Irikumu Tsukisan

By Winterbunny13

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An Original story about a woman in the far future who uses her time to play VR Otome game. Based off of a cha... More

New Game
The Other Side
Some Kind Of Wonderful
Time Off
I Want to Understand
True Strike
Taken Offense
Through the Looking Glass

Forging Your Route

2 0 0
By Winterbunny13

Seeing Hibiki in a cage was strange. A good looking guy locked up and moping. She understood how some girls could pick his route even if the man called the player horrible things. She glanced over to Kosuke, arms folded over her chest. The man locked eyes with her. Heat roared between them, Kosuke broke into a comforting smile. "Did you come here to stare at one another?" She looked forward to Hibiki now.

"Well, not really. But look at her, brother. Actually look at her. She's perfect. How could I not steal a glance or two?" He watched his brother look to her and nod vaguely without realizing it. Curious, he thought as his mind focused on the path he was likely on. It made his brother more dangerous. "We came here to talk."

Hibiki looked to Kosuke with a raised brow. "Talk? After all you did?"

"All Sakura did. She wanted us to kill you yet you remain." Makenzie spoke softly. "Though that isn't true either and I feel like you know that. Look. You two are family and no matter how much you yell or point literal swords at one another nothing will change that. Or the fact that buried under it all there is a fair amount of unconditional love there."

Kosuke looked to her with his stern faced easing a little. They hadn't quite had that talk yet, but it was clear to see she was speaking from direct experience. Her eyes remained focused on Hibiki. "It is the whole reason I am here with him, in spite of you doing the things you did."

"What have I done?" He rests his forearms on the bars, smirking a little.

"Joking, right?" Kosuke growled. "You killed father, stole her kiss. Treated Sakura as an object to manipulate. Your transgressions will never cease it seems."

"Father deserved it, she liked it and Sakura secretly wants away from you."

"I did not. Who the hell wants to be called vulgar names then have someone's lips forced on them? It was not pleasant. And you need to brush more." Kosuke tried not to laugh at her outburst. He had to cover his mouth a moment in order to look at his brother. "Look. I understand the plight. But glance at him. He is your brother. Deep down there is no way you believe he killed your mother maliciously. He loves you. He wouldn't hurt you. It was an accident. Life is never fair."

"Says the woman who slept her way from blacksmith daughter to army whore?" Kosuke hit the bars hard with the sheath of his sword. Hibiki stood tall, looking to his brother's rancid expression.

"Stop. She is not really apart of this. And she is right." Kosuke sighed. "I will make you a deal. If I let you go, you have to leave Japan. Full stop."

"Leave? Brother why would you want that?" He glanced to Makenzie then back to Hibiki, the man's eyes followed. "O... Ohhhhhhh. It's her? You scared that I will get my hands on her one day?"

"No." He placed his hand on the bars. "I'm scared that some day she will not be as graceful as she is right now and one of us will kill you. Either I do it and she feels awful for the rest of her life, as if she made me kill you to defend her or she does it and a very small part of me resents her. Because she is right. I do love you, unconditionally."

"She can't kill me." He laughed a little. "You might be able to. So you protect her from me and she would leave you? That's what you're worried about? She's going to leave you eventually anyway. Once she meets another man with more money..."

Makenzie looked down as Kosuke retired his sword to his waist. "I've already met her mother. Their family doesn't need help from ours." He looked up to his brother through bangs of white.

"Even if they have to rebuild?"

"Yes. She is wealthy." Kosuke smiled a little. "She will never have to worry about that."

"So you're with her to fund your army? Ha. Amazing." He looked to Makenzie.

Kosuke looked to her with a smile. "No. The only thing I got from this 'deal' is her. It is all wanted. All I needed."He looked to Hibiki. "So there is no way in heaven or Earth that I would allow you to hurt her at all. Hibiki, I'm going to marry this woman." She blinked swiftly, feeling a roar behind her cheeks. Everything in her recoiled at the information just stated so plainly. He's never actually asked her but he was fairly upfront with where this was going. Hearing it like that was almost too much, then she closed her eyes and felt a warmth grab her hand. She looked over to Kosuke with wide eyes, the man smiling at her. "I love you. I'm going to marry you, Makenzie. He will not stop that, we both know it. Nothing will stop me." He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her body. "I will formally ask one day. It will be far better than this." He whispered into her ear.

Makenzie felt her toes curl. Hibiki took in a deep breath, looking over them both. "Hey." She looked up and Kosuke did as well. "Little brother... you're serious, aren't you?"

"Why would I joke about that? Yes she fell into our lives. Yes she was a haughty pain in the ass with a mouth on her." He looked down to her, a hint of his lips curved up. "The more I got to know her, the more I realized that she was just passionate. I want to spend my life being surprised by that passion and convictions. Hibiki, I love you, she did not change that. We butt heads, that's what people with conflicting views do. I cannot allow you to roam free. You're a danger to what I'm trying to build."

Hibiki leans on the bars again, sighing. "Give me Momo-chan then. You have your woman, so let our little sister go."

"I'm not keeping her prisoner. She is free to leave whenever she wishes." He let Makenzie go and the woman stood tall next to him, looking to Hibiki who didn't seem to accept that.

"Bullshit. When we split after father, You kept her mother with you and of course she is going to go with you." Makenzie's face contorted, her brows furrowed as she poured over the lack of information about Momo's mom. "Where have you hidden her?"

"Nowhere!" Kosuke shook his head. "Her mother didn't want to see you after what you did. Hibiki you killed the love of her life. She stayed for a week with me then went home. Woman begged Momo to come with her. She wouldn't leave me. Momo, in spite of what you've done also was worried about you. Hibiki, I'm not the reason our family is fractured. You've felt like this towards me since we were little and while we've had moments... glances of what it should be like, I've never been part of what you consider family. Until Momo-chan. She is the one thing we will always have in common." He looked to Makenzie and she nodded then walked to the stairwell. There was a series of knocks before she moved back to Kosuke's side.

"Kosuke-kun... Are you sure about this?" She whispered and the man nodded. Turning to the doorway, Momo hit the landing, holding her yukata up to walk. The girl was instantly a brighter light in the basement where they were holding him. Makenzie waved and Momo nodded to her.

"Momo!" Hibiki stood up tall, looking to her adoringly. "Oh it's so good to see you." Makenzie was astonished by how much he changed. "You've lost weight. They aren't feeding you." He whipped his attention to the lovers.

"Big brother... They are feeding me. I've not lost weight. There is no need to worry so much over me. Ko-kun took care of me and Makenzie-sama is amazing!" The woman watched Hibiki raise a brow then look up to her. "She's treated me like family. I taught her how to sew and cook some, she taught me self defense. Look at her Hibiki-kun, she's courageous."

"No..." He shook his head. "No way. You were trapped there."

"Hibi-Kun... I love my life." She looked to her woven sandals. "Why would you think I hated being with my brother and his sweet girlfriend? I sorta pushed them together. Look at them Hibi-Kun... They are so sweet together." Kosuke was staring at Makenzie, the woman holding her own arm behind her back, clearly aware his eyes were on her, she was blushing. "How can you look at them and not be happy for Ko-Kun? You're fighting too much, both of you." She looked to Kosuke who seemed to snap out of it, finally looking up.

"We're fighting because he wants to rob our country of honor."

"Look at him, Hibi-Kun!" Hibiki looked to Kosuke, who was looking down. Makenzie was cupping his cheek, leaning in to whisper into his ear. Even with that his lips were lopsided. "He has honor. It's why he brought her back when she had a hurt leg. He cares about us and the country. You both care and are trying in your own way. He told me what he would propose to you today if you couldn't be reasoned with. Take it. If you refuse to not hurt their happiness like Ko-Kun said you would, then take the deal. Hibi-Kun I love you, please I want you to stay alive." She sniffed a little, starting to cry.

Hibiki looked to her and took a deep breath. He sat on his knees, looking up to her through the bars. "Momo... don't cry. Please. I'm not going to die."

Makenzie looked behind her, furrowing her brow. She watched the man's face and her own eased. He was really worried. She glanced down for a moment then looked to Kosuke then Momo. Makenzie took a long, deep breath then turned back to her man. She wrapped her arms around him for a solid moment, taking the key to the cell. She walked to the door, unlocking the bars and opening it up, wide. All three looked to her after the sharp noise and her eyes went to Hibiki. "Stand up. Come hug your sister." It was the first time she saw his face melt into thankful. The man stood up and nearly blew past her, to grab Momo up in a brotherly hug. He then lifted her up into the hug and Makenzie smiled a little.

"I've missed you so much Momo."

"Hibi-Kun, I missed you too!" She cuddled up to him. Makenzie looked on, understanding the appeal of Hibiki. He was a character you had to get to know, unlike Ren. Kosuke looked to her, holding the key up that she took, before whipping around like a guard dog to watch. "Why do you hate Makenzie-sama?" She looked over when her name was called, Momo staring him down and Hibiki blushing.

"It's not... that I hate her..." He mumbled. "She's actually... really pretty." Momo nearly gasped, leaning in and pressing her head to his, Kosuke or Makenzie didn't hear what was said. "And nice." Momo smiled softly and Hibiki put her down. "Kosuke, I'm not leaving Japan. So you'd better lock me up again. I can't leave Momo, so if my choices are to go and never see her again just so you can live your ridiculous fantasy or stay locked up, I'm going to stay locked up."

Makenzie shook her head. "You mistook my actions." Hibiki looked her in the eye. "I was letting you go."

"Makenzie!" Kosuke placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked to him, Hibiki openly staring. "How can you mean that? He's almost killed you. He kissed you. If we let him go we will just have to keep defending the country from this."

"He did. You've washed that from my lips, Kosuke." She nodded, then shook her head. "And we will defend the country and this family until our last breath." She sighed. "But- Kosuke. Look at him with Momo. We can't ask him to leave the country. He is apart of this family, and this country. No matter what he might do to us, that isn't right. I'll protect you, and you'll protect me. Whatever is ahead of us, we can face, together. We can also protect the country. Because we're stronger together. I trust every bit of you. I'm never leaving, In for a penny..."

"In for a pound." Kosuke smiled softly, looking into her eyes. "Alright. I trust in every bit of you too. If you say we can do this, we can. Hibiki-Kun." He looked to his big brother. "Go. Never come after her again. I will kill you. This is a promise. Momo hating me be damned. I love her."

Hibiki looked on at them, Makenzie lowering the key when Kosuke laced his fingers with hers. Momo held onto Hibiki's hand. "I won't hate you Ko-kun...if he hurts my big sister I will hit him where she taught me to." Makenzie widened her eyes, blushing brightly. She's never been thought of like that before. She squeezed her brother's hand then tugged. "You can fight for your ideals without hurting them. Hibi-Kun, I love them. You should too!"

Hibiki grumbled for a few moments then looked up to the two keeping each other supported. He took a good long look at them, then closed his eyes. "T-Thank you." He muttered. Momo tugged on his hand again. "Thank you." He said firmer. "You're not the worst thing in the world." His face eased, specifically looking at Makenzie. Her eyes met his with a swirl of confusion. "You're actually pretty perfect." Makenzie opened her mouth, staring at the taller brother. "Momo-chan. I can't stay here. But I don't want to leave you."

"You can, stay the night. You can sleep in my room!" She seemed so cheerful and it made Makenzie smile, coming out of her stupor. "Kosuke, it's okay, right?"

He shook his head, looking to Momo. "I..." Her eyes seemed to grow, twinkling as she stared at him. "I... Momo... It's not safe. I don't trust him fully.

"Well I do!" She declared, stamping a foot. "He is my big brother just as much as you are."

Makenzie looked down for a moment then stepped in front of Kosuke. She looked into his eyes. "He can stay, right? We're here. The others are here. Maybe not let him stay in her room but the guest room I was in would be fine." Kosuke looked into her eyes, and he slumped his shoulders. "Stop thinking of this as a loss. It's not. If he wants to stay, talk, have dinner then it is a win. I know it is hard, God knows I know it is hard to be a family after a fight and prolonged fights are worse but I believe in you. You're very strong, you can do this."

Kosuke mulled it over, Makenzie looked behind her. Kosuke grabbed her hand with a nod. "Hibiki. Stay." He spoke softly and Momo cheered, all eyes now on him.

"I..." Makenzie eyes him and the man noticed it. "Yes." Momo cheered, jumping into his arms and Makenzie smiled, pressing her hands together before her. She watched the eldest brother hold his younger sibling up to his height. "Thank you." He was staring at Makenzie. "So you really approve of her, Momo?" He watched her nod swifty. "Then I will give her a chance. Kosuke as well."

"YAY!" She yelled out and Makenzie was impressed that Hibiki took it by his ear without flinching. Kosuke looked to her with narrowing eyes. She was thinking about how he was deep down a big softie and good with kids. It brought a smile to her face, just as it did however, Kosuke tugged at her clothing. She looked back to him with a raised brow, noticing his mouth corners tilted down head tilted as well and looking up to her.

"Kosuke..." She whispered. "What is it?"

"The way you looked at him..." It was almost inaudible.

"Are you... jealous?" Kosuke looked up, eyes edging open a little wider. "You have nothing to worry about. The way I was looking at both of them was because it was cute. I've never had a big brother. I wasn't looking at him like that."

"So you didn't look at him and think 'Wow. He'd be a excellent father'?"

"No?" She shook her head. "I don't think that about him. If anything I think that... about you." Her head tipped down, blushing brightly. "I've seen you with her. Anyone can make a child cheer. You've scolded her and she still smiled, cared for her, been there when she was sad or had a problem. Protected her from everything horrible in the world. I know because you did the same for me and you barely knew me."

He smiled softly and she nodded, feeling like this was back to normal. His arm moved to her waist and she leaned in to him, looking back to Momo, who was hugging her big brother. "He looks so happy."

"Yes, Kosuke, he does." She smiled a little more, laying her head on his. "Momo-chan." She looked up to them with a gasp and a brighter smile. "We should go get dinner ready for these two, right? I don't know how to cook as well as you and I certainly don't know his favorite food."

"Hibi-Kun! Let me down!" She wiggled out of his arms, then ran over to Makenzie, tugging on her arm. "Come on! I'll show you how to make curry and rice balls! I'll tell you all about Hibi-Kun too! He's not this meanie that you think he is."

"I think you're right, Momo-chan." She looked back to Kosuke. "I will see you later?"

He stared as she was dragged away. "Of course you will. You are sleeping over tonight, right?" She nodded just before Momo pulled her out of sight. He sighed heavily, only to have Hibiki look at him.

"Ko-kun... listen..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I still don't agree with you on the future. But I do love Momo. That girl you got... she's something else. Who would have thought the woman flinging herself between us would be so... vibrant."

Kosuke narrowed his eyes a little. "Yes, she is. Stay away from her." Hibiki cleared his throat. "Look, I saw the way you looked at her. Hibiki, I was serious about marrying her. There is a lot in my life I can do without. Makenzie is not one of those things. I would kill for her."

"Okay... Calm down little brother." He held up both hands. "Maybe I... I did. But she was reasonable. She was kind. She wanted to give me my life back. Can you blame me, really? You also keep shoving her in my face." Kosuke grit his teeth. "She's got a nice ass."

"Hibiki-Kun. Watch your words." He stood tall. "Without her kindness you would be gone. Come on now. Momo doesn't take too long to make curry. We'll sit in the dining room. Mind every manner or I will cut out your tongue." He scoffed and led Hibiki to the dining room.

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