REVISED:The Boy With A Touch...

By Jeanne_Wolf

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"Leo pinned me against the wall with his hips. His hands gently gripped my wrists, keeping my arms above my h... More

0. Author's Note And Cast List
1. Introducting The Carter's
2. Nosebleeds. New Friends. New boyfriend?
3. Hospitals and Hotels
4. Leo has cancer?
5. Cute Smile?
6. Beach Day
7. We're Here To Kidnap You
8. Trading Notes
10. Pizza Party
11. Back To The Hospital
12. First Flirtations
13. Bi, Bi Confusion
14. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
15. Meeting The Malones
16. Only I Can
17. Beach Date
18. Conniving Shopping Trip
19. Babe? Boyfriend??
20. Will's Mom Called Me
21. Its Finally Lecture Time
22. Hello Mr. Heartache
23. Awkward Conversations With The Carter's
24. Drowning In Boredom
25. Plastic Flowers
26. Wheelchair Excursions
27. Vehicular Lectures
28. Old Biddies
29. Thunder and Hearts
30. The Funeral
31. The Finale

9. Study Sesh

105 3 0
By Jeanne_Wolf

"Ugh, how the do you understand this crap?" Abby whined as she stared helplessly down at her algebra book.

I gave her a mischievous grin. "I'll help you if stop being so whiny."

Abby crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not being whiny."

I crossed my own arms over my chest, knowing that would irritate her, and smirked. "Really? You're being whiny, right now."

"Eath, can you please help me? You know I don't understand this crap," Abby pleaded.

"Fine, I guess I'll help you." I smiled and as I abandoned my history book and slid over to help her.

I looked over her work to see where she was going wrong, and I didn't find one thing that was incorrect.

"Well, it looks like you understand it just fine because everything is correct." I sat back down in front of my own books, proud of her that everything was correct because she really doesn't understand algebra. Neither did I for a while until something just clicked and for some reason, I now understand it.

She looked from her book to me with an astonished look in her eyes. "Really? Because it felt like I was doing it wrong the whole time."

"Yes, really. Just keep doing it the same way, and you'll get the rest correct." I sent her a proud smile.

She smiled happily, then returned back to her work, a new look of determination in her emerald eyes.

"What's up weirdos?" I heard Drew remark as he came in the dining room.

"Studying," I replied matter-of-factly without even looking up from my book.

"Cool, can you study for me, too?" he suggested.

"Nice try. I'm having a hard enough time studying for Abby's tests, and mine," I retorted, then sent Abby a smirk.

"Hey, you told me I was doing just fine," Abby growled.

"That doesn't surprise me since she's so amazing at algebra and all," Drew teased.

Abby glared at him, then sent me a pointed lokm look.

I grinned at her and turned back to Drew. "She's actually doing pretty damn well."

Abby smiled smugly at Drew. "See?"

Drew rolled his eyes at her, though he couldn't hide the grin on his lips as he stared at Abby. They stared at each other silently, a thousand words I couldn't decipher passing through their gazes.

"Wow, you guys really are a bunch of weirdos," Leo remarked, breaking the eye contact between Abby and Drew.

Abby tore her gaze away from him. She fixed her gaze on her algebra book, a flush pinkening her cheeks. And Drew stared down at the floor. What is going on between them?

I now remembered that Leo was the one speaking, and I froze in my seat. My heart started pounding a fluttery beat in my chest, as well.

Stay calm, Eath. Be cool.

I glanced up to see Leo leaning against the wall separating the living room from our kitchen and dining room.

Leo grinned directly at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "How do you know that Abby's doing well with her algebra?"

"Because he's a total nerd," Drew remarked as he leaned against the kitchen island.

I felt a hot flush creeping up the back of my neck. "I'm not a nerd."

"Yeah, he's not a nerd. He's just intelligent," Leo defended, sending a mischievous smile at me, accompanied by a wink. The wink--as usual--made my heart do somersaults in my chest.

"Leo, do you want something to drink?" I asked, wanting something to do, other than being frozen to my seat.

"Sure, what do you have?" Leo replied.

I jumped out of my chair and scrambled to the kitchen to see what we had. I headed towards our fridge that's covered with Lea's drawings.

"We have Coke, Pepsi, water, and Kool-aid," I announced as I turned away from the fridge.

"I'll have a Coke, please," Abby called to me.

I glanced at Leo for his answer, and he paused for a second, contemplating. "I'll have a Pepsi, please."

I grabbed the drinks out of the fridge, then headed over to Leo. "Here." I held the can out to him without looking at him because I knew if I did, I would be staring at him, taking in every handsome detail.

Leo took his can from me. As he took the can his fingers brushed mine, sending a jolt of electricity up my arm.

I yanked my hand back and crossed my arms over my chest, my hand still tingling from that tiny contact of Leo's fingers.

I started wondering what it would feel like if we touched for longer than just a second or two. Or what it would feel like if he touched a different part of my body...

No, Ethan. Stop thinking about him like that.

Leo grinned mischievously at me. Then he took a long drink from his soda before setting it down and crossing his arms over his chest.

I trotted over to the table and slid Abby her soda. "Thanks," she said without looking up from her paper.

I tried my hardest to forget Leo was even standing there, though it was almost impossible when he was arguing with Drew about whether Pepsi or Coke was the better soda.

I personally couldn't give a shit less. I just wanted them to be quiet so I could focus on my work. I have tests on all this shit on Monday, so I want to be prepared for them, and their arguing is really distracting.

"Eath, Abby, which one do you like? Pepsi or Coke?" Drew asked hotly, interrupting their argument.

"Coke," Abby answered instantly.

Drew sent a smug smile at Leo, then turned to me. "Which one Eath?"

"They're both pretty good," I said purposefully, knowing that if I said Pepsi--which is the one I prefer--the argument would never end.

"Obviously, they're both good, but which one do like better?" Drew pressed.

The only reason Drew was so invested in this argument is because he wanted to win, and I didn't want to fuel his ego even more than it already was, though I knew he wouldn't stop unless I answered his question.

So I heaved an exaggerated sigh, and I was about to say my answer when I felt a sudden fire ignite in my throat.
Instead of answering, I ended up having a major coughing fit for some reason. The fire in my throat moved to my chest, and it seemed to intensify. I continued coughing, but nothing seemed to calm the fire.

After my coughing fit was over, Abby and Drew were staring at me. Both of them had the same confused, yet alarmed expression in their eyes.

"You okay, Eath..?" Drew asked slowly.

My throat was still scratchy, but I managed to rasp out, "Um, yeah, can you get me some water?"

"Yeah, I'll get you some," Abby said. She flew out of her chair and headed for the kitchen.

After she came back with the water, she asked, "What the hell was that about?"

I took the glass from her and downed it in seconds. Thankfully, it eased the scratchy burning sensation. "My allergies have been driving me crazy, lately," I lied, hoping that Drew and Abby would stop freaking out.

I honestly didn't have a clue what the hell that was, but I just told myself it was my allergies as well so that I wouldn't start freaking out. I've already been slightly obsessing about how shitty I've felt all day, so I didn't want anyone else to worry, too.

I returned back to my history book and silently begged Abby and Drew to forget about it. Thankfully, they forgot moved on and started talking about our new supposedly crazy gym teacher. I wouldn't know, because I haven't been forced to attend gym since I got sick 3 years ago.

"Have you seen Mr. Craus? The dude even dresses like a complete weirdo," Drew said to me.

"Uh, I think so. Is he the guy with the bleach-blonde hair and the tie-dye shirts?" I asked.

"Yep, that's him. Don't you think he looks ridiculous?" Drew questioned.

I shrugged in response because I honestly haven't paid that much attention to him. I didn't have anything other than that to add to this conversation because I've just seen him in halls a few times.

Apparently, Drew had a lot to say about Mr. Craus though, because he started a long spiel about him.

When Drew started his spiel, Abby rolled her eyes at me and returned back to her work, apparently tuning him out, as did I.

"What's so wrong with him? He seems like a nice guy," Leo said, oddly defensive, after a few long minutes of Drew's spiel.

"I'm sure he's a nice dude. He just dresses weird as shit," Drew retorted.

All of a sudden, Twinkie shot out from under my chair and took off towards the front door, signaling Mom was home.

"Hey, Mom," I said as she came in the kitchen with Twinkie following close behind her.

"Hey, hun. How are you feeling?" Mom answered as she set her bags of groceries down on the counter.

I said, "I'm doing pretty well. I'm just studying with Abby."

After I responded, Mom stopped unpacking her groceries long enough to look over. "Hi Leo, Abby. How are you guys doing?"

"I'm pretty good, thanks," Abby replied sweetly.

Leo sent a charming smile at Mom. "I'm doing, amazing. Thank you for asking, Mrs. Carter."

Mom nodded, then held her car keys out to Drew. "That's good. Drew can you get the water out of the car, please?"

"Yeah, sure," Drew muttered as he took the keys from her.

"Thank you," Mom called after him.

After Mom went back to unpacking her groceries, Leo asked me, "What are your thoughts on Mr. Craus?"

"Umm, I haven't even met him," I responded truthfully, yet it sounded much lamer coming out of my mouth than I wanted it to.

"You've never met him? We have gym every day," Leo choked.

"You do. I'm not forced to attend gym anymore..." I teased, a smug smirk tilting my lips.

"Oh, a cancer perk, huh?" Leo said as his eyes danced with amusement.

Yet again, I noticed that his eyes turned from their usual silvery blue to a bright shade of baby blue.

"Little bit," I responded to the table, rather than his face. I knew if I looked up, I wouldn't be able to look away from those eyes of his.

Those big beautiful blue eyes of his...

Stop Ethan. Don't think about his eyes or the fact that they match his blue t-shirt, and make them bluer than usual...or how his lips curve when he smiles. No. Stop. Right now.

I hated how easily Leo could distract me. Especially since the things I get distracted by are the smallest, most insignificant things. And anything I was attempting to say or think just disappear from my brain, instantly.

Thankfully, I was pulled out of my thoughts by Mom asking Drew and me, "Okay. What do you guys want for dinner?

"I don't know," Drew replied.

"It's going to have to be something easy because your father's going to be home late," Mom answered more to herself than us.

"Great, more shitty frozen food," Drew muttered.

"What do we have that's easy to cook?" I asked.

"We have frozen pizzas, chicken strips, spaghetti, or sloppy joes," Mom answered.

Before I could even think about what I wanted, Drew replied, "Pizza."

Mom glanced at me with her eyebrows raised. "Is that okay?"

I honestly didn't care what we ate because I probably wouldn't be eating much of it anyway as my stomach has been churning off and on all day. "Yeah, that's fine."

Mom glanced between Leo and Abby, her eyebrows raised. "Alright. And will your friends be joining us?"

I glanced at Abby and Leo for their reactions because I actually didn't know whether they were staying or not.

Abby started packing her stuff up, an obvious annoyance filling her eyes. "I wish I could, but I promised my Dad that I would meet his new girlfriend." She scowled as she said girlfriend, and she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I glanced at Leo for his answer, and he shrugged. "I don't have anything else to do. So if you're okay with it.." he trailed off and looked at Mom for approval.

"It's fine with me," she replied.

"Are you sure? I don't want to impede," Leo asked and nervously fidgeted under Mom's gaze.

Mom sent him a reassuring smile, calming the fidgeting. "Yes, I'm sure. It's completely fine if you join us."

"Cool. Thank you, Mrs. Carter," Leo quickly replied, a wide smile tilting his lips.

"Lee Ann," Mom corrected.

"Oh, right. Lee Ann," Leo awkwardly corrected himself.

"Alright, I guess I'm gonna head out," Abby said and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Bye, have fun with the new step-monster," I said and smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "Thanks, but I doubt I will." Then she waved and started heading towards the door.

Mom grabbed her purse. "I'll come with you. I have to pick Lea up from daycare"--she paused and looked between Drew and I--"you two be good, okay? No fighting."

Drew rolled his eyes. "Yeah, got it. No fighting."

Mom waved and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

I waved at both of them as they headed out, suddenly realizing that it was just Drew, Leo, and me until Mom came back.

"Cmon, let's go play my Xbox since there's nothing else to do around here," Drew said to Leo.

"Sounds good to me." Leo sent me a wink before heading upstairs with Drew.

Why does he keep doing that? Is he flirting with me now and I'm just totally oblivious to it, or is it something else..? And why do I like it and hate it so much at the same time?

There were so many questions swirling through my brain right now, and I knew I wouldn't get answers to any of them, but it didn't stop me from wondering.

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