Maya and Carina: Alternate Un...

By KayLeigh1935

237K 4.4K 341

Maya got her promotion as captain but her team hasn't been to pleased about that. Three months of hell she ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Not an Update
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not an update
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 13

8.3K 154 5
By KayLeigh1935

Like all good things they must come to an end...

The alarm went off a restaurant kitchen fire. The team raced down to to the barn and headed off to put the fire out. Unfortunately it wasn't an easy one there was so much grease feeding the fire, a few staff members had extreme burns all over their bodies. One which died on route to Grey Sloan. The fire took the team 4 hours to put out. As they made their way back to the station it was coming up to around dinner time and they were all drained and ready for food.

Meanwhile back at the station the alarm had woken up the mother and son duo. Maya could've cursed up a storm but when she realised that they had slept for a good hour she was pleased that Matteo got some rest. Even if it wasn't for very long.

As Matteo heard the trucks pull out on route to the restaurant he sat up, manoeuvring his way onto Maya before he could speak he went into a coughing session.

"Mommy can I ask a question?" He asked once he recovered.

"Of course you can ask me anything, what is it?"

"Can I go down the fire pole?" Matteo pulled out his best puppy dog eyes knowing the blonde always fell for them.

Chuckling slightly she answered "Ohhh bubba don't look at me like that. Okay how about I make you a deal?" Getting a nod in response she continued. "How about next time you come to the station when you are feeling so much better and don't have this nasty cough we can go down the pole. Huh what do you think about that?"

"You promise?" He asked sticking out his pinky.

"I promise."

"Can I ask another question?"

"Another one oh my goodness, you are just full of questions aren't you" she tickled him as she spoke but quickly stopped as he started coughing again.

"Mommy can I have some toast?"

"Yes, you feeling hungry?" Nodding his head at his mommy who had a smile on her face. This was the first sign of the little Italian getting better. His little appetite was coming back. "Yay okay let's go and get some food into this belly of yours. Oh and maybe we can call Mama?"

Walking into the beanery setting him on the island, knowing and trusting him that he will stay there. "We see mama on the phone?"

"Yep let's call her now and see if she picks up" pulling her phone out of her back pocket a clicks Carina's name. It's didn't even 3 rings before the call goes through.

"Ahhh hi Bella, how are you? How's our bambino?"

"Hi beautiful, we are good I am just making the little monster some toast. Here he's here" giving the phone to Matteo as she put some bread in the toaster.

"Ciao Bambino"

"Hello mama, mommy's making me some toast" he waved back at his mama who was smiling.

"She is wow. I... Merda" Carina swore as she got paged. The mama she was looking after was finally ready to push.

"Carina that's..." cutting Maya off the brunette rushes out

"Si si I know I know but I have to go now I love you both and bambino enjoy your toast" blowing a kiss into the phone as she made her way out of her office.

"Si bye mama" Matteo waved and the call ended before Maya could even say I love you back.

"Okay some toast and your juice"

"No mommy, I want milk" he said as he lifted a bit of buttered toast to his mouth. Sighing and way to tired to argue Maya got Matteo his milk.

Getting tired again Matteo whined wanting more cuddles after he finished his toast. Picking him up the blonde walked into the room off the kitchen. Putting on the tv "bubba you want to watch Lion King?" Only getting a nod in response while he continues to drink from his bottle of milk.

Once lion king is on Maya lays them both down. Matteo is a little fussy and isn't settling. He starts wriggling around and rubbing his face into Mayas boobs.

"Mommy" he whines out. Feeling the need to be close to her. Clicking onto to what her little Italian wanted as he was doing something similar the night before Maya say him up which caused him to cry out for her. "Mommy snuggles"

"I know bubba I know it's okay I'm here. See look, look at mommy Matteo. It's okay bubs don't cry I'm right here." Wiping his tears away with the pads of her thumbs after taking her shirt off so she was only in a sports bra. She brought him back down onto her chest where he let out a satisfying sigh. Whispering to him "there you go, is that better" only getting a nod in return as he sips on his bottle of milk.

They didn't even get to the part where Simba sees his father 'fall' from the cliff. They were out cold, for the second time today.

"Wow I need a shower and some food I am starving" Vic said climbing out of the truck.

"You know after that call I don't even want to cook" Travis spoke.

"I know what you mean that was a nasty kitchen fire. I think one of the worst I've seen" Jack mentioned hanging his turnout jacket on the trucks door.

"Hey why don't we shower then see what the Captain wants for lunch and maybe we could convince her to get take out" Ben said knowing that the team are spent from the call out and Maya will need to keep her energy up looking after Matteo and also he knows she won't be looking after herself.

"Perfect, I gotta check in with her anyway with the report so I guess let's hit the showers" Andy agreed. Feeling exhausted for some reason. Maybe it was all the guilt that was finally getting to her. Or maybe not having her equally messy best friend by her side to rant to and be there when she needed it. Shaking herself out of her thoughts as she stepped into the shower feeing the water running down her body she sighed knowing it was all of the above.

As the team were finishing getting dressed after their shower Andy headed down to Mayas  office. Knocking on the door getting no response she decided to quietly walk in thinking maybe she's in her bunk with Matteo. Not seeing her Captain she made her way back out to the rest of the team.

"Did you talk to Captain about the call" Jack asked as they all headed up to the beanery.

"Nope she wasn't in her office"

He scoffed "probably slacking off"

Hughes sshhed them as she stoped by the door of the lounge. The team still shocked seeing their captain with her son stood in aww. They were looking at their Captain lying on the couch with her shirt off and a very sweaty Matteo clinging to her in his sleep not wanting to let go. Mayas arms protectively around his little body as they slept.

As they all started Vic just happen to notice a scar on Mayas collar bone yeah looked like it went down her chest a little bit.

Whispering " hey guys has cap gotten hurt on any calls the past few weeks. Knowing by the look of the scar it was fresh. Healed but fresh.

Ben knowing what Vic was talking about pulled them away from the door way " you're looking at her scar. Right?" Getting a look from Vic he took a deep breath and continued " it didn't come from a call it didn't come from work at all. I know she doesn't want anyone to know which is why I'm saying this so you don't ask her questions about it okay. Promise me you will not ask her anything about her scar". Looking at the team who gathered round the island to listen. Not wanting to go further without confirmation of their silence which he did get. Again he continued.

"I don't know the full story but there was a... uhh cap I'm sorry they..."

Unknown to everyone Maya had heard when Vic asked the question about her scar. She's a light sleeper, so she carefully manoeuvred Matteo so he was on the couch and put pillows around him in case he rolled. She stepped out of the lounge and overheard Warren speaking.

Shaking her head while putting her shirt back on she walked over to them. "It's okay" getting a look of sympathy from Ben she smiled a little at him showing him she was really okay.  "Sorry you guys weren't meant to see this" point to her scar "all you need to know is that the person is dealt with and I did what I needed to do to protect that handsome little boy and his gorgeous mama. This was just a repercussion from my actions." Wanting to change the subject "now what's for lunch because I am starving. Who's cooking?"

They all just looked at her even more confused. What has happened in the last 3 months? What or rather who gave her that scar?

Andy mentally decided that she needed to talk to Maya privately away from the station. She didn't know what she was going to say but she knew she needed to somewhat apologise to her for the way she has been acting and treating her.

Collectively 19 decided to order from vice restaurant and while Dean Jack and Vic went to get the food. Maya woke up a sleeping Italian. Now this was a dangerous job. You don't mess with an Italian, especially when they are either tired, hungry, angry or SLEEPING.

As much as Maya would've let him sleep he was over heating again, so she needed to take his temperature and he needed more medicine. Warren went down with Travis to the lobby just in case anyone walked in. Well Travis was hungry and wanted to watch for the other three firefighters for when they came back with the food but he said it was to keep Ben company.

Andy stayed up in the beanery setting the table and of course watching Maya interact with Matteo. It still amazes her that Maya monogamy for the weak Bishop with waking her sleeping son. Again the guilt hit her like a bag of bricks. She was missing out of this new wonderful stage in her best friends life. Obviously she knew Maya was serious about this women because well for one she's in a relationship with her and Maya doesn't do relationships, but also Maya is willingly taking care of her sick kid. She really wants to meet this women and ask her how she changed eyes forward Bishop.

The three came back with the food and sat around the table. Maya had Matteo on her knee with Ben and Andy either side of her. She was happy tp see Matteo eating it was t much but it was more than what he had been eating on the weekend.

"Ohh Captain I had a call from Miranda this morning I forgot to mention your other half is terrorising the interns. She made one run away and cry all because he was taking to king to bring her a chart" Ben said with a wide eyed look.

Chuckling slightly looking at her team who were still all gathered round the island " yeah I kind of expected that today. She got the same amount of sleep I did over the weekend and well she's not the happiest person to be around when she tired and people around her are fu...messing around." She stopped herself from a wearing as little ears were present. "But we called mama didn't we bubs"

Nodding while his mouth was full and reaching for more but before he put another mouthful in he said " si we called mama then she had to go"

"Thats right. Her patient needed her help didn't she" Nodding in response as he had more food in his mouth. Maya just laughed and kissed his head. He still had a high temperature but his throat and head weren't as sore and he was not only eating more he was getting his energy back with a few naps thrown in.

The rest of the day continued as is. A couple of call outs for the aid car but nothing major. As the night was rolling in she made her way to the barn with a sleepy Matteo, who they noticed was in pyjamas that had little fire trucks on them, in her arms.

"19" she whisper yelled

Looking back at their Captain they repeated with the same manor.

"I am going to drop our honorary firefighter off to his mama so I'll be gone half an hour but I will be back. So Gibson you are in charge while I'm gone. Stay out of my office though and I'll be back as soon as I can and then Herrera we can go over incident reports when I get back. 19"

So that's what she did the team said their goodbyes to Matteo says it was nice to meet him and they will see him soon. She managed to get him home without a fuss. Carina had heard her trying to get the key in tho door so she opened it and the blonde gave you a loving smile. Carina kissed Maya on the lips and Matteo's head the gestured maya to take him to his room.

Quietly stepping out of the boys room closing the door but leaving it open just a crack she made her way into her loves arms, almost melting.

"I really wish I could stay but I have to get back."

"I know I've missed you so much today. I love you so much." Caroms spoke softly kissing her girlfriend on the head.

The talk for a few more minutes not wanting to leave the love and warmth between them. Eventually breaking apart and saying I live yous to each other Maya left to head back to the station.

She thanked everyone for today, and also them being okay with Matteo being around the station today. She talked with Andy about the incident calls and was happy with how they went and the report. Afterwards she said to Andy to just tell everyone that she was heading to bed and she'll see them in the morning. She sent one last message to Carina to say goodnight.

Once again for the third time today Maya fell asleep.

Really sorry not sure how this chapter is. I'm not sure if I'm completely okay with it but hopefully you guys will like it 😊 K.

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