SUMMER LOVER<3 Conrad Fisher

By Macdollars

28.4K 218 3

Logan Conklin older twin sister of Steven Conklin by 2 minutes, and older sister of belly Conklin by 1 year a... More

about logan
๏ฟผ eight


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By Macdollars

summer lover
Logan's first person pov

me and Conrad get in to the car with him sitting in the driver seat and me in the passenger "wait we can't go" i say frowning at Conrad sitting across from me "what why" "bc if we get pulled over they can test if we have alcohol in our system and it will be positive" "oh shit maybe tmr" "yeah I guess i need sleep though" i say walking into the house everyone still asleep

"i don't wanna walk upstairs come sleep with me on the couch" con says getting a blanket for us too "fine but my bed better" i say walking over to the couch "true that, you remember that photo you posted where I was laying on top of you" he ask

"yeah what about it" i say look at him confused "let's re-create it" he say smiling at me "fine you're lucky I'm being so nice to you" i say laying down on the same couch from the photo

he lays down on top of me "why did you forgive noah" "i don't know i feel bad" "why he cheated on you" he says lifting his head up from my chest "it's not like we're gonna be besties, i still have him blocked" "good don't unblock him"

"what did Nicole call you for, i mean you don't have to tell me" i say nervously "she was asking me if you were ok and if i was taking good care of you" he said not looking at me "well you did a good job thank you" i say looking at the ceiling avoiding eye contact "thanks for asking me to kiss you i enjoyed it" "yeah me" i say confused

he falls asleep on me but nothing makes sense dose he like me not but i can't ask him that weird

i end up falling asleep to but walking up to flashing lights in my eye "what the fuck!" i say mad that i just got woken up

everyone runs away Conrad end up walking up "why are you yelling in my ear" he asks pushing his head more in my chest "because our family is weird and taking photos of us" "y'all are weird for sleeping like that" Steven says "agreed just date already" jeremiah joins in

"can you all shut that fuck up!" Conrad yells with his head face in my chest making my skin crawl "Conrad let me get up so you can sleep"i say trying to move his head "no you literally are the perfect pillow" he says looking into my eyes

"you mean her boobs are" jeremiah say "hey that's my twin" Steven says hitting jeremiah's arm

"Conrad just let me get up so you can go back to sleep" i say looking back into his eyes "ugh fine you're very annoying Logan" "yeah yeah i know i am" I am moving up and re-putting the blanket on him

"do you dummies ever shut up" i say looking at jer and steven "why are you wearing his clothes" my mom says looking me up and down getting an 'oooo' from Steven and jer

"he gave me them because my were all bloody i swear" i say walking to the bathroom

third person

"i don't see Conrad complying" Laurel says as Logan walks out of the bathroom "complying about what" Logan asks as she sits down by her mom

" Susanna wants to paint us while we're young" jeremiah says look at Logan "oh yeah trust me he'll completely when he's not hung over" Logan says looking at her mom "what do you think about it" Laurel asks her daughter sitting next to her "i don't mind it's not like we can get out of it" Logan explains "are ready for work" Steven asks Logan "what! no i forgot!" she exclaims running up the stairs to change

"where did Logan go" Conrad asks the rest of the group "to get ready for work" jeremiah tells his brother "why she said she wanna gonna hang out with me" "to bad buddy she'll be with me all day" jeremiah tells Conrad to piss him off "sadly i'll be with you i'm sorry connie i forgot i had work" Logan says walking down the stairs

Logan's lifeguard outfit + jean shorts

"i'll be ok if i get to keep looking that" Conrad says looking Logan up and down "oh shut up" she says pushing his head

"good thing i do" jeremiah says "do you want me to punch you" Conrad yells from the other room

"can you give him his hangover smoothie" jer says look at Logan "yeah of course" she says taking the glass and walking over to Conrad

"here you go connie" she says giving him the glass "thanks" she starts to walk away when Conrad grabs her leg "stay" he says watching her turn around and look at him "your nose looks really bad Logan are you sure you're gonna be okay"

"yeah don't worry about me con" Logan smiles as the boy in front of her kisses her nose "maybe i'll come visit the club" he say smiling back

"belly where have you been" Laurel says to her youngest daughter in the kitchen "belly!" Logan yells from the living room "no yelling" Conrad says rubbing his head "i'm sorry"

Logan walks into the kitchen "hey bellybutton" she says smiling at her little sister "dang your nose is fucked" she says reaching out to touch it

Logan swerves her finger "yeah i know it hurts like hell"

"uhh cereal" jeremiah asks belly "yeah hit me" she say looking at the boy pour her cereal

"oh my god!" susannah says running in to the kitchen "belly's gonna be a debutante" "that great bells I just know you're gonna look gorgeous" Logan says look at her sister with a smile

"it's really not that big of a deal" belly's says giving Susanna a hug "i'm sorry my sister belly that thing right there" Steven says making fun of belly

"shut up cretin" she says back "this is gonna be so much fun just you wait there's the tea the auction the ball of course I've got to write this down" Susanna says "we did it last year you can do it again and better probably" Logan says looking at susannah

"you might have to help us Logan" Susannah says smiling at the oldest girl "uhh wait what" Logan says nervously giggling "have fun Logie" says Conrad giving his best friend a thumbs up Logan gives her friend in the other room her middle finger

"this sounds expensive" Laurel starts to say "oh it's on me it was my idea and i paid for Logan" Susannah says "but Logan's not as expensive" Laurel states "are you sure you wanna do this it doesn't seem like you" she finish's "because it not she's just trying to be like Logan" Conrad say looking into the kitchen

"Conrad can you please be a little more supportive" susannah says look at her oldest son "well it's messed up that Logan didn't have her blood family their but this time belly does get" he say back getting up from the coach "Logan?" belly says looking at her sister

"i means he's not wrong but it's fine i don't care anymore at lest i had the fishers and dad" Logan says trying to bring up the mood

belly just looks down at her bowl "now which one of you is gonna be belly's escort for the ball" Susannah say looking at her 2 boys

"not me i went last year" connie say "yeah i swore of balls" jeremiah says making Logan spit her water everywhere getting everyone to laugh "dances you weirdo" he says looking at the girl cleaning her spit off the floor

"wow guys stop fighting over me" belly says "i'm gonna fine my own date"

"good for you bells you don't want to take these to idiots anyway" Logan say still on the floor "we're the idiots you're on the floor cleaning up spit" Conrad says looking down at the girl "oh shut it connie"

"i'm going for a swim have fun at work Logan"Conrad says look at the girl getting up from the ground "i'll try and save many lives to make you proud dr fisher" she says the last part in a british accent he just laughs at her

"Let's go we got work" Steven says "alright chill out" Logan says walking out the house with the 2 boys


Logan standing by jer in the lifeguarding chair "i hate standing" the girl says look at the boy "to bad loser" he says back making sure he looks comfy

"hey jeremiah and logan" gigi says in the water "i didn't know you were working here this summer" Logan blows her whistle "hey billy no choking alright" she says to the boys in the water while gigi and jeremiah flirt

"hey Logan!" yells Andre "Andre what's up" the girl says walking away from jeremiah "i didn't know you were a lifeguard" he says looking her up and down "yeah it's and easy way to kiss more people" she say sarcastically "i guess that means i need to go drown" he says back "i'll get jer to save you then" "wow so mean"

Conrad's first person pov

i sit still on the boardwalk of our house "uh so how Nicole" my mom asked me while she painting me "can we don't do this... like no i come out here to sit for this portrait and I'm out here sitting more than happy to be here  but can we not make thing a bonding experience" i say back try not to be rude i just don't wanna talk about Nicole

"well i'm sorry for wanting to bond with my son before he leaves" "but what about you and Logan you guys were so happy to see each other" she asked like she already knows something

"i mean yeah of course we were happy to see each other were best friends i don't just it different when i'm with her, i forget all the bad thing happening in life and i just can't help being so happy around her" i say looking and my mother with the biggest smile

"i really love that girl Conrad and i can tell she sees something in you don't hurt her is all i ask" "i could never hurt Logan you know that mom" we just smile at each other

"but listen if you wanna spend your summer moping around I can't stop you but no more day drinking sleeping past noon you need to get a job" she says i can tell she cares "yeah" i say back god i hate jobs

Logan's fist person pov

"i cant be leave my little sister is gonna be on her first date" i say laying across Susannah's bed "do i look good" she turns and asks me "yes you look like a mini me he gonna fall right in love" i say adoring my little sister in front of me "look at you" she says

               Logan's outfit for the book club

"you both look amazing" Susanna looking at us i turn to belly and smile "you got this text me if something happens and i'll be right there ok" i say my first ever date was bad and i don't want her going though that

"you both look nice Logan are you gonna on a date" my mom says look me and my sister standing "uhh no i just wanted to look nice but you know who is going on a date" i say turning to my sister

"omg belly that amazing" my moms says " I can't believe crop tops are back remember that one I used to always wear in high school thinking I was hot shit" Susanna says looking at my mom "i'll get you ready for the boys" i say walking out the room while they talk about cam

"hey boys" i say watching in the living room right before they start a match " are you not going to the Book store"Steven asks "no i am why dose everyone think i have a date" i say looking at the boys "because you look to hot for some book thing" Conrad says looking into my eyes

"i don't have a date i just wanted to look nice is that a crime" i say as they shake their heads no " I have to introduce you to the new mini me" i say they turn their heads to me "i don't know if that's a good idea to have a mini you" Conrad says confused i give him a look

"welcome bellybutton!" i say opening my arms as she walks into the room "damn you" jeremiah says spinning her around "can you both stop flirting with my sisters" Steven says "Shut up Steven!" belly says raising her voice "but you both look good" he says i just smile and him

i go to sit by Conrad "are you driving with us" jer says i kinda felt bad because i could see he liked her "i'm not going to the book party i have a date" she says

"now i see why you said mini you, going on dates kissing boys but still not as hot as you" Conrad whispers into my ear kissing my cheek that i started to blush on

"with who" jeremiah asks "oh his here bye thanks Logan" she says walking to the mirror "yeah of course" i say back

"who is she going on a date with" Jeremiah asks me seeming a little jealous and upset "cam cameron" i say smiling he looks disappointed

third person pov

Logan and Conrad keep throwing back Chardonnay "look how stupid our brothers are" the girl says to the guy beside her both looking at Steven and Jeremiah stacking books to see how high it can go "very stupid how are you i see you covered your nose up" Conrad says look back at the girl

"yeah i didn't want people to say anything rude but i'm ok kinda just wish we were by ourselves" she says taking a sip of the same glass she's been Refilling over and over

"well if anyone did say anything i'll kick their ass but i wish we were to" the boy says smiling at Logan "i would like to see you kick someone's ass for me" "i might have to" the 2 teens look into each other eyes just admiring the other person

"I really liked it" says a man in front of Laurel "you read my book" she says surprised "yeah i thought it was really interesting how you made Iris the narrator" he says with his hands in his pockets

"what do you mean" " what the story has she was telling us about her marriage and it was so clearly wasn't the real story" he say " I don't think that's entirely true" she says back to the man

" Cleveland can't wait for the next one" some dude points at the guy in front of Laurel "so what is the next one" Laurel asks Cleveland

"it's manly about sailing sort of a modern epic" he says "you sail" "surprised" he say laughing "kinda i thought you were a Brooklyn hipster" she says smiling "ooo" " do people say hipster anymore"  she says questioning her words "no" they both laugh

"but you're right I don't sail i'm gonna learn you know i like to write about thinks i know nothing about to completely immerse myself into New World but the problem with that I am completely lost at sea" he says talking about almost whispering the two share a laugh again

"you see that boy over there" she asks pointing to Conrad and Logan "uhh yeah The one by that girl that have both been pounding Chardonnay" he say looking back "Conrad!" she says getting the attention of the two

"come over here" she says to the boy Logan stays back until he turns around and grabs her hand "you have to come with me" he says as the 2 walk hand in hand to Logan's mom

"Conrad, Logan this is Cleveland he's writing a book about sailing but also knowing nothing about sailing" Logan can't help but chuckle

"Conrad is a great sailor" she implies "uhh do you teach i could use the lessons" Cleveland says giving him a card "did my mom put you up to this" he says upset Logan can't help but notice "what why" Laurel ask the boy " typical" he says letting go of Logan's hand walking away

"uhh i'm sorry i don't know why he's acting like this but i'll make sure he teaches you" Logan say following Conrad "are they dating" Cleveland asked Laurel "uhh no just deeply in love and clueless"

Logan grabs Conrad's arm "hey what's wrong" she ask the boy "my mom she just medaling in my life like always" he says look at the girl he left  "i'm sorry i left you be hind" he takes her hand again and they plop on the couch

"this shit's so boring can we go somewhere" Conrad asks "yeah where" seven says still looking at his phone " we could go into town and buy some weed from that guy with the Rainbow Dash tattoo" Logan says "he got arrested last summer " jeremiah says looking up from him phone

"we could go into the drive in" steven suggest "we can't ruin belly's first date and I don't wanna see her making out with some boy" Logan says grossed out "yo actually let's go to the drive-in" jer says

Logan kept telling the three boys no Conrad lifted her up pulling her around his waist "my dress you dummy" she says as he covers her butt with his hands "we're have fun and you're coming whether you like it or not" he says putting her into the backseat with him 

"if she gets mad i tried to tell y'all no got it" Logan says pointing her finger around "yeah yeah don't worry" Conrad says pulling her in close

The fourth of them get to the drive-in all the boys are doing kissing sounds while Logan just has her hand over her head

" what the hell do you think you're doing!" belly says yelling at the boys and she gets out of the car "just catching the end of our favorite movie" Steven says still laughing

"Logan are you serious I thought you'd be one to understand" she yells at Logan " it wasn't her idea we force her to come don't be mad at logan" Conrad says making sure Logan doesn't get yelled at

" you have no right you have to be here go" the girl says pissed off " oh belly chill out here just joking around" "Steven I swear to god if you don't leave I'll send everyone in this car you're Dramione fanfic"

" you wouldn't" he says " he spent an entire chapter talking about Draco's wand" Logan says in the back "it's ok draco's hot man" Jeremiah says as everyone makes fun of him

belly looks Jeremiah in the eye "please leave" "all right let's go guys" jer says "Steven drive the car" belly say slamming his door " you were the one who wanted to come jeremiah" Steven says starred in the car

"connie come sleep in my room tonight" Logan says as her and Conrad walk up the stairs "ok i'll meet you in 5" he says they both change the shorts and a T-shirt the 2 end up falling asleep cuddling and Jeremiah got yelled at downstairs by belly(like when she yelled at Conrad)

                      what Logan's wearing

OK so how do you feel about this chapter I kind a like it I rushed through it though to get it done today because I was super busy throughout the day but still wanted to post

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