FANFICTION When it just happe...

By Zuzoe80

47.8K 1.7K 241

Max and Nat have been series partners for three years. Although they haven't had any leading roles in their s... More

Part I Chapter 1 Just fanservice?
Chapter 2 Finding the own place
Chapter 3 Rival
Chapter 4 Burning
Chapter 5 Color change
Chapter 6 I will fight for him!
Chapter 7 This Nong!
Chapter 8 Pi Nat
Chapter 9 I love you so!
Chapter 10 Episode 10 (18+)
Chapter 11 Research (18+)
Chapter 12 What's happening to me? (18+)
Chapter 13 We are both so whipped!
Chapter 14 Admission
Part II Chapter 1 For everything a little longer
Chapter 2 Intimacy (18+)
Chapter 3 Ko Samui
Chapter 4 Cocktail in the morning
Chapter 5 Breathless
Chapter 6 Role Reversal
Chapter 7 Origin (18+)
Chapter 8 The First Night
Chapter 9 Love
Chapter 10 Back to the White Villa
Chapter 11 Double standards
Chapter 12 Reconciliation
Chapter 13 Symbiosis (18+)
Chapter 14 Adorable Lovers
Chapter 15 Plump vegetables (18+)
Chapter 16 The Final Challenge
Chapter 17 The Only One (18+)
Chapter 18 I love you! (18+)
Chapter 19 Pi Max and Nong Nat (18+)
Part III Chapter 1 Surprise
Chapter 2 Substitute stimulation
Chapter 3 Topless
Chapter 4 Wishes
Chapter 5 Fear
Chapter 6 Free Love
Chapter 8 Defenseless
Chapter 9 View, opinion, caution
Chapter 10 The first time
Chapter 11 Steep Stairs
Chapter 12 The first time with you! (18+)
Chapter 13 Happiness
Chapter 14 Being a child
Chapter 15 Wet Dream (18+)
Chapter 16 Hibiscus (18+)
Chapter 17 Two Princes (18+)
Chapter 18 Reality
Chapter 19 The Way

Chapter 7 Protection (18+)

634 23 8
By Zuzoe80

Juna smiles as she catches sight of four beautiful Thais in intimate proximity on the deck.

She can't get enough of the inspiring atmosphere around them.

Love is in the Air!

And Juna has to suppress a chuckle.

Yes, she likes to see beautiful people loving each other.

And she really doesn't want to interrupt this intoxicating moment, but the gorgeous candies needs to be informed about the first spot.

James slumbers peacefully with his face on Net's leg, while the latter tenderly caresses his cheek with his hand.

And even more tenderly his eyes caress him.

Net's gaze rests on the lovely slumbering glow of his face, silently whispering his love to him.

Nat lies nestled against Max's chest.

His delicate fingers play with the button hem of his shirt.

The strong pectoral muscles tighten the shirt.

And so Nat circles the small button that boldly conceals the hot delight.

His fingers just casually touch his man's warm firm skin.

This big, strong man he's hooked.

Whom he feels here against his body.

To whom he may nestle.

And by whom he is embraced.

Max plays with Nat's delicate arm.

He has closed his hand around it and tenderly squeezes the filigree resistance between his large fingers.

He's glad Nat is so focused on his shirt right now.

Lovingly, his kitten purrs against his chest and plays with the placket of his shirt.

And he can listen inside.

Feel what it's like to have this kitten pressed against him.


He wants to feel it again and again.

His body wants to feel its delicate suppleness pressed against his.

Just overshadowing strange thoughts which unsettling him.

Max has his head leaning against Nat's.

Juna wonders if he won't get a neck ache.

This size difference between these two obvious lovers is incredible.

Max's stunningly handsome head has to bend down so far to reach that sweet-featured face.

And Juna sees Max digging his nose into Nat's hair again and again.

No neck pain in the world could keep him from inhaling the fragrant heaven of his kitty.

It's a peaceful sensory experience that Juna is sorry to interrupt.

"Hey, sweethearts!" chimes her sweet accent, "In about half an hour, we'll reach Koh Tao Island. From Dragon Island you can discover the most beautiful underwater world. A magical journey with parrot fish, gray rays, sea urchins and corals and polyps kissed by the colorful nature.

Your snorkeling equipment will be ready for you in your sleeping cabins.

I want to show you an unforgettable spot at Hin Wong Bay, on the northeast coast of Dragon Island," Juna explains, watching the four men leave their suspended state.

They straighten up and give Juna their attention.

And Juna sees the look on Net's face as James comes more and more to himself, realizing how intimate Net's touch is.

Net sees James slowly move away from his hand resting on his face and carefully straighten up.

As if he's just come back from a dream.

As if it had all been a dream.

Net's worried look and James' tentative wonder.

"You guys really need to put on a lot of sunscreen. The sun can be much more intense in the water. Put on lots of lotion!", Juna sees everyone nodding.

She senses that she brought more interruption than she knew.

Net's gaze is tinged with melancholy as he seeks his peace in the ocean blue.

Juna sees James fix his eyes on the face of Net peering into the distance.

He is so much more settled.

He has yet to regain his awareness of what exactly had happened.

He thought he had lost Nat.

And showed himself defenseless.

And James briefly reflects on how it felt to be so defenseless.

And Juna's heart is strong and brave again as she catches sight of James loving smile.

James feels himself land in reality.

He reaches for Net's hand and pulls him up with him.

Net marvels.

"Well, let's go put on some suncream. Protection is always important!" he smiles at his Pi.

Net tries to suppress his rumbling glee and chuckles, nodding.

And already Juna is just standing in front of Max and Nat, who are sitting next to each other and both have their elbows propped up on their knees.

Juna has to grin.

Max's eyes hold something of a cover.

Every subtle pull of his stunning face keeps something covered with its gleam.


Hair-sharp, there's a covert, sensual aura around his countenance.

And Nat seems to be the one causing this aura.

He puts his dino in that state.

His lightness.

His smile.

And the way he looks at his Pi from the side.

Without returning the gaze, Max's body radiates their interaction.

Juna is so fascinated by this sight.

Max and Nat come from two completely different universes, but their atmosphere is one.

A hot-blue flaming, life-giving gravity surrounds them, allowing them to unite nonverbally.

"Let's get going too!" says Nat, noting Max's hesitation.

A hesitation that is only perceptible.

His Pi is back in that state.

When Max turns inward to sense.

Nat smiles and holds onto Max's arm delicately as they walk past Juna to their cabin.

Silent footsteps leading to a silent door.

Barely audible closing of the then silent door again.

And Nat squints at the floor as he walks past Max to get an overview.

Snorkel set on the bed.

Towels next to it.

And sunscreen on top.

He doesn't want his Pi to get sunburned.

He'll protect him.

And Nat reaches for the cream, runs up to Max and starts to take off his shirt.

Max sees the concentrated look on Nat's face.

He watches closely what his hands are doing to him.


Pulling it to the side.

Brushing a non-existent fuzz away from his chest.

So concentrated.

And he walks once around his Pi as he helps him out of his shirt.

And Max has to grin as he watches Nat clap his hands in satisfaction and reach for the cream.

And not a peep does he give his Pi.

And Max's heart melts.

He's giving him his space, while he's taking care of his protection.

And Nat's gaze is focused on every inch of cream he applies to Max's skin with his fingers.

He's focused.

Max is supposed to have himself fully.

I want him to be introspective.

I don't want him to feel pressured.

He's just going to protect him.

Give him his space.

While he creams his upper body.

And his rubbing movements resemble a harmonious melody.

Up his pecs to his shoulders.

More cream.

Along the neck.

Down his middle to his abs.

And Nat's expression is one of contented abstinence.

He only wants to protect him and demands nothing.

Max feels himself anointed with the sure protection of his love.

And at the same time he feels as free as the highest peak of any universe.

His Nong.

And Max can feel his emotion ripple through him as Nat lets his loving hands glide over his back and legs.

Taking care not to leave any burning spots.

Warm and safe.

Max, you are safe with me.

Do not be afraid.

There is nothing that can stand in our way!

You will not lose yourself!

I'll show you!

And after Nat has creamed Max's arms to his fingertips, he feels ready to look Max in the eyes again.

"You're ready!" he smiles at his Pi, "I'll cream myself."

And Max mild eyes see Nat turn around and take off his shirt.

As much as he likes this harmony freedom given to him.

As much as he enjoyed every moment.

He misses Nat so much.

So why is he turning away?

And Max's arms suddenly pull Nat against him from behind.

"Why are you being so dismissive?" growls Max, pouting.

Nat turns around and stares into his eyes in disbelief.

"I just put lotion all over your body and you say I'm being dismissive?" his indignant lips form.

Max laughs and reaches for his waist.

His kitty is too far away for him.

"Not the whole body!" he grins cheekily at him.

Nat can't stop his giggles.

"Oh, you're nuts!" he grumbles, trying to avoid Max's gaze.

And Max gets a punch against his protected chest.

And presses Nat all the harder against him.

"You hear the word wedding and you wet your pants right away!" grumbles Nat, "And to our friends you say: Sincere communication and courage for free love should be your companions!", he mimics his Pi and triggers a loud laughing fit in him.

Max doubles over laughing, but doesn't let Nat go.

His Nong is too funny and so incredibly mature.

He just can't believe it.

"Go ahead and laugh!" he hears his grim voice against his ear as he curls up against his tender chest, shaking it with laughter.

"I'll always give you your space. You don't have to feel locked up just because I bring it up!" he hears him whisper, "You're my man. And my love will always be yours. Even if you want to be just for yourself. Your heart is protected with me!", Nat declares sincerely and feels Max come to a halt.

Again, these overwhelming waves of emotion surge through Max's body.

He has found such a kitten.

Such a cute kitten with the most stunning attributes.

Smart and funny.



Fierce and strong.

And just his.

He will never give this kitten away again.

And with each passing minute of time, that becomes more and more clear to him.

"Come, let me put protection on you too!" growls Max against Nat's chest, running his hands under his armpits and just lifting him up.


He carries his kitten so high he can look up at his lithe filigree body.

Such a sweet kitty.

"You're doing something to me!" murmurs Max, his gaze penetrating Nat.

"I want to eat you up!" he presses his hungry lips against Nat's belly in front of his face.

And Nat's arms, hanging in the air, reach for the gorgeous hair on the gorgeous head, pressing into his belly with his teeth.

His hot tongue first tastes the places his greedy teeth are nibbling.

And Max slowly lets Nat take off again.

Until his face is in front of his and he can see into his dino's deepest hunger.

And Nat's heart fails at the sight.

He can't control his breathing.

And he groans out as Max takes his mouth.

With deep thrusts of his tongue allows to taste Nat's hot sweetness.

And he sucks and bites him with deep sound.

Nat is now just tender flesh in his hands and he surrenders to the intoxication of his desire.

"I'm going to eat you up!" his lips growl against Nat's, making him quiver.

Max begins to make his words come true as he grabs Nat's ass, lets himself be encircled, and presses him against the cabin door.

Sensual sounds resound against the low walls of the cabin.

Nat holds onto Max's shoulders as he feels his skin sucking between Max's wild lips.

Max bites and sucks on his magnificent neck, his Adam's apple, the little hollow where his collarbone opens.

These sweet peaks of pleasure of his tender chest.

And this delicious plump pleasure in his hands.

That soft peach between his fingers.

He wants more.

And puts Nat down and pushes him against the door with his big stature.

His body is completely covered by his hungry dino.

Nat looks up at his husband.

Max leans both arms against the door and bends his face to Nat's.

"I love you, my kitten, and I'm going to eat you up now!" his dangerous plea rings out.

And the prey gives himself to him full of desire.

Nat's sensual look is accompanied by a shy nod.

And he guides his hands down to his swim trunks.

And he frees himself.

Offers himself naked to his dino.

And is pulled moaning into wild currents.

His body quivers as his belly is caressed, his hips bitten and his flaming center sucked into the deep wells of lust.

And Max's hands slide and demand even more of his quivering midsection.

His tongue and hands take turns in the game of complete ecstasy.

Nat feels himself escalating as Max's lips suck and rub at his sensuality.

And those fingers announcing themselves to his inner point throbbing with pleasure.

Hot waves crash against his body from front and back.

And he feels himself turn abruptly.

Max kneels in front of him and presses him against the door with his big hand on his upper back.

And he takes his peach.

An interplay.

His hands lead the sensual beat just where his tongue still composed.

And his tongue.

Nat's deep sound quivers out of him as he feels Max massaging him with his tongue.

As he takes in each of his ecstatic points.

Licking him and spoiling him.

Making his pleasure spot cry out with desire.

And Nat holds his mouth tight with both hands as he feels Max's heavenly finger next to his tongue answer his pleading call.

Growling lust invades Nat and shoots him uncontrollably into the universe.

And Max's pumping hand on his member receives his supreme delight, while the other hand is still devoted to his prey's pleasure spot.

Nat gasps for breath and feels the next wave drifting in even higher.

"Give me!" he begs his hungry dino.

"I'm not full yet!" growls Max, standing up, taking Nat's hips and penetrating him.

Slowly and with hot greed.

He digs his hungry teeth into Nat's neck, thrown back with lust.

And thrusts.


And with a deep, barely audible bass.

His hands slide over his husband's hotly quivering body as he thrusts again.

And Nat's hands press against the door, giving support.

For the next thrust that enters him, covering him with deep pleasure.

And Max's hands dig deeper into his body as he sinks back into the hottest well of protection.


Two bodies loving each other become one in a slow beat.

Hot stiff breath swirls around their lust drenched bodies.

And hunger shows itself in gentle rhythm.

In a tender beat pushes Max both into the heaven of their love.

Until Nat's body colors the melody of their sensual beat much darker.

He writhes.

And wants more.

"Eat me up!" his hungry lips demand.

And Max surrenders to his greedy frenzy.

He grabs Nat's hips and gives himself the sight.

How he penetrates him hard.

How he is devoured by the hot body.

How every ounce of strength is sucked out of his body.



And with hot sound reaching him with each deep firm thrust.

And his intoxication shoots into all his veins as he feels his lust drive out of him with all its might.

And he protectively places his hand over Nat's mouth as they both stifle the cry of their highest ecstasy.

And his tender hands caress Nat's body in their symbiosis.

He presses it against his wildly beating chest.

"I love you! You are my protection! The safest place for my heart! I love you, Nat!" he whispers to his breathless kitten.

And Nat purrs contentedly, rubbing his face against Max's protecting chest.

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