Blasters| Eli Shane x Reader

Door Pomegranate_Pen

103 10 5

in the eyes of others, all hope seems lost when the only one that can help the great Shane Gang is a girl who... Meer

old enemies and new friends

103 10 5
Door Pomegranate_Pen

Who knew that falling into a whole world beneath you could lead to one almost having their face burnt up for more than one occasion?

Eli Shane was one of the best slingers in all of Slugterra. But he's also one of the most reckless of the bunch too. Having that in mind, he's pretty sure he should try dodging attacks more than shooting for a while. since you know, if he doesn't, he'll die right here and right now.

Before a grenuke slug could even take a glance at his spot, he jumps down behind the rock and takes cover. The poor slug that was now a few feet away from him starts his attack and blows up for nothing in return. The sounds of slugs transforming left and right were common and the cheeky yet annoying remarks of his enemies were quite annoying.

It was nothing compared to the citizens of Molenoid Cavern who were sitting ducks in the whole fight though. It amazed him how they didn't even give a single care about their safety. Randomly walking around right in the middle of the fight and miraculously dodging every shot. Pronto was busy screaming for the Molenoid's to get away and retreat, believing that as the rightful king of the place, they'll comply and listen. Yet they just kept swarming around him instead, asking for help left and right about the most mundane things.

"oh for the love of-" Pronto seemed to have enough of the chaos circling around him and facepalmed. "YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE IF YOU STAY HERE!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!"

"But my sink is still clogged!"


Sighing in exhaustion, he looks down at the slugs he still had left. Joules, Studs, and Burpy who was right on his shoulder. He hears light, quick footsteps and finds it to be Trixie, who was dodging a Hop Rock and falls face first to the ground. Groaning in annoyance, she gets up and urgently puts a slug in her blaster and shoots at the perpetrator. Kord suddenly comes as well, hiding behind a rock a few feet away from them and trying to get the best shot that'll take out the whole group of bad guys together.

"I still don't get it." Trixie suddenly speaks up, grabbing the attention of her friends. "Why would they come to Molenoid cavern? They don't really have anything worth attacking the people for."

"Yeah, especially after the Vault of Knowledge was destroyed. Whatever these guys want to do, it's probably really stupid."

"Well, whatever the case is, they still got a bunch more grenukes in their hands." He puts Joules in his blaster. "We need to stop them before anyone gets hurt!"

Joules throws electrical bolts all through the team and makes them jolt while Kord shoots an Arachnet and ties them all together in a web. "Pronto!" Trixie shouts to the Molenoid King, who was still busy trying to get the people away from the danger right before their eyes. He turns his head to Trixie. "Use your flatulorhinkus!" with a grin, Pronto nods and takes out the slug in question and shoves him in his blaster. "Do your worst, Stinky!"

The shot let out a horrid smell that made the rest of the bandits close their eyes in disgust and try to get away from it, only to slam into each other and the gas still lingering between them. The gross mixture of lime-ish green and deep purple was stinging their eyes and before they knew it, they were encased in the stomach of a buballeone slug. The gas getting stuck with them as well.

Eli walks up to the group stuck in webs, puts Burpy in a tube and then his blaster, and aims it at them. The group follows suit and the bandits, now face to face with the infamous infurnus with a gleam of mischief in his eyes, cower in fear. They haphazardly kick their feet to the ground, trying to shove themselves away from the slug's viewpoint making a trail of dust awaken from their pathetic attempts.

"We'll shoot...unless you tell us why you're here."

"Don't tell them a single thing!" a muffled voice from the bubbaleone's stomach shouts. He coughs from the smell, his eyes stinging with tears and yet he still punches the slug for a way to escape. The common sound of blasters starting up made the bandits' ears ring and they looked at the group, still armed and ready to shoot with a hopeless look. "yeah...I don't think you have a choice." Although his words could shake one in fear, his sheepish grin showed his shocking optimistic attitude to the situation.

"It's Twist. We're working for Twist!"

Suddenly, everything in the world seemed to stop for Eli. His grin faltered and memories flowed through his mind like venom. the name made him feel sick.

Twist. The one he trusted and seen as a family, only for him to stab the gang in the back and become Blakk's apprentice, has now come back?

It's been a few months since they've defeated Dr.Blakk and with that, all the people who used to work for him have now been solo once again. Slingers had no choice but to use normal slugs, all the minions and employees have gone to other jobs and all the companies and incorporations, whether they collaborated with him by choice or not, have now been starting to do their own thing again.

Twist's words to him echoed through his head. 'I'm on the side who wins.' Well...the good guys won, didn't they?

He thought he'd gone back to their side.

He hoped he'd gone back to their side.

With a click of his tongue and a sigh, the grasp on his blaster tightens. "Why did he send you here?"

"He wants a map to two rare slugs!" the banging on the bubbly slug's stomach became louder. "SHUT UP STEVE! SHUT.UP!"

"What kind of slugs?" Eli ignored the furious thrashing of the other and focused on Steve, his face seemed determined, done with bad luck. "We don't know the names. But we know one can turn invisible and the other can shapeshift."

"WHAT THE HELL STEVE!" the other cries out. "WE'RE ALL DEAD MEAT NOW!"

"I don't care anymore!" Steve screams back at him. "That guy sucks! How are we even sure he was going to pay us, huh?!"



As his teammates chuckle and shook their heads at the scene before them, Eli wastes no time and silently walks up to his Mecha, his head obviously in a different world at the moment. With a heavy heart and words stuck in his throat, he mutters a 'let's go' to his teammates and waits for them to get into their Mechas as well. In a worrying silence, they all sit down and start to ride off to their hideout.

Eli could feel their stares burning holes at his back. "What?" he huffs out. he doesn't dare to even glance at them.

" looked pretty sad back there."


"I-I was just thinking!" he tries to reason, shoulders rising up and his grasp on the handler tightening a bit. He tried his best to ignore the worried glance Burpy sent him. "Pronto would have to disagree on that." the Molenoid muttered. "You don't really seem in the best of moods."

"You know you can talk with us, right?"

He frowns, his chest suddenly feeling heavy and body feeling frozen. As if a froscrawler has been shot at him. His form shakes a bit as he gets a hard time trying to verbalize his emotions. Seriously, what's up with him? Even he doesn't know at this point. Is he frustrated? Tired? Scared? Angry? He's unsure. He doesn't even think he wants to know what the cause could be. "Let's just..." he takes a deep breath. "Let's just go to the hideout first."


The small tapping of a pencil echoed through the dark room. Webs and boxes filled with lab supplies filled up the giant space. The place was cold. There was always a chilly aura around it. Yet, this time, it felt more present than before. Twist scoffed. Who knew that Dr.Blakk had warmth in him?

Small bits of rubble and signs of blasts littered the ground like it was a canvas. The artist for the piece finished it months ago and left with no guilt. Leaving Twist to pick up and clean the brushes.

Maps and old fairy tale books were all over the large black desk. Twist remembers the old tale Blakk told him. The one where he proudly showed his desk, speaking about his hardships and pain for a way to make slugs obey his command. "This desk was the first to see it succeed."

If Blakk could make the impossible happen, surely he can too, right? After all, he is his apprentice.

The door shuffled open, but he didn't falter one bit. too enamored with the old tale he had his eyes one for a while. The interrupter of his peace cleared their throat. "sir."

The man spoke up. "we've found it."

In a blink of an eye, Twist's head snapped back up with an excited grin. Yes! He knew it! As his grin became a snarky smirk, he chuckled and put down his pencil. "good, keep it there. And double the guards there." They nodded at that.

The blonde leans back on his chair and finally, after weeks of scowls, a small smile was placed on his face. Oh, Dr.Blakk the ever-so genius. Hiding some dark water for backup in case of total failure and not telling a single soul about it. Not even his own apprentice.

Before the henchman leaves, Twist calls out their name." by the way," he leans back up. Elbows now placed on the desk and his chin placed right into his hands. "tell all those old patrons of ours to start wreaking havoc again. And of course, they'll be paid handsomely for it." The blaring stylized 'V' shined brightly behind him. The henchman's eyes widen. For they have now seen the birth of Dr.Blakk within the new boss.


The hideout, also known as the home of the Shane Gang, was in a secluded spot in a forest. Left by his father, Eli often wondered what more secrets the place held. There was this one time with the whole safe that led them to have an object that made him speak to the Shadow Clan. But other than that, there wasn't much discovered about the place.

Eli thought he knew everything now. He knew every cavern, every slug and even managed to get some rare slugs as well. But this? If they didn't get those slugs first, who knows what Twist would do with them. A question popped into his mind. What would he do with them? Why is he so hung up about this?

Call it hatred, call it fear, whatever it was, he knows it's a bad feeling. One that he needs to make sure doesn't get worse with time. After voicing a few of his worries, not really giving the full picture to the team yet enough for them to understand what he's going through, he gets up and takes out two white stick figure objects that were stuck together. Taking the two apart, a holograph showed up and he lays it on the table. The blue holographic screen showed a map of the 99 caverns.

"We need to stop Twist. We have to get to those slugs first."

Trixie, who was busy searching in her computer for some Intel, sighed in disappointment. She turned around and leaned back on the chair with crossed arms. "Hate to break it to you E, but there's only one thing out there about these slugs."

"What is it?"

"It's an old fairy tale about an old slinger who used to have these slugs. They say the slinger wanted to make sure they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, so they hid them from the world." Trixie's lips thinned in thought. "In the past...I'd say it's just an old story...but now knowing that the 'burning world' is somewhere real..."

"There's a chance that this could be real, too." Kord finished her thought. Eli tapped his foot, concentrating on the map to remember any clues he could've possibly found in the past within the caverns. He came up with nothing. Greeting his teeth a bit, he sighed in distress. "How are we going to find these slugs?!"

He hadn't noticed the three friends glancing at each other, a silent conversation being held up with their expressions. Pronto seemed eager, yet warry to tell Shane, while Trixie's was the opposite, not wanting to give intel about something that could be for nothing. Kord on the other hand, seemed stuck between the two decisions. But in the end, he went with his gut feeling and opened his mouth.

"There's...someone who could help with this." Without a second to waste, Eli turned his head to the cave troll. "There was this family that knew everything about the slugs, the L/n family. From rare ones to common, they had a whole book written about them. They could help."

"Then where are they? Let's go to the right now!" Eli grinned, yet he was only met with worried glances from the team. " thing is, they suddenly disappeared a few years ago. And no one has heard from them ever since. "

"rumor has it that Blakk went to their house for something, but after he left, the house was left in shambles and there were only one remaining L/n in the midst of its ruins." Pronto spoke. Eli frowned, now a bit of anger coursing through him for the dark actions of Dr.Blakk. "Where are they right now?"

Pronto thinks for a bit. "If I remember well, in a forest near Quisingly Caverns."

"Uh, guys...!" the shocked and distressed voice of Trixie took everyone's attention. She pointed to the map that was laying on the table, the red dots suddenly appearing all around slugterra. "There are criminals everywhere! We can't just leave everything like this!"

"But if we don't get there in time Twist could get his hands on the slugs sooner than us!" Kord brought up, in a moment of strategic thinking, Eli hummed and his shoulders tensed. He called out for the group's attention and laid out his plan to them.


'I'll go look for the last remaining L/n, you guys can handle all the crimes while I'm gone.'His own words from hours ago echoed through his head, his gaze following the road he's so near to finish and reach his destination. The forests in Slugterra always were so beautiful, but he never thought one could live in them. Especially with all duels and fights around the place. But, there are a lot of slugs in the forests, so it's no surprise that a family known for their slug knowledge would want to live somewhere with lots of them.

"you see anything Burpy?" he asks the companion on his shoulder. The slug looks around the place, his eyes widening and chirping loudly as he points out a house to his right. "good job, buddy!" he praised, now turning his Mecha Beast in its direction.

the house seemed a bit old and quite small. But it seemed to be enough for having three living in it, he noticed a fence in the back, which lead him to believe it could have more space behind it. As he got off the Mecha Beast, he walked up to the door and in a singular moment, took a deep breath, hoped for the best, and knocked.

There was no noise for two whole minutes. With a frown, he knocks again. He feels relieved as a groan reached his ears. Footsteps became louder and soon, the door opened.

It was a girl, seemed to be his age with messy hair and puffy swollen eyes, as if she just woke up. The clothes were a big giveaway to that as well. Sweatpants and a tee-shirt with some cringey line on it written in cursive. The girl frowned at the boy, clearly annoyed by his interruption.

"Uh...hi." He gulped, giving an awkward wave. "I'm Eli Shane. Are you from the L/n family?"

The girl's frown deepened. It took her a whole minute to respond. Begrudgingly, she rolled her eyes and huffed. "Yes..." Eli smiled, hopeful gleam in his heroic eyes and his posture now brighter than before.

"I need your hel-"

the door slammed shut.

Eli looks at the door with pure shock, he takes a small glance at Burpy and sees him with the same expression as his. Taking a moment to collect himself, he knocks once more.

"Nobody's home!" your voice screams out. He huffs and frowns."I know you're in there." He says, unimpressed. "please, you gotta help us!"

No one answered back. He takes a deep breath, collects his thoughts and forms the best words in his mind to speak up about .his shoulders slouched.

"Blakk's gone." His first words came out deadpanned, serious of some sorts. "But his apprentice, Twist, is still out there. We don't know what his plan is, but we have to stop him before it's too late." He's already attacked Molenoid Cavern, who knows where else he'll resort to for these slugs. The thought made Eli even more worried than before. As a Shane, it is his duty to protect all of Slugterra. All caverns whether big or small. For the first time in quite a while, he felt worried. One of the last times he saw Twist, was when the blonde and Dr.Blakk defeated the Unbeatable Master. He let out a sigh he didn't realize he was holding back. "We could really use your help right now."

There wasn't a single noise coming from the house. Not even any sounds of walking around or shuffling away some objects. It was fully blank. It made Eli feel a bit awkward and stiff. Despite that, he didn't falter. He didn't give up a single hope. He'll wait. He'll wait for the night if he has to. Because the Shane knows that if he doesn't, there's no hope in stopping Twist.


He wasn't sure how long it has been. A few minutes or hours, but certainly not a full day. He played a bit with his slugs, chuckling at their calm purrs as he pets them.

The girl was certainly stubborn, he'll give her that. With feeling confident about getting through her, he smiles. He has already gotten through the great grumpy Redhook. If he survived that man's wrath, he knew he could survive anyone's.

He flinched as the door suddenly creaked. Quickly twisting his head in its direction; he was met with the same girl, but in a more outside casual outfit. An evident scowl on her face by seeing him still there. Eli got a bit distracted by the few hairpins that were stuck to her hair. "You're still here? Seriously?" she scoffed.

By completely ignoring the blue-eyed Shane and closing the door, she walked out of her house. Eli quickly got up, rode his Mecha Beast, and followed. He had to lower the speed his vehicle was going at, all to hold a conversation with her. He looked at the road ahead of them, the Quisingly Caverns can be seen from a distance. "Sooo where are you going?" he fiddles a bit with the buttons placed on his Mecha Beast.

It took a few awkward seconds before she answered. "I'm out of slug chow." He hummed at that, now looking at the road. "you need a ride there?" he twists the handlers in his grasp a bit, making his Mecha Beast roar off some sound as a way to impress.

Her frown deepened. "No."

"alright..." Eli looked at her once more, now getting a closer look, he noticed her lack of blaster and slugs. 'Weird.' It was certainly not strange for some people to not have any slugs nor be slingers. But if she needed slug chow, then where are her slugs? Maybe she had them more like a pet or roommate rather than ammo? Still, isn't her family all about slugs? She'd have to know how to sling if that's the case...right?

An infinite supply of questions and barely even a thread of answers were given to Eli. He's sure he'll get the answers soon.

"could you at least tell me your name?"

"....its Y/n."


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

That's the first thought that ran through your head as you hesitantly walked beside him. Couldn't he take a hint? You didn't want anything to do with Blakk anymore. It doesn't matter if he was gone for good, didn't matter if he had an apprentice. Whatever the so-called 'Eli Shane' was getting himself into, it was absolutely none of your business.

Still, the sudden news shocked you. Dr.Blakk, the foulest and evil person you've ever met, the richest guy in slugterra, defeated? And by some kid like you no less? It made you feel relieved, a bit happy even. You still remember the days when Blakk was just a mere name you heard of in shops, some guy who you thought you'll never have the dismay to meet.

Eli Shane...Shane...that name was very familiar. Who doesn't know about the Shanes? Protectors of the caverns, heroes of all. You remember seeing his father once in the past, his visit to your house, talking with your father about some sort of plan and holograph recording through Enigmo Slugs. You even remember him talking a bit about his son, saying he'll bring him to visit to one day. Ten-year-old you were happy to hear about a kid her age.

Who knew you'd be meeting in such different circumstances than it was imagined? A bittersweet smile gets placed on your lips. Looking back up, you noticed the city you've been meaning to reach. You give another annoyed glance at Eli, wondering if he'd leave you be, yet were only given an awkward grin from the boy instead. Soon, your eyes landed on the infurnus slug he had on his shoulder, something you hadn't noticed till now.

He looked familiar, way too familiar in fact. The extreme orange skin...the fire design around took you a few seconds to realize why. "I've met you before." You speak to the slug, the little firey being flashing a grin and waving at you. "You were with Will Shane that day." You unconsciously point out.

"You met my dad?" Eli gasped, now his head in a completely different subject. Your eyes squinted at the boy, unsure of how to respond. Yet, when you looked at the eagerness and desperation in his eyes, as if he hasn't heard from his dad for years, you felt guilt stab into you. You looked away and sighed. "Yes. I've met him before."

"I was young though." You looked at a supermarket and made your way to it. "I think I was ten at that time...he was talking with my dad about some Enigmo slugs." You opened the store's door and went in. Eli muttered something to himself. Eyes on the ground as he stood still in thought. Seeing this as your golden opportunity, you made a run for it and lost yourself in the supermarket's isles. Away from the stubborn boy.

Slugterra's products are quite cute when you think about them. Since slugs are the most known beings throughout the place, many companies use them as their mascots. There's the gum that features a Bubbaleone, chocolate featuring a hop rock, and spicy sauces with Flaringo's on them. Really, it's all too darn cute. At times when you look at them, you remember your own slugs at home. Always there with you. By your side at your best and worst times, always sticking with you even if...

You stop that thought.

Focus. They're going to get hungry soon. Get the food.

Walking down the familiar place, you take a few steps forward and reach the counter filled with different brands of slug chow. You can always make ones yourself, but that'll take more gold than the store-bought ones. At the same time, you're sure your slugs would like the family recipe better. You hummed a bit, now in deep thought about the small ordeal.

Before you could decide, you heard a snicker behind you. Turning around, you found yourself regretting coming out today. The man before you made the moment significantly worse with his evil smirk.

C.C. was his name. Or at least, the name he's known as throughout Slugterra. Last time you saw him, he was a respected slug slinger but a huge douchebag. He forced you to help him find a Forgesmelter. You had two choices at the time. Either help him find that slug or face his slinging skills and get your face chopped off by a thresher.

"Y/n." he showed off a cocky grin. "...C.C." you looked away.

"Long time, no see." The slinger chuckled. "What are you doing around here?"

"Just buying some stuff." You gulped, quickly taking the closest brand in front of you, and quickly tried to scurry away. Only to be stopped by a hand blocking your path. Your heartbeat quickened and you felt your nerves screaming at you to run. Run as fast as you could muster. "Now now, no need to be in such a rush! I just want to make another deal with you." his tone was condescending. Sadistic. You felt like throwing up by just hearing his annoying voice. "Judging by the Shane by your side..." oh god no. oh shit fucking fuck. " I'm guessin' you know about the whole..." he takes a deep breath. "Rare slug thing going on." his blaster, now in his grasp, was placed right at your head. "how about this, I'll buy you the slug chow and in exchange," his blaster was suddenly pushed right into your head, almost grazing your skin and reaching your skull." you tell me everything you know." You took a fearful breath.

As if the world has blessed you, a familiar infurnus flew around the slingers. Gasping in shock, C.C. let go of you, and as swift as possible, you made a beeline to the exit. Completely ignoring the thing you were here for from the start and running since your life depended on it.

"Not so fast you slug nerd!" you couldn't even grimace at that nickname. C.C. was right behind you. Blaster fired up and a Lavanyx shot. You grabbed on anything you could. Taking a small glance at it, it seemed to be a plastic tray on discount. Without a second thought, you threw it in his direction. The Lavanyx took the bait and shot his hot scourging lava at it, melting the whole thing completely.

Finally reaching the exit, you push the glass door as hard as you could and zoom out. Completely ignoring the pain in your palms. You were met with another can of worms. Slingers who had been waiting outside, all blasters aimed right at you.

Within a blink, they all shoot. You try to dodge each and every slug yet got punched down by a Rammstone. Your chest ached. Your cheek felt sore. Your heartbeat was in a state of disarray and your muscles were screaming for rest. Before you knew it, a loud scream emitted from the supermarket, and C.C. came flying through the door. Crashing merely a few steps ahead of you. Eli quickly got out as well, Blaster aiming right at the slingers outside.

"Jeez, can't a guy buy groceries in peace?" Eli gave a cocky smirk. His eyes swayed everywhere and soon, they landed on you. "You ok there?"

You got up a bit, groaning from the jolt of shocking pain that went through you. "I'm fine! Just focus on the fight!" he nodded and shot a Hoverbug. The flying slug grabbed two of the slingers and flew around the place, making them land face first on the ground next to you. Their blasters and slugs get thrown out in the process.

Eli shoots a Frostcrawler, getting the slingers stuck on the icy wall for a bit. "Come on! Grab a blaster and shoot!"

All the world seemed to go blank. Hear beat raising again, feeling like a frog was stuck in your throat and body starting to shake. The blaster stood on the ground, mocking you and starring as if it knew all your secrets, as if it would tell the whole world about it. Your head was filled with unwanted thoughts. Your stomach felt like it was punching your guts and tears threatened to spill. Soon the thoughts became memories.


You looked back at Eli, a sheepish grin placed on your lips as you huffed out a laugh and quickly grabbed the blaster. "d-don't worry! I'll..I'll..." you wanted to show you can do i. yeah, you can do it! It's's just as easy as anything else!

"uhh- um-" your words kept coming up scrambled. Your mind was in full panic mode. Grabbing the tube that the rammstone slug was in, which was looking at you with worry, you placed the tube in the blaster and stretched your arms out. Your aim seemed wonky and your hands were shaken. Eli noticed that you didn't even have the right position for slinging a slug.

"Y/n wait-!"

Without letting another thought run through you, you shot the rammstone and chaos obliterated the atmosphere. The power that surged through the blaster to shoot it soon impacted your body as well and you stumbled to the ground. The poor slug hit a mecha beast rather than a slinger, soon bouncing off the mecha beast and hitting a wall, then a pole, then another mecha beast and it kept going and going without any stop. In fact, it seemed to be going at a higher speed with each hit.

The stare you believed Eli was giving you was burning through your skin. With an awkward cough, you turned around and grimaced at his expression. Jaw dropped from shock, eyes widened in disbelief. Worse part was, his slug had the exact same expression.

"U-uhh I..." seriously, what was there to say? You felt your throat become dry, your shoulders rack in shame and you looked at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"You..." Eli tried to process this. Never expecting such a situation. The slingers that were supposed to be fighting you seemed quiet as well. You didn't even dare to look at their expressions.

The sudden sound of a blaster shooting made you all jolt and turn your heads to the source. A Bubbaleon transformed and swallowed the uncontrollable Rammstone, now slowing down the slug's speed and keeping him still in her stomach. "what? You didn't know?" a snort came from C.C., who now recovered from Eli's harsh attack on him. "the girl cant blast even if her life depended on it!" his laugh hollered through the place. The other slingers joined in as well. Leaving you embarrassed out of your mind and looking away from anybody's gaze.

God, you're so embarrassing. A fool. What kind of person in Slugterra can't fucking sling a slug? Taking a small glance at the people around you, you felt your dignity scream from the sight. The slingers were laughing their hearts out at your embarrassing actions while Eli seemed to show sympathy. Choking a bit and coughing, you slowly looked away, paying extreme attention to the Mecha Beast a few feet away from you. Already done with everything. You just want to go home. You really need to go home. You couldn't bear the laughs they were hollering out anymore.

Eli's gaze switched from the slingers to you in concern. Torn between two decisions, Eli bites the bullet and shoots a tomato; the tornado turns and turns with no intention of stopping, leaving the slingers with no clear way of seeing the two.

He taps your shoulder. "Come on Y/n. it's our chance to leave!" he grabs your arm and forces you up. With no words said, he runs to his mecha beast. You sat down the mechanic wolf, mind occupied elsewhere as you both rode to the house.

Eli, now finally piecing out his thoughts and coming into a conclusion, cleared his throat and broke the silence between you two.

"So..." his finger tapped lightly on the handle. " can't sling a slug?" he heard you sigh.

"It's...none of your business." You grumbled out, obviously not really meaning that.

"But how come you can't sling?" Eli pressed further, not letting this slip away. With gritted teeth, you rolled your eyes. Even if your emotions betrayed you and felt complete embarrassment from his words. "I just..can't. Ok? I never really learned how to."

"...Alright then." Eli finally let go of it, focusing on the road ahead of him. You felt a bit bad. Not only did you act so harsh with him the whole day, he also saved you and you had yet to thank him. With a small pat on his shoulder, you caught his attention.

Looking back, Eli was shocked by seeing your expression. "Hey...uhh..." you cleared your throat a bit from the nonexistent block. Taking a deep breath, you finally spoke up.

"Thanks...for saving me out there."

Eli gave you a small smile. "No problem."


It's been officially a full day since Eli came here. Yesterday, after the ride home barely any words were spoken. Eli offered his spare of slug chow to your slugs and you offered him a room to sleep in.

The room, although packed with notes and pictures, books that seemed to collect dust and clothes that seemed untouched, felt completely empty. As if a ghost was living in it instead. The bed felt as cold as the Chillbore Caverns. Making him cling to the blanket as if it's his last life. Despite the uncomfortable energy around the room, he slept quite fine after an hour of staring mindlessly at the ceiling.

Waking up, Eli realized it was quite late in the day. Two p.m., to be exact. He must've felt exhausted from all the slug fights yesterday. He still felt a tad bit worried about you and the whole fight yesterday. So without a single second wasted, he gets up and starts his new quest. Find the slug nerd!

The house felt different than the room he slept in. it was warm and full of life. The small sounds of chirps and chippers of slugs goofing off filled the silence in the room. Small pencils and papers lay across the table in the living room. With a small glance, he noticed that it seemed to have written a bit of info with a slug drawn on its side.

He saw a few slugs hanging around the table in the kitchen, a few being his and others seemingly yours. A chirp caught his attention, looking to his left, he noticed Burpy jumping to get to him. With one high jump, he lands perfectly on his shoulder. Chuckling, he pets the slug a bit and greets him. "Where's Y/n?"

The slug smiles and jumps down, looking back at Eli and motioning him to follow.


He hasn't actually seen your backyard yet, has he?

It was quite beautiful, blissful even. The tall mushrooms from blue to deep purple towered over you, making the whole place darker than the rest of the forest outside. Small patches of grass littered around the place and a few slugs seemed to be hiding in them for fun. The whole place was to simply put it, breath-taking.

Despite the wonderful scenery, there wasn't any time to appreciate it. He still had a person to check up on. His gaze landed on your sitting figure on the wooden stairs. Ones that were leading up to the yard in front of him.

Quietly petting the Arachnet slug that sat on your lap, you heard footsteps that you could only assume were Eli's. feeling a new weight getting added and a small creak coming along the stairs with it, you only tilted your head up to look at the top of the 99 caverns, covered by sharp rocks that go all up in an inevitable darkness.

In a few moments, you started to speak. "Invisible and shapeshifting slug...god that's such a mouthful." You scoffed. "They're actually called Invislug and Shaper..."Eli's head turned to you in a swift movement. "The owner might have had skills in slinging, but certainly not in naming slugs." You chuckled, completely ignoring his shocked expression.

"so you do actually know about these slugs!"

"only a little." You shrugged. "my great grandfather had been trying to find them for years. but died before finding out. the rest of the family didn't want to continue his research, but they did write about it in the book." Eli smiled, relief flooding his system. "Then can you show it to me?" the frown you gave worried Eli. Lips thinning in stress and shoulders tensing up.

"I destroyed the book."

Silence took over the room for a moment.

"you what?"

"I destroyed it." You repeated. It felt more like a confirmation to yourself than him. " was to stay safe from Dr.Blakk."

A few moments passed, but Eli sighed in nodded in understanding. He knew what you meant. From what he heard, no one ever stood up to Dr.Blakk before he came around. No one dared to disagree with the man in the fear of everything they have got taken away from them.

The ones who did stand up, ended up getting convinced and partnering up with the man or, well, dead. His father was proof of that.

In deep thought, you found yourself fighting between two decisions. Be selfish or selfless?

It was a question that everybody goes through at some point. If you be selfish, you could stay here and rest for as much as you like. Do nothing for hours without any consequences. If you be selfless, however, you could find yourself nearly dying every second, danger all around you. But, you'll also make the universe avoid giving danger to others. If you get those slugs, you can keep them away from the wrong hands for good. You can finally be someone useful. Someone worthy of your family's legacy.

"I'll help you." You stated, making the boy grin in response. "I don't remember much about them, but I do know the book having something about clues being left around the 99 Caverns for where they hid the map." Getting up, you gave a small smile and held out your hand for him to take.

"So? What are you waiting for?"

It took a moment for Eli to process your words. A new determination surged within him as he took your hand and got up.

"let's go find those slugs."


Guess which clown made an x reader fanfic for a show barely anybody remembers. THIS CLOWN!!!!

Anyways, so I recently rewatched all of slugterra and had this idea pop into my mind, in the end, I couldn't help but write it. I'm sorry if Eli seems a bit ooc, I didn't get much opportunity in the plot of the first chapter to show his personality. Had to make him get into his hero mode for most of the part. But dw, Eli will be in character in future chapters.

If you enjoyed this please do comment and leave a vote! It keeps me motivated and makes me decide if I should write a second chapter or not.

Alrighty, so here's a question, whose is your favorite character in slugterra? Mine would be Junjie. He's so sweet and kind- I really loved his arc about feeling horrible for who he was for the last twenty years and trying to move on from that. I wanted to give him a hug the whole time- if there ever was more slugterra made, I hope they show us Junjie more-

Anyways thank you all so much for reading!! See you all in the next chapter!!!

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