The Little Wolf [A Princess M...

By Expecto_fandom89

11.5K 448 39

[Ashitaka x fem! reader] Warnings: Blood and gore Y/N had been a part of the forest for as long as she could... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
C'est Fini

Chapter 1

2.2K 55 9
By Expecto_fandom89

In ancient times, the land lay covered in forests, where, from ages long past, dwelt the spirits of the gods.

A young girl sat by an open flame, a small piece of wood clutched in her hands. A thin knife rested in the other, the blade pressed beneath a small knot in the wood, slowly making a mark in the otherwise blemished skin.

A howl drew the girl's attention away from her whittling and she turned her head to the forest before her, smiling softly at the familiar sound. Trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. Bushes, flowers, and moss that dotted the forest floor, concealing the brown dirt and soil beneath. And the morning mist that filled the gaps in the trees, bringing with it the scent of fresh water and a new day. She smiled and returned to her whittling, careful not to cut her thumb.

Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion swept over the girl. Her hands went slack on the wood and knife, nearly sending both to the ground as she slumped over. Thankfully, her sister was close and jumped over to her sister, catching her before her body hit the ground. She called for their mother but laid her down on the pile of leaves that acted as the bed for the two girls.

"Watch her," the mother said, leaving their room. There was nothing she could do for her daughter while she slumbered.

The elder sister nodded, taking a seat by her sister and watching as the fire danced on her skin. It wasn't usual for the younger to simply pass out, especially when they hadn't gone on an attack that day. Sometimes she would doze off after an intense battle with those of the Irontown, but it had been a calm day today. And the older sister was left to wonder what had caused her sister to black out.

* * *

Far from the home of the two girls, a young boy rode through the woods, his red serow bounding between the trees and onto a small dirt path that ran alongside an old stone wall. As they neared the stone, the boy rose from his saddle and hopped up onto the wall, walking along the ridge as he took in the surroundings. The words of the wise woman floated about in his mind like a plague. She hardly ever called everyone back to the village. What had she seen today that caused her to fear for those who strayed beyond the borders?

"Yakul," the boy said, calling to his faithful steed. His bare feet started to run towards a small wooden board that had been built. Yakul quickly scampered up the wood and slowed his pace for a moment, allowing the young boy to grab his horns and pull himself up onto the serow's back. The two sped off once more, now winding through a path in the hills that had been carved by the boy's ancestors.

As they ran, they came across a trio of young girls.

"Ashitaka," one of them called out, upon seeing her brother approaching.

"The wise woman wants everybody back to the village at once," Ashitaka said, pulling on Yakul's reins to halt the steed in his canter.

"We just came from Ji-san," one of the girls said.


"Yes, in the forest. Something's wrong."

"The birds have gone," another one of the girls said.

"The animals too!"

Ashitaka glanced up the path that led to the watchtower where Ji-san sat, dutifully watching the border of the woods. "I'll go check with Ji-san. You three hurry back home." He flicked the reins and Yakul sped off up the path.

The tower where Ji-san sat soon came into view and Ashitaka glanced up to the top level. He couldn't see the straw-coloured hood of the man, and the red of his coat from the base of the tower, but Ashitaka knew that he was there. Ji-san never left his post.

Yakul carried his rider to the bottom ladder and Ashitaka hopped off, without even waiting for the serow to come to a complete stop. He clambered up the first ladder, and as he was about to climb up the second, movement in the forest caught his eye. He stared into the dark shadows of the forest, gasping lightly when he saw the squirming movement in the shade. He quickly climbed up the rest of the ladder, eager to talk with Ji-san about what he had seen in the forest.

"Ji-san," the boy muttered as he emerged onto the platform at the top, "did you see it too?"

"I did," the elderly man said with a stare that matched Ashitaka's. "It isn't human."

Ashitaka glanced back to his village, hidden behind cliffs and trees that had kept them secret for years. "The wise woman's calling everybody back to the village."

"There! Look!"

Ashitaka turned back to the forest and drew an arrow from the quiver on his back. He set it in his bow and pulled back the string, aiming the tip of the arrow towards the gap in the tree. The gap that had allowed him to see the strange squirming of whatever was threatening the village.

The sky darkened, sunlight turned to shadow, and Ashitaka glared into the shade of the forest, waiting for whatever the monstrosity was. As he watched, the forest trees started to wither, losing the emerald shade of their leaves and falling to the rotten ground below. The stone wall that had been built as protection was suddenly shattered as a large beast emerged from the forest, its body made of nothing more than dark worms, and two red eyes that shone like gems of blood. It moved through the grass, its four legs turning to six as two more sprouted on its side.

"It's some kind of demon," Ji-san shouted.

"A demon?"

The two watched as the sun returned, creating a border between the demon and their watchtower. As the monster reached the sun, the worms of darkness seemed to react and retreated to the shadows, revealing the vessel of hatred and malice. A boar. Larger than any that had ever been seen around the village before. Brown fur stained a darker shade with blood, worms emerging from its form as it snarled at the serow waiting for its master at the bottom of the tower. The darkness arced up into the sky, towering higher than the watchtower, before diving back into the beast. The boar pushed forward with a vengeance, staining the ground beneath with rot and decay.

"Run, Yakul," Ashitaka shouted, worried for the life of his loyal companion.

Yakul was frozen to the ground, shaking like a leaf as he stared at the approaching danger. If not for the arrow Ashitaka shot to scare him, Yakul would have been consumed by the demon. As the demon swarmed the watchtower, knocking it over with its massive body, Yakul sprinted off.

As the watchtower started to fall into the valley below, Ashitaka threw his arms around Ji-san and pulled him from the tower, leaping into one of the nearby trees. The leaves and branches broke their fall, though they were sure to be stained with bruises from the impact. Ashitaka turned to the demon and felt his heart throb with worry when he realised it was heading to the village. His home. Where his friends and family would be unable to defend against it.

"It's headed for the village. I've got to stop it!" Ashitaka leapt from the tree and landed on the ground below.

"Ashitaka," Ji-san shouted after the boy. "That thing is cursed! Don't let it touch you!"

Ashitaka emerged from the forest and pressed his fingers to his lips, whistling long and loud. Yakul emerged from the forest, forgetting about his fear in favour of assisting his rider. Ashitaka quickly strung his bow again and as Yakul ran past the rock he stood on, he threw himself onto Yakul's back, his legs tight around the serow's back as Yakul vaulted over the edge of the cliff, carefully jumping down from one rock to the next. As they entered the forest, Ashitaka noticed the demon just off to the side, creating its own path through the foliage. He gritted his teeth, urging Yakul to run faster. They pulled in front of the beast and it crashed in the forest behind them, now following after them, eager for a taste of their fresh meat.

"Calm your fury, o mighty lord," Ashitaka shouted behind him. "Whatever you may be, god or demon, please leave us in peace!"

As they emerged from the forest, Ashitaka turned away from the village, hoping to lead the demon away, but its attention was drawn by the trio of girls that Ashitaka had bumped into on his way to Ji-san. It paused for a moment, allowing the girls time to realise the fear in their hearts, before turning on them and charging.

"The monster!"

"Come on!"

The girls started running, hurrying back to the safety of their village. Ashitaka quickly came up behind them, having realised that the girls were now the main target of the demon rather than him.

"Go back," he shouted. "Leave our village alone! Stop! Please!"

The three girls were running as fast as they could, but suddenly, one tripped and fell to the ground, letting out a panicked shout as she fell. Her friends quickly doubled back to help her, one pulling out her dagger and pointing it at the approaching monster, the other pulling the fallen girl to her feet.

Ashitaka pulled out an arrow, noticing the fallen girl, and pulled Yakul in front of the monster.

Aim for the eye.

Ashitaka was shocked by the strange voice in his mind, but he listened. The arrow screamed as it flew through the air, finding a home in the glowing ruby eye. The beast let out a terrible scream and writhed on the spot. The girls took the chance and hurried to the village.

Angered by the attack, the beast lashed out at Ashitaka, its tendrils searching for him and eventually finding him. They wrapped around his arm, sinking beneath fabric and flesh until Ashitaka managed to pull his arm away. He steered Yakul back around, ignoring the worms clinging to his skin, and set another arrow in his bow. He passed by the boar again and felt his heart thumping in his chest.


Ashitaka obeyed the voice yet again and released the arrow. It struck the revealed boar in the forehead, ending the attack of the evil parasites, and the life of the boar. But Ashitaka didn't celebrate his victory. His attention was focused on the scorching burn on his arm. A terrible smell rose from his skin, and black smoke filled the air as the worms burned at his flesh beneath the fabric.

Pulling his gaze from his arm, Ashitaka looked up just in time to see the boar, once a majestic beast, falling to the decayed grass below. Shouts from the village erupted at the boar landed with a thud, shaking the ground.

Yakul brought Ashitaka over to the villagers as they emerged from the village gate. His sister arrived just in time to catch him as he fell, cradling his body close to hers.

Don't let anyone touch your wound.

As the young girl moved to touch his wounded arm, Ashitaka pulled it away. "Kaya, don't touch it. This wound is evil."

"Ashitaka is hurt! Where is the wise woman?"

The two siblings started throwing dirt onto the wound, trying to soothe it.

"You must keep away from him, all of you," the wise woman shouted as she emerged from the village, carried by one of the men. "Everyone stay back!"

"What shall we do," Kaya cried, worried for her brother.

The wise woman handed her a large gourd, unstopping it as she was set on the ground. "Take this and pour it over his wound, child, slowly." Kaya obeyed and poured the water over her brother's arm, wincing as she listened to the hissing of heat meeting water.

Meanwhile, the wise woman approached the boar. She bowed to the grand beast, hoping to appease the hatred within. "O nameless god of rage and hate, I bow before you. Where you have fallen we will raise a mound and perform rites. Pass on in peace and bear us no hatred."

The deep voice of the boar echoed through the clearing. "Disgusting little creatures, soon all of you will feel my hate and suffer as I have suffered." As it finished speaking, its flesh melted away, leaving nothing but a horrible stench, the blackened blood of the beast, and a pile of bones, stained with evil and blood.

As he was escorted back to the village by the wise woman, Ashitaka shut his eyes and focused his mind on the voice that had assisted him in the battle.

'Thank you, whoever you are. You have saved my village, and I am in your debt.'

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