// The Missing Prince // Hyun...

By kay343

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What would happen if someone tried to kill you because you were too perfect? I don't know, ask Hyunjin. You s... More

Characters Appearances
The Boar
Our last chance
The Devil's Den
The Midnight Wolf
World Wide Handsome
Now and Forever
The Ball
Two Kinds of Evil

Play with Fire

568 19 6
By kay343

" Wow, they actually did it."

" It took them long enough."

" I would have never guessed."

" Are you that unaware of your surroundings?"

" No! I just didn't have time to worry about that!"

" Sure you didn't."

" Innie! Tell Seungmin to stop making fun of me!"

" Hyungs stop it, you're going to wake them up."

" He started it!"

" Wow, real mature Hyunjin."

" Seungmin hyung, shut it."

" Ha!"

" You guys are so loud."

" They look so cute!"

Many voices were whispering in the room as Minho tried to sleep, but it was too late. He slowly opened his eyes and all he could see were many dark figures surrounding his bed. He didn't know what these things were but he does know that they were loud as hell.

He let out a soft yawn before stretching his arm realizing there was something heavy on his chest. He opened his eyes and he looked down to see fluffy brown hair on his chest.

He blinked with confusion, but then he realized what happened last night.

~Last evening~

" Oh my gosh, those old hags don't know what good fun is," Jisung scoffed as he sat down on the bed.

Minho chuckled as he unbutton his shirt, he was tired and he was going to bed. He had a great day, he confessed his feelings, he got to spend with his true love and now he can rest easy.

As he was doing so he heard the other clearing his throat. He looked up and he saw the younger's face being red. He tilted his head.

" What's up?"

Jisung fiddled with his fingers as he took a deep breath, " Look Minho, um since we admitted our love towards each other...we should um..."

Minho watched the other having trouble speaking, he stopped unbuttoning his shirt and he walked over towards the younger male.

Jisung was mentality cursing at himself for stuttering and not finding the correct words when he felt someone wrapping around his waist. He looked up and he saw the other smirking.

" You have a tiny waist."

Jisung's eyes widen, and he felt his cheeks getting warm as he looked down so the other couldn't see his face.

" N-No I don't," he mumbled in a small voice.

Minho didn't know why, but he found the other in this position so cute. He will never admit this but whenever the other is shy and well...like this, he found the other irresistible.

Since he has never seen the other be shy, he's always loud and confident.

It's nice to see the other show his vulnerable side towards him. That means the younger male trust him, and he will value his trust for the rest of his life.

He just chuckled as he pressed a kiss on top of the other's head,  " What do you want to do?"

He felt the other burying his head into his chest as he hugged his torso, Minho looked down, and he let out a light chuckle before kissing the top of his head.

The older wrapped his arms around the smaller male, times like this made Minho hate himself for not confessing sooner. He wants to stay in this moment forever.

He began humming a soft tune until he heard mumbling.

Minho couldn't really understand since the other's face was literally buried into his chest. He leaned his head down a little and questioned.

" What was that?"

The mumbling was a little louder but Minho couldn't hear a damn thing, so he grabbed the other's shoulders and pulled him off of him.

"  What do you want Jisung," the older male asked a little louder.

" I want you to make love to me," Jisung snapped at the older with a bright red face.

Jisung's heart was racing and felt like his heart was beating out of his chest but he kept this stern face. Minho on the other hand just blinked and just said.

" Okay."

And right after that, the rest was history.

Minho smirked at the memory, he enjoyed every second of last night's adventure. He wished he could relive it since well, this is their 'first time' while being sober so it was extra special.

He looked down and he saw the younger's face, he was still sleeping. His face looks calm and he didn't look like this feisty squirrel that he's used to. He actually looked so mellow and angelic.

Plus his cheeks looked soft as always, but one of them was pressed on his chest and the younger was basically using him as a pillow. Then he realized he was totally shirtless underneath and so was Jisung, he could feel the other's heart beating on top of his chest.

He didn't mind at all, this is the most peaceful he has ever seen the other before and if he's the cause of it, he'll make sure he stays in peace.

" Is he awake?"

" I don't know, I thought he was."

Minho's eyes widen when he heard those voices, he looked up and he saw everyone, except for Chan, staring at him like some sort of animal.

He saw Felix practically bouncing up and down while the others stared at them with confusion.

" Huh, who knew Jisung would actually look at peace," Changbin hummed.

" It's weird not seeing him being a nuisance," Hyunjin added with Jeongin nodding his head in agreement.

Minho glared at them, he wanted to yell but he remembered the younger male sleeping on his chest. He huffed before he whispered, " What the hell are you doing here?"

The others must not hear him because they still kept talking.

" I knew it was going to happen," Seungmin boasted.

Jeongin tsked as he wrapped his arms around Seungmin's shoulder, " Yeah right, I knew it was going to happen first."

" No you didn't, I was the one who told you."

Jeongin rolled his eyes then the prince tilted his head, " I never knew about this."

Changbin let out a chuckle," Well I knew, I knew something was happening when Ji told me they had sex in the barn."

Right after he said that he slapped his mouth and right when he was going to deny it, it was too late. The others gave him stares and Jeongin let out a disbelief laugh.

" Are you fucking serious!?"

" The barn," Hyunjin asked.

" That's fucking sick," Seungmin shook his head with disapproval.

Felix nodded his head, " That's what I said."

Changbin quickly snapped his head towards his partner, " You knew?"

The blonde nodded his head with his usual bright smile, " Yeah, Ji told me at the house."

Changbin tsked, " What? I thought I was the first one."

Felix cooed, " Sorry Changbinnie."

" That's crazy...they had sex in front of my horse," Jeongin loudly voiced out.

Seungmin shook his head as Hyunjin rubbed his back out of comfort, they continued talking about the sleeping couple in front of them.

Without knowing one of them wasn't actually sleeping, also without knowing that person is extremely pissed.

Minho growled, he looked down and he saw his lover still sleeping. He huffed, he kissed his forehead before gently lifting him up.

The other moved a little bit without waking up. Minho placed him on the other side, and he was thankful that the other wasn't awake. He sighed but soon got angry at his uninvited guests.

He sat up on his bed and watched the others 'argue' right in front of him.

" Well I'm saying, it's not completely shocking, I mean did you see them!? It was pretty fucking obvious to me," Changbin humphed.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and tsked at his cousin, "Yeah right, you didn't know they fucked until Jisung told you!"

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows at him while Jeongin rubbed his chin, " I mean, I knew something was up when Jisung told him he loved him but I didn't think he was for real."

" Wait, he told you he loved him!? Ugh! He didn't tell me," Felix pouted.

" Now you know how it feels," Changbin taunted.

Felix gave him a glare, " You better remember who you're talking to, I'm still you're lover Seo Changbin."

Changbin gulped at his lover's death glares while the prince and Jeongin giggled as Seungmin snickered.

" He told you."

" Shut it!"

" Ahem."

Minho looked over and he saw his lover sitting up on the backboard of the bed with a pissed-off expression on his tired face.

The other stopped as well and turned around to see the upset couple. Jeongin looked at the others before giving them his cheeky smile.

" Hey hyungs-"

" Will someone explain to me why the hell are you guys in my fucking room," Jisung coldly interrupted.

Everyone was surprised by the other's tone of voice while Minho smirked, at this very moment he found Han Jisung extremely attractive. He smiled as he looked ahead at the other's faces.

Seungmin on the other hand just walked over to the couple and looked into their eyes and asked, " Did you guys really fucked in the barn?"

Minho and Jisung looked at each other before Minho shrugged his shoulders, " Eh."

That made Seungmin gag, " That's gross."

" Why are y'all in here," Jisung yawned as he scooted closer towards the other male in the bed.

" Well, we didn't see Minho in his room and we were worried but then we noticed your door was unlocked, and bam, here we are," Changbin pointed at the others.

Jisung snapped his head towards his lover, " You didn't lock the door?"

" What? You were the one who wanted to have sex-"

" Shut up," Jisung yelled as his face flushed with scarlet red.

The others oohed and laughed at the other's embarrassment. Jisung growled, he covered himself with the covers and glared.

" Get the hell out!"

Jeongin was about to say something, but he was cut off by a small tug on his arm. He looked over and he saw his lover giving him looks. Jeongin blinked before Hyunjin whined out, that's when he remembered.

" Oh yeah! We needed to talk to you guys."

" Without Chan hyung," Felix loured.

" It's important."

" Again I.N? We already talked about this," Changbin sighed.

Jeongin shook his head, " No, this time it's about him and you guys need to hear this out."

The others looked at each other before Jisung raised his eyebrows, " Go on."

Jeongin took a deep breath and told them about what he saw a couple of nights ago. He told them already he and Hyunjin talked about the matter. He told them about him and Seungmin going to the servant's hall, he told them about Seungmin's theories and he told them about his ideas and such. He told them about his suspicions and such.

And when he got done, he didn't get the reaction he was hoping for.

" Hold up!? You mean to tell me that you think Chan hyung is working for this psycho who could have possibly planned on killing Hyunjin," Changbin asked loudly in shock and doubt.

Jeongin scratched the back of his head, " Now, I know it sounds crazy-"

" Jeongin, that's the dumbest shit I have ever heard," Minho interrupted.

" Oh come on!"

" It's not stupid," Hyunjin humphed.

" Yes it is," Seungmin added.

Hyunjin glared while Jeongin facepalmed, " Oh my god."

" And it was very idiotic of you to go snooping in someone's stuff Jeongin," Jisung sternly told the other.

" I told him that," Seungmin voiced out.

Hyunjin and Jeongin glared at him while Changbin crossed his arms, " Yet you still went."

Seungmin's face dropped, and Minho shook his head and paid attention to the youngest male.

" What possessed you to do this dumb shit Jeongin?"

" I bet the preppy prince had something to do with it," Jisung murmured.

Hyunjin heard this, and he was going to go off but he was stopped by his lover. Who just wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him closer to him. Hyunjin just closed his mouth and humphed as he leaned into his lover's chest.

Jeongin sighed, " Look hyungs, I know what I saw. And I saw that servant giving that Jeon King looks and this is the same guy who tried to kill Hyunjin off!"

Changbin looked at the prince, " What did your mother say about this?"

" She said she'll...take care of it," he mumbled as he hid behind Jeongin.

" Ok so, why the hell are you two snooping in this man's shit? If what you're saying is true, he could try to kill you guys," Changbin loudly stated.

" Look hyung! I know it was dumb but I didn't feel comfortable having a man working for my lover and his family," Jeongin stated as he wrapped his arm around Hyunjin's waist.

Hyunjin turned his head over toward Seungmin's direction, who just rolled his eyes at him and turned his head away.

He frowned but then heard Jisung scoffing while Changbin shook his head as he forced out a chuckle, " This is ridiculous."

" Jeongin, that was a dumb move. You could have gotten in trouble for that," Felix sincerely told the younger male.

Jeongin groaned, and Hyunjin frowned. He knew this plan was risky but he still did, he should have stopped the younger from the beginning.

He laid his head down on the younger's shoulder, meanwhile, Felix was processing everything he heard.

Yeah, he was upset at Jeongin and Seungmin for doing that dumb plan but he couldn't help but think about his brother. Lately, the other has been so secretive and just so...mysterious.

It's like he doesn't know who he is anymore, ever since that moment in the woods. He has been very odd with his brother.

To him, his brother is keeping something from him, so him being accused of working with the Jeon King doesn't entirely surprise him.

He just wants to know the truth.

" Lix?"

He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw his lover looking at him with concern. He always hated whenever others worry about him, especially hates it whenever Changbin does.

" Are you ok?"

Felix blinked before realizing everyone was watching him, he just sighed.

" Look...maybe this Chan thing isn't so...shocking."

Changbin was going to speak but Minho beat him to it, " You can't be serious."

" Think about it, Chan never tells us what he's thinking. He never tells us anything about his feelings or...anything really!"

" But, he's your brother," Changbin softly told him.

Felix gave him a stern look, " Brothers don't keep stuff from one another."

Changbin frowned, he doesn't know where that came from. He didn't really understand why Felix was upset with his older brother.

That again, he noticed the blonde's mood shift when they were in the woods.

Saying how he'll tell him what was wrong later but he never got to it.

The whole room got quiet after that. It was very tense and very awkward.

And the funny thing was, it wasn't because of Minho and Jisung being totally naked underneath the sheets. It was the fact that their leader or their older brother was being accused of working with the ruthless Strayia king.

It was just a heavy situation.

Changbin was staring at his love with a frown when something clicked in his mind, he quickly turned over to Hyunjin.

" What's King Jeon's real name?"

Hyunjin blinked before he hummed, " Jungkook."

Changbin's eyes widen, " Oh shit."

" What is it muscle brain," Jisung sighed as he lay down on Minho's shoulder.

Changbin ignored the other's comment before he looked back at the others, " Ok but I think I know the issue."

" Then spit it out," Seungmin snapped.

" Ok ok, so. When me and Jisung were running away from the chiefs for stealing their desserts. We ran into a room, we hid in there so we didn't get caught, so then-"

" Wait, why were you stealing? You could have just asked," Hyunjin told them.

" Shush!"

Everyone shushed the prince, who humphed and crossed his arms with a big pout on his face. Jeongin just pulled him closer towards him and nodded towards his hyung, "Continue hyung."

Changbin scoffed, " Geez thanks."

" Ok ok, then what happened, " Jisung impatiently asked.

Minho looked at him with confusion, " You were there."

" So? I forgot."

Minho rolled his eyes, but soon stopped when he saw Changbin giving him death stares.

" Can I finish?!"

The older just flipped him off while Changbin looked at his cousin, " Ok then, when we were hiding. I overheard these maids or workers or some shit talking. And they said something interesting."

" What did they say," Felix softly asked.

" They were saying how Seokjin, your mother's servant," Changbin pointed at Hyunjin before he looked back at the others, " saying how he called a man named Jungkook brother."

The others gasped while Hyunjin waved his hands, " Wait, brothers?"

Changbin firmly nodded his head, " Yes, brothers. But then the other maid was like it's bad to gossip about the royals or some shit. I just remembered because I heard the name Seokjin in a conversation before."

Seungmin and Jeongin looked at each other, smiles started to appear on their faces.

" So."

" We were."

" Both right," the two youngest males said together.

The others looked at them weirdly, and the two high-fived each other as they started talking in their own little world.

Hyunjin tsked but soon stopped when Seungmin looked back at his older cousin.

" Wait a minute, how is that possible? In the books, it said that the last king only had one son," Seungmin asked his cousin.

" Yeah, when I was living there. I was told that the only heir was training and he only had one kid," Jisung sat up.

" Are you sure you heard this correctly?"

" I know what I heard Min, one of the maids overheard Seokjin calling the king, brother," Changbin spoke up.

" Hyung? Which maid was this," Hyunjin asked.

The shorter hummed, " I believe it was a guy? Yeah, he was...short and very pretty. He also had...big lips I guess."

The others were confused by this information while Hyunjin tried to think about the worker with those features.

" Um why were you looking at his lips," Felix raised his eyebrows at his lover.

Changbin awkwardly chuckled, and Hyunjin let out a soft gasp.

" Oh! I know who you're talking about!"

Everyone looked at him with confusion as he looked at his lover, " He's talking about Taehyung's personal servant. Jimin."

Jeongin formed an 'oh' with his mouth as he nodded his head, " Oh...who's Jimin?"

Hyunjin scoffed, " I just said he's Taehyung's servant Innie!"

" Oh...I still don't know who that is."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, Changbin looked over and asked.

" So what does that mean?"

Hyunjin looked and huffed, " It means, we go find Jimin, asked why he thinks that way then ask him to tell us what he knows and just find out what the hell is going on."

The others mumbled an agreement, they weren't as on board at first but now this seems interesting.

They started talking about what they should do and such while Jeongin linked his arm around the prince's waist and a cocky smile planted on his face as he looked at his lover.

" Damn Love, you being bossy is...very attractive right now."

Hyunjin stopped for a moment, he looked at his lover's face. Jeongin wiggled his eyebrows and that caused the prince's face to turn scarlet red and let out a bashful giggle.

" Innie!"

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around the other's neck and started planting kisses on the other's cheek. They were in their own world while the others scoffed at their behavior, Seungmin just gave them a set of piercing glares.

Jisung turned over to his lover with a displeased look on his face.

" If I become like him, kill me."

Minho snorted as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder while Felix couldn't help but feel something wasn't right.

He couldn't shake off this feeling that his brother was definitely hiding something and this whole Seokjin thing was just a fraction of the mess.

He frowns, then he felt a rub on his back. He looked over and he saw his love staring at him.

" Lix, what are you not telling me?"

Felix's throat closed up, he looked down. This gathered everyone's attention and that caused the blonde to just sigh and he glanced over towards his lover to mumble out.

" I think Chan hyung is definitely hiding something."


Chan groaned when the sun's morning rays hit his face, he slowly opened his eyes. Which was a mistake, the sun's upsettingly bright rays hit him directly in his eyes. He turned his head towards the ceiling and realized something.

He never got a good night's rest a day in his life.

Even when he was younger, he suffered from nightmares, and adding his undercover job wasn't helping him. Then after his parents died, he had to work at The Devil's Den, he had to work all day and night so there wasn't much sleep there. Now after arriving here, he wouldn't get a good night's rest since his fight with Jeongin.

But now, he thought he was sleeping on clouds.

Last night was...magical to the blonde.

Here's what happened, he and the king started talking and Chan doesn't remember the time when he laughed that much. It was like the King was like some sort of joker or something, he remembers laughing and laughing then...the king scooted up closer to him and kissed him.

Chan doesn't remember much after that, all he knows now is that he's naked and his bottom aches like crazy. Yeah, they might have done a few rounds last night.

To Chan was honestly the best sec he has ever encountered. Usually, he had usually laid there and just let the other partner do their things but not this time.

He was actually participating and enjoying it.

It was exciting and just so...wonderful.

Chan didn't know how to process this, he never felt this lively or happy in a long time!

And he has the Strayia king to thank.

He was going to continue sleeping but he felt movement on the right side of the bed. He turned his head over and he saw a muscular man sitting up as he put on his shirt. Chan sat up and when he did, he noticed all purple spots all over his chest.

The tip of his ears started to turn red, he covered himself up with the covers as he looked up to see the other's back. When he did, he saw red marks on the older's back. He blushed as the king covered up his back.

" G-Good morning," he quickly greeted.

Immediately after that, he cringed at himself. He looked down at his lap as the king turned around to see the blonde in the bed. He chuckled at his face.

" Well good morning to you sunflower," the king spoke up in his groggy and morning voice.

Chan felt a warm sensation on his face when he heard the other's husky voice. He knew that the king was attractive any other day, but his morning voice was something else.

" How d-did you sleep," Chan shyly mumbled.

" Well, but I will admit. I heard some noises through the walls, so that woke me up," the king chuckled as he button his shirt.

Chan sighed, " I'm sorry, it's my brothers. They are always nosey in the mornings."

Jungkook chuckled, " It's fine but unfortunately my sunflower, that's my sign to leave."

A wave of disappointment hit Chan's face, he knows shouldn't be feeling this way. Jungkook-or should he say, King Jeon is a king. A quote-on-quote ruthless king to be exact, he's known to be the most fearful and strongest king that has ever walked this distract.

So having this kind of relationship is forbidden. Especially being in a relationship where an uneducated village boy would completely ruin his name or cause chaos.

Still, he couldn't help but feel...undesirable.

" I must get going, see ya."

" Wait, I-"

Chan was cut off by a kiss on his lips, his eyes widen but when he saw the king kissing him, he let out a hum. He was going to kiss him more but the older one let go.

Chan panted as he watched the older fix his jacket, " See ya."

Jungkook started walking out of the door, leaving the blonde in the bed.

" B-Bye."

King Jeon sighed as he closed the door, he looked around and made sure he didn't see anyone out of the hall. Made sure he didn't see any maids when he didn't. He hummed, and as he was walking out he heard a door open.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw five people walking out of the room. They were talking and such but they all froze the Strayian King in the middle of the hallway.

Their eyes widen as King Jeon kept a cool and collected face, he gave them a bright smile.

" Why hello Hyunjin and his friends."

Everyone except for Hyunjin gave the king a slight bow, even Jeongin, which Seungmin forced him to do it.

" G-Good morning King Jeon," they all murmured.

King nodded at their respect while Hyunjin just rolled his eyes as the other straighten up, " What are you doing here?"

" Wow Hyunjin, you're even sharp-tongued in the mornings. You're very interesting," the king chuckled.

" And you're creepy."

Jeongin and Felix held back a laugh. Changbin glared at his lover while Seungmin hit Jeongin's shoulder.

" Hyunjin," Changbin called for him.

" What hyung, it's true," Hyunjin tsked.

Jungkook tilted his head and looked at Changbin, "Hyung? What's that?"

Changbin blinked, " Uh it's a name that um a word used by Korean males to address another male older than them who they are close to."

" Really?"

" Oh yes, just how my brother is my hyung," Felix added.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow, " Brother?"

" Chan hyung, he's my brother."

Jungkook stopped for a moment at this sudden information, but he didn't let show it on his face. He just gave the other boys a little hum.

" Oh, I see."

" That still doesn't answer the question of why are you here," Hyunjin humphed.

Jungkook let out a chuckle, " Actually, I came to see you."

Jeongin and the others gave the king shocking looks, the prince raised his eyebrow.

" Why?"

" I wanted to talk to you more about your welcoming party."

Jeongin and the others looked at each other with confusion. Hyunjin on the other hand wasn't buying this king's excuse.

" No, you and my brother don't need me. Come on guys, let's go to breakfast."

Hyunjin grabbed his lover's hand before pulling him away down the hallway, leaving the others to reluctantly follow them. Felix gave the king a quick smile and a wave.

" Goodbye, King Jeon."

He bowed to the king before following his friends, King Jeon watched them walk away from him. He couldn't help but make a smirk on his face.

This just proves his theory, and everything was going according to plan. All he needs to do now is wait for the ball so he could execute his plans. He knew that his plans were going in his favor but this is just absolutely perfect.

Now he founds out additional information that wasn't needed, oh man, he's loving this new knowledge. He's going to enjoy his vacation in the Stayia Kingdom.

" A prince and two brothers? I guess I'll kill two birds with one stone and have some fun."

The young king chuckled as he started to head toward his next target.


" Oh! You look good in that one!"

" I hate this," Jeongin uttered as the royal tailor tightened up his corset. He let out a yelp before he growled.

Since when did guys like him have to wear corsets!?

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at his behavior, " Jeongin, you would look very handsome, right Felix?"

Felix wasn't paying attention, he was too busy looking at himself in the mirror. He never felt this way before, he actually feels refreshed and enjoyed wearing this new clothing. Especially clothes that were worn by royals and now he's wearing them!

This is the first time in his life that he was dressed like a royal prince and was actually going to the ball. Not just any other ball, the Stayia's ball!

The richest kingdom is having a ball and he's going!?

The thought made him squeal as he jumped up and down in his new clothes. While he was in his own world, Hyunjin looked back at his lover and sighed.

" Jeongin, this is going to be a ball, so you have to look nice."

Jeongin gave the tailor a look before glancing over at the young prince, " I don't see you suffocating in this thing."

" Oh? I already have my clothes, it's my job to help you guys find yours."

" Um Hyunjin, I don't think this one is going to cut it," they heard a voice coming out of the bathroom. The others turned their head toward the bathroom door and they gasped.

" Oh my."

Changbin fixed the little crown on his head before looking down, " I don't think this is my style."

" Oh my gosh! It's perfect for you hyung, right Felix," Hyunjin looked over at Felix but stopped when he saw the blonde's red face. He was going to ask but he already knew what the answer was.

He smirked before giving his hyung a smile, " You look perfect hyung, right Mr. Woo?"

Mr. Woo, his personal royal tailor, glanced up from Jeongin's pants to the prince. He looked over at Changbin before nodding his head.

" Indeed my prince, it shows off his feature quite well."

" See," Hyunjin pointed.

Changbin's cheeks started to turn red, " A-Alright then, thanks."

Hyunjin nodded, he then looked at Seungmin who was sitting on a chair with a book in his hand. He blinked, the younger hasn't said anything since this morning, No snarky comments, no sarcastic digs, or anything. He didn't even say anything about dressing up.

' He's unusually quiet.'

Too quiet.

Hyunjin looked around and saw Minho and Jisung talking as they pick out some clothes, Jeongin was literally almost fighting with his tailor while Felix was still flustered after seeing his lover.

He sighed, he walked over towards the younger. When he reached over there, Seungmin's nose was literally in the book. He tilted his head to read the title more clearly.

" A Lover's Tale? Huh? I never heard of that one," he mumbled out loud.

He looked ahead and saw the other ignoring him, he humphed. He grabbed a chair and sat across from him, he glanced around the room to make sure no one was around. When he was in the clear, he sighed before looking at the other.

" I know...you hate me."

" You? How could I possibly do that," the younger mumbled.

Hyunjin blinked before he twirled his finger in his hair, " I'm glad you're still yourself."

" Can't say that for you," the other quietly whispered.

The prince looked and he huffed, " Look, I know I should have told you but...what I was supposed to do?"

" Hm, I don't know. Maybe tell me before you had me babbling and making me look like a complete idiot," Seungmin snapped as lifted his head out of the book.

Hyunjin frowned, " I didn't know."

" Oh? Like you didn't know after I told you and you two kept kissing in front of me? Or when you kept hugging him in front of me or even better! When you told each other love you with me right there the same damn day I told you," he whispered.

Hyunjin clenched his jaw, " I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my life step by step, what I was supposed to do? I wasn't comfortable telling people yet."

" Oh! But you were so comfortable last night when you tried to get your point across," the other scoffed as he crossed his arms.

" That was because you were being mean to me! I had to, and plus you were trying to do the same thing in that room."

Seungmin rolled his eyes, " We did nothing, you're the one who took it out of portion."

Hyunjin was going to go off but he bit his tongue and took a deep breath, " Look Seungmin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry for what I said and did that in front of you. But, I am not sorry for-" he stopped before looking for the tailor, who fortunately was too busy arguing with Jeongin.

He looked back at the pissed of younger male and whispered, " I'm not sorry for loving him. I love him Seungmin, and he loves me. We're happy together and...I'm not going to let you make me feel bad for loving someone that makes me happy."

Seungmin's eyes slightly widen, and his eyes laid down at the book he was reading.

It was a story about a maiden falling in love with her soulmate and just being happy together. He remembered reading this book with his older sister back home.

She would read it to him every night until he turned 13, he always had a special place for romantic books. And this one, hits close to home, he always thought he'll get his soulmate.

Well, he thought he did but he guessed he was too late.

He looked ahead and he saw the prince frowning at him, he blinked. But when he did, he felt tears streaming down his face.

He quickly wipes them off before standing up and walking out of the room. Leaving the others confused and the prince feeling guilty.

Jeongin looked over to his lover and gave him a look, "What happened?"

Hyunjin opened his mouth to say it, but...he feels like he has done enough.

He just sighed and grabbed the book the younger was reading, the back of the book read, 'Finding that perfect soulmate.'

Hyunjin frowned at this and looked at the others Changbin was already out the door, probably looking for his cousin. Jeongin was confused, he was going to speak but Jisung walked over to them.

" What happened with him," the squirrel face boy asked.

Hyunjin closed his mouth and just shook his head, "I...I don't want to talk about it."

Jisung was going to ask, but Felix's squealing filled up the entire room. They looked over to see the hyper blonde running over towards them with clothing in his arms.

" Oh! Hyunjin can I PLEASE wear this one!? I would look amazing in it!"

The other boys gave him a look, Felix saw this and he quickly waved his hand, " Not saying you didn't look good in this but I like how I look in this because this color looks great on me and I was wondering since you weren't going to wear it then I could wear it and then-"

" Yes, you can wear it Lix," Hyunjin quickly told the younger with a small smile.

Felix's brown eyes sparkled, " Oh thank you!"

He hugged the clothing as he flashed the prince with his bright smile, and he ran to the fitting room while the others stayed outside. Minho just scoffed at the expensive clothing.

" You can't be serious, this is too much."

" Well hyung, this a ball. You have to look presentable," Hyunjin said as he fixed Jeongin's hair.

Minho raised his eyebrow, " I think I'll pass."

This time, Jisung was the one who was scoffing. He crossed his arms and gave the older a look.

" Like hell you are, you're going to this ball."

" You don't like people," Minho reasoned.

" So?!"

The older groaned before mumbling out, " It's just a stupid ball."

" But I want to go," Jisung snapped.

Minho bite his bottom lip before looking at the clothes, he blinked. He glanced over at Jisung who was giving him a stern look. He rolled his eyes as he turned his back on him to look at the clothing.

" Fine."

Jeongin's and Hyunjin's jaws dropped at the other's behavior as Jisung smirked, " Good."

Minho mimicked him as he searched his outfit for his clothes. Jisung hummed with a smile but stopped when he saw a couple looking at him with widened eyes.

" What?"

He humphed before walking towards the fitting room. Jeongin looked over at the prince who looked at the tailor, he was busy organizing some clothes. He looked over at Jeongin and pouted.

" How come you're not like that?"

Jeongin furrowed his eyebrow, " Um hello!? I'm literally wearing a corset for you."

Hyunjin blinked before he saw a suit for Jeongin, his eyes sparkled.

" Oh! This one is perfect for you!"

He grabbed his lover's hand to pull him over towards the many suits, Jeongon on the other hand prayed that his suffering will end.


" Seungmin...I didn't know."

Seungmin sniffed as he wiped his face, " Of course you didn't, I didn't tell you dummy."

Changbin blinked, he noticed they were in the middle of the hallway. There were maids here and there, but they didn't seem to mind their presence. He sighed as he joined his cousin on the floor as the younger cousin coughed out a sob.

The older placed his hand on the other's shoulder. Seungmin felt this and frowned, he turned his head over and mumbled out.

" I-I'm sorry, I'm just...pissed," Seungmin uttered.

" I don't worry...I understand," Changbin whispered.

Seungmin blinked out his tears as he wiped his face, " H-How?"

Changbin glanced down at his hands before he lifts his head up, he didn't care if the other maids hear this or anyone. He wasn't afraid of hiding himself anymore.

" I never told you how ma and pa found out about me, did I?"

The younger blinked as he shook his head, " No."

" Well...you remember that boy whose father was a blacksmith. He used to work next door to that old candy shop?"

Seungmin tried to recall but...the boy wasn't popping up into his head.

" No?"

Changbin scoffed, " He was the boy who wouldn't stop calling the hard candy sweet pebbles."

Seungmin's eyes widen, " Are you talking about that idiot who thought that books were made for wizards and witches and that's why he didn't want to read?"

" Yeah...that idiot."

" What about him," the younger whispered.

" Well, me and that idiot used to play together all the time. When my sister or you guys weren't interested to play knights. I would play with him. I considered him as my best friend."

Seungmin listened with his full attention since he has never heard this story before. He always wondered how his cousin's parents found out about him but since it was a heavy topic. He never asked.

" Then I considered him someone...more than a friend."

Now this made Seungmin's eyes wide, " You liked that idiot?"

" Ok look! He was hot and I wanted to be loved damn it," Changbin whined.

The smaller boy chuckled as the older humphed, " The point is, he felt the same way too. We...kissed when we were hanging out and I was scared but he wasn't. Then we started to have a relationship...this lasted for a little while until that night."

Changbin honestly thought he didn't want to relive that night or anything of it, but he feels like his cousin needs to know and he guess it would make him feel a little bit better if he told someone.

" What happened," the younger softly asked.

" We...we were making out in his father's workshop and he wanted to take steps farther. I kinda didn't want to since I was new to this but he said if I loved him, I would do it. And I did love him, I loved him a lot so I...I did it."

Seungmin's eyes widen as Changbin's breathing got a little heavy but he pushed through it, " I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up. I saw his father and he was pissed. He started yelling at me and I told him that I was in a relationship with his son. After I said that, he smacked me around but that wasn't the part that hurt me."

Changbin looked over to his sad cousin and mumbled out, " He told his father I was the one that forced him and told his father I...threatened him to make love me."

" W-What," the cousin choked out.

Changbin nodded his head with a sad smile, " He told his father that I forced him to have sex with him and said...I did other stuff to him."

A wave of rage ran through Seungmin's body, " What?! That piece of shit! He said that!?"

" Yep, and before I could say anything. His father beat me so badly I couldn't stand up while his mother called my parents and...you know the rest," the older quietly added as he looked down.

Seungmin just shook his head and glared, " I knew I hated that idiot for a reason but what the actual fuck!?"

" The point of that story is, after that, I thought I will never love someone again and felt like I deserved it since well...I liked men and not women. I kept hoping and praying I could change myself or...just stop the pain I kept feeling all these years. I just hated myself to the point where I wanted to just...end it all. But I then stop those thoughts because I can't leave you here alone," Changbin voiced out.

Seungmin's eyes enlarge, he never knew his cousin felt this way before. He always thought his cousin was always brave and happy...but he guessed he was too busy in his fantasy world he never noticed his family's pain.

He frowned but Changbin smiled, " But...when I met Felix, he gave me that reminder that there's someone for everyone and I am who I want to be. He reminded me those things that I'm ok with my sexuality and his presence made...my heart didn't hurt anymore."

Changbin wrapped his arm around his cousin's shoulder, when he did he felt the younger snuggling up to him. He started playing with his hair as he sighed.

" You're going to be hurt now, you're going to think that...you're never going to find love but trust me, little cousin. You're going to find them."

" I-I love him hyung."

" I know, and I understand but Min. You deserve someone who puts you first, you also deserve someone who's going to acknowledge you first. You don't deserve the one-sided love."

Seungmin blinked out the tears from the corner of his eyes, he lifts his head up to see the other playing with his hair. He wiped his eyes as he stared down at his lap.

" I just wished...I have someone like him."

" Don't worry, you're going to find someone better than him and better for you," the older softly told as he wiped the younger's cheek.

Seungmin sniffed, " I hope so."

" You are," the older laughed.

The smaller of the two looked at his older cousin and gave him a small smile, " Thank you hyung."

" It's my job, you are my only family after all, " Changbin said as he headlock the other, who started groaning and squirming.

" Hyung!"

Changbin let out a loud laugh, he let go and when he did, the younger male started hitting him on the arm. But soon stopped to give him a hug, Changbin's eyes widen. He looked down to see the other laying his head on his chest as he hugged him.

A warm smile planted on his face, he hugged him back and stared at the painting ahead of him. It must be an older king or something because this portrait seems like it's very old.

There's something about it that made the Knotipan boy prouder about the decisions he made in his life.

' If I haven't left, I wouldn't be with Felix.'

He sighed, " Don't worry Min, you're going to be happy and I'm going to make sure of that."


" Are you out of your mind!?"

King Jeon just rolled his eyes, " Can you please stop screaming? Your voice is very unpleasant in the mornings."

Seokjin sent a death glare at his younger brother, " No! I am not going to stop! You slept with the prince's guest, I thought you were going after the prince. Not playing around!"

The younger male of the two let out a chuckle, " Keep it up dear brother or you'll let the entire castle know our business."

Seokjin wanted to smack that smirk off his face, but he has to calm himself down. Even though it pains him to say it, his asshole of a brother was right. He doesn't need the entire world to know his brother's doings.

He almost forgot that this kingdom isn't known for accepting men being with other men.

Also, he doesn't need the queen to be even more suspicious of him. He wasn't dumb, he knows the queen is aware of what he did to her son. Now she's colder and never calls him, even when he's her personal servant.

Now he's been extra nice and extra fake towards her ever since the young prince came back. So now he has to deal with this and now he's forced by his little brother to meet him in these random rooms to discuss their next steps.

Seokjin loudly sighed, " I thought you were going after the prince, not sleeping around with...with a poor outsider."

" I am brother but it's a lot of work and...I wanted some fun," the younger winked.

Seokjin growled as the younger king sat down on the chair, " Besides, I'm killing two birds with one stone. I found something very interesting~"

" Like what," Seokjin raised his eyebrow.

" That's...a surprise," the other laughed.

The maid just stared at him with disbelief, though the younger ignored him and continued talking.

" The main issue for us is that damn king, but I think I can handle him easily."

The older of the two shook his head and gave the younger a concerned look, " Jungkook, he's not interested in men and you know that."

" Well, I'll make him interested."

Seokjjin scoffed, " What about him going off on you? How are you going to manage after that?"

The Strayian King glared at the older male, " That shit doesn't count and you know it."

Seokjin rolled his eyes as the younger straightened himself up, " And plus, I was very drunk so I couldn't think straight. Now, I just know what to do."

" Ok then, even if you DO manage to get him on your terms. What about Prince Hyunjin, it's quite obvious he isn't fond of you and is hard to manage."

Expecting an answer, the personal servant just heard laughter. He turned over towards his brother who was laughing as he got up. Jungkook walked over to his older brother and leaned to his ear.

" I can make him fond of me."

Seokjin's eyes widen, and he leaned back to see the same evil smirk on his face. He stepped back as the laughter got louder. Jungkook walked past him, causing the older to look at him with a frightened expression.

He couldn't believe this madman was the same little boy he used to love and watch.

His old brother was gone and this man has awaken from the darkness to bring hell on District 9. And he couldn't do anything but watch, he has to watch his half-brother cause pain and chaos in his home.

Seokjin knew what he was capable of and he feels bad for his brother's future victims.

' Why Kookie?'

" Seokjin?"

The older snapped out of his thoughts to look at the King by the door.

" You can't expect a plan to execute by itself, you have to play with fire."

Seokjin's eyes widen as the man left the room, leaving the personal maid alone with his thoughts. Once that door closed, Seokjin covered his mouth so his sobs wouldn't come out with hot tears streaming down his face.

' I failed him.'

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