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By vanwinklee

44.4K 1.3K 374

โ๐–ธ๐—ˆ๐—Ž ๐–ฝ๐—ˆ ๐—„๐—‡๐—ˆ๐— ๐—๐—๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—‚๐—†๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐—Œ๐—‚๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‹๐—‚๐—€๐—๐—?โž โ๐–ถ๐—๐–บ๐— ๐—‚๐—Œ?โž โ๐–ด๐—Œ. ๐–ถ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‚... More

1| Granger Household
2| Fork
3| Arabic Name
4| Toad Hunters
5| Friends
6| Brooms
7| Ring
8| Stranger
9| Worry
10| Swallowing Snitch
11| Train Ride Home
12| Dinner's
13| Christmas Morning
14| Malfoy's Christmas Ball
15| Area of Peace
16| Twin's
17| Pranking 101
18| Late Night Punishment
19| Thinking by the Lake
20| Frantic Last Day
21| Full Moon & Conversations
22| Dad Fight
23| Mum's Magazine
24| Pixies
25| Imagination
26| The Chamber
27| Bludger
28| Snake Language
29| Behind Smiling Faces
31| Uncovering The Truth
32| School of Sorrow
33| Last Day Joy
34| The Eight Roommates
35| Radio
36| Cheer Up, Malfoy
37| New York
38| New Year's
39| Aunt Marge
40| Black Robes
41| Dementors
42| Tea Reading
43| Hogsmeade
44| Stranger Reveal
45| Lupin's Story
46| Transformation
47| Tips for a Werewolf
48| Astoria Greengrass
49| Talk with Harry
50| Malfoy the Wise
51| Panicked Gryffindor's
52| Another Mystery
53| Map Malfunction
54| Sirius Black
55| Saving the Godfather
56| More Then Expected
57| Diffuse the Tension
58| Waves
59| Camping
60| World Cup
61| Stranger on Burned Ground
62| Trolley Lady
63| New Arrival's
64| The Three Curses
65| Goblet of Fire
66| Theo's Article
67| Hot Chocolate & Cookies
68| Albino Ferret
69| First Task
70| Ballroom Dancing
71| Dress Shopping
72| The Yule Ball
73| Happy Howlidays
74| Happy Howlidays PT.2
75| Barty's Threat
76| Late Night Reading
77| Second Task
78| Harry and the Pensieve
79| Night With Malfoy
80| Third Task
81| Barty Crouch Jr.
82| The Story of 1983
83| Baby-Sitting
84| 12 Grimmauld Place
85| Heart and Soul
86| Flavored Beans
87| The Pink Toad
88| Umbridge's Class
89| Run, Hide, Panic
90| Everything at Once
91| Thestrals
92| High Inquisitor
93| Possibly Impossible
94| Happy Memories
95| Dumbledore's Army
96| Severus Vs. Dolores
97| Sharing Secrets
98| Melodies for a Werewolf
99| The Letter
100| Reunite
101| Caught Red-handed
102| Apologies
103| Fireworks
104| The Ministry
105| Slughorn
106| Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
107| On the Racks
108| Amortentia
109| Now you Know
110| Cursed?
111| Dinner With Slughorn
112| Ron's First Match
113| Slughorn's Christmas Party
114| Ring of Fire
115| Won-Won and Daft Dimbo
116| Blood in the Water
117| Dumbledore's Downfall
118| Eight Potter's
119| Wedding Day
120| Regulus Arcturus Black
121| Ministry Infiltration
122| On the run
123| Godric's Hollow
124| The Three Brothers
125| Malfoy Manor
126| Lifeless
127| Battle of Hogwarts PT.1
128| Battle of Hogwarts PT.2
1| 19 Years Later
2| New Life
3| Back to King's Cross
4| Permanent Scars
5| Healing Process
6| Back in the World
7| Graves
8| An old Friend
9| Memories of the Past
10| Teddy's Return
11| Unboxing the Past
12| Manor Memories
13| Sleep Over
14| Muggle Cookies
15| Harry and Ron
16| The New Minister
17| A Gift
18| Old History
19| Ghosts
20| Back to Work
21| Dinner for two
22| His Mother
23| Brunch
24| Herbology Professor
25| Muggle Bus
26| The Market
27| New Plan
28| Plan B
29| Teddy's Findings
30| Chase her

30| Polyjuice

303 7 0
By vanwinklee


𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗿, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱. When I walked into The Great Hall, I had seen that the trio already found themselves spots, leaving me a spot next to Hermione. Theo and Blaise said their goodbyes before rushing off to their table, leaving me to plop down in my spot at the Gryffindor table. 

''Everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into.'' Hermione spike the second I sat down. I hadn't eaten anything all day, so I decided to use this opportunity to sneak in a couple of bites before we start rushing away again. It seems like Ron had the same idea, as he passed me over a brownie. 

''Crabbe and Goyle.'' Harry clarified for himself and Ron.

''Parkinson and Bulstrode for Hermione and I.'' I spoke, taking a bite into the brownie. At the moment, I was more interested in the brownie then I was at the mission we were supposed to be doing at this very moment. From the taste of it, it seemed like a mint, fudge brownie. I have a lot of experience with food, twelve years to be exact. 

''And we also need to make sure that the real Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy.'' Hermione continued to explain. 

''What about Bulstrode?'' I asked. 

''I've already taken care of her.'' Hermione waved her hand at me. The way she worded it made me feel like Bulstrode was dead, and I want the only one who thought so. ''I just mean that I knocked her out. She won't be waking up until the morning, as far as I know.'' She didn't seem completely sure, but hey, what did I know?

''How? To keep them away, I mean.'' Harry asked the girl. Hermione pulled three small cakes in her hands, showing them to us. They don't look half bad. 

''I've got it all worked out. I've filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught. Simple, but powerful.'' I tried taking one from her hands, but she just moved them further from me. Ron glanced to the Slytherin table, seeing Crabbe and Goyle eating everything around them while Malfoy has a scowl on his face. 

''You know how greedy Crabbe and Goyle are. They won't leave the Christmas Feast until every last drop of trifle is gone. Now once their asleep, hide them in a broom cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs.'' Hermione started to explain. 

''And who's hair are you ripping out?'' Ron asked.

''We've already been through this, Ron.'' I facepalmed towards the boy. 

''I've already got mine.'' Hermione brings up a small vile, inside the vile was a tiny hair. ''Millicent Bulstrode. She's in Slytherin. I got this off her robes.'' She then puts the vile away. 

''Small problem.'' I pipped up from beside Hermione and they all turn to look at me. ''Parkinson won't eat that.'' Pointing towards the third cupcake in Hermione's hands. 

''Why not?'' Harry asked. 

''She isn't like Crabbe and Goyle. She will leave whenever Malfoy leaves, and follow him right towards the Slytherin Common Room, where I can't get a strand of her hair.'' I explained, raising my arms afterwards. 

''Find a way to get to her when she's following Malfoy, then. And if that doesn't work, take the cake as a last resort if any of your plans don't work.'' Hermione handed me the small cake, then stood up from the table. ''Alright then. . .I'm going to go check on the Polyjuice Potion. Remember, just make sure Crabbe and Goyle find these.'' She then points to the small cakes in the table, before walking off. 

''Have you ever heard of a plan where so many things could go wrong?'' Ron asked us. 

''All the time.'' I responded, shrugging and standing from my seat in the bench. 

''How are you going to handle Parkinson?'' Harry asked. 

''You will soon find out.'' I told them with a smug look. Honestly, I didn't even know what I was going to do. 

Walking out of the Great Hall, I only had about three minutes to come up with a plan before Parkinson and Malfoy come walking down the corridor. I could ask Fred and George for help, all I really need it the hair and something to keep her distracted enough to not go into the Slytherin Common Room. Hermione said that we should try not to harm them. 

Well, I tried and I failed. 

''Major Granger! What is running in that head of yours?'' Peeves came floating from the floor below, hanging upside down while holding the end of his feet. 

''I need to find a way, to keep someone away from a certain place for a certain amount of time.'' I replied. 

''I understood nothing of what you had just said.'' Peeves laughed, switching his position so that he was sitting upright with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed over one another. 

''Let's just say, I've got to get rid of someone for about an hour or two.'' I tried to clarify. 

''I could make them disappear!'' Peeves suggested, flying in-front of me. 

''How and where, exactly?'' I asked, intrigued by his offer. 

''Like this.'' Peeves snapped his fingers and I was no longer in Hogwarts. 

I looked around, left and right but couldn't see the familiar stone castle anywhere. As I continued to look, I had noticed that Peeves wasn't here either. A rumbling sound could be heard from behind me, when I turned around, it was a stampede of animals. There were elephants, bucks, yaks, bison, zebra's and some giraffe's. 

''PEEVES!'' I shouted, running in-front and away from the stampede as fast as I could. Let's just hope Peeves doesn't kill me. ''COME ON, PEEVES!'' I shouted once more, hoping the ghost could hear me. 

When I looked over my shoulder, there was an elephant right behind me. I was starting to run slower and slower then what I have been running earlier. I was turned around for too long, that I hadn't seen the tree root sticking out of the tree and tripped over it. The elephant grew closer and closer, until it's foot war right above my head. 

My hands instantly covered my head and I curled up into a ball, getting ready to feel to pressure of the Elephant's foot, smashing my skull. Only, I hadn't felt anything. Not an Elephant's foot, not the crushing of my skull, and not even the rumbling noise. Fluttering my eyes open, I found myself in the same corridor Peeves had just teleported me from. 

Peeves was laughing from behind me, while I struggled to stand. I wanted to hold onto Peeves for support but I couldn't, since he was a ghost and my hand would go right through his shoulder.

''What. . .was that?'' I asked, finally catching my breath. 

''A way to get rid of said student.'' Peeves smiled, floating in his stomach with his legs kicked up and his head in his hands, which were being supported by his elbows. 

''Now that. . .'' I trailed off, shaking my index finger at the Poltergeist, while my hands were on my knee's. ''. . .was brilliant. Follow me, I'll show you the target.'' I finally caught my breath and led Peeves down the corridor, where Malfoy and Parkinson would be walking past soon.

I hid behind a corner with Peeves, telling him that I needed a hair from Parkinson before Peeves could snap her to another location. Peeves said to let him handle the situation, which I was a little nerved about, but it seemed like he had the situation under control.

''But why, Dracy!'' Parkinson could be heard whining from around the corner.

''Because I told you, it's not yours.'' Malfoy could be heard, arguing with the girl. 

''It's not yours either, you stole it from the Mudblood.'' Parkinson replied. Instead of another snarky comeback, he stayed silent. Just from the way she had said 'Mudblood', I could tell she was talking about either Hermione or myself. 

''Alright, just the girl, Peeves. And don't forget, I need a hair from her. A hair from her head.'' I clarified, explaining the plan to Peeves again. He gave me a salute before flying off and behind Parkinson. 

Parkinson had her arms crossed with her nose scrunched, looking like a pig at the moment. Peeves was floating behind her, mimicking her actions. I had to turn back around the corner to try and not laugh, which would give Peeves away. 

When I turned back around, I saw that Malfoy was rounding the corner with no Parkinson behind him. Peeves must've already snapped her to another location, which I didn't know where she was exactly sent too. I came out from my hiding corner, looking around for any sight of Peeves with the hair that I needed. 

''Boo!'' I jumped as Peeves sudden voice behind me, causing him to laugh at my actions. 

''Very funny, Peeves.'' 

''I thought it was.'' He smiled at me. I playfully rolled my eyes at the Poltergeist.

''Did you get the hair?'' He replied by showing me the vile with Parkinson's black hair in it. ''Where did you send her, exactly?'' 

''Let's just say, if she plays her cards right, then the lions will get a good lunch.'' Peeves replied, mimicking a mauling action. I laughed at the Poltergeist, he really is one of the best wingmen ever. 

''Thank you, Peeves. I owe you one.'' 

''You owe me a lot, actually.'' He replied smugly, before laughing and flying away in his usual style. 

I shook my head as he left, a small chuckle escaping my mouth. Harry and Ron should've already taken care of Crabbe and Goyle, and are probably with Hermione at the potion right now, so that's where I headed. They were all in Slytherin robes, Hermione leaned over the potion as Harry and Ron watch. 

''Here. Put these on.'' Hermione handed me some Slytherin robes she had got from the laundry not too long ago. I nodded, grabbing the Slytherin robes and walking into a stall to change. ''I'm sure I've done everything right. It looks like the book said it should. Once we've drunk it, we'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves.'' 

''Now what?'' Ron asked as I stepped out of the stall, now in Slytherin robes. 

''We separate it into four glasses and add the hairs.'' Hermione started to pour the Polyjuice Potion into four glasses. Ron and Harry look at each other with disgusted faces, and I don't blame them. The potion looks chunky and is a weird shade of green with just an overall, weird looking texture. I can't believe I have to drink this with Parkinson hair. 

When the potion is separated, Hermione hands us all a glass and we put the hairs into the potion. The potion changes a couple of colors, a little bit of a darker green, some black, and some weird shade of pink along the sides. 

''Ugh. Essence of Crabbe.'' Ron grimaced. We all look at each other before giving a small cheers, and drinking the potion. Only, I hadn't drank the green goo just yet. I wanted to wait and watch if the potion actually worked before I had tried it out for myself. ''I think I'm going to be sick. . .'' Ron rushed to a stall.

''Me too.'' Hermione also rushed to a stall. Harry looked like he was also about to be sick, but he just went to the sink of the bathroom. 

When Harry doubled over the sink, he watched his skin bubble, which made me scrunch my nose at the scene. His hands bubbled and grew thicker, so did his face, which contorted into a chubbier state. His scar was gone and his usual raven hair was now a brown color. Ron stepped out of the stall, still in shock about the transformation. 

''Harry?'' Ron asked, Harry turned around at the sound of his best friends voice. 


''Bloody hell.'' Ron spoke. 

''You still sound like yourselves. You need to sound more like Crabbe and Goyle.'' I reminded the two. Ron adjusted his voice before trying again. 

''Bloody hell.'' He spoke in a deeper voice. 

''Lower.'' Harry added. 

''Bloody hell.'' Ron spoke, in a slightly deeper voice. 

''Less intelligent.'' I then added.

''Bloody hell.'' Ron spoke again, trying to make his tone sound dumber. 

''Excellent.'' Harry and I said in unison. 

''Hey. . . Where's Hermione?'' Ron asked, looking towards the closed stall door. 

''I-I don't think I'm going. Go on without me.'' Hermione spoke, sounding a little worried by her words. 

''Hermione, are you okay?''

''Yeah, are you alright, sis?'' Harry and I asked. I wanted to open the stall, but only if she said so, because the stall door was locked. 

''Just go! You're wasting time!'' Hermione shouted. 

''Y/n, drink the potion already.'' Harry urged. 

''Ugh. Fine.'' I scrunched my nose at the drink in my hand. As I brought it up to my lips, I did so as slowly as possible, Ron came and smacked the bottom of the glass, making it all fall into my mouth. ''I swear to Merlin, Ronald!'' I shouted at the ginger, only causing him to laugh. 

When I swallowed the potion, I could feel my body start changing, some bones moving in different places and the skin bubbling up on my hands and face. It was not a good feeling whatsoever. My once y/h/c was now turning black and bobbed. My face now becoming more pig like then it was human. 

''I look so much like her, I think the mirror has broken.'' I commented, looking at the cracked mirror that was above the same sink that Harry doubled over a few moments ago. Ron just to hold in a laugh, as Harry was doing the same, but he quickly ushered us out of the bathroom to find the Slytherin Common Room. 

We walked out of the bathroom and into an abandoned corridor, the torches on the wall lighting the corridor just the slightest. 

''I think the Slytherin Common Room is this way.'' Harry pointed to the right end of the corridor, making me furrow my brows. 

''Wrong, Potter. It's this way.'' I moved his pointed hand and moved it towards the left end of the corridor. Both the boys gave me a weird look for knowing where to go. ''I have friends from Slytherin, remember?'' Ron shrugged, knowing that he wouldn't win on the subject. 

We started down the corridor, with me in-front of Harry and Ron, who flanked my sides. So it technically looked natural, Crabbe and Goyle being led around the castle by Parkinson. Just no Malfoy in sight. 

''Excuse me.'' Came a voice from down the corridor. We all froze in our tracks, seeing a curly haired ginger, looking like he was about in his fifth year. The more I looked at him, the more I remembered that the boy was Percy Weasley, a prefect. 

Ron gasped as Percy walked closer, forgetting that he wasn't being seen as Ronald Bilius Weasley at the moment. 

''What are you doing down-'' Ron stopped when Harry nudged him with his elbow and I kicked his shin, making Ron cough and lower his voice. ''I mean. What are you doing down here?'' He asked in a deeper voice, making it sound more like Crabbe. 

Percy stopped in-front of us, glances between all three of us. ''I happen to be school prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridor's at this time of night.'' He spoke.  Ron had a guilty look on his face and Harry nodded, looking down at the floor. 

They are terrible actors, the real Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't do that. Now they were making us even more suspicious then before, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Scoffing at the two behind me, I turned back towards Percy and straightened my posture, holding my nose in the air the way Parkinson always does. 

Percy notices this, glaring at me for a second before glancing at Harry and Ron, then back in my direction. 

''What are your names again?'' He asked. 

''I'm-'' Harry started, but didn't finish. He pointed towards Ron before looking at me for help. I shook my head and opened my mouth, about to shout some sarcastic remark. 

''Crabbe. Goyle. Parkinson.'' Malfoy came around the corner behind us, catching all our gazes. ''Where have you three been? Pigging out in the Great Hall, all this time?'' He remarked, once he came closer he glared at Harry and Ron before glaring at me. Only, once he reached to glare at me, it softened just the slightest. 

Harry and Ron nodded frantically, trying not to give themselves away too easily. I'm surprised they haven't done so already. Malfoy stopped between the three of us, a copy of The Daily Prophet in his hand. 

''Why are you wearing glasses?'' Malfoy asked, scanning up and down Harry's face with furrowed brows. If we get caught because of Harry's glasses, I will kill this boy myself. Ron's eyes were widened, I was about to facepalm myself, Percy was standing there watching the four of us, as Harry finally came to a realization and pulled his glasses off his face. 

''I- uh- um. . .reading.'' He answered, putting his glasses in the pockets of his robes. 

''Reading?'' Malfoy repeated. Harry nodded and Ron looked like he could faint any moment now. ''I didn't know you could read.'' He stated, turning around to look at Percy. Ron, Harry and I gave each other a look, saying that we were lucky that time. 

Before Malfoy turned around, he gave an impressed face towards Harry. I let out a breath of relief that Malfoy hadn't questioned any further, otherwise we would've all been doomed right here and now. 

''And what are you doing down here, Weasley?'' Malfoy sneered. Percy was finally being acknowledged since he just watched the whole ordeal happen between Harry and Malfoy, though neither Percy nor Malfoy knew that. 

''Mind your attitude, Malfoy.'' Percy said through gritted teeth. I think he was still fazed about what happened between Arthur and Lucius at Flourish and Blotts. Actually, I don't think Ron is still over it either, nor are Hermione and Harry. 

Malfoy raised his brows at Percy before walking down the corridor, Harry, Ron and I following close behind. I silently punished Harry for forgetting to put his glasses on, by continuously stepping on his feet while we were walking. 

We reached the Slytherin Common Room, Malfoy plopping down on one of the black leather couches next to the fireplace. It felt cold down here, but then again, the Slytherin Common Room was located in the dungeons. I haven't been in here, I've only accompanied Blaise and Theo here a couple of times. 

Everything was either black or a shade of green, along with the colored stone that came along with the school. Some people might say that the room seemed dull, but in my opinion, the room is magnificent. Though, I couldn't fantasize about the room for long since i had to act like I've been here before. 

''Well, sit down.'' Malfoy commanded, gesturing towards the opposite couch. Harry and Ron took up a full couch, so I had to sit on the same couch that Malfoy was sat on currently. I looked to Harry and Ron, to find them looking at me, pleading that I sit there. 

With a quiet sigh, I plopped myself down at the other end of the couch Malfoy was on. It was a little difficult to even sit here, seeing as Malfoy had his legs stretched out in-front of him.  He gave me a weird look, I just hoped he didn't think I was acting off. Harry and Ron looked around the room for a few seconds, before Malfoy started talking again. 

''You'd never know the Weasley's were pure-blood's. The way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the Wizarding World, all of them.'' Malfoy looked smug, his main attention on Harry and Ron at the moment. 

It seemed a little weird, he doesn't know that we aren't the original Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson. Right? When Ron heard what Malfoy had said, he started glaring daggers at Malfoy while balling his hand into a fist on his knee. 

''What's wrong with you, Crabbe?'' Malfoy asked. Harry elbowed Ron, telling him to leave it be. 

''Stomach ache.'' Ron responded, putting a hand on his stomach. Malfoy bought the excuse, and continued his little rant. 

''You know, I'm surprised The Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. My father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened at this place.'' Malfoy now focused his gaze on Goyle, who seemed to be tensing his jaw. 

''You're wrong!'' Harry suddenly shouted. Ron and I both shot our heads in his direction, making Harry suddenly regret his decision to start speaking. 

Malfoy's once smug face and smirk, had now turned stone cold, as he stared right into Harry's face. I could feel the fear radiating off the boy on the other couch. Harry tried avoiding his eyes somewhere other then Malfoy, as Ron looked over at Harry. Malfoy swung his legs off the couch and stood up, making more fear bubble up inside of Harry. Ron having fear for his best friend. 

''What? You think there's someone here, who's worse, then Dumbledore?'' Malfoy asked, his gaze never leaving Harry's. Ron shook his head back and forth, trying to save his friend from what he had gotten himself into. Harry looked down, trying to figure out a response. ''Well? Do you?'' Malfoy was getting impatient. 

''Harry Potter.'' I commented from behind Malfoy, making all three of the boys turn in my direction. Ron nodded with his head low, as did Harry. Harry gulped as he nodded his head once, glancing between me and Malfoy's expression. 

I thought he was going to deny my comment, or come up with another sarcastic remark to my comment from earlier. Only, a smirk appeared on his face and the smallest chuckle came from him. 

''Good one, Parkinson.'' Malfoy spoke. Harry, Ron and I all shared a breath of relief. ''You're absolutely right. Saint Potter.'' He said with a scowl on his face. ''And people actually think that he's the Heir of Slytherin?'' Harry and Ron shared a look, while I looked over at Malfoy wanting him to continue his rant. 

''But then you must have some idea who's behind it all?'' Harry spoke, trying to get more information from Malfoy. 

''You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday.'' Malfoy walked over and sat on a little table that was a few feet away from the couches. I was sitting on the edge of the couch, listening intently to Malfoy. ''How many times do I have to tell you?'' He picked up a small wrapped box off the table, tossing it from one hand to the other. 

He brought the box up to his ear, shaking it before looking towards Harry. ''Is this yours?'' He asked. Harry shook his head, his gaze set on the hardwood floor. He turned towards me, silently asking the same question but I also denied it. 

Malfoy put the small wrapped box into his pocket, which I probably would've also done. I mean, it wasn't any of ours and nobody else was here to take it. 

''But my father did tell me this. It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time, before one of them is killed this time.'' This was starting to become intense. 

''As for me, I hope it's Granger.'' Here we go. Ron had shot out of his spot from the couch, moving towards Malfoy to pick a fight with him. I had my eyes widened, as Harry shot up from his spot to hold Ron back from beating up Malfoy. ''What's the matter with you two?'' Malfoy asked with furrowed brows. ''You're acting very. . .odd.''

''It's his. . .stomach ache.'' Harry responded, answering for Ron. Harry turned around to mumble to Ron, which I could hear faint words. Malfoy pulled the small wrapped present from his pocket, looking around the room like some thief. 

''S-s-scar.'' Ron mumbled, pointing towards Harry's forehead. I turned towards the two, standing from my seat and joining in on their little huddle session. Harry felt his forehead, feeling his scar forming, and pointing towards Ron's head. 

''Hair.'' He was right, the ginger hair was coming back and that would be a huge giveaway. When they looked towards me, they hadn't seen anything changing yet, so I waved them out of the room, telling them I would meet with them later. 

''Hey, where are you two going?'' Malfoy shouted after the two boys. He had already opened the wrapped box, which had incased some sort of vile. It looked like it was also being used, because there was some liquid in it. A potion, nonetheless. When I had tried to get a closer look, Malfoy had shoved the vile into his pocket. ''Mind your business.'' 

''Merlin, just curious.'' I mumbled, forgetting that I was still looking like Parkinson. 

''What was that, Parkinson?'' Malfoy asked, jumping off the table. 

''Nothing.'' I raised my hands in the air, a surrendering motion. When I turned back towards the couch, something on the side table had caught my eye. It was my ring. The very ring he had stolen from me a year ago. 

I used this as my chance to snatch my ring back and leave the room, but before I could reach the ring, another hand had grabbed it. 

''What are you doing?'' I slightly shouted at Malfoy. 

''What are you doing, Parkinson? How many times have I told you, don't touch this.'' Malfoy 'reminded' me. I furrowed my brows. 

''Why not? Why can't I touch my ring?'' I asked, standing to get to his height. Malfoy looked at me with a glare and furrowed brows this time.

''Your ring?'' He asked, getting closer. 

''I mean her ring. Hers. That's what I said, her ring.'' I tried to fix my mistake, thankfully Malfoy had bought it and continued on. 

''Maybe because I don't want your dirty hands touching it. Ever thought of that?'' 

''And what will happen if I do touch it? Why do you even keep it, huh?'' I asked with my arms crossed. 

''That's for me to know and you to leave alone.'' He got closer into my space, his jaw clenched as he still had the vile in his pocket and my ring clutched in his hand. 

I hadn't noticed until now, but we were quite close. Malfoy's face was right in-front of mine, I could feel his breath on my nose. Malfoy must've noticed too, because something flashed through his eyes before he scoffed and turned away. 

As he was turned in the opposite direction, I used this as my chance to run from the Slytherin Common Room without being yelled at like Harry and Ron were. Malfoy hadn't noticed I left, because he was too busy keeping the ring safe in his hands. I just wanted my ring back and that seemed pretty impossible. 

When I walked into the corridor, I made my way back up to the bathroom that we had left Hermione in, thinking that they would still be there by the time I had left the Slytherin Common Room. 

''Hey guys, I'm back.'' I greeted myself when I had closed the door, transforming into my original self. It felt amazing to finally be rid of Parkinson's body, and now it just sounds like I'm a murderer for saying something like that. 

''Hermione is a cat!'' Ron shouted, rushing towards me and holding my shoulders. 

''Excuse me, what?'' I asked, blinking a couple of times. I still couldn't comprehend what Ron had just said. 

''Hermione. Is. A. Cat.'' He repeated slower this time. 

''I thought she was supposed to be turning into Bulstrode?'' I asked, walking towards the area that Harry and Hermione were currently standing in. ''Oh my, Hermione.'' I spoke with widened eyes, seeing Hermione was indeed, a cat now. 

She had ears and bright yellow eyes, along with a cat snout and a tail. Her fur was brown, just like her hair was before she changed into a cat. She told us that the Polyjuice Potion was only meant for human transformations and not animal ones, I just didn't think anything like this would've happened. 

''She has a tail!'' Ron shouted. Harry facepalmed and Hermione looked down with a sigh. I gave Ron a weird look, as he just kept smiling and mentioning the tail that Hermione now had. 

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