By ZackIsHigh

51K 1.6K 350

So to summarize it, a motherfcker named Zack slept and woke up in Ayanokoji's body and lemme tell you this, Z... More

Chapter 1: The start
Chapter 2: Class D
Chapter 3: Convenience Store
Chapter 4: Club Fair
Chapter 6: Friends?
Chapter 7: Welcome to Merit based world
Chapter 8: Forming a Study Group
Chapter 9: The RevealΓ—3
Chapter 10: Meeting the SCP
SS: Ayanokouji's New Life(Remake)
SS: Zack's Life and a Secret?
Chapter 11: Midterms(1)
Chapter 12: Midterms(2)
Chapter 13: Saving him
Chapter 14: Another Incident

Chapter 5: Swimming Class!

3.5K 117 8
By ZackIsHigh

Ayanokouji(Zack) POV

" Good Morning Ike! "

" Good Morning Yamauchi! "

While arriving at school, Yamauchi called out to Ike with a smile on his face.

One week since the entrance ceremony, this is the first time that they arrive early at the class. Maybe it's because of swimming, I would be lying if I say, I'm not excited to see the girls in a swimsuit...

" Wow~ the lesson is so fun that I can't sleep~ "

" Yup, this school's the best. Swimming will start soon! I say swimming, but girls are the important part! And by girls I mean their swimsuits! "

The girls in the room backed away from Ike and Yamaded's excitement.

" Hey, Professor. Come over here. "

" Hehe, did you call him? "

A chubby boy walked towards the ones that called him. Wait Did that bastard said 'hehe'? How dare he!

" Professor, can you record the girls wearing swimsuits? "

" Leave it to me. I'll pretend to be sick and skip class to observe them. "

" Record? What are you planning to do? "

" Professor's going to rank the sizes of the girl's boobs. If there's a chance, he'll try to take a picture. "

" ... Oi Oi. "

Sudou also draws back from Ike's plan. If the girls find out it'll be bloodbath.

" Oi Ayanokouji. "

Suddenly Ike called out to me. When I looked up, I saw his smiling face beckoning me over.

" What? "

" To tell you the truth, we were going to bet on the girl's chest size. "

" We even have a table for the betting odds. "

Professor took out the tablet and opened an excel sheet.

All the names of girls in the class were listed. Bets were also attached. I'm not interested in betting tho.

" Hmm... Should I join? "

" Yea! Do it, do it! "

Right now, the contender for the biggest breast on the sheet is Hasebe. Her odds are 1 for 8. This is pretty bad. I'm not a fan of this so maybe I'll scare them.

" I have a question... Do you all enjoy this? "

" Enjoy? That's an understatement! We Love it! "

" Yea! Yea! "

" Sigh, I'll repeat it again, Do you enjoy this? " I said it with a cold voice while showing them my true eyes.

They seem shaken by it, and now they're unconsciously trembling.

" W-w-w-we... Ah-- "

" If you decided to do this, You'll face my consequences. I recorded your conversations, If I gave this to a teacher you all will be expelled. Do you understand me? " Hehehe, they seem scared.

" H-h-hai! " They all say it in unison.

" I'm glad that were on the same team, now go back to your seats like nothing happens alright? " And now I'm back with my usual self. I said it to them with a smile.

" H-hai! Gomenasai! "

They then proceed to go back to their own seats while still looking a little scared. The girls are confused on why the boys are like this but they saw that it's because of me, so they decided to bow from afar, kinda like saying thanks to me.

After lunch ended, the long awaited swimming class Ike and the others were waiting for finally came.

Without saying anything, the group faced the indoor swimming pool, I also followed stealthily from the back to make sure their not going to do something.

We reached the locker rooms, Sudou quickly started changing his clothes. His well-forged body from years of playing basketball was visible. Especially if you compared him to the others in the class, his body looks strong.

The students wrapped themselves with bath towels, but Sudou stood there in only his underwear. In that semi nude state, he took out his swimsuit from his bag.

" Nice body Sudou. "

" Ah-- Ayanokouji-san, It's nothing... And your body is much more toner than me. "

" Haha, but still that's impressive. "

" Alright, let's go. "

Sudou and I left the changing rooms.

" This school's really the best! It's even better than a city pool! "

Ike, who came out wearing swimming trunks, shouted after seeing the 50 meter pool.

The water looked crystal clear, and wasn't disturbed because it was an indoor pool. What an excellent facility.

" Where are the girls? Are they not here yet? "

Ike looked for the girls, sniffing the air like a dog.

" They take a while to change, just wait patiently "

" Hey, what would happen if I suddenly jumped into the girl's locker room? "

" They'd beat you up and file charges against you. "

" ... Don't ruin my fantasies with such a real answer. "

He was shivering at that reply.

" Remember, it's ok to stare at girls just don't do something to offend or upset them. "

" Hai! Ayanokouji-san! "


" But what will I do if I get a boner!? "

" Don't worry, the girls won't notice it, There's nothing to see anyways... "

All the boys laugh at my statement. Well I'm just gonna act as their guardian so they don't go overboard.

" Wow~ This pool doesn't even compare to my middle school one~ "

A few minutes after the boys finished changing, a girl's voice could be heard.

" Are they finally here?! "

Ike was on guard, waiting. If you're that obvious, it's obviously they'd hate you.

I'm not that curious about there boobs, because I already saw them, not naked tho. But I already saw them at swimwear so it's not that exciting anymore.

Everyone's expectations were betrayed by an unexpected turn of events.

" Hasebe's not here! What, What is this?! Professor?! "

Professor, who was flustered, looked all around from the observation deck on the second floor.

The boys also looked around, expecting the girls to come out at any time.

Even so--. They are nowhere to be found.

Professor looked left and right in disbelief.

" Professor, b-behind you! "

" W-w-w-w-what?! "

Ike pointed his finger with a shout, clearly having noticed something. Hasebe was also on the observation deck next to professor.

One by one, all the girls appeared on the second floor. Sakura's up there too.

" What, What is this... What's this situation!? "

Ike buried his face in his hands and collapsed on the spot from the 'unbelievable' turn of events.

" I thought I would get to see big breasts! "

Contemplating suicide, Ike shouted in agony in earshot of Hasebe.

Murmurs spread among the girls. Like I said, I expected the girls to hate them for being so blatant...

" Ike, this isn't the time to be sad. There are a lot of girls! "

" Y-yeah. Anyone's fine. This isn't the time to feel down! "

" Yeah! "

Yamauchi and Ike affirmed their friendship and clasped each others hands. While me, I smacked the back of their heads.

" Ow! W-why did you do that Ayanokouji-san "

" Yeah! We didn't do the bets! "

" Don't be too dramatic, and I did that because your social standings are sinking at massive rate! Fix yourselves and act like a true man, idiots "

" A-ayanokouji-san, you did that for us? Well if Ayanokouji-san did that much for us then we will live up to your expectations, Ayanokouji-sama! "

So they treat me now as a god? Well I don't mind either way...

" You two, what are you doing? Looks fun. "

" Ku-ku-kushida-chan? "

Kushida interupted the two boys.

Wearing the school swimsuit, Kushida's curvy body line was on display.

In less than a second, all the boys stared at Kushida. Her breast are about D or E cup... Wait, wtf? Why do I sound so focus on her boobs?

While I was lost on my own thoughts, I didn't notice Horikita, that are now on my side...

" Why do you have such weird expression? "

Horikita looked at my face feeling suspicious.

" I'm just thinking about world peace. "

I saw Horikita's figure. Seeing it on personal is much better than watching it... Not a bad view, yup, not a bad view.

I was staring for too long, so I tried to calm myself down.

" ... "

For some reason, Horikita look up and down on my body.

" Ayanokouji-kun, do you exercise? "

" Yeah, I do morning exercises "

" That's why your muscles in your arm and back are toned... Not to mention you have ab- "

She suddenly stop, wait is she gonna say abs? Wth?

" Hey Horikita, answer me honestly... Do you have muscle fetish or something? "

" Wh-What?! What kind of absurd thing is that?! "

" Alright Tsunderikita, I guess you just want to see my hotness, Fu-hah! "

" ... Now you're sounding like Koenji "

" Haha, I'm just messing with you. "

She looks dissatisfied. Looks like she has quite discerning eye.

" Horikita-san are you good at swimming? "

Even though Horikita had a strange expression on her face, she quietly replied to Kushida.

" I'm not particularly good or bad. "

" In middle school, I was really bad at swimming. I practiced really hard, and now I'm a lot better! "

" I see "

Horikita let out an uninterested reply and back away from Kushida. She stop the conversation from going any further.

" Alright, everyone gather- "

A teacher brought the students together and started class. He may be the P.E. teacher but he looks like the type that would attract girls.

" 16 people, I see. I expected more people, but I guess it works. "

There clearly were students skipping class, but he didn't seem to mind.

" It's a bit sudden, but I'll examining your abilities after your done warming up. You guys will be swimming. "

" Um sensei, I can't swim tho... "

A boy raised his hand apologetically and spoke up.

" As a teacher, I'll make sure that you learn how to swim by the summer. Don't worry "

" There's no need to learn how to swim... We're not going to beach anyway. "

" That's too bad. It doesn't matter If you're bad at swimming now, but I'll make sure everyone learns. Learning how to swim will definitely be useful. I guarantee it. "

What a hint... Well I know the events that will happen soooo....

Everyone started warm up exercises. Ike kept repeatedly glancing at the girls to take a peak. Afterwards, we were instructed to start the 50m swim. Students who didn't know how to swim were allowed to touch the bottom of the pool with their feet.

I haven't been in a pool since I was like 10? I stepped into the pool, getting quickly accustomed to the temperature-regulated pool, Then I start to swim lightly.

" Hehehe, a complete victory. Did you see? My super swimming! "

Swimming casually, Ike got out of the pool with a self satisfied look. You weren't all that different from the others.

" Anyways, it looks like mostly everyone can swim. "

" Sorry sensei. Back in the middle school, I was called the flying fish after all. "

" I see. Then you guys can immediately start competing against each other then. 50m freestyle, separate yourselves by gender. "

" C-compete!? Are you serious? "

" I'll give the first place winner a bonus: 5,000 points. On the other hand, last place will get supplementary lessons so prepare yourselves. "

Those who were good at swimming were cheering, while the worse swimmers weren't thrilled at all.

" Because there aren't too many girls, I'll split you guys into two groups of 5 and give the fastest time the overall victory. For the boys, I'll take the top 5 times and then hold a final round "

There were 16 boys and 10 girls, excluding those who didn't know how to swim. When the girls started their race, the boys sat on sidelines and started to cheer for... No, evaluate the girls.

" Kushida-chan Kushida-chan Kushida-chan Kushida-chan Kushida-chan. Hahahaha. "

It seems like Kushida completely captured Ike's mind.

" Bro, Ike, calm down. "

" B-but Kushida-chan is fu- cute. Her breast are really big too. "

" I know, but just shut up for now. "

If we're only talking about faces, Horikita was definitely on top, but her personality dropped her popularity down. However, she has a fair bit of popularity, so when she stood at start line, there were a few cheers.

" Everyone, make sure to remember the sight! Today's fap material has been secured! "

" Yea! "

" And if you all don't stop talking about fapping, I'll get all of your eyes and shove it on your own mouths! "

Somehow all the boys quieted down by my statement, Hahaha.

" Yea, that's right. "

The whistle blew and the 5 girls jumped in. Horikita is in lane 2. Taking the lead in the beginning, she maintained her lead at a distance. She confidently came in first place.

" Oh! Horikita did it! "

Her time was about 28 seconds. That's pretty quick. Without even breathing heavily, Horikita slowly got out of the pool.

The boys staring at her bouncing- uhh... This perverts. I unintentionally glared at them. As they felt my glare, they start to avert their gazes.

Then came the second race. Kushida was In lane 4. The boys were waving and cheering with smiles on their faces.

" Woooooo! "

They're some aggressive boys. Some of them even tried to look in between the girl's legs.

The second race started. It was pretty one-sided. The girls known as Onodera won the race in a landslide. Her time was 26 seconds was clearly the best time. Kushida got the time of 31 seconds, which is pretty good but only got her 4th place.

I went to go talk to Horikita who had gotten out of the pool.

" That's too bad. Second place. Those swim club members look relentless. "

" Not really. I don't mind wether or not I lose. Do you have confidence on yourself? "

" Ofcourse. Not to sound cocky but, Im sure I'm the one who will win this. "

That's right I don't plan to hold back. I'll lead this class through the front lines.

" Big words huh... "

" Welp, I guess I'm next, cheer for me ok? " I smile at her before I left.

I was put in lane 2 , while Sudou was in the first lane. I aimed to get the first place so please lend me your strength Ayanokouji-sama. I dived into the pool, when the whistle blow out.

Finishing the 50m stretch with great speed, I look up from the water. The boys and girls were shocked by my swimming.

" Wth?! That was so fast! "

" Yea!!! Ayanokouji-sama!! "

I got 22 seconds, alright nice that was the first place. Sudou's time is 25 seconds.

" Ayanokouji, won't you join the swimming club? I can tell that you can already compete now. "

" Ahaha. I don't really plan on joining any clubs for now... "

After that we all calmly got out of pool.

" Damn, you're so fast Ayanokouji-san. "

" Hahaha, I just like swimming. "

After that I went to Horikita, who is apparently looking at me for some reasons.

" Yo! " I greeted

" You're so fast Ayanokouji-kun "

" Ofcourse, I told you didn't I? I'm gonna be the one who will win. "

She seems taken back by that.

" Kyaa-! "

A girl let out a scream (of joy)

Hirata was on the start line.

While Sudou's body gathered the admiration of the boys, Hirata's body gathered the admiration of the girls. Hirata is slender but still well built. You can call him slender macho man. Hearing the cheering from the girls for Hirata, Ike made a spitting gesture. Sudou also made a displeased face and glared at Hirata.

" If you win, I'll make sure to destroy you. I'll show you my full power. "

Wasn't swimming just for fun?

When the teacher blew the whistle, Hirata jumped in with great form. As Hirata paddled his arms, the girls on the side were cheering him on. His swimming form looks uselessly cool.

" He's surprisingly fast. "

Sudou calmly commented. Anyway, Hirata is a pretty fast swimmer. The other 4 boys were quite a distance from Hirata. His lead incited the girls to cheer him on even more.

Hirata took 1st place, the loud cheers reverberated in the big indoor pool.

" Sensei, what was the time? "

Ike impatiently asked.

" Hirata's time is... 26. 13 seconds "

" Alright, let's go Sudou. If it's you, you can win! Bring down the hammer of justice! "

" Leave it to me. I'll beat him thoroughly then make his popularity drop to the ground. "

Sudou got fired up from Ike's words, but a loss from Hirata probably wouldn't cause his popularity to drop.

" Hirata-kun, you were really cool! You're not just good at soccer, but also good at swimming! "

" Is that so? Thanks "

" Hey, why are you looking at Hirata-kun with love in your eyes! "

" Ha? You're the one ogling him?! "

While the girls are fighting, well not exactly fighting, just a little banter, I approach Hirata.

" It's hard to be popular huh. "

" Ah- Ayanokouji-kun, Haha yeah sometimes but I'm glad I had friends like them "

" Man you're so kind, Hey can I call you Yosuke? "

" Sure! Then I'll call you Kiyotaka. "

" Hahahaha "

Both of us laugh. While we're exchanging conversation the girls notice us.

" Look! Ayanokouji-kun and Hirata-kun are together! "

" Huh?! They're so handsome together! "

The girls started cheering while praising me and Yosuke.

I don't know what he was hearing but Koenji mistook those cheers for himself.

With a refreshing smile, Koenji put his foot on the start line.

" Hey... Why is Koenji wearing Speedos... "

" W-what? "

Wearing Speedos were allowed by the school, but no one else were wearing those. The girls looked away from Koenji's crotch area.

However for the third race, Koenji was the center of attention. His posture at the start look like an athlete's.

Not only his posture but Koenji's figure was even better than Sudou's. The boys who were proud about their physicality, including Sudou, watched Koenji swim while gulping.

" I don't really care about winning or losing, but I don't like losing "

Sudou muttered to himself. At the sound of the whistle, Koenji jumped into the pool with great form.

" Wow! "

Sudou let out a surprised voice at Koenji's aggressive swimming. Hirata was also looking in amazement. His speed is really impressive. Ofcourse, Sudou is also fast. Recording the time, the teacher looked at the stopwatch once again.

" Time is... 23.22 seconds "

" As usual, my abdominal, back and psoas major muscle are in shape. Not bad. "

After getting out of the pool, Koenji smiled and brushed his hair.

Still breathing evenly, it doesn't even look like he swam. But unfortunately for him I'm faster Muwahahaha, I'm fast bit-

" I'm fired up! "

His fighting spirit burned after he saw Koenji's time. To be honest only Sudou has any chance at winning other than Koenji and me.

" Because both Ayanokouji-kun, Koenji-kun and Sudou-kun are fast, I'm looking forward to the finals. "

" Ah, yea "

While waiting for the finals to start, Kushida spoke up.

" Ayanokouji-kun, why do we have swimming classes in April anyway? "

" I think that's because we have great indoor pool. That reminds me, Kushida, you were really fast. "

" You too, Ayanokouji-kun, you were super fast! "

" Ahaha, Don't flatter me too much. "

" Now that I get a good look at it, You have a very muscular body Ayanokouji-kun! "

Kushida look at me in surprise. Why do I feel nervous?

" I'm just doing some morning exercises, I went to gym every morning before the class starts. "

The conversation revolved around my physical health. I have a great conversation with her for once.

The teacher called us and then we get ready for the finals. I was at the first lane, beside me was Sudou.

" Let's have a great battle Sudou. "

" You got it! "

After that the teacher blew the whistle and we dive in and start swimming, I speed up my swimming speed to secure the First Place and after a few seconds I reach the end of the pool. I hear my classmates cheering loudly for me.

" A-ayanokouji's time is... 21.53 seconds "

" Woah!!!! "

" That was close to world record! "

Koenji was second and Sudou was third and then Yosuke came on fourth. After that the teacher gave me 5,000 points. I don't really need it cause I have over 2million points but whatever.


A/N : Ayoo! Sorry this took a while to make haha. I got some things to do so I balance my schedule. Welp, thanks for reading!!!


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