Sana×Nayeon One-Shot

By ShashaBear3

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SANA × NAYEON one shots More

HOME (When life gets tough)
Hold On


981 23 14
By ShashaBear3

Warning: Bullying, suicide, depression, if you are sensitive to that topic I highly suggest skipping this short story. Thank you!

8 letters why is it so hard to say?

"I'm home" Sana walked inside their house

"Oh, you're here! Have you eaten?" Momo asked her younger sister just went home from school

"I'm still full" Sana replied to her sister and was about to go to her room but stopped.

"Nayeon is here" Momo spoke behind Sana as if on cue the door of their restroom opened revealing Nayeon

"Sana" Nayeon was happy to see Sana after years of not seeing each other. But automatically frowned when she looked at the wall clock and that it was already 9:08 in the evening

Is this the right time for senior high school students to go home? Nayeon thought she cares about her.

Sana is like a sister to her.

They are inseparable along with Momo, Nayeon met Momo when they are in high school when the two migrate to Busan and Momo transferred where Nayeon attend school

Momo was Nayeon's classmate while Sana is 4 years younger than them. The two ran away from their family abusing them.

Momo is a smart girl, she knows how to earn money, and she knows how she can handle their expenses. Of course, Nayeon gladly helped them.

They grow together but when Nayeon and Momo had an offer in university in Seoul, Momo has to refuse because the cost of living in Seoul is double of expenses in Busan she won't be able to survive there with Sana. She can't also leave her part-time job in Busan as a choreographer

"I'm going to my room" Sana spoke to her sister and ignoring Nayeon's greet to her.

Nayeon is just watching Sana walk to her room.

"Sorry she mamay beired from schools works" Momo apologized on behalf of her sister's behavior

"Is she always going home late?" Nayeon asked Momo who is walking to the living room and opened the small model of television

Momo walked to it and kick the television when it is not working Nayeon jumped a little surprisingly the Television worked

Momo smirked at Nayeon "it's called magic Nayeon don't show that an idiot expression there, wanna join?" Momo offered the seat beside her.

"Are you sure it won't explode?" Nayeon asked her best friend, she wanted to make sure. Their safety is the topmost priority.

"Silly, of course not we've been using that television for 2 years now. I bought it cheap with the mister beside the road and it's still working, Sana loves watching Korean dramas" Momo smiled proudly.

She loves Sana so much, that she is willing to give everything to her sister, it might not be expensive or new model Television but it is still television and it is for her sister.

"I feel like I missed a lot about Sana," Nayeon said she doesn't know anything about Sana now.

Sana was the most transparent person Nayeon have ever met. She can easily say when Sana is happy, sad, hungry, annoyed, or even when she is lying.

But things change 2 years ago

When Sana stop calling Nayeon every night, and stop talking to her.

What happened to Sana? Nayeon thought

"I know you missed her too, why don't you sleep here? With Sana? Like you always do before?" Momo offered to Nayeon

Nayeon looked at the door of Sana's room

"Maybe next time, I think she is tired and it's late to catch up with her. Just tell me what's new with you and her" Nayeon said excitedly to Momo

"What i should say? We always talk on facetime silly" Momo pushed Nayeon away

"Right, but you never shared anything about Sana," Nayeon said she wanted to hear the story about Sana

Momo sighed and lower her head

Is there something wrong? Nayeon thought when she saw Momo's reaction

"To be honest, Sana stopped being old her," Momo said and look at the Television

"What do you mean?" Nayeon asked her eyebrow almost connecting

"She just stops being this bubbly little girl, she stops sharing stories, she stops being this always excited little girl when she went home," Momo said remembering how many times she hear Sana crying inside her room but she always push Momo away.

"And to be completely honest? It's hard to say this but I am slowly dying inside that I don't know what is going to her, what is in her mind. I don't know Nayeon" Momo lowered her head once again

"Why you didn't tell me about this?" Nayeon asked she is annoyed not at Momo and nor Sana but at herself,

She is blaming herself for not being with Sana, not knowing what is happening to Sana

"Because I know you will be worried about her too, I don't want you to think about us here because you have college to finish," Momo said to her best friend

"That's stupid Momo, you know how important Sana to me she is---- she is like a sister to me," Nayeon said little unsure if it is the reason why she is mad about something more deeper.

"Nayeon she is my sister. I am trying here okay? Please understand the situation and my decision. It is not easy for me too. You don't have any idea how it broke my heart whenever she shut her door to me, whenever she doesn't want to talk about what is happening to her" Momo held her best friend's hand and squeeze it "come on let's not fight about this you are here for vacation before your OJT. You are here to relax" Momo said softly

Nayeon looked at Sana's door again I promise I will do everything to know what is going on with you Sana. I am here, ain't gonna leave without knowing the reason behind your closed door Nayeon thought to herself before she catch up with her best friend Momo

Morning came Nayeon dozed on the couch, she move because she is not comfortable with her position but she fell on the floor

"Urrrgh!!" Nayeon groaned in agony holding her butt

"What are you doing here?" Someone asked Nayeon gradually opened her sleepy eyes and welcomed with Sana wearing her uniform already

"Oh, Good morning Sana" Nayeon revealed her big toothy smile to Sana but the latter didn't reciprocate

"Are you going to school?" Nayeon asked, making an effort to survive the conversation which is obviously Sana is not interested

"Technically" Sana spoke wearing her black shoes leaning onto the wall

"Let me drive you" Nayeon offered, Sana stomped her feet on the floor trying to push her right foot on the shoe so it will feel comfortable

"No thanks, I will take the bus" Sana spoke and opened the door

"Wait! I insist" Nayeon wanted to catch up with Sana badly, she miss her

Sana stopped on her track and looked back over her shoulder to see Nayeon standing at their door way, hair is messy.

"I SAID NO THANKS," Sana said firmly.

Nayeon doesn't know what to say, because she doesn't even have time to speak when Sana is already walking away from her

Sana, what is going on? Are you mad at me? What did I do wrong? Nayeon can't help but think about what Sana's behavior

Momo was right, she is not the bubbly Sana before Nayeon felt something contraction in her heart

She felt hurt to see Sana being like that.

With painful feelings, Nayeon walk inside the house feeling defeated

"What is that face Nayeon?" Momo greeted her walking to the kitchen

"Sana just went to school I offered a ride but she refused," Nayeon said and lay on the sofa again sighing

"That's first" Momo mumbled to herself

"Did she say something wrong?" Momo asked and offered a coffee to Nayeon

"No, she just refused. And it is unusual because she never said NO to me" Nayeon said Momo was right, it was the first time Sana refused to Nayeon's offer.

When she remembered how happy Sana was when she offered something, she always say YES to her even.

"I told you, she changed a lot," Momo said and feel sad even though it is early in the morning

"Have you ever talked about her about this behavior she has?" Nayeon asked Momo

"Many times but I told you she shut her door ALWAYS" Momo answered

"Do you think something is going on in her school?" Nayeon asked Momo which the latter thought hope not

"Hey" Someone called Sana which the latter gulped

"Where is my assignment?" Someone asked

"H---here" Sana gave the notebook

"H---here" someone mimicked Sana then laughed at her

"Chaeyoung stop," someone said

"What? Are you dictating what should I do? What if I do this?" Chaeyoung grab Sana's hair

"Ouch" Sana bite her lip to suppress the tears

"Make sure I will get a high score here! Or else! I am going to kick your ass!" Chaeyoung pushed Sana away to Dahyun

"Are you okay?" Dahyun asked Sana "That Park Chaeyoung" Dahyun glared at Chaeyoung's group walking away everyone giving them a way to walk

Everyone is scared of them, Chaeyoung's father is the owner of the school, Jennie's mother is known in the industry, Lisa's father is known owner of a different restaurant, and Jisoo known for her acting skills

Sana always makes Chaeyoung assignments or else they will beat her.

When Sana move up to Senior high she accidentally ruined Chaeyoung's uniform on their first day. Sana being clumsy and clueless about Chaeyoung information she didn't know that it will be her nightmare. A living hell

1 year in Senior high she was beaten most of the time or sometimes everyone is laughing at her, making her do their projects and assignments, she is like their slave. Sana orders their food every lunch if Chaeyoung doesn't like it, she will throw it at Sana's face or make her eat the food on the floor.

Sana locked herself in her room crying while doing their assignment and hers too

She can't go home early since she needs to accompany Chaeyoung at night wherever she wants to hang out with her friends

Even if she is tired she needs to endure it Sana always thought

Sana doesn't want to tell Momo because Momo is working under Jennie's mother.

Jennie threaten her that if her mother will know what she is doing inside the school she will make sure Momo will lose her job and no one will accept her again

If Momo will lose her job it means they will not afford to finish her college and Sana will be kicked out of her school, and worst they will starve to death. Sana thought she needs to endure it.

But sometimes Sana can't take it anymore and she wants to die. She tried three times but someone always catch her

First Jihyo, second Dahyun and last were Tzuyu

"Yes I am okay" Sana sniffed she is crying and Dahyun was there to comfort her

"Few more weeks Sana" Dahyun knows her story why she can't give up why she needs to endure it

Sana nodded and go to their classroom

Even though everyone knows what Chaeyoung do to Sana no one dares to speak because they are afraid for their future

Most of the students feel bad about Sana, but some of the students make fun of her or bully her.

And despite all the hardship she felt, she still excelled in her academics.

It's my promise to Momo unni, I will graduate with a higher grade I can't fail my sister. You can do this Sana few more weeks like Dahyun said  Sana thought

School hours ended Sana was waiting for Chaeyoung like every day

"Pst!" Someone called Sana ignored because she thought it was some students who wants to bully her again

"Pst! Betty boop!" Someone called and there is only one calling her betty boop and that is Nayeon

"What are you doing here?" Sana asked her frowning

"Obviously, fetching you" Nayeon walked to Sana and tried to get her bag to help her

"Go away," Sana said Nayeon's hand stopped midair

"I miss streetfoods, I thought we could hang out after your school" Nayeon smiled again at Sana but Sana ignore her

"I'm not hungry, go on your own" Sana said and stands up when she saw Chaeyoung walking out of her room "Go!" Sana pushed Nayeon away Nayeon step back frowning she can see that Sana is nervous

She hasn't changed at all I can see she is nervous but why? Nayeon thought

"Oh you're here," Chaeyoung said and let Sana handle her bag which Sana gladly accept

Nayeon frowned more, she doesn't understand, clearly, Sana is having difficulty with her bag and school materials but why the blonde girl is making Sana handle her bag too

"Why are you carrying someone's bag? Evidently your bag is heavier that hers. Is she your friend?" Nayeon asked Sana and looked at Chaeyoung with her friends

"And who are you?" Chaeyoung asked

"Woah, look kid I am older than you, you need to show some respect and" Nayeon get Chaeyoung's bag and gave it to her "your bag is much lighter than my hair, you shouldn't make anyone carry your stuff" Nayeon said and pushed the bag towards Chaeyoung. Lisa, Jennie, and Jisso gasped even Sana. Some of the schools are watching them, some are filming

"Stop! I can manage" Sana yelled at Nayeon and get Chaeyoung's bag

"Go home" Sana avoiding Nayeon's gaze

"Sana" Nayeon called her name softly

"Sana lets go" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes

Sana walked

Nayeon held her hand

"Look at me" Nayeon pleased

"Home" Simply said and it was enough for Nayeon to understand the situation.

She slowly let go of Sana's hand and grit her teeth. She exhaled, she is controlling her anger.

I need to think rationally Nayeon though

Breath Nayeon. Control your anger. Breath Nayeon talking to herself

Nayeon waited for Sana to go home but she didn't. She called to her sister Momo informing her that she will be staying at Jihyo's house

Something is fucking going on with Sana in school. Nayeon said and decided to just overnight at Momo's house

Lunch came when Nayeon visited Sana's school. She saw Sana carrying a lot of food on her tray

Nayeon didn't fail to notice the bruises on Sana's corner lips and on her cheek

"Hi. That's a lot" Nayeon pop beside Sana. Sana was startled but Nayeon manage to steady the tray.

Sana tried to hide the bruises

"I already saw it" Nayeon softly said

"Faster!" Someone shouted and it was again Chaeyoung

"Are these for them?" Nayeon asked Sana

Sana didn't answer but nodded

"Let me help you," Nayeon said and tried to get the tray

"Don't" Sana said

"You always refuse" Nayeon pouted, but Sana was quick to avoid how cute Nayeon was in front of her and slowly put the tray of food on Chaeyoung's table with her friends

"You again? Who allows you to enter this school?" Chaeyoung asked Nayeon

"Obviously the guard," Nayeon answered her. Like it was the most stupid question she heard some of the students inside the canteen laughed.

Sana giggled too and it was enough for Nayeon to smile brightly

"You know you like a bunny when you smile and talk? Oh wait is that even a smile?" Chaeyoung fought back

"Woah, wait I thought this is secondary school? Seems like you don't know the different emotions that a person can create? The difference between a smile and a sad. When you are scared, when you were startled" Nayeon showed her expression "see the difference kid? Was it supposed to teach in Kindergarten do you want me to tutor you?" Nayeon spoke back to Chaeyoung

Sana bit her lips to suppress her laugh

"And additional kid, I may look like a bunny because of my teeth, but you look like a chipmunk," Nayeon said causing everyone to laugh even Chaeyoung's friend

"Unnie! You are so cool!" Some student said

"I know" Nayeon winked at that student

"If you are done slaving my ball of sunshine may I excuse her?" Nayeon asked the fuming Chaeyoung

She stands up and push Sana but Nayeon was quick to catch Sana

"You are making my life even more harder. Do you know that?" Sana pushed Nayeon away.

What did I do wrong again? Clearly, I am helping her here Nayeon thought and left the school dejected why is she so mad at me?

Later that day, Nayeon thoughts were always drifted to Sana, her action, and what could be the reason behind it.

Fuck. What is going on? Nayeon thought while drinking a soju alone

Her gaze fell onto someone she know so well and keep on occupying her thought

"Sana" she whispered

Sana looks uncomfortable with those kids, what is she doing here? Nayeon thought

And for the love of God why is she even here? She is still a minor! Does Momo know about this? Nayeon felt disappointed but just looking at Sana's uncomfortable face and visible sadness in her eyes Nayeon felt pain overcome her disappointment.

When Sana walked to the bartender in front, Nayeon make her way

"Sana" Nayeon called her Sana jumped a little and looked behind Nayeon looking for her sister

"Momo is not with me, what are you doing here? With those kids?" Nayeon looked at the bunch of disrespectful kids

"None of your business," Sana said while waiting for her order

"You are still minor Sana are you drinking?" Nayeon asked and step forward to smell Sana's breath

Sana gasped and step back a little.

"I am not a kid anymore," Sana said

"You are still our baby so stop this, does Momo knows about this huh?" Nayeon asked Sana to avoid her gaze " seems not" Nayeon added

"I told you it's none of your business," Sana said

"It's my business Sana, you know how much important you are to us... to me" Nayeon looked at Sana in her eyes

"You are not like this Sana come on let's go home," Nayeon said to Sana holding her arm

"You don't know me Nayeon. Just go and leave as you did before" Sana said turning her back on Nayeon

"Are you mad because I left? Sana, I left because of my study" Nayeon explained to Sana "I always call you guys every night I'm always there" Nayeon added

Sana gripped on her phone

"No, you weren't there when I needed you the most Nayeon" Sana said before she left Nayeon and carry the bucket of beer

When the clock strikes 10 PM that's Nayeon's cue to drag Sana away from her drunk friends and they seem not to notice it

"We are going home," Nayeon said

"No," Sana said

"NOW" Nayeon firmly said

Nayeon is very soft when it comes to Sana, she is like a baby sister to her, but a mad Nayeon is the scariest and Sana doesn't like to see that again for the second time.

The first time she saw Nayeon mad is when someone mad fun of her sister Momo. And it was the scary for Sana. She mentally note to herself that never make Nayeon angry because she will do everything to fight back.

Sana didn't refuse this time and let Nayeon drag her out of the club

Nayeon stop the car in front of Momo's house but the doors of her car are still locked she wanted to ask a lot of questions to Sana.

"Why are you doing this?" Nayeon asked a single question but a lot of answers she wants to hear.

She is still furious at Sana, she will not let that time to go waste not understanding what is happening to Sana.

"Don't act as if you care about me like it's all the same what is between you and me before cause its not." Sana refuses to tell her story to Nayeon she doesn't trust Nayeon anymore

"What makes you think that I don't care about you?" Nayeon asked as it was evident in her voice that she is hurt by what Sana said. But she still acts tough because she is older than Sana she needs to understand the latter

"A lot, so stop interfering in my life now, and don't make my life even more, harder because I am tired already" Sana spoke her voice cracked it made her anger casappeared and all she wanted is to just hug Sana tightly, and if possible take all the pain that Sana is feeling.

"You know I never intended to make your life harder Sana. All I want is to help okay? You and Momo are my family so don't expect me to just seat and not mind what is going on to you. Where completely I can see that you are having a tough time. Don't expect me to stop being here with you because I promised to you when you are still a kid that no one will separate us" Nayeon clarified to Sana "so please don't push me away, don't close your doors to me. I want to know, I want to understand because it's so hard to see you like this. Sad, helpless, bruised, I will fight or even kill everyone for you Sana that's how much important you are to me" Nayeon held Sana's hand

It doesn't sound like a sister's love, is more deeper than that, every word Nayeon said came from her heart.

Her heart is speaking and controlling her body over her mind and Nayeon didn't mind that, Sana needs to know it.

But Sana still refused to tell her story.

Nayeon decided to just stay at Momo and Sana's house since the two are always out. And Momo insists,

The next morning Nayeon woke up early to drive Sana to school

"Good morning betty boop" Nayeon smiled at Sana, she knows the latter loves to be called like that.

"M---morning" Sana greeted her back, that is enough for Nayeon to know that she still has a place in Sana's heart

I will wait for you to open up my betty boop Nayeon thought

"I'm thinking of breakfast like a pancake and hot choco at Irene's? Are you down?" Nayeon smiled at Sana asking her approval, she saw a glimpse of excitement in Sana's eyes

"I will be late" Sana refused again while putting on her black shoes

"Come on! We can eat it while I drive you to your school" Nayeon insist

"You are not gonna stop Nay?" Sana called Nayeon like she used to. It made a lift in Nayeon's heart because it's been years since the last time she heard Sana address her Nay

"Well, no one makes me stop?" Nayeon showed her bunny smile to Sana

The two take out their breakfast at Irene's. Nayeon stopped asking what is going on with Sana she decided she will wait.

She wanted to enjoy her time with the latter without pushing her away.

"Maybe I could fetch you later? If you don't have a hang out with those kids" Nayeon asked hopeful that Sana will say yes

"We have a study overnight every Wednesday at Jihyo's house I won't be home tonight," Sana said explaining why Sana carried another bag

"I see maybe I can at least drive you there? To make sure that you are safe?" Nayeon said

"Okay, I will see you at 4" Sana smiled at Nayeon and it was first. It fluttered Nayeon's heart

"I missed that smile," Nayeon said unconsciously, which caused Sana to go back to her usual self

"Smile again, you're beautiful when you smile. I bet you are most beautiful here in your school" Nayeon said to Sana

"Oh stop," Sana playfully rolled her eyes "You know nothing" Sana added

"As much as I want to bicker with you and proved that you are the prettiest I don't want you to be late" Nayeon unlocked the door

"Get me a perfect score if you have a quiz today! I wanna see it" Nayeon showed her fist to Sana and mouthed fighting

"And if I get a perfect score?" Sana asked three steps from Nayeon's car still smiling she is not aware of other students looking at her gawning because it was their first time to see Sana's smile and it was genuine

"I will kiss you!" Nayeon said chuckling

"Okay! That's a deal!" Sana winked before she walked inside her school

Nayeon face felt hot.

"Why does it feel so hot suddenly?" Nayeon mumbled

4 PM Nayeon was waiting for Sana

Am I that excited? Nayeon thought of course I am! I will meet her friends. I hope these friends are good to my Sana Nayeon choked because of the way she addresses Sana in her thought

And when she saw Sana walking out of the school she went out of the car

"Betty boop!" Nayeon called, Sana stop from talking to her friends and looked at Nayeon

"I thought we have to wait for you," Sana said to Nayeon because she knows Nayeon is always late when she insist to fetch her after school before

"By the way, these are my friends, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Tzuyu" Sana introduced her friends "and this is Nayeon, she's Momo unnie's best friend," Sana said to her friends

"Hello, ladies! You weren't wrong Sana when you told me you are not the prettiest here in school" Nayeon smiled at the three ladies

Nayeon didn't see that Sana rolled her eyes at her.

"let's go?" Nayeon pointed to the car and opened the passenger for Sana

"So what do senior students love to eat nowadays?" Nayeon make a conversation with them, thinking while tapping her chin

Nayeon is very warm and friendly. She easily makes friends because of her personality.

"How about pizza?" Dahyun suggested

"Pizza? How about Nachos? Mojos? Oh, wait! I feel like we shouldn't forget Ice cream?" Nayeon suggested and the four senior students are beaming with delight to hear tasty food

Nayeon bought food in convenience store while she left senior students inside her car

"She is the cool unnie last time right? She disparages Chaeyoung inside the school cafeteria" Dahyun talked to Sana she is so happy to witness such a scene in her life. She really likes to kick Park Chaeyoung's face but she can't. She has a dream to fulfill

"Really? I heard about that, sadly I was in the library that time" Jihyo said sadly

"Me too I have to tutor that Son Chaeyoung" Tzuyu rolled her eyes

"Nayeon unni is cool!" Dahyun said too excited in visible in her voice

"The coolest!" Tzuyu corrected Dahyun

"Right! Coolest" Dahyun said looking at Nayeon inside the convenience store

"I'm happy she is back," Jihyo said looking at Sana on center mirror

Dahyun and Tzuyu didn't know the story of Nayeon in Sana's life since Jihyo was her first friend Sana opened up about Nayeon

"She is a college student in Seoul. I don't know why she is here. She still has 1 semester to finish" Sana explained "like I said Momo unnie and Nayeon are best friends so basically I met her because of my sister" Sana added

"Then why you didn't call her Unni? She is older than us" Dahyun asked

Because I never treat her like my sister, I don't see her as my sister, and I don't want her to be my sister I want something more than that. Sana wanted to say but she refused to say it out loud

Sana shrugged her shoulder "it's fine with her so I guess I don't need to be bothered?" Sana said to her friends instead

"Did I take long? Their machine is not working." Nayeon explained to the senior student.

"It's fine unnie!" Tzuyu said and agreed with others

"Are we here?" Nayeon asked Jihyo and parked the car

"Yes unni, thank you for the ride and for the food! Please come inside" Jihyo said smiling at Nayeon

"Thank you Jihyo, but I heard you have to study, I don't want to disturb you guys" Nayeon politely refused

"Are you sure unni?" Dahyun asked if she is out of the car already except for Sana and Nayeon

Nayeon nodded the three already walked to the house and Nayeon noticed Sana

"Hey, something wrong?" Nayeon softly asked

"Is it okay that I don't call you unni?" Sana asked

"Of course! Whatever you wanted to call me that's fine to me" Nayeon said, "why did you ask tho?" Nayeon frowning

"My friends noticed" Sana simply said

"Oh, I lied," Nayeon said

"What do you mean?" Sana looked at her frowning

"You are still the prettiest! But don't tell them okay?" Nayeon put her index finger on her lips

Sana laughed at her "do you know they found you cool? But if they will hear this they might regret saying you're cool" Sana said laughing at Nayeon

"I am still cool if some ways," Nayeon said doesn't want to lose

"In what part?" Sana teased her

"Yah!!" Nayeon complained

Sana laughed at her "any way you owe me something" Sana said and she opened her bag and gave a 3 perfect quiz to Nayeon

Nayeon smirked and feel proud

"Aigoo! My boop boop is the prettiest and now the smartest!" Nayeon said still looking at Sana's score "lean forward for you price sunshine" Nayeon said and planted a kiss on the latter's both cheeks and a long lingering kiss on her forehead

"I'm so proud of you Sana" Nayeon genuinely said "I am sure your sister too I will show this to her" Nayeon put the paper on her assistance box inside the car

"Okay, I will go inside now. Thank you for driving us and for the food" Sana said and smiled at Nayeon

"Anything for you" Nayeon nodded gesturing for Sana to go inside the house.

Thursday came

Nayeon was waiting for Sana outside the school

She saw Jihyo walking alone

"Jihyo!" Nayeon called

"Nayeon unni!" Jihyo waved her hand and run to her

"I was waiting for Sana," Nayeon said

"Oh..." Jihyo avoided Nayeon's gaze

"Jihyo" Nayeon called her name

She knows... Nayeon thought

"Would you mind telling me something?" Nayeon offered a seat for Jihyo inside her car

"I don't know unnie if I have to tell you this" Jihyo playing with her hand

"Anything about Sana, I want to hear it. You see Sana never tells us anything to us and it hurts me to see her bruised face. I know something is happening to her, she changed a lot Jihyo. She is not our bubbly Sana anymore. And two days seeing her being her old self made me feel happy, I wanna know Jihyo please help me to understand everything" Nayeon pleased

"It all started when she moved into Senior High. She accidentally ruined Chaeyoung's clothes. Park Chaeyoung is the daughter of the owner of this school and since that day they never let Sana be happy. They always bully her, hurt her, and made her like a slave they even threaten her that if she won't do their assignment and project they will kick her out of the school, Sana doesn't want to tell anyone because Jennie one of Chaeyoung's friend, Momo unnie is working for her mother. Jennie said if Sana tells her parents she will surely be asked her mother to fire Momo and no one will accept her again in any work here. I swear unnie we wanted to help her but every time we tried they hurt us too. No one has the guts to report everything to the police because their parents are known here in town." Jihyo lowered her head clutching her books she is hurt to see Sana like this because she is her best friend, and she felt Sana doesn't deserve someone like her to be her best friend because she is coward

"I am happy that you are here for her unni, she slowly smiled again, I hope you won't leave her again because she tried to kill herself I swear it was the scariest scenario that happened to me" Jihyo looked at Nayeon crying like a baby

"She what?!" Nayeon raised her voice a little

Nayeon doesn't know what to feel, she felt hurt and mad. In fact, scenarios are playing in her mind something brutally hurt Chaeyoung.

"She almost killed herself, I was the one who saw it first. Then Dahyun next was Tzuyu." Jihyo said

"Where is that Chaeyoung?!" Nayeon asked Jihyo

"No unni! please stop!" Jihyo run to Nayeon and stop her hugging her from the back

"Don't do anything unnie please" Jihyo begged

"No! Jihyo clearly that kid need deserve to be beaten" Nayeon said to Jihyo

"I know! Then what? You are not 24/7 will be there for Sana. Sana was beaten when you showed up here in school trying to make Chaeyoung hold her bag. Sana was beaten after the school cafeteria incident. You see every time you mocked Chaeyoung Sana was the one suffering" Jihyo said

Nayeon stopped moving

Don't make my life even harder Nayeon heard Sana say to her before

So I was the reason behind those bruises? Nayeon thought then she remembered Sana her sad eyes.

"Fuck" Nayeon murmured

"I know you want to kill Chaeyoung, but it will make the situation more difficult for Sana. She has been enduring this for a very long time she badly wants to finish school Unni. Please. All you can do is at least be there for her" Jihyo let go of her hug to Nayeon

"Where is she?" Nayeon asked Jihyo

"Clinic," Jihyo said

"Don't tell me it's Chaeyoung again?" Nayeon shook her head

"Sorry unni," Jihyo said

"Bring me to her" Nayeon firmly said

When Nayeon entered the clinic she saw Sana laying on the bed then she saw Chaeyoung and her group on the corner

At that very moment when Nayeon and Chaeyoung eyes met she wanted to punch Chaeyoung to death. But it won't be enough Nayeon thought

"Nay?" Sana saw her, and it cut Nayeon and Chaeyoung from starting the competition

"Hey, there pretty" Nayeon smiled at Sana. They heard a snort from Chaeyoung while Sana is blushing

"You are still pretty even if you have a cut on your lips, I bet you are still the prettiest!" Nayeon wanted to cry and it breaks her heart to see Sana's state but she needs to think better than just beating that Chaeyoung.

"Stop saying that," Sana said she remembered why Chaeyoung beat her again that was because there was a rumor inside that school that Sana was smiling and she is pretty.

Chaeyoung wants Sana's life living hell.  So she beat Sana's face to tell the world that she is not pretty.

"She not even close to being entitled pretty" Chaeyoung butt in their conversation

"I thought you are only mentally disabled turned out you are also visually impaired. " Nayeon stands up to face Chaeyoung

"What did you just say?!" Chaeyoung screamed

Some of the students are scared of her, so some nurses to they are forced to hide what Chaeyoung doing and need to help clean her wounds of Sana so her father won't know about it

"Mentally disabled, visual disabled, and now hearing impairment? I feel bad for you kid" Nayeon mocked her

Sana held Nayeon's arms and shook her head

"Do you know who I am huh?" Chaeyoung pushed Nayeon but Nayeon didn't even bulge

"Sadly I heard your name is Park Chaeyoung but, to be honest? I regret knowing your name its a waste of brain cells" Nayeon faked that she is unhappy to know Chaeyoung's name

"But listen, kid, remember my face starting today. Because what you did and what you have done with Sana and with some of the students here will reveal soon. And you and your friends will not have a future do you understand?" Nayeon warned them

"Do you think I will be scared of that?" Chaeyoung laughed at her

"Honey, do whatever you want to think. Mark my word" Nayeon stares at Chaeyoung.

Which the latter broke when Jennie stop her

"Go get your friend, just because your parents are the owner of the school, it doesn't mean you have the right to hurt anyone," Nayeon said.

"You will pay for this" Chaeyoung said to Sana then left the clinic

"Unni you're so cool," Nayeon didn't notice that Dahyun and Tzuyu were there too

"The coolest!" Tzuyu corrected Dahyun again

"Hey, don't be scared, I am here. I will do everything to protect you" Nayeon held Sana's hand

"Please don't tell to anyone" Sana felt traumatized, she is picturing herself beaten endlessly by Chaeyoung

She is scared she is shaking, and she didn't notice that she is already crying and won't be able to breath

"Sana!" Nayeon panicked

"Nurse!!!!" Nayeon screamed

Nurses run to Sana and helped her

"We need to bring her to the hospital," the nurse said. Nayeon saw how Sana gasped for air

The bruises are visible on Sana's face

Momo was crying beside Sana. Nayeon hasn't said anything about Sana.

She thought Sana is the one who needs to tell the truth to her sister

"What happened to her?" Momo was crying beside Sana.

"She had a panic attack," Nayeon said

"Panic attack? About what? Is she traumatized about something? Nayeon tells what is going on!!" Momo raised her voice begging for an explanation

"I'm sorry, but I think it will be better if Sana was the one who tell you the story" Nayeon squeeze Momo's shoulder

"I am a terrible sister, I wasn't able to protect her. I failed" Momo scried

Nayeon fight back her tears

I failed too, Momo. I failed to protect the woman I love Nayeon thought. And for the first time, she admits to herself that she loves Sana not as a sister but as a woman.

Since that day Nayeon drive and fetch Sana to school they even shared lunch with Sana's friend. She makes sure that Sana is safe

Sana opened up to Momo and tell her everything, it was a painful sight for Nayeon to see them crying together. Momo was furious. She is ready to beat everyone. Nayeon agreed with her but Sana stop them telling them they shouldn't do the same thing to others even if it was painful for her.

Physical is not an option and she doesn't want the people she loves to suffer in the end because of the madness

Momo the next day, resigned from her job under Kim's company. She doesn't need money from Kim

But Nayeon has to leave, she needs to go back to Seoul

"Do you really need to leave?" Momo asked full of concern on her face

"I have to," Nayeon said while she is packing her things

"Can we talk?" Momo asked her permission

"Talk? Do I have to be nervous?" Nayeon asked joking

"I think you need to be honest with me," Momo said looking at her best friend

"Honest about what?" Nayeon frowned

"About Sana," Momo said

"What about her? She told you everything right? We even jumped in my car ready to beat that Chaeyoung" Nayeon said to Momo she doesn't understand her best friend.

"Not my sister Nayeon, that's against in best friend code" Momo warned her

Nayeon stopped from packing her stuff

Of course... Nayeon thought

"I don't know what you are saying Momo" Nayeon laughed at her

"You know what I mean Nayeon, Jeongyeon is waiting for you in Seoul" Momo said she knows Jeongyeon. Nayeon's suitor

"Don't worry. Sana is like a sister to me" Nayeon understands what Momo trying to say.

Nayeon saw Sana in the kitchen but ignored her

"Sana" Nayeon knocked on her door

Sana ignored her again

"Betty boop, don't be mad" Nayeon softly said she heard Sana groan

"Go away. I am doing my homework" Sana said

"I just want to say goodbye in the meantime?" Nayeon said to Sana

"What do you mean?" Sana looked at her finally

"I have to get my papers in Seoul, then I will do my OJT here in Busan it will just take 2 or 3 days," Nayeon said "but I promise if I can I will finish it sooner," Nayeon said to Sana

"You won't leave for too long?" Sana asked Nayeon, she shook her head

"Promise?" Sana asked

"I promise" Nayeon nodded and smiled "how about cuddle tonight? Like old times?" Nayeon suggested

"But I am not a kid anymore" Sana pouted

"But you will always be, to me" Nayeon smiled bigger,

You are the one that will never be mine. Nayeon thought

"Tsk you always treat me like a baby sister" Sana faced her books again

Because you are my baby Nayeon wanted to say but she can't and she won't.

Nayeon and Sana laying on the bed facing the ceiling

8 letters why is it so hard to say, now we are alone in this room I have you in my arms why can't we just stay like this? Why is it so complicated to love someone? And why do I have to love someone I can't have? Nayeon thought

"Call me when you arrived in Seoul?" Sana asked Nayeon

"Sure cupcake" Nayeon named her again

"You will come back like you promise right?" Sana wanted to make sure

"Like I promised earlier and before I left you when I go to Seoul. Busan is my home" Nayeon said no you are my home, Sana. Here with you, is where I belong Nayeon thought

"Good night Nay, wake me up before you leave" Sana whispered and Nayeon heard a yawn

"Good night Sana" Nayeon could only say she felt Sana snuggle more on her neck and wrapped her arms and legs on Nayeon

I am not going anywhere Nayeon chuckled

"Welcome back Nabong!!!" Jeongyeon screamed at her

"God you are so loud" Nayeon pushed Jeongyeon away

"Oh come on! Tell me stories!" Jeongyeon jumped at her seems like she won't let go of Nayeon that easy "why your face is so ugly?" Jeongyeon asked

"Fuck off!" Nayeon said

"Okay, I will be serious. You can't just tell me to stop courting you, without you getting your girl in Busan" Jeongyeon said

Nayeon told Jeongyeon about Sana and her feelings for the girl but she can't confess it because Sana was still young when she left. But now that Sana is 18 years old and looked like a fine lady. She wanted to jump to Sana and asked to marry her but things didn't go according to her plan because of what she had discovered, and recently Momo clearly doesn't like Nayeon for her sister.

Nayeon told everything to Jeongyeon that is happening to Sana, and what Momo told her.

"Damn that happened in 3 weeks?" Jeongyeon asked

"Pretty rough right?" Nayeon sighed

"Then what are your plans about the kid who bullied Sana?" Jeongyeon asked

"I need proof, like what Sana said their parents have a name," Nayeon said to Jeongyeon

"So?" Jeongyeon asked

Nayeon sighed then she looked at Jeongyeon

"Fuck!!! Fuck!!! Oh shit!!!" Nayeon jumped to Jeongyeon

"You still owe me a date" Jeongyeon smiled at Nayeon

"Fuck off Jeongyeon" Nayeon rolled her eyes

"Then maybe a date with someone? I want to do my OJT in Busan too" Jeongyeon said

"You what?!" Nayeon yelled

"Why not? See everyone hates me here they bully me here but you are my savior. And I know the feeling of being bullied" Jeongyeon said to Nayeon

"How come a granddaughter of the president of South Korea is bullied," Nayeon said shaking her head

"They didn't know, and I don't want them to know" Jeongyeon shrugged her shoulder

"And don't you think helping me here won't disclose your name?" Nayeon asked her

"I am not doing this for you don't flutter yourself, I am doing this to Sana because I want the world to know that bullying is a serious problem," Jeongyeon said. Nayeon pouted like she wanted to cry because of overwhelmed

"Don't cry! Don't cry or I will change my mind!" Jeongyeon pointed at Nayeon.

At Busan after three days

Sana and her friends walking out of their class when someone stopped them in the parking lot of the school

"I haven't seen your Knight Sana." Chaeyoung grabbed Sana's arm forcefully surely it will leave a mark

"Chaeyoung stop!" Jihyo grab another hand

"Oh, seems like you have a voice now Jihyo? Are you not afraid that your father will lose his job? Right Lisa?" Jihyo's father working under Lisa's guardian "hold that bitch" Chaeyoung said to her friends

"Don't" someone said "this is our chance" she added

"And you! Who do you think you are? for not doing what I have said! I told you to finish my homework! And my project!" Chaeyoung yelled at Sana

"Don't you get it? I don't want to do it anymore! For 1 and a half years Chaeyoung I have been doing your assignments, your paper works, and your project! You and your friends!" Sana yelled at Chaeyoung then Sana received a hard slap causing her lips to cut

"Did my slap bring back your sane? You will do what I said! Or you want me to kick you out of this school?!" Chaeyoung kick Sana in her stomach and followed by another kick when Sana fell down

"ENOUGH!!!!" Nayeon yelled when she step out of her car

Nayeon ran to Sana crying on the floor

"You are back" Sana cried even more while hugging Nayeon

Nayeon sent a death glare to Chaeyoung

"Shhh," Nayeon said and squeezed Sana to let her go

Sana was quick to pull Nayeon because is going to beat Chaeyoung

"Don't please" Sana stopped her

"What? Do it!" Chaeyoung said, " do you think I am scared of you?" Chaeyoung mocked Nayeon

"I told you to mark my word Park Chaeyoung. But you didn't listen. Now you will regret everything you did along with your friends" Nayeon said and walked to Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie to get Jihyo away from them

"You will be a disgrace to your family I will assure you that" Nayeon gave them a look that will surely remember

Nayeon guided Sana and Jihyo to her car

"Jeongyeon move to the back" Nayeon opened the passenger seat

Sana was shocked to see Jeongyeon, she knows her, she is Nayeon's suitor she heard it from Momo very long time ago when they are talking on facetime.

"Umff okay" Jeongyeon obligated and walk to the back beside Jihyo

"Is it hurt?" Nayeon asked Sana when she enter in driver's seat

She saw Sana holding her stomach

"Yeah, but I can manage it is not the first time they did this to me" Sana lowered her head.

Nayeon sighed and massage her temple.

"I promise this is the last time they will hurt you. No one is gonna lay a hand on you" Nayeon promised and Sana believed it.

"Ice cream?" Nayeon asked Jihyo at the back

"Unnie!" Jihyo cried like a baby

"Yaaaah!!!! You made her cry!" Jeongyeon was quick to embrace Jihyo

Sana cried while laughing. She never saw Jihyo cry like that

Maybe, just maybe there is something with Nayeon that makes you vulnerable that even if you hide it or closed your door to anyone, Nayeon has her way to break your door and you will be like a transparent.

Later that night, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, and Sana were seating on the couch in their living room

They decided to bring Jihyo back to her house.

"So? What are we going to do with the video?" Jeongyeon asked

Momo can't tear her gaze on the laptop playing how Chaeyoung hurt her sister

She inhaled sharply. "Do everything will make that bitch life miserable she doesn't deserve to live for the love of God. Are you alright? What do you feel? Do you want hot choco?" Momo asked her sister holding her like her life depend on Sana.

Truly, Sana is her life.

Jeongyeon looked at them then Nayeon, her eyes still burning in anger

Now I know why Momo doesn't want Nayeon for her sister. Nayeon is her best friend. She doesn't want Nayeon will have a chance to hurt Sana someday. Nayeon has been part of their life so if it will not work between Nayeon and Sana she will lose a best friend and it will also affect  Sana's life. Jeongyeon thought

Sana is so precious for them mostly to Nayeon Jeongyeon thought

"Mina" Jeongyeon called her sister "did you receive my email?" She added

"I did. God! I feel bad for the kid. Has she been suffering for 1 and a half years?! If I was there I swear---

"You're rambling Mina" Jeongyeon stopped her

The speaker was on

Momo Sana laughed

"Am I? God that's so unprofessional" Mina whined "by the way I already asked our grandfather about it. He said he will make sure everything will be fine for your friends. Tell Nayeon I salute her" Mina said

"I heard that Mina! I am cool right?" Nayeon said

"Coolest! Got to go." Mina bid her goodbye

"Who is your grandfather unnie?" Sana asked Jeongyeon

"President of South Korea" Jeongyeon simply said

"What?!!!!" Momo raised her voice. Jeongyeon find it cute and hot

"For real?" Sana asked Nayeon

Nayeon nodded.

They are watching the news early in the morning it was a peaceful Saturday Sana is still sleeping. Nayeon, Momo, and Jeongyeon having their coffee


*insert Video* (that jeongyeon recorded

A student in Park High in Busan there was a victim of bullying for 1 and half years. Giving the kid assignment, papers, and projects that she shouldn't do in the first place. The said bully student in the video is actually daughter of the owner of the school.

Along with her friends that are daughters of well-known businesspeople in the country.

Students that were interviewed were scared to give a statement because they are all afraid that they will not finish their studies or worst they will not have a normal life.

"It was a terrible scenario what they always do to S***, we wanted to help her but we are afraid that we might be the target after her."  The student said her face is blurred and her voice changed

We should be aware of the action of our children nowadays, bullying is a serious crime, and we should be educated that we shouldn't feel scared of telling the truth.

Bullying should be addressed not only here in our country but around the world, it will lead and cause trauma to other people or worst suicide.

This is Song Kang your news reporter

"It is out" Nayeon mumbled

"It is out!" Jeongyeon said louder

"It is out!!!!" Momo screamed

And the three of them hugged in the living room while jumping

"Guys" Sana called them rubbing her eyes using the back of her palm

"Sana!!!!" Momo runs to her sister and hugs her

"Why are you so loud?" Sana pouted hugging her sister back

"The news is out! The truth is out!" Momo said in her excitement

"Meaning we are doomed?" Sana said, her eyes is watered she is traumatized

"Hey, hey" Momo console her

"Are they going after us unni?" Sana started to cry

"Are they going to hurt us?" Sana asked again

"No! No one will hurt you, no one will hurt us" Momo said to her sister

Sana looked at Nayeon clenching her fist

Fuck those bastard making Sana scared like this Nayeon thought

"Do you promise Nay? No one will hurt me?" Sana asked Nayeon, Momo looked at her best friend

Nayeon walked to her

"We are family, I won't let anyone hurt you again" Nayeon squeezed Sana's arm.

Sana jumped to Nayeon

"I believed you," Sana said to Nayeon.

Nayeon looked at Momo and mouthed to Nayeon 'we need to talk' Nayeon nodded

"I think my sister trusts you so much Nayeon," Momo said when everyone is sleeping and they need to talk

"And I am not gonna break it," Nayeon said

"I don't like the fact that you have a feeling for my sister and she reciprocates it," Momo said, looking at the sky

Nayeon looked at her, contemplating if she will deny it

"Don't ever deny it Nayeon, I already know it before you leave years ago for Seoul. But I thought after you told me Jeongyeon is counting you finally forgot what you feel to my sister" Momo said

"You know I will do everything for my sister Nayeon, but I can't be a hindrance if she is happy around you" Momo finally looked at Nayeon "since you came back here, her old self came back too and I never been so happy because of that" Momo said to best friend

"Do you love my sister? More than a sister?" Momo directly asked

"I do. So much you could ever imagine Momo. " Nayeon confessed

"What about Jeongyeon?" Momo asked

"We are friends Momo nothing more because my heart already belong to someone years ago like you predict " Nayeon smiled at her best friend

"Don't hurt her intentionally" Momo stands up

"I will do everything to keep her safe Momo if that is you what you are scared of." Nayeon stands up

"Mark my word" Nayeon added

The next day Mina and her lawyer went to Busan to help Sana in her case

"The family are willing to pay for the damage they have done," Mina's lawyer said

"But we don't need their money," Sana said

"Actually even if you refuse they still need to pay for the damage." The Lawyer said. Sana looked at her sister Momo

"You see, you can use the money for a new beginning. Fresh environment, fresh start for Sana." The lawyer smiled at Sana

"But I still have 1 month to finish school" Sana looked concerned

"About that, all you have to do is passed the exam. You will advance your finals Sana because the school is on hiatus. The government considers the termination of the school" Lawyer said "they failed their obligation to make their school conducive and safe for the students" Lawyer added

Busan is in chaos, the Park school is not closed, Lisa's father had a heart attack, Jennie was not in Korea anymore, and her mother refuse to give a statement. Jisso's working career is terminated.

Chaeyoung is losing her mind, and she was disowned by her father and none of her friends are willing to help her.

5 years later

"Hi?" Nayeon gave a bouquet of flowers to the new graduate of her college Sana

"Nay! You came!" Sana run to her and hugged her

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this day. Every important day for you" Nayeon reciprocates the hug

"Thank you for the rose let's take a picture," Sana said and called her Momo unnie to take them a picture

"You are still the prettiest my boop boop!" Nayeon looking at their photo

"Tsk. Nay, I am already 23 years old stop babying me" Sana pouted "look! I am even holding a degree now" Sana showed her diploma

Nayeon is watching her lovingly

"I am so proud of you," Nayeon said while looking at Sana's eyes it was genuine.

Sana's smile is back, bubbly Sana si back although she needs to do therapy for 2 years because of what been through.

Nayeon was happy to finally see Sana smiling genuinely sadness in her eyes is gone, a sleepless night is gone, and anxiety is gone. Sana in front of her is completely healed like Nayeon always prayed for

"I know. You always say it" Sana smiled at Nayeon even wider

"Cause you deserve it" Nayeon smiled too

"Let's go? I reserved a restaurant for us" Nayeon said she saved a lot because of her work

"Congratulations Sana!" Momo, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon said

"Thank you" Sana accepted Momo and Jeongyeon's gift

"I don't have a gift from you?" Sana asked Nayeon

"Of course I have, it's in the house" Nayeon said

"Wow! Are these for me?" Sana looking at different betty boop stuff toys

"How many are these?" Sana asked

"Hmm 100" Nayeon simply said

"Actually I bought anything betty boop that I see every month since I left Busan when I have to go to college. I thought I could give it to you when I went back 5 years ago, but you know the situation before is complicated, and I think it's not the right time yet. But when we move here to California you have to attend school and therapy. I don't have the right moment. I didn't notice that I already save a lot" Nayeon shyly said.

"So you mean you never forgot about me when you are in Seoul?" Sana asked Nayeon, she frowned

"What makes you think that I forgot about you? It will never happen" Nayeon said to Sana

Every second she was in my mind. How can I forget about her? Nayeon thought

"Well, you never talk to me when you are in Seoul," Sana said

"I called every night, right? You are just the one who is not showing up" Nayeon fought back

"I heard you have a suitor before and it was Jeongyeon so I thought you forgot about me" Sana confessed

"Wait, where is this going?" Nayeon put her hands on her waist

"I don't know?" Sana lay on her bed

Nayeon lay beside her

Nayeon held Sana's hand

"I will never forget you, you are always on my mind," Nayeon said it was true.

Was it the right time? Nayeon thought to herself

"Yeah sure, how can you forget your little sister" Sana whispered but Nayeon heard it

"You're not just my little sister Sana" Nayeon started

"What? Am I your best friend too?" Sana asked Nayeon while she is looking at the ceiling

"You are more than that" Nayeon confessed

"What do you mean?" Sana looked at Nayeon.

Nayeon fix their position she faced Sana

Eight letters Nayeon. Eight letters that you are dying to say. Eight letters that Sana needs to hear a million times. Nayeon thought

"I love you" Nayeon confessed

"I love you as a sister, as a friend, but more than that I love you as a woman. I love you Sana" Nayeon confessed

" love me?" Sana asked repeatedly

This is the first time I heard Nayeon say I love you. She is not the person who always talks about what she felt. She was more like in action Sana thought her heart is beating I waited for this time to come.

"I love you so much, that it hurts me when I don't dare to tell you. I don't want to lose you. But I want to risk because I don't want to be a coward" Nayeon wiped the tears on Sana's face

"It hurts me whenever you feel sad or when you are hurt. I will die just to protect you, Sana. You are important to me" Nayeon smiled at Sana. She felt nice to finally say what she wanted to say since they were young

"How long did you feel this way towards me?" Sana asked

"I don't know, but I realized it when I have to leave you and Momo in Busan and I have to study in Seoul, I want to tell you I love you but it's hard for me to say it because I know you deserve everything that's why I worked for it. I have to be someone you deserve to have.  I don't want you with anyone else when I can be that someone." Nayeon said "don't cry" Nayeon wiped her tears

"Why didn't you tell me sooner" Sana slightly pushed Nayeon away

"I told you I have to work hard so I can be someone you deserve," Nayeon said "so here I am, confessing how much I love you, how much I want to protect you, care do you, fight for you," Nayeon said "will you give me a chance to give you what you deserve? You might not love me yet but I will work for it" Nayeon squeezed Sana's hand

"I love you too Nay" Sana confessed Nayeon jumped out of the bed

"Did I hear it right?" Nayeon asked causing Sana to giggle and nodded

"I want to hear it again eight letters," Nayeon said

"I love you" Sana repeated

"I love you too" Nayeon leans forward "ermmm may I?" Nayeon asks permission to kiss Sana.

"You don't need permission" Sana closed their gap

Eight letters, Eight years. It's all worth it. Finally, Sana is officially my girlfriend.

The end


10k words for a short story, I hope I didn't waste your time here

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