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By Azamishomie

856K 34K 63.7K

๐ŸŽˆใ€Œ You led an ordinary life as a typical girl, deeply engrossed in the world of anime and manga, with a prof... More

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15.5K 727 908
By Azamishomie


"(Y/N)!!! (Y/N)!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Zenitsu's voice echoed with concern. He had regained consciousness a few minutes ago, only to realize that you were nowhere to be found. The kakushi had attended to his injuries, along with Ozaki and the numerous other wounded individuals, but his focus remained on your whereabouts. He vividly remembered Shinobu administering something to you and assuring him that you would be fine. However, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. Where could you have gone?

"Ozaki... OZAKI! WAKE UP!" Zenitsu called out to his companion, shaking her gently.

"Ngh...? Is it morning already?" Ozaki mumbled groggily, still in a sleepy state.

"No, but listen to me. Have you seen (Y/N)?"

"(Y/N)...? Miss Shinobu took care of her already. Did you forget?"

"No! I know that! I mean, have you seen her at this moment?"

"How would I know? I was asleep." Ozaki replied, slightly irritated at being roused from her slumber.

"Agh! This is useless!" Zenitsu tugged at his hair in frustration.

"What's wrong?" She asked, now fully awake.

"I woke up a few minutes ago, and (Y/N) is nowhere to be found! I asked some of the kakushi, and they haven't seen her either! What if she was abducted?!"

"First of all, calm down. There's no way she was kidnapped. She's probably fine. There are plenty of people around, and we have demon slayers here." Ozaki reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Really? Where?!" Zenitsu's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the demon slayers.

"There." Ozaki pointed to her left, where a young girl with a low ponytail and a butterfly accessory in her hair stood.

"Why does she look like Shinobu?"

"I don't know. They might be related somehow, but that's not important right now. Don't worry about (Y/N)! You're getting me nervous too!"

"I-I'm sorry, Ozaki! You're right..." Zenitsu sighed, realizing that his anxiety was getting the better of him. He decided to calm down and observe his surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of you or any clue to your whereabouts. Meanwhile, Ozaki settled back into a slumber, still fatigued from the recent events.



The pain was excruciating as Tanjiro lay on the floor, his body battered and broken from the intense battle with Rui. His vision blurred, and every movement sent waves of agony coursing through his body. He knew he was running out of time, his life slipping away with each passing moment.

'Don't panic! Don't let it disrupt your breathing! Calm down... if you can calm down!' Tanjiro tried to muster the strength to move, to fight against the impending darkness that threatened to consume him. But his body refused to respond, paralyzed by the severity of his injuries. 'I can't even raise my arm... My arm!' Tanjiro's mind raced, realizing the gravity of his situation. The slashes from Rui's threads continued to ravage his body, adding to his torment. It seemed like his time was running out, and he was filled with a desperate sense of helplessness. But just as despair threatened to overtake him, a glimmer of hope appeared. Someone had arrived on the scene, their presence cutting through the suffocating atmosphere of despair. Was it Zenitsu? Could it be... (Y/N)?

"You did a good job holding out until I got here. Leave the rest to me." The voice that pierced through the chaos belonged to Tomioka Giyuu, the Water Hashira. His calm and composed demeanor contrasted sharply with the chaos that surrounded them.

Tomioka wasted no time. He leaped into action, fluidly executing his water breathing technique with a grace that seemed almost ethereal. The water danced and twisted around him, taking the form of deadly blades that sliced through the air with precision and power.


'Goddamit! I need to be faster! Why the fuck am I so slow?!' Every fiber of your being screamed as you pushed yourself to the limits, chasing after Chuntarou. Exhaustion threatened to consume you, your body aching with every step. The urge to collapse and rest was overwhelming, but you knew you couldn't afford to give in just yet.

"Chu chu! Chuchu!" Chuntarou chirped, doing his best to encourage you. His tiny sparrow body fluttered ahead, urging you to keep going. His unwavering support tugged at your heart, pushing you to dig deeper.

'I can't feel my legs! I'm starting to feel numb!' You thought frantically, desperately trying to keep your focus. You landed a punch on your legs in a futile attempt to jolt yourself awake. The pain shot through your body, but it wasn't enough to dispel the fatigue that weighed you down. Panic welled up inside you, mingling with your labored panting.

But then, amidst the chaos of your mind, a flicker of light emerged. A reminder of your purpose, the reason why you had embarked on this grueling journey in the first place. You were here to rewrite their stories, to alter the dark fates that awaited your beloved characters. The universe had granted you this incredible opportunity, and you couldn't let it slip away.

Clutching your teeth in pain, you drew strength from your determination. The thought of changing their destinies propelled you forward, igniting a fire within you. It didn't matter how much your legs protested or how weary your body felt. You had a mission, a purpose, and you would give it your all to see it through.


"You're all like an endless stream of lowlifes always getting in my way!" Rui's voice seethed with frustration and anger, his patience worn thin by the constant interference of the demon slayers. "Bloody demon art; cutting thread rotation!" He unleashed his attack, the threads slicing through the air with deadly precision. But little did he know, Tomioka was ready to counter with his own formidable skills.

"Total concentration; water breathing, eleventh form, Dead calm." He calmly announced, his focus unwavering as he prepared to face the onslaught.

"Who the fuck cares about your useless eleventh form?!" Rui's words dripped with disdain, but his confidence shattered when he witnessed what happened next. The threads passed harmlessly through Tomioka, unable to make a single scratch on his body.

'W-What the hell?! What's going on? What did he do? The instant I got up in his face, the threads scattered... not one of them reached him...? The toughest threads of all got slashed?' Rui's disbelief was palpable, his mind struggling to comprehend the situation unfolding before him. Raising his hands once more to launch another attack, Rui was met with an unexpected interruption. Just as Tomioka moved closer, prepared to deliver a finishing blow, a small sparrow swooped down.

"Hmh...?" The demon slayer looked up, surprised to see the tiny bird.

"Thanks, Chuntarou!" A voice rang out, filled with gratitude and determination.

You, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, rose to your feet with newfound strength and purpose. You positioned herself carefully, your eyes scanning for the perfect angle, the perfect opportunity. Finally, you found it. Drawing on the basic breathing techniques you had learned, you inhaled sharply, channeling all your strength and focus into one decisive moment.

"Take this!" With a mighty swing, you released the fryer pan with astonishing speed and power. The utensil soared through the air like a frisbee, propelled by your unwavering determination.


'W-What the hell...' Rui's thoughts froze in disbelief as he felt his head being swiftly severed from his body. The unexpected weapon of choice, a motherfucking fryer pan, had become his downfall in the blink of an eye.

Silence fell upon the battlefield as the severed head of lower moon five tumbled to the ground, the threads that once posed a deadly threat now limp and lifeless. The girl stood tall, her expression a mix of triumph and disbelief, having single-handedly vanquished the formidable demon.



"Now..." Shinobu stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, her breaths steady and composed. With her swift and precise movements, she had defeated the demon that had threatened Murata's life, ensuring his safety. Murata, without any clothes and his ding dong exposed, was slightly embarrassed by the recent events, in which he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude mixed with awe toward Shinobu.

She, however, seemed unfazed by the situation as she directed her attention toward the moon. Its radiant glow illuminated the night sky, casting a serene atmosphere over the battlefield. Despite the beauty of the moment, Shinobu couldn't fully immerse herself in the peacefulness of the night. As she gazed at the moon, her senses heightened, detecting a subtle disturbance in the air.

"Hahaha... did Tomioka already beat me to it, then?" Shinobu's voice carried a hint of amusement as she contemplated the possibility that her fellow demon slayer, had already dealt with the demon responsible for manipulating all of the chaos that was happening on Mount Natagumo. 'Or perhaps, it was someone else...? Fufufu, I'm excited to see!'


"Ha... Ha... Ha..." You gasped for breath, your chest heaving as you stood there, witnessing Rui's body disintegrating before your eyes. Your mind raced with a mix of disbelief, exhilaration, and exhaustion. It was an overwhelming sight, realizing that you, a normal civilian, had just defeated Lower Moon Five.

'Nezuko...! Nezuko!' Tanjiro wasn't even aware of what you did. All he could think of was his dear sister Nezuko and whether she was safe in the chaos that had unfolded. The adrenaline coursing through his veins propelled him forward, desperate to find her and ensure her well-being. Amidst the commotion, he didn't notice who had beheaded Rui. His focus was solely on locating Nezuko and reuniting with her.

However, someone, indeed had his attention fixed on you.


"Who are you?"

Breathing heavily, you finally managed to look up, your eyes meeting the gaze of the legendary demon slayer, Tomioka Giyuu. His aura was intense, radiating a mix of curiosity and authority as he stood before you, demanding an explanation for your presence and your actions.

Though you wanted to respond, fatigue began to consume your body. The relentless battles you had endured, the poison coursing through your veins, the strain on your lungs—it all took its toll—Your stamina had reached its limit, and your consciousness began to fade.

Despite the temptation to surrender to the encroaching darkness, you mustered the strength to divert your gaze from Tomioka and instead turned your attention to Rui. His shocked expression etched onto his face as he observed the one who had ended his life.

Summoning the last of your dwindling energy, you managed to utter a few words, a mix of defiance and exhaustion coloring your voice. "Ha... Ha... Sayonara... Bitch..." With that final remark, the world around you blurred, and you succumbed to unconsciousness. As you slipped away into darkness, your body threatened to collapse to the ground. A pair of strong, yet gentle arms reached out, catching you before you could hit the floor. Tomioka, with his keen senses and quick reflexes, swiftly took hold of your figure, his touch surprisingly tender. His eyes studied you intently, a mixture of concern and intrigue crossing his face. He, ever vigilant and calculating, stood in interest of the determination and strength you had displayed.

Unbeknownst to you in your unconscious state, your fate had become entwined with the world of the demon slayers. Your story, had only just begun.

Taisho Secrets ~

- (Y/N) doesn't have any confidence on herself. She thinks she's super weak.

- Giyuu was super confused as to what just happened. He thought he was dreaming or something.

- (Y/N) doesn't like rui or any of the spider family members, except the mom.

- (Y/N)'s fryer pan broke into pieces after it passed through Rui's neck.

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