The fairy of pride

By nexsusplayer

54.7K 985 338

On this day I swear to the gods that this life that you've gifted me I will wager it for someone dear to me j... More

Bio And info
The rebirth of the one.
The dawn of a new era, The almighty!
The sun's rising: Pride's return Part one!
The suns rising: Prides return part two
Escanor's love interest's Voting!
The suns rising: Pride's return part three
Escanor's love interests: Update
Battle: Escanor vs two little fairies!
Escanor move's and power level.
The s-class quest!: The cursed island!
The S-class quest: The Struggle of Escanor.
The S-class quest: The rage of the sun.
The guild war: Escanor Axe's a question
The guild war: BROTHER!
Anya: The fairy of pride.
Updates and info! (And a sneak peek at the next chapter)
Christmas chapter: Part one, Celebrations
\[T]/The Battle.\[T]/
Devastating news
Sneak Peek, Harem Choice, and Warning

The suns rising: Pride's return part four

2.5K 56 15
By nexsusplayer

(No pov)

" Mm? What's this? " Escanor looked down at the demolished track. Which was barely able to stay standing. He had expected the train track to have been destroyed. Perhaps it was enchanted?

"Escanor!" A voice called out. Escanor turned around to see the magic car. 

" You were late. You missed the spectacle of Erigors defeat " Escanor said slightly disappointed they had missed it. However, he was quite happy to see his friends.

"I'm proud of you," Erza groaned. Escanor realized that the usually strong S-class wizard was woozy and seemed to be dizzy.

"You gonna be okay Erza?" Lucy questioned worriedly.

"Hey! I wanted a piece of erigor" Natsu moaned.

"That bright light was awesome!" Happy cheered.

"Yes don't worry about me" Erza consoled Lucy.

No way Erigor never loses. Kageyama thought in shock. Then he noticed something down on the ground. Something wooden.

" Did you have a hard time with him? Or are those muscles just for show?" Gray assumed.

" He wasn't all talk. But His bark was worse than his bite" Escanor smiled.

"Anyway thank you escanor, Thanks to you all the guild masters will be safe," Erza praised. (The sun)

They won't be safe. Not for a long time. Escanor thought however he choose to enjoy himself after all they were safe for now.

"While we're here I think we should make sure to stop by the guild masters conference. To tell them what happened. And ask them how we should properly dispose of the Lullaby flute." Erza suggested.

"Might as well since we're so close to clover." Happy agreed. Suddenly the magic car flew into the air and a pair of glasses flew onto Escanor's face.

"Kagey!" Erza yelled in surprise.

"What do you think you're doing!" Gray shouted.

"Lullabys mine now! Shouldn't have let your guard down flies!" Kageyama drove off at high speeds crackling.

"How did he know about escanors glasses?!" Natsu yelled in anger knowing that If they had the giant on their side when the car drove off he would've been in hot pursuit.

"I may have told him to gain his trust..." Lucy whimpered. Escanor back in his small form looked surprised.

"Do you want me to take off these?" Escanor asked knowing that right now his power was needed. Happy flew over and tried to take Escanors glasses off to no avail.

"Huh?" Happy mumbled in surprise.

"What are you waiting for take them off happy! Let's cruel sun that bastard!" Natsu yelled holding his finger up.

"They won't come off!" Happy stuttered.

"What do you mean they won't come off?" Lucy questioned. Walking over she inspected the glasses.

"When did he put super glue on them!" She shouted in annoyance.

"Super glue! That JERK" Natsu yelled in frustration.

"This is how he pays us back for saving his life!" Lucy screamed.

"After him! And find a way to get those glasses off Gray!" Erza shouted.


Kagayama looked at the guild master's house. Hiding on a nearby mountain in the dead of night.

Yeah, they should be able to hear the lullaby's song from here. Finally, the time has come! He thought. Suddenly he started to hear some kissing sounds behind him.

"Mm mm mm. Oh, there is some hot little numbers in this week's issue. Wow, young wizarding ladies are so much more powerful now than they were back in my day. And sexier too" The little man gasped. This little man was in fact Makarov looking at a magazine with women inside. He then groaned "Ahh I don't have time for this. I need to catch up to those fools before they destroy an entire town!" Then suddenly he seemed to notice Kagayama.

"It's not what it looks like. I was doing some research on female wizards it was innocent and I-" Makarov started panicking.

"I don't care what you're doing" Kageyama sighed.

"You've been hurt badly, boy. You shouldn't be wandering around the woods in your condition" Makarov noted.

"Yes sir you're right" Kagayama agreed. 

Hold on that's Makarov the master of the fairy tail guild. Why do I keep running into these flies?

"Excuse me?" Kageyama asked.

"Mm?" Makarov turned back around waiting.

"I don't suppose you'd care to hear a song? They wouldn't let me play the flute while I was in the hospital" Kageyama smiled. "It'd mean a lot to play for someone again,".

"That's one creepy-looking flute you got there" Makarov replied.

"I know, But it has a beautiful sound" Kageyama insisted.

"Well I should be going but I guess one song couldn't hurt" Makarov wondered.

"Oh thank you" Kageyama thanked. We win.

"Be sure to listen carefully okay sir?" Kageyama asked. 

"Yeah-Yeah" Makarov muttered. Kageyama lifted the flute up to his lips ready to play. However, he didn't play just yet. This is it. 

Who'd wanna join a legal guild anyway? They suck! He remembered what a fellow eisenwald member said.

Those fairy tail guys are too weak to be talking such big talk. Another had said

The lullaby's song will be our revenge against those who stripped us of our rights and forced us to live in the darkness! Erigor promised

Killing people isn't going to help you get your rights back! Lucy's plea came up unwanted in his mind.

You should try and look for the positive you and your buddies Gray's advice continued.

Kagey! We really need your help right now! Erza begged

He's a member of your guild! He trusted you! And you tried to kill him! Natsu roared in anger.

That is enough Natsu we have no need to take more lives today. Escanor commanded

"There he is!" Gray said.

"Gramps!" Natsu cried.

"Master!" Erza added.

"Shh," A new figure said appearing out of nowhere. Scaring Everyone but Erza.

"We're just about to get to the good part." The weird person whined. "Well aren't you boys yummy. So adorable" The person went on. Natsu and gray shivered in fear. 

"Escanor I'm meant to hide behind you!" Lucy whimpered.

"Who the heck is that guy?" Lucy whispered.

"Master bob" Erza answered.

"Erza honey you've really filled out," Master bob gasped.

"You're telling me that this weirdo is the master of the blue pegasus guild?" Lucy questioned hiding behind Erza.

"Well? I can't wait all night young man" Makarov said impatiently. Kageyama after a moment started to bring the flute back up to his mouth.

"Oh no," Erza blurted.

"Can you guys keep it down over there? we're just about to get to the good part" Another man sighed leaning against a tree.

"He's with Quatro Cerberus" Lucy gasped.

"Master gold mine. Your watching too?" Escanor muttered.

"Well?" Makarov asked.

I can do this. I just have to play one song and that will change everything. Kageyama thought trying to urge himself to play.

"Nothings going to change," Makarov uttered. Kageyama gasped. "You cannot change the fact. That those who are weak will forever remain weak. Now maybe it's just me but I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean we humans are weak creatures by nature. Our insecurities are the reason the guilds even exist. And they're why we have friends. When we're surrounded with allies it's easier to stay positive about the future. Think about it this way if we're clumsy then we may stumble and bump into things. But as long as we have faith in our future, We continue marching forward. Our inner strength emerges on its own. But we have to choose that path and pledge to live our lives to the fullest. Don't let that silly flute get in the way." Makarov imparted.

Kageyama dropped the flute.

"I surrender" He was on his hands and knees before Makarov. Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Escanor started to run over to Makarov.

"Master!" Erza cheered.

"You stopped him!" Natsu grinned.

"Good job Gramps!" Gray rejoiced.

"Simply amazing" Escanor said in awe at the master's speech. Maybe he should take some lessons on poetry from him sometime?

"Wha- How did you kids end up in clover!" Makarov demanded surprised.

"Master Makarov..." Erza then picked Makarov up and into a hug. "Your words touched me so deeply I was almost moved to tears".

"Owww" Makarov groaned feeling Erzas armor.

"Way to go old man!" Natsu congratulated him after erza put him down patting his head multiple times.

"Well, it seems we got here just in time to see gramps talk his way out of another one," Gray observed. Suddenly an evil voice started to laugh.

"I've grown tired of you cowardly wizards and your antics!" Lullaby then began to release black smoke around it and purple lighting crackled in-between each one.

"It became out!" Happy yelled making no sense.

"I can no longer hold back! I shall come forth to devour you myself!" The voice announced the black and purple mist reaching high into the sky. A massive magic symbol appears over them. And the mist takes the form of a massive wooden demon.

" I shall feast upon your pitiful souls!" Lullaby cried.

"It's so big!" Lucy screamed.

"Way to state the obvious!" Happy retorted.

"What is that thing!" Kageyama yelled, "Erigor never said anything about a monster!"

"We're in a pickle" Master bob uttered.

"It must be a demon from the book of zeref" Gold mine observed.

"Why did the flute turn into a monster!" Lucy demanded.

" That's what lullaby true form looks like in the flesh, It's forbidden black magic. Living magic. Zeref's specialty." Gold mine revealed.

"Living magic?" Erza stammered.

"Who's zeref?" Gray questioned. "Wasn't he some ancient wizard?"

Zeref. Escanor clenched his fist knowing that name.

" He's the most evil wizard the world has ever known. He was very powerful in his day, but in my wildest dreams I never thought his dark legacy would pop back up again."  Master bob remarked

"Now then, Which one of these delectable souls shall I dine on first?" Lullaby wondered.

"Delectable huh? Do you think souls are really that tasty?" Natsu wondered.

"How should I know what they taste like?" Gray replied.

"Always thinking about eating!" Lucy complained.

These fools are arguing just more time to discover who to dine on first... Huh, what is that? Lullaby thought looking down at the smallest of the bunch. He looked weak but something about him seemed off. Almost like a celestial spirit well no matter he'll taste the same!

"Natsu and gray get everyone to a safe place" Erza ordered.

"Quit barking orders" Natsu complained.

"Yeah, you're not the boss of us!" Gray agreed.

"Just do it!" Erza ordered again.

"Aye aye!" They said hopping over to Escanor first.

"Another bad happy impression?" Lucy sighed.

"You doubt my power? I'll prove it to you!" Lullaby said suddenly summoning a beam from its mouth that destroyed an entire mountain.

" I have no need for those pathetic humans! I prefer the taste of a wizard's soul and I will consume all of yours!" Lullaby boomed.

"Oh yeah, I'd like to see you try! Bring it on big guy!" Natsu yelled back.

"Good luck" The guild masters encouraged from a distance.

"Can those three beat lullaby on their own?" Lucy wondered.

"You have magic miss lucy you can help them!" Escanor suggested.

"Normally I would but none of my celestial spirits are available right now and they'd probably just slow them down" Lucy lied.

"Good excuse" happy congratulated.

"Don't judge me cat!" Lucy shouted.

Lullaby then began to roar its sound forcing many to cover their ears.

"It's hurting my ears!" Lucy screamed.

"Is it preparing an attack?" Escanor wondered.

"Ready?" Erza questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Natsu and Gray agreed Charging at lullaby. Erza activated her Requip magic changing her armor into a one called knight.

Then flying up she sliced at Lullaby's throat.

"Ice make lance" Gray said firing icicle lances at lullaby.

"Now it's my turn! FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" Natsu yelled Leaping up at lullaby and punching it dead in the face.

"You are making me angry!" Lullaby yelled swinging at the rocks that the three had landed on. Erza flew back up and attacked Lullaby again, Gray shot even more Lances than before.

"I'm not done with you yet. Fire dragon Wing attack!" Natsu cried both of his fists lighting on fire as he attacked.

"That's incredible! Their combination attacks are so powerful!" Kageyama stammered in shock.

"And they're in sync!" Lucy added.

"Aye!" Happy said proudly. Growling Lullaby then absorbed the massive magical symbol above it.

"This can't be good!!" Lucy gasped.

"Here comes the lullaby" Happy cried.

"Look all the plants are dying!" Lucy said looking as the plants were decaying.

"Lullaby is sucking the life out of them!" Happy exclaimed.

"Just one note and your souls will be mine!" Lullaby announced screaming even more. But no music came out only slight wheezing came out that sounded like someone's first time trying to whistle.

"Huh?" lullaby gasped.

"What happened?" Lucy wondered.

"Nothing happened" Happy said.

"I don't understand! Why can't I play my melody of death!" Lullaby inquired.

"It must be because of all those attacks!" Kageyama noted.

"They punched so many holes in that thing It totally messed up its sound" Lucy realized.

"All that build-up for this? Talk about going out with a whimper" Lucy sighed. Well, it is a flute.

"Yeah, flutes are pretty lame, to begin with" Happy agreed.

"You dare to mock me!" Lullaby enraged kicked around some mountains.

"Ice make...!" Gray began. Lullaby turned around and an explosion erupted all around them.

"SHEILD!" He yelled.

"Oh wow!" A bystander gasped.

"That boy's maker magic is spectacular!" Another noted.

"Whats maker magic?" Lucy asked.

"Its users can give magic energy a tangible form. However theirs another type of magic that can destroy" Happy explained.

"I will kill you all!" Lullaby roared. The fire around them was then sucked up by a Natsu dragneel.

"Oh yeah!? Now I've got a fire in my belly!" Natsu challenged.

"You're not human! You're a monster!" Lullaby cried punching where Natsu was. 

Leaping up Natsu started to run up Lullaby's arm.

"Oh like you can talk!" Natsu yelled.

"Stop climbing me!" Lullaby demanded.

"Requip!" Erza shouted changing her armor yet again.

"Her armor is lovely!" One bystander said blushing happily.

"It's called black winged armor and it amplifies the power of her attacks!" Another explained for no reason.

"Ice make saucer!" Gray yelled creating a spinning saw that struck Lullaby's side. Erza flying up struck its face.

"Natsu!" Erza cried.

"Now!" Gray yelled.

"I got this" Natsu reassured. 

"The flames of my right hand and the flames of my left! Put the two together!" Natsu yelled combining the two fires into a sphere.

Yelling the orb grew. "And this is what you get! Fire dragon brilliant flame!" Natsu yelled. Tossing the sun into Lullaby the demon collapsed. And a brilliant dark beam shot into the sky.

"Well done" Makarov congratulated.

"Your amazing" Bob cheered.

"You kids made defeating Zerefs demon look easy" Gold mine beamed.

"I can't believe how strong they are!" Kageyama gasped. "Wow are all the fairy tail wizards as powerful as these three?".

"Theirs no doubt about it they are the strongest team!" Lucy rejoiced.

"Aye!" Happy jumped up.

"Amazing they took down one of Zerefs demons" Escanor couldn't help but be in awe.

"We're an awesome guild aren't we!" Makarov smiled.

"Great work out their guys!" Lucy cheered.

"Thanks but it wasn't a big deal," Natsu shrugged it off.

"Yeah, piece of cake" Gray grinned. Then together they all started to laugh.

"They may be a bunch of fools. But they're stronger than I am" Kageyama sighed. One by one the team was congratulated however they did go overboard as was evident from the massive crater in the ground.

"The Halls been destroyed!" Escanor gasped.

"Aye! Theirs also a couple of mountain tops missing" Happy added. In anger, the guilds started to chase around the fairy tail guild.

And that's the ending of the sun's rising: Pride's return part four! 


"Hey, Escanor? Is something wrong?" Lucy asked Escanor who was standing at the edge of the crater.

"I don't know Miss lucy but something doesn't feel right. It must be my imagination" Escanor sighed. One of the bystanders walked over as well. 

"Come on nothing could survive that!" He laughed. 

"Yeah you're right," Escanor mumbled turning around. 

Suddenly he heard a scream. Turning around he could see something emerging from the bystander.

It was his soul.

His soul flew down into the darkness and then another massive dark beam shot into the sky as the voice of Lullaby whispered from below.

"What that thing is still alive!" Lucy gasped backing away from the edge.

"Natsu! Erza! Gray!" She yelled for help. However, they were too far away to hear her. And too far away to help fast enough. Makarov turned around hearing Lucy's voice however and could see something behind her.

"Run away children!" He screamed breaking into a run straight towards them

"Don't think a demon can be killed so easily" A voice whispered behind Lucy. Slowly turning around she saw Lullaby standing there but it looked different.

Without a moment's notice, the demon placed its hand over Lucy's heart and her soul flew out. 

"Thanks for the meal!" It thanked devouring her soul whole. Escanor stood there in shock as his friend went pale and fell over dead.

"Lucy!!" Natsu yelled fire erupting around him charging at the demon. Turning to look straight at them a barrier appeared around The guilds.

"No more of you. I'll deal with you later" It promised looking down at Escanor who was shaking in fear.

"I'm hungry" It smiled reaching out for Escanor.

Escanor stared up in fear and started to run away in terror.

"Run Escanor RUN!" Gray yelled.

"Yes Run little one run!" It mocked slowly walking forward but walking at the same speed as it slowly reached him.

Escanor tripped over a rock and cut open his back tumbling down a hill. Approaching him from behind the demon laughed.

"What's that? A tattoo? Of a lion! Ha! Pathetic! But I like my snacks to have some pride in them. I guess that's my sin!" It mocked.

Pride. Tattoo. Lion. Pathetic.Sin.

Escanor looked up and cut himself again gathering his blood. 

"Escanor! What are you doing!" Happy yelled.

Escanor looked up at the demon and threw his blood into its face before running and hiding.

"Ahh! A momentary refugee But I'll find you eventually!" It growled searching for Escanor.

Two minutes passed before finally.

"FOUND YOU!" It yelled Grabbing escanor and lifting him.

"Let me go! Please!" Escanor begged.

"Maybe since you threw your blood in my face I'll let you see your friends again. Right before I devour your and their souls!" Lullaby laughed leaping over to the guilds.

"Lullaby let him go!" Natsu demanded.

"Sure I'll let him go into my stomach!" Lullaby laughed.

Suddenly Escanor glowed and flames erupted around him. It was so sudden that Lullaby dropped him in surprise. 

"Spicy!" It smiled. Lullaby suddenly heard the sound of something swinging through the air. Without a second thought, Lullaby dodged as something flew past, And whatever it was flew straight into Escanor throwing him back.

"Escanor!" Erza shouted.

Looking towards the dust where Escanor had landed the demon saw something move inside the dust.

"Trying to escape! I won't allow that!" It leaped into the dust.

"Escanor! RUN!"  Happy screamed.

They heard the sounds of escanor being punched and the splatter of blood. Tears fell down their faces as they lost another member. The heat generated by their bodies and Natsu's rage began to make them sweat and their skin boil. 

"I can't handle losing another child" Makarov whimpered falling to the ground.

Suddenly lullaby was knocked back.

"Impossible  impossible impossible!" It screamed.

But they didn't notice the lake nearby steaming.

" You lost another child? Who decided that?

I'm trying to escape? Who decided that? I am the one who decides" Escanor walked out of the dust holding a massive battle-axe in his right hand. A battle axe that glowed like the sun.

"What a gorgeous body!" Master bob gasped.

"What kind of weapon is that!" Lullaby groaned as one of its arms fell off.

"Divine axe rhitta. An axe bearing the name of a maiden blessed by the sun. And the last thing you will ever see demon" Escanor promised. 

"Like hell!" It screamed charging at Escanor.

Escanor jumped out of the way and swung down disintegrating another arm.

Lullaby suddenly opened its mouth and the same beam that destroyed the mountain was fired straight at escanor.

"Escanor look out!" Erza yelled. 

But they have no need for fear. Escanor sliced the beam in two with one swing.

"Die Monster!" Lullaby begged.

"I'm no monster, Human blood flows through these veins pumping life into a body that you shall not have for much longer" Escanor huffed. The demon ran forward turning its legs into spears to pierce Escanor.

The spears hit Escanor but didn't even draw blood. With a single swipe of his hand, he tore both of the legs of the demon clean off.

"For the sin of taking another soul that doesn't belong to you, you shall wait for your fellow demons in hell," Escanor announced lifting up his arm.

"If I'm going out I'll take you all out with me!" It screamed preparing a self-destruction spell.
In response, Escanor leaped into the air living his hand straight up.

"Sacred treasure release!" Escanor ordered a brilliant light surrounding him. As all the blistering heat created by both Natsu and Escanor was collected and turned into power.

"It's like a second sun!" Gold mine gasped.

"Such power! It's incredible!" Erza said in shock.

"So this is the power that defeated Erigor" Kageyama muttered In awe.

"You're soul will be mine!" Lullaby shouted sending up a beam of energy.

" Judgement " Escanor said simply swiping his arm down.

The barrier around the guild shattered as a beam shot into the sky one that was white.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled running straight for the body of his friend that had barely avoided Escanors attack. Realizing she was indeed dead he cried. Escanor landed down beside the crying Natsu.

" Do not despair Natsu-" Escanor started.

"Shut up!" Natsu yelled back. Happy feared for Natsu's life however Escanor leaned down. But then Happy realized he wasn't leaning down he was changing back.

"Sir Natsu it's okay, look," Escanor said. Natsu looked at Escanors hand and saw a bright blue ball surrounded by a golden glow, Sunshine allowing Escanor to hold it gently.

"Is that?" Natsu started.

"Her soul" Escanor nodded releasing it as it drifted back into Lucy's body.

"I don't feel so good guys" Lucy moaned.

"Lucy!" Natsu cried. Wiping a tear from his eye Gray smiled. 

"Truly amazing Escanor! Truly amazing" Erza congratulated.

"Who decided that?" Happy copied.

"SHUT IT YOU DUMB CAT!" Lucy ordered. 

Everyone laughed as they knew their old friend lucy was back. Despite maybe a little mental scaring.

And that's the true ending of the sun's rising: Prides return! And with divine axe rhitta and Makarov knowing Escanors power things are about to heat up. And if you're wondering why Lullaby had two forms it's because it's still a demon created by Zeref I felt that it just dying so easy was a little of a letdown. So stay tuned for the next chapter! Battle: Escanor vs two little faries!

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