Vermilion [Wanda Maximoff Ima...

By vorsdany

6.6K 201 23

Who are you, in this vast multiverse? More

Safe, I'm Saved
Thief! (Of My Heart)
Blues and Bruises
Easy Pretense
A Fool (Her Fool)

Heal My Lonely

2.3K 69 7
By vorsdany

Summary : Wanda gets flustered too easily.. and you’re a flirt when tired.

Words : 6981

A/N : this was just supposed to be a warm-up since it’s my first time writing wanda but uh.. if I don’t write a long ass one shot is it even written by me???



Wanda was.. lonely. When she arrived at the tower, everyone seemed to keep a distance, probably for a good reason, she thought. She would tuck and hide away her hands under long sleeves, look down when people passed by, never holding eye contact for more than two seconds. The team went easy on her – though she didn’t know if they were being nice or wary, as if they were awaiting her to turn on them and attack at a moment’s notice.

Wanda was quiet, and she was alone. Steve was always close by, and he was the best figure to have as a friend because he trusted her, even when she didn’t trust herself. He willingly spent hours watching sitcoms, but Wanda decided to be merciful and released him from the torture of sitting still to go for a run after he shifted around so much that she couldn’t focus on the TV.

Natasha taught her to be stealthy. How to blend in, how to lie, how to kill a man with her rings – Wanda doubted she’d ever have to, but the redhead said it was best to be prepared; so she learned. The older woman was hard on her, but she was hard on everyone. There was one time when she threw Steve to the ground, and then slipped on her own feet whilst trying to hold her laugh that she heard a hearty laugh from Nat, and Wanda’s never been so proud of herself than she was at that moment.

Tony was harder on her than everyone else. She couldn’t blame him, though. Wanda herself hasn’t completely gotten over the years of brainwash that Stark was the enemy, and suddenly he was the one providing her with everything she needed to live and survive in a foreign country. Her despise towards him wore down layer by layer, the more she knew about the man with a genius brain, the man who had a kinder heart than anyone would’ve expected, the more she felt safe in his presence, and he was more at ease around her than even Clint could manage.

The archer hadn’t been around much, having went back to his family for the time being, only checking in every few days on how she was doing. Wanda thought it must have been the guilt, maybe he blamed himself just as much as she did over his death, maybe he thought she blamed him, too. But Wanda knew better than that, she knew her brother, and as much as she hated it, Pietro wouldn’t have let them die if he could do anything about it.

She cried herself to sleep the night Clint announced the baby’s name, remembering the way that name used to sound in her parents’ voices, calling them over for dinner.

Wanda was well aware that other than the few members of the Avengers, no one really wanted to be her friend. Sam was a breath of fresh air, he was playful and the most friendly out of everyone, she thought. He brought her treats and told her some good jokes, even helped her train on flying with her powers.

As lonely as she was, the young avenger was glad that she was not alone – in more than one aspects, she would always have someone by her side. Each for their own roles to fill, and Wanda was content with the way things was. But then an accident happened. Not that one has never occurred before; in this line of work, even when she wasn’t working, injuries were inevitable. She’s gotten scratches, broken bones, nose bleeds, and there was one time she set her hair on fire – if someone asked her how, Wanda herself wouldn’t know what to tell them.

But then, a sweeping gust of wind blew over the field and Wanda lost all of her focus, because all that was in her mind was Pietro? Is that you? It felt so familiar, and the only thing missing was the annoying sound of her brother teasing her relentlessly. When she come to, it was a second too late. Wanda only managed to dodge the shield thrown by Steve out of surprise, the metal still hitting her right arm with a sickening crack before falling to the floor in a loud clang.

The brunette cried out in pain and crouched down, squeezing both her eyes shut as tears threatened to escape them. There was no doubt it was broken, but the sharp pain hindered Wanda from feeling the warm liquid that trickled from the cut made from the contact. Steve ran to her side and a moment later, she was in her arms, her face buried in his shoulder as blood coated them both. She didn’t pay any mind to her surroundings, only knew to keep her breathing in check as she felt like passing out everytime they moved faster than a snail.

Only when her back hit a soft mattress did Wanda dare to peek through her lashes, scanning the place and frowning in confusion because this was not the medbay. A gentle squeeze on her leg brought her back to reality, meeting Steve’s reassuring gaze only helped ease her anxiety for a moment, but a soft gasp cut her off before she could open her mouth to question him.

A woman. A very pretty one, her useless mind supplied, dressed in formal clothes; a long-sleeved shirt and high-waisted pants, a white coat draped around your shoulders told her that this was the doctor. Why had she never seen you before? Is this your office? Your own medical section? Why was she not in the medbay? Is this even the compound? Her questions started to blur into incoherent thoughts, but they all quieted down when you spoke.

“Hi, Wanda. Can you focus on me?” Your white coat was no longer on you, but thrown to the seat next to where Steve was sitting. When did he leave her side? You tapped your fingers lightly on her uninjured arm and her green eyes found yours, and Wanda’s heart skipped a beat. She followed your movement around; certain and quick, with no hesitation and she could tell that you’ve done this for a long time.

You collected towels and antiseptics, but no gauzes or needles to stitch or patch her up. Wanda hesitated a second before accepting the bar of chocolate you handed her and realized how bad she was shaking as her fingers trembled while holding onto the snack. She didn’t feel any pain – hadn’t since she saw you enter the room, and just as she took a bite onto the sweet treat, you let out a sound of satisfaction. “Whoop! All done!”

Wanda’s eyes widened as she took in the condition her arm was in. No sign of it ever being broken; she was sure it was crooked in a weird angle minutes before, and the cut didn’t even leave any scars. The only remnants of the accident was the blood all over her clothes and sticking to her skin, along with a tingling sensation that pulses and stings every now and then.

“Here, can you squeeze my hand?” Her palms were enveloped in yours and Wanda squeezed them lightly, awaiting your reaction with wide eyes. Her lips curled into a smile unknowingly when you nodded, immediately missing the contact when you let go.

You took a warm cloth and wiped away the dried blood from her arms and your hands, sending her a beautiful smile when you caught her eyes that hadn’t strayed away from you as you worked. “It might sting and hurt a bit for a few days, but other than that, you’re good as new.”

Wanda couldn’t form any words, and she wondered if it was from the shock still, or was it because she was too captivated by you to think clearly? She watched you give Steve a hug, seeing your bright smiles as you seemingly catch up with each other made Wanda’s brain gear turn. Who are you to Steve?

Just as you turned your head and regarded her with a grin, something in your pocket went off and you sighed, feet already carrying you to the table across the room to get your coat. “Sorry. Duty calls. Raincheck on tonight?” What’s on tonight? Steve sagged a little in disappointment, but agreed nonetheless. He pulled you into another hug – when did he become a cuddly person? – and was it weird that Wanda wished for one as well, despite you being a complete stranger?

“Be good, witchy.” Wanda’s eyebrows raised at the nickname, and she had to mentally shake herself awake after you ruffled her hair before departing. Steve shot her a concerned look, no doubt feeling guilty about the whole ordeal. “You okay?” She nodded, fingers trailing over where the wounds had been. “Who was that?”


Steve told her it was an ‘old friend’, someone he knew from Nick Fury himself. You were a healer, she learned, also worked as the SHIELD doctor. Quite popular amongst them, given your.. specialty, but few people actually had the honour to experience being healed by you. The incident had gotten around the Avengers by dinner, and they were all excited to hear how she felt after being ‘blessed’.

Blessed, she was. Wanda didn’t remember anything other than locked in your spell, mesmerized by the way you carried yourself, captivated by your smile and voice so the witch only shrugged, apologizing softly when the team visibly slumped in their seats. A question rose in her mind.

“How does she know about me?” They all seemed nonchalant and it only made Wanda more curious – no announcement had been made about the new addition, which was her, in this case, so she was more confused when you had called her witchy. She kinda liked that, now that she’d thought about it.

“One of Fury’s most trusted people, I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew everything about us.” Sam explained as if it was a fact everyone knew, and the rest nodded their heads in agreement. Turned out, no one knew much about you, though. Only that you could heal wounds with a touch of your hands, you were one of the A-list doctor in the city, and that you were reaaally pretty. Wanda might’ve added the last fact herself, but she was sure everyone would agree.

So… how does one go to get the chance to see you again?


It wasn’t often that you were at the Tower, but when you were, Wanda was always there to feel you, because for some odd reason, she felt like.. you were safety. Maybe it was something about your power, maybe it was helping Wanda heal in a way.. from what, she was yet to figure that out. This day started like others, the alarm woke her up and she’d be ready at the training area in an hour, where she usually found Nat and Steve sparring or doing whatever excessive exercise she could never dream of going through.

As she geared up for combat training with Natasha, the redhead sported a faint smile and her eyes were light, “Ready to get your ass kicked?” Wanda huffed; it was a regular occurrence, and truth be told, her back hit the mat on the floor quicker than she could take a breath. When her eyes opened and she gathered herself up, Wanda froze, her head facing the closed door intensely that it caught Nat’s attention. She was just about to ask when the door burst open, and you strode in – not in the usual ‘doctor’ get-up Wanda was used to, but in gym clothes.

The new Avenger didn’t know how to act, and she could feel her legs turning into jelly when you sent a sweet smile her way, not finding her staring creepy at all. (or she hoped you didn’t.)

Your feet carried you mindlessly to the left where Steve was relentless in punching a bag that it was giving out, nudging his side gently to get his attention. Everything zoned out of focus as you talked to the tall, blonde man and Wanda couldn’t help the feeling of jealousy that rose in her stomach.

“Don’t think you can get out of this by getting mesmerized by our doctor.” Natasha commented, quickly pulling her back into the sparring mat as she readied her posture. Personally, Wanda didn’t think continuing would be a good idea since she could barely control her eyes from flickering back to your back, the flexing of muscles as you lifted made her sweat just a little bit. She mentally shook herself and settled her mind on her task, though it did not last long before a fist collided with her cheek and she was sent tumbling onto the mat once more. Wanda let out a groan, but Natasha didn’t even move an inch from where she was standing, choosing to place her hands on her hips instead like a scolding mother and lifting an eyebrow at her failure.

Finally, the older woman moved from her place and in come another set of legs that wasn’t much familiar to Wanda. You kneeled in front of her and checked her face, sure that it would leave a bruise and clicking your tongue pitifully at her split lip. You brushed your thumb over it and Wanda choked on her breath, pulling away from your grasp as she coughed to the side, her face red and she felt hot. And there it was, your sweet smile was on display for her to daydream of later, but this one with a hint of amusement.

“Are you always this out of it when injured?” Wanda didn’t respond, choosing to clear her throat and avert her gaze to the floor, wanting to answer but her mouth was not cooperating. “Only when you’re around, it seems.” Natasha quipped from behind and you chuckled, the side of your eyes crinkling as you grinned at the witch. Are you always this smiley? Wanda was lost in her head, pushing herself up on her feet and failing to notice your stretched out hand, nervously patting away the non-existent dust from her clothes.

She watched with wide eyes as you walked away to another mat, facing Clint – whom she hadn’t noticed until now – and safe to say, Wanda didn’t get any training done that day.


You’ve been around with SHIELD for a long time, and you were confident enough to say that Wanda is a rare kind of person you – or anyone – could have ever encountered. Not because of her powers, and not because of her history, or origins, but because of.. something else. Something you couldn’t quite put into words, and you were starting to think that maybe it was just her to you, and no one else was feeling the way you were when she was near. Which was strange, and odd, since you’ve only ever met her twice, and both times she hadn’t uttered a single word to you.

Fury was considerate in choosing his pioneers – his ‘fighters’ in the field, labs offices, you name it. He knew you weren’t a fighter, despite your agility and endurance, you would much rather work outside of the scope, the one patching up the mess after battles instead of diving into danger head first, and you were glad he respected that. So when he casually ordered that you be transferred to the Avengers Tower, shocked would be the understatement of the century. For what reason? They’d been fine without you, and you sure as hell wasn’t going to trade your job for whatever it was waiting for you there.

Wanda, on the other hand, was very elated when she heard the news that a certain doctor would be moving into the Tower. Could they destine her the room across her hallway? She felt lonely to be the only one alone on her floor, and maybe this was an opportunity to get a floormate. Natasha raised her eyebrows at her reasoning and tried to hide a knowing smirk behind her cup of coffee.

“You know you could just ask her if she was free sometime, do you think she’d like those trashy sitcoms you always watch?” Wanda shot the redhead an offended look at the insult on her favourite shows, but the hopeful shimmer from her heart dropped to the floor as soon as it rose, recalling her incapability of functioning like a normal human being around you. “Is she even single?” A frown set itself on the witch’s face at Nat’s question, what if you weren’t? Wanda caught herself just in time, blinking off the thoughts Natasha had put in her brain.

She cleared her throat, “Why should I even care?” Her face heated up at her near slip up, and if Natasha noticed it, she didn’t make any snide comments about it and Wanda was glad to have left the conversation there. The silence stretched for mere minutes and the only thing she could hear was the clinking of glasses and the rustling of papers.

“Would she like sitcoms?” She was answered with a roll of eyes from Natasha and a grunt as she started to gather her work before standing up to leave. “Why don’t you find out?”


After some more bribing from Fury himself, you accepted his order to put your apartment up for sale and moved into your new place for.. however long you needed to be. Patients had been stressing you lately, and a new setting wouldn’t be bad for the sake of your sanity. “Do you need help with those?” You jumped out of your skin at the sudden intruder, having not paid any attention on anything else other than the stuck window that won’t slide open and you’d gotten so frustrated that regret was starting to climb its way to the front of your mind.

Your eyes darted through the room and a light blush dusted your cheek at the state it was in, mulling over the options of sleeping in and never unpack, or accept Wanda’s help and maybe she would use her witchy spells to do it in seconds.

“I can use my witchy spells.” Her words were laced with humour and you lifted your head, surprised at her intuition—surely you hadn’t said that out loud? “If you’d like.” Wanda added, taking your silence as hesitation or worse, fear of her magic. But you shoved away the questions in your head and shot her a smile, quickly accepting her offer and gestured to the stacked up clothes on the bed (and floor).

You moved to the corner of the room where you’ve set up a little work space filled with your equipments – medical related, again, you weren’t a fighter – but Fury must’ve gotten the memo wrong, again, since there were multiple pistols and knifes lined beautifully in a case, with a small note that says, ‘Welcome! Here’s some housewarming gifts.’ Rolling your eyes, you closed the case and kicked it under your bed, and when you looked for the brunette witch, she was already sitting on your bed, all the mess present the previous minute gone from your sight.

“Would you like to watch sitcoms with me?” The third sentence she spoke to you.. was asking you to watch sitcoms? Wanda wrung her fingers together, pulling on her sleeves over her hands as she awaited your answer nervously. This is what Natasha meant when she told her to find out, wasn’t it? Does everyone else find sitcoms weird? Steve would watch it with her, but then again, he was the only one who’d lived 100 years ago.

“Sitcoms would be awesome.” Wanda couldn’t help the grin that stretched her face so wide that she started feeling sore on her cheeks, but she was too happy and relieved to care. “Oh shit.” Both of their shoulders sagged in disappointment at the interruption, the loud ringing irritating Wanda’s ears more than it should’ve. “Thanks for helping me, Witchy.” You were suddenly in a rush, picking up your keys hastily before bolting to the door.

Wanda heaved a sigh, eyes trailing your form until you were out of sight, running down the hallway without looking back. She paused when the clicking of heels became closer and not farther away, your head popping through the door as you sent her an apologetic look. “Text me when, okay?” The avenger nodded, shyly lifting her right arm to wave you goodbye. You giggled and waved back enthusiastically before turning back the way you were headed.

Your giggle echoed in her brain and Wanda knew then; she was screwed.


Wanda likes you. That much was obvious; to everyone but you – or so she thought. Everytime you were in the room, all gazes would turn on you, and then Wanda, to gauge her reaction and it was the same all the time; she would stare for at least five seconds, and then when you acknowledged her, her eyes would brighten like one of a puppy, while her cheeks would redden and a shy smile planted on her lips as you flirted seamlessly at the poor girl.

Despite your constant sweet words towards her, though, Wanda still hadn’t wrapped it around her head that you could be interested in someone like her. She was moody – she heard people call her ‘emo girl’ in the hallways, she was not the brightest person on the team; in fact, in terms of knowledge, Wanda was sure she was the least educated. Last but not least, she was dangerous. She was afraid of her own powers, her lack of control made people hurt on her account, and she wasn’t about to risk it on you.

But still, Wanda likes you. The team encouraged her interactions with you like it was an achievement she was getting at school, and she thought it was a huge achievement. First off, she would be rewarded with your smile, the one that made her daydream on meetings with ‘a stupid grin on her face’ – it was Tony’s words, not hers. Second, any waking minute she got to spend with the real you was a blessing on itself; Wanda would never admit how often she would spend talking to ‘imaginary’ you, creating false images of herself going on dates with her favourite doctor. It was really embarrassing, now that she thought it over.

Nothing could stop her, though, so here she was, making a fine dish of paprikash with you in mind, already rehearsing her lines for when you accepted her cooking and hug her as a thank you. What could she say, Wanda’s a romantic. Maybe she would set out dinner with candles, welcoming you home from a tiresome day at work. One day. She might be a little obsessive, but that was a discussion for another time.

There was a skip in her steps as she walked towards your room, and though she knocked three times, waited twenty whole minutes on your door, there was no shuffling from the inside, and no sight of you coming from the elevator. Maybe she should’ve asked you before visiting? Definitely should’ve done that. So, with head hung down and a sad frown on her face, Wanda left the (thankfully) packed food floating in front of your room, the red mist surely would be enough tell of the sender.

At exactly 3:16 am, you stepped out of the elevator and sighed, your half closed eyelids barely making effort to keep themselves open until you find your bed. The exhaustion seemed to vanish from your body so suddenly when you spied something incredibly red floating outside of your place. You took your time and enjoyed the foreign taste on your tongue, all the troubles in your head seemed to have flown out and the thought of Wanda made your heart flutter.

Despite the long and hard day, you went to sleep with a smile on your face.


That’s what Wanda did for the whole week – bringing you food. She hadn’t actually seen you around, but the excitement only grew whenever she thought of the note left on your door on the third day. ‘Who knows witchy was a good chef. Thanks for feeding me define meals, Wanda. :) P. S. Would u let me return the favour sometime?’

So the next day, Wanda wrote a note that said the time for her promise of sitcoms-watching, hoping that you’d be free and she could finally see your beautiful smile again. Unbeknownst to her, you’d cancelled all plans and turned off your pager after reading her note. “Dr. Cho could surely cover me for the day, yes?” Rolling your eyes, you hung up before the other end could answer.

The day was a Tuesday, and honestly, you were hoping that it would be a fine, summer morning until you’ve got an emergency call telling you that a surgery was put on hold and your assistance was to be needed urgently. You bit on your lip while weighing on the options, but with another flash on your phone and unease rising in your chest, you made your way out of the compound.

Wanda had waited. She was sure you wouldn’t get lost on the way to her room, it was only two floors down from yours, so nothing explained why you weren’t here yet; say… three hours past the agreed time. Her eyes strayed to the windows, where dark clouds began to pool over New York, the trees dancing slightly with the blowing wind. She could text you.. and ask where you could’ve been, or if you had forgotten; but you’d told her of clearing your agenda for the day, and had promised to bring popcorn. Have you lied to her? No, maybe there was a reeaaally important thing you needed to do?

Another hour passed, Wanda sent a short text, ‘I hope you didn’t get lost, raincheck?’ She threw her phone on the bed and rubbed her face, sighing all the while. What did she do wrong? A knock on her door made her jump, and she shuffled hastily towards it, knocking off the bags of chips she’d prepared. On the other side was Steve, and Wanda felt herself deflating. “Mission. Debrief in ten.” She pressed her lips in a thin line, eyeing the corridor over his shoulder.

“You good, kid?” Wanda picked on her nails, rocking back and forth on her feet before meeting his gaze. “Mhm,” He stood there still, “She didn’t show up.” Her voice was small, disappointment laced on it while Steve gave a sympathetic look – she was looking forward to it a lot, he could tell. The younger woman basically told everyone on the team about having asked you to watch sitcoms with her. “She’s a busy one. She’ll come around.” Wanda hoped so.


Being a doctor was never an easy feat. You’d fought tooth and nail to get where you are today, to be seen as something more than just your healing power. While it had its perks, some things just aren’t meant to be healed. Certain things became a heavy weight you had to carry, illnesses you couldn’t heal casted more scar in your heart; tumours, cancer, a dying organ. You heal injuries, take away their pain, not cure diseases.

Today was one of those days; 40 hours of surgery, patient got out of the operating room after being declared brain dead. Tears gathered in your eyes as you leaned on the bathroom sink, a distant throb forming at the back of your head. Taking several deep breaths, you splashed water onto your face and dried it with a napkin violently, pain turning into anger at yourself. You unlocked your phone and facepalmed yourself as you read the text a certain witch had sent to you – 32 hours ago.

hi, I’m really sorry, Wanda. Got caught up at work, didn’t mean to make you wait. What about tomorrow, if you’re still up for it? :)’

It was lunch time, which meant you still had time to shower and get some sleep to be at least a little presentable if Wanda agreed. But, as the universe hates you, your pager went off as you packed up to go home; needed at trauma. Family accident. You wasted no time in running towards the first floor, Wanda lingering at the front of your mind.

The witch didn’t come back until two days later, and didn’t check her phone until after showering. Wanda was hoping to get a text back, and was delighted when there was one, 16 hours ago. Which meant the tomorrow in your text was today, though there was only 6 hours left of it.

hey!! Would you be able to make it in 2 hours?’

Maybe overexerting yourself was a bad idea, after all. But, to be fair, the work would’ve been done hours later if not for your help, and if you were focusing enough, someone wouldn’t have lost a leg because you missed an examination before closing the incision. And the other patient wouldn’t have to lose too much blood if you had been there fast enough to close them up. When you did heal them magically, they’d already been critical so being the stupid doctor who had to be heroic, you donated your blood, claiming you’d heal fast enough.

Basically, everything went to shit, and you wished the ground would open and swallow you whole.

There was a text from Wanda, though, and that alone was enough to bring a small smile on your face even though you felt really close to death. It was ten minutes to eight o’clock, and you hoped Wanda wouldn’t get mad to wait for you, again.

Give me 20 minutes.’


When you sat on the bed, shoulder half-brushing with Wanda’s, the blanket draped just half of your leg, you suddenly wonder if your hands were shaking from the nerves or the low temperature in the room or the lack of sleep or the deficiency of red blood cells in your body; the list goes on. You stole a glance at her way too often, finding her engrossed in the show you were too sleepy to watch. While your eyes kept straying onto the witch, hers were too glued to the show, but nothing could guarantee her thoughts were on the black and white screen in front of you. Her back was straight and tense, eyes wide and unblinking, brain overthinking every move she was making in your presence.

Who decided this was a good idea?

You made snide comments on the scenes, and though Wanda should feel anger at the offense made against it, she found herself laughing genuinely and accepting your opinions openly. Some time after that though, you got quieter, the reviews coming in slower, the pause in between stretching longer as your eyelids fought to stay opened.

A small part of Wanda was angry, she could feel the rage rising up on her chest because after three days of you ditching her, you’d decided to fall asleep in the first twenty minutes of your ‘hang-out’. You might be tired, but so was she; having just been back from a mission, bruises littered her body and maybe Wanda just wanted you to do your magic on her skin, the feel of heaven right at your fingertips.

The other part was more reasonable, because sweet, sweet you wouldn’t just fall asleep on purpose when you knew Wanda loved sitcoms, would you? Except if it was a way of telling her you weren’t interested at all? Was it something of usual occurrence that you flirt with everyone? Wanda couldn’t recall the last time you winked at Natasha, or recited terrible pickup lines at anyone but her. But again, the whole team could’ve gotten the memo wrong; none of them knew you personally, not even Wanda, though she wanted to, but obviously there was a lot getting in her way.

Wanda only laid there in silence after turning off the TV and letting you get a well deserved rest, while she.. well. If someone else was a mind reader, they would’ve heard her thoughts from ten miles away. Technically, you still owe her since she was pretty sure you did not even remember the title of the sitcom she chose, but as Wanda eyed your sleeping figure laying on her bed, she considered it a win.

What could go wrong?


“How did the date go?” Wanda jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice, turning around to find Steve smiling sheepishly at her glare. She gulped down her coffee like it was water, the pot already brewing her second cup of the day. Her shoulders moved in a shrug, nonchalantly playing off her disappointment. “She fell asleep in the first twenty minutes.” His eyes filled with sympathy, and Wanda didn’t like it. She wasn’t to be pitied over a failed love life. Besides, both of you were tired and being the busy people that you were, forcing yourselves just after a massive shift wasn’t the brightest plan.

While Wanda sipped on her second cup of coffee, the others walked into the kitchen and the air shifted drastically – murmurs and laughs filled the space and the warmth that this team brought, the people she was proud to call her family, sent her insides into a fuzzy of gratitude and content. One would think that with all of them, she wouldn’t think to seek out your presence anymore, so like always, she managed to surprise even herself because still, she felt like something – or rather, someone, was missing.

Though, as she flipped her pancakes, she was reminded that you were sleeping soundly in her room, and the thought brought a smile to her face. Wanda paused when a bunch of ‘hello’s and ‘good morning’s rang out throughout the kitchen, but before she could turn around to greet you, she felt a gentle press of your lips on her cheek, and Wanda short-circuited.

“Good morning, Witchy.”

Said witch didn’t reply, and Tony had to clear his throat before mumbling about checking that something doesn’t blow up in his lab as he made an escape, leaving the rest of the team sitting in silence.

“Oh, um. Sorry, you can carry on, I was just passing by and smelled amazing breakfast and couldn’t resist it.” You helped yourself around, finding a tea bag and scalding hot water, resting your hips on the aisle as your eyes followed Wanda. The faint sound of the team conversing faded as you took in the woman before you. Having been too tired to even open your eyes last night, you’d failed to notice the bruises and scrapes that littered her skin; probably from the mission.

“I’m really sorry for falling asleep, would you let me make it up to you?” Unfortunately, you took her silence as annoyance, assuming she was angry that after the struggle to find time, the night was.. boring, and was not as either of you had expected. And she was angry, but not anymore. Not when she was too flustered that she almost tripped while handing out plates to Natasha, who immediately raised an eyebrow at the blush covering her cheeks.

Good thing was, you’d also noticed her stumble and the smirk Nat had sent your way, instantly catching onto the situation. It wasn’t atypical of Wanda to go quiet when she was nervous; after all, your first encounter with each other was enough proof for it. You went to open your mouth but a yawn escaped instead, making your eyes water as the impact and you rubbed them tiredly while sighing in exhaustion.

“You okay?” You hummed at Natasha’s question, finally gaining the gaze of the one and only person you’d visited the kitchen for. Wanda’s eyes raked over your figure, taking in the bags under your eyes and the long, calculated breaths you’d take.

“Hey Wanda?” Oh, she knew that tone – everyone knew you’d start flirting the moment you said her name in that way; the way that made her stomach flutter just by the sound of her name on your mouth. “What do you do for a living?” The woman furrowed her brows in confusion, clearly you knew that?? “Except being pretty aaaall day, of course.” You added with a wink and that charming smile of yours, but instead of shying away like usual, she shook her head with a chuckle and poked you with a finger, “Have you seen my face? They’re all purple.”

“Oh, I can fix that.” Your stool screeched against the floor when you stood up to reach her, your lips pressed into a thin line as you grabbed her arm. “C’mere you.” Wanda gulped, eyes wide at the sudden proximity, even though she involuntarily flinched at your cold hands. She didn’t remember them to be this cold before, is that normal? You seemed to be studying every curve of her face and Wanda could even hear her heartbeats in her ears, and she guessed her face must’ve turned so red at this moment. You caressed her skin with the outmost care, “You are still the most beautifulest human I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Clint, Steve, and Natasha glanced at each other but stayed put on their seats, curious on how this would turn out. Wanda had always been a little.. detached from the world – but ever since she met you, they’d started spotting the change in her; the witch had became more lively, smiled more and showed more enthusiasm in everything than they’d ever seen her in the previous months she was there.

“I think you’re being delirious- oh.” Wanda had never seen you this close when you worked your powers, but she must admit that it was the most fascinating thing she’d ever witnessed. The cold of your palms were replaced by something warmer, familiar. Your eyes turned a shade of gold, but it wasn’t like her red glow, it was like, golden lines on your irises, and Wanda wished she could capture it because it was over too soon, for she wanted to gaze into your eyes forever.

“I’m, not delirious. You’re always pretty, Witchy.” You quipped back, before Wanda watched your eyes roll back and you fell forward into her arms, the sound of your name on her tongue was the last thing you heard.


“How do you feel?” Wanda didn’t answer your query, but shoved a bowl of creamy soup onto your tray along with a bunch of fruit on another plate. She was angry – no, she was livid. How dare you went through such extreme work hours, and then suggested to watch sitcoms with her? Despite having fallen asleep then, it still wasn’t enough rest because after healing Wanda, you’d fainted and was declared deficit in nutritions. Apparently hadn’t taken care of yourself enough while on the hospital, so was it weird that Wanda felt the need to scold you over it?

Dr. Cho told her of the long days you went through – two of which were of doing a massive surgery and losing the patient was probably not an easy feat for you, followed by another procedure that caused a patient to lose their leg and had the other doctors blanching and crying their eyes out in the lockers. She was an empath, how come she hadn’t noticed any of the signs? The doctor told her you were accustomed to it; that losing a patient was something inevitable in your line of work, that you were a professional but Wanda knew better. No one would be okay after going through that, she knew, because she’d been there. Killing bad guys.. was easier than she thought, but failing to save people was worse.

So when you woke and asked her if she was okay, no. She was not okay that you’d worked literally four shifts without breaks, slept in her room for five hours and proceeded to use your powers on her despite the exhaustion in your bones. As if the frown wasn’t a good enough tell that Wanda was angry, you munched on the apple she had cut for you innocently while drumming your fingers on the table.

“Well, this wasn’t the first date I imagined we’d have, but it’ll have to do?” Wanda hated the fact that you could melt her heart just by stretching your lips in a sweet smile that was reserved for her only, all her thoughts going into mush the second your jaded eyes met hers. She took a seat on your bed, silently accepting a piece of orange you offered.

“You fell asleep on our first date, and I’m still reconsidering if it’s worth a second one.” You gasped at her words, hands over your chest in mock offense. Deciding to amuse yourself, you leaned over the tray and bumped your nose against hers. Wanda choked on her breath at the contact, feeling heat crawling up her neck as you smirked in triumph. Leaning back and popping another apple on your mouth, you nudged her with your foot.

“Have you reconsidered?” Wanda folded her arms and sighed, feigning carelessness. “Only if you take a break from work for a week and spend all of your free time with me.” She didn’t know where the courage came from, but she was glad she found it. “Oh, gladly.” You replied with no hesitation, “Plus, I get to brag that we spent the first date in your bed, so..” You broke into uncontrollable giggles when her face turned a dark shade of red, reaching forward poke at her cheeks while Wanda helplessly swatted your hands away.

“You’re really cute when you go all red, maybe we should call you the scarlet witch?”

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