The Legendary Hero: Myth (Qui...


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Izuku Midorya who was born with a powerful quirk lives in a super human society. After losing his mother at t... More

3.Last letter
5.Three years later.
6.The New Roommate
7.The Offer
9.New home
10. The banquet
11.Meet The Team
12. Boogeyman
13.Getting Back
14. Arrival in Japan and meetings
16. Explosive Reunion
17. First Lesson
18. Show Down

15. New Teacher.

1.2K 34 26

Important A/N at the and please read!

Currently it was 10pm. Izuku was standing in front of UA highschool and was sweating bullets.

He was worried that the rat like principal would recognize him.

True he was in disguise. Well can you call it a disguise when you changed your whole appearance?

Myth's Loki form was with him for seven years now so many of his abilities had aggregated with his original form. One of those skills was changing his appearance.

Now myth was a pit shorter and lean build. He still had a lot of muscles but a bit less then naturally. His nose was longer and more pointy, ears more showing and square. His hair was cherry red and reaching his mid back. Eyes were more narrow but other then that kept the same. He overall look to be in his late twenties.

His new identity was Otohiko Mimoto. He was thirty-one like most of UA's staff. He was born and raised in Tokyo and worked for GHA in heroics division since he was nineteen. It was decided that this back story should give him enough credentials for the job and not raise many questions for why there wasn't much information about him. It was normal for GHA'S agents to be unknown or there being little to none information about them.

Izuku looked himself over one more in his phone and decided to call the intercom.

"Oh Mr Mimoto! Please enter. There should be a staff member waiting for you next to the entrance."

Myth heard a squeak like voice and the enormous gate opened.

He walked to the building's entrance, admiring the view on his way.

Next to the door of the main building stood a man in shabby clothes and a big grey scarf on his neck.

Izuku approached the stranger with a smile and an outstretched hand. The boy knew who it was but it was polite to ask anyway.

"Hello! I'm Otohiko Mimoto. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise... The name's Shouta Aizawa... Let me lead the way."

From what he knew about Eraserhead he hadn't expected him to talk much, but anything at all would be appreciated.

Both men got in front of a door and walked in.

It was a big meeting room with all of UA's personel present.

Aizawa went ahead and sat next to a blond wearing leather, Present Mic.

On the head of the table sat a rodent like creature, Principal Nezu. Next to him sat an old lady in nurse's uniform, Recovery Girl. Then dog like human, HoundDog, person in cosmonaut suit, Thirteen,  man with a part of machine on his head, Power Loader, woman in spandex and red glasses, Midnight, Then Present Mic and Eraserhead.

On the other side of the Principal sat skeletal man, AllMight. Then  cowboy with a gas mask, Snipe,  man who looked like a brick, Cementos,  man in a chef's hat and pipes coming out of it, LunchRush, and lastly white haired man with fangs, VladKing

"Welcome Mimoto-san in our school! Please take a seat."

Izuku cursed under his breath when he realized that the only empty seat was in front of Nezu.

"Do you need any introductions to my staff or are you familiar with them?"

"I know all of them aside the gentleman whose sitting next to you, sir."

"Oh of course! Please Yagi-san if you could?"

The man nodded and stood up from his seat.

"My name is Toshinori Yagi. But what I'm about to tell you is only know by few people aside form the staff so I would ask for confidentiality."

"You don't have to worry Yagi-san! With the job offer came confidentiality agreement and I signed it of course."

"Well then... I'm a pro hero but due to a past injury my body was changed and now I look like this, but this form may be more familiar with you."

With that the blond man puffed out his chest and changed into a buff looking giant, AllMight. Izuku not wanting to be suspicious acted surprised.

"Oh wow! I wasn't expecting that! It'll be an honor working with a current number one hero in Japan."

The other man returned a smile and sat down. Now in his skeleton like form.

The principal had out his paws tighter and smiled brightly.

"Now let us begin explaining how things are run here to our new friend and tell him what is expected of him!"

After an over two hour meeting it was coming to an end. Myth learned that he'll have a lessons with both of  third year hero classes, four times a week in a classroom and one in one of the training sites available at UA. He also learned that due to the dorm policy he'll have to move into the teacher dorms. He's still allowed to leave as long as it's reported to the principal or one of the staff members. He's allowed visitors as long as they gain the visitor pass from the principal.

The meeting was ending and everyone was starting to leave when Izuku approached the number one hero.

"I'm sorry AllMight, but can I have a word with you in my office?"

Oh yes. Izuku has his own office now. Tho it's obviously almost empty as of now.

"Of course Mimoto-san!"

"You don't have to be so formal AllMight! Just call me Mimoto!"

The two men exited the meeting room together and went to the office, much to the confusion of other teachers.

"Why would he want to speak to him privately?"

Asked The voice hero his best friend.

"I don't know Mic. Maybe he's a fan or something?"

Answered him as much confused Midnight.

Izuku lead AllMight to his for now bear office and leaned on the desk, the other man standing before him.

"What's that you wanted to talk about Mimoto?"

"I... I wanted to apologize. The way I behaved when we first met was entirely childish and uncalled for and I blamed you for something I shouldn't have."

AllMight stared at him confused.

"What do you mean? We met today and I don't recall you behaving in such a way?"

"Maybe that'll help...your secret isn't as much of a secret as you may think it is"

Toshinori stared for a while and then his eyes gouged out as they're going to pop out.


"Please keep your voice down Tosinori. I know it's a lot and I'll explain but it's has to be kept a secret. I don't want to endanger the students and staff by driving the attention of my enemies here."

He thought for a while.

"Okay... You may explain. Everything. I want to know what you mean by blaming me for something you shouldn't have."

"*Deep sigh* Okay so first I'll explain how I look like this when it's known I look way different. You see my quirk allows me to change into any mythological creature/god as long as I have it's name tattooed on my body. If I have the tattoo for a certain time I start to get some powers and attributes of said form. This change in my looks was passible by my Loki form. He let's me change my appearance at will even in my original form since I had him for a long time."

Izuku give the older hero some time to sort it out in his head and continued.

"As for what I blamed you is my mother's death."

AllMight took a sharp breath.

"Then I understand why you behaved in such a way and I'm willing to put it behind us as you're seem like a good person and are a good hero. But why it changed?"

Izuku took a deep breath.

"As a hero I learned that not always you'll be capable of saving everyone... My mother died from a car crash caused by a stray bullet form a villain chase... You were the one leading the chase so I blamed you for not stopping the bullet or the car from crushing. But now I know better... You couldn't have. You had to catch those criminals and how you could passybly known that one bullet would cause a crash that made me an orphan at seven."

It was a lot to take in so Izuku let AllMight think. He expected almost anything, but he didn't expect for the other hero to gently smile at him and reach his hand out to him.

"I understand now, friend. And I won't keep it against you. If I recall correctly it happened fourteen years ago and since you were in your late teens/early twenties when we met it still could be fresh in your mind. I know how it's to lose the last member of your family and to blame someone for it... I hope we can be friends now that it past us and our misunderstandings were corrected!"

Izuku let one stray tear fall from his eye. He definitely hasn't expect that! How can AllMight forgive him so easily! He outed him in front of Endeavour and Dayu! But he is THE number one hero after all...  At lest in Japan. He's got to be a good man.

"I-I... Thank you Toshinori. It means a lot. I hope we can be friends too. And together work on helping young heros at this school make the world a better place."

He accepted AllMight's hand a squized it firmly with a smile on his face.

Both heroes talked for a while after that getting to know each other better. AllMight really seemed to want to be friends with Izuku despite what he'd done. It warmed Izuku's heart that this man was so pure even tho he's been in hero business for so long, it certainly can drain someone's soul. It definitely did his in a way...

Myth was currently sitting in his team's private common room waiting for Cig to bring in the new recruit. He kinda pitted the guy, he had to meet three new people with strong personalities and hasn't officially met Cig either.

Messiah brought his hands together and smiled wildly at Myth. "Sooo Izu, who's the new guy? You haven't told us anything about him other then that he's going to join our ridiculous band." Demented white haired male.

"Why bother if you're gonna met him in a few." Chuckled Izuku. "Seriously! And you haven't given us anything?!" Screamed outraged Felicia. "Finnne, he's a bit shy but he's a good guy. He's like us." The air in there room became serious and Izuku made eye contact with all of his teammates present in the room as Cig knew that already after running a background check on Tamaki before the interview. "Killed a villain before huh? God that must have sucked. We at lest had and have GHA backing us up. Poor dude." Said Sebastian remaining eye contact. "Well he'll have them now... And us."

Before anyone could answer, the escalator's door opened with a ding and Cig with Amajiki behind him steeped inside.

"Good evening everyone, here's the new guy." Stated Cig beckoning Amajiki forward, a nervous mess. But what surprised Myth was a small smile tugging revenett's lips. "H-hell-o everyone. I'm-I'm Tamaki Amajiki, Suneater." He let out quietly.

Myth smiled warmly and removed his mask, to the shook of everyone in the lounge. They were confused. Why would Myth trust that guy after a one meeting! But then he did the same with them at the start and they knew he wouldn't have done that if the new guy couldn't be trusted.

"Good to see ya Amajiki! That's Felicia Fox known as Shielda." She gave him a small wave. "That's Sebastian Snow, Snowman" he gave a small salute. "And this edgy weirdo is Ashton Donavan, Messiah." Said male smiled and nodes at Tamaki. "Wassup Elfo!" The silence after that was so great that you could hear their hair grow. Izuku was about to intervene but was beat to it my a small giggle. "If I'm Elfo then what're you? A runaway elf from Santa's workshop? We both have pointy ears."

Godsmacked, that was Myth was. Never in his whole life he would expect someone so shy at their previous meeting to have so much sass. Aperently others agreed. They're ready to jump to the defense of the new comer from Ash's rage, but it never came. Instead came a loud laugh. "I walked right on that one didn't I! Congrats man! You passed my test! When I heard you're shy I thought your voice will be lost in this group! But I don't think it'll be! How you get to that! I'm sure you haven't always been like that!" The rest of the team now including Tamaki laughed at that and the Messiah acclaimed Elfo shook his head.

"My best friend is a loud one. And well my fiance is kinda the same, but more on a cheerful side."

"Wait wait wiat, hold up a moment! Fiance! I thought you have a boyfriend! WOW! I never took you for a guy with two partners!"

Poor Tamaki got red like a cherry. "It's-s  n-nothing l-like that! He-he proposed y-yesterday!" To that Myth stood up and went to Tamaki and clapped him on the back, maybe a litte to hard. "That's awesome man! Glad that someone in this team's not gonna be single forever!"

"Ey! I like being single! I can fuck whoever the fuck I want!" Shouted Messiah. "Yeah keep telling yourself that Ash. You  just can't find a boyfriend OR a girlfriend."

"Fuck you Snow White! I can find me a man whenever I want! Just you all wait and see!" "Man, were not immortal. So hurry the fuck up cause by you're pase we're all gonna die before that. Including you!" Cig teased.

Laughter boomed in the lounge until Myth cleared his throat. " Okay ladies! Calm down! There'll be much time to talk and celebrate newbies engagement later! Now to the matter of this meeting."

At that both Cig and Tamaki finally sat down on one of the couches. And Myth put his best business face on.

"You read the files I'd sent you right, Amajiki?" A nod from him. "Great! You're just have to sign those papers and we can get to other stuff." Tamaki took the papers and the offered pen and singed his name on given documents.

After that Myth stood up and cleared his throat. "Now as agreed you'll receive a permanent change or boost to your quirk." Elf eared hero nodded and so did Myth to that. "Nüwa" He quickly transformed with a little amount of emerald shine that dimmed after the regular usage of his transformation ability.

Felicia, Cig and Sebastian look with interest but not as much as when they first saw this particular form. Messiah's whole face got red and he stared at him like into the picture. It was apparent that someone had a litte bit of crush, but if on this form or on Myth himself was unknown. Meanwhile Tamaki looked fascinated but not captured by the beaty in front of him at all, which was expected as the man was engaged AND most likely gay.

Myth wasted no time and kissed Tamaki quickly. Tamaki got red but not from embarrassment but from anger. It was not something that either of men wanted to do in the least. With that he transformed back to himself.

"Okay! That's done fortunately! Sorry Amajiki! I really am! But that's how it's done! Everyone got the kiss! It's required to join us by now!" Izuku explained himself fast. He did not want Amajiki to hate him, definitely not after the second time they met.

Rage from Tamaki's face seem to fade a lot but it was clear he didn't like that and was a bit mad, more annoyed now but still. He let out a deep breath to calm himself before speaking.

"It's fine I understand. But please ask for permission if you're ever going to do something like that in the future before you do it."

Izuku scratched his nape nervously and apologized again and again and again. Now Tamaki wasn't mad anymore. He could see that Myth felt guilty and just did what he had to. After someone in the group, but none would confess to doing so, (most likely Sebastian or Cig) coughed, Izuku shooked himself out o f his apologizing frenzy and became serious again.

"Okay. Sorry again for that and I'll ask for consent first in the future. But hopefully it'll won't come to that... So, your quirk changed quite a bit but not drastically like Felicia's or Sebastian's... Before you could manifest anything you ate on your body or as a replacement for a body part. Now you can manifest anything you ever ate from now on, and added to that you won't have to replace your current body parts. Tho it's advised for more precision and a better handle on your body. Aside form that you can fuse things you manifest. For example... If  you've eaten a squid you can change your arms to tanatackls and if you've eaten something with spikes you can manifest then on the tanatackls, what you were not able to do previously, correct?"

"Yeah... I only could manifest one thing at a time on a certain part of my body." Said owed hero.

"So! With that out of the way let's get to know each other! I'm Myth by the way!"
Chuckles at that. "But my name is Midoriya Izuku and I'm originally form Musutafu, later raised in the orphanage for kids with powerful and/or dangerous quirks before being recruited by Global Hero Association. Which by the way you're a part of too. As was in the documents you've just singed and tomorrow you'll receive an international hero license along licence to use lethal force if needed."

Some amused snorts and laughs at that and the team, now including six members, got to taking and celebrating by having few rounds of drinks both Tamaki joining the team and his engagement to Miro.


Thanks guys for reading and hopefully you enjoyed this longer cheaper as the recompensation for a long absence. I won't lie and say that I'll update more frequently as there's a lot going on in my life at the moment. Also it's the year of my finals and I'm going to take a course to be a lifeguard.

Honestly this chapter could be ready a long like ago but I was struggling with writing the AllMight part the way I wanted it to be and scraped it like five times.






That's all for now guys! See you on next one and please leave some comments (anything really as I live your thoughts on stuff) as they give me great motivation to keep going with this story and as always if you have any ideas, complains, or questions don't hesitate to ask!.

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