Unexpected Riches

By jadynluna

256 50 5

Ruby Royle gets unexpected inheritance from her grandmother when she passes away. Her new life is taking off... More

Weekend Plans
Night Light
Team Spirit
He Knows
High school sweethearts
Winter Formal
Break Up
Sander's House
You Can Tell
My Story
Counting The Days
Night Drive
Graduation Night
New Member
Last Drive

A far

4 1 0
By jadynluna

Ruby's POV

I was in the cafeteria looking at Jacob walking towards us slowly. Did he actually like me was the only thing running in my head. I was so curious if the girls had said anything. We walked to our table and he stood right in front of me and Molly. "Hey Molly" said Jacob. "Hey" she said back to him.

I saw them say hi to each other but Jacob's attention went to me. His eyes flickered to me and it felt like slow motion. When he blinked my heart melted. Maybe taking a opportunity on Jacob was a good idea. It wasn't like I was doing anything bad. I sighed feeling like this was a great opportunity to make a move. At least until I back down.

Never mind I am backing down once I thought of what to say. That was until Jacob spoke first. "You must be Ruby" said Jacob as everyone turned to look at me. "Yeah" I said nodding my head at the same time. "Look I was thinking maybe we can hangout this weekend" said Jacob. I was in complete shock.

What do I say to that. "She would love too" said Molly. She spoke for me and I couldn't help but think how crazy that was. "Cool" said Jacob as he flashed me a smile. "We'll here is my number. I will pick you up once we get to know each other" said Jacob. "Sunday cool for you" said Jacob as he gave me his number and walked away after.

"Yeah" I said as he was gone from view. "Ahh" screamed Molly and the girls happily. "You got a date" said Georgia. "That was incredible" said Jade. "Wait what do I tell my parents" I said realizing that I have to tell them. "Why are you worried about your parents" asked the girls confused.

"What do you mean" I asked confused. "You see your parents" asked Jade. "You talk to your parents" said Georgia. I looked at them not knowing what they mean. "What they mean is your parents have time for you" said Molly. "Yeah" I answered since I thought most families would be close.

""Your family isn't close" I asked to understand what was going on. I didn't mean to be rude but my family is very close. "Both of my parents are at the biggest soccer tournament in Sicily" said Georgia as she showed me a video of her parents walking into a huge crowd of soccer fans on her phone. They we're in a whole other country without her.

"See" said Jade as I looked at her phone. Her father was in his home town in Hong Kong. It was night time and he was playing in front of a huge crowd of his adoring fans. Jade showed me a picture of her mom who was in Beverly Hill at a hair salon. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Molly showed me her mom since she was the principal of the school. Molly's dad was having an affair from what she told me. I thought all families were close together. I want a relationship with my parents but these girls don't have that. I felt bad since I sounded like I had what they wanted.

"Look we can distract your parents" said Molly as she came up with a plan. "Do you have friends your parents know" said Georgia. "Yeah" I said as I thought about Ava and Ernest. "We'll that's perfect just bring them over and say you are going to meet us and just have a friends day" said Molly.

"That's perfect" I said hoping that my parents would let me go with Jacob. I have the opportunity and I feel like it would be a bad idea if I didn't do that. I was asked out on a date. "Put your number on his phone and text him" said Georgia. I nodded my head and followed as they told me.

I pulled out my phone and put his number in. I even texted him who I was. Me and the girls waited from where we sat. We turned to look at him to see his reaction. He looked up and smiled at me once he got the text. Me flashed me his dashing smile and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

He texted me back and I showed them what he said. "Are you still down for this weekend" said Molly as she read it out loud. "Yes" said Georgia as she grabbed my phone and replied for me. I was smiling feeling like this was my chance. Jacob was interested in me but he was also a total stranger.

I sighed knowing I still had a problem and that was with my parents. Would they believe me if I had a friend day. I know my parents are smarter then that but I wanted to go. I knew if I could plan this well I wouldn't have to worry. I saw what Georgia had texted when she gave me back my phone.

He had texted me the word cool. The girls did their excited screaming just as I told them. Jade was a little bit quieter but she approved just as much as I did. I looked at Jacob one last time as the bell rang. It was loud and it echoed through the whole school. I watched as everyone disappeared into a crowd.

"We are here for you but text us if you need any help" said Georgia as she grabbed her soccer ball and backpack as she stood up. "Good luck" said Jade as she put her AirPods in her ears. She grabbed her tray and backpack and walked to the closest trash can. She threw her food away as me and Molly stood up.

"You got this and don't ruin your chance at this" said Molly as she grabbed her stuff and left me standing alone at the table. Molly was immediately sounded by cheerleaders as she walked down the hall. I sighed feeling as if they were right but only time will tell. I walked behind everyone trying to get my class before the second bell.

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