. He's gone"

Mav whispered to me as he pulled me even closer to him. He proudly pulled me onto his lap if he could, but if people knew we were together, it could get us kicked out of Top gun.

"I just wanna go home."

"No, sweetheart, don't let him win, you hear me? I know this makes me sound like a dick, but I am not letting you run because I will stand beside you and fight, ok."

I nodded my head, not wanting to say anything. I know he was right, but it still did not stop me from wanting to go home,

"What my drink of me."

I heard him say before he got up again and walked off somewhere before I could say ok, God, I feel like shit Mav just trying to help, and am acting like a bitch, a great way to start your relationship, rose well done,

Before I could chow myself out, even more, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Mav standing there with a mic in his hand and Goose next to him,

Oh No.

"You Never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips."

Mav started to sing badly into the Mic. I've seen him do that before to other girls. Never in all my life did I think I'll be on the other end of it,

"There's no tenderness like before in your fingertips."

Goose sang, joining in as he and Mav started to sway back and forth, clicking their fingers. I could see Hollywood, sitting not that far away with a friend laughing as they wanted as well as other people around us, I should feel embarrassed, but it's too funny.

"You're trying hard not to show it."

Mac sang, taking over again as the crowd joined in with him.

"But, Baby, Believe me, I know it, You've lost that loving feeling, Whoa, that loving feeling, You've lost that loving feeling, Now it's gone, gone, gone, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa."

Just watching Mav sing his heart out with Goose next to him, Wolfman behind them, and Hollywood next to me, I could not help but laugh at how they all came together to sing a song. It was sweet, really,

"Mission accomplished, boys. She smiling again."

Mav shouted out as everyone cheered, as they went back to whatever they were doing, Mav retaking his set next to me, smiling like an idiot, but an idiot that was very proud of himself.

"I'm so happy you are a pilot and not a singer. I don't think you get very far."

I tell him as he leans forward closer to me,

"It still got you to smile, so it worked"

He is not wrong about that. I wish I could kiss him right now. I move closer to him to whisper in his ear.

"The song is incorrect."

I tell him, making him pull back and look at me. Confused, I couldn't help but laugh as I beckoned him to come closer again, which he did,

"I do close my eyes when you kiss my lips."

Pulling away again, Mav smirked at me, letting his hand closer to the bar drop down onto my leg so it was shadowed from everyone, letting his hand stock up and down my leg,

"Is that so? I'll have to test that out."

"But that would be unfair because you won't be closing your eyes when you kiss me."

I said sweetly back, making the smile that he had on his face already grow bigger. His hand then took hold of mine, pulling me up from my set and to the bar exist, leaving Goose talking with whoever it was he was talking to,

"What about Goose?"

I asked Mav as he pulled me outside onto the beach, heading down under one of the piers. It was now dark outside part from the street light and the light from the moon,

"He will be fine for five minutes."

One under the pier, away from anyone seeing, may softly place me up against one of the wooden beams. I could just see his face looking down at me from one of the lights that were above use coming through the cracks in the wood, one of his hands was on my cheek as the other was on my hip, keeping me in place,

"What are we doing?"

I asked quietly,

"Test if you keep your eyes closed when I kiss you."

Before I could say anything back, his lips were on my, and within a second, my eyes were closed, the kiss was soft and slow, and I could taste his beer on his tongue as he gently moved his tongue along my lower lip, I popped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me,

The kiss ended slightly too fast for my liking as Mav pulled away. Looking up at him he

"Answer in. You do close your eyes."

"As I said before, that's unfair. Yours were open, so it doesn't count as a proper kiss."

I may sound childish, but it is true. Mav just laughed at my words letting the hand that was on my check move to the back of my neck, pulling me in for another kiss before pulling away again,

"Oh, my eyes are closed, baby. Your eyes stay close just that little long after I kiss you like you just savoring the moment."

He is not wrong; I am. How would you not, after years of wanting to be with a person, I am going to remember every moment for as long as I can,

"Can we just stay like this for a little longer?"

I asked as I enjoyed having him close to me,

"Anything you want, baby."

He replied, pulling me in for a hug, but I stopped him,


I lost track of time for how long we hid under the pier, kissing like two high school kids. We finally stopped ourselves before we stayed all night. Goose is probably worried about us if he finds that we are not where he left us,

Getting back to the bar, we found Goose, and just like I thought he was worried,

"Where did you go? I was looking all over for you."

I asked us, looking between us. Hopefully, we did not look like we were just making out,

"Rose just needed some air after our little singing show, that's all."

Mav said, covering us the real reason he took me outside. Goose just nodded his head before looking at his Watch,

"I think it's about time we headed home anyway."

"Yeah, we were thinking the same thing."

Mav agreed with him as I nodded my head. It may be that long after 11 pm, but tomorrow is our day off, and we have family over. We don't need to waste it sleeping. Goose informed us that he had already paid for the drinks, so we could just leave,

"I know this is a silly question, but are you positive you don't mind Staying with Mav for the time Carole and Bradley are here?"

Goose asked as we got close to home,

"It's fine, Goose. I don't mind it at all. I want you to spend time with your family. You have seen enough of me, as is it. Now Go be with your wife and kid and just put up with me when we are in the sky."

I tell him pushing him toward his home. As Mav pulled me to him, ones inside, I pulled my shoes off, leaving them by the door as I pulled my White uniform shirt over my head, showing the white vest I had on under it, as I made my way to the bedroom, stopping just as I get to the door turning around to look at Mav who was still standing there.

Looking him in the eyes, saying nothing as I pulled the vest over my head, dropping it on the floor, showing off a fancy bra I decided to put on instead of a sports bra, to say Mav's eyes went big was an understatement. I watched them as they got bigger when I started to push down my trousers to show the matching knickers to go with it, stepping out of the trousers. I left them there as I walked into the bedroom, hoping that Mav had gotten the message I was trying to give him.

I think he did when he walked into the room, almost ripping his shirt and undervest off before picking me up and throwing me onto his bed.


Another chapter so soon, am shocked =)
I hope this ones is okay for everyone, 
I had fun doing it, 

As always tell e what you think Good or bad I don't mind, any feedback is good feedback LOL

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